
























关键词:冲压;板料;成型方法1 引言冲压是通过模具使板料产生塑性变形从而得到成品零件的一种塑性成型方法。













2 冲压成型的特性冲压成型有多种方法,有不同的形式和名称。







毕业设计(论文)外文文献翻译文献、资料中文题目:冲压成形的研究方法文献、资料英文题目:Methods to study stamping forming 文献、资料来源:文献、资料发表(出版)日期:院(部):专业:班级:姓名:学号:指导教师:翻译日期: 2017.02.14冲压成形的研究方法冲压成形的研究工作,就是在正确而深入的了解冲压成形过程的基础上,认识冲压成形过程中的各种规律性内容,并把它运用于解决冲压生产中出现的各种实际问题。













英文资料Methods to study stamping formingThe objective of the stamping forming research is to realize and apply the principles to solve various engineering problems through study on the stamping forming procedure. Recently, the research on stamping has been carried out in wide range with various methods. The research can be summed up substantially into following types.The double line arrows in the picture denote the procedure of formal theoretical research. In such research, the actions of the equipment and die are decomposed into micro-ingredients of the force and applied on the microstructure of the metal according to the multi-crystal microstructure of the deformation metal, the deformation of the metal microstructure is then investigated and the deformation of the microstructure to macro-deformation of the sheet metal is summed up. This scientific method is perfect, but current development in mechanics and metallurgy cannot meet such demand, therefore this kind of formal theoretical research is still in burgeoning, and is not applicable in practice.Since the formal theoretical research method encounters formidable difficulty, a kind of simplified theoretical method appears in the research field of the stamping forming. The characteristic of this kind of research method is denoted by continuous line in the picture, which is the main trend of the recent research. This research assumes metal as the ideal homogeneous solid and simplifies the property parameters, the boundary conditions and the blank geometrical parameters of the metal, the stamping process and principle are analyzed and described by mathematical method. Naturally, the assumptions adopted in the analysis would induce some deviation between the real stamping process and its simulation. The result is certainly approximate and does not reflect the real stamping process completely. Especially in analyzing complex stamping forming, this theory is not so valid. In recent years, due to the development of the finite element method and computer technology, this kind of theoretical method has greatly progressed, it shows applicable prospect even in analyzing complex stamping forming. The application of this kind of theoretical method mainly focuses on some special stamping deformation investigation, and it is expected that more achievements can be obtained in the fundamental principle of stamping forming. On the other hand, due to the simplification and assumptions, experiments are indispensable to test the validity of this theory.The third method to study stamping forming is shown by dashed dotted line in the picture. The characteristic of this method is that ignoring the deformation process of the blank under the action of the load during stamping forming conditions (including the structure of the die, the geometrical parameters of the die working portion and the properties of the stamping equipment) with the final results of the stamping forming. It is a rational empirical method, and widely used in stamping technology filed in recent years. This method is intuitional, simple and easy to be adopted by engineers, but it cannot be used to reveal the real procedure of the stamping deformation, so it is not the radical method to investigate the principles of the stamping forming more thoroughly and its usage is strictly limited.The fourth method to study stamping forming is denoted by dashed line in thepicture. Based on the fundamental knowledge of the mechanics and metallurgy, the essential characteristics and principle of the stamping forming are investigated to solve the practical problems in stamping process. In comparison with other plastic processes, the characteristics of the stamping forming, the principles of the sheet metal deformation are unique. So this method has definitely aim and the analysis results can be used directly to solve different problems in stamping forming. The characteristics and effects of this research of this research of this research method are illustrated by following examples.(1)The sequence of the stamping process can be decided by the trend rule of the stamping deformation.(2)According to the rule of uniform velocity distribution in the outer flange of the deformation zone during multi-pass deep drawing for the box parts, the shape and dimension of the blank during process sequence can be calculated. Therefore the calculation the for deep box parts of the multi-pass deep drawing technology is based on scientific foundation to improve the technique level of stamping forming.(3)According to the research on the wrinkle during the sheet metal forming caused by non-uniform tensile and shearing force, a new research field is developed beyond the traditional compressive instability theory. The results obtained offer an effective measure to cope directly with wrinkle during stamping forming.(4)The theory of sorting stamping forming based on the characteristics of the stamping deformation and mechanics and mechanics is an easy approach to systematize of the stamping forming, and can be used to deepen the investigation on stamping forming limit, to point out a clear and definite direction for improve the stamping forming limit.Above examples indicate that this method is closely relevant to the real stamping forming process. It can be used to analyze and solve the stamping forming problems effectively. Although this method is in the junior stage, mainly focusing on the qualitative analysis for stamping forming now . With the constant progress of this method and combined with modern mechanics, the breakthrough of this method isexpected to further enhance stamping forming technology.Structural design of blanking diel. Principle and general procedure of die designingThe steps of die designing include collecting necessary data, determining the structure scheme based on sufficient analysis and investigation, drawing the working principle diagram, the final assembly diagram, and then drawing the part diagram of the die according to the final assembly diagram.The necessary data to be collected include: the parts drawing of the product, the productive batch of the product, the process chart, the process specification and the die design program. The manufacture datum of each operation, the types of the die structural (simple die, progressive die or compound die) , the capacity of the press, the quality of the blanking work piece and other necessary items should be record in the process chart and the process specification.The detailed structure and dimension of the die are determined according to the production batch and work piece demand, etc. For the small batch production, the structure of die should be simple, the manufacture period should be short, and the cost should be as low as possible. For the large batch, the perfect structure, high productivity and long working life should be pursued.Furthermore, the structure measures to adjust, utilize, maintain, transport and deposit the dies should be taken into account.2. Determination of the pressure center of dieThe acting point of the resultant force in blanking is called the pressure center of die. In order to guarantee the die to work smoothly, the pressure center of die should align with the axes of shank and the center line of the slide block of press, to prevent the deflection of die during working, which would result in non-uniform clearance and wearing. Usually, the pressure center of die is laid on its symmetrical center point. The determination of the pressure center of die is mainly for the complex, multi-punch punching and progressive dies.For the work piece with complex shape, it can be divided into straight-linesection (the pressure center of die is situated at the middle of the straight) and arc section, and then to calculate its pressure center.The method to find the resultant force of the parallel force system is usually adopted to obtain the pressure center of die. The procedure to obtain the pressure center of die for multi-punch blanking by analytic method is showns chematically in .(1) Draw the outline of the working portion of punch proportionally.(2) Select the co-ordinate X-Y. The selection of the co-ordinate should simplify the calculation.(3)calculate the perimeter of each graphic outline (or linear section)L1,L2,L3,L4,..., L n(representing the blanking force), and the distance of gravity center in each graphic outline to the coordinate axes x1, x2, x3, x4, ...,x n and y1,y2,y3,y4,...,y n.(4) According to the mechanic principle that "the moment of the resultant force to a certain axis is equal to the sum of the moment of each component to the same axis", the calculation equation of the distance from the die pressure center to the axes of X and Y can be obtained:x0=L1x1+L2x2+L3x3+⋯+L n x n(3-20)L1+L2+L3+⋯+L n(3-21) y0=L1y1+L2y2+L3y3+⋯+L n y nL1+L2+L3+⋯+L nThe determination of the pressure center of die can also be obtained graphically by the linear polygon method.3. Determination of the shut height of dieThe outline dimension of die should fit with the selected example,the lower die of the blanking should be able to install in the working table of the press,the dimension of the shank should be consistent with that of the hole in the slide block,the ejecting pin of the ejecting device in the lower die should be able to penetrate through the bolster hole of press. The shut height of die should be consistent with that of the press.The shut height of die refers to the distance H between the top surface of the upper bolster and bottom surface of the lower bolster when the die is in the lowest working position. The shut height of press refers to the distance between the lower surface of the slide block and the upper surface of the bolster installed in the working bable when the slide block is in the lower dead point. The height when the length of the connecting rod is adjusted to the shortest, is called the maximum shut height H max; the height when the length of the connecting rod is adjusted to the longest, is called the minimum shut height H min, as shown schematically in . The shut height of die is between the maximum and minimum shut height of press, usually:If the shut height of die is larger than the maximum height of press, the die cannot be used in this press; oppositely, if the shut height of die is less than the minimum height, the die can be used by adding a bolster.中文翻译冲压成形的研究方法冲压成形的研究工作,就是在正确而深入地了解冲压成形过程的基础上,认识冲压成形过程中的各种规律性的内容,并把它运用于解决冲压生产中出现的各种实际问题。

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毕业设计(论文)外文文献翻译文献、资料中文题目:冲压成形的研究方法文献、资料英文题目:Methods to study stamping forming 文献、资料来源:文献、资料发表(出版)日期:院(部):专业:班级:姓名:学号:指导教师:翻译日期: 2017.02.14冲压成形的研究方法冲压成形的研究工作,就是在正确而深入的了解冲压成形过程的基础上,认识冲压成形过程中的各种规律性内容,并把它运用于解决冲压生产中出现的各种实际问题。
























Methods to study stamping formingThe objective of the stamping forming research is to realize and apply the principles to solve various engineering problems through study on the stamping forming procedure .recently the research on stamping forming has been carried out in wide range with various methods. The research can be summed up substantially into following types.The double line arrows in fig .1.4denote the procedure of formal theoretical research .in such research, the actions of the equipment and die are decomposed into micro-crystal of the force and applied on the microstructure of the deformation metal, the deformation of the metal microstructure is then investigated and the deformation of microstructure to macro-deformation of the sheet metal is summed up . This scientific method is perfect, but current development in mechanics and metallurgy cannot meet such demand .therefore this kind of formal theoretical research is still in burgeoning, and is not applicable in practice.Since the formal theoretical research method encounters formidable difficulty ,a kind of simplified theoretical method appears in the research field of the stamping forming .the characteristic of this kind of research method is denoted by continuous line in fig 1.4,which is the main trines of the recentresearch .this research assumes metal as the ideal homogeneous solid and simplified the property parameters ,the boundary condition and the blank geometrical parameters of the metal the stamping process and principle are analyzed and described by mathematical method .naturally ,the assumption adopted in the analysis would include some deviation between the real stamping process and its simulation .the result is certainly approximate and does not reflect the real stamping process completely .especially in analyzing complex stamping forming ,this theory is not so valid .in recent years ,due to the development of the finite element method and computer technology .this kind of theoretical method has greatly progressed ,it shows applicable prospect even in analyzing complex stamping forming .the application of this kind of theoretical method mainly focuses on some special stamping deformation investigation ,and it is expected that more achievement can be obtained in the fundamental principles of stamping forming .on the other hand ,due to the simplification and assumptions experiments are indispensable to test the validity of this theory .The third method to study stamping forming is shown by dashed dotted line in fig ,the characteristic of this method is thatignoring the deformation process of the blank under the action of the load during stamping forming ,trying to build the relationships and rules directly among the original forming conditions with the final result of stamping forming .it is a rational empirical method ,and widely used in stamping technology field in recent years .this method is intuitional ,simple and easy to be adopted by engineers ,but it cannot be used to reveal the real procedure simple and easy to be adopted by engineers ,but it cannot be used to reveal the real procedure of the stamping deformation ,so it is not the radical method to investigate the principles of the stamping forming more thoroughly and its usage is strictly limited .The fourth method to study stamping forming is denoted by dashed line in fig .based on the fundamental knowledge of the mechanics and metallurgy ,the essential characteristics and principles of the stamping forming are investigated to solve the practical problems in tamping process in comparison with other plastic process ,the characteristic of the stamping forming ,the principles of the sheet metal deformation are unique .so this method has definitely aim and the analysis results can be used directly to solve different problems in stamping forming .the characteristics and effects of this research method are。
