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2014. 5

第二部分:知识运用(共两节,45分) 第一节 单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,共15分)

例: It 'so n ice to hear from her aga in. _______ , we met more tha n thirty years ago.

A. What ' s

B. That '

C. In

D. Believe more to say other it or not words

答案是D 。

21. You can smoke here ____ you leave a win dow ope n to let the smoke out.

A. eve n

B. so that

C. in case

D. as long

though as

22. — Can we play on the football field now?

—No, the grass _____ .

A. will be

B. is being

C. was cut

D. has cut cut b ee n cut

't been announced the plane is to take A. where B. whe n C. how D. why

24. The problem is _____ his ability and I don ' t think he

can solve it.

A. beyond

B. to

C. against

D. within

25. ____ around the school, the retired teachers were impressed by its new look.

A. B. To be C. Having D. Shown

Show ing show n show n

26. Travelling abroad is a great way to find out ________

life is like in another part of the world.

last 23. It hasn


A. what

B. how

C. where

D. that

27. — You seem to be familiar with the school.

—I ____ here for three years. It ' s great to be bac

A. studied

B. have

C. had

D. study studied studied

28. The goals _____ h e had fought all his life no Ion ger seemed importa nt to him.

A. after

B. with which which 29. The agreement ___

last week will come

into effect soon.

A. to sig n

B. to be

C. sig ned

D. sig ning

sig ned

30. — What kind of food do you prefer?

— ____ but Japa nese.

A. B. C. D.

Something Anything Everything Nothing

31. Sir Denis has made it known that he ____ much of

his collection to the nation after his death.

A. has left

B. left

C. would

D. will leave leave

32. — What ' s the matter with Coco?

—She has a headache because she she ought to stop work ing now.

A. has

B. was

C. reads bee n readi ng readi ng

33. I saw them whispering to each other; obviously they did not want ____ by others.

A. to hear

B. to be

C. hearing

D. being heard heard

34. — Mom, I ' m going to Diana ' soirthday party

C. for

D. at which which

_ between the two companies

too long; D. had



—OK, but you ____ stay there too late. Be sure to

get home before 10 pm.

A. couldn ' 35. If Ni na _ stop to meet her, home.

A. knows

B. knew B.


D. might

t wouldn ' t mustn ' t not

___ that her husba nd would go to the bus

she wouldn ' have walked back

C. has

D. had known


第二节完形填空(共 分)


Go for the Gold

Diana Golde n was 12 years old whe n she found she had bone cancer. Doctors recommended 36 her right leg

above the kn ee. 37 Diana heard the news, she asked the first questi on that came into her mind, Will I still be able to 38


“ Whenthe doctors said yes, thought it wouldn ' t be tQ9 . ” That was Diana ' s 40 to would cause most children to lose refused to thi nk about the 42 she ' d say. “ Most of all, Diana didn ' t w let cancer stop her from doing what she loved —skii ng. She had bee n on ski since five. After the operation, Diana worked hard to get back to the 43 “lalways skied, and I inten ded

life. 41 later said, “ side. It ' s nothing. A body , part. • nn&i

x a nt to _ HBrw lacuB, kncb —

Losing a leg 一,



“ Los ing a

leg? ” !Qiais. aim]

——C k __ sia^

