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Health checkup to crowed of community health protection and disease prevent and cure the necessity and probe into Wu Wan-qing, Ye Jin-ping, Zhou Hui-qun, et al.

The Second Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou Medical College(medical examination center of out-patient clinic),Guang Zhou 510260, China

[Abstract]Objective This artide through healthy case of health checkup analyses.Probe into the health checkup to crowed of community health protection and disease prevent and cure the necessity and health checkup clinical ralue and socid sense. Method Through to 2006 year in the its owns institute health checkup centre to carry on body bolt am ony 1000 personnel. Scripture checks the blood pressure , electrocardiogram , abdomen ultra sonic , hepatitis B two half-and-half , liver function and blood fat et al , generate and target melt . Its result is carried on the statistician and analyse . Result1000 examples health checkup amony, discovery suffers from all kinds of disease general the number of people are 792 person times.Incidence of diseases occupies 79.20%. Women diseases total amount

is 433 person times.Incidence of diseases occupies 81.39%. Men diseases total amount is 95 person times.Incidence of diseases occupies 20.30%. Conclusion Through health checkup earlier period, in time to find the disease . At the same time through health checkup back of conclusion answers the work .Mede people to health protection and cure knowledge and conciouseness and get bigger raise . Thus reach the prevention health protection and in time find,cure the purpose of disease . This promotes the our country prevent medical , security and to promote the health people cause develop and have important sense.

[Key words] health checkup health protection disease prevent and cure




2、调查内容和检查项目任何检查项目均可,可通过自选或医生提供的检查项目,根据本人或单位的经济条件进行选择。本文对随机抽取的健康体检人员测血压,于体检当天上午空腹抽血检查乙肝“两对半”,即HBsAg、HBsAb、HBe Ag、HBe Ab、HBc Ab,肝功能:谷草转氨酶(AST)、谷丙转氨酶(ALT)、r-谷氨酰转肽酶(r-GGT),甘油三脂(TG),总胆固醇(CHOL-T),高密度脂蛋白胆固醇(HDL),低密度脂蛋白胆固醇(LDL),血糖(GLU),血尿酸(UA),血肌酐(C r),以及行腹部B超(肝脏、胆囊、脾脏、双肾、输尿管、膀胱,男性加前列腺,女性加子宫、附件)检查。

3、检查方法(1)乙肝“两对半”采用酶联免疫法检测,检测选用上海科华生物工程有限公司生产的试剂;血糖、肝功能、血脂等生化指标,采用日立牌7600全自动化分析仪测定,检测选用北京中生生物工程公司生产的试剂。(2)GLU大于6.1 mmoL/L为血糖升高,TG大于1.7 mmoL/L为甘油三脂升高,CHOL-T大于5.7 mmoL/L为总胆固醇升高。(3)胆囊息肉的B超诊断标准:胆囊隆起性病变,不伴声影,不随体位移动,中低回声为主则诊断为胆囊息肉。(4)脂肪肝的B超诊断标准:a.肝实质呈点状高回声(肝脏回声强度>脾脏、肾脏回声);b. 肝脏深部回声衰减;c. 肝脏内血管显示不清。上述3项中如具备a项,加b 项或c项中任何一项即可诊断为脂肪肝[2]。肝胆B超检查应用德国西门子黑白超声诊断仪。并由具有五年以上B超工作经验的医师检查。


