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河北省 2015 年普通高校专科接本教育选拔考试


(考试时间 90 分钟) (总分 120 分) 说明: 请将客观题答案填

涂在答题卡的相应位置上, 作文在答题纸相应位置上作答, 在其它 位置作答无效。 I .Phonetics (5 points)

Directions: In each of the following groups of words, there are four underlined letters or letter combinations marked A, B, C and D. Compare the underlined parts and identify the one that is different from the others in pronunciation. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre. 1 A. debt B. thumb C. doubt D.problem 2 A. southern B. trouble C. mouse D.rough 3 A. chemical B. teacher C. achieve D.channel 4 A. pieces B. clothes

C. watches

D.voices 5 A. certain B. explain C. attain


II. Situational Dialogues (15 points) Section A (5 points)

Directions: In this section there are 5 short dialogues. For each dialogue, there are 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. You are required to choose the ONE that best fits into the dialogue. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. 6.

— What ' s the date today?

A. It ' s Monday.

B. It ' s the first of May.

C. It's windy today.

D. Very nice. 7. — How are you feeling today? A. Much better after two shots. C. I've got to work. 8.

— Are you telling the truth?

A. Yes, I do.

C. Yes, I have to.

9. — Lovely weather, isn 'tit? A. No, it is going to rain! B. Yes, isn 't it! C. Well, I don 't like it.

D. No, isn 'tit?

10. — Thank you so much for the gift you bought for me.

Section B (10 points)

Directions: In this section there is a long conversation with 5 missing sentences. At the end of the conversation, there is a list of given choices. You are required to select the ONE that best fits into the conversation. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the

B. Thank you for asking D. You ' re welcome.

B. No, thank you.

D. No, it was a lie.

A. No thanks.

C. No, it 's not so good.

B. Hope you like it.

D. Please don 't say so.

center. Note that there are two additional choices and you can not use any of the choices in the list more than once.

M: Hello, Alice. ___11___ That 'sa beautiful skirt you are wearing.

W: Thank you, Mark.

M: ___12___ I ' d like to buy one for my sister.

W: I bought it at Wangfujing Department Store.

M: Oh, I know. Do you think it ' s an appropriate gift for m__y_s1is3t_e_r?_

W: Of course. I think your sister will like it very much.

M: ___14___

W: Yes, altogether there are 5 colors —black, yellow, blue, red and white. I prefer the red one.

M: How much is it?

W: It 's $98.

M: ___15___

W: Not at all.

A. Where did you buy it?

B. Which color do you like best?

C. You look so attractive.

D. Are there any other colors?

E. I see, thank you.

F. Since her birthday is coming.

G. Why do you want to buy it?

III. Reading Comprehension (45 points)

Section A (30 points)

Directions: There are three passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You are required to choose the ONE that best fits into the statement. Mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.

Passage 1

Questions 16--20 are based on the following passage.

Tokyo is one of those places that you can love and hate at the same time.

In Tokyo there are always too many people in the places where I want to be. Of course there are too many cars. The Japanese drive very fast when they can, but in Tokyo they often spend a long time in traffic jams. Tokyo is not different from London, Paris and New York in that. It is different when one wants to walk. At certain times of the day there are a lot of people on foot in London Oxford Street. But the streets near the Ginza in Tokyo always have a lot of people on foot, and sometimes it is really difficult to walk. People are very polite; there are just too many of them. The worst time to be in the street is at 11:30 at night. That is when the nightclubs are closing and
