(食品产业网2011-09-16)日本发布最新食品添加剂使用标准Analysis and research on product structure adjustment of and green technology application in plasticsmachinery in “12th Five-Year Plan ”(Ⅴ)ZHANG You-gen(Ningbo Haida Plastics Machinery Co.,Ltd.,Ningbo 315200,Zhejiang ,China)Abstract :The application and development of green technology is the core of product structure adjustment of plastics machinery in “the 12th Five-year Plan ”.Green technology works mainly in the improvement of utilization efficiency of energy and otherresources ,the reduction of molding cost ,the abatement of environmental pollution ,the enhancement of cleanliness ,etc.Meddle-and low-end plastics machinery is not optimistic at present in China.The middle-and low-end markets will be the first to be affected if the plastics machinery market declines ,resulting in the biggest shock on domestic manufacturers ;high-end plastics machinery has a broad development space for satisfying the needs of scientific and technological progresses of the related industries.High-end plastics machinery is equipment fully reflecting the essence of green technology.Several issues were focused upon which need to be solved in the product structure adjustment of and green technology application in 4major categories of plastics machinery ,including injection -molding equipment ,stretching -blowing -molding equipment ,extruding equipment and insulating equipment.It will be the only way of changing the status of middle -and low -end plastics machinery and creating Chinese-made green technology to discard old concepts of development ,focus on innovation technology and development ideas ,accelerate the independent development of plastics machinery with scientific innovations ,launch high-end plastics machinery ,and master green core technology.Key words :plastics machinery ;product structure adjustment ;green technology ;independent innovation ;analysis and research CLC No.:TQ320.5Document code :Bdoi :10.3969/j.issn.1007-7871.2011.10.011机械、装备与设计50。
S a d r sfr Us fF o dtv s【B/ L . tn ad o e o o d Ad iie E O 】
ht : / tp / www.fr o . / ad n F RHOME. s/ a e/ tn d u e fc .rj z ia / FC p n f p g s sa r . s .
Hale Waihona Puke 三 、与我国食品添加剂标准的 比较
我 国 卫 生 部 今 年 刚 发 布 了 新 版 的 ( 《 B G 2 6 — 0 食品安全 国家标准 食品添加剂使用标 70 2 1 1
准 ,其 中包 括 食 品 添加 剂 、食 品用加 工 助剂 、胶 母 糖 基 础 剂 和 食 品 用香 精 等 2 1种 ,涉 及 1 大 类食 34 6 品 、2 个功 能 类 别 。 新标 准 明确 规 定 了食 品添 加 剂 3
标 准 ,规 定 了复 合 食 品添 加 剂 中 如 含有 已建 立使 用 标 准 的添 加 剂 成 分 ,则该 复 合 添加 剂按 该 成 分 的既
有标准执行 。由含某些特定添加剂 的食品配料或食
品 加 工而 成 的 某 些特 定食 品 ,视 为该 添 加 剂应 用 _ 丁
此 类特定食品。而 日本食品添加剂具体使用标准 ,
/_ 、 、
农 产 品 加 工业 2 9
准 ( tn a d pyn n rl o F o — S a d r s Ap l i g Ge e al t o d Ad y
dt e )和 具 体 使 用标 准 ( tn ad Ap lig ivs i Sa d rs py n
S e i c l o n ii u l p cf al t I dvd a Ad i v s i y dt e )。通用 使 用 i
➢欧洲食品香料专家委员会(Council Of
Europe & Experts On Flavor Substances, 简称COE)也给了安全的食品香料一个编码。
GB2760-2007食品添加剂使用卫生标准3.1定义:为改善 食品品质和色、香、味,以及为防腐和加工工艺的需要 而加入食品中的化学合成或者天然物质。营养强化剂、 食品用香料、胶基糖果中基础剂物质、食品工业用加工 助剂也包括在内。
营养强化剂:为增强营养成分而加入食品中的天然或人 工合成的属于天然营养素范围的食品添加剂。营养强化 剂也属于食品添加剂范畴。
类长期使用经验积累,毒理学安全评价和化学分析 手段进步,陆续发现部分食品添加剂对人体可能产 生的直接和间接危害。
为香料。直接使用的有3000~4000种,间接使用 的约10000种,常见的有600~1000种;
剂名单大约3000多种,其中受管理的1700多种;美 国食品用化学品法典中列有1967种;
(鲑鱼、鳟鱼等 的)咸鱼子 咸大马哈鱼子 鳕鱼子
強化剤 抗氧化剂
日本食品添加剂使用标准第一部分 Page 2 of 24
L -抗坏血酸 2 -葡萄糖苷 強化剤
L -抗坏血酸硬脂酸 L -抗坏血酸钠
強化剤 抗氧化剂
L -抗坏血酸棕榈酸酯
L -天冬氨酸钠
其他的罐藏或瓶 0.25g/kg 藏食品
抗氧化剂 鱼饼(鱼糜除外) 面包
不可用于增香以外目 的。
不可用于增香以外目 的。 仅可用作口香糖基础 剂 不可用于增香以外目 的。
成品前,乙二胺四乙酸 二钠必须转化为乙二 胺四乙酸钙二钠。
不可用于增香以外目 的。 用于鱼饼(鱼糜除外) 和面包中时,不可作为 营养目的使用。
甘油磷酸钙 甘草酸苷二钠 葡糖酸内酯 葡糖酸 (葡糖酸液) 葡萄糖酸锌
葡萄糖酸钾 葡萄糖酸钙 葡萄糖酸亚铁
葡萄糖酸钠 L -谷氨酸 L -谷氨酸钾 L -谷氨酸钙 L 一谷氨酸钠 L -谷氨酸镁
甜味剂 酸化剂
酱油 日本黄酱
以钙计 1.0%(特殊用 不可用于营养以外目
异硫氰酸盐类(通常认为 高毒的品种除外。)
异硫氰酸丙烯酯(丙烯芥 油)
L -异亮氨酸
調味料 強化剤
5' -肌苷酸二钠
柑橘类(蜜柑除 外)
最大残留量 0.0050g/kg
5' -尿苷酸二钠 γ-十一碳酸内酯
原文出处: http://www.ffcr.or.jp/zaidan/MHWinfo.nsf/a11c0985ea3cb14b492567ec002041df/a7a4d029abcade6649256f780007a85e ?OpenDocument http://www.ffcr.or.jp/zaidan/MHWinfo.nsf/a11c0985ea3cb14b492567ec002041df/8aa11687a2aaf0c4492570650018d5ba ?OpenDocument
T he classification of additives, the regulation of mixed additives on label in Japan and the differences with in China was reviewed in detail.关键词:复合食品添加剂、法规、附带残留Keyword:mixed additives、regulation、carry over正文众所周知,日本是目前国际上使用食品添加剂最为发达的少数几个国家之一,其人均年消耗食品添加剂总量是中国人均的10倍以上,达2.65kg/人。
一、背景日本的食品添加剂可分为“指定的食品添加剂(Designated Additives)”,“现存的食品添加剂(Existing Food Additives)”,“天然调味剂原料(Plant or Animal Sources of Natural Flavorings)”和“通常作为食品也可作为食品添加剂的物质(Substances which are generally provided for Eating or Drinking as Foods and which are used as Food Additives)”。
1 指定的食品添加剂。
2 不受主动列表系统约束的添加剂种类,包括:(1)现存的食品添加剂。
农产 品质量 与安全
2 0 1 5年第 1期
c . - n
本修订 氟环唑 最大残 留限量标 准
2 0 1 4年 l 0月 2 7 日 。 日本 就 修 订 氟 环 唑 ( E p o x i c o n a z o l e ) 最 大 残 留 限 量 标 准 发 出 通 报
( G / S P S / N /  ̄N / 3 7 4 ) ,通报中拟定氟环一在香蕉、鳄梨和咖啡豆上的 MR L值分别为 O 5 0 m e T  ̄ g 、 0 . 5 0 m g / k 0 . 0 5 mg , k g O我国制定了氟环唑在香蕉上的A Ⅱ 值为 3 , 0 me T  ̄ g ,暂未制定氟环唑在鳄
更 加有 质 量保 障 ,从而 解 决 消费 者舌 尖 上 的安 全 。
《日本厚 生劳 动省 ( MHL W)拟修订 <食 品卫生 法> 中关 于食 品级 食 品添加剂 的标 准和规 范 ( 修订 农化
物残 留标 准 )( G / S P S / N/ J P N/ 3 5 4 ) 》 本 法 案修 订 内
农产 品质量 安全 监管示 范 县建设 .已认 定 授牌示 范 县 1 3个 ,技术 审查合 格 1 8个县 .5 7个 示范 县 和 3
【 国外信 息 】
欧 盟 修 订 非 动物 源饲 料 和食 品 清 单
日前 .欧盟 发布法 规 .修订 了需要 提 高官 方控
个示 范市正 在创 建 。建 成 “ 四川农 产 品质量 安全 追 溯管理 系 统” .1 3 2个县 4 7 6家 企业 l 7 5 3个 产 品实
由本 刊 根 据 多 种 媒 体 辑 编 )
报 检信 息及 时进行 抽检 ,并发 送最 终检 测报 告 :企 业通 过这 个平 台 .规范 生产经 营活 动 .消费 者可 以
严禁将 不 同原产地 的肌 肉块混合 加工 成 肉品 美 国
消费者 团体 组织认 为 .新 规定 完善 了肉类原 产地 标 识 ,保 护 了美 国消费者 的利益 。然而美 国牛 肉协 会 担心 .新 规 定 可能会 阻碍 与其 他 国家 的 肉类 贸 易 . 抬高市 售牛 肉 的价 格 .引发贸 易战争
础 自 2 0 0 3年 起 .大连 市先 后启 动 农 业标 准 化示
范 区 、现代标 准化畜 牧小 区 、国家级蔬 菜标 准 园等
标 准化项 目建设 .通 过项 目实施示 范 .以点 带面 推
进全 市标 准化建 设 目前 .全市共 创建 国家 级农业 标准化示 范县 7个 .园艺 作物标准 园 2 6个 .市级 标 准化 ( 无 公 害 )蔬 菜 和果 园面 积分 别达 到6 2 6 6 . 6 7 h m 和1 1 . 8万 h m .标 准化畜 牧养殖小 区达到 1 1 1 2 个 先后建立 了 1 个市级 、7个县级和 5 0 个乡 ( 村) 级基 层检 测点 目前 .全市定 量监 测农 产 品涵盖 了 全 市主要 农产 品生产 基地 【 国外信 息 】 2月 1日. E l 本厚 生劳 动省 医药 食 品局食 品安
第 1 . 4 . 1条 ( 污 染 物及 天然 毒 素 ) 、第 1 . 5 . 1 条 ( 新 型食品 ) 、第 1 . 5 . 2条 ( 转 基 因食 品 ) 、第 2 . 5 . 4条 ( 干酪 ) 、第 2 . 6 . 2条 ( 不 含酒 精 的饮 料及 酿 制柔 性 酒 )和第 2 , 9 . 5条 ( 特 殊 药用 食 品 )等规 定 。此 次
以標準調乳濃度在調 乳時、銅為0.60mg/L (対厚生大臣承認的 在調製粉乳中使用的 場合除去)
98 L-谷氨酸 99 L-谷氨酸钾
調味料 強化剤 調味料
L-谷氨酸钙 100
钙為1.0%(除去特別 用途表示的食品)
L-谷氨酸钠 101 102 L-谷氨酸镁
羧甲基繊維钙 65
羧甲基繊維钠 66
着色料 強化剤
68 蟻酸异戊基 69 甲酸香叶酯 70 甲酸香茅酯 71 希釈過酸化苯酰
72 木糖醇 D-木糖
74 鸟苷酸二钠 75 愈创木脂
76 檸檬酸 檸檬酸异丙基
小麦粉 小麦粉 処理剤 甘味料 甘味料 製造用 剤 調味料 酸化防 油脂 止剤 黄油 酸味料 酸化防 油脂 止剤 黄油
対魚肉餡製品(不含磨 碎魚肉)及面包、不能 以营养為目的使用
其他的食品 強化剤
対其他食品只能用在酸 化保防存止基的準目:的放入遮光密 封容器、空気換成不活 性気体、低温保存
豆腐用 凝固剤 強化剤
钙1.0%(除去特別用 食品的製造或加工上必 途表示的食品) 不可缺的場合及栄養目
6 L-抗坏血酸硬脂酸酯
7 L-抗坏血酸钠
8 L-抗坏血酸三棕榈精酸酯
L-天冬氨酸钠 9
10 阿斯巴特 乙酰磺胺酸钾(安赛蜜)
調味料 強化剤 甘味料 甘味料 砂糖代替食品
口香糖 甜馅類 菓子(除口香糖)
格式8(与第18-8条相关) 88
格式9(与第18-8条相关) 89
格式10(与第18-9条相关) 90
格式11(与第18-10条相关) 91
格式12(与第18-11条相关) 92
格式13(与第18-13条相关) 93
格式14(与第23条相关) 95
格式15(与第24条相关) 100
表格1(与第2条相关) 101
第5章 商务[第19-21条] 70
第6章 杂项条款[第22-25条] 73
格式1(与第18条相关) 75
格式2(与第18条相关) 76
格式3(与第18条相关) 78
格式4(与第18条相关) 82
格式5(与第18-3条相关) 83
格式6(与第18-4条相关) 86
格式7(与第18-7条相关) 87
2-5,Toranomon 2-chome
2 3
所 采 用 的红 茶 粉 为 制作 甜 茶 、奶 茶 专 用 的速 溶 红 茶 粉 ,茶 的加工 工 艺研 究 [ J 】 . 中 国乳 品 T
业, 2 0 1 3 . 4 1 ( 1 0 ) : 5 2 — 5 4 .
由表 4 极差 的大小得到对姜汁甜茶 的影 响主次关
系 :姜 汁>奶 粉 > 白砂 糖 =红茶 粉 ,说 明姜 汁 的添加 量
3 结论
2 2
拼 渤
2 3 2 3 2 3
姜 汁甜 茶制 作过 程 中关 键在 于姜 汁 的制 备 和红 茶粉
的添加 。由于在 姜 汁 的制取 过程 中 加 了柠 琊 ∞ ,添 卯 7 檬酸 ,同
时 又进 行 了适 当 的糊化 处理 ,制 得 的姜 汁 风味 佳 、稳定
[ 7 ] 王灵 昭, 杜 云建 , 徐 俊 姜 汁花 生 奶复 合饮 料 的研 究 f J J . 食 品研 究 与
开发, 2 0 0 7 . 2 8 ( 2 ) : 9 3 — 9 7
小 。按 照各 因素 的最 好 水平 选取 ,结 合 实 际感 官评 价得
出 的 结 果 , 由 此 可 确 定 姜 汁 甜 茶 的 最 佳 工 艺 配 方 为 年
& j ∞ 舳
砂 糖 ,得 出姜 汁 甜 茶 的 最 佳 配 方 为 姜 汁 1 4 % 、奶 粉 4 0 %、白砂糖 6 %,红 茶 粉 2 % ,产 品 的色 泽 、气 味 、口 感 和组 织状 态 最佳 ,既 保 留 了西藏 传统 甜 茶特 有 的芳 香
Major Use CategoryAdditivesTarget FoodsMaximum LimitsLimitation for UseppmAcidifiers Acetic Acid All foodsAcetic Acid, Glacial Adipic Acid Citric Acid Fumaric Acid Gluconic Acid Glucono-δ-Lactone Lactic Acid DL-Malic Acid Succinic Acid D-Tartaric Acid DL-Tartaric AcidAnti-cakingFerrocyanides of Calcium,Potassium and SodiumSaltIndividually or in combination,0.020g/kg asanhydrous sodium ferrocyanide Anti-foaming agent Silicone resin All foods0.050 g/kg Only for defoaming.Anti-molding agentsDiphenylGrapefruit 0.070 g/kg Lemon 0.070 g/kg Orange0.070 g/kg ImazalilBanana 0.0020 g/kg Citus fruits0.0050 g/kg(except mandarin orange)o-Phenylphenol Sodium o -Phenylphenol Citrus fruitsThiabendazoleBanana (whole)0.0030 g/kg Banana (pulp)0.0004 g/kg Citrus fruits0.010 g/kgAntioxidantsL-Ascorbic Acid All foods L-Ascorbyl Palmitate L-Ascorbyl StearateButylated Hydroxyanisole (BHA)as BHA Butter 0.2 g/kg Fats & oils0.2 g/kg Fish & shellfish (dried)0.2 g/kg Fish & shellfish (salted)0.2 g/kg Fish & shellfish (frozen)1 g/kg of dip(except frozen products cosumed raw)Mashed potato (dried)0.2 g/kg Whale meat (frozen)1 g/kg of dip(except frozen products cosumed raw) Standards for Use, according to Use Categorieseffective from June 04, 2009When BHA is used incombination with BHT, the total amount of both shall not exceed the corresponding limit.as maximum residue limitas maximum residue limit as maximum residue limit of o -phenylphenol 0.010g /kg as maximum residue limitAntioxidants Butylated Hydroxytoluene as BHA (continued) (BHT)Butter0.2 g/kg Chewing gum 0.75 g/kg Fats & oils0.2 g/kg Fish & shellfish (dried)0.2 g/kg Fish & shellfish (salted)0.2 g/kg Fish & shellfish (frozen) 1 g/kg of dip(except frozen products cosumed raw)Mashed potato (dried)0.2 g/kg Whale meat (frozen)1 g/kg of dipCalcium Disodium as EDTA-CaNa 2 Ethylenediamine-0.035 g/kg tetraacetate0.25 g/kgBread Fruit juiceas EDTA-CaNa 20.035 g/kg Other canned and bottled foods 0.25 g/kgErythrobic AcidAll foodsIsopropyl CitrateButter0.10 g/kg Fats and oils0.10 g/kg Guaiac ResinButter1.0 g/kg Fats and oils 1.0 g/kg Propyl GallateButter 0.10 g/kg Fats and oils0.20 g/kgSodium L-Ascorbate All foods Sodium ErythorbateAll foodsdl -α-Tocopherol All foodsAntisticking D-Mannitol Candies40 %Chewing gum20 %FURIKAKE (sprinkleover only products containing granues)RAKUGAN (dried rice-flour cakes)30 %25 %All foods as CHOMIRYO (seasoning)*When BHA is used incombination with BHT, the total amount of both shall not exceed the corresponding limit.(except frozen products cosumed raw)Canned and bottle non- alcoholic beveragesDisodium Ethylene- diaminetetraacetateCanned and bottle non- alcoholic beveragesOther canned and bottle foods Shall be chelated with calcium ino before the preparation of the finished food.Not permitted for nutritive purposes in fish pasteproducts (excluding SURIMI)or bread.Only for antioxidizing purposes in other foods.as monoisopropyl citrate Not permitted for nutritive purposes in fish pasteproducts (excluding SURIMI)or bread.Only for antioxidizing purposes in other foods.Only for antioxidizing, except when included in preparation of β-Carotene, Vitamin A,Vitamin A Esters of Fatty Acids, or Liquid Paraffin.L-Cysteine Monohydro- chlorideTSUKUDANI (food boiled down in soy sauce, only products made of KONBU (kelp))50 % of granules (as maximum residue limit)* When used in formula with Potassium Chloride andGlutamate for seasoning foods or enhancing their original flavor, no limits are specified. (only cases where D-Mannitol does not exceed 80% of the sum of Potassium Chloride, Glutamates and D-Mannitol)Color fixatives Ferrous Sulfate All foodsPotassium Nitrateless than:Meat products 0.070 g/kg Whale meat bacon0.070 g/kg (as residue limit of NO 2Sodium Nitrate as maximum Sodium Nitriteresidue limit of nitrite Fish ham 0.050 g/kg Fish sausage0.050 g/kg IKURA (salted/processed 0.0050 g/kg salmon roes)Meat products0.070 g/kg SUJIKO (salted salmon roes)0.0050 g/kg TARAKO0.0050 g/kg Whale meat bacon 0.070 g/kg Color adjuvant Ferrous GluconateTable olive0.15 g/kgDietary SupplementsL-Ascorbic acid 2-glucoside All foodsBiotin Foods with health claims Bisbentiamine All foodsCalcium Carbonate*as Ca Calcium Chloride All foods1.0 %Calcium Citrate Chewing gum*10 % *Calcium Dihydrogen Pyrophosphate Calcium Dihydrogen PhosphateCacium GluconateCalcium Glycerophosphate Calcium HydroxideCalcium LactateDietary Supplements Calcium Monohydrogen All foods(continued)PhosphateCalcium Pantothenate Calcium SulfateCholecalciferolAll foodsSame as for Potassium NitrateThe above limits do not apply to foods approved to be labeled as "special. dietary use."Only when indispensable for manufacturing or processing the food, or when used for nutritive purposes.* Only applied to Calcium CarbonateMay also be used as dietary supplement.See the section, "Dietary supplements"Only for nutritive purposes.Only when indispensable for manufacturing or processing the food, or when used for nutritive purposes.Only when indispensable for manufacturing or processing the food, or when used for nutritive purposes.Only when indispensable for manufacturing or processing the food, or when used for nutritive purposes.May be used as fermentation regulator. See the section,"Miscellenous."Dietary Supplements Copper Gluconateas copper(continued)Substitutes for human milk0.60 mg/LFoods with health claims5 mg/recommended daily portion of each foodCupric Sulfateas copper Substitutes for human milk0.60 mg/LDibenzoyl Thiamine All foodsDibenzoyl Thiamine Hydrochloride Dry Formed Vitamin A ErgocalciferolFerric Ammonium Citrate Ferric Chloride Ferric Citrate Ferric Pyrophosphate Ferrous GluconateDried milk for pregnant and lactating women.Substitutes for human milk.Weaning foodsFolic AcidAll foodsL-Histidine Monohydro- chloride Iron Lactate L-Isoleucine L-Lysine L-Aspartate L-Lysine L-GlutamateL-Lysin Monohydrochloride DL-Methionine L-Methionine Methyl Hesperidin Nicotinamide Nicotinic Acid L-Phenylalanine All foodsPyridoxine Hydrochloride RiboflavinRiboflavin 5'-Phosphate SodiumRiboflavin Tetrabutyrate Sodium Ferrous Citrate Sodium Pantothenate Thiamine Dicetylsulfate Thiamine Dilaurylsulfate Thiamine Hydrochloride Thiamine Mononitratewhen formulated into a standard concentration.The limit does not apply to cases where these additives are used in formulated dried milk under approval by the Minister of Health, Labor and Welfare.Not permitted in freshfish/shellfish (including fresh whale meat) or meat.May also be used as color adjuvant.See the section, "Color adjuvant."when formulated into a standard concentration.The limit does not apply to cases where these additives are used in formulated dried milk under approval by the Minister of Health, Labor and Welfare.ppmDietary Supplements Thiamine Naphthalene-All foods(continued) 1, 5-disulfonateThiamine ThiocyanateDL-ThreonineL-Threonineall-rac-α-Tocopheryl Acetate Foods with health claims as α-TocopherolR,R,R-α-Tocopheryl Acetate150mg/recommendeddaily portion of eachfoodTricalcium Phosphate All foods as Ca1.0 %DL-Tryptophan All foodsL-TryptophanL-ValineVitamin AVitamin A Esters ofFatty AcidsVitamin A in OilZinc Gluconate Only substitutes for human milk as zincFoods with health claims15 mg/ recommendeddaily portion of eachfoodZinc Sulfate Only substitutes for human milk as zincEmulsifiers Calcium Strearoyl LactylateBread. 4.0 g/kgButter cakes. 5.5 g/kgConfections(baked or fried wheatflour products only).4.0 g/kgMoist cakes (rice flour products only). 6.0 g/kgMacaroni and other such products.* 4.0 g/kg**as dry noodles.Mixed powder:for manufacturing bread. 5.5 g/kgfor manufacturing confections (friedwheat flour products only).5.5 g/kgfor manufacturing confections(baked wheat flour products only).5.0 g/kgfor manufacturing moist cakes (riceflour products only).10 g/kgfor manufacturing sponge cakes,butter cakes and steamed breads.8.0 g/kgfor manufacturing steamedMANJYU (bun made by steamingwheat flour dough).2.5Noodles(excluding instant noodles and dry noodles)4.5 g/kg**** as boiled noodles.6.0 mg/LWhen formulatedinto a standardconcentration.Not applied to cases where theOnly when indispensable formanufacturing or processingthe food, or when used fornutritive purposes.The above limit donot apply to foodsapproved to belabeled as "special.dietary use."6.0 mg/LWhen formulatedinto a standardconcentration.additives is used in for-mulated dried milk underapproval by the Minister ofHealth, Labor and Welfare.Not applied to cases where theadditives is used in for-mulated dried milk underapproval by the Minister ofHealth, Labor and Welfare.ppm Emulsifiers Calcium Strearoyl Lactylate Sponge cakes.5.5 g/kg (continued)(continued)Steamed bread (bread made by steaming wheat flour dough). 5.5 g/kg Steamed MANJYU2.0 g/kgGlycerol Esters of Fatty All foodsAcids LecithinPolysorbate 20as polysorbate 80Polysorbate 60 Capsule- and tablet-form foods excluding confections 25 g/kg Polysorbate 65 Chewing gum5.0 g/kg Polysorbate 80Cocoa and chocolate products 5.0 g/kg Milk-fat substitutes 5.0 g/kg Sauces5.0 g/kg Seasonings for instant noodles 5.0 g/kg Shortening5.0 g/kg Bakery confections3.0 g/kg Decorations for confections 3.0 g/kg (Sugar coatings and icings) Dressing 3.0 g/kg Ice creams 3.0 g/kg Mayonnaise3.0 g/kg Mix powder for bakery confections and moist sweet cake3.0 g/kg Moist sweet cake, unbaked cake 3.0 g/kg(Including fruit tart, cream cake, rare cheese cake, custard pudding, and like products)Sweetened yoghurt 3.0 g/kg Candies1.0 g/kg Edible ices including sherbet 1.0 g/kg Flour paste* 1.0 g/kg Soup1.0 g/kg Pickled sea weed 0.50 g/kg Pickled vegetables 0.50 g/kg Chocolate drinks 0.50 g/kg Unripened cheese0.080 g/kg Canned and bottled sea weed 0.030 g/kg Canned and bottled vegetables 0.030 g/kg Other foods 0.020 g/kgPropylene Glycol Esters All foodsof Fatty Acids Sorbitan Esters of Fatty AcidsSucrose Esters of Fatty AcidsFilm-forming agentsMorpholine Salts of Fatty Acids Rind of fruits Polyvinyl Acetate*Rind of vegetablesSodium OleateFlavoring agents AcetaldehydeAll foodsOnly for flavoring.AcetophenoneAliphatic Higher Alcohols (excluding substances generally recognized as highly toxic)Aliphatic Higher Aldehydes (excluding substances generally recognized as highly toxic)If it is used together with one of polysorbate 60, 65, and 80,the sum of each amount used shall be not more than the corresponding maximum levels as polysorbate 80. The above standards are not applied for products that are approved or recognized as foods for special dietary use.Flour paste*: In this list, flour paste is confined to paste products of cocoa andchocolate that are prepared with sugar, fat/oil, powder milk,egg, or wheat flour as secondary ingridients, and pasteurized.They are used asfillings or coatings of bread or bakery confections.* Polyvinyl Acetate may also be used as chewing gum base.See the section, "Chewing gum base."Only as film-forming agent.ppmFlavoring agents Alphatic Higher Hydro-All foods Only for flavoring. (continued) carbons (excluding sub-stances generally recog-nized as highly toxic)Ally CyclohexylpropionateAlly HexanoateAlly IsothiocyanateAmylalcoholα-AmylcinnamicaldehydeAnisaldehydeAromatic AlcoholsAromatic Aldehydes(excluding substancesgenerally recognized ashighly toxic)BenzaldehydeBenzyl Acetate.Benzyl AlcoholBenzyl Propionated-BorneolButanolButyl AcetateButyl ButyrateButyraldehydeButyric AcidCinnamic AcidCinnamaldehydeCinnamyl AcetateCinnamyl AlcoholCitralCitronellalCitronellolCitronellyl AcetateCitronellyl FormateCyclohexyl AcetateCyclohexyl ButyrateDecanalDecanol2,3-Dimethylpyrazine2,5-Dimethylpyrazine2,6-DimethylpyrazineEstersEthersppmFlavoring agents Ethyl AcetateAll foods(continued)EthanolYeast extract Vinyl acetate resinEthyl Acetoacetate All foods Only for flavoring.Ethyl Butyrate Ethyl Cinnamate Ethyl Decanoate Mixture of2-Ethyl-3,5-dimethylpyrazine and 2-Ethyl-3,6-dimethylpyrazine Ethyl Heptanoate Ethyl Hexanoate Ethyl Isovalerate 2-Ethyl-3-methylpyrazine Ethyl Octanoate Ethyl Phenylacetate Ethyl Propionate Ethylvanillin 1,8-Cineole Eugenol Fatty AcidsFurfural and its derivatives (excluding substances generally recognized as highly toxic)Geraniol Geranyl Acetate Geranyl Formate Hexanoic Acid Hydroxycitronellal Hydroxycitronellal Di- methylacetalIndole and its derivatives Ionone Isoamyl AcetateOnly for flavoring, execpt when:1. Used for denaturing ethanol which is used for the removal astringency of persimons, the manufacture of crystalline fructose, the preparation of granules or tablets of spices, or the manufacture of KONNYAKU-KO (Konjac powder), or which is used as a solvent for Butylated Hydroxytoluene of ButylatedHydroxyanisole or as an ingredient for the manufacture of vinegar;2. Used for accelerating- yeast-autolysis in the extract (water-soluble fraction obtained by autolysis of yeast;)3. Used as a solvent for vinyl acetate resin.Ethyl Aceteta used in manu-facturing yeast extract shall be removed before the preparation of the finished food.ppmFlavoring agents Isoamylalcohol All foods Only for flavoring. (continued)Isoamyl ButyrateIsoamyl FormateIsoamyl IsovalerateIsoamyl PhenylacetateIsoamyl PropionateIsobutanolIsobutyraldehydeIsobutyl PhenylacetateIsoeugenolIsopropanolIsothiocyanates(excluding substances generallyrecognized as highly toxic)IsovaleraldehydeKetonesLactones(excluding substancesgenerally recognized ashighly toxic)LinaloolLinalyl AcetateMaltoldl-Mentholl-Mentholl-Menthyl AcetateMethyl Athranilate2-MethylbutanolMethyl CinnamateMethyl N-Methylanthra-nilateMethyl β-Naphthyl Ketone5-MethylquinoxalineMethyl Salicylatep-Methylacetophenoneγ-NonalactoneOctanall-PerillaldehydePhenethyl AcetatePhenols(excluding substancesgenerally recognized ashighly toxic)Phenol Ethers(excluding substancesgenerally recognized as highly toxic)PiperonalPropanolPropionic Acid* Terpene Hydrocarbons TerpineolTerpinyl Acetate * Propionic Acid may also be used as preservative. See the section, "Preser-vatives."ppmFlavoring agents 2,3,5,6-Tetramethylpyrazine All foods Only for flavoring.(continued)Thioethers(excluding substances generally recognized as highly toxic)Thiols(excluding substances generally recognized as highly toxic)2,3,5-Trimethylpyrazine γ-Undecalactone Valeraldehyde VanillinFlour treatment agents Ammonium Persulfate Wheat flour 0.30 g/kgBenzoyl PeroxideWheat flourChloride Dioxide Wheat flourDiluted Benzoyl Peroxide Wheat flour0.30 g/kgPotassium BromateBread (only products made of wheat 0.030 g/kg of wheat flour)flourFood Colors Annato, water-solubleβ-CaroteneCopper Chlorophyllas copper 0.0004 g/kgChewing gum 0.050 g/kg Chocolate0.0010 g/kg Fish-paste products 0.030 g/kg (excluding SURIMI)Fruits and vegetables for preserva-0.10 g/kgtion.*KONBU (kelp)0.15 g/kg of dry kelp Copper Chlorophyll Moist cakes (excluding bread with 0.0064 g/kg(continued)sweet fillings or toppings)Can be used only as diluted Benzoyl Peroxide by mixing with one or more of Alum, calcium salts of Phosphoric Acid, Calcium Sulfate, CalciumCarbonate, Magnesium Carbonate, and Starch.Not permitted in fresh fish/shellfish including (fresh whale meat), KONBU (kelp)/WAKAME (sea weed) (both Laminariales ), legumes/pulses, meat NORI (laver), tea,or vegetables.Agar jelly in MITSUMAME (prepared by mixing agar jelly,cut fruits, gree beans, etc. with sugar syrup) packed into cans or plastic containers.* Foods which are processed for preserving, including dried foods, salted foods, pickled foods in vinegar, and preserved foods in syrup.Shall be decomposed or removed before thepreparation of the finished food.Not permitted in fresh fish/shellfish (including whale meat), KONBU(kelp)/WAKAME (sea weed)(both Laminariales ),legumes/pulses, meat, NORI (laver) (except when gold is used on NORI), tea leaves,or vegetables.ppmFood Colors Food Blue No. 1 (Brilliant (continued)Blue FCF) and its Alumi- num LakeFood Blue No. 2 (Indigo Carmine) and its Alumi- num LakeFood Green No. 3 (Fast Green FCF) and its Alu- minum LakeFood Red No. 2 (Amaranth) and its Aluminum Lake Food Red No. 3 (Erythro- sin) and its Aluminum Lake Food Red No. 40 (Allura Red) and its Aluminum LakeFood Red No. 102 (New Coccine)Food Red No. 104 (Phloxine)Food Red No. 105 (Rose Bengale)Food Red No. 106 (Acid Red)Food Yellow No. 4 (Tartra- zine) and its Aluminum LakeFood Yellow No. 5 (Sunset Yellow) and its Aluminum LakeFood colors other than chemically synthesized food additivesIron Sesquioxide Banana (stem only)KONNYAKU (konjac)Preparations of tar colors Same as for Food Blue No. 1.Sodium Copper Chlorophyllin as copper0.0004 g/kgCandies0.020 g/kg Chewing gum 0.050 g/kg Chocolate0.0064 g/kg Fish-paste products (except SURIMI)0.040 g/kg Fruits and vegetables for preserva-0.10 g/kgtion.*KONBU (kelp)0.15 g/kg of dry kelp Sodium Copper Chlorophyllin Moist cakes (excluding bread with 0.0064 g/kg (continued)sweet fillings or toppings)Syrup0.064 g/kgNot permitted in fish pickles,fresh fish/shellfish (including whale meat) KASUTERA (a type of pound cake), KINAKO (roasted soybean flour),KONBU (kelp)/WAKAME (sea weed) (both Laminariales ),legumes/pulses, marmalade,meat, meat pickles, MISO (fermented soybean paste),noodles (including Wantan),NORI(laver), soy sauce,sponge cakes, tea leaves,vegetables, or whale meat pickles.Not permitted in fresh fish/shellfish (including whale meat), KONBU(kelp)/WAKAME (sea weed)(both Laminariales ),legumes/pulses, meat, NORI (laver) (except when gold is used on NORI), tea leaves, or vegetables.Agar jelly in MITSUMAME (pre-pared by mixing agar jelly, cut fruits, gree beans, etc. with sugar syrup) packed into cans or plastic containers.* Foods which areprocessed for preserving,including dried foods, salted foods, pickled foods in vinegar, and preserved foods in syrup.ppmFood Colors Sodium Iron Chlorophyllin(continued)Titanium DioxideHumectant Sodium Chondroitin Sulfate Fish sausage 3.0 g/kgMayonnaise20 g/kgDressing20 g/kgInsecticide Piperonyl Butoxide Cereal grains0.024 g/kgNon-nutritive Sweeteners Acesulfame Potassium An (sweetened bean paste) 2.5 g/kgConfectionary 2.5 g/kgChewing gum 5.0 g/kgEdible ices (including sherbets, 1.0 g/kgflavored ices, and other similarfoods)Fermented milk*0.50 g/kgFlour paste 1.0 g/kg.Ice creams 1.0 g/kgJam 1.0 g/kgFoods with health claims 6.0 g/kg(only tablets)Lactic acid bacterial bevarages* 0.50 g/kgMilk drinks*0.50 g/kgMiscellaneous alcoholic beverages*0.50 g/kgMoist cakes 2.5 g/kgNonalcoholic beverages0.50 g/kgPickles 1.0 g/kgSugar substitutes**15 g/kgTare (a dip or sauce mainly for 1.0 g/kgJapanese or Chinese foods)Wine*0.50 g/kgOther foods 0.35 g/kgAspartameDisodium Glycyrrhizinate MISO (fermented soybean paste)Soy sauceSaccharin Chewing gum0.050 g/kgSodium Saccharin as residue limitof sodium saccharineless than:KOZI-ZUKE (preserved in KOJI, 2.0 g/kgfermented riceSU-ZUKE (vinegar-pickled foods)TAKUAN-ZUKE (rice bran-pickledradishes)Only for coloring.Not permitted in fish pickles, fresh fish/shellfish (including whale meat) KASUTERA (a type of pound cake), KINAKO (roasted soybean flour), KONBU (kelp)/WAKAME (sea weed) (both Laminariales), legumes/pulses, marmalade, meat, meat pickles, MISO (fermented soybean paste), noodles (including Wantan), NORI(laver), soy sauce, sponge cakes, tea leaves, vegetables, or whale meat pickles.** Products used bydirectly adding to drinks, such as coffee and tea.* Applied to dilutions, in the case of concentratedproducts.These maximum limits donot apply to foodsapproved to be labeledas special dietary use. Same as for Annato, water-solubleppm Non-nutritive sweeteners Sodium Saccharin Nonalcoholic beverages (powdered) 1.5 g/kg (continued)(continued)KASU-ZUKE (lee-pickled foods) 1.2 g/kgMISO-ZUKE (MISO-pickled foods)SHOYU-ZUKE (soy sauce-pickledfoods)Fish/shellfish (processed, excludingfish paste, TSUKUDANI (foodsboiled down with soy sauce),pickles, and canned or bottledfoods)Processed sea weeds0.50 g/kgSimmered beansSoy sauceTSUKUDANI (foods boiled down withsoy sauce)Edible ices0.30 g/kgFish pasteLactic acid bacterial drinksMilk drinksNonalcoholic beveragesSaucesSyrupVinegarAn (sweetened bean paste)0.20 g/kgFermented milkFlour pasteIce cream productsJamsMISO (fermented soybean paste)Pickles (preserved or pickled foods,excluding those listed in thiscolumn)Confectionary0.10 g/kgCanned or bottled foods, excluding 0.20 g/kgthose listed above.D-Sorbitol All foodsSucralose Chewing gum 2.6 g/kgConfectionary 1.8 g/kgJam 1.0 g/kgLactic acid becterial beverages*0.40 g/kgMilk drinks*0.40 g/kgMiscellaneous alcoholic bverages*0.40 g/kgMoist cakes 1.8 g/kgNonalcoholic beverages*0.40 g/kgSake*0.40 g/kgSake (compounded)*0.40 g/kg Sugar substitutes**12 g/kg Wine (any kind of fruit wine)*0.40 g/kg Other foods0.58 g/kg** Products used by directly adding to drinks, such as coffee and tea.* Applied to dilutions, in the case of concentratedproducts.These maximum limits do not apply to foods approved to be labeled as special dietary use. These maximum limits donot apply to foodsapproved to be labeledas special dietary use.(less than 1.5 g/kg in case of materials for nonalcoholic beverage or lactic acid bacteria drinks or fermented milk product to be diluted not less than 5-fold before use, less than 0.90 g/kg in case of vinegar to be deluted not less than 3-fold before use)ppmNon-nutritive sweeteners Xylitol All foods(continued)D-XylosePreservatives Benzoic Acid Caviar 2.5 g/kgMargarine 1.0 g/kgNonalcoholic beverages0.60 g/kgSoy sauce0.60 g/kgSyrup0.60 g/kgButyl p-Hydroxybenzoate as p-hydroxybenzoicacidFruit sauce0.20 g/kgnonalcoholic beverages0.10 g/kgRind of fruits and fruit vegetables 0.012 g/kgSoy sauce0.25 g/LSyrup0.10 g/kgVinegar0.10 g/LCalcium Propionate as propionic acidBread and cakes 2.5 g/kgCheese 3.0 g/kgEthyl p-HydroxybenzoateIsobutyl p-HydroxybenzoateIsopropyl p-HydroxybenzoateNisinAs polypeptidecontaining Nisin A Cheese (except processed cheese)0.0125g/kgMeat productsWhipped creamsDressing0.010g/kgMayonnaiseSauces*Fine bakery products0.00625g/kgProcessed cheeseMISO (fermented soybean paste)0.0050g/kgProcessed eggs productsMoist, unbaked, sweet cakes mademaainly of cereal grains or starch**0.0030g/kgPotassium Sorbate as sorbic acid0.30 g/kg When the additive is used in margarine with Sorbic Acid or Potassium Sorbate, or a preparation containing either of these two additives, the total amount of them as benzoic acid and as sorbic acid shall not be more than 1.0 g/kg.When the additive is used in cheese with Sorbic Acid or Potassium Sorbate, or a preparation containing either of these two additives, the total amount of them as propionic acid and as sorbic acid shall not be more than 3.0 g/kg.Same as for Butyl p-Hydroxybenzoate.AMAZAKE (beverages made from fermneted rice using KOJI (Asp. oryzae), and confined toproducts to be coonsumed in 3- fold or more dilution.)Cheese: When used in combination with propionic acid, calcium propionate, or sodium propionate, total level of the additives as sorbic acid and as propionic acid shall not be more than 3.0 g/kg.The maximum use levels are not apply to products permmited or recognized by the Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare as foods for special dietary uses. The foods include five types of products: foods for the ill, milk powder for pregnant and lactating women, formulated milk powder for infants, foods for the aged, foods for specified health uses.* Sauces refer to all kinds of sauces including Oriental thick Worcester sauce, cheese souce, and ketchup, but excluding fruit sauce and its analogues used for cakes.** They refer to rice pudding and tapioca puding, and their analogues, but excluding Oriental sweet dumplings.ppmPreservative Potassium Sorbate AN (sweetened bean paste) 1.0 g/kg(continued)(continued)Candied cherries 1.0 g/kgCheese 3.0 g/kgDried fish/shellfish (excluding 1.0 g/kgsmoking cuttlefish & octopus)Dried prune0.50 g/kgFermented milk (as raw materials for0.30 g/kglactic acid bacterial drinks)Fish-paste products (excluding 2.0 g/kgSURIMI)Flour paste products for bread and 1.0 g/kgconfectionaryFruit juice (including concentrated 1.0 g/kgfruit juice) for confectionaryFruit paste for confectionary 1.0 g/kgGnocchis 1.0 g/kgJams 1.0 g/kgKASU-ZUKE (lees-pickled foods) 1.0 g/kgKetchup0.50 g/kgKOJI-ZUKE (KOJI (Asp. oryzae)- 1.0 g/kgpickled foods)Lactic acid bacterial beverages (ex-0.050 g/kg cluding sterilized bevarages)Lactic acid bacterial beverages (as 0.30 g/kg ingredients of lactic acid bacterialbeverages, excluding sterilizedbeverages)Margarine 1.0 g/kg Meat products 2.0 g/kg Miscellaneous alcoholic beverages 0.20 g/kg MISO (fermented soy bean paste) 1.0 g/kg MISO-ZUKE (MISO-pickled foods) 1.0 g/kg Salted vegetables 1.0 g/kg Sea urchin products 2.0 g/kg SHOYU-ZUKE (soy sauce-pickled 1.0 g/kg foods)Simmered beans 1.0 g/kg Smoked cuttlefish & octopus 1.5 g/kg Soup (excluding potage-type soup)0.50 g/kg SU-ZUKE (vinegar-pickled foods)0.50 g/kg Syrup 1.0 g/kg TAKUAN-ZUKE (rice bran-pickled 1.0 g/kg radish)TARE (a dip or sauce mainly for 0.50 g/kg Japanese or Chinese foods)TSUKUDANI (foods boiled down in 1.0 g/kg soy sauce)TSUYU (a sauce mainly for Japanese0.50 g/kg noodles)Whale meat products 2.0 g/kg Wine (any kind of fruit wine)0.20 g/kg When the additive is used in margarine with Benzoic Acid or Sodium Benzoate, the total amount of them as benzoic acid and as sorbic acid shall not be more than 1.0 g/kg.When the additive is used in MISO-ZUKE, the total amount of Sorbic Acid used in the product, and Sorbic Acid and its salts cntaining in MISO as ingredient shall not be more than 1.0 g/kg.3.0 g/kg.。
日本指定食品添加剂使用标准 H.26.4.10
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公益財団法人 日本食品化学研究振興財団
使用基準 使用量等の最大限
2-エチル-5-メチルピラジン 香料
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如食品香精立法的基础工作由FEMA(美国食品香料和萃取物制造者协会)担任,其安全评价结果得到FDA认可后,以肯定的形式公布,并冠以GRAS (一般公认安全)的FEMA号码。
标准备注 执行时间 山梨酸盐:山梨酸、山梨酸钠、山梨酸钾、山梨酸钙|以山梨酸计。 2011 2010-10-1 该物质在符合GMP时属于一般公认安全的。 1977.3.15 以山梨酸计 2011-12-27 人工合成添加剂 以山梨酸计
2011 2012-9-3 2010-10-21 苯甲酸、苯甲酸纳、苯甲酸钾、苯甲酸钙|以苯甲酸计。 2011 以苯甲酸计算 2010-10-1 对于不同条件下使用是否公认为安全的,FDA没有确认 1984.2.14
E 100 姜黄素 E 102 柠檬黄 E 104 喹啉黄 E 110 日落黄FCF 柑桔黄 S E 120 胭脂虫红, 胭脂红酸, 胭脂虫红 1994-6-30
,根据章节B.06.002. 2010-10-1 不能用于联邦食品、药品和化装品法规中401规定的已认定标准的食品(除非所加入的着色剂是这类标准 1986.7.7 不得用于腌制鱼,新鲜鱼/贝(包括新鲜鲸鱼肉),KASUTERA(重磅蛋糕,一种含有较大比例鸡蛋、面粉、黄油 2011-12-27 E 100 姜黄素 E 102 柠檬黄 E 104 喹啉黄 E 110 日落黄FCF 柑桔黄 S E 120 胭脂虫红, 胭脂红酸, 胭脂虫红 1994-6-30 合成有机颜色 以柠檬黄计 2012-9-3 2011-6-20
中国 特定食品,见备注 按生产需要适量使用 CAC 不得使用 加拿大 不得使用 美国 一般食品 未规定具体限量 日本 所有食品 未规定 肌苷酸二钠 欧盟 调味料和调味品 quantum satis 韩国 不得使用 新加坡 未规定具体食品 允许使用 中国 特定食品,见备注 按生产需要适量使用 CAC 不得使用 加拿大 不得使用 美国 一般食品 达到要求的效果即可 日本 所有食品 未规定 鸟苷酸二钠 一般的食品(不包括94/35/EC中2(3)所指食品) 欧盟 500 mg/kg 韩国 不得使用 新加坡 未规定具体食品 允许使用 中国 特定食品,见备注 按生产需要适量使用 CAC 不得使用 加拿大 腌菜及开胃菜 良好操作规范 美国 未规定具体食品 未规定具体限量 日本 不得使用 姜黄 欧盟 罐装果蔬 200 mg/kg 韩国 不得使用 新加坡 不得使用 中国 腌渍的蔬菜 0.01(g/kg) CAC 不得使用 加拿大 腌菜及开胃菜 300p.p.m独立存在或化合物,根据章节B.06.002. 美国 未规定具体食品 GMP 日本 未规定 未规定 柠檬黄 调味料、佐料(例如:咖哩粉、腌料)、泡菜、酱菜、辣腌菜 欧盟 500 mg/kg 韩国 不得使用 新加坡 未规定具体食品 允许使用 中国 腌渍的蔬菜 0.1(g/kg) CAC 不得使用 加拿大 不得使用 美国 不得使用 日本 不得使用 辣椒红 附件Ⅴpart2部分所列食品和除了附录Ⅱ和Ⅲ 以外的其他食品 欧盟 quantum satis. 韩国 不得使用 新加坡 不得使用 中国 腌渍的蔬菜 按生产需要适量使用
2011年9月更新 日本食品添加剂
前ページへ *記載のない場合は対象食品の規制はない。
)調味料強化剤デカナールデカノールデカン酸エチル鉄クロロフィリンナトリウム着色料 5,6,7,8-テトラヒドロキノキサリン2,3,5,6-テトラメチルピラジンチーズデヒドロ酢酸としてバター0.50g/kgマーガリンテルピネオールテルペン系炭化水素類デンプングリコール酸ナトリウム糊料2.00%銅としてこんぶ(無水物)0.15g/kg 野菜類又は果実類の貯蔵品0.10g/kg シロップ0.064g/kg チューインガム0.050g/kg 着色料(化学的合成品を除く)着色料香料香料L-テアニン 使用基準香料品名(日文)分類香料デヒドロ酢酸ナトリウム保存料銅クロロフィリンナトリウム着色料魚肉ねり製品(魚肉すり身を除く)0.040g/kgあめ類0.020g/kg チョコレート生菓子(菓子パンを除く)みつ豆缶詰又はみつ豆合成樹脂製容器包装詰中の寒天0.00040g/kg銅としてこんぶ(無水物)0.15g/kg 野菜類又は果実類の貯蔵品0.10g/kg チューインガム0.050g/kg 魚肉ねり製品(魚肉すり身を除く)0.030g/kg 生菓子(菓子パンを除く)0.0064g/kg チョコレート0.0010g/kg みつ豆缶詰又はみつ豆合成樹脂製容器包装詰中の寒天0.00040g/kg トコフェロール酢酸エステル強化剤保健機能食品150mg未満/当該食品1日摂取目安量(a-トコフェロールとして)d -a-トコフェロール酢酸エステル強化剤保健機能食品150mg未満/当該食品1日摂取目安量(a-トコフェロールとして)DL-トリプトファン調味料L-トリプトファン強化剤2,3,5-トリメチルピラジン香料DL-トレオニン調味料L-トレオニン強化剤ナイシンAを含むポリペプチドとして食肉製品チーズ(プロセスチーズを除く)0.0064g/kg銅クロロフィル着色料dl -a-トコフェロール(ビタミンE)酸化防止剤ナイシン保存料0.0125g/kgホイップクリーム類(乳脂肪分を主成分とする食品を主要原料として泡立てたもの)ソース類ドレッシングマヨネーズプロセスチーズ洋菓子卵加工品味噌洋生菓子(穀類及びでん粉を主原料としたもの)0.0030g/kgナタマイシン製造用剤ナチュラルチーズ(ハード及びセミハードの表面部分に限る)0.020g/kg未満ニコチン酸強化剤ニコチン酸アミド製造用剤漂白剤保存料酸化防止剤かんぴょう 5.0g/kg未満乾燥果実(干しぶどうを除く) 2.0g/kg未満干しぶどう 1.5g/kg未満コンニャク粉0.90g/kg未満乾燥じゃがいもゼラチンディジョンマスタード0.010g/kg0.00625g/kg0.0050g/kg ナトリウムメトキシド製造用剤二酸化硫黄二酸化硫黄としての残存量0.50g/kg未満果実酒(果実酒の製造に用いる酒精分1容量パーセント以上を含有する果実搾汁およびこれを濃縮したものを除く)雑酒キャンデッドチェリー糖蜜糖化用タピオカでんぷん0.25g/kg未満水あめ0.20g/kg未満天然果汁(5倍以上に希釈して飲用に供するもの)0.15g/kg未満甘納豆煮豆えび冷凍生かにその他の食品(キャンデッドチェリーの製造に用いるさくらんぼ、ビール製造に用いるホップ並びに果実酒に用いる果汁、酒精分1容量パーセント以上を含有する果実搾汁およびこれを濃縮したものを除く)二酸化塩素小麦粉処理剤小麦粉0.30g/kg未満0.10g/kg未満0.10g/kg未満(そのむき身につき)0.030g/kg未満0.35g/kg未満2.00%(ケイ酸カルシウムと併用する場合は、それぞれの使用量の和)二酸化炭素製造用剤 乳酸酸味料 乳酸カルシウム強化剤カルシウムとして1.0%(特別用途表示の食品を除く)乳酸鉄強化剤 乳酸ナトリウム調味料 γ-ノナラクトン香料 ノルビキシンカリウムノルビキシンナトリウムバニリン香料 パラオキシ安息香酸イソプチル パラオキシ安息香酸としてパラオキシ安息香酸イソプロピルしょう油0.25g/L パラオキシ安息香酸エチル果実ソース0.20g/kg パラオキシ安息香酸ブチル酢0.10g/L 清涼飲料水シロップ果実及び果菜の表皮0.012g/kgパラメチルアセトフェノン香料 調味料強化剤バレルアルデヒド香料 パントテン酸カルシウム強化剤カルシウムとして1.0%(特別用途表示の食品を除く)パントテン酸ナトリウム強化剤 ビオチン強化剤保健機能食品L-ヒスチジン塩酸塩ビスベンチアミン二酸化ケイ素製造用剤 微粒二酸化ケイ素製造用剤二酸化チタン着色料着色料 保存料強化剤パラオキシ安息香酸プロピル0.10g/kg L-バリン ビタミンAビタミンA脂肪酸エステルビタミンA油(油性ビタミンA脂肪酸エステル)ヒドロキシシトロネラールヒドロキシシトロネラールジメチルアセタールヒドロキシプロピルセルロース製造用剤ヒドロキシプロピルメチルセルロース製造用剤ピペリジン香料ピペロナール香料ピペロニルブトキシド防虫剤穀類0.024g/kg氷酢酸酸味料 ピラジン香料ピリドキシン塩酸塩強化剤 ピロ亜硫酸カリウム漂白剤二酸化硫黄としての残存量保存料かんぴょう 5.0g/kg未満酸化防止剤乾燥果実(干しぶどうを除く)2.0g/kg未満干しぶどう 1.5g/kg未満コンニャク粉0.90g/kg未満乾燥じゃがいもゼラチンディジョンマスタード果実酒(果実酒の製造に用いる酒精分1容量パーセント以上を含有する果実搾汁およびこれを濃縮したものを除く)雑酒キャンデッドチェリー糖蜜糖化用タピオカでんぷん0.25g/kg未満強化剤 香料 ピロ亜硫酸ナトリウム0.50g/kg未満0.35g/kg未満0.30g/kg未満水あめ0.20g/kg未満天然果汁(5倍以上に希釈して飲用に供するもの)0.15g/kg未満甘納豆煮豆えび冷凍生かにその他の食品(キャンデッドチェリーの製造に用いるさくらんぼ、ビール製造に用いるホップ並びに果実酒に用いる果汁、酒精分1容量パーセント以上を含有する果実搾汁およびこれを濃縮したものを除く)ピロリジン香料ピロリン酸四カリウム製造用剤 製造用剤強化剤ピロリン酸二水素二ナトリウム製造用剤 ピロリン酸第二鉄強化剤ピロリン酸四ナトリウム製造用剤 調味料強化剤フェニル酢酸イソアミルフェニル酢酸イソブチルフェニル酢酸エチル2-(3-フェニルプロピル)ピリジンフェネチルアミン0.10g/kg未満0.10g/kg未満(そのむき身につき)0.030g/kg未満ピロリン酸二水素カルシウムカルシウムとして1.0%(特別用途表示の食品を除く)L-フェニルアラニン 香料 フェノールエーテル類(ただし、毒性が激しいと一般に認められるものを除く。
日本水产品中添加剂限量标准1、日本对水产品中添加剂的规定日本对水产品中添加剂的规定,主要体现在如下两个法规中:《食品卫生法的食品和食品添加剂技术规范和法规》(Specifications and Standards for Foods, Food Additives, etc. Under the Food Sanitation Law (Abstracts) 2006)《农产品和水产品进口技术法规手册(2007)》(Handbook for Agricultural and Fishery Products Import Regulations)日本在《农产品和水产品进口技术法规手册(2007)》中,对水产品中的添加剂进行如下规定:根据《食品卫生法》规定,包括金枪鱼、鲱鱼在内的鲜鱼不得含有二氧化碳。
冷冻水产品的规格标准适用于冷冻鱼片和条切状用于生鱼片的甲壳类动物,其规格标准为细菌总数小于等于100,000个/ g(即,每1g样品的细菌总数小于等于100,000个),并且大肠杆菌群为阴性。
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Standards for Use, according to Use CategoriesBleaching agents (continued)Sulfur Dioxide (continued)Wine (any kind of fruit wine, excluding squeezed fruit juice containing alcohol of not less than 1% by volume which is used for manufacturing wine and a concentrate of the same.)0.35 g/kgOther foods (excluding cherry used for candied cherry, hop used for brewing beer, fruit juice used for manufacturing wine, and squeezed fruit juice containing alcohol of not less than 1 % by volume, and and a concentrate of the same.)0.030 g/kgChewing gum bases Ester Gum Chewing gumOnly as chewing gum base.Polybutene Polyisobutylene Polyvinyl Acetate*Color fixatives Ferrous Sulfate All foodsPotassium Nitrateless than:Meat products 0.070 g/kg Whale meat bacon0.070 g/kg (as residue limit of NO 2Sodium Nitrate as maximum Sodium Nitriteresidue limit of nitrite Fish ham 0.050 g/kg Fish sausage0.050 g/kg IKURA (salted/processed 0.0050 g/kg salmon roes)Meat products0.070 g/kg SUJIKO (salted salmon roes)0.0050 g/kg TARAKO 0.0050 g/kg Whale meat bacon0.070 g/kg Color adjuvantFerrous GluconateTable olive0.15 g/kg (as residue limit of iron)Dietary Supplements L-Ascorbic acid 2-glucoside All foodsFormulated dried milk Substitutes for human milk 10m g/100kcal Foods with health claimsBisbentiamine All foodsCalcium Carbonate*as CaCalcium Chloride All foods 1.0 %Calcium Citrate Chewing gum*10 % *Calcium DihydrogenPyrophosphateCalcium Dihydrogen Phosphate Cacium Gluconate**Calcium Glycerophosphate**Calcium HydroxideCalcium LactateMay also be used as dietary supplement.See the section, "Dietary supplements"* Polyvinyl Acetate may also be used as film-forming.See the section, "Film-forming agents."**Only for nutritive purposes.BiotinSame as for Potassium NitrateThe above limits do not apply to foods approved to be labeled as"special. dietaryuse."Only when indispensable for manufacturing or processing the food, or when used for nutritive purposes.* Only applied to Calcium CarbonateOnly when indispensable for manufacturing or processing the food, or when used for nutritive purposes.May be used as fermentation regulator. See the section, "Miscellenous."Preservative Calcium SorbateTSUYU (a sauce mainly for Japanese 0.50 g/kg(continued)(continued)noodles)Whale meat products 2.0 g/kg Wine (any kind of fruit wine)0.20 g/kgEthyl p -Hydroxybenzoate Isobutyl p -Hydroxybenzoate Isopropyl p -Hydroxybenzoate NisinAs polypeptide containing Nisin A Cheese (except processed cheese)0.0125g/kgMeat products Whipped creams Dressing 0.010g/kgMayonnaise Sauces*Fine bakery products 0.00625g/kgProcessed cheeseMISO (fermented soybean paste)0.0050g/kgProcessed eggs productsMoist, unbaked, sweet cakes made maainly of cereal grains or starch**0.0030g/kgPotassium Sorbate Propionic AcidPropyl p -Hydroxybenzoate Sodium Benzoateas benzoic acidCaviar2.5 g/kg Fruit paste and fruit juice (including concentrated juice) used for manufacturing confectionary. 1.0 g/kgMargarine1.0 g/kg Nonalcoholic beverages 0.60 g/kg Soy sauce 0.60 g/kg Syrup0.60 g/kg Sodium DehydroacetateButter 0.50 g/kg Cheese 0.50 g/kg Margarine0.50 g/kgSodium PropionateSame as for Butyl p -Hydroxybenzoate.Same as for Calcium PropionateSame as for Butyl p-Hydroxybenzoateas dehydroaceticSame as for Calcium PropionateThis additive may also be used as flavoring agent. See the section, "Flavoring agents."The maximum use levels are not apply to productspermmited or recognized by the Minister of Health,Labour and Welfare as foods for special dietary uses. The foods include five types of products: foods for the ill, milk powder for pregnant and lactating women, formulated milk powder for infants,foods for the aged, foods for specified health uses.* Sauces refer to all kinds of sauces including Oriental thick Worcester sauce, cheese souce, and ketchup, but excluding fruit sauce and its analogues used for cakes.** They refer to rice pudding and tapioca puding, and their analogues, but excluding Oriental sweet dumplings.Same as for Calcium Sorbate When the additive is used in margarine with Sorbic Acid, Calcium Sorbate or Potassium Sorbate, or a preparationcontaining these additives, the total amount of them as benzoic acid and as sorbic acid shall not be more than 1.0 g/kg.。