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Rendered well-nigh uninhabitable made almost unsuitable for people
to live on
• Habitable, inhabitable, uninhabitable
• Inhabitable is much less common because of its ambiguity.
solve, at least we think so.
• Or (So) is used to make a concession to the previous statement you have made. It means what you have just said may not be a true fact, but at least someone says or thinks so.
Forces set in motion (pa.2)
• Set sth. In motion: start sth.; cause sth. To start working
• The news set the British war machinery in motion. (cause it to start operating)
• He never offers to buy any wine, but when a bottle is opened, he always takes the lions’ share.
Or so we say (pa.4)—if in fact that is not a problem for the future to
Apology to the future
By rights (pa.1)— rightly; with good reason
• It is often used with “should” or “ought to”, and carries little meaning but strengthens the modal meaning.
• I wish it were all because we have less than enough knowledge to make us realize we are doing wrong./ I wish I could say we do all this damage to Earth out of ignorance. The harsh truth, however, is we do have enough knowledge to convince ourselves of our wrongdoings.
• The lion’s share…man’s doing (pa.4)---It is man who causes the greatest part of damage to the environment
• The lion’s share: the greatest part; nearly all;
• James is leaving tonight, or so he said.
• Mary’s coming over this summer or so I’ve heard.
It is not just …to one another.(pa.5)
• Our behavior towards the environment indicates (speaks of) clearly (evidently) what kind of world you are going to have. But in addition, our behavior towards one another also indicates that, and just as clearly (as our behavior towards the environment).
• We will set the wheels in motion, and you will be hearing from us in a few weeks.
----destructive forces which are activated or set to work
I wish I could say… but we do. (pa.2)
• By rights, I should have been promoted instead of him.
• I should by rights speak German, my mother’s German, but I only know a few words.
• I should not by rights have told you.
• As part of the world be _____, millions of people will try to migrate to more hospitable areas.
• They were desperate for _________ land.
• When we first moved into this old house, it was barely __________.
ຫໍສະໝຸດ Baidu
Dumping heedlessly—discarding
without proper care
• Alternatives to …nuclear energy (pa.3)---such as solar energy, energy from water or wind, etc., all of which are presently being tapped in some form, but none of which can so far replace fossil fuels