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Passport photo requirements护照照片要求

You must make sure photos for your passport, driving licence or visa meet all the rules - your application might be delayed if you don’t.必须确保,您用于护照、驾驶证或签证的照片满足所有要求-否则,您的申请可能被延迟。

Check your application form to see how many photos you need to provide.检查您的申请表格,确认需要多少张照片。

Photo size照片尺寸

Your photos must be professionally printed and 45 millimetres (mm) high by 35mm wide - the standard size used in photo booths in the UK. Standard sizes in photo booths outside the UK can be different - make sure you get the right size.您的照片必须是经专业冲印,且尺寸应是45mm(高) x 35mm (宽),这是英国照相亭照片的标准尺寸。英国

以外的照相亭照片的标准尺寸可能有所不同- 因此,您要确保照片尺寸正确。

You can’t use photos that have been cut dow n from larger pictures.您不能使用从较大相片中裁剪下来的照片。

The photos照片

Your photos must be:您提供的照片必须是:

∙in colour on plain white photographic paper以纯白相纸为底色的彩色照片

∙taken against a plain cream or light grey background底色不能是乳白色或淡灰色


∙taken within the last month最近一个月照的

∙clear and in focus清晰的,焦点对准的

∙without any tears or creases 无任何撕痕或折痕的

∙unmarked on both sides (unless a photo needs to be countersigned)两边未做任何标记的(签名除外)

∙unaltered by computer software未经电脑软件进行修改的(即未经p过的)The image of you您的图像

Your photos must show a close-up of your full head and shoulders. It must be only of you with no other objects or people.您的照片必须展示出整个头和肩的特写。照片中不能


The image of you - from the crown of your head to your chin - must be between 29mm and 34mm high (see example below).您的图像--从头顶到下巴之间的范围必须保持在29mm到34mm之间(如下图)。

Your photos may be rejected unless they show you:您的照片如不符合以下要求,我们


∙facing forward and looking straight at the camera面向前方,直视照相机镜头∙with a neutral expression and your mouth closed表情自然,嘴闭拢

∙without anything covering the face 全脸露出,无任何遮挡物

∙in clear contrast to the background照片应与背景色保持较高对比度

∙without a head covering (unless it’s worn for religious or medical reasons) 头上无任何遮挡物(有宗教信仰或医疗需要的除外)

∙with eyes open, visible and free from reflection or glare from glasses眼睛睁开,要看得见眼睛,不能受眼镜反射或眩光原因的影响

∙with your eyes not covered by sunglasses, tinted glasses, glasses frames or hair太阳镜、有色眼镜、眼镜框或头发不能将眼睛遮挡住

∙without any ‘red eye’眼睛不能是“红眼”(红眼:指在用闪光灯拍摄特写时,在照片上眼睛的瞳孔呈现红色斑点的现象)

∙without any shadows in the picture照片中不能出现任何阴影。

Photos of children小孩的照片

Children must be on their own in the picture. Babies must not be holding toys or using dummies.照片中必须是孩子本人。如果是婴儿,则婴儿手中不能握有玩具或模型

Children under 6 don’t have to be looking directly at the camera or have a neutral expression.6岁以下的小孩不要求看着镜头,也不要求保持表情自然。

Children under 1 don’t have to have their eyes open. If their head is supported by a hand, the hand mustn’t be visible in the photo.1岁以下的小孩不必睁开眼睛,如果他们的头用手支撑住,则需保证照片中看不见那此手
