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Part I Vocabulary and Structure (30%)

Directions: There are 30 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked

(A), (B), (C) and (D). Choose the ONE that best completes the sentence. Then mark the

corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre.

1. If you want to find information about graduate programs of the university, please look in

_________ of the College Blue Books.

(A) the volume three (C) volume third

(B) volume three (D) third volume

2. John came to work at the company twenty years __________ today.

(A) from (B) since (C) before (D) ago

3. The team really looks good this evening because the coach had them _________ every night this week.

(A) practice (B) practiced (C) the practice (D) to practice

4. I’d ________ the operation unless it is absolutely nec essary.

(A) rather not have (C) rather not having

(B) rather not to have (D) not rather had

5. It was __________ that they went camping in the mountains last weekend.

(A) so nice a weather (C) nice weather so

(B) such nice weather (D) too nice weather

6. Something must be done immediately if endangered species ___________ saved.

(A) be (B) can be (C) will be (D) are to be

7. If you still don’t have an answer from the University of Washington, why __________ call the admissions


(A) not to (B) don’t(C) not (D) you don’t

8. The customer was offended by the shop assistant’s __________ remark.

(A) musty (B) nasty (C) tasty (D) misty

9. The food at the picnic attracted a __________ of bees.

(A) pack (B) flock (C) swarm (D) herd

10. Regular use of this cream will help to __________ the rough and dry condition of your skin.

(A) relieve (B) abstract (C) evaporate (D) abbreviate

11. Giving children ___________ to do around the house teaches them responsibility and gives

them a sense of having contributed to the family.

(A) chores (B) choirs (C) cheers (D) charms

12. Many common ___________ may be treated at home without a doctor’s supervision.

(A) resentments (B) blandishments (C) segments (D) ailments

13. Some psychologists insist that a child’s behavior should be _________ by imposing a system of rewards,

whereas others believe that punishment is also necessary.

(A) dignified (B) satisfied (C) modified (D) beautified

14. If we hadn’t had a eat, the garage would have been _________ with mice.

(A) inflamed (B) inhibited (C) inhabited (D) inflated

15. This year the company has ___________ almost twice as many cars as it did last year.

(A) turned in (B) turned out (C) turned down (D) turned to

16. A simple rule for losing weight is to ___________ the number of calories that one consumes daily.

(A) cut back on (B) cut out on (C) cut down on (D) cut off on

17. After a long lunch hour, business ___________ as usual.

(A) delays (B) resumes (C) responds (D) investigates

18. The author wrote with great __________, not missing a single detail.

(A) simplicity (B) vacuity (C) curiosity (D) clarity

19. That magnificent __________ temple was constructed by the Chinese.

(A) eight-centuries-old (C) eight-century’s-old

(B) eight-century-old (D) eight-old-century

20. While in Europe on vacation, the Smiths __________ the countryside on their bikes.

(A) roamed (B) rustled (C) rocked (D) rolled

21. An unsuccessful attempt was made to ___________ the yacht and its contents.

(A) submerge (B) salvage (C) sink (D) surface

22. The students were given __________ passes for the new film.

(A) complimentary (B) supplementary (C) complementary (D) satisfactory

23. LyLy was so ___________ in his novel that she forgot about her dinner cooking in the oven.

(A) enlivened (B) engrossed (C) enlightened (D) enlisted
