20181210译林版初中英语九年级上册Unit 8课堂笔记

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Unit 8

Word I

1. detective

a detective story

work as a detective

2. clue

the clue to the case

look for clues to something important

3. missing

be missing=be lost=be gone不见了

go missing丢了

My pen has gone missing.

4. murder (n/v)---murderer (n)

5. suspect

one of the suspects

6. medium

a man of medium height

7. untidy ---tidy

untidier, untidiest

an untidy man

The room is so untidy that I don’t want to live in it.

=_______________________________________________________ (such…that) =_______________________________________________________ (too… to) =_______________________________________________________ (enough) 8. guilty---guiltier, guiltiest

be guilty of sth/doing sth

9. truth (n)---true (adj)---truly (adv)

tell a true story come true

feel truly sorry

tell the truth

10. guess---guesses

Can you guess what is in the box?

11. lie---lying

1)v. 躺;位于lie--lay--lain

2) v. 说谎lie-- lied--lied

lie to sb like lying

3)n. 谎言tell a white lie

注意:lay-laid-laid lay 放置;下蛋

12. victim

more than two victims

13. crime (n)---criminal (adj)

at the time of the crime在案发时

at the scene of the crime 在案发现场

solve crimes破案

be guilty of computer crimes

14. somewhere adv.在某处

hide somewhere

go somewhere else

live somewhere nearby

nowhere, everywhere

15. contact

contact sb on+号码=call sb on…

contact sb at+邮箱=e-mail sb at…

16. wound(v) ---wounded (adj) 受伤的

be wounded with a knife/gun

a wounded wolf

17. bleed (v)-bled-bled 流血,出血

bleed to death

blood (n)(U) 血

18. enemy ---enemies

An enemy says or acts against you.

make him some enemies 使他树敌

19. single

1)=not married He is single all his life.

2)=only one a single word

He passed away peacefully without a single word.

20. well-paid

a well-paid job


well done well dressed

21. charge

charge sb with (doing) sth 控告某人犯有…

charge him with a murder

charge him with breaking into several computer systems

22. break into (有被动)break into a bank

break out 爆发(无被动)

break down 毁坏,出故障(无被动)

23. suppose 认为,推断,料想

1) =think/consider

2) be supposed to do sth=should do sth 理应做某事

You should work hard.= You are supposed to work hard.

3) I suppose+句子:否定前置

类似的有think, believe I don’t suppose he will come tomorrow.

24. only

唯一的the only + n单数

仅有的only a few, only a little

25. witness---witnesses

a witness to the car accident
