山东省泰安市新泰市新泰一中北校2019-2020学年高一下学期第三次大单元测试 生物试题(PDF无答案)




山东省泰安市新泰第一中学(新泰中学校区)2024-2025学年高一上学期期中考试数学试题一、单选题1.已知函数()f x 满足()121f x x +=+.若()5f a =,则a =()A .2B .1C .3D .02.下列函数中,既为偶函数,又在(0,+∞)上为增函数的是()A .21x y x+=B .22y x =-C .22log y x x=+D .22x y x =-3.已知集合{}20log 2A x x =≤≤,21B xx a ⎧⎫=>⎨⎬-⎩⎭,a ∈R .若A B A = ,则实数a 的取值范围为()A .[1,2]B .(1,2)C .[1,4]D .(1,4)4.“0x <”是“()ln 10x +<”的()A .充分不必要条件B .必要不充分条件C .充要条件D .既不充分也不必要条件5.设R a ∈,若当12x ≤≤时,关于x 的不等式210x ax -+≥恒成立,则()A .2a ≤B .2a ≥C .52a ≤D .52a ≥6.函数221xy x =+的大致图象是A .B .C .D .7.已知函数21,01()2,12x ax ax a x f x x -+-≤≤⎧⎪=⎨<≤⎪⎩,若12,[0,2]x x ∀∈,12x x ≠,都有()()21210f x f x x x ->-成立,则a 的取值范围为()A .(0,2]B .(,1]-∞C .(0,1]D .(0,)+∞8.若2312a ⎛⎫= ⎪⎝⎭,2315b ⎛⎫= ⎪⎝⎭,1312c ⎛⎫= ⎪⎝⎭,则,,a b c 的大小关系是()A .a b c <<B .c a b <<C .b c a<<D .b a c<<二、多选题9.已知0,0x y >>且41x y +=,则下列说法正确的是()A .11x y+的最小值为9B .xy 的最大值为18C .216x y+的最小值为D .1y x y+的最小值为610.若函数()22xf x b =--有两个零点,则实数b 的取值范围所构成集合的子集为()A .()0,2B .()0,3C .()1,2D .()1,2-11.已知函数()1y f x =+为奇函数,且()()13f x f x -=+,当[]0,1x ∈时,()22xf x =-,则()A .()f x 的图象关于点()1,0对称B .()f x 的图象关于直线2x =对称C .()f x 的最小正周期为2D .()()()12301f f f ++⋅⋅⋅+=-三、填空题12.若a ,0b >,且223a b ab +=+,则ab 的最大值为.13.已知函数()2212x xf x -+⎛⎫= ⎪⎝⎭,则()f x 的单调递减区间为.14.幂函数()()222mf x m m x =--在()0,∞+上单调递增,则()()11x mg x a a -=+>的图像过定点.四、解答题15.已知集合{}221216,430,08x A x B x x ax a a ⎧⎫=≤≤=-+≤>⎨⎬⎩⎭.(1)若2a =,求A B ;(2)若A B =∅ ,求实数a 的取值范围.16.已知函数2()f x ax x=+,且(2)1f -=.(1)证明:()f x 在区间(0,)+∞上单调递减;(2)若1()21t f x t -≤+对[1,)x ∀∈+∞恒成立,求实数t 的取值范围.17.随着我国经济发展、医疗消费需求增长、人们健康观念转变以及人口老龄化进程加快等影响,医疗器械市场近年来一直保持了持续增长的趋势.某医疗器械公司为了进一步增加市场力,计划改进技术生产某产品.已知生产该产品的年固定成本为300万元,最大产能为100台,每生产x 台,需另投入成本()G x 万元,且()2280,04036002012100,40100x x x G x x x x ⎧+<≤⎪=⎨+-<≤⎪⎩,由市场调研知,该产品每台的售价为200万元,且全年内生产的该产品当年能全部销售完.(1)写出年利润()W x 万元关于年产量x 台的函数解析式(利润=销售收入-成本);(2)当该产品的年产量为多少时,公司所获利润最大?最大利润是多少?18.已知函数()23f x x ax a =++-,a ∈R .(1)若()f x 过点(2,6)P ,求()f x 解析式;(2)若()y f x =.(ⅰ)当[]13,x ∈-函数()f x 不单调,求a 的取值范围;(ⅱ)当[]0,2x ∈函数()f x 的最小值是关于a 的函数()m a ,求()m a 表达式19.定义域在R 的单调函数()f x 满足恒等式()()(),(,)f x f y f x y x y R =+-∈,且(1)(2)6f f +=.(1)求(0)f ,(1)f ;(2)判断函数()f x 的奇偶性,并证明;(3)若对于任意1,12x ⎛⎫∈ ⎪⎝⎭都有2()(1)0f kx x f x ++-<成立,求实数k 的取值范围.。

























已知地球半径为地轴R,自转周期为T,地球表面重力加速度为g,则“羲和号”卫星轨道距地面高度为()A.1223222gR TRnπ⎛⎫-⎪⎝⎭B.1223222gR Tnπ⎛⎫⎪⎝⎭C.1223224gR TRnπ⎛⎫-⎪⎝⎭D.1223224gR Tnπ⎛⎫⎪⎝⎭2.如图所示,质量相同的两小球A、B,分别用长l和2l的轻绳挂在不同高度的天花板上,现拉起两小球使绳伸直呈水平状态,然后由静止释放,两小球运动过程中的最低点的位置在同一水平面上,以小球A开始释放的位置所在水平面的重力为零势能参考面,当两小球到达最低位置时()A.两球运动的线速度相等B.两球运动的角速度相等C.取同一水平面作为零势能点,两球的机械能相等D.细绳对两球的拉力相等3.如图所示,在竖直平面内,倾斜固定长杆上套一小物块,跨过轻质定滑轮的细线一端与物块连接,另一端与固定在水平面上的竖直轻弹簧连接.使物块位于A点时,细线自然拉直且垂直于长杆,弹簧处于原长.现将物块由A点静止释放,物块沿杆运动的最低点为B,C是AB的中点,弹簧始终在弹性限度内,不计一切阻力,则下列说法错误的是( )A .物块和弹簧组成的系统机械能守恒B .物块在B 点时加速度方向由B 指向AC .A 到C 过程物块所受合力做的功大于C 到B 过程物块克服合力做的功D .物块下滑过程中,弹簧的弹性势能在A 到C 过程的增量小于C 到B 过程的增量4.一个电阻接入某电路后,消耗的功率为110W ,通过3C 的电荷量时,有330J 的电能转化为内能,则下列说法错误的是( ) A .电阻两端所加电压为330V B .电阻通电时间为3s C .通过电阻的电流为1AD .这个电阻的阻值为110Ω5.如图所示的电路中,电压表、电流表均为理想电表。



B. P4 能在常温下自燃,而 S 不能 D. 酸性:H2SO4>H3PO4
【详解】A.颜色属于物理性质,不能说明非金属性的强弱,A 不选;
B.P4 能在常温下自燃是因为其着火点较低,不能说明非金属性的强弱,B 不选; C.元素的最高价氧化物对应的水化物的酸性越强,中心元素的非金属性越强,H2S 不是最高 价氧化物对应的水化物,不能说明非金属性的强弱,C 不选;
期表结构分析解答,短周期元素 X 和 Y 可以相互形成化合物 X2Y,该化合物中 X 显+1 价、 则 Y 显-2 价,X 对应的是第 IA 族、第 VA 族(N)、第 VIIA 族,Y 对应的是第 VIA 族。
4.下列能说明非金属性 S 强于 P 的是
A. S 的颜色比 P4 的颜色深 C. 酸性:H2S<H3PO4 【答案】D
B. 除 0 族外,由长、短周期元素共同组成的元素族称为主族
C. 主、副族元素的族序数从左到右都是由小到大排列(如ⅠB~ⅦB)
D. 元素周期表共七个横行代表七个周期,18 个纵列代表 18 个族
都等于该元素所属的族序数,故 A 错误;
A. 1 mol I2(s)与 1 mol H2(g)化合生成 2 mol HI(g)时,需要吸收 5 kJ 的能量 B. 2 mol HI(g)分解生成 1 mol I2(g)与 1 mol H2(g)时,需要吸收 12 kJ 的能量 C. 1 mol I2(s)变为 1 mol I2(g)时需要吸收 17 kJ的能量 D. I2(g)与 H2(g)生成 2HI(g)的反应是吸热反应 【答案】D 【解析】 【详解】A.由图可知,1 mol I2(s)和 1 mol H2(g)吸收 5 kJ 热量生成 2 mol HI(g),A 正确; B.由图可知,1 mol I2(g)和 1 mol H2(g)生成 2 mol HI(g)放出 12 kJ 热量,则 2 mol HI(g) 分解生成 1 mol I(g)与 1 mol H2(g)时需要吸收 12 kJ 的能量,B 正确; C.由图可知,1 mol I2(g)变为 1 mol I2(s)放出 17 kJ 的热量,则 1 mol 固态碘变为 1 mol 碘蒸气时需要吸收 17 kJ 的能量,C 正确; D.由图可知,1 mol I2(g)+1 mol H2(g)生成 2 mol HI(g)放出 12 kJ 热量,应 为放热反应, D 错误。 答案为 D。 7.用导线把锌片与铁片连接好,然后平行插入稀硫酸中(如图所示),下列说法正确的是


B. 单位时间内生成xmolNO的同时,消耗xmolNH3,均表示正反应速率,不能说明反应达到平衡状态,B错误;
C. 达到化学平衡时,若增加容器体积,压强减小,则正、逆反应速率均减小,C错误;
D. 反应速率之比是化学计量数之比,则化学反应速率关系是:3v正(NH3)=2v正(H2O),D错误;答案选A。
A. AlB. A12O3C. A1(OH)3D. AlCl3
【详解】m g Al消耗氢氧化钠的物质的量是 ;m g A12O3消耗氢氧化钠的物质的量是 ;m g A1(OH)3消耗氢氧化钠的物质的量是 ;m g AlCl3消耗氢氧化钠的物质的量是 ,故A正确。
12. 下列叙述中正确的是
C.甲烷是正四面体结构,当甲烷中的两个氢原子被氯原子取代得到的 是同一种物质,故C错误;
6. 对可逆反应4NH3(g)+5O2(g)⇌4NO(g)+6H2O(g),下列叙述正确的是
A. 达到化学平衡时,4v正(O2)=5v逆(NO)



新泰一中北校2024级高一上学期期中考试物理试卷考试范围:必修一第四章第3节之前;考试时间:90分钟;2024.11注意事项:1.答题前填写好自己的姓名、班级、考号等信息2.请将答案正确填写在答题卡上第I 卷(选择题40分)一、单选题(本大题共有8个小题,每小题3分,共24分。


)1.根据你对物理概念和规律的理解,下列说法中正确的是( )A.枪膛中子弹加速度约为,射出速度可达,所以加速度大,速度变化就大B.“秋风萧萧,落叶勿勿”,“秋风”可以扫落叶”,但是“秋风”不能扫“汽车”,就是因为落叶质量小,惯性小;汽车质量大,惯性大的缘故。

C.牛顿第一定律是牛顿通过大量实验总结出来的实验结论D.大小相等,方向相反,作用在同一条直线上的两个力一定是一对平衡力2.如图所示为甲、乙两物体运动的位移-时间图像,在内,下列说法正确的是( )A.甲沿曲线运动,乙沿直线运动B.两物体运动路程均为C.两物体的平均速度大小均为D.两物体的运动方向均没有变化3.下面对于物体的受力情况描述正确的是( )A.图(1)光滑球静止在两夹板之间,小球受到两夹板的弹力作用B.图(2)竖直细线悬挂光滑小球在斜面上静止,斜面对小球可能有弹力C.图(3)物体保持相对静止向右匀速,间摩擦力与大小相等D.图(4)对木块施加一沿斜面向上的拉力,木块静止,斜面对木块可能没有摩擦力4.如图所示,两位同学利用自由落体运动测量反应时间,同学用手捏住直尺上端,同学在直尺下方做好1000m /s 0~30s 1m /sA B 、A B 、F A B准备,但手不碰到尺,此时两手间的距离为,重力加速度为。






1. 如图是某植物细胞中Ca2+跨膜运输系统示意图。

下列叙述错误的是()A.Ca2+跨膜运输体现了生物膜的结构特点和功能特性B.图中钙离子泵可能具有催化和运输的功能C.钙离子通道蛋白基因发生突变可能影响Ca2+吸收D.Ca2+进出细胞的跨膜方式均为主动运输2. 下列有关细胞中的无机盐的叙述,正确的是()A.大多数以化合物的形式存在B.无机盐在细胞中的含量较低C.Mg是构成血红素的必要元素D.血液中缺Na+会使动物出现抽搐3. 淋巴细胞主要指T细胞和B细胞,二者共性为()A.都有发挥免疫系统的监控清除功能B.均能分泌淋巴因子C.都能分化为效应细胞D.所含蛋白质相同4. 在适宜时期取材,能观察到减数分裂现象的实验材料是()A.小鼠睾丸B.苔藓叶片C.小鼠造血干细胞D.洋葱根尖5. 为研究强光照对移栽幼苗光合色素的影响,某同学用乙醇提取叶绿体色素,用石油醚进行纸层析,如图为滤纸层析结果(Ⅰ~Ⅰ为色素条带).下列叙述正确的是()A.强光照导致了该植物叶绿素含量升高B.画滤液线时,滤液在点样线上只能画一次C.色素I、Ⅰ吸收光谱的吸收峰波长无差异D.与正常光源相比较,强光照下类胡萝卜素含量升高6. 给严重缺氧的病人输氧时,要在纯氧中混入5%的二氧化碳气体,以维持呼吸中枢的兴奋,二氧化碳参与的这种调节属于A. 神经调节B. 体液调节C. 激素调节D. 神经调节和激素调节7. 下列关于对生物体内水的描述,错误的是()A. 幼小的生物体内自由水与结合水的比值越大时,代谢越活跃B. 自由水是良好的溶剂,是各种代谢活动的介质C. 结合水是组成细胞结构的一部分,约占细胞内全部水分的4.5%D. 心肌坚韧、血液液态,但含水量相差无几,原因是心肌内全是结合水8. 观察植物细胞的吸水和失水可以选用紫色洋葱鳞片叶的外表皮细胞进行实验,如图表示显微镜下所观察到的一个细胞状态,a表示有关区域的体积大小,b为原生质体的体积大小。


















【详解】依据材料“在无人荒岛上享受没有教会、没有国王 生活”可知,作者反对当时的教权和神权,期望没有教会和国王的生活。结合时间“18世纪上半叶”可知,此时正是启蒙运动时期。B正确;人文主义者追求人生享乐的精神反映的是14—16世纪的文艺复兴运动,A错误;人们对罗马教皇的盘剥日益不满反映的是16世纪的宗教改革运动,C错误;鲁滨逊流浪到荒岛不是工业资产阶级奋力开拓世界的表现,D错误。故选B。
A。 腓尼基字母的创制深受阿拉马字母的影响
B. 希腊字母是当今欧洲所有字母的唯一源头
A。 西罗马帝国B. 法兰克王国C。 拜占庭帝国D. 奥斯曼帝国







第I 卷(选择题)一、单项选择题:本题共8小题,每小题5分,共40分。


1. 已知幂函数()y f x =的图像过点,则2log (2)f 的值为( )A .B .2C .12- D .-2 2.“>1”成立的一个必要不充分条件是( )A .x >0B .x >1C .x >2D .x >3 3.下列命题中是假命题的是( ) A .x R ∃∈,0x lge = B .x R ∃∈,tanx x = C .0,2x π⎛⎫∀∈ ⎪⎝⎭,1sinx < D .x R ∀∈,1x e x >+4.已知a=tan 1,b=,c=,则a 、b 、c 的大小关系为( ) A .a b c >>B .a c b >>C .b a c >>D .c b a >>5. 函数2()log 10f x x x =+-的零点所在区间为( ) A .()0,6B .()6,8C .()8,10D .()9,+∞6.下列函数既是偶函数又是周期函数的是A.y=sinB.y=cosC. y=cosD.y=tan (π- )7. 已知函数f (x )= , < , >,则f ()+ f ( )=()A . B. C. D. -18. 20世纪30年代为了防范地震带来的灾害,里克特(C .F.Richter)制定了一种表明地震能量大小的尺度,就是使用测震仪衡量地震能量的等级,地震能量越大,地震仪记录的地震曲线的振幅就越大,这就是我们常说的里氏震级M ,其计算公式为0lg lg M A A =-,其中A 为被测地震的最大振幅,0A 是标准地震振幅,5级地震给人的震感已经比较明显,则7级地震的最大振幅是5级地震最大振幅的多少倍?( ) A .10倍 B .20倍 C .50倍 D .100倍二、多项选择题:本题共4小题,每小题5分,共20分。



山东省新泰市第一中学2019-2020学年高一下学期期中考试试题注意事项:1.答题前填写好自己的姓名、班级、考号等信息 2.请将『答案』正确填写在答题卡上一、单项选择题:本题共8小题,每小题5分,共40分,在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一个是符合题目要求的。

1.复数121z i z i =+=,,其中i 为虚数单位,则12z z 的虚部为( )A .1-B .1C .iD .i -2.在△ABC 中,AD 为BC 边上的中线,E 为AD 的中点,则EB =( ) A .3144AB AC - B .1344AB AC - C .3144+AB AC D .1344+AB AC 3.某校共有学生3 000名,各年级男、女生人数如表所示,已知高一、高二年级共有男生1 120人,现用分层抽样的方法在全校抽取60名学生,则应在高三年级抽取的学生人数为( ) 高一年级 高二年级 高三年级 女生 456 424 y 男生 644xz A .16B .18C .20D .244.已知5件产品中有2件次品,其余为合格品,现从这5件产品中任取2件,恰有一件次品的概率为( ) A .0.4B .0.6C .0.8D .15.(2015新课标全国I 理科)《九章算术》是我国古代内容极为丰富的数学名著,书中有如下问题:“今有委米依垣内角,下周八尺,高五尺.问:积及为米几何?”其意思为:“在屋内墙角处堆放米(如图,米堆为一个圆锥的四分之一),米堆底部的弧长为8尺,米堆的高为5尺,问米堆的体积和堆放的米各为多少?”已知1斛米的体积约为1.62立方尺,圆周率约为3,估算出堆放的米约有( )A .14斛B .22斛C .36斛D .66斛6.如图,平行六面体1111ABCD A B C D -中,11AB AD AA ===,1120BAD BAA ∠=∠=︒,160DAA ∠=︒,则1AC =( )A .1B .2C D7.在正三棱柱(底面是正三角形的直三棱柱)111ABC A B C -中,2AB =,E ,F 分别为11A C 和11A B 的中点,当AE 和BF 所成角的余弦值为710时,AE 与平面11BCC B 所成角的正弦值为( )A .5B C D 8.已知圆C 的方程为22(1)(1)2x y -+-=,点P 在直线3y x 上,线段AB 为圆C 的直径,则PA PB ⋅的最小值为( ) A .2B .52C .3D .72二、多项选择题:本题共4小题,每小题5分,共20分。





下列有关叙述错误的是()A.若某病是由位于非同源区段(Ⅱ)上的致病基因控制的,则患者均为男性B.若X、Y染色体上存在一对等位基因,则该对等位基因位于同源区段(Ⅱ)上C.若某病是由位于同源区段(II)上的基因控制,则其后代中男女发病率相等D.若某病是由位于非同源区段(Ⅱ)上的隐性基因控制的,则患病女性的儿子一定患病5.下列关于有丝分裂与减数分裂的叙述,错误的是()A.有丝分裂产生的子细胞核基因相同,减数分裂产生的子细胞核基因完全不同B.有丝分裂与减数分裂均属于真核细胞的分裂方式,原核细胞不能进行C.有丝分裂与减数分裂的过程中都只发生一次染色体着丝点分裂D.精原细胞既能进行有丝分裂,又能进行减数分裂6.科学家用含15N标记的尿嘧啶的培养基培养大肠杆菌,然后让未被标记的噬菌体侵染大肠杆菌,培养一段时间后,提取大肠杆菌细胞内含15N的RNA,用提取的RNA 分别与噬菌体和大肠杆菌的DNA进行杂交,结果显示提取的RNA只能与噬菌体的DNA形成杂交链。





”诗中反映的信息不包括A. 农民过着衣食无忧的生活B. 农业与家庭手工业相结合C. 农村经济存在性别分工D. 当时的纺织材料中有麻和丝【答案】A【解析】【详解】本题为逆向选择题,考查中国古代小农经济的特点。








造成当时粮食产量增长的最主要原因是A. 农民更加勤劳B. 牛耕犁具等劳动工具的进步和推广C. 农作物品种的改良D. 更加合理地利用了土地资源【答案】B【解析】【详解】东汉粮食产量提高的主要原因是牛耕犁具等劳动工具的进步和推广,出现了二牛一人犁耕法,并得到推广普及。



”这表明荀子强调A. 小农经济的水平低下B. 生产工具比较落后C. 人与自然要和谐共生D. 生态环境遭到破坏【答案】C【解析】材料荀子提出要按自然规律进行砍伐、捕猎,并且制定了各种规则,都是在强调人要与自然万物和谐相处,故C项正确;材料没有提及男耕女织式的农业经济模式,故A项错误;生产工具在材料中没有说明,故B项错误;材料中提及的是保护生态环境,不是说生态环境遭到破坏,故D项错误。



2019-2020学年新泰市第一中学高三英语第三次联考试卷及参考答案第一部分阅读(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项AFour Online EventsThe handshake:an anthropologist’s guideWhat is its biological purpose?What are the best and worst handshakes?In this talk,scientist Ella Al-Shamahi examines the power of touch and argues the handshake is at least 7 million years old.This event will start at 18:00 pm on 25 March and will last one hour.Standard ticket price:£15(A 20%discount for those who buy the ticket before March 20.)A rescue plan for natureWhat do we need to do to restore the planet 's biodiversity and preventthe next pandemic (疫情)?Join scientist Cristian Samper as he talks about how our ignoring nature caused the pandemic-and how we can seize a unique opportunity to build back better.This free event will start at 18:00 pm on 15 April.Origins of lifeWhy is the planet the way it is?How did we get here?Does everything happen for a reason or are some things left to chance?Research shows we live in a world driven by chance.In this talk,biologist Sean B Carroll will tell the stories of the mother of all accidents,and the surprising power of chance in our lives and the world.This event will start at 19:30 pm on 22 April and will last two hours.Standard ticket price:£18(A 10%discount for those who buy the ticket before April 17.)The truth about exerciseShould we all be hitting the gym three times a week?Should we worry about sitting to omuch?If you are strong and fit,can you get away with being inactive?In this talk,specialist Jason Gill introduces what science can really tell us about how much we need to move to live a healthy life.This event will start at 19:00 pm on May 13 and will last one hour,Standard ticket price:£12(A 15%discount for those who buy the ticket before May 8.)1.How much should you at least spend on the event about the handshake?A.£10.2.B.£12.C.£13.D.£16.2.2.From whom can you learn about the origins of life?A.Ella Al-Shamahi.B.Cristian Samper.C.Sean B Carroll.D.Jason Gill.3.What does the four online talks have in common?A.They are science-based.B.They are about cultures.C.They are related to nature.D.They are intended for the young.BDoctors are known to be terrible pilots. They don’t listen because they already know it all, I was lucky: I became a pilot in 1970, almost ten years before I graduated from medical school. I didn’t realize then, but becoming a pilot makes me a better surgeon. I loved flying. As 1 flew bigger, faster planes, and in worse weather, I learned about crew resource management (机组资源管理), or CRM, a new idea to make flying safer. It means that crew members should listen and speak up for a good result, regardless of positions.I first read about CRM in 1980. Not long after that, an attending doctor and I were flying in bad weather. The controller had us turn too late to get our landing ready. The attending doctor was flying; I was safety pilot. He was so busy because of the bad turn, he had forgotten to put the landing gear (起落架) down. He was a better pilot—and my boss—so it felt unusual to speak up. But I had to: Our lives were in danger. I put aside my uneasiness sand said, we need to put the landing gear down now! That was my first real lesson in the power of CRM, and I’ve used it in the operating room ever since.CRM requires that the pilot/surgeon encourage others to speak up. It further requires that when opinions are from the opposite, the doctor doesn’t overreact, which might prevent fellow doctors from voicing opinions again. So when I’m in the operating room, I ask for ideas and help from others. Sometimes they’re not willing to speak up. But I hope that if I continue to encourage them, someday someone will keep me from landing gear up.4. What does the author say about doctors in general?A. They like flying by themselves.B. They are quick learners of CRM.C. They pretend to be good pilots.D. They are unwilling to take advice.5. The author deepened his understanding of the power of CRM when .A. his boss landed the plane too lateB. he was in charge of a flying taskC. he saved the plane by speaking upD. his boss operated on a patient6. In the last paragraph landing gear up probably means .A. following flying requirementsB. making a mistake that may cost livesC. listening to what fellow doctors sayD. overreacting to different opinions7. Which of the following can be the best title for the text?A. CRM: A New Way to Make Flying SafeB. A Pilot-Turned DoctorC. The Making of a Good PilotD. Flying Makes Me a Better DoctorCWhy isn’t science better? Look at career incentive(激励).There are oftensubstantial gaps between the idealized and actual versions of those people whose work involves providing a social good. Government officials are supposed to work for their constituents. Journalists are supposed to provide unbiased reporting and penetrating analysis. And scientists are supposed to relentlessly probe the fabric of reality with the most rigorous and skeptical of methods.All too often, however, what should be just isn’t so. In a number of scientific fields, published findings turn out not toreplicate(复制), or to have smaller effects than, what was initially claimed. Plenty of science does replicate — meaning the experiments turn out the same way when you repeat them -but the amount that doesn’t is too much for comfort.But there are also waysin which scientists increase their chances of getting it wrong. Running studies with small samples, mining data for correlations and forming hypotheses to fit an experiment’s results after the fact are just some of the ways to increase the number of false discoveries.It’s not like we don't know how to do better. Scientists who study scientific methods have known about feasible remedies for decades. Unfortunately, their advice often falls ondeaf ears.Why? Why aren't scientific methods better than they are? In a word: incentives. But perhaps not in the way you think.In the 1970s, psychologists and economists began to point out the danger in relying on quantitative measures for social decision-making. For example, when public schools are evaluated by students’ performance on standardized tests, teachers respond by teaching “to the test”. In turn, the test serves largely as of how well the school can prepare students for the test.We can see this principle—often summarized as “when a measure becomes a target, it ceases to be a good measure”—playing out in the realm of research. Science is a competitive enterprise. There are far more credentialed (授以证书的) scholars and researchers than there are university professorships or comparably prestigious research positions. Once someone acquires a research position, there is additional competition for tenure grant funding, and support and placement for graduate students. Due to this competition for resources, scientists must be evaluated and compared. How do you tell if someone is a good scientist?An oft-used metric is the number of publications one has in peer-reviewed journals, as well as the status of those journals. Metrics like these make it straightforward to compare researchers whose work may otherwise be quite different. Unfortunately, this also makes these numbers susceptible to exploitation.If scientists are motivated to publish often and in high-impact journals, we might expect them to actively try to game the system. And certainly, some do—as seen in recent high-profile cases of scientific fraud(欺诈). If malicious fraud is the prime concern, then perhaps the solution is simply heightened alertness.However, most scientists are, I believe, genuinely interested in learning about the world, and honest. The problem with incentives is that they can shape cultural norms without any intention on the part of individuals.8. Which of the following is TRUE about the general trend in scientific field?A. Scientists are persistently devoted to exploration of reality.B. The research findings fail to achieve the expected effect.C. Hypotheses are modified to highlight the experiments' results.D. The amount of science that does replicate is comforting.9. What doesdeaf earsin the fourth paragraph probably refer to?A. The public.B. The incentive initiators.C. The peer researchers.D. The high-impact journal editors.10. Which of the following does the author probably agree with?A. Good scientists excel in seeking resources and securing research positions.B. Competition for resources inspires researchers to work in a more skeptical way.C. All the credentialed scholars and researchers will not take up university professorships.D. The number of publication reveals how scientists are bitterly exploited.11. According to the author, what might be a remedy for the fundamental problem in scientific research?A. High-impact journals are encouraged to reform the incentives for publication.B. The peer-review process is supposed to scale up inspection of scientific fraud.C. Researchers are motivated to get actively involved in gaming the current system.D. Career incentives for scientists are expected to consider their personal intention.DA male tiger was rescued in Mishan city, Northeast China's Heilongjiang province, on Friday. A tiger was recently seen on the Siner Russian border(边界),but there is no evidence to suggest this is the same tiger or that it had lost its way from Russia.Wherever it may have come from, cross-border protection of endangered species is a problem. According to Ma Jianzhang, a senior wild animal researcher in China, tigers know no borders, which have been built to stop humans from illegally crossing over. However, these borders also stop the free movement of tigers, thus preventing their breeding(繁殖)and exchange of genes.The Sino-Russian border alsocomes in the way ofprotecting tigers in the region. Data show about 500 to 550 Siberian tigers, or over 90 percent of the species, live in the wild in Russia; 27 live in the wild in China, and 50 inthe border region. Sometimes tigers lose their way across the border and that is hindering(妨碍)efforts to stop illegal hunting and protecting them.Fortunately, both China and Russia have realized this problem and are working toward solving it. As early as 2010, the two countries established a cross-border protection network aimed at strengthening communication on protecting tigers in the northeast. The countries have also held anti-poaching(反偷猎)activities together. In 2019, two national parks from the two countries signed a three-year deal to share research data on tigers, greatly improving the living conditions of Siberian tigers in the wild.However, much more needs to be done to protect the species. It is necessary to combine the tiger protection areas in the two countries. That will require greater efforts from both sides and some difficulties might remain even then. Fortunately, both countries have been taking effective measures to provide the endangered species a better home.12. What's the original purpose of setting up the Sino-Russian borders?A. To ban people from illegal crossings.B. To help protect tigers in the region.C. To protect tigers from losing their way.D. To stop tigers' breeding and exchange of genes.13. What does the underlined phrase “comes in the way of” probably mean?A. keeps from.B. is on the way toC. is aimed atD. keeps up14. What is the focus of Paragraph 4 ?A. Recent studies and researches on tigers.B. Joint efforts by China and Russia to protect tigers.C. The possible effects of establishing a networkD. Reasons for improving the living conditions of tigers.15. What's the author's purpose in writing the text?A. To inform the possible dangers of tiger protection.B. To cover the news about a missing tiger on the border.C. To put forward suggestions on finding the missing tiger.D. To report the problems and measures of cross-border tiger protection.第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。



2019-2020学年新泰市第一中学高三英语三模试卷及参考答案第一部分阅读(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项AWhat to See InHarbinParks inHarbin: Snow Sculpture Expo on theSunIslandPark: massive and beautifully carved sculptures of snow. Ice Lantern Festival: where large ice buildings and statues constructed with lights inside that make them glow.SiberianTigerPark: The park has several large caged areas where the tigers roam freely and live as they-would in their natural environment. We enter these caged areas in a specially designed van with large windows to get a look at these beautiful beasts. Live pheasants (雉) are let loose (if you pay) in order to show you the tigers' natural hunting skills.Russian Architecture: Blessed with grace and character, the city is famous for its unique, Russian-influenced architecture. Remnants (残存) from the days when Harbin wasan important stop on the Russian Manchurian Railroad, the dome-shaped structures remind people of pre-revolutionary Russia. The strong Russian flavor continues to impact the city today due to new trade and tourism betweenHarbinandRussia.TheCentral Avenue: Passers-by only street, a perfect remaining part of the busy international business activities at the turn of the 20th century. The 1.4-km long street is a worthy museum of European architectural styles, including Baroque and Byzantine facades, Jewish architectural wonders, little Russian bakeries, French fashion houses, American snack food outlets, and Japanese restaurants.Guogeli Avenue:Harbin's second biggest shopping district dotted with Russian buildings. A tram track is still preserved in the centre of the road. The street is named after Nikolay (Vasilyevich) Gogol (1809-1852); great Russian novelist, dramatist, satirist, founder of the so-called critical realism in Russian literature, best-known for his novel MERTVYE DUSHI I-II (1842, Dead Souls).Saint Sophia Church (built in 1903): The Orthodox church is a wonderful example of Russian Architecture. We only tour the outside of the church. The inside has been turned into some painters' market and is a big disappointment to all who visit it. You are welcome to venture into the church. Entrance fees are RMB20 per person.1. From where does the author look at the tigers?A. Through the windows of his house.B. In the closed areas of tigers.C. In the areas for walking.D. In their natural environment.2. Where can visitors see the most diverse styles of architecture?A. At Ice Lantern Festival.B. On the Russian Manchurian Railroad.C. On TheCentral Avenue.D. OnGuogeli Avenue.3. When walking in the city ofHarbin, what can visitors still strongly feel?A. The Russian flavor.B. The influence of Guogeli's realism.C. The damage to Saint Sophia Church.D. The mixture of American and Japanese cultures.BChimps use loud calls and gestures to make their feelings known but until now, the exact meaning for individual movements has remained a mystery. Now researchers believe they have translated the key gestures used in the chimp community and identified their intentions for the first time.From 4,351 gestures, experts were able to identify 66 that are used for 19 specific message meanings, including showing a foot to tell a child they can climb on their back. The researchers were able to narrow down these 66 gestures to 36 that are used intentionally to achieve 15 purposes. The translations were made by Dr Catherine Hobaiter and her colleagues at St Andrews University in Scotland.Dr Hobaiter used behavior sampling and filmed all recorded cases of gestural communication. Other gestures include stomping their feet to ask another chimp to stop what they are doing, and slapping objects together to ask another to follow them. Of the 19 meanings,17 encouraged interactions to start, or to develop, such as “move closer,” and “change play”. Some of the gestures were found to have more than one meaning. and only 10 of the 66 gestures were used for only a single meaning.Researchers collected a total of 471 video clips from two social groups of chimps at a shelter near Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo. As well as identifying what the gesture means, they also discovered the technique needed to increase the chances of success.“Human children use gestures to communicate before they produce their first words, and their earliest gestures typically appear around 10 months of age,” explained the researchers. “In great apes, there is good evidence that language-trained individuals are capable of acquiring and understanding signals, but this is far less clear in their natural communication. ”4. Chimps slap the objects to____________.A. tell others to stop what they are doingB. ask others chimps to join themC. gather other chimps to move closerD. encourage interactions to start5. What did researchers find after studying 471 video clips?A. Chimps trained in language are good at understanding signals.B. Two social groups of chimps live at a shelter near Kinshasa.C. Language-trained individuals do well in natural communication.D. Chimps’earliest gestures appear around 10 months of age.6. How is the last paragraph developed?A. By analyzing causes.B. By examining differences.C By making comparisons. D. By following time order.7. What can be a suitable title for the text?A A New Research on Chimps B. Human Children and ChimpsC. Getting the Chimps Trained for LanguageD. Translating the Sign Language of ChimpsCA team of researchersfrom theUniversityofColorado Boulderhave created a revolutionary type of robotic muscles. They are strong and flexible at the same time, can feel the movements they perform and, whenever they suffer damage, they can self-heal. However, what is best about them is probably the fact that they are extremely cheap to manufacture.The robotic muscles have been called actuators, and have drawn inspiration from real-life muscles. By creating robots equipped with this kind of actuators, researchers would allowthem to perform movements just like human muscles.To make the robotic muscles work, they filled some flexible material with electrodes(电极)and with liquid and oil. Then, they applied some electricity, and the liquid and oil started moving around the electrodes and powered them. This way, the robotic muscles started contracting and relaxing just like real muscles, but a lot quicker.Researchers also took inspiration from the variety of human muscles, and created more types of actuators, each of them performing a different movement. They called these robotic muscles HASEL ( Hydraulically-Amplified Self-healing Electrostatic). However, they are superior to biological muscles as they are stronger, faster, and more flexible.Even the researchers were amazed they could develop such technology. Eric Acome, the author of one of the studies, explained what is unique about the robotic muscles.“The ability to create electrically powered soft actuators that lift a gallon of water at several times per secondis something we haven't seen before.”These muscles are special because they are also self-healing. This property is given by the liquid placed inside of them, which also gives them a lot more advantages than those mechanisms (机械)using solids. In the end, the material which keeps the liquid, the oil and the electrodes is extremely cheap. It is a type of polymer (聚合物)similar to the one used for potato chips bags, and can be manufactures for only 10 cents.8. What can we learn about actuators?A. They can heal on their own.B. They are biological muscles.C. They can not move like human muscles.D. They are slower to react than real muscles.9. What do actuators use to directly power electrodes?A. Solids.B. Liquid and oil.C. A type of polymer.D. Potato chips bags.10. What is the last paragraph mainly about?A. The origin of actuators.B. The opinions on actuators.C. The advantages of actuators.D. The significance of actuators.11. In which part of a newspaper will the textmost probably appear?A. Health.B. Culture.C. Education.D. Technology.DYou’ve heard that plastic is polluting the oceans — between 4.8 and 12.7 million tonnes enter ocean ecosystems every year. But does one plastic straw or cup really make a difference? Artist Benjamin Von Wong wants you to know that it does. He builds massive sculptures out of plastic garbage, forcing viewers to re-examine their relationship to single-use plastic products.At the beginning of the year, the artist built a piece called “Strawpocalypse,” a pair of 10-foot-tall plastic waves, frozen mid-crash. Made of 168,000 plastic straws collected from several volunteer beach cleanups, the sculpture made its first appearance at the Estella Place shopping center in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.Just 9% of global plastic waste is recycled. Plastic straws are by no means the biggest source(来源)of plastic pollution, but they’ve recently come under fire because most people don’t need them to drink with and, because of their small size and weight, they cannot be recycled. Every straw that’s part ofVon Wong’s artwork likely came from a drink that someone used for only a few minutes. Once the drink is gone, the straw will take centuries to disappear.In a piece from 2018, Von Wong wanted to illustrate(说明)a specific statistic: Every 60 seconds, a truckload’sworth of plastic enters the ocean. For this work, titled “Truckload of Plastic,” Von Wong and a group of volunteers collected more than 10,000 pieces of plastic, which were then tied together to look like they’d been dumped(倾倒)from a truck all atonce.Von Wong hopes that his work will also help pressure big companies to reduce their plastic footprint.12. What are Von Wong’s artworks intended for?A. Beautifying the city he lives in.B. Introducing eco-friendly products.C. Drawing public attention to plastic waste.D. Reducing garbage on the beach.13. Why does the author discuss plastic straws in paragraph 3?A. To show the difficulty of their recycling.B. To explain why they are useful.C. To voice his views on modern art.D. To find a substitute for them.14. What effect would “Truckload of Plastic” have on viewers?A. Calming.B. Disturbing.C. Refreshing.D. Challenging.15. Which of the following can be the best title for the text?A. Artists’ Opinions on Plastic SafetyB. Media Interest in Contemporary ArtC. Responsibility Demanded of Big CompaniesD. Ocean Plastics Transformed into Sculptures第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。




The opening ceremony for the 2020 Tokyo Olympic Games was held at the Olympic Stadium in Tokyo on July 23, 2021 after a year of waiting due to the pandemic. Let's take a look at the highlights which make this opening ceremony unique.No spectatorsThere are no spectators during the opening ceremony in an effort to prevent the spread of the coronavirus infections. About 950 people, including officials and journalists, will watch in the main stadium, organizers said. Fewer athletes are expected to attend the ceremony because many are not allowed to stay for the entire Games due to COVID-19 restrictions.Male and female flag-bearersThe International Olympic Committee has actively encouraged all delegations toselect two flag-bearers at the opening ceremony, including one woman, as women's participation in the Tokyo Games reaches 48.8 percent, making it the most gender-balanced Olympics in the history of the event.Oath (宣誓) session updatedOne of the most symbolic parts of the opening ceremony—the Olympic oath—has been significantly adapted in order to “highlight the importance of solidarity, inclusion, non-discrimination and equality”. The number of oath-takers is also extended from three to six—two athletes, two coaches and two judges.Simplified ceremonyIn the 30-second video showing the rehearsal of the opening ceremony released to the public, the performances are integrated with dances, scenery and other display elements used in Japanese traditional festival activities.In order to prevent and control the COVID-19 pandemic and manage the cost, the Tokyo 2020 Organizing Committee said that the performances of the ceremony will be greatly simplified, with more light and shadow technology used instead of real decorations at the scene.1.Why isn't there any spectator during the opening ceremony?A.To limit the number of people present.B.To highlight the spirit of the Olympic Games.C.To control the spread of an infectious disease.D.To make room for the athletes all over the world.2.Why is each delegation encouraged to select one woman as a flag-bearer in Tokyo Olympics?A.Women will be in a leading position in sports.B.Women athletes make up a larger percentage than ever.C.Women will play a more important part in society.D.More and more women will take part in the Olympic Games.3.Which of the following statements is True according to the passage?A.Oath-takers are made up of six athletes.B.Tokyo uses more real decorations to cut the cost.C.About 950 people watch the entire games in the Tokyo Games.D.The opening ceremony presents the traditional culture of Japan.BKids ages 6 to13 inCape Town,South Africa, really do dig learning at school! With the help of the Earthchild Project, which is offered in schools in two townships, students make worm(蠕虫) farms. The worms break down food waste and make the soil richer. Kids grow seedlings(幼苗) in containers and learn about the importance of good nutrition.The school program also offers yoga(瑜伽). Teachers find that the exercises help students focus better. The students enjoy Earthchild activities. “The children gets so excited”, says teacher Vuyelwa Rola.“The society we are in has a lot of noise. When students are taking part in the Earthchild Project, they feel calm.”Director Janna Kretzmar came up with the idea for the project in 2005. She read about schools inIndiathat involved kids in yoga and learning outside the classroom. She developed the Earthchild Project to offer similar activities inCape Townschools.“We hope the Earthchild Project can help students find solutions to all the challenges they are facing in the world today,” Kretzmar said. “The best place to create change is with the youth, through education.”The Earthchild Project combines schoolwork with hiking, gardening, healthy living, and yoga. “We need more than just math and science to become happy, healthy, inspired, and active citizens of our communities,” says Kretzmar. In some communities inCape Town, children live in poverty. They must walk long distances to get clean drinkingwater. Life is hard. But according to the Earthchild Project’s Carly Appleby, the project works to give hope to every child. “Students who have hope,” she says, “aim for bigger goals”.4. What do students benefit from yoga?A. It helps them calm down.B. It helps them concentrate.C. They can learn some living skills.D. They can learn about the importance of nutrition.5. What are students’ attitude towards the Earthchild Project?A. Uncaring.B. Doubtful.C. Supportive.D. Negative.6. What do you know about the Earthchild Project?A. It was founded in 2005.B. It only offers outside activities.C. The idea came up by Vuyelwa Rola.D. It is aimed at helping students find solutions to challenges.7. What’s the best title of the passage?A. Hard Life inSouth Africa.B. Students’ school life inCape Town.C. Hope from Earthchild Project inCape Town.D. The differences between traditional lessons and Earthchild Project.CThe Rise of Voice TechnologyVoice technology has come a long way. Just a few years ago, it would have been unusable. But now, those who follow the technology know that it has got considerably better.Writing with your voice raises several interesting questions. How difficult is it actually? Human speech involves a lot more starting and stopping with errors and the need for repairing broken sentences than you may think. Even gifted speakers make mistakes. To turn the spoken word into reasonable writing requires lots of planning. You’ll need some kinds of notes or other organisers to make it work.Another question turning speech into writing raises is the style. How would writing make the change that people speak their writing rather than type? Chances are that it would come up with many more short sentencesand more concrete language, which is good. It would probably also rely on prepared phrases a lot more often, which is not available when you are speaking quickly.To confirm this, a column was not written, but dictated (听写). It was composed from brief notes written down for structure only, and it was edited for length, with all of the original errors kept in. Here were the results. The first was that the literal accuracy was extremely high. There weren’t many cases wherethe software had heard one word incorrectly and written down another. But the other result was that the readability of this column was rather bad. Obviously, the blame is not with the technology at all, which turns out to be rather good. Speaking into writing relies on a better human brain than the one we currently possess. Writing is hard. There’s a reason it can’t be done at the speed of speech, in real time.To clarify the matter, this time paragraph breaks were added after the whole writing. Punctuations (标点) had to be spoken aloud, and after a full stop, the first word in the new sentence was capitalized automatically. Some minor punctuation marks were added to make it clearer. To improve accuracy, people “trained” the software beforehand, reading a prewritten passage aloud. Actually it turns out to be more effective. All of these ensure the satisfactory completion of turning speech into writing.Language is the most important tool for human interaction, and voice is one beautiful part of language. With the maturity of modern technology, it has given birth to a great change in the human-computer voice interaction.8. According to the passage, which helps to turn speech into writing in terms of style?A. There is careful planning in advance.B. Errors and broken sentences are avoided.C. People type words as fast as they say them.D. The writing contains more prepared phrases.9. To achieve better results, the author mentions some changes for ______.A. processing errors in a column.B. adding minor punctuation marks.C. increasing the number of brief notes.D. integrating short paragraphs in writing.10. The author suggests that ______.A. human brains are responsible for poor dictated writing.B. writing with voice promises to improve the quality of writing.C. writing is an unnatural act that can hardly be learned and improved.D. technology has a long way to go in the human-computer voice interaction.11. What is the passage mainly about?A. Why people fully intend to turn speech into writing.B. What role voice technology plays in improving readability.C. Where the human-computer voice interaction is at an advantage.D. How voice technology enables the change from speech into writing.DAs summer approaches, many kids and teenagers may find that they have more time in hand. One great way to make use of the extra time is to go on an adventure and travel. Clearly, I am not a naturally adventurous person, but I have found that takingthe risk and challenging myself to explore and travel to unfamiliar places can be a very rewarding experience.Because I am usually quite busy during the school year, most of my travels take place during the summer. Over the past few summers, I have hiked in the Grand Canyon, explored Niagara Falls, and camped out in upstate New York. Although these experiences are varied, they are similar in that they instill (灌输) a sense of appreciation for nature and a more balanced view on life. When I hiked in the Grand Canyon, for example, I was in awe(敬畏) of the geological influences that shaped the canyon.Adventures, of course, are not limited to hiking. There are many other choices, such as camping, volunteering in a foreign environment and travelling to different countries. In my opinion, adventures are more enjoyable with family or a few friends. There is a sense of bonding that one only gets through spending time together in outdoor adventures. For example, when I was in Boy Scouts, I often went on weekend camping trips with my friends. When I came back from a Boy Scouts camping trip, I often was eager to go outside more and explore the parks and nature around me.Next fall, I will attend college. In the meantime though, I hope to make the most of my summer to explore and travel. Now, I am planning on hiking and camping out in Maine.When I visited Maine last fall, I was amazed by how beautiful it was and the tall trees and coasts that exist, and I really hope to enjoy the beauty of nature there this summer.12. We can learn from the first paragraph about the author?A. He is an adventurous person by natureB. He likes challenging himself by travellingC. He enjoys travelling with other adventurersD He needs others’ help when going on an adventure13. Which of the following can make people’s adventure more enjoyable according to the author?A. Going to different countries.B. Going to unfamiliar places.C. Travelling withtheir family or friends.D. Travelling to distant places by themselves.14. What will the author do this summer?A. Explore Niagara Falls.B. Hike in the Grand Canyons.C. Camp out in upstate New York.D. Hike and camp out in Maine.15. Who is probably the author?A. A high school student.B. A college student.C. A friendly guide.D. A warm-hearted teacher.第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

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据图分析可知()A.②过程仅需mRNA、tRNA两种形式的RNA进行参与B.①②④表明基因通过控制蛋白质的结构直接控制生物性状C.镰刀型细胞贫血症只能通过基因检测来确诊D.食物中缺乏酪氨酸会使人患白化病15.下列关于探索DNA 是遗传物质的实验,叙述正确的是A.格里菲思实验证明DNA 可以改变生物体的遗传性状B.艾弗里实验证明从S 型肺炎双球菌中提取的DNA 可以使小鼠死亡C.赫尔希和蔡斯实验中离心后细菌主要存在于沉淀中D.赫尔希和蔡斯实验中细菌裂解后得到的噬菌体都带有32P 标记16.在氮源为14N或15N的培养基上生长的大肠杆菌,其DNA分子分别为14N-DNA(相对分子质量为a)或15N-DNA(相对分子质量为b)。


下列对此实验的叙述错误的是A.Ⅰ代大肠杆菌DNA分子中一条链含14N,另一条链含15NB.Ⅱ代大肠杆菌含15N的DNA分子占全部DNA分子的1/4C.预计Ⅲ代大肠杆菌DNA分子的平均相对分子质量为(7a+b)/8D.上述实验的结果能证明DNA的复制方式为半保留复制17.下列关于真核细胞内的染色体、DNA和基因的叙述中,错误的是( )A.真核细胞内的染色体是细胞核内DNA的唯一载体B.在DNA分子结构中,与脱氧核糖直接相连的一般是一个磷酸基和一个碱基C.DNA分子数与染色体数的比值为1或2D.基因是具有遗传效应的DNA片段18.动物的卵细胞的形成与精子形成过程的不同点是①次级卵母细胞将进行普通的有丝分裂②一个卵原细胞经减数分裂最终只形成一个卵细胞③一个卵原细胞经复制后形成一个初级卵母细胞④卵细胞不经过变形阶段⑤一个初级卵母细胞分裂成的两个细胞大小不等⑥卵细胞中的染色体数目是初级卵母细胞的一半A.②④⑤B.①③⑤C.②③⑥D.①④⑥19.一对表现型正常的夫妇生了一个患半乳糖血症的女儿和一个正常的儿子。

若这个儿子与一个半乳糖血症携带者的女性结婚,他们所生子女中,理论上患半乳糖血症女儿的可能性是A.1/12 B.1/8 C.1/6 D.1/320.一个自然繁殖的直刚毛果蝇种群中,偶然出现了一只卷刚毛雄果蝇。








AABBEE为黑色,aabbee.为白色,其他性状与基因型的关系如图所示,即肤色深浅与显性基因个数有关,如基因型为 AaBbEe、 AABbee与 aaBbEE等含任何三个显性基因的人肤色一样。

若均含3个显性基因的杂合子婚配( AaBbEe × AaBbEe),则子代肤色的基因型和表现型分别有多少种A.27, 8 B.16,9 C.27, 7 D.16,7二、不定项选择题(每道题3分,共30分)26.下图表示无子西瓜的培育过程:根据图解,结合生物学知识,判断下列叙述正确的是()A.秋水仙素处理二倍体西瓜幼苗的茎尖,主要是抑制纺锤体的形成B.四倍体植株所结的西瓜,果皮细胞内含有4个染色体组C.无子西瓜不结种子的原因是因为没有同源染色体D.培育无子西瓜通常需要年年制种,用植物组织培养技术可以快速进行无性繁殖27.下列关于单倍体、二倍体和多倍体的叙述,正确的是()A.二倍体生物只能由受精卵直接发育而来的B.单倍体生物体细胞中不一定只含有一个染色体组C.采用花药离体培养的方法得到的个体是单倍体D.三倍体无子西瓜细胞中都只含有三个染色体组28.根据下图,下列说法正确的是A.Ⅰ过程可发生基因突变,Ⅱ过程可发生基因重组B.Ⅲ过程是在细胞分裂和细胞分化基础上进行的C.有性生殖实现了基因重组,增强了生物变异性D.一般来说,雄体产生精子与雌体产生卵细胞的数目比为1:129.以下哪些属于遗传密码(genetic code)的特点()A.密码子之间不存在任何不编码的核苷酸B.所有生物中,密码子字典几乎通用C.两个相邻的密码子不共用任何核苷酸D.有起始密码子和终止密码子30.图中①-③分别表示人体细胞中发生的三种物质合成过程。

下列说法错误的是A.过程①②发生的场所只有细胞核B.过程①双向合成,过程②单向合成C.过程②的α链中A占17%,U占21%,则对应的DNA片段中T占38%D.骨骼肌细胞中可以发生图示过程②③,造血干细胞中可以发生图示过程①②③31.如图为人体内基因对性状的控制过程,据图分析正确的是()A.该图反映了基因对性状的直接和间接控制B.X1与X2的区别主要是核糖核苷酸排列顺序的不同C.基因2与白化病基因互为等位基因D.人体成熟的红细胞中可进行①②过程,而不进行③④过程32.下列有关细胞分裂的叙述正确的是()A.在细胞分裂间期,DNA复制,染色体数目加倍B.处于有丝分裂后期的果蝇体细胞中存在同源染色体C.在减数第一次分裂的后期发生等位基因的分离D.减数第二次分裂前期的细胞有同源染色体,不含染色单体33.与自由组合有关的叙述中正确的是()A.是生物多样性的原因之一,并能指导作物的杂交B.可指导对细菌的遗传研究C.有n对等位基因的个体自交,后代有2n种表现型,所以产生的变异频率很高D.以分离规律为基础,并与分离规律同时起作用34.下列对遗传规律的叙述,正确的是()A.一对基因为杂合的植株经过多年自交,其后代绝大部分为纯合子B.“复等位基因”的存在并没有违背了体细胞中遗传因子“成对存在”的规律C.两对相对性状的纯合子杂交,子二代中重组性状个体数占总个体数的比例为3/8D.孟德尔豌豆杂交实验中的测交是提出假说的基础35.下列有关生物体内基因、酶与性状的关系,叙述不正确的是( )A.绝大多数酶是基因转录的产物B.一种性状只能由一种基因控制C.基因控制性状可通过控制蛋白质的结构来实现D.细胞只要含有某种酶的基因就一定有相应的酶第II卷(非选择题)(20分)36.(每空1分,共10分) 回答下列病毒的遗传学问题:(1)为研究某病毒的致病过程,在实验室中做了如图所示的模拟实验。
