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摘要 .................................................. 错误!未定义书签。Abstract ................................................. 错误!未定义书签。前言 ................................................................. II 第一章绪论 (1)

1.1研究背景及意义 (1)

1.2短时交通流预测国内外研究现状 (2)

第二章时间序列预测模型相关理论 (2)

2.1时间序列模型预测概述 (2)

2.2时间序列模型预测原理 (3)

2.3时间序列预测算法 (4)

第三章短时交通流预测 (9)

3.1短时交通流预测概述 (9)

3.2短时交通流预测的评价指标 (9)

3.3交通流数据的选择 (10)

3.4数据性质 (11)

第四章运用时间序列模型进行短时交通流预测 (11)

4.1运用三种时间序列算法进行短时交通流预测 (11)

4.1.1趋势拟合法 (11)

4.1.2平滑法 (16)

4.1.3 ARIMA方法 (19)

4.2预测结果对比分析 (21)

4.2.1对一次指数平滑法进行拟合 (22)

第五章结束语 (23)

5.1论文的优点 (23)

5.2论文的不足 (23)

参考文献 (24)

致谢 ................................................ 错误!未定义书签。附录:Matlab软件程序. (25)






With the rapid development of modern society, more and more cars appear in cities, which make the traffic congestion and the traffic accidents emerge endlessly. All these traffic problems are not good for people's travel, and need to be solved immediately. To solve these problems, we need to predict the traffic conditions of a road in a certain period of time in future. We can give important technical support to the traffic and transportation planning, the transportation, the traffic management and traffic control, to realize intelligent traffic. From the perspective of prevention, our paper used the existing historical data (the number of cars, lane occupancy) and the time series model to forecast a short-term future traffic flow data of a road under the condition of considering cost and save more time for solving the traffic problems that will occur in the future.

Using the actual measurement of traffic flow data in GuiYang as the training sample, our paper took advantage of the MATLAB programming and some methods( e.g. the linear fitting, the curve fitting, the moving average, the exponential smoothing and so on) to forecast, analyze and compare. Finally, we improved the result and prediction accuracy of the exponential smoothing method.

Keywords: Intelligent Transportation, Time Series, the Short-term Traffic Flow, the Analysis of Prediction
