Unit 1happy family life

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பைடு நூலகம்

Many people in Western cultures choose their own wives and husbands. In many other cultures, spouses are often chosen by the parents. In China and Japan before this century (20th century), upper-class marriages were arranged by the older males. In many cultures in the Middle East, Asia, and preindustrial Europe, the man's family negotiated a "bride price" with the women's family; the man's family was expected to pay it. In Hindu India, the bride's family paid a "groom's price" to the family of the man. These customs are weakening; for instance, only 9.2 percent of Japanese marriages are now arranged.

2. Listen again and answer the questions
1) Why does the speaker say that some of the past practices related to marriage customs are weakening? Japan 9.2% _____/______/_______________ arranged marriages 2) Why does the speaker say that the races are still largely separate in marriage in the U.S? 3% / between blacks and whites. ________________________________

Unhappy young people will often strike out at the people closest to them
Ex.1. Listen to some ideas that may help
marriage work and fill in the missing information MP3
excel: to be the best or better than reside in: to be present in or consist of something

Joe's talent resides in his storytelling abilities.

Key to the Ex.

40; excel; domestic argument; losing “win-win”; “lose-lose”; win a gift; returns

argue over; aren’t; Who; in control; fear; didn’t need; ought not to; couldn’t; tried to; destroy marriage

What are the important factors for a successful marriage ?

B. Key words:

losing; “lose-lose” solutions control

Vocabulary: attest: to show or prove that something is true attest to
Luxurious furnishings attested to the wealth of the owner.

age height appearance health marital status temperament
character profession education family background income history

Vocabulary: pre-industrial: before industrialization; before industrial revolution

love; loved; secure; discover; garden; cultivate; the most precious; own self; bloom

obtain; our partner; loved and respected; control

distracted: /dɪ’stræktɪd/ a. anxious and unable to think clearly
abuse: /ə’bjuːs/ insulting words; offensive or coarse language 恶言; 辱骂; 粗话: hurl (a stream of) abuse at sb strike out (at sb/sth) : to attack or criticize someone suddenly or violently
SBS 2000 B4
Unit 1 Happy Family Life (I)
Part I Warming up

A. Key words dates specific protect talk understand respect
B. Vocabulary

fatigue: /fə’tiːg/ n. great tiredness; exhaustion foxhole: n. a hole in the ground which soldiers use to fire from or hide from the enemy 散兵坑
spouse: /spauz; US spaus; spaʊs/ wife or husband

What you are going to hear is a passage about how to excel in the art of domestic argument. Supply the missing words while listening. Mp3

1. Listen and write down the three main
criteria people usually maintain for choosing a mate.

Criteria 1: Having______________________. similar social backgrounds Criteria 2: the same race or same ethnic background. Having__________________________. Criteria 3: the same religion Having____________________.

1.Go on ______ with each other. Renew romantic feelings by dates spending special time together _____________________________________ request complain 2. Be as specific as you can when you________ , make a________, _______ praise or offer_________. fatigue insecurities 3. When stressed by ________ or your own___________, imagine you foxhole and your partner in a__________, surrounded by danger. Instead of striking out _____________ at your partner, find a way to _______the partnership! protect 4. When you feel _________ talk about it with your partner “distant,” all marriages 5. Be assured that partners in ____________ sometimes get tired, irritable, or distracted. ___________________________ each other. Work together to understand 6. Respect each other. Leave if danger exists. Find professional _______ ___________ physical help if_______ , sexual, emotional, or ______ abuse occurs. verbal “understand’ “win” 7. Fight to____________ , not to _______

configuration: /kən,fɪgə’reɪʃən, -gjʊ- US -gjʊ-/ the arrangement of the parts of something; shape 某物的构造﹑ 结构﹑ 布局; 形状; 外观:
the configuration of the earth's surface
Part II All you Need Is Love?

A. Choosing a Mate Pre-listening discussion: What do you weigh (value) most and least in choosing an ideal husband or wife? Choose three things you value most and least from the following list, arrange them in the order of importance and explain why.

propose: to make an offer (of a marriage) e.g. Tom proposed to Miss Brown
criterion: / kraɪ,tɪərɪən; kraɪˋtɪrɪən/ (pl.) criteria, an established standard or principle, on which a judgment or decision is based. e.g. Practice is the only criterion of the truth.