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第17卷 第3期V ol.17 N o.3


Jo urnal of Hunan Educat ional Institute






摘 要:Hav e和there be可以互换:Have既可用作行为动词,也可用作使役动词,二者的侧重点不同;Have to用作情态动词。

关键词:互换 行为动词 使役动词 情态动词

一 Have和There be互换

Have表示“所有”,ther e be表示“存在”,这是不可混淆的。这一界说使英语初学者以为二者不可逾越。但是美国语言学家托马斯・克罗韦尔在他所著的《英语用法指南》中写下这样的句子:T he shop did not have shoes,实质上,它在意义上完全等于T her e w ere no shoes in the shop.《英语九百句》也有这样的话: Chicago ha s many m or e peo ple than Washinto n-about five tim es as many。这句话传达的信息完全等于T her e ar e many mo re peo ple in Chicago than in Wa shing ton-abo ut five times as many.这两部权威著作以及大量类似语言现象告诉我们,在某些情况下Have和T her e be是可以互换的。

1.表示物、时空和地方结构上的“含有”时,hav e和there be可以互换


1)A n apple has wat er in it.

=T her e is w ater in an apple.

2)D oes the back doo r hav e a lo ck on it?

=Is ther e a lo ck o n the back doo r?


1)A century has o ne hundred year s.

=T her e are o ne hundred year s in a cent ur y.

2)T he year has fo ur seasons.

=T her e are fo ur seasons in the yea r.


1)T he fir st house I r emember living in,…had a n outdoo r t oilet.

=T her e w as a n o utdo or to ilet in the first ho use

I r emember living in.

2)…o r per haps in t he cellar o f o ne of its spacio us privat e ro oms,ther e is a r oo m.It has one lo cked door and no windo w.

=T her e is o ne lo cked doo r and no w indow in the ro om.

2.Have存在句和there be存在句可以


夸克等人认为,有一类动词用hav e的存在句,其主语可以是人和物,这种句子称为have存在句。它间接地含有“存在”的意义,动词hav e含“所有”的意义非常弱。这类句型和there be句型的基本意义相同,可以互换。如:


1)He has sev era l fr iends in China.

=T her e are sev er al friends of his in China.

2)I hav e tw o butto ns missing on the coat.

=T her e are tw o butt ons missing o n t he co at.


1)T he r oo f has leaks on it.

=T her e are leaks on the ro of.

2)Has the house a gar den?

=Is t here a g arden at the fro nt/back of the house?


有时候,本应该用there be的地方,却违反逻辑用了hav e.这主要是在口头交际中增进情感交流的需要,用hav e比用纯客观的ther e be更显得亲切随和。



Shop A ssistant:We ha ve a lot of new tinned fr uit just come in…

Bet ty:W hat have y ou in it?

Shop A ssistant:W e hav e pears,peaches, aprico ts,pineapples,plum s and a mix ed-fr uit sa lad.

水果装在罐头里,应该用ther e be才合逻辑。店员当时没有考虑是否合符逻辑,而是为了缩短与顾客的情感距离,用W e hav e作了不合逻辑的转换,但是我们却不能否认这是正确的英语。




1)W e have much rain t his year.

=T her e is much r ain this y ear.

2)W e shall have bea ut iful wea ther tomo r ro w accor ding to t he weather r epo rt.

=T here will be beaut iful w ea ther tomo r ro w accor ding to t he weather r epo rt.


We hav e tr ains leav ing her e hourly for the city.

=T her e ar e tra ins leav ing her e hour ly for the city.


1)We have thr ee t ho usa nd st udents in o ur univer sity.

=T here ar e t hr ee thousand students in o ur univer sity.

2)In the g ar den w e have fruit tr ees,r ose bushes …and a lar ge law n.

=T her e are fr uit t rees,ro se…and a lar ge law n in the g arden.

二 用作行为动词时具有多种含义


1)allo w:I only hav e g oo d childr en in t he r oo m.

2)t olerate;I wo n p t have bad behav ior s.

3)know:I hav e it.

4)under st and:He has a little Gr eek,but no L atin.

5)be w or ried abo ut:P ar ent s alw ays have t heir childr en p s educat ion,emplo yment and marr iag e o n their minds.


1)ea t:T he who le family ar e having supper at a ro und table.

2)wear:T his g ir l likes to hav e on red clo theS.

3)drink:Do yo u hav e tea fo r br eakfast?



1)carr y o n:T he student s o ften have t alks in Eng lish.

2)hold:T hey had a successful Eng lish evening.

3)at tend:T he students have four classes in the mor ning.


1)take:M a y I hav e this one?

2)seize:N ow I have y ou.

3)r eceive:Hav e you had his lett er in r eply?

4)g et:I thoug ht my self entitled to a little rest if such could be had.

5)find:T hat is abo ut the only w or k to be had at this tim e of the y ea r.


1)use:Do es yo ur teacher alw ay s have a t ext bo ok for Eng lish lessons?

2)buy:One thing w as not to be had—mosquit o net ting.

3)ex perience:W e had a slig ht ear thquake last night?

4)t ake car e of:Can yo u hav e the children fo r a few day s?


1)suffer fr om:She had a bad headache yester day.

2)cheat:L oo k o ut.He do es not hav e y ou as he did me.

3)deliv er:M y dad w as still locked up w hen my wife went int o this same ho spit al,…to hav e our first ba by.


Even this can have embar rassing r esults.

三 在特定情况下失去本身词汇意义

have+a+由行为动词转化的名词,表示一次性动词。这类短语意义的重心落在转化而来的名词上, have只是搭配的需要,本身不具备词汇意义。如: have a sw im游泳 hav e a seat就坐

have a ta lk交谈 hav e a wa lk散步

have a loo k看看 have a r ide乘车


第3期 欧阳琦:动词Have用法研究
