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• An inertial reference frame is a coordinate frame in which Newton’s laws of motion are valid. Inertial reference frames are neither rotating nor accelerating.
•drift: zero bias – accumulates even if you are not moving!
4.1.1 Principles
4.1.1 Principles
–Gyroscopes: Sensors for measuring rotation (angular rate). They are used to give the orientation of an object (for example: angles of roll, pitch, and yaw of an a百度文库rplane).
Modern Marine Navigation System Theory
第一部分 导航系统概述 第二部分 经典导航系统 第三部分 卫星导航系统 第四部分 惯性导航系统 第五部分 组合导航系统
第四部分 惯性导航系统
Inertial Navigation System
• Inertial navigation uses gyroscopes and accelerometers to maintain an estimate of the position, velocity, attitude, and attitude rates of the vehicle in or on which the inertial navigation system (INS) is carried out, which could be a spacecraft, missile, aircraft, surface ship, submarine, or land vehicle.
➢ 4.1 概述
➢ 4.2 平台式惯导(Platform Inertial Navigation)系统的基本原理
➢ 4.3 捷联式惯导(Strapdown Inertial Navigation)系统的基本原理
➢ 4.4 惯导系统的误差分析(error analysis)
➢ 4.5 惯导系统的初始对准(initial alignment)
• inertial: integrate translational accelerations and angular velocities over time
–advantage: always available
–disadvantage: errors accumulate
•noise: “integrated random walk” accumulates linearly in time, i.e., more rapidly than typical noise, which accumulates as t1/2
–MEMS inertial sensors: MEMS Inertial Sensors consist of miniature devices that combine electrical and mechanical inertial sensing components. Typical of such devices are accelerometers containing miniature proof masses and sensing electronics and gyroscopic devices.
• The input axis of an inertial sensor defines which vector component it measures. Multiaxis sensors measure more than one component.
4.1.1 惯导系统的基本原理(Principles)
Modern systems can be:
Mechanical (platform)
Simple gyros Accurate
Electronic (strapdown)
Few moving parts Smaller Cheaper
Inertial Navigation Systems
• Aircraft systems use – Pendulum accelerometers or MEMS • Micro-electromechanical sensors – Ring laser gyros • To measure angular change
4.1 概述 4.1.1 惯导系统的基本组成及原理 4.1.2 载体位置,姿态和方位 4.1.3 舒勒原理
Inertial Navigation Systems
• Early systems required precise mechanical parts • Bigger is more accurate
–Accelerometers: Sensors for measuring acceleration. Cannot measure gravitational acceleration. Accelerometers sense a linear change in rate (acceleration) along a given axis.
• INS complements GPS
Ring Laser Gyro
Basic Concepts of Inertial Navigation
• Inertia is the propensity of bodies to maintain
constant translation and rotational velocity, unless disturbed by forces or torques, respectively (Newton’s first law of motion).