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Molly: Oh, this is great! That’s incredible. There’s got to be 7 or 8 feet up there.

Carl: And 80 years of dust.

M: Look at all this height!We can put our bedroom upstairs and that’ll leave us with all this space.

Sam: For what?

M: Just for space.

Together: 1, 2, 3 and 4? And 5? Watch it, watch it.

C: God, this place is huge

M: It’s beautiful.

C: God.

M: You guys, it’s absolutely incredible.

C: Incredible.

S: A little paint…

C: Let’s see, you can then sell this tomorrow and double your money.

M: Car l, you’re obsessed.

C: a little bit.

S: Woo! look. Hey, it’s an Indian head penny. 1898. It’s good omen.

M: You are the good omen. Oh, it’s so great.

C: I had Rose moved you from 3 o’clock. to 4 o’clock ‘cause Gary Allen called late yesterday. He has to see you about the final painting bids for the loft. 3:00 is the only time he can make it. Sam? What are you doing?

S: I’m sorry.

C: Relax, man. This isn’t brain surgery you’re going into.

S: Pitching these Japanese guys makes me so nervous. That’s it.

C: S am, you’re gonna be great, OK?

S: I mean, what am I supposed to say. I mean, I can’t very well tell them my Swedish pompom girl joke you know.

C: Those are great. Where ‘d you get those?

S: Nice, huh? Molly. What do you think? Are they me?

C: Man, look at that. A Testarossa.

S: Pay off your Mustang first.

S: How are you feeling? What did the doctor say?

C: He said it was contagious that it was really.

S: No.

C: He said I shouldn’t be ing in today.

S: What about the rash?

C: The rash?

S: Mm-Hmm.

C: The ras h is also incredible contagious. He said they’ve both been spreading.

S: No. On your genitals again?

C: Yeah, right on genital. Basically everywhere. He said that I shouldn’t touch anyone. Excuse me. I’m sorry..

S: You’re sick.

C: I know.

S: Morning, Paul.

Paul: Morning Carl, Sam.

Lady: Morning Mr. Wheat.

S: Morning Susan. You’re looking good.


S: Yeah…here it is.

C: Thanks.

Lady: Morning Sam.

S: Morning. Listen, the Kobiashi people.

Lady: They’re already here.

S: They’re early.

Lady: I know.

S: e here. How long have they been here?

Lady: About 10 minutes. Andy Dillon called. And says he needs $900.000 transferred to Albany by 10:00.

S: By 10:00?

Lady: Yes.

S: Carl?

C: Yeah.

S: Dillon needs 900.000 dollars in Albany by 10:00. Can you transfer it to his pay roll account? C: Yeah. I need your Mac code.

S: OK. Discretion, right?

C: Got it. You bet. I’ll do it right now. Bill, I’ll call you back.

S: OK. Excellent, e on. It’s fine. Ah man. Can you get this?

M: Where are you guys from? The New York City Ballet? Almost……Ah, ah!

S: Saved your life.

M: Sam, you shit, you scared me to death. Why did you do that?

S: Better than seeing this gorgeous body splattered all over the place. Look out, look out.

M: Ah……

C: Sam, Molly, you guys home?

M: Carl, did you invite him?

S: Slave labor

M: Carl?

C: What?

M: Here help.

S: Oh, my God, I’ve got it.

C: Right here.
