• if 条件1
• then
• 语句11
• else
• if 条件2•then Nhomakorabea•
语句22 ;
• 【例】:计算下列函数 •
分析:根据输入的x值,先分成x>0与x≤0 两种情况,然后对于情况x≤0,再区分x是 小于0,还是等于0。
• 程序代码:
program ex;
label 标号1,标号2………
program js(input,output); Var n,i,j:integer; begin
• readln(ch);
• case ch of
• ‘+’:s:=x+y;
• ‘-‘:s:=x-y;
• ‘*’:s:=x*y;
• ‘/’:s:=x/y
• end;
• writeln(x,ch,y,’=’,s)
• end.
1.求一元二次方程ax2+bx+c=0的根。 算法分析:方程的系数a,b,c决定了方程有无根,是几个根,是 实数根还是复根。 2.打印某年某月有几天。 算法分析:可分为以下3种情况: 每年的1,3,5,7,8,10,12这七个月每月为31天; 每年的4,6,9,11这四个月为30天; 2月又分为两种情况:闰年为29天,否则为28天。 判断闰年的条件:年数能被4整除,并且不能被100整除,或者 年数能被400整除;
例如,VAR A,B:BOOLEAN;3、布尔类型是顺序类型由于这种类型只有两个常量,Pascal语言中规定ture的序号为1,false的序号为0。
4、布尔类型的输入与输出a)输出VAR A,B:BOOLEAN;BEGINA:=TRUE;B:=FALSE;WRITELN(A,B);END.TRUEFALSEb)布尔类型变量不能直接用读语句输入布尔类型变量不能通过读语句给它们提供值。
4. 跨平台支持:PASCAL编译器可以生成适用于不同操作系统的可执行代码,包括Windows、Mac和Linux等。
下面是一个简单的示例程序,展示了PASCAL的基本语法和特性:```program HelloWorld;varname: string;beginwriteln('Please enter your name:');readln(name);writeln('Hello, ', name, '!');end.```在这个例子中,程序首先输出提示用户输入姓名的消息,然后读取用户输入的姓名,并输出欢迎消息。
program exam(input,output);vara,b,c:integer;procedure exchange(var x,y:integer);vart:integer;begint:=x;x:=y;y:=tend;beginwrite('请输入三个整数:');readln(a,b,c);if a<b then exchange(a,b);if a<c then exchange(a,c);if b<c then exchange(b,c);writeln('从大到小排列为:',a:6,b:6,c:6)end.2、求出1000以内的所有质数并输出。
program exam(input,putput);varflag:boolean;i,j:integer;beginwriteln('1000以内的所有质数如下:');i:=2;write(i:4);for i:=3 to 1000 dobeginflag:=true;j:=2;repeatif i mod j=0 then flag:=false;j:=j+1until (i=j) or not flag;if flag then write(i:4)end;writelnend.3、已知某月一号为星期三,试根据输入的该月某日期判断当天为星期几。
program exam(input,output);varweek:(Sun,Mon,Tues,Wed,Thur,Fri,Sat);day:1..31;i:integer;beginwrite('已知某月一号为星期三,请输入该月某日期:');readln(day);week:=Sun;for i:=0 to (day+1) mod 7 do week:=succ(week);write('该日期为星期');case week ofSun: writeln('日');Mon: writeln('一');Tues:writeln('二');Wed: writeln('三');Thur:writeln('四');Fri: writeln('五');Sat: writeln('六')endend.4、输入一个0~30之间的整数,用递归法求其阶层并输出。
目录第一部分 PASCAL语言程序设计 (2)第一章 PASCAL语言基础 (2)第一节程序的组成与上机调试运行 (2)第二节常量、变量与数据类型 (3)第三节表达式与标准函数 (6)第四节赋值语句、输入与输出语句 (9)习题 (13)第二章程序的三种基本结构 (15)第一节顺序结构 (15)第二节选择结构 (15)第三节循环结构 (17)习题 (20)第三章数组 (22)第一节一维数组 (22)第二节二维数组及应用 (25)习题 (26)第四章字符与字符串操作 (29)第一节字符和字符数组 (29)第二节字符串变量 (29)第三节字符串应用举例 (31)习题 (33)第五章函数与过程 (35)第一节自定义函数 (35)第二节自定义过程 (38)第四节递归 (42)第五节递归与回溯 (45)习题 (50)第一部分 PASCAL语言程序设计第一章 PASCAL语言基础Pascal语言是瑞士苏黎士工科大学的Niklans Wirth(沃思)1971年发表的,是为了纪念17世纪法国著名哲学和数学研究者Blaisc Pascal而将它命名为Pascal程序设计语言。
例1-1 输入两个整数a和b,计算a和b的和(a+b)。
【参考程序】program a1(input,output); //程序首部var a,b,c:integer; //程序说明部分,a,b,c被说明为整型变量begin //程序执行部分,下面是程序的内容write('a='); //在屏幕上输出一个字符串“a=”,输出完后不换行read(a); //从键盘输入一个数值赋给变量awrite('b='); //在屏幕上输出一个字符串“b=”,输出完后不换行read(b); //从键盘输入一个数值赋给变量bc:=a+b; //计算a+b的和,并将这个和赋值给变量cwriteln(a,'+',b,'=',c); //输出a+b=c的等式,输出完后换行 end. //程序结束【样例输入】a=10b=30【样例输出】10+30=40由上可以看出,一个Pascal程序由以下三部分组成:(1)由Program 引导的一行是Pascal程序的首部。
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尔特(Niklaus Wirth)开发。
Pay-Per-View Addressable Cable Television License Agreement有线电视经营许可-WHEREAS, the Distributor owns all rights to certain live professional wrestling exhibitions currently known as DDD , EEE , FFF , GGG , HHH and the III (collectively the JJJ ), including the right to communicate a video version of the JJJ in its entirety in the form of a video program, such JJJ, any delay feed and any encore presentations, collectively referred to as the Video Programs , throughout the United States, including its territories, commonwealths, trusteeships and possessions (theTerritory andWHEREAS, the Service is affiliated with numerous cable television operators, multiple point microwave distribution systems ( MDS ), Satellite Master Antennae Television Systems ( SMATV ), Video Dial Tone/OVS, VOD, Telco and PrimeStar, a company distributing the signal via KU Band, and C band satellite service, (theAffiliates ) which own or possess rights of access to one or more addressable cable television systems, MMDS systems,SMATV systems, Video Dial Tone/OVS, VOD, Telco systems consisting of facilities, equipment and/or cable transmission paths capable of exhibiting the Video Programs to their addressable subscribers; andWHEREAS, the Distributor and the Service desire to enter into a licensing agreement so that Distributor may communicate the Video Programs to the Service for transmission to its Affiliates for exhibition to their addressable and/or trap subscribers, who agree to pay a fee (the Pay-Per-View Charge ) for being able to watch the Video Programs ( Pay Per-View SubscribersNOW THEREFORE, the Distributor and the Service agree as follows:1. LICENSE:1.1 License: The Distributor hereby licenses the Service on a limited nonexclusive basis to transmit to the Ser vice’s Affiliates which includes BBB Only Affiliates, Dual Affiliates and Event Only Affiliates hereinafter defined in Section 9.3, subject to all the terms and conditions set forth herein, the Video Programs to the Affiliates (the License ). Such transmissions shall be made, in each instance, atthe times for the live presentation for each Video Program designated by the mutual agreement of the parties set forth in Section The License applies only to the Video Programs which Video Programs may promote, market and advertise any of the Distributor’s JJJs, participants, other programs, merchandise or other properties, provided that the Distributor’s JJJs are wrestling related and that they cross promote the Video Programs.1.3 Distributor shall retain exclusive control of the Video Programs.Neither Service nor its Affiliates use the name and/or likenesses of any of the Distributor’s character(s), person(s) or entity or of the Distributor’s trademarks, servicemarks or logos of any person(s) or entity appearing in the applicable Video Program except for advertising purposes as Distributor directs.1.4 This License is limited to the Service’s transmission of the Video Programs solely to its Affiliates as listed in Addendum Number 1 and is non-exclusive with respect to such Affiliates, defined as:(A) The Service’s shareholders’ owned and operated cable systems;(B) The Service’s independent cable systems currently under contract to carry the Service’s VC Distribution Pay-Per-View ( PPV ) Channel(s); and(C) The Service’s SMATV systems as listed on Addendum Number 2. Addenda Number 1 and 2 are to be submitted for each Video Program.(D) JJJ only Affiliates.(E) Titan will not solicit the Service’s Affiliates.1.5 This License does not extend to and does not permit the service to transmit the Video Programs to anyone else whomsoever and does not extend to and does not permit the Affiliates to cablecast or exhibit the Video Programs outside or beyond their respective cable television communities, consisting of their own addressableand/or trap subscribers except as to PrimeStar which shall be the entire Territory.1.6 This License is further limited to the Affiliates’ exhibition of the Video Programs to Pay-Per-View Subscribers in their private dwelling units so they may watch the Video Programs on their television sets. This License does not extend to and does not permit the Affiliates to cablecast or exhibit the Video Programs to any non-residential subscribers or subscriber locations outside of residential units, except for private rooms, in hotels, motels, dormitories, fraternities and sororities, unless specifically identified and mutually agreed upon, including, without limitation, the following:(A) Any subscribers or subscriber locations open to the public at large;(B) Any subscribers operating commercial establishments, such as restaurants, bars or other facilities for public entertainment and amusement; and(C) Any subscribers charging an admission fee for watching theVideo Programs.1.7 This License does not extend to and does not permit the Service to duplicate, copy, record or transcribe the Video Programs by any means whatsoever for its own use. However, the Service shall make two (2) copies of the satellite feed in order to have available a recording of the Video Programs for use in transmitting the replay(s), encore presentation(s) and Authorized Replays. Once the replay(s), encore presentation(s) and Authorized Replays of the Video Programs are completed, the copy(ies) shall be completely erased or otherwise destroyed.1.8 This License strictly prohibits any and all knowing acts of commission or omission on the part of the Service which would permit or facilitate the cablecasting and exhibition of the Video Programs to anyone, other than its Affiliates’ Pay-Per-View Subscribers; and neither the Service nor its Affiliates shall, for any reason whatsoever, open the television signal carrying the Video Programs to all their subscribers, unless all have agreed to pay the fee for watching the applicable Video Programs on their television sets except for the Countdown Show which may be shown in the clear.1.9 This License does not convey, sell, lease or assign to the Service any rights and/or interests, whatsoever, in or to the Video Programs. Furthermore, all media or methods of exhibition or exploitation of the Video Programs not expressly licensed to the Service, pursuant to this License Agreement, are entirely reserved to the Distributor who, except for the restrictions set forth in Section 16, may fully exhibit and exploit the Video Programs at any time without limitation and without regard to the extent to which such exhibition and exploitation compete with this License to the Service.1.10 Distributor shall make available to Service all programs Distributor makes available to any other CCC or service.1.11 Service shall retransmit the Video Programs to its Affiliates during each year of the term (hereinafter defined) via the most widely viewed BBB channel(s) ( VC Distribution Pay-Per-View Channels ) offering Pay-Per-View events for exhibition to the Affiliates’ Pay-Per-View Subscribers who pay a Pay-Per-View Charge to view the Video Programs. In addition to the above, Service may also retransmit the Video Programs on other VC Distribution Pay-Per-View Channels.2. PROGRAMS: The License shall only apply to the VideoPrograms, specified herein, and does not apply to any of the Distributor’s other non-pay-per-view video programs.2.1 The Video Programs, consistent with Section 1.2 may promote, market or advertise the World Wrestling Federation, professional wrestlers, professional wrestling events, the Distributor’s other video programs, if any, and/or the Distributor’s own duly authorized merchandise, not to exceed three (3) minutes in the aggregate per Video Program. However, the Video Programs shall not promote, market or advertise any other commercial services or products except for Distributor’s sponsorships. The merchandise will be appropriately related to the JJJ and consistent with a TV rating substantially similar to the TV rating of the Distributor’s other syndicated and cable broadcast programs.2.2 The Distributor shall be responsible for all costs and expenses arising in connection with communication of the Video Programs to the Service including, without limitation, the generation and transmission of both the satellite feed and the replay satellite feed.3. TERM: The Term of License shall commence on _________(M,D,Y) and extend until the later of (a)_________(M,D,Y); and/or (b) Distributor’s receipt of the last final accounting statement and payment due from Service for the last Video Program delivered (_________(M,D,Y)), unless otherwise terminated as provided herein, or at any time during the Term as a consequence of a breach by the Service and the Service’s failure to cure as provided in Section 23.3 herein of the material terms and conditions of the License.3.1 If the Service or any of its Affiliates fail to complete the transmission, cablecasting and/or exhibition of any of the Video Programs, such failure shall not operate to extend the Term of this License Agreement.3.2 All provisions of this License Agreement which expressly or by necessary implications survive the expiration or earlier termination of the Term shall do so, including, but not limited to, any representations, warranties and indemnities.3.3 Automatic Extension: At the expiration of the Term and in the event that the parties have not executed a new agreement and the parties are continuing to exhibit the Distributor’s Video Programs, this Agreement shall be extended on an event by event basis, cancelable by either party upon thirty (30) days written notice.3.4 Program Content: The Video Programs shall contain substantially the same content and TV rating as the Distributor’s other syndicated and cable broadcast programs.4. TERRITORY: This License Agreement shall only apply to the geographic area served by the Service’s Aff iliates and encompassing each Affiliate’s usual and customary addressable and/or trap subscribers in the Territory defined in the Premises.5. C BAND AUTHORIZED REPLAYS: Service has the right to exhibit any number of replays of each Video Program for the C Band TVRO market, as listed in Schedule C, through midnight Friday following the original presentation(such replays, the C Band Authorized Replays ). For the avoidance of doubt and notwithstanding anything above, Service shall not have the right to exhibit the original presentation and its replay on the day of the JJJs to the C Band TVRO market.6. PROGRAM DELIVERY AND TRANSMISSION: Service shall provide its satellite and distribution facilities to allow Distributor to deliver the Video Programs vi a the Service’s Satelliteto all Service’s Affiliates as well as to the Distributor Affiliate base licensed directly by Distributor, but not to affiliates of any other CCC or service licensed by Distributor. The Service and/or the Affiliates shall encode, address and decode the signal, thus making available the Video Programs to all applicable Pay Per-View Subscribers (except DBS subscribers of PrimeTime 24 or any other DBS service licensed by Distributor which might interrupt the Service’s service at any time), including the Service’s Affiliate base as well as the Distributor Affiliate base. The satellite time provided by Service to Distributor shall include that amount of testing time jointly deemed necessary by Distributor and Service for transmission of the Video Programs. Manual controls will be jointly developed by Distributor and the Service to ensure that only authorized Service/Distributor Affiliates receive the Video Programs. Distributor shall deliver an encrypted broadcast quality signal of the Video Programs to a satellite which shall retransmit the signal to Service’s downlink facility. Delivery of the signal of each Video Program shall be deemed complete upon the Service’s receipt at the Service’s downlink facility. Service requires a primary si gnal and a backup signal of each Video Program. Attached as Exhibit 1 is a description of Service’s technical specifications. Distributor’s Affiliate base, for no additional compensation, may access Service’s signal from Service’s satellites if it has comp atible decoders which presently are *****.6.1 The Distributor shall immediately be excused from delivery of any of the Video Programs to the Service upon the occurrence of any of the following:(A) A governmental or quasi-governmental agency by order or ruling requires the cancellation or postponement of the JJJ.(B) A licensed physician certifies that any of the participants for the JJJ are mentally or physically disabled so that they cannot participate in the JJJ.(C) The participants for the JJJ fail or refuse to participate in the JJJ, or are disqualified from participating in the JJJ for reasons beyond the Distributor’s reasonable control;(D) The Distributor, in its sole discretion, determines that the transmission, cablecast and/or exhibition of any of the Video Programs would infringe upon the rights of others and subject the Distributor to a material liability;(E) The Distributor, in its sole discretion, determines that thetransmission, cablecast and/or exhibition of any of the Video Programs would otherwise subject the Distributor to any material liability.(F) The JJJ is delayed or prevented from occurring on the scheduled date or at the scheduled time for any reason beyond the Distributors reasonable control;(G) The generation and transmission of the television signal carrying any of the Video Programs is delayed or prevented from occurring on the scheduled date or at the scheduled time for any reason (including without limitation: weather conditions) beyond the D istributor’s reasonable control; and/or(H) The domestic telecommunications satellite fails to operate, receive and/or retransmit the television signal to the Service’s downlink facility for any reason (including without limitation: weather conditions).7. PROGRAM TRANSMISSION AND EXHIBITION: The Service shall receive the television signal for the Video Programs at its downlink facility; re-encode the television signal; and then uplinkthe television signal to the Service’s domestic telecommunicatio ns satellite for transmission to its Affiliates, who shall downlink and cablecast the Video Programs for exhibition to their Pay-Per- View Subscribers.7.1 The Service and the Affiliates shall transmit, cablecast and/or exhibit the Video Programs in their entirety, including all titles, credits and copyright notices on the Video Programs.7.2 The Service and the Affiliates shall not cut, edit, change, add to, delete from or revise the Video Programs in any way whatsoever. In the event that the Service determines that some part(s) of the Video Programs and/or Distributor’s publicity and advertising may be offensive to the Affiliates’ subscribers, the Service shall immediately contact the Distributor to develop a mutually agreeable solution.7.3 The Service and the Affiliates shall not interrupt the Video Programs for any commercial breaks, news bulletins or public announcements, unless the Distributor approves such interruptions in writing or is due to a law or other governmental or court order.7.4 The Service and the Affiliates shall not delay, defer or reschedule the transmission, cablecasting and/or exhibit of any Video Program, and shall not retransmit, recablecast and/or exhibit any Video Program at any time other than as contemplated under Section 1 or as provided in Section 7.8. If the Service or the Affiliates experience or encounter technical difficulties beyond their reasonable control in the transmission, cablecasting or exhibition of a Video Program, and if the Service or the Affiliates want to reschedule the transmission, cablecasting and exhibition of such Video Programs, then the Service must give the Distributor written notice of the technical difficulties within five (5) business days and request an extension of the License to permit the transmission, cablecasting and exhibition of such Video Program at an alternate time. All such extensions are at the Distributor’s sole discretion and require the Distributor’s written approval. In addition, the Service shall consult, if reasonably and commercially possible, with the Distributor on compensating offers provided to either the Affiliates or the Pay-Per-View Subscribers provided, however, the Affiliates must use commercially reasonable efforts to issue credits to the Pay-Per-View Subscribers and to not void or delete the PPV buys due to any technical difficulties.7.5 The Service and the Affiliates shall honor all copyrights with respect to all Video Programs.7.6 Omitted.7.7 The Service may distribute the Video Programs in both analog and digital formats on multiple channels.7.8 Original/Replay/Encore Presentations: In order to maximize sales of the Video Programs, the Service shall distribute all Original and Replay Presentations on one of the most widely viewed Servi ce’s channels which carries events and Encore Presentations on the Tuesday following the Original Presentation on the channel of the Service’s choice, as follows: Original Events/ln Your House JJJs:(A) Original presentation on the day of the JJJ.(B) One (1) Replay on the day of the JJJ.(C) One (1) Encore Presentation.7.9 Authorized Replays: Service has the right, in addition toSection 7.8, to exhibit any number of replays of each Video Program through midnight Friday following the initial exhibition of such Video Program (such replays, the Authorized Replays ) on the channel of the Service’s choice. Service shall notify Distributor of the Service’s Schedule of Replays thirty (30) days prior to the Authorized Replays.7.10 Alternative Program: If an alternative program is produced by the Distributor in lieu of one of the current titles as set forth in this Agreement’s Premises, of comparable quality, substance and duration to any of the Video Programs ( Alternative Program ) during the Term, such Alternative Program shall be deemed automatically substituted in lieu of such current title as set forth in this Agreement’s Premises.8. SECURITY AND TECHNICAL ADJUSTMENTS: Service shall distribute the Video Programs using commercially reasonable encryption systems.9. LICENSE FEES: The License Fee between the Distributor, the Service and the Affiliates is a revenue sharing agreement.9.1 The License Fee, payable to the Distributor, shall be calculated by multiplying the Distributor’s Revenue Percentage as defined in Section 9.3 (D), or (E) times the Gross Revenues.9.2 The term Gross Revenues for the Video Program shall mean the Affiliate’s aggregate number of Pay-Per-View Subscribers multiplied by the suggested retail price for the Video Program or the Affiliate’s actual retail price for the Video Program, as charged to its Pay-Per-View Subscribers, whichever is greater.9.3 The Service’s Affiliates shall be categorized into three categories: (i) BBB Only Affiliates (ii) Dual Affiliates and (iii) Event Only Affiliates (collectively the Affiliates ) and the Service Revenue Percentage shall only apply to the buys on the Service’s channel of such Affiliates. Unless otherwise specifically provided, the obligations and responsibilities set forth in this License Agreement shall apply to the Affiliates and shall also be deemed to apply to the hereinafter described categories of Affiliates.(A) BBB Only Affiliates shall mean an Affiliate that only provides the Distributor’s Video Programs to its Pay-Per-View Subscribers through the BBB Distribution Pay-Per-View Channels.(B) Dual Affiliates shall mean an Affiliate that provides or offers the Distributor’s Video Programs to its Pay-Per-View Subscribers through the Request Distribution Pay-Per-View Channels or its successor and through the Service’s channels.(C) Event Only Affiliates shall mean Affiliates that have elected to carry JJJ(s) from Service on an ad-hoc basis.(D) The Original Video Programs shall be defined as DDD , EEE , FFF , GGG and the HHH . For the period _________(M,D,Y) through _________(M,D,Y) for the five (5) Original Video Programs the Service Revenue Percentage is *****; the Distributor’s Revenue Percentage is *****; and the Affiliate’s Revenue Percentage is ***** of the Gross Revenues.(E) For the III during the period _________(M,D,Y) through _________(M,D,Y), the Service Revenue Percentage is *****; the Distributor’s Revenue Percentage is *****; and the Affiliate’s Revenue Percentage is ***** of the Gross Revenues.(F) For the balance of the Term of this Agreement, the splitsshall be as follows:Service’s Affiliate’sDistributor’s Revenue RevenueTime Period Revenue Percentage Percentage Percentage[ ] through [ ] ***** ***** *****[ ] through [ ] ***** ***** *****9.4 The Service and/or the Affiliates shall not charge any unique or unusual fee for the Video Programs, in addition to the actual retail price of the Video Programs, which is not regularly charged with respect to other similar events offered to Pay-PerView Subscribers. Fees which are understood by the parties hereto not to be prohibited by this Section 9.4 include, without limitation, late fees, trap fee, electronic order-taking fees, remote control fees, decoder fees and club fees.10. MOST FA VORED NATIONS:(A) Affiliate Most Favored Nations: Notwithstanding anything in Section 9, if the Distributor offers a Video Program in theTerritory with an Affiliate Revenue Percentage higher than ***** of the Gross Revenues to any affiliate of Distributor, a DBS provider, or an affiliate of Reiss Media Entertainment Corporation, HITS or their successors (collectively referred to hereinafter as Providers ), Distributor agrees that the Service Revenue Percentage for BBB shall be no less favorable than the Service Revenue Percentage paid to such Providers; and the Service may offer the same Video Program to the Service’s Affiliates for the same Affiliate Revenue Percentage set forth above. In no event, however, may Distributor or any of its licensed Pay-Per-View distributors or services, including but not limited to Providers, offer a Video Program in the Territory for a minimum Pay-Per-View Subscriber license fee of less than the minimum Pay-Per-View Subscriber license fee required of Service’s Affiliates hereunder.(B) Service Most Favored Nations: Distributor agrees that the Service Revenue Percentage for BBB shall be no less favorable than the Service Revenue Percentage paid to Reiss Media Entertainment Corporation, HITS or their successor entities or any other national pay-per-view distributor. DIRECTV, EchoStar, AlphaStar or PrimeTime 24 are not national pay-per-view distributors for purposes of Section 10(B).(C) Distributors Most Favored Nations: The Service agrees thatduring the Term hereof, if the Service accepts fees for any other Similar Sports Entertainment Pay-Per-View Wrestling Event(s), as defined in Section 10.0 (D) below, which are less favorable to the Service than the BBB fees payable herein, the Service shall notify Distributor accordingly and shall accept from Distributor such lesser fees for the next Video Program and all subsequent Video Programs. The Service agrees that it will replay the Distributor’s Video Programs no less than the same number of times that it replays any other Similar Sports Entertainment Pay-Per-View Wrestling Event, provided the replays are economically beneficial to the Service.(D) Similar Sports Entertainment Pay-Per-View Wrestling Events: Similar Sports Entertainment Pay-Per-View Wrestling Event is defined as a sports entertainment pay-per-view wrestling event in which the outcomes are predetermined; and it does not include the Olympics, amateur wrestling events or similar combat sports where the outcome is not predetermined.(E) DBS Most Favored Nations: Distributor agrees that the PrimeStar Affiliate Revenue Percentage shall be no less favorable than the Affiliate Revenue Percentage paid to a DBS provider; notwithstanding the above, the Distributor may provide additional compensation, in the Distributor’s sole discretion, to either PrimeStar or any other DBS provider for additional servicesprovided, and Distributor shall offer the same opportunity to Prime Star.(F) Last Right of Refusal: Notwithstanding anything to the contrary set forth above, the Distributor may offer any PPV video program other than the Video Programs to any other Provider or anyone else under terms and conditions similar to or different from those set forth above in this Agreement. However, before Distributor may enter into an agreement with any entity other than Service with respect to such PPV video program, Distributor must first provide Service five (5) business days to match the terms and conditions proposed by Distributor.11. TAXES:The Service and/or its Affiliates shall be obligated to pay all applicable state and local taxes for the licensing, transmission, cablecast, exhibition and/or sale of the Video Programs within the Territory, including without limitation sales taxes, use taxes, excise taxes, franchise taxes and other special taxes that may apply to the licensing and/or exhibition of the Video Programs. Notwithstanding the foregoing, this Section 11 does not apply to Distributor’s obligation to pay its own state and/or local taxes or taxes relating to merchandise sold by Distributor through the Video Programs ortaxes specifically levied against the Distributor.12.0 LICENSE COSTS:Except as otherwise specifically provided for in this Agreement, the Service and or its Affiliates shall be responsible for all costs and expenses arising in connection with its exercise of any and all rights hereunder, including, without limitation: all reception and downlink equipment, all decoding equipment, all transmission and/or other equipment used by the Affiliates to transmit the television signal for the Video Programs from the Service’s downlink facility to the Affiliates and all equipment used by the Affiliates to cablecast and exhibit the Video Programs to the Pay-Per-View Subscribers. In no event shall Service or its Affiliates have any obligation to purchase, rent or lease any such equipment, whatsoever, from Distributor or any equipment supplier.13. ACCOUNTING STATEMENTS:(A) The Service and the Affiliates shall prepare, keep and maintain complete and accurate books and records pertaining to the Video Programs and the number of Pay-Per-View Subscribers, which books and records shall, at a minimum, consist of thefollowing:(i) A hardcopy listing (paper, electronic storage media, fiche or microfilm) of the customer billing account numbers (not to include the customer name and address) of Pay-Per-View Subscribers who ordered the Video Programs, which listing must agree in total Gross Revenues with the information set forth in the Final Accounting Statement submitted by the Service to Distributor on each Video Program; and(ii) A hardcopy (paper, electronic storage media, fiche or microfilm) of the Affiliate’s regular customer billings for the period (usually one to two months) during which the Affiliate billed the Pay-Per-View Subscribers for being able to watch the Video Programs.All such books and records are to be kept and maintained by the Service and/or Affiliates at their principal places of business as follows: Service shall keep records for two years and the Affiliates for one year for all Video Programs. The Service shall notify its Affiliates of the record keeping requirements and provide notice that in the event that an Affiliate fails to keep such records, Distributor may withhold any or all of its future Video Programs from such。
目录第一部分 PASCAL语言程序设计 (2)第一章 PASCAL语言基础 (2)第一节程序的组成与上机调试运行 (2)第二节常量、变量与数据类型 (3)第三节表达式与标准函数 (6)第四节赋值语句、输入与输出语句 (9)习题 (13)第二章程序的三种基本结构 (15)第一节顺序结构 (15)第二节选择结构 (15)第三节循环结构 (17)习题 (20)第三章数组 (22)第一节一维数组 (22)第二节二维数组及应用 (25)习题 (26)第四章字符与字符串操作 (29)第一节字符和字符数组 (29)第二节字符串变量 (29)第三节字符串应用举例 (31)习题 (33)第五章函数与过程 (35)第一节自定义函数 (35)第二节自定义过程 (38)第四节递归 (42)第五节递归与回溯 (45)习题 (50)第一部分 PASCAL语言程序设计第一章 PASCAL语言基础Pascal语言是瑞士苏黎士工科大学的Niklans Wirth(沃思)1971年发表的,是为了纪念17世纪法国著名哲学和数学研究者Blaisc Pascal而将它命名为Pascal程序设计语言。
例1-1 输入两个整数a和b,计算a和b的和(a+b)。
【参考程序】program a1(input,output); //程序首部var a,b,c:integer; //程序说明部分,a,b,c被说明为整型变量begin //程序执行部分,下面是程序的内容write('a='); //在屏幕上输出一个字符串“a=”,输出完后不换行read(a); //从键盘输入一个数值赋给变量awrite('b='); //在屏幕上输出一个字符串“b=”,输出完后不换行read(b); //从键盘输入一个数值赋给变量bc:=a+b; //计算a+b的和,并将这个和赋值给变量cwriteln(a,'+',b,'=',c); //输出a+b=c的等式,输出完后换行 end. //程序结束【样例输入】a=10b=30【样例输出】10+30=40由上可以看出,一个Pascal程序由以下三部分组成:(1)由Program 引导的一行是Pascal程序的首部。
Pascal 程序设计(信息学奥赛)
![Pascal 程序设计(信息学奥赛)](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/c1954d2a3169a4517723a3c9.png)
• 实数:小数表示法和科学计数法 • 整数:在Pascal中,整数有最大值 Maxint • 字符型:单个的字符用单引号引起来 • 布尔型:true、false
输入三个数,计算并输出他们的平 均值以及三个数的和,写出程序
Program add(input,output); Var num1,num2,num3,ave,sum:real; Begin write(‘Please input num1,num2,num3:’); read(num1,num2,num3); sum:=num1+num2+num3; ave:=sum/3; write(‘;sum is’,sum,’,ave is’,ave) End.
• 标准常量 false,true,maxint • 标准类型 integer,real,char,boolean,text integer real char boolean text • 标准文件 input,output • 标准函数,标准过程
已知地球的半径为6371km,计 算并输出地球的表面积和体积
Program earth(input,output); Const pi=3.14159; r=6371; Var s,v:real; Begin s:=4*pi*r*r; v:=4*pi*r*r*r/3; write(‘the earth’s area is ’,s,’,volume is ’,v) End.
已知匀加速运动的初速度为10km/s, 加速度为2m/s2,求20s以后的速度,20s 内走过的路程及平均速度,写出程序。
PASCAL程序设计(第2版)郑启华编著计算机和程序设计方法介绍1.1 引言计算机主要组成:存储器、运算器、控制器、输入/输出设备1.2 计算机的发展与应用计算机的发展第一代:1946~1957,电子管第二代:1958~1964,晶体管第三代:1965~1969,集成电路第四代:1970~现在,大规模集成电路第五代:正在研究,智能计算机计算机的应用1、数值计算2、数据处理3、自动控制4、计算机辅助设计与制造5、人工智能1.3 计算机的组成1、存储器,用来存放程序和数据2、运算器,对数据进行加、减、乘、除、比较等运算3、控制器,计算机的指挥中心,由它发出控制信号,指挥计算机各部分协调工作4、输入设备,程序和数据通过输入设备输入到存储器5、输出设备,计算结果通过输出设备输出给人看,并可作长期保存6、外存储器1.4 计算机语言1、机器语言,依赖于机器,可以看作是机器指令的集合2、汇编语言,符号化的机器语言,仍然依赖于机器3、算法语言,按照算法书写,其中的一条语句可对应多条机器语言。
算法语言编写程序简单、方便、直观、不易出错,并且不依赖于机器4、非过程化语言5、智能语言1.5 PASCAL介绍PASCAL语言是由瑞士的沃斯(N. Wirth)教授1971年提出来的。
语言的特点世界上第一个结构化程序设计语言;功能强、应用广;编译和运行效率高;可移植、易推广基本符号、保留字、标识符1、基本符号A~Z、a~z、0~9、其它符号2、保留字在PASCAL语言中,具有特殊含义的词——保留字And :逻辑“与”运算Array :定义数组Begin :复合语句结构部分Case :情况语句结构部分Const :常量定义Div :整除运算Do :For 循环语句结构部分DownTo :For 循环语句结构部分Else :条件语句结构部分End :复合语句结构部分File :文件定义For :For 循环语句结构部分Function :函数定义GoTo :无条件转移语句If :条件语句结构部分In :集合“属于”操作运算符Label :标号定义Mod :求余运算Nil :空指针Not :逻辑“非”运算Of :数组定义Or :逻辑“或”运算Packed :紧缩数组定义Procedure :过程说明符Program :程序首部定义Record :记录定义Repeat :Repeat 循环结构部分Set :集合定义Then :条件语句结构部分To :For 循环语句结构部分Type :类型说明Until :Repeat 循环结构部分Var :变量定义While :While 循环语句结构部分With :开域语句结构部分3、标识符以字母开头的字母、数字的组合。
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5% 10%
分别用IF语句和CASE语句编写程序,输入月收入, 输出所得税率、应缴所得税款以及扣除所得税后 的实际收入。
case 表达式 of 标号1:语句1; 标号2:语句2; …… 标号n:语句n; else 语句n+1 end ;
(二)case 语句的执行过程
先计算表达式(称为情况表达式)的值,如 果它的值等于某一个常量(称为情况常量,也称 情况标号),则执行该情况常量后面的语句, 在执行完语句后,跳到case语句的末尾end处。
游戏者的选择p,电脑的选择c :字符型 程序过程: 输入p, 分情况语句判断p为S,则 c 为 R 分情况语句判断p为R,则 c 为 P 分情况语句判断p为P,则 c 为 S
1000>T>=800 1500>T>=1000
分析 : 定义变量: 输入的字母 c:char(字符型) 转换后的值 n:integer(整型) 程序过程: 输入字母c, 分情况语句判断c为‘A’或‘a’,则 n 为 1 分情况语句判断c为‘B’或‘b’,则 n 为 2 分情况语句判断c为‘C’或‘c’,则 n 为 3 分情况语句判断c为‘D’或‘d’,则 n 为 4 分情况语句判断c为其他字母,则 n 为 5 输出转换后的n值
情况语句 CASE语句
某超市为了促销,规定:购物不足50元的按原价付款, 超过50不足100的按九折付款,超过100元的,超过部分 按八折付款。编一程序完成超市的自动计费的工作。
定义变量 : 付款金额 pay ,消费金额 price :实型
输入消费金额 如果 price 小于 50,则 pay =price 如果 price 大于等于50 小于100,则 pay=price* 0.9 如果 price 大于等于 100,则 pay=price*0.8 输出打折后付款金额
1. end与case对应;
2. 标号必须是一常量,其类型与表达式的类型一致.
1.从键盘输入字母,将字母A、B、C 、D或a、b、c、d转换 成1、2、3、4,其余的字符转换成5。
用嵌套的if 语句实现多分支的选择结构。但是如果分
当多分支选择的各个条件由同一个表达式的不同结果 值决定时,可以用case语句实现。它的选择过程,很象一 个多路开关,即由case 语句的选择表达式的值,决定切换 至哪一语句去工作。因此在分支结构程序设计中,它是一 种强有力的手段。在实现多路径分支控制时,用case 对某 些问题的处理和设计,比用if语句写程序具有更简洁、清 晰之感。
(字符型用char作为标识符。字符 型必须用单引号括起来,字母作 为字符型时,大小写是不等价的, 并且字符型只允许单引号中有一 个字符,否则就是字符串。)
2. 编程模拟剪刀、石头、布游戏:用S表示剪刀,用R表示石 头,用P表示布。规则是:剪刀剪布,石头砸剪刀,布包石头。 游戏者分别把自己的选择输入,计算机给出结果。
②情况常量是情况表达式可能具有的值,因而应与情况表达式 具有相同的类型;
③情况常量出现的次序可以是任意的; ④同一情况常量不能在同一个case语句中出现两次或两次以上; ⑤每个分语句前可以有一个或若干个用逗号隔开的情况常量; ⑥如果情况表达式的值不落在情况常量的范围内,则认为本case 语句无效,执行case语句的下一个语句。turbo pascal中增加了 一个“否则”的情况,即增加一个else子句,但也是可省的。