1.1.防爆型式:Ex ib I Mb。
3.主要技术参数①额定工作电压:18.0V DC;②工作电流:≤200mA。
11.3阀门最大工作压力额定值(压力-温度基准)表中温度是指工作状态下管路介质的温度,表中压力是持续无冲击压力2 采用标准2.1设计制造按GB/T 12237的规定;2.2检验和试验按GB/T 13927的规定;2.3法兰尺寸按GB/T 9113或JB/T 79的规定,焊接尺寸按GB/T 122242.4结构长度按GB/T 12221的规定或企业标准;3 结构特点和使用原理3.1结构及主要外形尺寸参见简图3.2本阀靠蜗轮使阀杆转动而带动球转动来达到启闭目的。
4零件名称阀体阀盖阀杆阀座球体填料螺栓螺母平键所用材料WCB 2Cr13A105+RPTFEWCB+ENP石墨35CrMoA 45 455 保管、安装、使用、检查5.1保管a.本阀须保管存放在干燥、通风的室内,放置整齐,阀杆不得着力。
DFH-20/10 矿用本安型电动球阀使用说明书1警告:1)安装、使用前应阅读使用说明书,严格按说明书中方法进行安装和操作2)检修时不得修改本安电路及关联电路中元器件的型号、规格及电气参数3)本安产品不得随意与其它未经联检的设备连接1.概述DFH-20/10 矿用本安型电动球阀(以下简称电动球阀)为矿用本质安全型产品,主要用于煤矿井下进回风大巷、采掘工作面进回风巷道、上下山、车场、煤仓及其它需要控制液体或气路开闭的场合。
1.1.防爆型式: Ex ib I Mb。
1.2.型号意义(此处阀径尺寸和水压为最大值,实际根据定货要求定制)DFH20/10最高工作压力:10MPa阀径: 20mm本质安全型电动阀1.3.防护等级:IP65。
2.使用环境a)环境温度 :5 ℃~ 40℃;b)环境湿度 : ≤ 95%;c)环境大气压 :80kPa ~ 106kPa;d)无显著振动和冲击的场合;e)煤矿井下有甲烷、煤尘爆炸性混合物,但无破坏绝缘的腐蚀性气体、无直接滴水和淋水的场所。
3.主要技术参数①额定工作电压: 18.0V DC ;②工作电流:≤ 200mA。
③输入信号:a) 2路电平型开关量信号输入(与频率量信号输入共用):高电平不小于 3.0V 且不大于18V,低电平不大于 0.5V ;b) 2路电平型频率量信号输入(与开关量信号输入共用):频率范围200Hz~ 1000Hz,高电平应不小于 3.0V 且不大于 18V,低电平时不大于0.5V ,正负脉冲宽度不得小于0.3ms,误差:±2Hz。
④输出信号:a)电平型开关量信号输出,负载电阻大于 1.5kΩ时,输出高电平大于3V。
球阀—产品使用说明书(总8页) -CAL-FENGHAI.-(YICAI)-Company One1-CAL-本页仅作为文档封面,使用请直接删除Ball valves球阀使用说明书Ball Valve Operating Manual浙江石化阀门有限公司Zhejiang Petrochemical Valve Co., Ltd.二O一一年 Year 2011一用途Application球阀是一种管线阀门产品,用于接通或截断管路中的介质。
Ball valve is pipeline valve, used for connecting or cutting off medium in the pipelines.Normally it is at the state of opening or closing. And it could function as regulating the flow when it is at the state of slightly open. It is used on the pipeline such as water, gas, oil etc.二性能规范 Performance Specification压力等级: Class150; Class300; Class600;Pressure: Class150; Class300; Class600;公称尺寸:NPS 2 ~NPS24;Nominal Size: NPS 2 ~NPS24阀体材料: ASTM A216 WCB; ASTM A351 CF8;Body Material:ASTM A216 WCB;ASTM A351 CF8;产品的设计、制造按API6D的规定;检查试验按API6D的规定;法兰连接尺寸按ASME 的规定;结构长度按API6D的规定;Designed and manufactured according to API6D; Inspected and tested according to API6D;Flange ends according to ASME ; Face to face according to API 6D适用介质:水、蒸汽、油品等。
老式水管球阀安装方法1. 背景介绍老式水管球阀是一种常见的阀门类型,安装在供水管道上起到截止水流的作用。
2. 安装材料及准备工作在安装老式水管球阀之前,您需要准备以下材料和完成一些准备工作:- 老式水管球阀- 符合管道尺寸的管道接头- 扳手- 管道胶带在准备工作中,您需要先关闭供水管道,并排空管道中的水流,以免安装过程中发生意外。
3. 安装步骤以下是老式水管球阀的安装步骤:步骤1:清洁管道口使用一块布或纸巾清洁所需安装球阀的管道口。
4. 注意事项在安装老式水管球阀时,需要注意以下事项:4.1. 安装时机选择选择合适的安装时机,例如在水流较小或者停水时进行安装,以免造成不必要的浪费或水压问题。
4.2. 接口紧密连接确保球阀与管道接头紧密连接,以免出现漏水或松动的情况。
4.3. 阀门位置在选择球阀位置时,应考虑方便操作和维修。
4.4. 规范使用在使用老式水管球阀时,应按照操作说明书的规范使用,避免使用过大的力量或在不适当的情况下操作。
5. 结论老式水管球阀的安装十分简单,只需按照上述步骤正确安装即可。
-15Y -20Y -25Y -50Y -15Q -20Q -25Q -50Q
号 Q961F Q961F Q961F Q961F Q961F Q961F Q961F Q961F
-15Y -20Y -25Y -50Y -15Q -20Q -25Q -50Q
通径(mm) φ15 φ20 φ25 φ50 φ15 φ20 φ25 φ50
不 能 正 常 启 动 电机过热
1、电源不通 2、电压低 3、操作回路不通 4、切换装置复位不正确 5、污物卡死 6、微动开关触点损坏 7、电容器损坏
接通电源 调整电压 检查电路 检查复位情况 清除污物 更换开关 更换电容器 按ε=10%
电动机。电动机通过其齿轮式减速机构驱动输出轴,输出轴通过十字接 头去驱动阀杆,阀杆驱动球体转动而实现阀的开关。
3.1.3 减速器 为一齿轮式减速器,减速比为 291.3:1 3.1.4 行程控制机构 其形式为凸轮块式。行程控制凸轮有开向和关向之分,分别通过相应 的微动开关控制开向和关向行程。即左下凸轮通过左下微动开关控制开 向行程,右下凸轮通过右下微动开关控制关向行程。球阀行程 90°。此 机构同时附有同步信号输出机构,它的左右凸轮及相应的微动开关同时 为远(近)距离控制输出阀门状态信号(见图 1)。 3.1.5 手动—电动切换装置 其形式为全手动切换装置,仅限于安装调试或电控失灵时使用。请严 格按使用说明书操作,否则将损坏内部机构。 由电动变手动的切换方法 切断电源,手用力向上拉起手柄(见图 2),然后用扳手按盖子上规定的 90°范围和方向转动传动轴(注意:绝不可超范围操作),使传动轴上的离 合销从传动齿轮的轴向槽中滑出,使之和减速器脱离,从而可以以 1:1 的传动比操作阀门的开启和关闭。 由手动变电动的切换方法 切断电源,手用力向上拉起手柄,按盖子上规定的范围和方向用扳手 转动传动轴使手柄上指针复位到原来的位置,松开手柄,使传动轴上的离
连接处密封采用 PTFE 垫片。
1、阀门运输 (1)在运输过程中,应将阀门用纸箱或木箱包装。如纸箱或木箱 无法包装阀门时,应用托盘将阀门固定好,做防尘防水处理。 (2)在装载阀门时,不要让传动装置承受任何外力。 (3)避免装载设备时超载,货物摆放要宽松,避免阀门受撞击。 (4)所有的阀门搬运都应该很小心,对于大口径的阀门应该用起 吊设备。 2、阀门保管
片,可以作为修理和维护的备用零件进行订购。 8、分解及再装配时必须小心防止损伤零件的密封面,特别是非金 属零件,取出 O 型圈时宜使用专用工具。 9、分解下来的单个零件可以用浸洗方式清洗。尚留有未分解下来 的非金属件的金属件可采用干净的细洁的浸渍有清洗剂的绸布 (为避免纤维脱落粘附在零件上)擦洗。清洗时须去除一切粘附 在壁面上的油脂、污垢、积胶、灰尘等。 10、非金属零件清洗后应立即从清洗剂中取出,不得长时间浸泡。 11、清洗后需待被洗壁面清洗剂挥发后(可用未浸清洗剂的绸布 擦)进行装配,但不得长时间搁置,否则会生锈、被灰尘污染。 12、使用润滑脂润滑。润滑脂应与阀金属材料、橡胶件、塑料件 及工作介质均相容。在密封件安装槽的表面上涂一薄层润滑脂, 在橡胶密封件上涂一薄层润滑脂,阀杆的密封面及摩擦面上涂一 薄层润滑脂。
Brief IntroductionSplit body (2-piece) valve allows easy replacement of gasket, seal, and seats without special tools. Series 90 ball valves use “floating ball” design. Induced by the line pressure the ball is free to move horizontally inside the valve body. The valve is capable of tight shutoff with flow in either direction or dead-end, regardless of the position of the valve in the line. The downstream seat, opposite the pressurized side of a closed valve, carries the load exerted by the line pressure on the ball, while the upstream seat is subject to little load or wear. For this reason, it is sometimes possible to increase seat life by turning the valve end-for-end in the pipeline.1. USE:1.1 Life of valve can be maximized if the valve is used within the rated range, in accordance with pressure, temperature,and corrosion data.2. MANUAL OPERATION:2.1 To open or close the valve, turn the handle ¼ turn (90 degrees).A. Valve in Open Position – the handle is in parallel (in-line) with the valve or pipeline.B. Valve in Closed Position – the handle is perpendicular (crossed) with the valve or pipeline.3. AUTOMATED OPERATION:3.1 Valves with actuators should be checked for valve stem alignment. Angular or linear misalignment will result in highoperational torque and unnecessary wear on the stem seal.4. GENERAL INFORMATION FOR ON-SITE INSTALLATION:4.1 The valve may be fitted in any position on the pipeline.4.2 To prevent damage to the seats and ball surface, the pipeline must be flushed, free of dirt, burrs, and weldingresidues before installing the valve.5. DISASSEMBLING & CLEANING THE VALVE:5.1 If the valve has been used in hazardous media, it must be decontaminated before disassembly.5.2 As shipped from the factory, valves contain silicon-free lubricant. If Lubricant is unacceptable for your particularapplication, you may disassemble the valve and wash the parts in solvent.6. REPLACING THE THRUST WASHER AND PACKING6.1 Before replacing the thrust washer and the packing, the pipeline must be de-pressurized.Note: Stem seal leakage may be corrected without replacing the seal and/or packing. Tighten the packing nut toflatten the belleville washers. If leakage continues or valve’s operating torque becomes excessive, the seals are worn and must be replaced.A. Remove flange bolts and nuts and lift the valve from the line. Care should be taken to avoid scratching ordamaging serrated gasket. The valves are heavy, and they should be adequately supported before removing it from the line.B. Loosen the stem nut and remove handle and stop plate. Next, remove lock saddle, packing nuts, bellevillewashers and gland.C. Remove body bolt nuts, using proper wrench. Lift off body end. One seat should come out with the body end.D. Remove body seal.E. To take out the ball, rotate stem so ball is in fully closed position. Lift ball from the body, using a strap and liftdevice, if necessary. Extreme caution should be taken to avoid damage to the ball. F. Take out the other seat.G. Stem must be removed from inside the body. A tap to the top of the stem should loosen it. The thrust washershould come out with the stem. Then, remove the stem packing.7. VISUAL INSPECTION:7.1 Clean and inspect metal parts. It is not necessary to replace neither ball nor stem unless the surface has signs ofabrasion or corrosion. We strongly recommend replacement of all soft parts whenever the valve is disassembled for reconditioning. We provide replacement kits that contain all the replaceable parts.Note: The valve may be assembled and operated dry with any lubricant. However, a light lubrication will aid inassembly and reduce initial operating torque. Lubricant used must be acceptable with the intended line fluid.8. ASSEMBLYInstall one seat in the body cavity with the spherical curvature facing the ball.8.1 Install the thrust washer on stem and slide the stem up through the body. Install packing, gland, belleville washers,locking saddle. Screw the packing nut into the stem. Lock the saddle in place.8.3 Install stop plate, handle and washer. Screw the stem nut into the stem until the handle is secure.8.4 Turn handle to the closed position. Line up the ball slot with the stem end and slide the ball into position. Turn thehandle to the open position to hold the ball in place. 8.5 Install the remaining seat into body side.8.6 Put body seal gasket into body and line up end flange. Because the body flange bolt pattern is different from the lineflange bolt pattern, it is possible to assemble the valve such that the line flanges bolt pattern don’t line up. Be certain to align end flanges bolt holes to straddle valve center lines. Be careful not to damage body seal when putting cap end into body.8.8 Install cap end nuts and tighten in the “star” pattern to the proper torque. Extreme care must be exercised duringadjustment of cap end nuts to make sure that complete engagement of the studs with body flange is maintained. There should be at least one stud thread exposed on each side.8.9 Cycle the valve slowly, with a gentle back and forth motion, to build gradually to the full quarter turn. By cyclingslowly, the seat lips will assume a permanent seal shape against the ball. A fast turning motion, at this point, may cut the seats before they have a chance to form the proper seal.8.10 Test valve, if possible, prior to placing valve back into line position. If not properly secured, the valve can separatefrom the pressure source, resulting in possible injury. Always join the valve to companion flanges of same pressure rating as valve and secure with a full set of flange bolts.TEST AS FOLLOWS:A. Secure valve to a test fixture by means of a mating flange with full bolting and a suitable gasket. Orient valve soseat to be tested is facing up.B. Introduce 50 to 100 psig air. Partially cycle the valve, under pressure, then slowly close to make sure the cavity ispressurized (use hearing protection). Pour water into the upper port to cover the ball and visually check for bubbles. If bubbles appear, pour the water out, cycle the valve several times and recheck. To check for leakage in the other port, reverse the valve and introduce air pressure to the port just checked.C. Check stem seal at this time by coating the stem top area with a water/soap solution. If leakage occurs, tighten stemseal just until leakage stops.Valve SizeBreak Away Torque(In-lbs.)Torque of Body Bolts(In-lbs.)Torque of Stem Nut(In-lbs.)½” 92 95 ~ 130 87 ¾” 115 122 ~ 156 87 1” 150 365 ~ 399 130 1-1/2” 320 365 ~ 399 208 2” 415 365 ~ 399 208 2-1/2” 675 365 ~ 399 208 3” 1000 477 ~ 521 304 4”1800477 ~ 521304A-T Controls product, when properly selected, is designed to perform its intended function safely during its useful life. However, the purchaser or user of A-T Controls products should be aware that A-T Controls products might be used in numerous applications under a wide variety of industrial service conditions. Although A-T Controls can provide general guidelines, it cannot provide specific data and warnings for all possible applications. The purchaser / user must therefore assume the ultimate responsibility for the proper sizing and selection, installation, operation, and maintenance of A-T Controls products. The user should read and understand the installation operation maintenance (IOM) instructions included with the product, and train its employees and contractors in the safe use of A-T Controls products in connection with the specific application.While the information and specifications contained in this literature are believed to be accurate, they are supplied for informative purposes only. Because A-T Controls is continually improving and upgrading its product design, the specifications, dimensions and information contained in this literature are subject to change without notice. Should any question arise concerning these specifications, the purchaser/user should contact A-T Controls.For product specifications go to /A-T Controls, Inc. • 9955 International Boulevard, Cincinnati, OH 45246 • Phone: (513) 530-5175 • Fax: (513) 247-5462 • 。
VG12E5xx 系列法兰连接式电动调节球阀安装安装说明书说明书Code No. LIT-14-1352-5CNIssued December 31, 2006产品应用范围产品应用范围::VG12E5xx 系列法兰连接式电动调节球阀,共有DN65、DN80、DN100三种DIN 标准法兰尺寸,设计用于调节-18°C 至 120°C 的热水、冷冻水、50%的乙二醇溶液;或者170kPa、130°C 以下的饱和蒸汽的流量,以便适应加热、通风和空调(HVAC)系统的控制负荷的要求。
如增设功能监视或报警之类的系统如增设功能监视或报警之类的系统,,以防止因VG 系列调节阀失效或误动作带来的损害系列调节阀失效或误动作带来的损害。
目的是防止阀体上的冷凝水流淌 到电动执行器上,或者渗入执行器内部,造成电器元件的损坏。
见图2和图3所示:这一系列的两通球芯调节阀,配用本公司生产的Johnson Controls® 的 M9100系列非弹簧复位电动执行器、或M9200系列弹簧复位电动执行器。
75 90 100 110 125 135 160 170 200 240 280 345 400 460
40 51 58 66 76 88 110 121 150 176 204 260 313 364
4-14 4-18 4-18 4-22 4-22 4-22 8-22 8-22 8-26 8-30 8-33 12-36 12-36 16-36
■ 主要性能指标
公称通径 允许压差 动作范围 泄露量 Q 基本误差
回差 死区 可调范围
≤ 公称压力(MPa)
按 GB/T4213-92,小于额定 KV0.01%
125 145 160 180 210 240 295 355 410 470 525
118 132 156 184 211
销售电话:021-5186 3046
图文传真:021-5186 3049
PN2.5MPa 法兰连接尺寸
95 105 115 140 150 165 185 200 235 270 300 360 425 485
65 75 85 100 110 125 145 160 190 220 250 310 370 430
球阀 使用说明书
球阀使用说明书球阀使用说明书1.简介1.1 球阀定义1.2 球阀的工作原理1.3 球阀的主要组成部分2.产品特点2.1 阀体材质2.2 阀门类型2.3 连接方式2.4 使用环境要求2.5 阀门的优点3.安装3.1 环境准备3.2 安装步骤3.2.1 阀门准备3.2.2 连接管道3.2.3 固定阀门3.2.4 测试阀门3.3 定位装置的安装(适用于自动球阀)3.4 电动装置的安装(适用于电动球阀)4.使用4.1 操作步骤4.1.1 手动球阀的操作4.1.2 自动球阀的操作4.2 注意事项4.2.1 使用前的检查4.2.2 阀门的开启和关闭4.2.3 阀门的维护保养5.故障排除5.1 无法开启或关闭阀门5.2 阀门漏气5.3 阀门卡住或堵塞5.4 其他常见故障6.附件6.1 阀门相关配件6.2 阀门示意图7.法律名词及注释7.1 根据本文档中所述,球阀指的是一种用于控制流体流动的阀门装置。
7.2 阀体材质是指球阀所使用的主要材料,常见的材质包括不锈钢、铸铁和铜合金等。
7.3 连接方式是指球阀与管道之间的连接方式,包括螺纹连接、焊接连接和法兰连接等。
7.4 环境要求是指球阀在使用时所需的温度、压力和介质等条件。
7.5 自动球阀是指通过电动装置、气动装置或液动装置等可以实现自动开闭的球阀。
AT Controls Series TS2、TS3 与 TM3 颈杆式球阀安装与维护手册说明书
SERIES TS2, TS3, TM3TRUNNION MOUNTED BALL VALVES INSTALLATION, OPERATION & MAINTENANCE MANUALContents1SCOPE (3)2DESIGN (3)3INSTALLATION (4)4TESTING (4)5VALVE OPERATION (5)6DRAINING, VENTING THE VALVE (5)7REMOVING AND REPLACING THE VENT/DRAIN PLUGS (6)8DISASSEMBLY (6)9STORAGE (6)10MATERIAL DESCRIPTION (7)10.1MATERIAL DESCRIPTION – SERIES TS2 (7)10.2MATERIAL DESCRIPTION – SERIES TS3 (8)10.3MATERIAL DESCRIPTION –SERIES TM3 (2”-14”) (9)10.4MATERIAL DESCRIPTION –SERIES TM3 (16”-24) (10)11NAME PLATE (11)12SPARE PARTS AND REPAIR KITS (11)1 SCOPEThis IOM provides a general guideline in installing and operating Series TS2/TS3/TM3 Trunnion Mounted Ball Valves with standard features. It is responsibility of the end user to determine that the valve is appropriate for the intended service and proper Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) are used when installing or operating the valves. Contact factory for any specific technical details.2 DESIGNDepending on the specific valve configurations, Trunnion Mounted Ball Valves may have the following features: Double Block and Bleed (DBB)This feature is based on Double Block and Bleed feature as defined in API 6D standard where the line pressure can be applied simultaneously to one single valve from both valve ends in closed position. The pressure inside the body cavity can be released thru a vent valve.Note that the DBB concept as defined in API 6D standard is different from OSHA standards, which carry different meanings. OSHA describes DBB as two in-line valves with a method or device to bleed the pressure between two valves.Emergency sealant injection fittingsStandard soft seated trunnion ball valves (TS2/TS3) include emergency sealant injection fittings for the valve stem and seat sealing area. Due to the flange thickness, some of the smaller valves may not have an emergency sealant injection fitting for the seats.WARNING: Fittings must be replaced if there are any signs of damage or corrosion. Some sealant injection fittings for the seat sealing area may have another internal check valve installed below the injection fitting. DO NOT remove the fittings or the internal check valves when the valve is under pressure.Body Vent and Drain plugTypical construction includes a vent plug at the upper body and a drain plug at the lower valve body.Single Piston Effect Seats (SPE) or Self-Relieving SeatsSPE seats or Self-relieving seats are standard design features. The SPE seats are designed to prevent any excess pressure build-up inside the body cavity.Double Piston Effect (DPE) Seats and Double Isolation and Bleed (DIB)DPE seats are optional features. Usually a pressure relief valve is installed on the body to provide overpressure protection inside the body cavity. If equipped, check the operating conditions and make sure that the pressure relief valve is installed properly.Valves equipped with DPE seats are also referred to as Double Isolation and Bleed (DIB) valves per API 6D standard.* Some smaller valves may not have an emergency sealant injection fitting for the seats.The valve may be supplied with different configurations. Contact factory if there are any questions regarding the specific valve design features.3 INSTALLATIONExcept for the fail-safe closed configuration, the valves should be installed in open position. Prior to installation, check the valve for any sign of damage. The valve must be properly cleaned as any foreign material, weld slag or construction debris may damage the sealing surfaces during operation.Verify that proper studs and nuts are being used and check flange surfaces for correct finishes, blemishes, etc.CAUTION: Lifting and handling of the valve assembly should be done by qualified personnel and in compliance with the applicable law and safety regulations. Lifting equipment must be rated and suitable for lifting the entire valve and actuator assembly.Lifting lugs on the actuators or gear operators are not designed to support the weight of the valve and actuator assembly. Never lift the valve assembly by handle, hand wheel, gear operator or actuator.Valves should be lifted by using lifting lugs on the valve body or using a strap to lift the valve assembly. Do not stand near and under the valve assembly during lifting operation.4 TESTINGMost piping system requires a pressure test that includes a hydrostatic shell test and a seat (closure) test. Hydrostatic shell test must be performed with the valve in partially open position. Seat test can be performed in closed position.Test fluid must be fresh water mixed with a corrosion inhibitor or liquid that is compatible with the metal and soft seal components. Valves should be pressure tested at ambient temperature and the maximum test pressure is listed as follows:The pressure rating of the valve is listed on the nameplate.Due to the danger of testing with air or gas, test pressure for a pneumatic shell test may be lower. Check the design specifications or standard for the correct test pressure for air or gas.After testing, valve should be drained, cleaned and kept dry.5 VALVE OPERATIONThe ball valve is designed for on-off service. In other words, the valve should be operated either in fully open or fully closed position. Do not operate the valve in partially open position.Wrench Operated Valves:To open the valve, rotate the handle until it is parallel to the flow direction. To close the valve, rotate the handle until the orientation of the handle is perpendicular to the flow direction.Gear Operated Valves:A position locator on top of the gear operator shows the valve position. Turn the hand wheel clockwise to close the valve and counter clockwise to open the valve. The valve is open when the position indicator is parallel to the flow direction. The valve is closed when the position indicator is perpendicular to the flow direction.Valves with Actuators:Contact factory or suppliers of the actuators for the specific operating procedures for actuators.6 DRAINING, VENTING THE VALVEWARNING: Allow the surface temperature of the valve and flow media to cool down until it is safe for handling before attempting to drain the valve or remove the plugs.Check with local regulations regarding the proper procedures of disposing off the drain fluid.The vent valve assembly consists of a vent valve body and a bleed screw. The vent valve can be open by loosening the bleed screw in counter-clockwise direction.CAUTION: To open the vent valve, unscrew the bleed screw slowly until the pressure starts to vent. Once the bleed valve is fully open, do not unscrew the bleed screw any further as the bleed screw could disengage from the bleed valve assembly.Exercise caution and make sure that the vent pressure or the discharge is directed away from the operator and other people.7 REMOVING AND REPLACING THE VENT/DRAIN PLUGSVent and drain plugs must be replaced if there are any signs of damage or corrosion.WARNING: DO NOT remove or loosen the vent plugs or drain plug when the valve is under pressure.Check and make sure that the valve is not under pressure before removing or replacing the vent plugs or drain plugs. Under certain circumstances, the bleed valve may be clogged due to debris, overspray paint, etc., and this may give the false impression that the valve is depressurized. Cycle the valve a few times and make sure that there is no pressure trapped inside the body cavity before removing the plugs.Contact factory for the correct type of vent and drain plugs. Before installing the plugs, wrap the thread of the plug with PTFE/Teflon tape or coat with anti-seize compound. When installing the plug assembly, make sure to tighten it properly but do not over-tighten. Ensure the bleed valve is closed before operating the valve.8 DISASSEMBLYPrior to removing the valve from the line, it is recommended to keep the valve in open position.Ensure that the valve is completely depressurized before removing the valve from the line. Do not attempt to remove or work on any valve under pressure. For valves intended for high temperature service, wait until the temperature cools down first before handling the valves.For valves actuators that are equipped with electric or pneumatic actuators, disconnect electrical supplies, shut off pneumatic supply and vent the actuator.9 STORAGEValves should be stored indoor in open position and kept dry. Unpainted surface areas must be coated with oil that is compatible with metal and soft seal components.Original port protectors should be kept in the ports during storage.Valves must be cycled at least once every 90 days in storage or in operation.Consult factory for proper storage procedures if valves are required to be stored for longer than 6 months.10 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION10.1 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION – SERIES TS210.2 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION – SERIES TS310.3 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION –SERIES TM3 (2”-14”)10.4 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION –SERIES TM3 (16”-24)SERIES TS2, TS3 & TM3TRUNNION MOUNTED BALL VALVESInstallation & Maintenance ManualValves11 NAME PLATEThe information on the nameplate includes the following:•P/N: Part number •SIZE: Nominal pipe size •CL: Pressure class • S/N: Serial Number•BODY: Body material •BALL: Ball material •SEAT: Seat material •STEM: Stem material •SEAL: Seal material •F/F: Face-to-face dimension •MFG: Manufacture date •P/T: Pressure temperature rating of the valves (Imperial and Metric)12 SPARE PARTS AND REPAIR KITSTo order replacement seal kits or spare parts please provide the following information:• Part number of the valve• Serial Number• Type of spare part kitA-T Controls product, when properly selected, is designed to perform its intended function safely during its useful life. However, the purchaser or user of A-T Controls products should be aware that A-T Controls products might be used in numerous applications under a wide variety of industrial service conditions. Although A-T Controls can provide general guidelines, it cannot provide specific data and warnings for all possible applications. The purchaser / user must therefore assume the ultimate responsibility for the proper sizing and selection, installation, operation, and maintenance of A-T Controls products. The user should read and understand the installation operation maintenance (IOM) instructions included with the product, and train its employees and contractors in the safe use of A-T Controls products in connection with the specific application.While the information and specifications contained in this literature are believed to be accurate, they are supplied for informative purposes only. Because A-T Controls is continually improving and upgrading its product design, the specifications, dimensions and information contained in this literature are subject to change without notice. Should any question arise concerning these specifications, the purchaser/user should contact A-T Controls.For product specifications go to /A-T Controls, Inc. • 9955 International Boulevard, Cincinnati, OH 45246 • Phone: (513) 530-5175 • Fax: (513) 247-5462 • 。
上海屹沪阀门 VYH 气动 V 型球阀 说明书
VYH 气动 V 型球阀使用说明书上海屹沪阀门有限公司Shanghai Yi Hu Control Valve CO., LTD.地址:上海市奉贤区金汇工业园工业路 1390 号 电话:021-******** E-mail:sales@ 邮编:201315 传真:021-******** 网址:一、概述VYH 气动 V 型调节球阀是一种直角回转式调节阀,它由 GT 系列 气动活塞式执行机构(单、双作用) 和 V 形球阀二部分组成。
与电磁阀和电气阀门定位器配套使用,输入 4~20ma DC 信号及 0.5~0.7Mpa 气源即 可控制运转,实现对压力、流量、温度、液位等参数的调节。
它是以压缩空气为动力,阀杆带动阀芯在阀体 内转动 90°,可以实现全开-全闭的动作。
由于气动 V 型调节 球阀为直角回转结构,当阀芯相对于阀座旋转时具有较强的剪切作用,尤其适用于带有纤维和微小颗粒介质 的调节控制。
同时还具有结构紧凑、体积精小、运行可靠、密封性好、维修容易、安装方便、适应性强等特 点。
可广泛应用于石油,化工、轻工、电力、制药、造纸、冶金等工业自动控制系统中,作远距离集中控制 或就地控制。
二、特点1、由于 V 型球阀流路简单、流阻较小,因而流通能力较大。
2、V 型球阀阀芯上具有近似等百分比流量特性的 V 型和具有近似线性流量特性的 U 型两种缺口形式,因 而无须通过定位器调整,即能实现不同流量特性的流量控制。
3、可调比可达到 300∶1 远大于直通单、双座调节阀。
4、 具有较高的密封等级: 软密封结构的泄漏等级为 GB/T4213 VI 级;硬密封结构的泄漏等级为 GB/T4213 IV 级。
O 5、正、反作用方式变换较为方便,只需将阀芯初始位置旋转 90 ,即能实现作用方式的转换。
三、型号编制说明V YH 6 41 F——16CG 温度类型(表 1) 阀体材质(表 2) 公称压力(表 3) 密封面材料(表 4) 连接方式(表 5) 执行机构类型(表 6) 屹沪公司标志 阀门代号:V 型球阀表1工作温度℃ 代号 中温 G 常温 无表2阀体材质 代号 碳钢 C 不锈钢 P 铸铁 省略表3公称压力 Mpa 代号 1.6 16 2.5 25 4.0 40 6.4 64表4密封面材料 代号 四氟乙烯 F 金属密封 H表5连接形式 代号 法兰 41 丝扣 11 对夹式 71表6执行机构 代号 电动 9 气动 6四、工作原理和结构VYH 气动 V 型调节球阀由气动活塞式执行机构和 V 形球阀二部分组成。
2.范围本使用说明书包括了公称通径NPS 2~48、压力等级Class150~2500法兰端连接、承插焊端连接的两片式、三片式硬密封、软密封锻钢固定球阀;适用介质水、油、汽等介质;操作方式包括齿轮、手柄、电动执行机构、液动、气动和气液联动执行机构。
—美标球阀设计参照API 6D,阀门材料的选择符合ASME B16.34 压力—温度额定值的要求;国标球阀的设计参照GB/T 12237或GB/T 19672,阀门的材料选择符合GB/T 12224压力—温度额定值的要求。
—阀门密封材料应根据介质对材料的腐蚀性和工况耐磨损的要求而选择,参照API 6D、GB/T 12237或GB/T 19672的规定。
—阀门设计时应有防静电装置及防火结构,放火实验设备符合API 607及API 6FA 规范,并已通过英国的劳氏船级社认证。
3.2 用户须知3.2.1 概述3.2.1.1 任何场合,应首先保证人身安全。 使用阀门时允许工作压力应符合 ASME B16.34 或GB/T12224压力—温度额定值的规定。 选择阀门材料时应考虑工作介质对材料的腐蚀性和工况对耐磨损的要求。 工作介质是易燃/易爆的,要限制工作温度。 当维修/维护时,应先打开泄放阀或泄放螺塞,以泄掉中腔压力。
4-14 4-14 4-14 4-18 4-18 4-18 8-18 8-18 8-22 8-26 8-26 12-26 12-30 16-30
PN4.0MPa 法兰连接尺寸
95 105 115 140 150 165 185 200 235 270 300 375 450 515
65 75 85 100 110 125 145 160 190 220 250 320 385 450
44.5 49 55 65 65 75 90 95 115 127 140 172.5 310 350
PN1.6MPa 法兰连接尺寸
95 105 115 140 150 165 185 200 220 250 285 34010 125 145 160 180 210 240 295 355 410
PN2.5MPa 法兰连接尺寸
95 105 115 140 150 165 185 200 235 270 300 360 425 485
65 75 85 100 110 125 145 160 190 220 250 310 370 430
46 56 65 76 84 99 118 132 156 184 211 274 330 389
● 阀内件
阀芯形式 流量特性
O 型球体阀芯 近似快开型
● 执行机构
CHR 系列角行程执行机构
动作时间:15 秒/30 秒/60 秒 保护装置:过热保护、手动操作:同附带手柄操作、限位:电气、机械二重限位
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南京苯邦阀门公司球阀使用说明书Ball valve operating instruction1.一般预防General prevention2.产品介绍Product Introduction3.压力温度等级Pressure-temperature rating4.交货条件和存放Delivery terms and storage5.安装和操作Installation and operation6.使用前安装检查Inspection installation before use7.不适当的危险使用Inappropriate use of danger8.维护Maintenance南京苯邦阀门公司1.一般预防General preventiona.材料选择: Material selection材料在使用中有失效的可能性,需根据阀门内的流体进行定期检查。
Material have the possibility of failure in use, and should be checked on a regular basisdepending on fluid within the valve. Carbide at low temperature (or even above - 29 ℃)may be converted to graphite, iron oxide ferrite, reducing the plasticity. The behind aredescribed. According to the instructions,the user need to carefully chose the material that fits their requirements (valve).b.压力温度等级: Pressure-temperature rating压力温度等级额定值是在静态压力下的温度额定值。
Pressure-temperature rating is the temperature rating in the static pressure. Please referto page 3 work prevention part of P&T rating. In order to avoid danger, Valve allows theuse temperature between-20℃to 200℃, and doesn't allow more than this temperaturerange.c.流动性热的扩充: Liquidity thermal expansion当球阀在封闭的条件下工作,阀体内的封闭腔体可能封有流体。
When ball valve working in the closed conditions, the valve body of closed cavity couldseal a fluid. If the fluid can not be released in time, it will be heating expansion, leading to the failure of pressure edges. However, our products have the cushion pressureautoregulation, preventing pressure increase. To avoid the valve body pressure exceed the rated value, we recommend that users through the piping system design, installation oroperation procedure and methods for prevention.d.静电影响:Electrostatic effect南京苯邦阀门公司球阀具有抗静电能力,当使用环境连续用电需要预防静电时,阀门应有接地,以使静电能够即时得以释放。
Ball valves have the antistatic ability. When the using environment continuous electricity needs to prevent static electricity, the valve should be grounded, so that static electricity can be released immediately.e.意外火灾预防:Accidental fire prevention通常,球阀的使用应遵守压力温度要求。
Usually, ball valve should be used in compliance with the pressure and temperaturerequirements. If causing greater risk in the event of accidental fires, it is recommended that you choose our fire protection products. The product has passed the API - 607certification. For details, please contact with the valve sales or contact with us directly.f.液体流速:Liquid velocity当球阀必须经常在高速流体条件下频繁开关时,销售商或制造商应适当建议最小化密封垫变形的可能性,尤其是在高温线上进行高温密封的球阀,并进行检查。
When the ball valve must always frequently switch in high speed fluid condition, vendors or manufacturers should suggest to minimize the possibility of Gasket deformationappropriately, especially the ball valves in the high- temperature line for high-temperature sealing, and check.g.节流装置:Throttling device当用阀门做为节流装置时,流体和钢球的前边缘能损坏密封垫的回弹力,导致泄露。
When the valves used as the throttle device, fluid and the front edge of the ball candamage the resiliency of the gasket, causing leakage. So, we suggest that ball valvegenerally don't used as throttle. High fluid velocity used for throttling and suspended solids will further shorten the service life of the seal.h.当打开阀门困难时,(阀体内正承受压力时)不要拧开螺帽检查。
When you have difficulty opening the valve, (the body is under pressure) don't twist off the nut for inspection. Users can check in other ways through the piping system. Ball valve is not equipped with a supercharger device.南京苯邦阀门公司i.阀门处于高温时不要用手触摸其外表面。
Don't touch the outside surface when the valve is in high temperature.j.不允许应用于不稳定流体,除非在说明及使用手册中提及。
Unless mentioned in the description and user manual, applied to unstable fluid is notallowed.k.阀门手柄挂锁,是为了防止对阀门的误操作。
The valve handle hanging lock is to prevent wrong operation of the valve.2.产品介绍Product Introductiona. 标准类型,三片式全流量球阀.a. The standard type, three-pieces full-flow ball valve.b. 中轴倒装防脱出;防爆设计b. Axial inversion can prevent emerging; Explosion-proof design.c. 通过钢球、中轴和阀体建立防静电功能(可选)c. Anti-static function can be established through the ball, axial and body (optional).d. 阀体、阀盖标记有可追溯的炉号、流水序号,以便责任认定d. For responsibility identification, the valve body and valve cover mark traceable heatnumber and flowing number.e. 钢球上设有压力平衡孔(可选)e. The ball is equipped with pressure balance hole (optional).f. 球垫具有压力自我调节功能f. The ball pad has pressure autoregulation.g. 手柄可以锁定(可选)g. Handle can be locked (optional).3.压力温度等级Pressure-temperature rating球阀压力温度额定值不仅被阀体材料,而且也被球垫、中口组与大薄片的材料限制。