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116、An old saying goes 正如一句古老的谚语所说;

例句:An old saying goes: " actions speak louder than words ". 有一句老话说,“行动胜于语言”。

an old saying goes意为“俗话说得好;正如一句古老的谚语所说”。类似于an old saying goes的短语有:Well goes an old saying, As an old saying goes, So goes an old saying。为了引出后面的话,陈述an old saying 的saying的内容,用goes表示“…是这么说的…”,后面接个从句,可用that引导。


(1). 单项填空:

①An old saying goes that time will bring to light _____ is hidden.

A. what

B. which

C. that

D. whatever

②An old saying goes like this: One man’s meat is _____ man’s poison.

A. another

B. other

C. the other

D. other’s

③An old Chinese saying goes, " It takes ten years to grow trees _____ a hundred years to rear people ".

A. and

B. or

C. but

D. so

④An old Chinese saying goes," Food is the paramount necessity _____ the people. "

A. for

B. to

C. of

D. in

⑤As a popular saying goes, “_____ coin has two sides.”

A. Every

B. Each

C. Each of

D. Every one

⑥As a proverb says, “______ there is a will there is a way.”

A. When

B. That

C. If

D. Where

⑦As a popular saying goes, “No pains, _____ gains .”

A. none

B. no

C. not

D. don’t

(2). 完成句子:

①Just as an old saying goes: it is _______________. 就像老人说的那样: 学永远不会太迟。

②So goes an old saying, __________________. 有句古老的谚语说:“天网恢恢,疏而不漏”。

③_________________ , so goes an old saying. 俗云:“少小不努力, 老大徒伤悲”。

④So goes an old saying, ___________________. 有句俗话说:“一朝被蛇咬, 十年怕草绳”。

⑤As an old saying goes, "__________________." 俗话说得好:“诚实为上策”。

117、It pays to do sth 做某事合算,值得做某事;

例句:It pays to help others. 帮助别人是值得的。

此句型从字面意义上看,it作形式主语,to do something是真正的主语,pay作动词讲时指“值得,合算”的意思,所以此句型的意思就是“做某事是值得的”。如:Your company produces a new product. It pays to advertise.你们公司生产了一种新产品,值得做做广告。


(1). 单项填空:

①It pays to avoid food additives _____ only wholefoods.

A. and to eat

B. but to eat

C. but eat

D. and eat

②Men are realizing _____ it pays to be considerate, attentive and well - dressed.

A. which

B. how

C. that

D. what

③It pays to stay flexible, unattached, and _____.

A. uncommitted

B. uncommit

C. to uncommit

D. uncommitting

④Like all outside investors, it pays to know _____ you're dealing with.

A. that

B. who

C. what

D. which

⑤It pays to choose a few trading vehicles _____ them well.

A. and to learn

B. but learn

C. and learn

D. but to learn

⑥It pays to use a high - quality colored pencil _____ this kind drawing.

A. for

B. in

C. on

D. with

(2). 完成句子:

①It pays to ___________ protective clothing. 在防护服上投资是值得的。

②It pays to buy goods _______________________. 买高质量的货物是划得来的。

③It pays to _____________. 老实一点总划得来。

④It _____________ that it pays to work hard. 一般人都相信努力是值得的。

⑤It pays to ___________. 客气不吃亏。

⑥It pays to ____________. 老老实实地工作是不会吃亏的。

⑦It pays to ___________ in your work. 你在工作中细心是不会吃亏的。

118、by +Ving,... can ...借着……,能够……;

例句:By taking exercise,we can always stay healthy. 借着做运动,我们能够始终保持健康。

by 是介词,用来表示方法、手段、方式,意思是“凭借;靠;用;通过”,后接动词时要-ing 形式。即by doing sth,"by doing sth"结构在句中作状语表示方式,这个结构的意思是"通过(做)……",但翻译实践中不能拘泥于这种释义,不少情况下需要灵活变通。


(1). 单项填空:

①The man _____ by playing football.

A. makes a living

B. makes a life

C. makes living

D. makes life

②How do you practise English? _____ English textbooks.

A. Reading

B. To read

C. To reading

D. By reading

③We should learn English by _____.

A. using

B. using it

C. use it

D. use

④He made some mixture by putting some vinegar _____ castor oil

A. in

B. within

C. into

D. with

⑤She won first place in the examination _____ hard.

A. by work

B. through work

C. through working

D. by working

⑥They solved the problem _____ the wise man.

A. by consulting

B. through consulting

C. and consulted

D. consulting

(2). 完成句子:

①He bacame a college student _______________.通过努力学习他变成了一个大学生。

②By doing sth, we become more and more ____________. 通过做某事,我们变得越来越坚强和有力量。

③By reading, we can _______________. 通过阅读,我们可以扩大视野。

④Only by reasoning ______________ people completely. 只有以理服人,才能使人心悦诚服。
