



英语教案封面设计模板(共8篇)第1篇:英语教案封面设计英语教案封面设计【篇1:小学英语学科教案封面设计】pepenglishteachingplansforprimaryschool(2012—2013the1stperiod)grade:subject:teacher:contents:dayaojinlongmingdeprimaryschoolpepenglishteachingplansforpr imaryschool(2012—2013the1stperiod)grade:subject:teacher:contents:dayaojinlongmingdeprimaryschoolpandengenglishlevel1ateachin gplan(unit1----7)by:yangjiahuadayaojinlongmingdepramaryschoolpandengenglishlevel1ateachin gplanby:yangjiahuadayaojinlongmingdepramaryschool2012—2013学年度第一学期车辋镇李村小学英语教案备课教师:宋高松班级:六年级备课日期:2012.9【篇2:英语教案封面参考】2016--2017学年度第一学期英语教学设计学校:年级:教师:【篇3:打印教案封皮以及格式】“提升学习力构建高效课堂”教学设计课题总课时本课时授课时间优秀教学设计标准教育方针坚持教育为社会主义现代化建设服务,为人民服务,与生产劳动和社会实践相结合,培养德、智、体、美全面发展的社会主义建设者和接班人。






毕业论文英文封面Title: The Significance of an English Cover Page for Graduation Thesis Introduction:The completion of a graduation thesis is a significant milestone in a student's academic journey. Along with the content, formatting, and presentation, the cover page plays a crucial role in conveying the essence and professionalism of the research work. This article aims to discuss the importance and components of an English cover page for a graduation thesis, highlighting its role in presenting the research in a comprehensive and appealing manner.1. The Purpose of an English Cover Page:The cover page serves as the first impression of the graduation thesis. It sets the tone for the entire document and provides essential information about the research work. It not only grabs the reader's attention but also conveys the seriousness and professionalism of the study. Therefore, an English cover page is crucial to create a positive impact and engage the readers from the beginning.2. Components of an English Cover Page:a) Title: The title should be concise, clear, and reflective of the research topic. It should accurately represent the research question or main theme of the thesis.b) Author's Information: The cover page should include the author's name, academic institution, department, and the date of submission. This information provides credibility and establishes the author's affiliation with the academic institution.c) Supervisor's Information: Including the name and designation of the thesis supervisor adds value to the research and demonstrates the guidance received during the study.d) Abstract: A brief summary of the thesis should be included on the cover page. It should highlight the objectives, methodology, key findings, and conclusions of the research. The abstract should be concise yet informative to give readers a glimpse into the thesis.e) Keywords: Incorporating relevant keywords on the cover page helps in indexing and categorizing the thesis. These keywords make it easier for readers to locate the research in databases and academic platforms.3. Design and Formatting:a) Font and Size: The font style and size should be consistent with the formatting guidelines provided by the academic institution. Generally, a professional and easily readable font, such as Times New Roman or Arial, is preferred.b) Alignment and Spacing: The text on the cover page should be aligned centrally, and appropriate spacing should be maintained between the elements. This ensures a neat and organized appearance.c) Graphics and Images: While not mandatory, incorporating the academic institution's logo or relevant graphics can enhance the visual appeal of the cover page. However, it is important to ensure that the design does not overshadow the essential information.4. Language and Accuracy:a) Language: As the cover page is in English, it is crucial to use correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation. Proofreading the cover page is essential to avoid any errors that may undermine the professionalism of the research.b) Accuracy: The information provided on the cover page, such as the title, author's name, and supervisor's information, should be accurate and consistent with the content of the thesis. Any discrepancies can lead to confusion and impact the credibility of the research.Conclusion:In conclusion, an English cover page holds significant importance in presenting a graduation thesis effectively. It serves as a gateway to the research work, providing essential information and creating a positive impression. By incorporating the necessary components, adhering to formatting guidelines, and ensuring accuracy, the cover page contributes to the overall professionalism and appeal of the thesis. Therefore, students should give due attention to crafting an engaging and informative cover page to complement their research efforts.。



本科毕业论文英文翻译专业班级:08电子商务01班学生姓名:程龙学号:0820070102指导教师:朱湘晖职称:副教授管理学院制英文原文:(二号黑体)Internet advertising(二号Times N ew Roman)(小四Times New Roman,1.5倍行距)As the Internet continues to develop with new technique and technology, Web Advertisement is nothing new to Internet user these days. It uses a paid advertising method to disseminate information through the net to persuade potential consumer. Today, Web Advertising, to the bulk of the masses, is a mean for information receiving not to be missed, being also the key to keep cash register of web sites ringing.With the influx of new technology, Web Advertising appears in multiple form and format. Base on different criteria, Web Advertising can be categorizes into several group. Judging from the mode of presentation and standard o f current technique, Web Advertising can be grouped as, Banner Ads, Co-brand Contents Ads, Advertorial Ads, pop up Ads, Special Dynamic Ads, Email Ads, Event Ads, offline Ads and more. From Web Advertising's design point of view, Web Advertisement format can be divided into words advertisement, pictorial advertisement, animation advertisement and Online Video advertisement.Being part of the Internet, Chinese web site's approach of Web Advertising s similar to that of the rest of the world. But due to the particularity of the Chinese Internet users, and their level of acceptance, the following are the most common form of Chinese Web Advertising: MNTL, NP, EU2, Monster, pop up Ads, Flash- out Banner and Slide News. Although similar to those used internationally, but in term o f design and impact, they are still unable to induce the full potential of the market. Comparing to world class Web Advertising design abroad, Chinese Web Advertising designs till has room for improvement.译文: (二号黑体,要另起一面)南京链家地产的背景(二号黑体)2001年11月12日,链家在北京正式成立,目前北京有三百多家店,在北京房地产行业中,是龙头老大。


Development of LCD Telephone Alarm System
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英语专业学生论文封面致谢页格式参考第一篇:英语专业学生论文封面致谢页格式参考ON UNTRANSLATABILITY OF ARTISTIC CONCEPTIONIN CHINESE CLASSIC POETRYBy AnonymousA thesis submitted in partial fulfillmentof the requirements for the B.A.degree in School ofForeign Languages, Guangdong University of TechnologyMay2009AcknowledgementsMy great gratitude must go first and foremost to my beloved advisor Prof.Yan Kepa.With his excellent mentorship, solid advice, constant availability and enduring patience, Professor Yan has guided me through the whole process of writing this thesis.His encouragement of me as well as his confidence in me is indispensable to the completion of the dissertation, and being his student has been a tremendous learning experience.There are many others who deserve my thanks.… …第二篇:英语专业毕业论文致谢,摘要AcknowledgementsAt the very first, I am honored to express my deepest gratitude to my dedicated supervisor, Miss Wang Chao, with whose able guidance I could have worked out this thesis.She has offered me valuable ideas, suggestions and criticisms with her profound knowledge and rich research experience.Her patience and kindness are greatly appreciated.Besides, she always puts high priority on our dissertation writing and is willing to discuss with me anytime available.I have learnt from her a lot not only about dissertation writing, but also the professional ethics.I amvery much obliged to her efforts of helping me complete the dissertation.I am also extremely grateful to Prof.Wei Xiaohong whose patient and meticulous guidance and invaluable suggestions are indispensable to the completion of this thesis.Thanks are also due to my roommates, who never failed to give me great encouragement and suggestions.Special thanks should go to Miss Dong, Miss Ma, and Miss Wei for their brainstorming with me when I failed in coming up with ideas.At last but not least, I would like to thank my family for their support all the way from the very beginning of my study.I am thankful to all my family members for their thoughtfulness and encouragement.iAbstractAs an applied language, English advertisement has its own linguistic style and features.Its language is original, beautiful and full of connotations.English advertisemet, using the simplest language to express the most complex meanings, stimulates people’s desire for shopping.The skillful use of puns makes advertising language more vivid and humourous.Therefore, puns have been applied much in the field of English advertisements to attatch more attention.Accordingly the effective translation of puns in this field becomes more and more important.This thesis has studied certain so as to make the Chinese translation of puns in English advertisements complete.Based on differences in language, lexicon and sentence structure of puns, this paper explain puns in detail from three respects including homophone, homograph and parody puns.This study plays the solid foundation for the translation of puns in English advertisements.Moreover, under the guide of the theory of “functional equivalence”, this thesis proposed three translationprinciples which provide theory supports for the Chinese translation of puns in this field.Furthermore, this paper studies the Chinese translation of puns in this field combining large amount of English advertisements with puns, and proposed five translation skills.This paper gives originality, flexibility and humorousness of puns better expression in Chinese translation textsKey words:Puns,English advertisements,Translation Principles,Translation skills摘要英语广告作为一种应用语言,有着自己独特的语言风格和特点。



third-party logistics problems, causes and strategic choiceAbstract: China's logistics industry has just started, third-party logistics and other aspects of the theory and practice are relatively weak. The paper points out the problems of the Third Party Logistics is the gap between domestic and international third party logistics, logistics efficiency is not high, the lack of systematic management, and logistics platform to build lag behind the concept of logistics management, and so on. Analyzed the causes of such problems arising and proposed lean logistics, small and medium enterprise value chain alliances third party logistics, large third-party logistics companies such as virtualization strategy choice of three third-party logistics enterprise development strategies.Keywords:Third party logistics;lean logistics strategy;value chain alliances; virtualization strategy1. IntroductionFor a long time, China's domestic enterprises procurement, transportation, warehousing, agents, packaging, processing, distribution and other aspects of control is not strong, in the "Procurement black hole", "Logistics trap" in the waste is difficult to calculate losses. Therefore, third-party logistics research, the overall effectiveness in promoting the improvement of China's economy has a very important theoretical and practical significance. This article attempts to my policy of three logistics problems and analysis of the causes of and propose several possible third-party logistics strategic choice.2 Third party logistics industry in China's major problems(A) The national policy of three logistics companies and foreign big gap between third-party logistics companies, specifically in the following areas:1, economies of scale and capital gap significantly. Because third-party logistics companies large foreign strategic departure from the global business, its advantages ofscale and capital is no doubt, especially start-up period of three logistics policy I, its very small size, strong capital that foreign giants China enterprises to shame.2,I state policy of the logistics enterprises provide three logistics service level and quality control rather than foreign counterparts. When some domestic enterprise is still in logistics interpreted as "trucks, add warehouse logistics enterprises abroad already completed a series of standardized transformation. Meanwhile, foreign logistics organizational ability so powerful, Germany, for example, a third-party logistics company, all aspects of logistics experts across all over Europe. If the goods by a customer needs of different countries, so these experts from all over Europe in online design a the best logistics solutions. This provides solutions is the ability that the core competence of third-party logistics companies, unlike domestic companies claim to having many ship, how many car.3, China's accession to WTO, lower the threshold of the logistics industry. The logistics service industry: our commitment to all of the services sector, after a reasonable transition period, to cancel most of the foreign equity limit does not restrict access to foreign service providers the current market, do not restrict all the service sectors and the existing market access activities. The secondary distribution services while also making a similar commitment. These restrictions will be phased out after 3-4 years, during which foreign service providers can create a hundred per cent wholly-owned subsidiaries or business sector, the domestic logistics industry will face international competition.(B) serious waste of resources, third party logistics efficiency is not high. From the microscopic point of view, due to the impact of the planned economy, a long time many enterprises, especially state-owned enterprises to go the "large", "small" route, they have their own warehouse, fleet, and even ocean-going vessels team, resulting in wasting a lot of the logistics process, the specific performance of the idle warehouse, logistics decentralized operation, the low level of organization, transverse joint weak. And to provide integrated, modern, professional, punctual, efficient services to third-party logistics enterprises are very small. From a macro point of view of economic development of third-party logistics failed to keep up with the pace of the formation of industrial management model, but only with the transportation, telecommunications, commercial materials, foreign trade and other sectors of the integration and collaboration.(C) the lack of systematic management, equipment standardization is low. Most of the current third-party logistics enterprises in China under the traditional system based on materials circulation enterprises developed, the service mainly stay in the storage, transportation, lack of systematic management, logistics, low efficiency, lack of effective third party logistics functions Play. In addition, the fragmentation of China's logistics sector, making the link in the transportation logistics and equipment standards are not uniform, does not support current standards for physical facilities, resulting in the increase in third-party logistics invalid operation, speed, and reduce costs.(D) third-party logistics platform to build lag, lower degree of information technology. Third-party logistics and distribution platforms, including physical network and information network, physical network refers to the logistics facilities, transportation, transportation hubs in the geographical location of the rational distribution and the formation of physical network; information networks that use third-party logistics business and information technology, Information resources to their chain integration and the formation of a shared network of information resources. The status of physical network are: low levels of third-party logistics and equipment, and information networks also lack the necessary public logistics platform.(E) the concept of logistics management of domestic enterprises is still very backward, which greatly restricts the development of third party logistics. For example: Some companies believe that inventory information is confidential business information must be managed by the enterprises themselves, the class of business activities while outsourcing the management concept difficult to accept, often resulting in control of their own poor management of logistics, business competition in the market weakens Force.3Causes problems analysis(A) lack of modern logistics management knowledge and expertise of logistics personnel. This is the third-party logistics industry in restricting the development of China's most important one of the bottlenecks. Logistics knowledge, especially in modern integrated third party logistics knowledge is far from being universal, but that its main business areas is to provide transportation and warehousing services, not know that it isnew to these traditional business integration of its business fields Far too simple to become connected with transport and storage of raw materials, semi-finished products supply, production process, material flow, the whole process of product distribution services, as cover flow, solid logistics, capital flow, information flow is equal to the integrated system of systems.(B) fails to effectively use modern technology. This situation has greatly restricted the cultivation of third-party logistics companies, affecting their overall competitive strength increased. China's accession to the WTO, domestic enterprises will face third-party logistics strong competition from abroad, the domestic third-party logistics industry is difficult to provide low-cost, high quality and efficient service.(C) subject to the constraints of traditional management systems. Fragmentation in the traditional institutional arrangements, third party logistics activities have been separated from many different sectors such as transportation, post and telecommunications, foreign trade, domestic trade and only involves the transport industry to the Ministry of Railways, Ministry of Communications, etc. Some departments, the lack of efficient collaboration between departments, resulting in the transport process of rotation of the mode of transport and time-consuming part of the cost of logistics in the process of becoming "trap. " There are also procedures for customs management, material procurement and other aspects of some of the provisions of the logistics enterprises also raise the level of integrated services and business development areas, thus restricting the rapid development of third-party logistics industry.4 The third party logistics enterprise strategic choice Summarized the latest of several foreign logistics theory and the development of third-party logistics with the current practice of foreign, third-party logistics firm's strategic choice to have the following three:(A)Lean Logistics StrategySince the lag theory and practice of logistics, our most extensive third-party logistics company or business, it can not accurately position their logistics services. If you do not reverse this situation as soon as possible, will be third-party logistics industry in Chinahave restricted role. Lean production theory of logistics for our third-party logistics company provides a new development ideas for these enterprises to survive in the new economy and development opportunities. Lean Logistics concept originated in lean manufacturing. It is produced from the Toyota Motor Corporation 70 years in the last century by the original "Toyota Production System", after research by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology professor and summary, was published in 1990 published "change the world of machines), a book. Lean thinking is the use of various modern management methods and means, based on the needs of society to fully play the role of people as a fundamental and effective allocation and rational use of corporate resources to maximize economic benefits for enterprises to seek a new Management philosophy. Lean Logistics Lean Thinking is the application in logistics management, logistics development must reflect. The so-called Lean Logistics means: the process by eliminating the production and supply of non-value added waste in order to reduce stocking time, improve customer satisfaction. The aim of Lean Logistics according to customer needs, providing customers with logistics services, while pursuing the provision of logistics services in the process to minimize waste and delay, the process of increasing value added logistics services. Lean logistics system is characterized by its high-quality, low cost, continuous improvement, driven by customer demand oriented logistics system. It requires establishing the customer first thought, on time, accurate and fast delivery of goods and information.In short, Lean Logistics, as a new management ideas, bound to have a third-party logistics enterprises in China have far-reaching impact, it will change the appearance of the extensive third party logistics management concept, the formation of third party logistics Core competitiveness.(B)the establishment of small and medium third party logistics value chain alliance Third-party logistics enterprises of small and medium can not be independent because of their one-stop logistics services to provide full shortcomings, and because the small size of assets, services, not wide area so that small and medium enterprises in China's logistics third party logistics industry at a disadvantage. Therefore, third party logistics for small and medium enterprises, starting from their own resources to construct their own core competence is the key. As small and medium enterprise features of a single third-partylogistics and incomplete, so based on their respective core competencies based on the structure of the logistics business enterprise cooperation is an effective capacity to make up for deficiencies, constitutes a feasible way of competitive advantage of logistics. Value chain is the use of systems approach to investigate the interaction between business and the analysis of all activities and their access to the resources of competitive advantage. Value of the business activities fall into two categories: basic activities and support activities. Basic activities are involved in product creation and sale of the material transferred to the buyer and after-sales service activities. Basic activities of supporting activities is to assist the revenue by providing outsourcing, technology, human resources and a variety of functions to support each other. Theory to analyze the value chain study the value of third party logistics chain composition, can be found in auxiliary activities, third party logistics enterprise and general business is no different, the basic activities in the third-party logistics companies has its own characteristics. Third-party logistics enterprises there is generally no commodity production process, only the re-circulation process, does not account for major components of a wide range of third-party logistics companies and thus become the basic operating activities of storage, transport, packaging, distribution, customer service and marketing, etc. link. Various aspects of the basic work activities, due to their own limited resources and capacity, can not have every aspect of an advantage in that value chain in terms of some of the deficiencies, resulting in their overall logistics function not complete, lack of corresponding competitiveness and comparative advantage in some sectors of the value chain due to lack of overall effect should not play. Therefore, third party logistics industry, small and medium sized logistics enterprises within the Union, should be based on the value chain between complementary on the basis of cooperation, make full use of professional logistics companies and logistics functions of specialized logistics organization and coordination of agents Flexible complementary integrated logistics capabilities. Third-party logistics for small and medium enterprises, value chain should start with the advantage of links to explore and develop the core competitiveness of enterprises, through the reconstruction of the value chain to avoid weaknesses.(C)Large third-party logistics enterprise virtualization of strategyRapid development in IT and the Internet era, companies can not fight alone singles, but must be in the competition and collaboration, in cooperation and development. Thus, under modern conditions resulting from modern large-scale virtualized development of third-party logistics has a strong necessity. Large third-party logistics enterprise virtualization is the logistics management resources of others who will have "all", through the network, the other part into its own logistics, with the help of others break the power of physical boundaries, extending to achieve their various Function, and thus expand their ability to enhance their strength. Therefore, the logistics information technology, virtualization is a means for the connection and coordination of temporary and dynamic alliance in the form of virtual logistics. Integrated logistics virtualization technology as a means of electronic communication, customer-focused, based on the opportunity to participate in members of the core competencies as a condition to an agreement for the common pursuit of goals and tasks, the different parts of the country's existing Resources to quickly mix into a no walls, beyond the space constraints, by means of electronic networks, contact the unified command of the virtual business entity, the fastest launch of high-quality, low-cost logistics service.Modern large-scale virtualization, including third-party logistics functions, organization, geographic three virtualization. Virtualization capabilities with third-party logistics enterprise IT technology will be distributed in different locations, different companies take different functions within the logistics resources (information, human, material and other resources) organized to accomplish a specific task, to achieve the optimization of social resources. Virtualization refers to the organizational structure of the logistics organization is always dynamically adjusted, not fixed, but also decentralized, flexible, self-management, flat network structure, its objectives and in accordance with changes in the environment re-combination, in a timely manner Reflect the market dynamics. Virtual is the regional third party logistics network through the Internet link the global logistics resources, removing barriers and national barriers, to production management to achieve "virtual neighbors. "中国第三方物流存在的问题、原因及战略选择熊卫【摘要】中国物流业的发展才刚刚起步,第三方物流相关理论和实践等方面都相当薄弱。


英 文 翻 译
题 目:
DevelopmentofLCD TelephoneAlarm System
指 导 教 师:
XHale Waihona Puke X高工(校外)学 院 名 称:
201 年 月 日













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1 结构与写作要求毕业论文(设计)撰写包括封面、目录、英文题目、英文摘要与关键词、中文题目、中文摘要与关键词、正文、参考文献、致谢和附录等部分。

1.1 封面要求标明论文题目、学生所在专业年级、学生姓名、指导教师姓名、职称等事项。


1.2 目录包括论文中摘要与关键词(英、中文)、正文全部章节标题、参考文献、致谢、附录等以及它们的对应页码。

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1.4 摘要与关键词1.4.1 摘要摘要是对论文不加注释和评论的简短陈述,应完整准确概括论文的实质性内容,扼要说明研究工作的目的、主要材料和方法、结论、科学意义或应用价值等,是一篇具有独立性和完整性的短文,一般200~300字。



1.4.2 关键词关键词是供检索用的主题词条,应采用能覆盖论文主要内容的通用技术词条(尽量用《汉语主题词表》等词表中提供的规范词)。


1.5 正文正文包括前言、材料与方法、结果与讨论、结论四部分内容。





毕业设计中英文翻译学生姓名: 学号: 学专 指导教师:年 月(小二号居中)三号楷体 三号楷体 三号楷体1.×××××××(一级标题用小3号黑体,加粗,并留出上0.5行,段后0.5行)(作为文章2级标题,用小4号黑体,加粗)×××××××××(小4号宋体)××××××…………1.1.1 ××××(作为正文3级标题,用小4号黑体,不加粗)×××××××××(小4号宋体,行距1.5倍)×××××××××××××××××××××××××××………装订顺序:1、英文文章2、中文翻译外文翻译译文题目一种自动化夹具设计方法原稿题目A Clamping Design Approach for Automated Fixture Design原稿出处Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2001) 18:784–789一种自动化夹具设计方法塞西尔美国,拉斯克鲁塞斯,新墨西哥州立大学,,工业工程系,虚拟企业工程实验室(VEEL)在这片论文里,描述了一种新的计算机辅助夹具设计方法。





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毕业设计(论文)英文翻译及原文课题名称:基于Flexsim的城市生活垃圾收运路径仿真研究学院 : 旭日工商管理学院专业:物流管理姓名:董继超 __ 学号:080750517指导教师:贾永基二0一一年十二月六日英文翻译文章用于餐厅垃圾回收过程中的堆肥和热水解之间的环境负担比较1. 环境科学与工程系,清华大学,北京100084,中国摘要:近年来,在中国政府积极地态度和一些有效的餐馆垃圾管理下,餐馆垃圾回收有了显著的发展.为了评价餐馆垃圾回收对环境的影响,生命周期评估(LCA)比较了两个回收过程—堆肥和热水解- 估计能源消耗和污染物排放。











毕业论文外文文献翻译院年级专业:2009级XXXXXXXXXXX 姓 名:学 号:附 件:备注:(注意:备注页这一整页的内容都不需要打印,看懂了即可)1.从所引用的与毕业设计(论文)内容相近的外文文献中选择一篇或一部分进行翻译(不少于3000实词);2.外文文献翻译的装订分两部分,第一部分为外文文献;第二部分为该外文文献的中文翻译,两部分之间用分页符隔开。


3.格式方面,外文文献的格式,除了字体统一使用Times new roman 之外,其他所有都跟中文论文的格式一样。


(注意:备注页这一整页的内容都不需要打印,看懂了即可,定稿后,请删除本页.)范文如下:注意,下面内容每一部份均已用分页符分开了,如果用本模板,请将每一模块单独删除,直接套用到每一模板里面,不要将全部内容一次性删除.【Abstract】This paper has a systematic analysis on outside Marco-environment of herbal tea beverage industry and major competitors of brands inside the herbal tea market. Based onthe theoretic framework, this paper takes WONG LO KAT and JIA DUO BAO herbal tea as an example, and researches the strategy on brand positioning and relevant marketing mix of it. Through analysis on the prevention sense of WONG LO KAT herbal tea, it was positioned the beverage that can prevent excessive internal heat in body, a new category divided from the beverage market. the process of brand positioning of it in Consumers brain was finished. Based on this positioning strategy, WONG LO KAT reasonably organized and arranged its product strategy, price strategy, distribution strategy and promotion strategy, which not only served for and further consolidated the position of preventing excessive internal heat in body, but also elevated the value of brand. The JDB and WONG LO KAT market competition brings us enlightenment. Reference the successful experience from the JDB and lessons from the failure of the WONG LO KAT.,Times New Roman.【Key Words】Brand positioning; Marketing mix; Positioning Strategy; enlightenment, lessons;ABC(本页为英文文献摘要,关键词两项一起单独一页,字体为:Times New Roman,小四号,1.5倍行距)(注:以下为英文文献正文内容,英文全文3000字.具体标题以原文为准.全文字体为Times New Roman.行间距为1.5倍.字号大小与论文正文的各级标题一致.如下:)I.Times New Roman ,Times New Roman,Times New RomanTimes New Roman, Times New Roman, Times New Roman, Times New Roman,This paper has a systematic analysis on outside Marco-environment of herbal tea beverage industry and major competitors of brands inside the herbal tea market. Based on the theoretic framework, this paper takes WONG LO KAT and JIA DUO BAO herbal tea as an example, and researches the strategy on brand positioning and relevant marketing mix of it. Through analysis on the prevention sense of WONG LO KAT herbal tea, it was positioned the beverage that can prevent excessive internal heat in body, a new category divided from the beverage market. the process of brand positioning of it in Consumers brain was finished. Based on this positioning strategy, WONG LO KAT reasonably organized and arranged its product strategy, price strategy, distribution strategy and promotion strategy, which not only served for and further consolidated the position of preventing excessive internal heat in body, but also elevated the value of brand. The JDB and WONG LO KAT market competition brings us enlightenment. Reference the successful experience from the JDB and lessons from the failure of the WONG LO KAT.This paper has a systematic analysis on outside Marco-environment of herbal tea beverage industry and major competitors of brands inside the herbal tea market. Based on the theoretic framework, this paper takes WONG LO KAT and JIA DUO BAO herbal tea as an example, and researches the strategy on brand positioning and relevant marketing mix of it. Through analysis on the prevention sense of WONG LO KAT herbal tea, it was positioned the beverage that can prevent excessive internal heat in body, a new category divided from the beverage market. the process of brand positioning of it in Consumers brain was finished. Based on this positioning strategy, WONG LO KAT reasonably organized and arranged its product strategy, price strategy, distribution strategy and promotion strategy, which not only served for and further consolidated the position of preventing excessive internal heat in body, but also elevated the value of brand. The JDB and WONG LO KAT market competition brings us enlightenment. Reference the successful experience from the JDB and lessons fromthe failure of the WONG LO KAT.II.Times New Roman ,Times New Roman,Times New RomanTimes New Roman, Times New Roman, Times New Roman, Times New Roman,This paper has a systematic analysis on outside Marco-environment of herbal tea beverage industry and major competitors of brands inside the herbal tea market. Based on the theoretic framework, this paper takes WONG LO KAT and JIA DUO BAO herbal tea as an example, and researches the strategy on brand positioning and relevant marketing mix of it. Through analysis on the prevention sense of WONG LO KAT herbal tea, it was positioned the beverage that can prevent excessive internal heat in body, a new category divided from the beverage market. the process of brand positioning of it in Consumers brain was finished. Based on this positioning strategy, WONG LO KAT reasonably organized and arranged its product strategy, price strategy, distribution strategy and promotion strategy, which not only served for and further consolidated the position of preventing excessive internal heat in body, but also elevated the value of brand. The JDB and WONG LO KAT market competition brings us enlightenment. Reference the successful experience from the JDB and lessons from the failure of the WONG LO KAT.This paper has a systematic analysis on outside Marco-environment of herbal tea beverage industry and major competitors of brands inside the herbal tea market. Based on the theoretic framework, this paper takes WONG LO KAT and JIA DUO BAO herbal tea as an example, and researches the strategy on brand positioning and relevant marketing mix of it. Through analysis on the prevention sense of WONG LO KAT herbal tea, it was positioned the beverage that can prevent excessive internal heat in body, a new category divided from the beverage market. the process of brand positioning of it in Consumers brain was finished. Based on this positioning strategy, WONG LO KAT reasonably organized and arranged its product strategy, price strategy, distribution strategy and promotion strategy, which not only served for and further consolidated the position of preventing excessive internal heat in body, but also elevated the value of brand. The JDB and WONG LO KAT market competition brings us enlightenment. Reference the successful experience from the JDB and lessons from the failure of the WONG LO KAT.III.Times New Roman ,Times New Roman,Times New RomanTimes New Roman, Times New Roman, Times New Roman, Times New Roman,This paper has a systematic analysis on outside Marco-environment of herbal tea beverage industry and major competitors of brands inside the herbal tea market. Based on the theoretic framework, this paper takes WONG LO KAT and JIA DUO BAO herbal tea as an example, and researches the strategy on brand positioning and relevant marketing mix of it. Through analysis on the prevention sense of WONG LO KAT herbal tea, it was positioned the beverage that can prevent excessive internal heat in body, a new category divided from the beverage market. the process of brand positioning of it in Consumers brain was finished. Based on this positioning strategy, WONG LO KAT reasonably organized and arranged its product strategy, price strategy, distribution strategy and promotion strategy, which not only served for and further consolidated the position of preventing excessive internal heat in body, but also elevated the value of brand. The JDB and WONG LO KAT market competition brings us enlightenment. Reference the successful experience from the JDB and lessons from the failure of the WONG LO KAT.This paper has a systematic analysis on outside Marco-environment of herbal tea beverage industry and major competitors of brands inside the herbal tea market. Based on the theoretic framework, this paper takes WONG LO KAT and JIA DUO BAO herbal tea as an example, and researches the strategy on brand positioning and relevant marketing mix of it. Through analysis on the prevention sense of WONG LO KAT herbal tea, it was positioned the beverage that can prevent excessive internal heat in body, a new category divided from the beverage market. the process of brand positioning of it in Consumers brain was finished. Based on this positioning strategy, WONG LO KAT reasonably organized and arranged its product strategy, price strategy, distribution strategy and promotion strategy, which not only served for and further consolidated the position of preventing excessive internal heat in body, but also elevated the value of brand. The JDB and WONG LO KAT market competition brings us enlightenment. Reference the successful experience from the JDB and lessons from the failure of the WONG LO KAT.This paper has a systematic analysis on outside Marco-environment of herbal teabeverage industry and major competitors of brands inside the herbal tea market. Based on the theoretic framework, this paper takes WONG LO KAT and JIA DUO BAO herbal tea as an example, and researches the strategy on brand positioning and relevant marketing mix of it. Through analysis on the prevention sense of WONG LO KAT herbal tea, it was positioned the beverage that can prevent excessive internal heat in body, a new category divided from the beverage market. the process of brand positioning of it in Consumers brain was finished. Based on this positioning strategy, WONG LO KAT reasonably organized and arranged its product strategy, price strategy, distribution strategy and promotion strategy, which not only served for and further consolidated the position of preventing excessive internal heat in body, but also elevated the value of brand. The JDB and WONG LO KAT market competition brings us enlightenment. Reference the successful experience from the JDB and lessons from the failure of the WONG LO KAT.This paper has a systematic analysis on outside Marco-environment of herbal tea beverage industry and major competitors of brands inside the herbal tea market. Based on the theoretic framework, this paper takes WONG LO KAT and JIA DUO BAO herbal tea as an example, and researches the strategy on brand positioning and relevant marketing mix of it. Through analysis on the prevention sense of WONG LO KAT herbal tea, it was positioned the beverage that can prevent excessive internal heat in body, a new category divided from the beverage market. the process of brand positioning of it in Consumers brain was finished. Based on this positioning strategy, WONG LO KAT reasonably organized and arranged its product strategy, price strategy, distribution strategy and promotion strategy, which not only served for and further consolidated the position of preventing excessive internal heat in body, but also elevated the value of brand. The JDB and WONG LO KAT market competition brings us enlightenment. Reference the successful experience from the JDB and lessons from the failure of the WONG LO KAT.【摘要】本文是对凉茶饮料的宏观环境以及凉茶市场内部主要品牌的竞争对手进行了系统分析。



透明作文封面模板英文回答:Transparent Essay Cover Sheet Template。

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Name:Student ID Number:Course Name and Number:Instructor Name:Due Date:Essay Information。

Essay Title:Page Count:Word Count:Integrity Statement。

I hereby certify that this essay is my own original work and that I have not plagiarized any material from any source. I have properly cited all sources used in this essay.Signature:Date:Additional Notes:The essay cover sheet should be printed on transparent paper.The essay cover sheet should be attached to the frontof the essay.The essay cover sheet should be filled out completely and accurately.中文回答:透明作文封面模板。











学号课程大作业专业英语学生姓名:专业名称:建筑电气与智能化班级:11卓越电控制与机械工程学院2013年 10月18日英文科技期刊论文译文:题目(中文,黑体,三号)作者(英文Times New Roman,五号)摘要:□□×××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××关键词:×××××;×××××;×××××;×××××;□□×××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××正文(小四号、宋体,空2格)若有文章内小标题,1.☆☆☆(小四号,宋体,加粗,顶格)如下例1.用户需求分析(宋体,小四号,加粗,顶格)1、标题采用三号、黑体、居中。

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[关键词]英语新闻;新闻标题;标题翻译;仿拟辞格1 引言新闻语体是一种特殊的应用文体,一般由标题、导语、主体、背景和结尾五要素组成。





2 新闻标题中的仿拟辞格2.1 何谓仿拟?仿拟是一种使用频率极高的修辞手法,其英文为Parody,源于希腊语中的Paroidia,意思为satirical poem(讽刺诗)。

……2.2 新闻标题中的仿拟辞格2.2.1 仿词仿词往往根据表情达意的需要,在特定的语境中,以现有的词语(词素)单位为基础或本体进行的仿拟。


仿词可分为音仿和义仿。 音仿音仿也称谐音仿拟,是指利用音同或音近的词语构成语义变体,换言之,就是仿体与本…… 义仿义仿是和音仿相对的,也称作非谐音仿拟。

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