
传感器技术论文中英文对照资料外文翻译文献Development of New Sensor TechnologiesSensors are devices that can convert physical。
logical quantities。
into electrical signals。
The output signals can take different forms。
such as voltage。
and can meet the requirements of n n。
and control。
They are indispensable components in automatic n systems and automatic control systems。
If computers are compared to brains。
then sensors are like the five senses。
Sensors can correctly sense the measured quantity and convert it into a corresponding output。
playing a decisive role in the quality of the system。
The higher the degree of n。
the higher the requirements for sensors。
In today's n age。
the n industry includes three parts: sensing technology。
n technology。
and computer technology。

英文论文标准格式范文The Standard Format of English Academic Paper。
This paper aims to provide a comprehensive guide to the standard format of an English academic paper. It covers the essential elements such as title, abstract, introduction, body, conclusion, and references. By following this standard format, authors can ensure that their papers are well-organized, coherent, and professional.Introduction。
The standard format of an English academic paper is crucial for presenting research findings effectively. It helps to structure the paper in a logical and coherent manner, making it easier for readers to follow the argument and understand the key points. Adhering to the standard format also demonstrates the author's professionalism and attention to detail.Title。
The title of the paper should be concise, informative, and engaging. It should clearly indicate the topic of the research and attract the reader's attention. The title should be centered at the top of the first page, in bold and title case.Abstract。

2)游中国当然是必游长城。 A must for all the tourists to China is to visit the Great Wall. 3)中国的国民意识是把追求家庭幸福提到个 人幸福之上,而美国人似乎与此相反。 In the Chinese ideology, the pursuit of family happiness has been elevated to the place before personal happiness, while for the Americans the order seems to be the reverse.
2-2 By means of inference (decide SV based on thorough interpretation)
• 1)发现错误,要改正错误。 Wrongs must be righted when they are discovered.
2)我们的各项工作都取得了一些成就,但不 能因此而骄傲自满。 We have made some achievements in various fields of our work but we must not get conceited and arrogant. 3)我们的自然科学比较落后,要努力向外国 学习。 In natural science, we are rather backward and we should make a special effort to learn from foreign countries.
Customers from various countries and regions are welcome to establish and develop business contacts with us. China’s first atomic blast in October, 1964 was a great shock to the rest of the world. Everything taken into consideration, her proposal seems more practicable. A special fund will be set aside to support these products which fall within five hi-tech spheres— new materials mechatronics, electronic information, biotechnology, new energy resources and energy conservation. It is a general opinion that to simplify formalities and to enhance efficiency are more important than to give preferential economical treatment to enterprises.

关键词:关键词1;关键词2;关键词3;关键词4 (3~8个,不使用缩略语)Title in English(注:与中文题名含义一致;除了专有名词及句首词外的其他单词均为小写) Author11, Author21,2, Author31 , Corresponding author1,2,*(注:姓全大写,名首字母大写)(1.第一单位英文标准全称, 市名邮编, China; 2. 第二单位英文标准全称, 市名邮编, China)Abstract: (1) 英文摘要应符合英文语法,提倡用短句表述。
(2) 本刊现已被美国《化学文摘》(CA)、美国《医学索引》(IM)、美国《剑桥科学文摘》(CSA)、英国《分析化学文摘》(AA)等检索系统收录,为了方便国际交流和扩大国际影响,增大文章被国际同行引用的机会,作者需撰写内容详细的英文摘要(包括较为详细的实验方法),不必与中文摘要一一对应,一般需200~300个单词。

中英文对照资料外文翻译文献Policies for Development of Iron and Steel IndustryThe iron and steel industry is an important basic industry of the national economy, a supporting industry for realizing the industrialization and an intensive industry in technologies, capital, resources and energy, and its development requires a comprehensive balancing of all kinds of external conditions. China is a big developing country with a comparatively big demand of iron and steel in the economic development for a long time to go. China's production capacity of iron and steel has ranked the first place in the world for many years. However, there is a large gap in terms of the technological level and material consumption of the iron and steel industry compared with the international advanced level, so the focus of development for the future shall be put on technical upgrading and structural adjustment. In order to enhance the whole technical level of the iron and steel industry, promote the structural adjustment, improve the industrial layout, develop a recycling economy, lower the consumption of materials and energy, pay attention to the environmental protection, raise the comprehensive competitive capacity of enterprises, realize the industrial upgrading, and develop the iron and steel industry into an industry with international competitive capacity that may basically satisfy the demand of the national economy and social development in terms of quantity, quality and varieties, we have formulated the policies for development of the iron and steel industry according to the relevant laws and regulations and the domestic and internationalsituations that the iron and steel industry faces so as to guide the sound development of the iron and steel industry.Chapter I Aim of the PolicyAccording to the requirement of our country's economic and social development and the situation of resources, energy and environmental protection, the production capacity of iron and steel shall maintain at a reasonable scale, which may be specifically resolved in the relevant planning. The comprehensive competitive capacity of iron and steel industry may reach to the international advanced level so that China may become a large country in iron and steel production and a great power country in world-wide competitive.By the year 2010, through the means of structural adjustment of products, the proportion of good iron and steel products shall be elevated considerably, the majority of products shall be basically satisfied the development requirements of most industries in the national economy such as construction, machinery, chemical industry, auto-mobiles, household appliances, vessels, traffic, railway, military industry and new industries.We may elevate the industrial concentration by means of organizational and structural adjustment of the iron and steel industry, and expand the scale of those backbone enterprise groups with comparative advantages by means of amalgamate and reorganization . By 2010, the number of iron and steel smelting enterprises shall be considerably reduced and the production capacity of the iron and the output of steel enterprise groups that rank top 10 in the domestic market shall be reached to 50 % and above of the national total production capacity; by 2020, the proportion shall bereached to 70% and above.By means of layout adjustment of the iron and steel industry, by 2010, the unreasonable layout shall be improved; by 2020, a comparatively reasonable industrial layout that complies with the supply of resources and energy, allocation of traffic and transportation, supply and demand of the market and environmental capacity shall be formed.According to the concept of sustainable development and recycling economy, we should elevate the comprehensive level of environmental protection and resource utilization, and should save energy and lower consumption. We should elevate the comprehensive utilization capacity of waste gases, water and rubbishes to the largest possible extent, strive for the goal of realizing "zero discharge" and establish iron and steel factories of the recycling type. The iron and steel enterprisesmust develop the business of generating power by using reclaimed heat and energy. An iron and steel associated enterprise with the production scale of more than 5 million tons shall strive for the goal of having more than enough power to support itself and providing the surplus to outsiders. By 2005, the comprehensive energy consumption for each ton of steel shall be lowered to 0.76 ton of standard coal, the comparable energy consumption for each ton of iron shall be lowered to 0.70 ton of standard coal and the water consumption for each ton of steel shall be lowered to less than 12 tons in the whole industry; by 2010, the corresponding index shall be lowered to 0.73 ton of standard coal, 0. 685 ton of standard coal and less than 8 tons of water, respectively; by 2020, the corresponding index shall be lowered to 0.7 ton of standard coal, 0.64 ton of standard coal and less than 6 tons of water, respectively. That is, in the coming 10 years, the iron and steel industry shall, on the precondition that the total consumption of water resources decreases and the total energy consumption increases by a small margin, and realize a proper development in total quantity.Before the end of 2005, all the wastes as discharged by iron and steel enterprisesshall have been met the standards of the state and local provisions, and the total discharge volume of major wastes shall have been met the controlling index as verified by the local environmental department.Chapter II Industrial Development PlanningThe state shall guide the iron and steel industry to develop in a sound, sustainable and harmonious manner through the development policies and the mid- and long-term development planning of the iron and steel industry. The mid- and long-term development planning of the iron and steel industry shall be formulated by the National Development and Reform Commission (hereinafter referred to the NDRC) in collaboration with other relevant departments.An enterprise group with a production capacity of more than 5 million tons in 2003 may, according to the state mid- and long-term development planning of the iron and steel industry and the overall planning of the city where it is located, formulate the planning of its own, which shall be implemented upon the approval of the State Council or the NDRC after making necessary cohesion and balancing efforts. The specific construction projects of the planning shall not be required to be subject to the examination and approval or verification of the NDRC, but shall be organized and implemented by the enterprise itself after such formalities for examination and approval of land, environmental protection, security and credit have been handled, and shall be reported to the NDRC for archival filing according to the relevant provisions.The development of any other iron and steel enterprise shall also meet the requirements of the development policies and mid- and long-term development planning of the iron and steel industry.Chapter III Adjustment of Industrial LayoutAdjustment of Industrial LayoutArticle 10For the adjustment of industrial layout, we should take such conditions as mineral resources, energy, water resources, traffic and transportation, environmental capacity, market allocation and overseas resources into account in a comprehensive manner. For the layout adjustment of the iron and steel industry, we shall not establish any new iron and steel associated enterprise alone, independent iron-smelting or steel-smelting factory as a general principle. It's not encouraged to establish any independent steel-rolling factory. We should, on the basis of those established enterprises that meet relevant conditions and in combination with merger and relocation, carry out reform and expansion in those regions with such comparative advantages as water resources, raw materials, transportation and market consumption. We should combine new increase of production capacity with elimination of backward production capacity and shall not, as a general rule, substantially expand the production capacity.In the important regions of environmental protection, the regions in serious short of water, the urban district of big cities, the iron and steel smelting and production capacity shall not be expanded any more. Those enterprises established within the districts shall, in combination of the adjustment of organizational structure, equipment structure and product structure, cut production and move to other places so as to meet the requirements of environmental protection and resource economization.Thinking over the bulk ores, energy, resources, water resources, transportation condition and the domestic and overseas market the large-scale iron and steel enterprises shall be mainly located along the coastal areas. The iron and steel enterprises in inland regions shall, in combination with the local market and bulk ore resources, determine their production according to the mines available, and shallregard the sustainable production as the main factor for consideration other than strive for any expansion of production scale.There are abundant resources of iron mines in the Anshan-Benxi region in north-east China, which is near the production bases of coal and has a certain condition of water resources. According to the development strategy of vitalizing the old north-east industrial base, the iron and steel enterprises in this region shall, according to the requirements of associated reorganization and establishing a top-quality production base, eliminate the backward production capacity so as to build up a large enterprise group with international competitive capacity. .As the region of North China is in short of water resources and the production capacity and level thereof is low and excessive, we should, according to the ecological requirements of environmental protection, put the focus on structural adjustment, carry out merger and reorganization, strictly control the continuous over-increase of production factories and expansion of production capacity. We should relocate the Capital Steel Corporation and the reorganize it with the iron and steel industry of Hebei Province.The steel material market in North China has a big potential. However, the layout of iron and steel enterprises thereof are over-intensified and thus, the large backbone enterprises with comparative advantages within this region may, in combination of the adjustment of organizational structure and product structure, elevate their production concentration and international competitive capacity .As the central-southern region has abundant water resources andconvenient water transportation, the south-east coastal regions shall make full use of the advantage of deep waters and good harbors to build up large iron and steel associated enterprises in combination with the industrial reorganization and the relocation of urban steel factories.There are abundant water resources in the west-south regions, and in thePanzhihua-Xichang area has a large storage capacity of iron mines and coal resources but with inconvenient transportation. The key backbone enterprises existed shall improve their equipments level, adjust the variety structure, develop high-value-added products, determine the production capacity according to the sustainable supplying capacity of bulk ores rather than blindly pursue the increase of quantity.As the west-north region is in short of bulk iron ores and water resources, the backbone enterprises existed shall put the focus on satisfying the requirement of local regional economic development other than pursue the expansion of production scale, and shall make good use of the mineral resources in neighboring countries actively.政策发展钢铁工业钢铁工业是国民经济的重要基础产业,是实现工业化和技术,资本密集型产业的支撑产业,资源和能源,以及它的发展需要各种外部条件的综合平衡。

(论文中英文摘要格式)作者姓名:肖伟烈论文题目:四种药用植物的化学成分和生物活性研究作者简介::肖伟烈,男, 1976年12月出生,于2002年9月师从中国科学院昆明植物研究所孙汉董院士攻读植物化学博士学位,并于2005年7月获博士学位。
1 2 3 45 6 7 89 10 11 12图-1 结构新奇的化合物第一章狭叶五味子的化学成分和生物活性研究狭叶五味子(Schisandra lancifolia (Rehd. et Wils.) A. C. Smith)。


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关键词:抽水蓄能电站、分段模型、效益攻博期间发表重要学术论文1、王国庆,XXX,抽水蓄能电站在防洪中的作用水利学报 28(4):1035-1041,19992、……作者简介:张大伟,男,1972年生,1992年于东北地质大学水文地质专业毕业并获理学学士学位; 1998年从师于河海大学水利水电工程专业XXX教授,2002年12月毕业并获工学硕士学位。

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举例:Figure 1. The Trend of Economic Development注:Figure与Table都不要缩写。
引用格式与参考文献1. 在论文中的引用采取插入作者、年份和页数方式,如"Doe (2001, p.10) reported that …" or "This在论文中的引用采取作者和年份插入方式,如"Doe (2001, p.10) reported that …" or "This problem has been studied previously (Smith, 1958,pp.20-25)。
举例:Frankly speaking, it is just a simulating one made by the government, or a fake competition, directly speaking. (Gao, 2003, p.220).2. 在文末参考文献中,姓前名后,姓与名之间以逗号分隔;如有两个作者,以and连接;如有三个或三个以上作者,前面的作者以逗号分隔,最后一个作者以and连接。

英语原文Intelligent Traffic Light Controlby Marco Wiering The topic I picked for our community project was traffic lights. In a community, people need stop signs and traffic lights to slow down drivers from going too fast. If there were no traffic lights or stop signs, people’s lives would be in danger from drivers going too fast.The urban traffic trends towards the saturation, the rate of increase of the road of big city far lags behind rate of increase of the car.The urban passenger traffic has already become the main part of city traffic day by day and it has used about 80% of the area of road of center district. With the increase of population and industry activity, people's traffic is more and more frequent, which is unavoidable. What means of transportation people adopt produces pressure completely different to city traffic. According to calculating, if it is 1 to adopt the area of road that the public transport needs, bike needs 5-7, car needs 15-25, even to walk is 3 times more than to take public transits. So only by building road can't solve the city traffic problem finally yet. Every large city of the world increases the traffic policy to the first place of the question.For example,according to calculating, when the automobile owning amount of Shanghai reaches 800,000 (outside cars count separately ), if it distributes still as now for example: center district accounts for great proportion, even when several loop-lines and arterial highways have been built up , the traffic cannot be improved more than before and the situation might be even worse. So the traffic policy Shanghai must adopt , or called traffic strategy is that have priority to develop public passenger traffic of city, narrow the scope of using of the bicycle progressively , control the scale of growth of the car traffic in the center district, limit the development of the motorcycle strictly.There are more municipals project under construction in big city. the influence on the traffic is greater.Municipal infrastructure construction is originally a good thing of alleviating the traffic, but in the course of constructing, it unavoidably influence the local traffic. Some road sections are blocked, some change into an one-way lane, thus the vehicle can only take a devious route . The construction makes the road very narrow, forming the bottleneck, which seriously influence the car flow.When having stop signs and traffic lights, people have a tendency to drive slower andlook out for people walking in the middle of streets. To put a traffic light or a stop sign in a community, it takes a lot of work and planning from the community and the city to put one in. It is not cheap to do it either. The community first needs to take a petition around to everyone in the community and have them sign so they can take it to the board when the next city council meeting is. A couple residents will present it to the board, and they will decide weather or not to put it in or not. If not put in a lot of residents might be mad and bad things could happened to that part of the city.When the planning of putting traffic lights and stop signs, you should look at the subdivision plan and figure out where all the buildings and schools are for the protection of students walking and riding home from school. In our plan that we have made, we will need traffic lights next to the school, so people will look out for the students going home. We will need a stop sign next to the park incase kids run out in the street. This will help the protection of the kids having fun. Will need a traffic light separating the mall and the store. This will be the busiest part of the town with people going to the mall and the store. And finally there will need to be a stop sign at the end of the streets so people don’t drive too fast and get in a big accident. If this is down everyone will be safe driving, walking, or riding their bikes.In putting in a traffic light, it takes a lot of planning and money to complete it. A traffic light cost around $40,000 to $125,000 and sometimes more depending on the location. If a business goes in and a traffic light needs to go in, the business or businesses will have to pay some money to pay for it to make sure everyone is safe going from and to that business. Also if there is too many accidents in one particular place in a city, a traffic light will go in to safe people from getting a severe accident and ending their life and maybe someone else’s.The reason I picked this part of our community development report was that traffic is a very important part of a city. If not for traffic lights and stop signs, people’s lives would be in danger every time they walked out their doors. People will be driving extremely fast and people will be hit just trying to have fun with their friends. So having traffic lights and stop signs this will prevent all this from happening.Traffic in a city is very much affected by traffic light controllers. When waiting for a traffic light, the driver looses time and the car uses fuel. Hence, reducing waiting times before traffic lights can save our European society billions of Euros annually. To make traffic light controllers more intelligent, we exploit the emergence of novel technologies such as communication networks and sensor networks, as well as the use of more sophisticated algorithms for setting traffic lights. Intelligent traffic light control does not only mean thattraffic lights are set in order to minimize waiting times of road users, but also that road users receive information about how to drive through a city in order to minimize their waiting times. This means that we are coping with a complex multi-agent system, where communication and coordination play essential roles. Our research has led to a novel system in which traffic light controllers and the behaviour of car drivers are optimized using machine-learning methods.Our idea of setting a traffic light is as follows. Suppose there are a number of cars with their destination address standing before a crossing. All cars communicate to the traffic light their specific place in the queue and their destination address. Now the traffic light has to decide which option (ie, which lanes are to be put on green) is optimal to minimize the long-term average waiting time until all cars have arrived at their destination address. The learning traffic light controllers solve this problem by estimating how long it would take for a car to arrive at its destination address (for which the car may need to pass many different traffic lights) when currently the light would be put on green, and how long it would take if the light would be put on red. The difference between the waiting time for red and the waiting time for green is the gain for the car. Now the traffic light controllers set the lights in such a way to maximize the average gain of all cars standing before the crossing. To estimate the waiting times, we use 'reinforcement learning' which keeps track of the waiting times of individual cars and uses a smart way to compute the long term average waiting times using dynamic programming algorithms. One nice feature is that the system is very fair; it never lets one car wait for a very long time, since then its gain of setting its own light to green becomes very large, and the optimal decision of the traffic light will set his light to green. Furthermore, since we estimate waiting times before traffic lights until the destination of the road user has been reached, the road user can use this information to choose to which next traffic light to go, thereby improving its driving behaviour through a city. Note that we solve the traffic light control problem by using a distributed multi-agent system, where cooperation and coordination are done by communication, learning, and voting mechanisms. To allow for green waves during extremely busy situations, we combine our algorithm with a special bucket algorithm which propagates gains from one traffic light to the next one, inducing stronger voting on the next traffic controller option.We have implemented the 'Green Light District', a traffic simulator in Java in which infrastructures can be edited easily by using the mouse, and different levels of road usage can be simulated. A large number of fixed and learning traffic light controllers have already been tested in the simulator and the resulting average waiting times of cars have been plotted and compared. The results indicate that the learning controllers can reduce average waiting timeswith at least 10% in semi-busy traffic situations, and even much more when high congestion of the traffic occurs.We are currently studying the behaviour of the learning traffic light controllers on many different infrastructures in our simulator. We are also planning to cooperate with other institutes and companies in the Netherlands to apply our system to real world traffic situations. For this, modern technologies such as communicating networks can be brought to use on a very large scale, making the necessary communication between road users and traffic lights possible.中文翻译:智能交通信号灯控制马克·威宁我所选择的社区项目主题是交通灯。

同样,写英语论文没有大纲的指引,任凭思想的奔驰,随意下笔,思绪容易错乱,甚至不知所云,本文为大家分享了2篇“英语专业本科论文提纲范文”,以供参考英语专业本科论文提纲一(英文版):论文题目:目的论视角下的金融英语翻译报告CONTENTSABSTRACT摘要1 Chapter One Introduction1.1 Background of the Translation1.2 Description of the Translation1.3 Framework2 Chapter Two Task Description2.1 TextualAnalysis2.1.1 The Lexical Features2.1.2 The Syntactic Features2.1.3 The Cultural Features2.2 Translation Procedures2.2.1 Preparation before Translation2.2.2 The Process of Translation2.2.3 Proofreading after Translation3 Chapter Three Theoretical Foundation of the Report3.1 Skopos Rule3.2 The Principle of Coherence3.3 The Principle of Fidelity4 Chapter Four CaseAnalysis4.1 Literal Translation Strategy4.1.1 The Reason of Using Literal Translation Strategy4.1.2 TheApplication of Literal Translation Strategy4.2 Contextual Translation Strategy4.2.1 The Reason of Using Contextual Translation Strategy 4.2.2 TheApplication of Contextual Translation Strategy4.3 Domesticating Translation Strategy4.3.1 The Reason of Using Domestication Translation Strategy4.3.2 TheApplication of Domesticating Translation Strategy5 Chapter Five Conclusion5.1 Summary5.2 Limitations and SuggestionsBIBLIOGRAPHYACKNOWLEDGEMENTSPUBLISHED PAPER英语专业本科论文提纲二(中文版):论文题目:《绝望的主妇》口译配音实证探讨目录摘要第一章绪论1.1研究动机1.2研究目的1.3研究范围1.4研究方法1.5论文结构第二章文献分析2.1关联理论的研究2.2口语背景的语言研究观2.3语意对等的口译观2.4口语口译研究第三章《绝望的主妇》语意关联成分探讨3.1情境喜剧《绝望的主妇》简介3.2人物特质和关联方式3.3言语关联语言分析3.4口译中的关联手法第四章《绝望的主妇》口译配音实证探讨4.1 口译合作原则4.2口译中的礼貌原则4.3口译言语行为准则研究4.3.1口语用语习惯4.3.2语法的正确表达4.3.3语意的精确表现4.3.4准确口译原文句子的意境第五章结论与建议5.1结论5.2研究应用5.3研究限制5.4未来研究方向参考文献致谢。

•These new measures will, we believe, increase the people’s purchasing power and lead to thriving financial and commercial conditions rather than make a mess of the country’s finances as some people argue.
汉语的主谓单句,从外形结构 上来看,跟英语的“主谓”结构是 相似的,但它的主语和谓语表达却 与英语有许多不同的地方。所以翻 译汉语主谓单句时,至少应注意几 个问题。
1、防止主语的机械对应。 中国近几年来发生了巨变。 ①There have been great changes in China these years. ②These years have seen (witnessed) great changes in China. ③Great changes have taken place in China these years. ④China crackles with the dynamics of changes these years.
汉语造句以名词为重心,以词组、散句和 分句为手段,善于按时间、逻辑顺序进行横 排式叙述,有时断句不严,外形松散。有人 称汉语是时间型的动态结构,主要体现于形 式自由,富于弹性。
英语则以“主—谓”主干结构为重心来统 领各种语言成分,句界分明,外形严密。 因此,汉语各种句型译成英语时,不仅在 逻辑关系上而且在外形上都应该体现出英语 句法结构的特点。
2-3 Reversing • 1)沿路都是小商店。 Small shops dot the way. • 2)他这样悍然行事使我们非常气恼。 Hot anger burned in our minds against him at his rashness.

论文格式要求一、总的要求全文一般不超过8000 汉字(约4000 英文单词),每篇论文均应有中英文两种文字的标题、作者、姓名、单位和不超过200 字的摘要。
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二、中文编排格式:大标题:居中,小二号,黑体,加粗,前空 1 行作者:居中,小四号,仿宋,与题目之间间隔0.5 行作者地址:五号,楷体,单倍行距中文摘要、关键词:小五号,楷体,与作者地址间隔 1 行,“摘要”和“关键词”加黑全文中出现的英文单词或字母一律采用Times New Roman 字体英文题目:居中,小二号,加黑,与前面中文“关键词”行间隔 1 行英文作者名:小四号,与英文题目之间间隔0.5 行英文作者地址:五号,单倍行距英文 Abstract 和 Keywords :小五号,斜体,与作者地址间隔 1 行,“Abstract ”和“ Keywords ”加黑正文:与前面的英文关键词间隔 1 行,正文内容的汉字用五号字,宋体一级标题:四号,黑体,加粗,前后空0.5 行二级标题:小四号,黑体,加粗三级标题:五号,黑体,加粗参考文献:小五号,宋体,具体请见参考文献编排格式,在正文中引用的汉语文献采用如下格式: [ 第一作者,年份] ,或者 [第一作者等,年份1,年份2] ,或者 [第一篇参考文献的第一作者,年份;第二篇参考文献的第一作者,年份,⋯ ];英文引用文献采用如下格式: [ 英文第一作者的姓,年份 ] ,或者 [英文第一作者姓 + et al.,年份 1,年份 2] 行距:单倍行距三、英文论文编排格式:字体: Times New Roman英文论文需有中文摘要大标题:居中,小二号,加粗作者名字、通信地址、中英文摘要、关键词等分别参照上面对应的说明正文:五号一级标题:四号,加粗二级标题:小四号,加粗三级标题:五号,加粗参考文献:小五号,具体请见参考文献编排格式行距:单倍行距四、参考文献编排格式:编号:参考文献前不要加编号排序:作者姓氏的发音顺序排列格式:专著:作者1,作者 2. 出版年份 . 书名 .出版社所在城市名:出版社,出版年.刊物:作者1,作者 2. 文章名 . 期刊名 . 发表年,卷或年(期):起讫页码 ..论文集:作者. 年份 . 文章名 . 论文集编者 . 论文集名 . 出版地:出版者,起讫页码翻译:原作者1,作者 2. 出版年份 . 书名 .译者名译 .出版社所在城市名:出版社外文第一作者姓在前,名字在后,姓与名中间用“,”分隔;除第一作者以外的姓名请按正常顺序书写五、模板:中英文模板请见下页引入标点处理的层次化汉语长句句法分析方法李幸宗成庆中国科学院自动化所模式识别国家重点实验室北京100080E-mail : {xli, cqzong}@摘要:在分析汉语标点符号用法和句法功能的基础上,本文提出了面向汉语长句的层次化句法分析方法。

中英文论文参考文献标准格式参考文献(即引文出处)的类型以单字母方式标识,具体如下:[M]--专著,著作[C]--论文集(一般指会议发表的论文续集,及一些专题论文集,如《*大学研究生学术论文集》[N]-- 报纸文章[J]--期刊文章:发表在期刊上的论文,尽管有时我们看到的是从网上下载的(如知网),但它也是发表在期刊上的,你看到的电子期刊仅是其电子版[D]--学位论文:不区分硕士还是博士论文[R]--报告:一般在标题中会有"关于报告"字样[S]-- 标准[P]--专利[A]--文章:很少用,主要是不属于以上类型的文章[Z]--对于不属于上述的文献类型,可用字母"Z"标识,但这种情况非常少见常用的电子文献及载体类型标识:[DB/OL] --联机网上数据(database online)[DB/MT] --磁带数据库(database on magnetic tape)[M/CD] --光盘图书(monograph on CDROM)[CP/DK] --磁盘软件(computer program on disk)[J/OL] --网上期刊(serial online)[EB/OL] --网上电子公告(electronic bulletin board online)很显然,标识的就是该资源的英文缩写,/前面表示类型,/后面表示资源的载体,如OL表示在线资源二、参考文献的格式及举例1.期刊类【格式】[序号]作者.篇名[J].刊名,出版年份,卷号(期号)起止页码.【举例】[1] 周融,任志国,杨尚雷,厉星星.对新形势下毕业设计管理工作的思考与实践[J].电气电子教学学报,2019(6):107-109.[2] 夏鲁惠.高等学校毕业设计(论文)教学情况[J].高等理科教育,2019(1):46-52.[3] Heider, E.R.& D.C.Oliver. The structure of color space in naming and memory of two languages [J]. Foreign Language Teaching and Research, 1999, (3): 62 67.2.专著类【格式】[序号]作者.书名[M].出版地:出版社,出版年份:起止页码.【举例】[4] 刘国钧,王连成.图书馆史研究[M].北京:高等教育出版社,1979:15-18,31.[5] Gill, R. Mastering English Literature [M]. London: Macmillan, 1985: 42-45.3.报纸类【格式】[序号]作者.篇名[N].报纸名,出版日期(版次).【举例】[6] 李大伦.经济全球化的重要性[N]. 光明日报,1998-12-27(3).[7] French, W. Between Silences: A Voice from China[N]. Atlantic Weekly, 1987-8-15(33).4.论文集【格式】[序号]作者.篇名 [C].出版地:出版者,出版年份:起始页码.【举例】[8] 伍蠡甫.西方文论选[C]. 上海:上海译文出版社,1979:12-17.[9] Spivak,G. "Can the Subaltern Speak?"[A]. In C.Nelson & L. Grossberg(eds.). Victory in Limbo: Imigism [C]. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1988, pp.271-313.[10] Almarza, G.G. Student foreign language teacher's knowledge growth [A]. In D.Freeman and J.C.Richards (eds.). Teacher Learning in Language T eaching [C]. New York:Cambridge University Press. 1996. pp.50-78.5.学位论文【格式】[序号]作者.篇名[D].出版地:保存者,出版年份:起始页码.【举例】[11] 张筑生.微分半动力系统的不变集[D].北京:北京大学数学系数学研究所, 1983:1-7.6.研究报告【格式】[序号]作者. 篇名[R].出版地:出版者,出版年份:起始页码.【举例】[12] 冯西桥.核反应堆压力管道与压力容器的LBB分析[R].北京:清华大学核能技术设计研究院, 1997:9-10.7.专利【格式】[序号]专利所有者.题名[P].国别:专利号,发布日期.【举例】[13] 姜锡洲.一种温热外敷药制备方案[P].中国专利:881056073, 1989 07 26.8.标准【格式】[序号]标准编号,标准名称[S].【举例】[14] GB/T 16159-1996, 汉语拼音正词法基本规则 [S].9.条例【格式】[序号]颁布单位.条例名称.发布日期【举例】[15] 中华人民共和国科学技术委员会.科学技术期刊管理办法[Z].1991-06-0510.电子文献【格式】[序号]主要责任者.电子文献题名.电子文献出处[电子文献及载体类型标识].或可获得地址,发表或更新日期/引用日期.【举例】[17] 万锦.中国大学学报论文文摘(1983 1993).英文版 [DB/CD]. 北京: 中国大百科全书出版社, 1996.11.各种未定义类型的文献【格式】[序号] 主要责任者.文献题名[Z].出版地:出版者, 出版年.特别说明:凡出现在"参考文献"项中的标点符号都失去了其原有意义,且其中所有标点必须是半角,如果你的输入法中有半角/全解转换,则换到半角状态就可以了,如果你的输入法中没有这一转换功能,直接关闭中文输入法,在英文输入状态下输入即可.其实,很多输入法(如目前比较流行的搜狐输入法)都提供了四种组合:(1)中文标点+ 全角:这时输入的标点是这样的,:【1】-(而这时,我没有找到哪个键可以输入/ 符号)也就是说,这些符号是一定不能出现在"参考文献"中的;(2)中文标点+半角:这时输入的标点是这样的,:【1】-(这时,我还是没有找到哪个键可以输入/ 符号)也就是说,这些符号也不能出现在"参考文献"中的;上面列出的符号,中间没有任何的空格,你能看出它们有什么区别吗?我看只是-的宽度有一点点不同,其它都一样(3)英文标点+全角:这时输入的标点是这样的,.:[1]-/(4)英文标点+半角:这时输入的标点是这样的,.:[1]-/从这两项可以明显的看出,半角和全角其实最大的差别是所占的宽度不一样,这一点对于数字来说最为明显,而英文标点明显要比中文标点细小很多(也许因为英文中,标点的功能没有中文那么复杂,就是说英文中标点符号的能力没有中文那么强大)所以,很多人在写"参考文献" 时,总是觉得用英文标点+半角很不清楚,间距也太小,其实这点完全不用担心如果你觉得真的太小不好看,就用英文标点+全角吧而在[1] 之后,一般也都有一个空格更为详细的内容,大家可以从附件中下载国家标准《文后参考文献著录规则GB/T 7714-2019》查看,不过,很长很烦,拿出点耐心看吧对于英文参考文献,还应注意以下两点:①作者姓名采用"姓在前名在后"原则,具体格式是:姓,名字的首字母. 如: Malcolm Richard Cowley 应为:Cowley, M.R.,如果有两位作者,第一位作者方式不变,&之后第二位作者名字的首字母放在前面,姓放在后面,如:Frank Norris 与Irving Gordon应为:Norris, F. & I.Gordon.②书名、报刊名使用斜体字,如:Mastering English Literature,English Weekly.三、注释注释是对论文正文中某一特定内容的进一步解释或补充说明注释应置于本页页脚,前面用圈码①、②、③等标识。

中英文参考文献格式一、参考文献著录格式1 、期刊作者.题名〔J〕.刊名,出版年,卷(期)∶起止页码2、专著作者.书名〔M〕.版本(第一版不著录).出版地∶出版者,出版年∶起止页码3、论文集作者.题名〔C〕.编者.论文集名,出版地∶出版者,出版年∶起止页码4 、学位论文作者.题名〔D〕.保存地点.保存单位.年份5 、专利文献题名〔P〕.国别.专利文献种类.专利号.出版日期6、标准编号.标准名称〔S〕7、报纸作者.题名〔N〕.报纸名.出版日期(版次)8 、报告作者.题名〔R〕.保存地点.年份9 、电子文献作者.题名〔电子文献及载体类型标识〕.文献出处,日期二、文献类型及其标识1、根据GB3469 规定,各类常用文献标识如下:①期刊〔J〕②专著〔M〕③论文集〔C〕④学位论文〔D〕⑤专利〔P〕⑥标准〔S〕⑦报纸〔N〕⑧技术报告〔R〕2、电子文献载体类型用双字母标识,具体如下:①磁带〔MT〕②磁盘〔DK〕③光盘〔CD〕④联机网络〔OL〕3、电子文献载体类型的参考文献类型标识方法为:〔文献类型标识/载体类型标识〕。
例如:①联机网上数据库〔DB/OL〕②磁带数据库〔DB/MT〕③光盘图书〔M/CD〕④磁盘软件〔CP/DK〕⑤网上期刊〔J/OL〕⑥网上电子公告〔EB/OL〕三、举例1、期刊论文〔1〕周庆荣,张泽廷,朱美文,等.固体溶质在含夹带剂超临界流体中的溶解度〔J〕.化工学报,1995(3):317—323〔2〕Dobbs J M, Wong J M. Modification of supercritical fluid phasebehavior using polor coselvent〔J〕. Ind Eng Chem Res, 1987,26:56〔3〕刘仲能,金文清.合成医药中间体4-甲基咪唑的研究〔J〕.精细化工,2002(2):103-105 〔4〕 Mesquita A C, Mori M N, Vieira J M, et al .Vinyl acetate polymerization by ionizing radiation〔J〕.Radiation Physics and Chemistry,2002, 63:4652、专著〔1〕蒋挺大.亮聚糖〔M〕.北京:化学工业出版社,2001.127〔2〕Kortun G. Reflectance Spectroscopy 〔M〕. New York: Spring-Verlag,19693、论文集〔1〕郭宏,王熊,刘宗林.膜分离技术在大豆分离蛋白生产中综合利用的研究〔C〕.//余立新.第三届全国膜和膜过程学术报告会议论文集.北京:高教出版社,1999.421-425〔2〕Eiben A E, vander Hauw J K.Solving 3-SATwith adaptive genetic algorithms 〔C〕.//Proc 4th IEEE Conf Evolutionary Computation.Piscataway: IEEE Press, 1997.81-864、学位论文〔1〕陈金梅.氟石膏生产早强快硬水泥的试验研究(D).西安:西安建筑科学大学,2000 〔 2 〕Chrisstoffels L A J .Carrier-facilitated transport as a mechanistic tool in supramolecular chemistry〔D〕.The Netherland:Twente University.19885、专利文献〔1〕Hasegawa, Toshiyuki, Yoshida,et al.Paper Coating composition〔P〕.EP 0634524.1995-01-18〔 2 〕仲前昌夫,佐藤寿昭.感光性树脂〔 P 〕.日本,特开平09-26667.1997-01-28 〔3〕Yamaguchi K, Hayashi A.Plant growth promotor and productionthereof 〔P〕.Jpn, Jp1290606.1999-11-22〔4〕厦门大学.二烷氨基乙醇羧酸酯的制备方法〔P〕.中国发明专利,CN1073429.1993-06-23 6、技术标准文献〔1〕ISO 1210-1982,塑料——小试样接触火焰法测定塑料燃烧性〔S〕〔2〕GB 2410-80,透明塑料透光率及雾度实验方法〔S〕7、报纸〔1〕陈志平.减灾设计研究新动态〔N〕.科技日报,1997-12-12(5)8、报告〔1〕中国机械工程学会.密相气力输送技术〔R〕.北京:19969、电子文献〔1〕万锦柔.中国大学学报论文文摘(1983-1993)〔DB/CD〕.北京:中国百科全书出版社,1996英文参考文献英文文献采用“APA格式”:单一作者著作的书籍:姓,名字首字母.(年). 书名(斜体). 出版社所在城市:出版社.Sheril, R. D. (1956). The terrifying future: Contemplating color television. San Diego: Halstead.两位作者以上合著的书籍:姓,名字首字母., & 姓,名字首字母.(年). 书名(斜体). 出版社所在城市:出版社.Smith, J., & Peter, Q. (1992). Hairball: An intensive peek behind the surface of an enigma. Hamilton, ON: McMaster University Press.文集中的文章:Mcdonalds, A. (1993). Practical methods for the apprehension and sustained containment of supernatural entities. In G. L. Yeager (Ed.), Paranormal and occult studies: Case studies in application (pp. 42–64). London: OtherWorld Books.期刊中的文章(非连续页码):Crackton, P. (1987). The Loonie: God's long-awaited gift to colourful pocket change? Canadian Change, 64(7), 34–37.期刊中的文章(连续页码):姓,名字首字母.(年). 题目. 期刊名(斜体). 第几期,页码.Rottweiler, F. T., & Beauchemin, J. L. (1987). Detroit and Narnia: Two foes on the brink of destruction. Canadian/American Studies Journal, 54, 66–146.月刊杂志中的文章:Henry, W. A., III. (1990, April 9). Making the grade in today's schools. Time, 135, 28-31.。
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举例:Table 1. The capitals, assets and revenue in listed banks图表和图片图表和图片的题目格式与正文相同,位于图表和图片的下部。
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引用格式与参考文献1. 在论文中的引用采取插入作者、年份和页数方式,如"Doe (2001, p.10) reported that …" or "This在论文中的引用采取作者和年份插入方式,如"Doe (2001, p.10) reported that …" or "This problem has been studied previously (Smith, 1958,pp.20-25)。
举例:Frankly speaking, it is just a simulating one made by the government, or a fake competition, directly speaking. (Gao, 2003, p.220).2. 在文末参考文献中,姓前名后,姓与名之间以逗号分隔;如有两个作者,以and连接;如有三个或三个以上作者,前面的作者以逗号分隔,最后一个作者以and连接。
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4. 文末参考文献请按照以下格式:a). 如果文献是图书,书名使用斜体。
如果是文献是书中的一篇文章,请参考举例(2)举例: (1)Strunk, W., Jr., & White, E. B. (1979). The elements of style. (3rd ed.). New York: Macmillan, (Chapter 4).(2) Mettam, G. R., & Adams, L. B. (1994). How to prepare an electronic versionof your article. In B. S. Jones, & R. Z. Smith (Eds.), Introduction to the electronic age. New York: E-Publishing Inc. pp. 281-304b). 如果文献是期刊或报刊中的文章,文章名加引号,期刊报刊名不需要加引号,期刊举例:Van der Geer, J., Hanraads, J. A. J., & Lupton R. A. (2000). The art of writing a scientific article. Journal of Scientific Communications, 163, 51-59报纸举例:Smith, Joe. (2005). 3G Economy, Whose Economy: Report of 3G Century. Report of 21st Century Economy. 20 January 2005.c). 如果文献是网页,请尽量包括作者,年份,题目,网址和检索的时间。
举例:Smith, Joe. (1999). One of Volvo's core values. [Online] Available:/environment/index.htm (July 7, 1999)常见问题和错误1. 在英文论文中,一定不要出现汉字和中文字符。
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