
中英文对照外文翻译(文档含英文原文和中文翻译)Failure analysis of an automobile differential pinion shaft AbstractDifferential is used to decrease the speed and to provide moment increase for transmitting the movement coming from the engine to the wheels by turning it according to the suitable angle in vehicles and to provide that inner and outer wheels turn differently. Pinion gear and shaft at the entrance are manufactured as a single part whereas they are in different forms according to automobile types. Mirror gear which will work with this gear should become familiar before the assembly. In case of any breakdown, they should be changed as a pair. Generally, in these systems there are wear damages in gears. The gear inspected in this study has damage as a form of shaft fracture.In this study, failure analysis of the differential pinion shaft is carried out. Mechanical characteristics of the material are obtained first. Then, the microstructure and chemical compositions are determined. Some fractographic studies are 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.Keywords: Differential; Fracture; Power transfer; Pinion shaft1. IntroductionThe final-drive gears may be directly or indirectly driven from the output gearing of the gearbox. Directly driven final drives are used when the engine and transmission units are combined together to form an integral construction. Indirectly driven final drives are used at the rear of the vehicle being either sprung and attached to the body structure or unsprung and incorporated in the rear-axle casing. The final-drive gears are used in the transmission system for the following reasons [1]:(a) to redirect the drive from the gearbox or propeller shaft through 90°and,(b) to provide a permanent gear reduction between the engine and the driving road-wheels.In vehicles, differential is the main part which transmits the movement coming from the engine to the wheels On a smooth road, the movement comes to both wheels evenly. The inner wheel should turn less and the outer wheel should turn more to do the turning without lateral slipping and being flung. Differential, which is generally placed in the middle part of the rear bridge, consists of pinion gear, mirror gear, differential box, two axle gear and two pinion spider gears.A schematic illustration of a differential is given in Fig, 1. The technical drawing of pinion the fractured pinion shaft is also given in Fig, 2, Fig. 3 shows the photograph of the fractured pinion shaft and the fracture section is indicated.In differentials, mirror and pinion gear are made to get used to each other during manufacturing and the same serial number is given. Both of them are changed on condition that there are any problems. In these systems, the common damage is the wear of gears [2-4]. In this study, the pinion shaft of the differential of a minibus has been inspected. The minibus is a diesel vehicle driven at the rear axle and has a passenger capacity of 15 people. Maximum engine power is 90/4000 HP/rpm, and maximum torque is 205/1600 Nm/rpm. Its transmission box has manual system (5 forward, 1 back). The damage was caused by stopping and starting the minibus at a traffic lights. In this differential, entrance shaft which carries the pinion gear was broken. Various studies have been made to determine the type and possible reasons of the damage. These are:•studies carried out to determine the material of the shaft;•studies carried out to determine the micro-structure;•studies related to the fracture surface.There is a closer photograph of the fractured surfaces and fracture area in Fig. 4. The fracture was caused by taking out circular mark gear seen in the middle of surfaces.2. Experimental procedureSpecimens extracted from the shaft were subjected to various tests including hardness tests and metallographic and scanning electron microscopy as well as the determination of chemical composition. All tests were carried out at room temperature.2.1 Chemical and metallurgical analysisChemical analysis of the fractured differential material was carried out using a spectrometer. The chemical composition of the material is given in Table 1. Chemical composition shows that the material is a lowalloy carburizing steel of the AISI 8620 type.Hardenability of this steel is very low because of low carbon proportion. Therefore, surface area becomes hard and highly enduring, and inner areas becomes tough by increasing carbon proportion on the surface area with cementation operation. This is the kind of steel which is generally used in mechanical parts subjected do torsion and bending. High resistance is obtained on the surface and high fatigue endurance value can be obtained with compressive residual stressby making the surface harder [5-7].In which alloy elements distribute themselves in carbon steels depends primarily on the compound and carbide forming tendencies of each element. Nickel dissolves in the αferrite of the steel since it has less tendency to form carbides than iron Silicon combines to a limited extent with the oxygen present in the steel to form nonmetallic inclusions but otherwise dissolves in the ferrite. Most of the manganese added to carbon steels dissolves in the ferrite. Chromium, which has a somewhat stronger carbide-forming depends on the iron, partitions between the ferrite and carbide phases. The distribution of chromium depends on the amount of carbon present and if other stronger carbide-forming elements such as titanium and columbium amount of carbon present and if other stronger carbide-forming elements such as titanium and columbium are absent. Tungsten and molybdenum combine with carbon to form carbides is there is sufficient carbon present and if other stronger carbide-forming elements such da titanium and columbium are absent. Manganese and nickel lower the eutectoid temperature [8]. Preliminary micro structural examination of the failed differential material is shown in Fig. 5. It can be seen that the material has a mixed structure in which some ferrite exist probably as a result of slow cooling and high Si content. High Si content in this type of steel improves the heat treatment susceptibility as well asan improvement of yield strength and maximum stress without any reduction of ductility [9]. If the micro-structure cannot be inverted to martensite by quenching, a reduction of fatigue limit is observed.There are areas with carbon phase in Fig. 5(a). There is the transition boundary of carburization in Fig. 5(b) and (c) shows the matrix region without carburization. As far as it is seen in there photographs, the piece was first carburized, then the quenching operation was done than tempered. This situation can be understood from blind martensite plates.2.2 Hardness testsThe hardness measurements are carried out by a MetTest-HT type computer integrated hardness tester. The load is 1471 N. The medium hardness value of the interior regions is obtained as obtained as 43 HRC. Micro hard-ness measurements have been made to determine the chance of hardness values along cross-section be-cause of the hardening of surface area dueto carburization. The results of Vickers hardness measurement under a load of 4.903 N are illustrated in Table 2.2.3 Inspection of the fractureThe direct observations of the piece with fractured surfaces and SEM analyses are given in this chapter. The crack started because of a possible problem in the bottom of notch caused the shaft to be broken completely. The crack started on the outer part, after some time it continued beyond the centre and there was only a little part left. And this part was broken statically during sudden starting of the vehicle at the traffic lights. As a characteristic of the fatigue , there are two regions in the fractured surface. These are a smooth surface created by crack propagation and a rough surface created by sudden fracture. These two regions can be seen clearly for the entire problem as in Fig. 4. The fatigue crack propagation region covers more than 80% of the cross-section.Shaft works under the effect of bending, torsion and axial forces which affect repeatedlydepending on the usage place. There is a sharp fillet at level on the fractured section. For this reason, stress concentration factors of the area have been determined. K t = 2.4 value (for bending and tension), and K t = 1.9 value (for torsion) have been acquired according to calculations. These are quite high values for areas exposed to combined loading.These observations and analysis show that the piece was broken under the influence of torsion with low nominal stresses electron microscopy shows that the fracture has taken place in a ductile manner (Fig.6). There are some shear lips in the crack propagation region which is a glue of the plastic shear deformations. Fig. 7 shows the beach marks of the fatigue crack propagation. The distance between any lines is nearly 133 nm.3. ConclusionsA failed differential pinion shaft is analysed in this study. The pinion shaft is produced from AISI 8620 low carbon carburising steel which had a carbursing, quenching and tempering heat treatment process. Mechanical properties, micro structural properties, chemical compositions and fractographic analyses are carried out to determine the possible fracture reasons of the component. As a conclusion, the following statements can be drawn:•The fracture has taken place at a region having a high stress concentration by a fatigue procedure under a combined bending, torsion and axial stresses having highly reversible nature.•The crack of the fracture is initiated probably at a material defect region at the critical location.•The fracture is taken place in a ductile manner.•Possible later failures may easily be prevented by reducing the stress concentration at the critical locationAcknowledgementThe author is very indebted to Prof. S. Tasgetiren for his advice and recommendations during the srudy.References[1]Heisler H. Vehicle and engine technology. 2nd ed. London: SAE International; 1999.[2]Makevet E, Roman I. Failure analysis of a final drive transmission in off-road vehicles. EngFailure Anal 2002;9:579-92.[3]Orhan S, Aktu ¨rk N. Determination of physical faults in gearbox through vibrationanalysis. J Fac Eng Arch Gazi University 2003;18(3):97–106..[4]Tasgetiren S, Aslantas ? K, Ucun I. Effect of press-fitting pressure on the fatiguedamages of root in spur gears. Technol Res: EJMT 2004;2:21–9.[5]Nanawarea GK, Pableb MJ. Failures of rear axle shafts of 575 DI tractors. EngFailure Anal 2003;10:719–24.[6]Aslantas K, Tasgetiren S. A study of spur gear pitting formation and life prediction.Wear 2004;257:1167–75.[7]Savas V, O ¨ zek C. Investigation of the distribution of temperature on a shaft withrespect to the deflection. Technol Res: EJMT 2005;1:33–8.[8]Smith FW. Principles of materials science and engineering. 3rd ed. USA: McGraw-HillSeries; 1996. p. 517–18.[9]ASM metal handbook, vol. 1. Properties and selection, irons, steels, and highperformance alloys; 1991.[10]Voort GFV. Visual examination and light microscopy. ASM handbook metallographyand microstructures. Materials Park (OH): ASM International; 1991. p. 100–65.汽车差速器小齿轮轴的失效分析摘要差速器是用来降低速度增加扭矩并根据合适的角度向两轮传递动力。
自动变速器与驱动桥概述 英文文献加中文翻译

AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION & TRANSAXLEOVERVIEWby Kyle McFaddenAutomatic transmissions are highly complex hyrdomechanical devices. Diagnosing and repairing them requires nothing less than an ASE master mechanic. The automatic transmission provides automated selection of forward gears in a motor vehicle. The automatic transmission is able to select the correct forward gear for efficient engine operation based on vehicle speed, throttle position, and engine load. The automatic transmission components consist of transmission case, torque converter, fluid pump, planetary gear set, clutch packs and/or band assemblies, control valves, transmission mainshaft, extension housing and various small parts.The transmission case is manufactured of cast aluminum. It houses the internal components of the automatic transmission and provides a mounting surface for attachment to the engine block. The torque converter is bolted to a type of flywheel called a flex plate. The flexplate in turn, is bolted to the rear of the crankshaft. The torque converter provides a means to transmit engine power into the transmission.Refer to an auto repair manual for a diagram showing the details of your vehicle’s torque converter assembly.The torque converter is a doughnut shaped device that is filled with fluid. When the engine is running, the torque converter spins, rotating and pressurizing the fluid using internally mounted blades. The spinning fluid rotates a turbine that is connected to the transmission mainshaft. A separate internal set of blades called a stator helps to direct the fluid into the turbine. The operation of the torque converter can be compared to a powered air fan spinning a non powered air fan. The powered fan will generate moving air, directed at the non powered fan blade, causing it to rotate. The powered fan becomes the driving member, while the non powered fan becomes the driven member. If the air is moving slow enough, very little torque is transmitted from the driving member to the driven member. If you wanted, you could easily stop the rotating fan blade of the non powered fan. However, if the powered fan were to operate at high speed, the non powered fan would be rotating at a much higher speed, making it more difficult to stop. This is the same principal that allows an automatic transmission equipped vehicle to idle in gearand drive down the road without using a mechanical clutch. At idle speed, fluid pressure is low, transmitting very little engine torque through the transmission. When the engine speed is raised, fluid speed and pressure increases, allowing more engine torque to be directed to the transmission. Most torque converters contain an internal locking clutch that is applied at cruise speed. This clutch, called a torque converter clutch, eliminates the slippage that occurs with a torque converter. The torque converter clutch is used as a fuel saving device, and to reduce the amount of heat generated in the transmission. When troubleshooting poor MPG issues, one culprit is a faulty torque converter, though poor MPG would also be present with shifting issues if the torque converter is the cause.Forward speeds and reverse are provided by a gear set called the planetary gears. The planetary gear set consists of a central gear, called the sun gear, placed inside a large gear called an internal gear. Rotating between the internal gear and the sun gear, are small gears, held in a carrier, known as planetary gears. Different gear ratios are made possible by holding one component of the planetary gear set and allowing the other to rotate. For example, if the sun gear were held, the internal gear would be rotated by the planetary gears revolving around the motionless sun gear. This would cause the internal gear to rotate at low speed, while the planetary gears move much faster. This would provide a low gear function for the transmission, since the slow moving internal gear would be used to transmit power to the driving wheels.An internal transmission oil pump is driven by the rotation of the torque converter. The oil pump pressurizes and circulates the transmission fluid used for the operation and lubrication of the transmission. The pressure created by the pump is often referred to as line pressure. Line pressure is utilized by the transmission to signal shift points and operate various transmission components.Bands and clutches are used to hold the components of the planetary gear set to in order to provide different forward gear ratios or reverse. They are operated by line pressure that is directed to a specific band or clutch pack by the transmission shift control valves. The shift control valves operate by responding to changes in linepressure based upon the operation of input devices that signal road speed, throttle position, and engine load. Correcting shifting issues may not involve a costly auto repair job; it may be as simply as adjusting the bands.The input devices used for transmission shift control are the governor, throttle valve, and vacuum modulator. The governor provides road speed information to the transmission to control shift points. It works by increasing line pressure as road speed increases. The throttle valve is connected by linkage to the throttle of the engine. The throttle valve modifies line pressure based on throttle position. This information is needed to vary shift points in response to driving conditions. When the throttle is moved to wide open, the throttle valve will cause send a line pressure signal to the control valves to delay shifting until higher road speed. The vacuum modulator changes shift feel in response to engine load. Since engine intake manifold vacuum changes in response to engine load, manifold vacuum is used as an input signal to the transmission. The vacuum modulator receives vacuum signal from the engine. The vacuum modulator will increase line pressure to stiffen transmission shifting based during heavy engine loads. The increased line pressure will cause clutches and bands to hold tighter and help to diminish slipping.Most vehicles today are equipped with automatic transmissions that use electronic shift controls. The operation of the electronically controlled transmission is similar in principle to the non electric transmission. However, the electronically shifted transmission uses input signals from the vehicle control module to control shift points, rather than a governor and throttle valve. The vehicle control module controls transmission shifting based on engine and transmission data sensors. The throttle position sensor is used in place of the mechanical throttle valve. The vehicle speed sensor is used to replace the governor. Engine load sensors, such as a manifold pressure sensor, are used to control shift feel. A vacuum modulator may still be used by some vehicle makes to assist in shift control. The vehicle control module will utilize this information to operate various shift control solenoids inside the transmission. These shift control solenoids in turn control line pressure to theirrespective shift control valves that in turn apply or release pressure to bands or clutches.The result of using electronic shift controls is an automatic transmission that operates more efficiently to tailor shifting to meet engine demands. Fuel economy and vehicle emission control are enhanced by more precise control of the automatic transmission. Vehicle control modules have the ability to adapt transmission shifting to meet the individual driving patterns of the vehicle. Also internal overheat protection is provided for by the control module’s ability to monitor transmission fluid temperature and change transmission shifting and operation to minimize temperature related damage. On many vehicles, the EEC (Electronic Engine Control) will “learn” a particular driver’s driving style. This information is stored in the EEC’s memory. If the battery is disconnected (during replacement, for example), the vehicle may shift erratically for a short time until the EEC re-learns the driver’s driving style and then reprograms itself. This is important to remember and a little patience can save you a trip to the auto repair shop, ie. after your battery is replaced, drive your vehicle for a day or so and see if the erratic shifting issue is resolved (most likely it will correct itself).The automatic transaxle is an automatic transmission that also contains the final drive for delivering power to the driving wheels. Operation is comparable to the operation of the conventional automatic transmission. With the exception of a differential and axle shafts located in the lower portion of the transaxle. The automatic transaxle is used almost exclusively in front wheel drive vehicles..自动变速器与驱动桥概述自动变速器是高度复杂的精密设备。

汽车主减速器外文文献翻译、中英文翻译、外文翻译AUTOMOTIWE FINAL DRIVEFINAL DRIVEA final drive is that part of a power transmission system between the drive shaft and the differential. Its function is to change the direction of the power transmitted by the drive shaft through 90 degrees to the driving axles. At the same time. it provides a fixed reduction between the speed of the drive shaft and the axle driving the wheels.The reduction or gear ratio of the final drive is determined by dividing the number of teeth on the ring gear by the number of teeth on the pinion gear. In passenger vehicles, this speed reduction varies from about 3:1 to 5:1. In trucks it varies from about 5:1 to 11:1. To calculate rear axle ratio, count the number of teeth on each gear. Then divide the number of pinion teeth into the number of ring gear teeth. For example, if the pinion gear has 10 teeth and the ring gear has 30 (30 divided by 10), the rear axle ratio would be 3:1. Manufacturers install a rear axle ratio that provides a compromise between performance and economy. The average passenger car ratio is 3.50:1.The higher axle ratio, 4.11:1 for instance, would increase acceleration and pulling power but would decrease fuel economy. The engine would have to run at a higher rpm to maintain an equal cruising speed.The lower axle ratio. 3:1, would reduce acceleration and pulling power but would increase fuel mileage. The engine would run at a lower rpm while maintaining the same speed.The major components of the final driveinclude the pinion gear, connected to the drive shaft, and a bevel gear or ring gearthat is bolted or riveted to the differential carrier. To maintain accurate and proper alignment and tooth contact, the ring gear and differential assembly are mounted in bearings. The bevel drive pinion is supported by two tapered roller bearings, mounted in the differential carrier. This pinion shaft is straddle mounted. meaning that a bearing is located on each side of the pinion shaft teeth. Oil seals prevent the loss of lubricant from the housing where the pinion shaft and axle shafts protrude. As a mechanic, you willencounter the final drive gears in the spiral bevel and hypoid design.Spiral Bevel GearSpiral bevel gears have curved gear teeth with the pinion and ring gear on the same center line. This type of final drive is used extensively in truck and occasionally in older automobiles. This design allows for constant contact between the ring gear and pinion. It also necessitates the use of heavy grade lubricants.Hypoid GearThe hypoid gear final drive is an improvement or variation of the spiral bevel design and is commonly used in light and medium trucks and all domestic rear- wheel drive automobiles. Hypoid gears have replaced spiral bevel gears because they lower the hump in the floor of the vehicle and improve gear-meshing action. As you can see in figure 5-13, the pinion meshes with the ring gear below the center line and is at a slight angle (less than 90 degrees).Figure 5-13.—Types of final drives.This angle and the use of heavier (larger) teeth permit an increased amount of power to be transmitted while the size of the ring gear and housing remain constant. The tooth design is similar to the spiral bevel but includes some of thecharacteristics of the worm gear. This permits the reduced drive angle. The hypoid gear teeth have a more pronounced curve and steeper angle, resulting in larger tooth areas and more teeth to be in contact at the same time. With more than one gear tooth in contact, a hypoid design increases gear life and reduces gear noise. The wiping action of the teeth causes heavy tooth pressure that requires the use of heavy grade lubricants.Double-Reduction Final DriveIn the final drives shown in figure 5-13, there is a single fixed gear reduction. This is the only gear reduction in most automobiles and light- and some medium-duty trucks between the drive shaft and the wheels.Double-reduction final drives are used for heavy- duty trucks. With this arrangement (fig. 5-14) it is not necessary to have alarge ring gear to get the necessary gear reduction. The first gear reduction is obtained through a pinion and ring gear as the single fixed gear reduction final drive. Referring to figure 5-14, notice that the secondary pinion is mounted on the primary ring gear shaft. The second gear reduction is the result of the secondary pinion which is rigidly attached to the primary ring gear, driving a large helical gear which is attached to the differential case. Double-reduction final drives may be found on military design vehicles, such as the 5-ton truck. Many commercially designed vehicles of this size use a single- or double-reduction final drive with provisions for two speeds to be incorporatedFigure 5-14.—Double-reduction final driveTwo-Speed Final DriveThe two-speed or dual-ratio final drive is used to supplement the gearing of the other drive train components and is used in vehicles with a single drive axle (fig. 5-15). The operator can select the range or speed of this axle with a button on the shifting lever of the transmission or by a lever through linkage The two-speed final drive doubles the number of gear ratios available for driving the vehicle under various load and road conditions. For example, a vehicle with a two-speed unit and a five-speed transmission, ten different forward speeds are available. This unit provides a gear ratio high enough to permit pulling a heavy load up steep grades and a low ratio to permit the vehicle to run at high speeds with a light load or no load The conventional spiral bevel pinion and ring gear drives the two-speed unit, but aplanetary gear train is placed between the differential drive ring gear and the differential case. The internal gear of the planetary gear train is bolted rigidly to the bevel drive gear. A ring on which the planetary gears are pivoted is bolted to the differential case. A member, consisting of the sun gear and a dog clutch, slides on one of the axle shafts and is controlled through a button or lever accessible to the operatorWhen in high range, the sun gear meshes with the internal teeth on the ring carrying the planetary gears and disengages the dog clutch from the left bearing adjusting ring, which is rigidly held in the differential carrier. In this position, the planetary gear train is locked together. There is no relative motion between the differential case and the gears in the planetary drive train. The differential case is driven directly by the differential ring gear, the same as in the conventional single fixed gear final drive.When shifted into low range, the sun gear is slid out of mesh with the ring carrying the planetary gears. The dog clutch makes a rigid connection with the left bearing adjusting ring. Because the sun gear is integral with the dog clutch, it is also locked to the bearing adjusting rings and remains stationary. The internal gear rotates the planetary gears around the stationary sun gear, and the differential case is driven by the ring on which the planetary gears are pivoted. This action produces the gear reduction, or low speed, of the axleDIFFERENTIAL ACTIONThe rear wheels of a vehicle do not always turn at the same speed. When the vehicle is turning or when tire diameters differ slightly, the rear wheels must rotate at different speeds.If there were a solid connection between each axle and the differential case, the tires would tend to slide, squeal, and wear whenever the operator turned the steering wheel of the vehicle.A differential is designed to prevent this problem.Driving Straight AheadWhen a vehicle is driving straight ahead, the ring gear, the differential case, the differential pinion gears, and the differential side gears turn as a unit. The two differential pinion gears do NOT rotate on the pinion shaft, because they exert equal force on the side gears. As a result, the side gears turn at the same speed as the ring gear, causing both rear wheels to turn at the same speed.Turning CornersWhen the vehicle begins to round a curve, the differential pinion gears rotate on the pinion shaft. This occurs because the pinion gears must walk around the slower turning differential side gear. Therefore, the pinion gears carry additional rotary motion to the faster turning outer wheel on the turn..Differential speed is considered to be 100 percent. The rotating action of the pinion gears carries 90 percent of this speed to the slowing mover inner wheel and sends 110 percent of the speed to the faster rotating outer wheel. This action allows the vehicle to make the turn without sliding or squealing the wheels.Figure 5-15.—Two speed final drive汽车主减速器主减速器主减速器是在传动轴和差速器之间的一个动力传动系统的组成部分。

毕业设计外文翻译THE RESEARCHS OFAMT SHIFTING SCHEDULESThe modern automatic transmission is by far,the most complicated mechanical component in today s automobile. It is a type of transmission that siftsitself. A fluid coupling or torque converter is used instead of a manually operated clutch to connect the transmission to the engine.There are two basic types of automatic transmission based on whether the vehicle is rear wheel drive or front wheel drive. On a rear wheel drive car,the transmission is usually mounted to the back of the engine and is located under the hump in the center of the floorboard alongside the gas pedal position. A drive shaft connects the transmission to the final drive which is located in the rear axle and is used to send power to the rear wheels. Power flow on this system is simple and straight forward going from the engine,through the torque converter,then trough the transmission and drive shaftuntil it reaches the final drive where it is split and sent to the two rear transmission.On a front wheel drive car,the transmission is usually combined with the final drive to form what is called a transaxle. The engine on a front wheel drive car is usually mounted sideways in the car with the transaxle tucked under it on the side of the engine facing the reaorf the car. Front axles are connected directly to the transaxle and provide power to front wheels. In this exampl,e power floes from the engine,through the torque converter to a larger chain that sends the power through a 180 degree turn to the transmission thatis along side the engine. From there,the power is routed through the transmission to the final drive where it is split and sent to the two front wheels through the drive axles.There are a number of other arrangements including front drive vehicles where the engine is mounted front to back instead of sideways and there are other systems that drive all four wheels but the two systems described here are by far the most popular. A much less popular rear and is connected by a drive shaft to the torque converter which is still mounted on the engine. This system is found on the new Corvette and is used in order to balance the weight evenly between the front and rear wheels for improved performance and handling. Another rear drive system mounts everything,the engine,transmission and final drive in the rear. This rear engine arrangement is popular on the Porsche。

AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSIONThe modern automatic transmission is by far , the most complicated mechanical component in today’s automobile . It is a type of transmission that sifts itself . A fluid coupling or torque converter is used instead of a manually operated clutch to connect the transmission to the engine .There are two basic types of automatic transmission based on whether the vehicle is rear wheel drive or front wheel drive . On a rear wheel drive car , the transmission is usually mounted to the back of the engine and is located under the hump in the center of the floorboard alongside the gas pedal position . A drive shaft connects the transmission to the final drive which is located in the rear axle and is used to send power to the rear wheels . Power flow on this system is simple and straight forward going from the engine , through the torque converter , then trough the transmission and drive shaft until it reaches the final drive where it is split and sent to the two rear transmission .On a front wheel drive car , the transmission is usually combined with the final drive to form what is called a transaxle . The engine on a front wheel drive car is usually mounted sideways in the car with the transaxle tucked under it on the side of the engine facing the rear of the car . Front axles are connected directly to the transaxle and provide power to front wheels . In this example , power floes from the engine , through the torque converter to a larger chain that sends the power through a 180 degree turn to the transmission that is along side the engine . From there , the power is routed through the transmission to the final drive where it is split and sent to the two front wheels through the drive axles .There are a number of other arrangements including front drive vehicles where the engine is mounted front to back instead of sideways and there are other systems that drive all four wheels but the two systems described here are by far the most popular . A much less popular rear and is connected by a drive shaft to the torque converter which is still mounted on the engine . This system is found on the new Corvette and is used in order to balance the weight evenly between the front and rear wheels for improved performance and handling . Another rear drive system mounts everything , the engine , transmission and final drive in the rear . This rear engine arrangement is popular on the Porsche.The modern automatic transmission consists of many components and systems that designed to work together in a symphony of planetary gear sets , the hydraulic system, seals and gaskets , the torque converter , the governor and the modulator or throttle cable and computer controls that has evolved over the years into what many mechanical inclined individuals consider to be an art from .自动变速器对于现代的汽车,自动变速器是一个复杂的组件,这种传递动力的方式,是液力变矩期充当离合器来连接发动机和变速器。

Current situation and development trend of automatic transmissionFirst, transmission profile1 manual transmission (MT)As we all know, the manual transmission gearbox is one of the most common car, its basic principle is to perform power transmission with a few parallel shafts and several meshing spur or helical gear, namely the input shaft axis and the axis constitute the main gearbox, plus a reverse gear and shaft synchronizer etc.. The working process is as follows: the driver through the drive rod to achieve different gear meshing, and ultimately to achieve different gear ratio gear.2 automatic manual transmission (AMT)Automatic manual transmission (AMT) is actually a machine system to complete the operation of the clutch and select the two movements. The AMT driver is simple, saves the clutch pedal, as long as the driver stepped on the accelerator, the best time selector system will automatically choose to shift, thereby eliminating the engine, clutch and transmission errors, to avoid the wrong bit shift. This is very important for both novice and vehicle reliability. Speed reducer greatly reduces the complexity of driving, so that AMT car driving more simple, worry, and to ensure the lowest power loss. By the selector to complete the driver to step on the clutch shift action, the timing of the shift is more accurate than the driver to complete. Therefore, the background for the growing shortage of energy and the emission of CO2 AMT under increasing pressure, conform to the "energy saving" this door, the best time selector system will automatically choose to shift, thereby eliminating the engine, clutch and transmission errors, to avoid the wrong change gear. This is very important for both novice and vehicle reliability. Speed reducer greatly reduces the complexity of driving, so that AMT car driving more simple, worry, and to ensure the lowest power loss. By the selector to complete the driver to step on the clutch shift action, the timing of the shift is more accurate than the driver to complete. Therefore, the background for the growing shortage of energy and the emission of CO2 AMT under increasing pressure, conform to the "energy saving" this door, the best time selector system will automatically choose to shift, thereby eliminating theengine, clutch and transmission errors, to avoid the wrong change gear. This is very important for both novice and vehicle reliability. Speed reducer greatly reduces the complexity of driving, so that AMT car driving more simple, worry, and to ensure the lowest power loss. By the selector to complete the driver to step on the clutch shift action, the timing of the shift is more accurate than the driver to complete. Therefore, the background for the growing shortage of energy and the emission of CO2 AMT under increasing pressure, conform to the "energy saving" this door, the best time selector system will automatically choose to shift, thereby eliminating the engine, clutch and transmission errors, to avoid the wrong change gear. This is very important for both novice and vehicle reliability. Speed reducer greatly reduces the complexity of driving, so that AMT car driving more simple, worry, and to ensure the lowest power loss. By the selector to complete the driver to step on the clutch shift action, the timing of the shift is more accurate than the driver to complete.3 electronically controlled hydraulic automatic transmission (AT)Electronic control of hydraulic automatic transmission (AT) in recent years, new technologies are constantly in use, it is moving toward multi block, digital control, etc.. Japan's largest automatic transmission manufacturer AISIN AW in 2006, the successful launch of model AA80E 8 speed automatic transmission (see Figure 3), is currently being used in the Lexus LS460 car. This will form a larger total transmission ratio, while the transmission ratio is also closer than the 5 speed transmission. Therefore, the driver can choose the best transmission ratio in almost all driving conditions. Electronic control module can choose more transmission ratio, the transmission ratio depends on the driving conditions, thereby reducing fuel consumption and improve the ride comfort. The optimal matching of engine speed and running state means that the engine improves the power and fuel economy and reduces the running noise.4 continuously variable transmission (CVT)Continuously variable transmission (CVT) is only two groups of removable cone and transmission belt or transmission chain, you can achieve the number of forward gear transmission process. The CVT drive to choose power transmission and the transmission ratio of the transmission chain and the variable cone groove width belt, when cone groove widthchanges, corresponding changes in the driving wheel and the driven wheel drive belt speed contact radius. CVT is a truly stepless, and AT compared with a high operating efficiency, low fuel consumption. Through the application of the market in recent years, the momentum of development is also relatively rapid, currently in our country has been applied to the rapid development of 5 models, more than 6 kinds of. Figure 4 shows the market outlook for the Chinese market in the next few years.At present, the world each big automobile manufacturers in order to improve the competitiveness of their products are vigorously engaged in research and development of CVT, equipped with CVT, TOYOTA, NISSAN car sales are FORD, GM, AUDI and other well-known car brands in the world, CVT's annual production has reached nearly 500 thousand vehicles. It is worth noting that, equipped with CVT car market, from the initial Japan, Europe has penetrated into the North American market, CVT has become the main trend of the development of today's automobile.5 dual clutch transmission (DCT)Dual clutch transmission (DCT) is the first German V olkswagen technology, so in theV olkswagen car system also known as DSG transmission. It can be said to be the world's most advanced, revolutionary transmission system, V olkswagen in 2002 in Wolfsburg, Germany for the first time to show the world the technological innovation. DSG transmission is designed to meet the consumer's desire to drive a sense of movement and fuel-efficient vehicles, for those who love the manual transmission drivers provide a best choice. DSG brings in low fuel consumption and vehicle performance without any loss, also has excellent acceleration and top speed, and the same with the traditional automatic transmission can realize smooth shift without affecting the traction force. Therefore, not only ensures the comfort, but also embodiesDynamic acceleration.Two, the development trend of transmissionAccording to industry estimates, statistical data will be the 2013 European transmission market changes, equipped with a manual transmission car will account for 52%, equippedwith automatic manual transmission will account for 10%, equipped with CVT will account for 2%, equipped with dual clutch transmission will account for 16%, equipped with automatic transmission will account for 20%. But industry experts have pointed out that the prediction was based on the transmission type of the existing new transmission products are constantly in the development process, so in the future transmission car market may also have some changes.1 automatic transmission to multi block developmentWith the automatic transmission car quantity rise, automatic transmission technology has evolved from the past traditional simple 4 speed electronic control (3 solenoid valve) to today's 6, 7, 8 (multi speed solenoid valve control) of the fuzzy control and network control logic. In recent years, the trend of increasing the number of automatic transmission is very obvious, from the traditional 4 speed to the 5, 6, 7, speed. Block number increase means that the total transmission ratio in the range widening, and two adjacent block between the transmission ratio and closer, so the shift time will be in advance, and in the launch to ensure the fuel economy, but also meet the acceleration performance. Now, the world's largest automatic transmission manufacturers have launched more than 5 speed multi speed automatic transmission, such as Z F's 6HP series AISIN; AW company U151/U250E,TF-60SN and TR-60SN; JATCO company's J F506E transmission G M company; T40E,6L50/80E etc..2 mechanical structure gradually simplifiedAlthough the new type of transmission block number in the number, but it does not mean that the transmission of the whole structure and volume become complex and increase, this is because of the combination of mechanical components from a large number of shift actuator control multiple planetary gear to achieve a simple 4 1 variable function, the development of today's 5 shift execution the so-called "Laipeilaijie element control type planetary gear set by logic combination can achieve 6 top 1 down transmission function. The number of parts is reduced by half, and the 6hp series reducer produced by ZF is an example (see Figure 7). At present, the German ZF company and Japan AISIN AW company has successfully pushed the 8 speed automatic transmission, but the gear part is still in use for gear, thus we will find outwhether the traditional Simpson series and Lavinia, or today's Laipeilaijie type planetary gear, are composed of "single planetary gear set single row gear and single row double gear" two forms. To this end, as long as we are familiar with the two kinds of planetary gear transmission on the OK, and when we go to analyze the production of different companies 5, 6, 7, block change.3 electronic control humanizationIn the mechanical and hydraulic aspects seem to be more and more simplified structure, less components, valve number is less, but in the overall control of the electronic control method has become more and more complicated, and requires more precise control, especially in the coordinated torque control, safety control, fuzzy logic control, overlapping shift control others of the more obvious. In order to improve the shift quality, reflect the driving comfort, the engine must realize the torque coordinated control of shift process of automatic transmission, the engine is mainly through the instant change of fuel injection quantity and the ignition delay function to maintain a smooth transition in the shift performance of the shift process of automatic transmission; safety protection control mainly refers to the failure of automatic transmission machinery hydraulic, electronic control, and the fault can be a greater threat to the transmission, in order to protect the transmission from further damage, protected by an automatic transmission through the computer receives the sensor information after the start; fuzzy logic control function, it is a microcomputer to imitate human brain function, can predict to the driver's next move, and finally realize the optimum shift time control and shift point switch Such control. Here we focus on understanding the overlapping shift control, this is because many of the maintenance staff is still relatively vague understanding. The so-called overlapping shift control this new words explanation is that shifting process is actually the process of friction friction element, in the common friction clutch and clutch or clutch and brake in the shift, if the friction torque of replacement process will cause improper timing, sharp fluctuations in output torque. The replacement of the friction torque between the two clutches or between the clutch and the brake, there will always be more or less interruption interval or overlap. Overlapping or excessive overlap, will produce undue shift impact. Overlap is the separation of the clutch to be separated too fast oil separation, to be combinedwith the clutch failed to establish sufficient oil pressure, thus the emergence of the two clutch torque transmission phenomenon. In this time of overlap, the output torque is first decreased too much, and then rise sharply, resulting in a larger torque disturbance. At the same time, the engine speed can not get a smooth transition, the first is due to the reduction of load growth, but also because of the rapid increase in load and speed down. Overlap is too much in the combination of the clutch has been able to transmit a lot of torque, the clutch should be separated from the oil separation is not very good, so there are two agencies working at the same time. In a short period of time, the two gears overlap, so that the engine and the output shaft are subject to braking, so the output shaft has a large torque disturbance. Subsequently, the clutch should be separated so that the transmission4 the number of actuators is increasing, and the type of control is changingYou will find that the automatic transmission actuator solenoid valve number increasing, the switch type solenoid valve is less, while the frequency is too much, the number of mechanical valve and control circuit is also less (more solenoid valve control is to improve the quality of the shift). A slide valve may be based on the conversion of the oil to achieve multi-purpose, a simple solenoid valve will be multi-purpose, it can achieve shift control, but also can take charge of oil pressure control. In the past the traditional type of electronic control automatic transmission, switching circuit is switched by shifting the solenoid valve to control the switching circuit, the circuit is a switching type (for shifting actuator junction without excessive vibration, the buffer control circuit is usually used in throttling and storage device to achieve slow control). The actuator in the 6HP series, the 6 has a pulse width modulation solenoid valve features high flow high frequency, 1 of them (E D S5) is mainly used to complete the system pressure regulating function, the other 1 (E D S6) is used to complete the engine and the transmission gearbox mechanical connection function (T C C) and the remaining 4 solenoid valve (E D S1-A, E D S2-B, E D S3-C, E D S4-E/D) respectively control 5 shift actuators of engagement and separation, that is to say the shift circuit controlled by the switch into the original regulation, thus greatly improve the shift quality. Shift control, but also can undertake the oil pressure control. In the past the traditional type of electronic control automatic transmission, switching circuit is switched by shifting thesolenoid valve to control the switching circuit, the circuit is a switching type (for shifting actuator junction without excessive vibration, the buffer control circuit is usually used in throttling and storage device to achieve slow control). The actuator in the 6HP series, the 6 has a pulse width modulation solenoid valve features high flow high frequency, 1 of them (E D S5) is mainly used to complete the system pressure regulating function, the other 1 (E D S6) is used to complete the engine and the transmission gearbox mechanical connection function (T C C) and the remaining 4 solenoid valve (E D S1-A, E D S2-B, E D S3-C, E D S4-E/D) respectively control 5 shift actuators of engagement and separation, that is to say the shift circuit controlled by the switch into the original regulation, thus greatly improve the shift quality.自动变速器发展现状及趋势一、变速器简介1.手动变速器(MT)大家知道,手动变速器是汽车中最常见的变速器之一,其基本原理是用几根平行轴及若干相啮合的直齿或斜齿齿轮进行动力传递,即由输入轴、轴出轴和中间轴构成变速器的主体,再加上一根倒挡轴及同步器等部件。


汽车变速器的设计外文文献翻译、中英文翻译、外文翻译A manual n。
also known as a standard n。
It consistsof gears。
roller bearings。
and gear selectors。
The main clutch assembly is used to engage and disengage the engine from XXX gears are used to select the desired。
and the sector fork moves gears from one to another using the gearshift knob。
Synchros are used to slow the gear to a。
before it is XXX。
The counter shaft holds the gears in place and against the main input and output shaft。
Unlike automatic ns。
as there isno XXX。
Note: XXX "n Shifter" was deleted as it had no XXX.)XXX have four to six forward gears and one reverse gear。
some cars may have up to eight forward gears。
while semi trucks XXX by the number of forward gears。
such as a 5-speed standard n.The n of a standard n includes three shafts: the input shaft。

本科毕业设计(论文)英文资料翻译*****指导教师:孙飞豹(副教授)学科、专业:车辆工程沈阳理工大学应用技术学院2011年12月20日transmission used in automobilesA standard transmission or manual transmission is the traditional type of transmission used in automobiles. The manual or standard transmission consists of a series of gears, synchros, roller bearings, shafts and gear selectors. The main clutch assembly is used to engage and disengage the engine from the transmission. Heliacal cut gears are used to select the ratio desired the sector fork move gears from one to another by using the gearshift knob. Synchros are used to slow the gear to a stop before it is engaged to avoid gear grinding, the counter shaft hold the gears in place and against the main input and output shaft. A stick shift transmission has no torque converter so there is no need for a transmission cooler. A stick shift transmission needs a simple fluid change for proper service. (there is no transmission filter in a stick shift transmission).Transmission ShifterMost manual transmissions have one reverse gear and four to six forward gears. Some cars also have eight forward gears while thirteen to twenty-four gears are present in semi trucks. To differentiate among the available standard transmissions, they are addressed by the number of forward gears. For example, if the standard transmission has five gears, it will be referred to as 5-speed standard transmission or 5-speed standard.Typical Standard Transmission ConfigurationInside the transmission shafts contain all forward and reverse gears. Most transmissions contain three shafts: input shaft, output shaft and counter or lay shaft. Other than standard transmission, there are other transmissions like continuously variable transmission, automatic transmission and semi-automatic transmission. In the manual transmission, a pair of gears inside the transmission selects the gear ratios. Whereas, in an automatic transmission, combination of brake bands and clutch packs control the planetary gear which selects the gear ratio.If there is a provision to select a gear ratio manually in automatic transmissions, the system is called a semi-automatic transmission. The driver can select from any of the gears at any pointof time. In some automobiles like racing cars and motorcycles that have standard transmissions, the driver can select the preceding or the following gear ratio with no clutch operation needed. This type of standard transmission is known as sequential transmission. In this transmission the clutch is still used for initial take off.Clutch and Flywheel AssemblyThe main clutch plays the role of a coupling device which separates the transmission and the engine. If the clutch is absent and the car comes to a stop the engine will stall. In automobiles, the clutch can be operated with the help of a pedal located on the floor of the vehicle. In an automatic transmission instead of a clutch, a torque converter is used to separate the transmission and engine.Typical Stick Shift PatternsA desired gear can be selected by a lever which is usually located on the floor in between the driver and passenger seat. This selector lever is called the gear lever or gear selector or gear shift or shifter. This gear stick can be made to move in right, left, forward and backward direction. When the gear is placed on the N position or neutral position, no gear will be selected. To move the car in the backward direction, the R gear or reverse gear should be selected.Standard transmissions are more efficient and less expensive to produce than automatic transmissions. A Standard transmission is about 15% more efficient compared to an automatic transmission. Standard transmissions are generally stronger than automatic transmissions and off road vehicles take advantage of a direct gear selection so they can withstand rough conditions. Less active cooling is also required in manual transmission system because less power is wasted.●Popular Problem ChecksCar will not go into gearClutch disc is broken completelyInternal transmission damageFailed clutch master cylinderSeized clutch slave cylinderBroken clutch fork pivotBroken clutch cableCar goes into gear but it fades out or is slippingClutch is worn out and needs replacementClutch is oil soaked from a external engine oil leakCar makes grinding noise while operating or shifting gearsOne of the roller or thrust bearings has failedThe gear synchro is worn out not forcing the gear stop before it is engaged causing a grinding gear.A counter or main shaft bearing has failed causing misalignment of the gears●Troubleshooting Noise and ProblemsIf the vehicle is running and a whirring sound is heard, then it goes away when the clutch is depressed, the transmission input bearing has failed.If the transmission is quiet in neutral but when you depress the clutch a squeaking noise is observed, a clutch throw out bearing has failed.Tips:Never let little noises go unattended; a small noise can cause a large noise and transmission operation failure. Never overload a vehicle or tow beyond the capacity this can cause premature transmission failure.汽车变速器汽车传统变速器是那种标准的手动变速器。

TRANSMISSIONOf all transmission technologies, the manual gearbox is the most efficient; around 96 per cent of the energy that is put in comes out of the other end. But not everyone can drive one or wants to. Because you have to dip the clutch pedal, it is less comfortable to drive in heavy traffic. It makes the driver tired and the torque interruptions’ head-nod effect on passengers can be wearing.The driver's clutch control and corresponding torque interruptions are also the manuals weak point. When accelerating up through the gearbox, each up-shift requires the driver to cut the torque momentarily by lifting the gas pedal and dipping the clutch. It may just take a second to complete the operation, but during this time the vehicle is losing speed and acceleration.At the opposite end of the spectrum is the traditional automatic. The modern transmission is by far, the most complicated mechanical component in today’s automobile. It is a type of transmission that shifts itself .A fluid coupling or torque converter is used instead of a manually operated clutch to connect the transmission to the engine.There are two basic types of automatic transmissions based on whetherthe vehicle is rear wheel drive . On a rear wheel drive car , the transmission is usually mounted to the back of the engine and is located under the hump in the center of the floorboard alongside the gas pedal position . A drive shaft connects the rear of the transmission to the final drive which is located in the rear axle and is used to send power to the rear wheel. Power flow on this system is simple and straight forward going from the engine, through the torque converter , then through the transmission and driver shaft until it reaches the final driver where it is split and sent to the two rear wheel .On a front wheel drive car, the transmission is usually combined .With the final drive to from what is called a transaxle. The engine on a front wheel driver car is usually mounted sideways in the car with the transaxle tucked under it onthe side of the engine facing the rear of the car. Front axles are connected directly to the transaxle and provide power to the front wheels. In this example, power flows from the engine through the torque converter to a large chain that sends the power through a 180 degree turn to the transmission that is along side the engine. From there,The power is routed through the transmission to the final drive where it is split and sent to the two front wheels through the drive axles.There are a number of other arrangements including front drive vehicles where the engine is mounted front to back instead of sideways and there are other systems that drive all four wheels but the two systems described here are by far the most popular. A must less popular rear drive arrangement has the transmission mounted to the final drive at the rear and is connected by a drive shaft to the torque converter which is still mounted on the engine. This system is found on the new corvette and is used in order to balance the weight evenly between the front and rear wheels for improved performance and handling. Another rear drive system mounts everything, the engine, transmission and final drive in the rear. This rear engine arrangement is popular on the Porsche.The modern automatic transmission consists of many components and systems that are designed to work together in a symphony of planetary gear sets, the hydraulic system, seals and gaskets, the torque converter, the governor and the modulator or throttle cable and computer consider being an art form.On the automobile planet gear mainly uses in two places, one is the driving axle reduction gear, two is the automatic transmission. Very many net friends all want to know that, the planet gear has any function, why automobile must have it . We knew very well the gear major part all rotates the spool thread fixed gear. For example mechanical type clock and watch, above all gears although all in make the rotation, but their rotation center (with center of a circle position superposition) often installs through the bearing on the cabinet, therefore, their rotating axis all is the relative cabinet fixed, thus also is called "dead axle gear" . Has must have surely moves, the corresponding place, some kind of not that manner knows very well is called "planet gear" the gear, their rotation spool thread is not fixed, but is installs the support which may rotate in (blue color) on(in chart black part is shell, yellow expression bearing). The planet gear (green) besides can look like the dead axle gear such to revolve own rotating axis (B-B) to rotate, their rotating axis also (is called planet) along with the blue color support to circle other gears the spool thread (A-A) to rotate. Circles oneself spool thread the rotation to be called "rotation", circles other gear spool threads the rotation to be called "revolution", looks like in solar system planet such, therefore acquires fame.The spool thread fixed gear drive principle is very simple, meshes mutually in a pair in the gear, some gear takes the driving pulley, the power spreads from its there, another gear takes the driven wheel, the power outputs from it toward outside. Also some gears only take the stopover station, at the same time meshes with the driving pulley, one side meshes in addition with the driven wheel, the power passes from its there.In contains the planet gear in the gear system, the situation was different. Because has the planet frame, in other words, may have three rotating axes permissions power input/Output, but also may use the coupling or the brake and so on method. in needs time limits axis the rotation, is left over two axes to carry on the transmission, as the matter stands, meshes mutually between the gear relations may have the many kinds of combinations: The power from sun gear input, outputs from other sun gear, the planet put through brake mechanism has checked dies; Power from sun gear input, from planet output, moreover a sun gear ecks dies; The power from a planet input, outputs from sun gear, moreover a sun gear checks dies; Two powers separately from two sun gears inputs, after synthesis from planet output; Two powers separately from the planet and sun gear input, after the synthesis output from other sun gear; The power from sun gear input, divides two groups outputs from other sun gear and the planet frame; The power from a planet input, divides two groups to output from two sun gears;Its shift quality is good thanks to its torque converter, but efficiency is relatively poor despite recent advances. Because of this, a lot of the current research is trying to find an efficient alternative to the conventional automatic.The main technologies are continuously variable transmissions (CVTs); dualclutch transmissions (DCTs) and automated manual transmission (AMTs).They all offer different benefits over the conventional planetary automatic.The CVT uses a belt chain or torodial shaped dish drive to vary an infinite number of gear ratios. It has improved efficiency and cost when compared to conventional automatics. Its advantage comes from its simplicity. It consists of very few components;usually a rubber or metal-link belt;a hydraulically operated driving pulley, a mechanical torque-sensing driving pulley, microprocessors and some sensors.The transmission works by varying the distance between the face of the two main pulleys. The pulleys have V-shaped grooves in which the connecting the belt rides. One side of the pulley is fixed axially; the other side moves, actuated by hydraulics.When actuated, the cylinder can increase or reduce the amount of space between the two sides of the pulley. This allows the belt to ride lower or higher along the walls of the pulley, depending on driving conditions. This changes the gear ratio. A torodial-type design works in a similar way but runs an discs and power- rollersThe "step less" nature of its design is CVT's biggest draw for automotive engineers .Because of this, a CVT can work to keep the engine in its optimum power range, thereby increasing efficiency and mileage. A CVT can convert every point on the equine’s operating curve to a corresponding point on its own operating curve.The transmission is most popular with Japanese carmakers and Japanese supplier JATCO is a major producer. But in the US and Europe driving styles are different. Uptake has been slow despite Audi and other manufacturers having Offered CVT operations on their ranges.The DCT is, in effect, two manual gearboxes coupled together. Gear shifts are made by switching from one clutch on one gearbox to another clutch on the other. The shift quality is equal to a conventional automatic, but slip, fluid drag and hydraulic losses in the system result in only slightly improved efficienc y and acceleration over the conventional planetary automatic. Developing the controlstrategy is costly too."Resent advances in conventional automatic technology have weakened the argument to develop and set up production for CVT or DCT," says Bill Martin, managing director of transmission firm Zeroshift "Some carmakers have cancelled DCT projects because of the cost."The cheapest way to build an automatic is with an AMT. AMTs use actuators to replace the clutch pedal and gear stick of a conventional manual. They keep the high efficiency and acceleration of a manual gearbox, but the shift quality on some models is lacking. Torque interruptions and the head-nod effect are the most common complaint.SO what is the alternative? There are always new ideas in transmissions, but Zeroshift says that its technology has efficiency benefits over a manual, delivering fuel economy improvements to city driving. Shift quality can also be equal to that of a refined automatic.Zeroshift's approach is an upgrade to the AMT. The synchromesh is replaced with an advanced dog engagement system.Dog engagement has been used for many years in motor sport to allow fast shifts. Conventional dog Boxes are unsuitable for road use as the large spaces between the drive lugs or 'dogs" create backlash, an uncomfortable shunt caused by the sudden change in torque direction.Zeroshift's technology solves this problem by adding a second set of drive dogs. It has also made each of The two sets of dogs only capable of transmitti ng torque in one or other opposing directions错误!未找到引用源。

变速器论文中英文资料外文翻译文献外文翻译THE RESEARCHS OFAMT SHIFTING SCHEDULESVehicular Automatic Transmission can be divided into three types: Automatic Transmission (AT), Automated Mechanical Transmission (AMT) and Continuously Variable Transmission (CVT). AMT has become a kind of transmission that is full of potentiality, due to its high transfer efficiency, low cost and easiness to manufacture.The research on AMT shifting performance is key technology in the developing. Shifting performance directly influence the market competition and industrialization of AMT.AMT has good market expectation, but during the shifting procedure, the power must be cut off which causes the poor shifting performance than AT and CVT. Only through improving the shifting performance can the commercial competence be established. So the virtual important thing is to find the way to improve shifting performance.The development of AMT can be divided into three phases: semi-automatic, automatic and intelligent. The two major part of AMT are: the hardware including the mastered object, executor, sensors and TCU; and the software performing the control strategy.The performance of AT shift influences greatly the performance of the vehicle. So the research on at shift quality is an important problem in the domain of AT researching. Shift quality control of AT is accomplished by electronic and hydraulic system. To shift smoothly, according the real time throttle valve opening and vehicle speed signal, the controller sends electronic signals to control oil pressure changing curve of the applying elements. this paper analyzes and research detailed shift quality control system,the analyzing model of shifting process and pressure changing curve of the applying elements Firstly this paper summarizes the existing evaluated quota of shift quality, and fully analyzes and introduces the existing control manner of AT shift quality.To meet the needs of research of vehicle starting and the real time control of shift, this paper puts forward a simplified model of engine-torque and a dynamics model of AT shifting process. Through the applying of the established model, this paper fully analyzes the process of the AT shifting.This paper drafts the proper oil pressure changing curve of the applying elements which can improve the AT shift quality, and gives the material calculated methods of the AG4 AT. This paper simulates the AG4 AT’s shifting process of 2H to 3H.The results of the simulation validate the established simplified models and the expected oil pressure changing curve.This paper fully analyzes the mechanism of the pressure regulating and flow controlling system of the AG4 AT, and preparatory discusses the design of the block-diagram of the shift quality control. This paper test the control system and hydraulic system of the AG4 AT by the AT hydraulic-electronic testing-bed. The result of the test validates the correction of these analyses.Automated Mechanical Transmission, as so called AMT, is a new-style transmission system. AMT technology applies the automatic technology to the manual mechanical transmission and makes the selection-gear, shift, clutch and throttle implement automatically. AMT technology is suitable for the situation of our country, and has an expansive market and development foreground. Shift schedules decide the time to shift and are the soul of the AMT. When the AMT is working, by comparing the states of the vehicle with the optimal shift schedules,the AMT decides the optimal shift time and achieves the shift automatically. This will lessen the tiredness of the driver and improve the safety. At the same time, the power and fuel-economy of the vehicle can also be improved. The author chooses the shift schedule as the key technology problem to be researched and the main study aim of this thesis is to get the optimal shift schedules for the AMT and so improve the power and fuel-economy of the vehicle. Through analyzing the influence factors of power and fuel-economy for the automobile, the author get the establishment methods for the optimal-power shift schedule and optimal fuel-economy shift schedule. In order to solve the influence of mass on the shift schedule, the author presents a variable-structure-controlled shift system. This enriches the theory of shift schedules. Because the computer simulation can save a lot of manpower and material resources comparing with the true-car test, so in this thesis, the author uses the simulation toolbox MATLAB/Simulate to setup the simulation model for shift schedules. Using this model, the optimal-power shift schedule and optimal fuel-economy shift schedule above are simulated and proved to be reasonable.Shifting performance is defined as the extent of swiftness and softness during the procedure of non-power shifting and to extend the life of the power train. The index is comfort of passenger, time duration and shock, nine factors maybe influence the shifting performance, and two experimental methods can be used to investigate the nature of this performance: one is collecting real-time data during road experiment and analyzing them, the other is the simulation of the operation conditions of the vehicle.The core of the AMT system is the control strategy, the principle of the clutch engagement, shifting procedure, the choice of control method and the CAN communication between TCU and ECU can influence the shifting performance.Shifting schedule is the schedule of auto shifting time between two shifts with controlling parameters. It includes economical and dynamical shifting schedule. At present, shifting schedule of two controlling parameters (vehicle speed and opening on throttle) is mainly used. If shifting schedule is not good,shifting will not happen at right time and the working condition of engine will be severe. It will make the sound of engine abnormally and stability badly through the whole shifting procession. Sometimes even flame out Schedule of clutch engagement is determined by releasing journey of clutch, opening of throttle, shifting, vehicle speed and loading. The mainControlling goals are engaging quantity and engaging speed. The engaging control of clutch is mainly referred to the control of engaging speed. It is divided into three stages: fast, slow, fast. Shifting quality is directly influenced by the second stage. If engaging harder, it will make shifting concussion, even flame out; if engaging more slowly, it will make the friction time longer and reduce its longevity. The main controlling parameters are difference between initiative and passive and torques on both sides. When torques being approximately equal, it is proved by experiments that it can guarantee shifting time and not make concussion through the procession of engagement at the time of difference of rotating speed below some value. Meanwhile, the abrasion of clutch is not severe.Shifting procedure is the procedure through working harmoniously among engine, clutch and transmission. Their cooperation will affect shifting time heavily. In order to decrease the shifting time, the time that is spent on the friction of the clutch should be decreased first. If we intend to increase the time of non-load stage, which helps to minimize the difference of the rotary speed between the driving disc and the driven disc. If we intend to shorten the time of the non-load stage, engage the clutch immediately after the gear change. The clutch can engage in a satisfying period if the new method of controlling the engaging speed of the clutch is realizable. And the time that is spent on synchronizing the gears should also be shortened. It can be realized in the following two ways. The first is to decrease the difference of the driving gear and the driven gear. The second is to increase the shifting force. If realizing the union control between ECU and TCU by CAN bus, AMT has the best control and the best shifting performance by use of communication strategy between TCU and ECU.Influence on shifting performance by hardwareThe elements in hardware system are the basis of proper functions of AMT. Executors, sensors, electronic components, hydraulic systems have influences on shifting performance, the choice of hardware parameters is of vital important to improvement of shifting performance.With the development of the theory and technology of vehicle, the technical increasingly mature of microprocessor and the extensive application of electronic technique on the car, people have no limit at satisfying the automotive means of transportation only, facing gradually from the request of the car power, economy and easily manipulating, flexibility, safety, an d the intelligent type of car becomes the focus in the vision of people increasingly. Company’s publicity slogan of" person, car, life"," make people the center" etc. On the side exhibit the expectation of people to the automotive individuation, humanity.In the development direction of the car intelligence, the intelligence of the automatic gearbox has important effect. But the intelligence of the automatic gearbox embodies at the establishment of the shift regulation. For the fashion, for satisfying people to the new automotive request, for competitive advantage of the car type, at present, each big factory in world worked very much in shift regulation of new car type. Among those, the most arresting is AL4 automatic gearbox developed by PEUGEOT/CITROEN and RENAULT in that there unexpectedly are the 10 kinds of so many shift regulations. In the big system of person— car — road, the good and bad of the car control, reflect primarily in the coordination of the vehicle and environment (road), the coordination of the vehicle and person. And so, the electronic automatic control system can save various regulations to provide the driver to choose to use, not only having the economic regulation, motive (call to sport the type again) regulation, but also still having the general (usual) regulation, environment temperature and regulation with the outsider condition variety etc. Namely, the point of shifting can be freely enacted for every kind of regulation. In the intelligence direction of the shift regulation, everyone has made much work up to now, parts of the results has been applied on the car. But the work that developing this intelligentshift regulation still is hard, this is mainly because of:1. The intelligence degree of the current intelligent gearbox needs to be increased, and it expresses at that accurate degree to identify environment is not high and to identify the driver’s driving can't give satisfaction.2. The intelligence function is still not perfect. The intelligent automatically shift system is an open system; it must be continuously perfect and plentiful on the current foundation. Only this way, it can adapt to the driving request of the different drivers, reducing the driver’s labor strength, increasing the performance of the whole vehicle.Conventional design method which used in the structure parameters' design of automobile gear box and synchronizer is a time-wasting job and hard work, and it is difficult to get idea design parameters and no good to the enhancement of products qualities. The optimum design of automobile gearbox and synchronizer which take the advantage of computers seeking the best structure parameters within constrains is a perfect and high-quality design method. The main target of this article is to set up a optimum mathematical model of structure parameters of the truck's gearbox and synchronizer, the auth or use a optimum method based on K-T equation to improve the design level of automobile gearbox and synchronizer. Gear box is a important part of transmission, so the optimization of automobile gearbox is very important because the transmission is a main part of automobile. According to the design request and character sofa sort of truck, the optimum mathematical model of truck's gearbox is analyzed an d set up in this article to decrease its weight and volume when the strength, stiffness, and lifetime of parts are permitted. And we can receive a satisfaction result through optimizing it's parameter for instance.Synchronizer is a important part of automobile gearbox, it make drive gear and driven gear engaged after their synchronized, so it can decrease engaged shock and noise, it can decrease shift forcing and make it comfort to gear shift and increase the life of synchronizer. The synchronized process of synchronizer is analyzed in this article; we can receive a satisfaction result through optimizing its influence parameter for instance when the synchronizedtime is the shortest. The optimum toolbox of MATLAB is a convenient of ware of modern optimization with fast speed and powerful function. The algorithms of different mathematical subsets are divided into different librarians in the form of functions in MATLAB optimum toolbox. When we use them, we just call the functions and give special parameters to solve the problems and this will be fast and accurate. The author gives an optimum design for automobile gearbox and synchronizer by using the optimum toolbox of MATLAB and receives a satisfaction result.自动变速器换档规律的研究车辆自动变速器通常分为液力机械式自动变速器(简称AT)、电控机械式自动变速器(简称AMT)和机械式无级变速器(简称CVT)。


自动变速器现代自动变速箱是当今汽车迄今为止,最复杂的机械组件.自动变速器包含机械系统、液压系统、电气系统和计算机控制.它们几乎无声地完美和谐的工作在一起,直到出现问题. 这篇文章将帮助您了解这些技术奇迹背念,让你进入当它们工作出在问题如何修复的天地.这篇文章分为四个部分:∙什么是变速器损坏在最简单的条件下,变速器的用途是什么.∙在他们变得更坏前发现问题,展示如何寻找并防止小问题变成大问题.∙维修谈大家也应该知道的预防性维修.∙变速器修理描述典型地执行在变速器从较小调整完成检修的修理形式。
什么是变速器?变速器是一个连接到背面发动机,并将动力从发动机传到驱动车轮的装置. 汽车发动机工作在它最佳的一些转速(转每分钟) 范围内,而变速器的工作就是在发动机转速在一定范围内确保动力被分到各个轮子.这个通过各种齿轮组合来实现的. 在一档里, 发动机快速转动传到驱动轮,而在高挡时发动机空转,即使汽车可能行驶超出70 里/时。
除各种各样的前进齿轮之外,变速器也有一个并没有连接从驱动轮到发动机的中性位置, 并且相反,能使驱动轮相反转动允许你倒退。
在这个位置, 门闩机制(不似一个非螺栓锁住门) 被插入入一个槽孔在输出轴去锁住驱动轮和保持它们转动, 从而防止车辆滚动.。
有两个基本类型的汽车自动变速器基于是否后轮驱动或前轮驱动.对后轮驱动汽车,变速器通常安装到后面的发动机和位于地板的中心沿着油门踏板位置.一根传动轴连接变速器后方到位于后车轴被用来传递动力到后轮的主减速器. 动力流在这个系统是从引擎简单和直接向前传递, 通过扭矩交换器,然后通过变速器和传动轴直到到达主减速器,分散开传到两个后轮.对前轮驱动汽车,变速器通常由一根传动轴与主减速器结合起来.发动机在前轮驱动车上通常安装在汽车上的侧身和传动轴下面发动机的一侧面面向汽车后方.前轴直接与传动轴相连,提供动力给前轮.这个例子,动力从发动机,通过变矩器传递到一个大链子能够传递动力通过转180度到发动机侧面的变速器.从那里,动力路线通过变速器到主减速器,通过驱动轴分散开传到两个前轮.还有一些其他的布置包括前面驱动发动机安装由前至后代替侧方,还有其他所有四轮驱动但这里所说的两个系统是目前最常用的.较为冷门后轮驱动,发动机在后方直接安装到主减速器通过一个驱动轴连接到还安放在发动机的变矩器. 这个系统被发现在护卫舰和被使用是为了平衡前轮和后轮的重量去改进性能和处理.另一个后轮驱动系统安装一切,发动机,变速器和主减速器在后方.发现问题在它们变得更坏之前∙在汽车下寻找泄漏或污点如果有一个红色持续漏油那一定是来自你的车,你应该去车店看看它是否来自你的变速器或可能从动力转向系统(大部分动力转向系统还利用变速器液及泄漏可能大致出现在地面同一区域和变速器泄漏一样。

TRANSMISSIONManual transmission is one of the most common transmission, referredto as MT. Its basic structure in a single sentence is a central axis, twoinput shaft, namely, the axial and axial oart, they constituted the transmission of the subject, and, of course, a reverse axis. Manual transmission gear transmission and manual, contain can in axial sliding gears, through different meshing gears to change gear of torsional purpose.The typical structure and principle of the manual transmission.Input shaft also says, it's in front of the spline shaft directly withclutch platen, thus the spline set by the engine relay of torque. The firstshaft gear meshing gears, often with oart as input shaft, and the gear on oart will turn. Also called shaft, because even more solid shaft of gear. The output shaft, and the second shaft position have the drive shaftgear, may at any time and under the influence of the control devices and the corresponding oart gear, thus changing the speed and torque itself. The output shaft is associated with tail spline shaft torque transmissionshaft, through to drive to gear reducer.Predictably, transmission gear drive forward path is: input shaftgear - oart gnaws gnaws gear - because the second shaft gear - corresponding corresponding gear. Pour on the axle gear can also controldevice, by moving axis in the strike, and the output shaft gear and oart gear, in the opposite direction.Most cars have five forward and reverse gear, each one has certain ratio,the majority of gear transmission more than 1, 4 gears transmission is 1, called directly, and ratio is less than 1 of article 5 gear shift accelerated called. The output axis gear in the mesh position, can acceptpower transmission.Due to the gearbox output shaft to input shaft and the speed of theirgear rotating, transform an "synchronization problem". Two rotating speeddifferent meshing gears forcibly inevitable impact and collision damage gear. Therefore, the old transmission shift to use "two feet clutch" method, ShengDang in neutral position shift to stay for a while, in the space location on the door, in order to reduce gear speed. But this operation is more complex, difficult to grasp accurately. Thereforedesigners to create "synchronizer", through the synchronizer will makethe meshing gears reach speed and smooth.Currently the synchronous transmission adopts is inertial synchronizer, it mainly consists of joints, synchronizer lock ring etc,it is characteristic of the friction effect on achieving synchronization.Mating, synchronizer and mating locking ring gear tooth circle have chamfering (locking horns), the synchronizer lock ring inside surface ofgear engagement ring and the friction surface contact. The lock horns with cone when designing the proper choice, has been made to the surface friction of meshing gears with gear synchronous, also can rapid producesa locking function, prevent the synchronous before meshing gears. When synchronous lock ring of gear engagement with surface contact surface, the outer circle in friction torque under the action of gear speed rapiddecrease (increase) or to synchronous speed equal, both locking ring spunconcurrent, relative to lock ring gear synchronous speed is zero, thus inertia moment also disappear, then in force, driven by the junction of unimpeded with synchronous lock ring gear engagement, and further to engagement with the engagement ring gear tooth and complete shift process.functional (1) change ratio, meet different driving conditions for tractionengine, the need to work in the favorable conditions and meet the speed may request. In a wide range of vehicle speed changing the size and automobile driving wheel on the size of the torque. Due to the differentdemands, automobile driving conditions of vehicle speed and torque can drive in a broad range of change. For example, in high speed can be reachedon 100km/h, while in the urban district, speed in 50km/h. In the empty flat roads, road, very little resistanceWhen When carrying carrying carrying uphill, uphill, uphill, driving driving driving resistance resistance resistance was was was great. great. great. And And And the thecharacteristics of automobile engine speed range is lesser, and torque changes more cannot meet the actual conditions range. (2) drive backward, to satisfy the need to drive car backwards. Realizing the backing, engine crankshaft are generally only to a direction,and sometimes need to back, so, often used in the transmission of reverseto realize the car drive backward.(3) in power, interruption, idle running engine starting, auto shift or need to stop the dynamic output, interrupted to transfer the power ofthe drive wheels.(4), when the clutch engagement realize gap, gearbox can not power output. For example, can ensure drivers in engine flameout loosen the clutch when leaving drivers seat.constituteBy continuously variable transmission gearbox and speed control twoparts. The main function of the variable transmission torque and speed is the change of numerical and direction, The main function of theoperation is controlled transmission mechanism, realize thetransformation of transmission ratio, shift to speed torque. Principle,Mechanical transmission main application of the principle of geartransmission velocity. Say simply, there are a number of differenttransmission gearbox group of gear pair of vehicle, and behavior, is alsoshifting gears trunk by manipulating institutions make different gearpair work. As in low-speed, ratio of gear pair work, and in high-speed, let ratio of small gear pair work.Classification,1, according to the change of transmission, transmission way, there can be divided into grade level and synthetical three.(a) : several levels of transmission ratio, can choose the fixed by gear. And can be divided into: gear axis of ordinary gear transmission and fixed gear planetary gear (part) of planetary gear transmission axisof rotation.b) stepless type transmission: ratio can be continuous variation within a certain range, commonly, mechanical and electric hydraulic typeetc.(c) comprehensive type transmission by a class type, transmission andstepless type transmission, the ratio of the maximum and minimum values can be in between the scope for several section stepless change.2, press control can be divided into compulsory manipulation, transmission, automatic control and semi-automatic control 3 kinds.(a) mandatory manipulation of transmission by direct manipulation, change gear shift lever drivers.(b) automatic control type transmission ratio of choice and change: the shift is automatic. Drivers simply manipulate accelerated pedal, transmission can according to the engine speed and load control signal signal actuator, realize the transformation of gear.(c) semi-automatic control type transmission can be divided into twokinds: one kind is part of gear, automatic shift gears, manual (mandatory)shift, Another kind is selected by button in mining under gear clutch pedalor accelerated release pedal, the executing agency to shift. Transmission of maintenance1 transmission gears maintenanceTransmission gears are always changing speed, load, gear toothsurface by bluntThe impact of load, which struck gear tooth surface (especially) damage. Common injuries are:(1) gear transmission is worn gear under normal working conditions, shows the wear uniform angled tooth gear, long wear along the directionTooth thickness shouldof the tooth should not exceed 30 percent longer,not exceed usd, Gear tooth surface area of not less than two-thirds, Running gear mesh clearance shall be commonly used, 0.15-0.26 mm to 0.8 mm limit, Gear engagement between 0.10-0.15 mm, should use limit for 0.60mm. Available batches or soft metal rivalries. If more than clearance method for measuring the pairs, should be replaced.due to fail togear clearance is mainly(2) gear teeth,broken toothmeet the requirements, gear meshing parts or work under great impact load.If you are not greater than 2mm edge of gear oil can smile ShiXiuafter-grinding continue to use, If the scope or have more than three pairs,should smile.(3) often mesh surface of the helical gear often wear face due. 10-0.30mm, in order to ensure that the axial clearance, if tooth gear good operation within the wear, can repair tank, but the amount of grinding grinding should not exceed. 50.(4) often meshing gears shaft neck, needle roller bearing and wear into seat hole hole meshing gears seat with needle bearings and shaft neckwith clearance should be 0.01 - three 0.08 mm, otherwise must be changed.2 the overhaul. Transmission shellGearbox shell is transmissions, to ensure the basis of each part of the transmission is correct position, work under load. Common injuries are:(1) the abrasion of shell bearing hole hole wear will destroy its bearing assembly relation with the bearing, the direct impact of input, output shaft transmission position relative to the hole. Bearing seat with0-0.03 mm clearance shall be used for the maximum limit, should be replacedor 0.10 mm) shell or pile hole repair.(2) shell threaded holes repair note oil ROM plug hole, dumping screwhole threads connecting bolts damage and between shellThreaded hole, can take damage with screw repair.3 transmission shaft of maintenanceTransmission in the process of operation, each bearing the torsionalmoment of change, and bending moment, JianChi part is under pressure, impact and sliding friction etc. Various axial load of common injuries are:(1) the shaft neck and neck too worn wear axis gear axis will not onlyoffset, and can bring the change gear clearance, when making noisetransmission shaft neck. Also make coordination relationship with bearingdamage, may cause ablation. So roller bearings in a place with no more than 0.02 axis wear mm needle bearing shaft neck wear with place, otherwisethan 0.07 mm landscape change or chrome.side of thein stress and more seriouswear JianChi wear(2) JianChispline. JianChi with check, when more than 0.25 or and wear with more thanusd keyway apprentice, gear engagement mm, combining with the gear with JianChi weeks, according to the mm apprentice woodruff key and shaft neckkeyways apprentice to JianChi 0.08 mm over there when the keyway weeks, or should be repaired or replaced shaft.(3) transmission shaft bending thimble resist transmission shaft withmaintenance on both ends of the roof, using pinhole batches of shaft radial micrometers, check the deviation should be less than 0.10 mm) pressure correction repair.4 synchronizer overhaulA. lock ring type inertial synchronizer ring maintenance: lock hornscone a about six degrees - 7 degrees, in use, cone Angle deformation ofrapid synchronous, and not be change in time. B. B. locking locking locking pin pin pin type type type inertial inertial inertial synchronizer: synchronizer: synchronizer: locking locking locking pin pin pin type type synchronizer major damage for cone rim wear, when, cone-disk cone rim on the thread of groove depth 0.40 mm wear to 010mm deep, should be replaced.If the cone rim are scratching, face to face, but two turning machining, must not be more than 1mm should be replaced.变速器手动变速器是最常见的变速器,简称MT MT。

载货汽车变速器中文英文文献In the realm of automotive engineering, the transmission system stands as a vital component, orchestrating the transfer of power from the engine to the wheels with finesse and efficiency. In the domain of cargo haulage, this role becomes even more pronounced, demanding robustness, versatility, and reliability from the transmission system of freight trucks. This discourse delves into the intricate world of cargo truck transmissions, exploring their design, functionality, and the nuances that make them indispensable in the realm of transportation.At the heart of any cargo truck transmission lies a complex assembly of gears, shafts, and other mechanical components, meticulously engineered to endure the rigors of heavy-duty operation. The primary function of the transmission is to regulate the rotational speed and torque output of the engine, ensuring optimal performance across varying load conditions and road gradients. This task is accomplished through a series of gear ratios, each tailored to deliver the requisite amount of power to the wheels while maintaining engine efficiency.One of the hallmark features of modern cargo truck transmissions is their versatility in accommodating different driving conditions. Whether traversing steep inclines, navigating congested urban streets, or cruising along expansive highways, the transmission seamlessly adjusts its gear ratios to suit the demands of the moment. This adaptability not only enhances driving comfort but also contributes to fuel efficiency and overall vehicle performance.In addition to their primary function of power transmission, cargo truck transmissions often incorporate advanced technologies to enhance operational efficiency and driver experience. Automated manual transmissions (AMTs), for instance, utilize computer-controlled actuators to execute gear shifts with precision, eliminating the need for manual clutch operation while offering the flexibility of manual gear selection when desired. Similarly, continuously variable transmissions (CVTs) employ pulley and beltsystems to deliver smooth, stepless acceleration, optimizing fuel economy and vehicle responsiveness.Furthermore, the durability and longevity of cargo truck transmissions are paramount considerations in their design and engineering. Given the demanding nature of freight hauling operations, transmissions are subjected to immense stress and wear over their operational lifespan. To mitigate these challenges, manufacturers employ robust materials, advanced lubrication systems, and meticulous quality control measures to ensure reliability and longevity. Regular maintenance and periodic inspections further prolong the service life of transmissions, safeguarding against unexpected failures and costly downtime.Beyond their technical intricacies, cargo truck transmissions play a pivotal role in shaping the economic landscape by facilitating the movement of goods across vast distances. From delivering essential commodities to powering supply chains, these vehicles serve as the lifeblood of commerce, connecting producers with consumers in a seamless exchange of goods and services. As such, the efficiency and reliability of cargo truck transmissions directly impact not only the operational costs of businesses but also the broader dynamics of global trade and commerce.In conclusion, the transmission system of cargo trucks embodies the pinnacle of automotive engineering, blending precision, durability, and versatility to meet the demands of modern freight transportation. From its intricate gear mechanisms to its seamless adaptability to varying driving conditions, the transmission stands as a testament to human ingenuity and innovation. As the backbone of the logistics industry, cargo truck transmissions continue to drive progress and prosperity, facilitating the movement of goods and shaping the interconnected world we inhabit.。

汽车主减速器外文文献翻译、中英文翻译、外文翻译XXX Final DriveA final drive is an essential component of a power XXX primary n is to change the n of the power transmitted by the drive shaft by 90 degrees to the driving axles。
it provides a fixedn een the speed of the drive shaft and the axle that drives the wheels.The final drive is XXX power from the engine to the wheels。
allowing the vehicle to move。
It is composed of several XXX tothe wheels。
The final drive。
determines the number of ns the wheels make for each n of the engine.There are two types of final drives: the live axle and the independent XXX to the wheels。
while the independent XXX tothe wheels through a series of CV joints and half-shafts.In n。
the final drive is a XXX of power from the engine to the wheels。
It is essential to maintain and service the final drive XXX.The gear。

附录外文文献Manual transmission is the most basic of transmission of a type, its effect is changing, and provide the transmission reverse and neutral. Usually, the pilot on the clutch pedal through manipulation and in any HuanDangGan can choose between gear. There are a few manual transmission, such as motorcycles, cars, some transmission shift transmission allows only sequence, the transmission is called sequence shift transmission. In recent years, along with the electronic control components durability, computerized automatic switching clutch automatic shift of transmission in Europe since the start line are more and more popular, car Volkswagen and ford are sold in the city on the double clutch provide updated generation, transmission from the start with two clutches, every shift automatically switch to another group of clutch engagement, need not as quick as traditional in manual have only one group separated again clutch engagement, shifting speed is faster, more small change gear vibration.Internal structure: shaftDecorate a form of transmission shaft type usually have two and three shaft type two kinds. Usually a rear wheel drive car will adopt three axis type, i.e. input shaft transmission, the output shaft and oart. Input shaft front associated with engine, borrow clutch output shaft back-end through the flange and universal transmission device connected.Input shaft and the output shaft in the same horizontal line, with their oart parallel arrangement. From the input shaft power through the gears to preach to the output shaft oart again. In many input and output shaft transmission shaft could engage in together, so to power, then the gear oart called directly. Direct files through uniaxial transmission, the ratio of 1:1, the highest transmission efficiency. Even in the transmission directly, cannot offer the input shaft, and the output shaft is decorated in a straight line to reduce work needed to inherit the torque transmission.Reversing deviceGenerally speaking, the reverse gear reducer than can alsosynchronizerIn synchronized meshing gears have type synchronizer Settings, can make two gear engagement in the first, before the speed reached synchronizer in all of this manual gear transmission of the car has been usedClutch,The clutch is can make two gear with a separate with mechanical parts, two gear transmission power can be combined, but when to speed, so will depend on the first two gear clutch, change gear ratio, the two gear transmission power, continue again Control:GearIn simple terms, the high speed, low speed ShengDang when the time cameEvery car high speedCompared with automatic transmissionThis refers to the automatic transmission of traditional hydraulic transmission, namely through hydraulic torque converter and planetary gear transmission power automatic transmission.Advantages: transmission efficiency than automatic gearboxes for high, of course, theoretically can compare economical.maintenance will be cheaper than transmission.If you want to higher cost, can begin from both the row of convenience and high power附录外文文献的中文翻译手动变速器是汽车变速器中最基本的一种类型,其作用是改变传动比,并提供倒档和空档。

毕业设计(论文)外文文献翻译文献、资料中文题目:汽车变速器设计文献、资料英文题目:Transmission design文献、资料来源:文献、资料发表(出版)日期:院(部):专业:机械设计制造及其自动化班级:姓名:学号:指导教师:翻译日期: 2017.02.14毕业论文(设计)外文文献翻译汽车变速器设计我们知道,汽车发动机在一定的转速下能够达到最好的状态,此时发出的功率比较大,燃油经济性也比较好。
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为什么减速可以增扭,而增速又要减扭呢?设发动机输出的功率不变,功率可以表示为 N = w T,其中w是转动的角速度,T是扭距。
D 位是最常用的行驶位置。
原文:Transmission designAs we all know,automobile engine to a certain speed can be achieved under the best conditions, when compared issued by the power, fuel economy is relatively good. Therefore, we hope that the engine is always in the best of conditions to work under. However, the use of motor vehicles need to have different speeds, thus creating a conflict. Transmission through this conflict to resolve.Automotive Transmission role sum up in one sentence, called variable speed twisting, twisting or slow down the growth rate by increasing torsional. Why can slow down by twisting, and the growth rate but also by twisting? For the same engine power output, power can be expressed as N = wT, where w is the angular velocity of rotation, and T Niuju. When N fixed, w and T is inversely proportional to the. Therefore, the growth rate will reduce twisting, twisting slowdown will increase. Automotive Transmission speed gear based on the principle of variable twisted into various stalls of different transmission ratio corresponding to adapt to different operational conditions.General to set up a manual gearbox input shaft, intermediate shaft and output shaft, also known as the three-axis, as well as Daodang axis. Three-axis is the main transmission structure, input shaft speed is the speed of the engine, the output shaft speed is the intermediate shaft and output shaft gear meshing between different from the speed. Different gears are different transmission ratio, and will have a different speed. For example Zhengzhourichan ZN6481W2G manual transmission car-SUV,its transmission ratio are: 1 File 3.704:1; stalls 2.202:1; stalls 1.414:1; stalls 1:1 5stalls (speeding file) 0.802: 1.When drivers choose a launch vehicle stalls, Plectrum will be 1 / 2 file synchronization engagement with a back stall gear and output shaft lock it, the power input shaft, intermediate shaft and output shaft gear of a stall, a stall the output shaft gear driven, and the output shaft power will be transmitted to the drive shaft (red arrow). A typical stall Biansuchilun transmission ratio is 3:1, that is to say three laps to the input shaft and output shaft to a circle.When the growth rate of car drivers choose two stalls, Plectrum will be 1 / 2-file synchronization and file a joint separation after 2 stall and lock the output shaft gear, power transmission line similar, the difference is that the output shaft gear of a stall 2 stall replaced by the output shaft gear driven. 2 stall Biansuchilun typical transmission ratio is 2.2:1, 2.2 laps to the input shaft and output shaft to a circle than a stall speed increase, lower torque.When refueling vehicle drivers growth stalls option 3, Plectrum to 1 / 2 back to the free file-synchronization position, and also allows the 3 / 4 file synchronization Mobile stall until 3 in the output shaft gear lock, power can be into the shaft axis - intermediate shaft - the output shaft of the three stalls Biansuchilun, led through three stalls Biansuchilun output shaft. 3 stalls typical transmission ratio is 1.7:1, 1.7 laps to the input shaft and output shaft to a circle is further growth.When car drivers Option 4 refueling growth stalls, Plectrum will be 3 / 4 from the 3-file synchronization stall gear directly with the input shaft gear joint initiative, and power transmission directly from the input shaft to the output shaft, the transmission ratio at 1:1, that the input shaft and output shaft speed the same. The driving force without intermediate shaft, also known as direct file, the file transmission than the maximum transmission efficiency. Most cars run-time files are used directly to achieve the best fuel economy.Shift into the first interval when, in a free transmission when Biansuchilun output shaft is not locked in, they can not rotate the output shaft driven, not power output.General automotive manual transmission than the main 1-4 stalls, usually the first designers to determine the minimum (one stall) and maximum (4 files) transmission ratio, the middle stall drive by geometric progression than the general distribution. In addition, there are stalls Daodang and speeding, speeding file is also known as the five stalls.When the car to accelerate to more than car drivers with the choice of five stalls, and a typical five-transmission ratio is 0.87:1, which is driven by a pinion gear, the gear when the initiative to 0.87 zone, passive gear have been transferred to a circle of the End.Dao Dang, the opposite direction to the output shaft rotation. If one pair of meshing gears when we reverse rotation, with a middle gear, it will become the same to the rotation. Use of this principle, we should add a gear Daodang the "media" will be rotational direction reversed, it will have a Daodang axis. Daodang installed in the transmission shaft independent crust, and the intermediate shaft parallel axis gear with the intermediate shaft and output shaft gear meshing gears, will be contrary to the output shaft.Daodang usually used for the synchronization control also joins five stalls, stalls and Daodang 5 position in the same side. As a middle gear, the general transmission Daodang transmission ratio greater than 1 file transmission ratio, by twisting, steep slope with some vehicles encountered on the progress stalls falters with a Daodang boost.Ride from the driver of the considerations, better transmission stall, stall adjacent stall more than the transmission changes the ratio of small, and easy to shift smoothly. However, the shortcomings of the stalls is more transmission structure is complicated, bulky, light vehicle transmission is generally 4-5 stalls. At the same time, transmission ratio is not integral, but with all of the decimal point, it is because of the gear teeth meshing is not caused by the whole multiples of two gear teeth can lead to the whole multiples of two meshing gears of uneven wear, making the tooth surface quality have a greater difference.Manual transmission and synchronizerManual transmission is the most common transmission, or MT. Its basic structure sum up in one sentence, is a two-axle shaft, where input shaft, the shaft axis and intermediate shaft, which constitute the main body of the transmission and, of course, a Daodang axis. Manual transmission known as manual gear transmission, which can be in the axial sliding gears, the gears meshing different variable speed reached twisting purpose. Typical manual transmission structure and principles are as follows.Input shaft also said that the first axis, and its front-end Spline driven directly with the clutch disc sets with the Spline, by the transfer of torque from the engine.The first axis of the intermediate shaft and gears meshing gears often, as long as the shaft axis to a turn, the intermediate shaft and gear also will be rotating. Vice also said intermediate shaft axis, the axis-even more than the size gear. Also known as the second output shaft axis, the axis of various sets of gear stall progress can be manipulated at any time in the role of the device and the corresponding intermediate shaft gear meshing, thus changing its speed and torque. With the end of the output shaft spline associated with the drive shaft through the drive shaft torque transmitted to the drive axle reducer.Thus, progress stalls drive transmission path is: input shaft gear often rodents - often rodents intermediate shaft gear - corresponding intermediate shaft gear - the second axis corresponding gear. Reversing the gear shaft can be manipulated by the device pick in the axis movement, and the intermediate shaft and output shaft gear meshing gears, to the contrary to the direction of rotation output.Most cars have five stalls and a Daodang forward, a certain degree of each stall transmission ratio, the majority of stalls transmission ratio greater than 1, 4 file transmission ratio of 1, known as direct stalls, and transmission ratio is less than 1 No. 5 stall called accelerated stall. Free at the output shaft gear in a position ofnon-engagement, unacceptable power transmission.The transmission input shaft and output shaft rotational speed to their own, transform a stall when there is a "synchronous". Two different rotational speed gear meshing force will impact the collision occurred, damage gear. Therefore, the old transmission shift to a "feet-off" approach, or stall on the location of the free stay for a while by stalls in the free position refueling doors, in order to reduce the speed differential gear. However, this operation is relatively more complicated and difficult to grasp accurate. So designers create a "synchronized," and allows synchronization through the meshing of gears to be consistent speed and smooth meshing.At present Synchronous Transmission is based on the synchronization of inertia, mainly from joint sets, synchronous lock ring, and so on, it is characterized by friction on the role of synchronization. Splice sets Genlock engagement ring gear and the ring gear when it had Chamfer (Lock angle), Genlock within the cone ring gear engagement with the question of cone ring gear contact friction. Lock and cone angle has been made in the design of an appropriate choice to be made friction cone of the teeth meshing with the ring gear quickly sets pace at the same time will have a Lock role and to prevent the gears meshing in sync before. When synchronizationlock cone ring gear engagement with the question of cone ring gear after contact in the effects of friction torque gear speed quickly lower (or higher) with the same speed synchronous lock ring, the two synchronous rotation of the gear Genlock Central zero speed, thus moment of inertia also disappear, then in force under the impetus of engagement sets unhindered and synchronization lock ring gear engagement, and further engagement with the question of gear engagement and the completion Gear Shift Process.The automatic gearboxThe automatic gearbox chooses to block the pole the equal to moving the stick shift of the gearbox, having generally below several blocks:P( parking),R( pour to block), N( get empty to block), D( go forward), S( or2, namely for 2 block soon), L.( or1, namely for 1 block soon)This several an usage for blocking a right usages coming driver the automatic gearbox is automotive of person to say particularly important, underneath let us very much familiar with once automatic gearbox eachly blockings main theme.The usage of the P ( the parking blocks)The launches the luck turns as long as choose to block the pole in driving the position, automatic gearbox car run about very easily.But park, choose to block the pole must pull into of P, from but pass the internal parking system in gearbox moves the device will output the stalk lock lives, combining to tense the hand system move, preventing the car ambulation.The usage of the R( pour to block)R a control for is pouring blocking, using inside wanting slicing recording, automatic gearbox car unlike moving gearbox car so can using half moving, so while reversing the car wanting special attention accelerating pedal.The usage of the N( get empty to block)The N is equal to get empty to block, can while starting or hour of trailer usage.At wait for the signal or block up the car will often often choose to block the pole keeps in the of D, trampling at the same time the next system move.If time is very short, do like this is an admission of, but if stop the time long time had better change into of N, combine to tense the hand system moves.Because choose to block the pole in driving the position, the automatic gearbox car has generally and all to drive the trend faintly, long hours trample the system move same as a deterrent this kind of trend, make gearbox oil gone up, the oil liquid changes in charactereasily.Particularly in the air condition machine work, launch the soon higher circumstance in machine bottom more disadvantageous.Some pilots for the sake of stanza oil, at made good time or go down slope will choose to block the pole pull the of N skids, this burn the bad gearbox very easily, launching the machine to revolves soon in the however because the gearbox outputs at this time the stalk turns soon very high,, the oil pump provides the oil shortage, lubricating the condition worsen, burn the bad gearbox easily.The usage of the D( go forward to block)Will choose to block when is normal to drive the pole put in the of D, car can at 1 ~4 block( or 3 block) its change to block automatically.The of D drives the position most in common usely.What demand control is:Because the automatic gearbox is soon high and low with car to come to make sure to block according to the accelerator size a, so accelerate the pedal operation method is different, changing to block the hour of the car is soon too not same alike.If start hour quick accelerate the pedal tramples the bottom, rising to block the night, accelerating the ability is strong, arriving certain car soon behind, then will accelerate the pedal loosen to open very quickly, car can rise to block immediately, launch like this the machine voice is small, comfortable good.The another characteristics of the D is a compulsory low blocking, easy to high speed the hour overtakes a car, will accelerate quickly in of D drove the pedal trample after all, connect the compulsory low fend off the pass and then can reduce to block automatically, the car accelerates very quickly, after overtaking a car loosen to open the pedal of acceleration to can rise to block automatically again.The usage of the S, of L low the usage that blockThe automatic gearbox in in is placed in the low blocking the scope on of S or of Ls, can usage under an etc. circumstance.It change to can make use of to launch well into of S or of Ls the mechanism move, avoiding the car wheel system move the machine over hot, cause the system move the effect descent while going down slope.But change into from the of D of S or of L, car soon can't higher than rise to block the car homologously soon, otherwise strong vibration in opportunity to launch, make gearbox oil hoicked, even will damage the gearbox.The is another at rain fog weather hour, if the road adheres to the term bad, can change into a position for or of L, fixing at somely first lowly blocking driving, doing not use can automatically changing blocking, in order to prevent the car beatsslippery.Must keep firmly in mind at the same time, beat the slippery hour can will choose to block the pole pushes into a motive for, cutting off launching machine, toing guarantee a car the safety.。