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英文名称:Western Culture: an Introduction















Lesson One: Greek Culture(学时数:4)

知识点:1. Age of Aegean Civilization

2. Age of City-States

3. Culture of Ancient Greece

4. Greek Mythology

5. Greek Philosophy

6. Greek Poetry


7. Greek Drama

8. Historiography

9. Greek Arts and Architecture

10. Olympics

重点:1. What is City-States;

2. The names of gods in Greek Mythology

3. Greek’s epic poetry

4. Greek’s drama

5. Greek’s hi storian

难点:1. Plato’s philosophy;

2. Aristotle’s philosophy

3. Greek’s dissident writers

Lesson Two:Roman culture(学时数:4)

知识点:l. Founding of Rome

2. The Roman Republic(509~264BC)

3. Roman Empire(27BC~476AD)

4. Eastern Roman Empire(395~1453)

5. Roman Culture

6. Roman Literature

7. Roman Art

8. Greco-Roman Relations

9. Comparisons between the Ancient Greeks and Romans

重点:1. Rome’s social structure and tendencies

2. Rome’s family life and customs

3. Roman’s poetry (Virgil and Ovid)

4. Roman prose writer

难点:1. R oman Empire’s decline

2. Roman philosophy

Lesson Three:Jewish Culture and The Old Testament(学时数:2)知识点:1. A brief account of Jewish history

2. Jewish Art and literature

3. Judaism and Jewish festivals

4. An Introduction to The Old Testament

重点:1. The suffering and departure of the Jews

2. Jewish Diaspora

3. The Old Testament

难点:Jewish philosophy and literature

Lesson Four:the Bible and Christianity(学时数:4)

知识点:1. The background of the birth of Christianity

2. The birth and development of Christianity

3. The principle doctrine of Christianity

4. The founding of Papacy

5. The schism of Christianity

6. An introduction to The New Testament

重点:1. The legends of Jesus

2. St. Paul’s missionary work

3. The relationship between Christianity and Judaism

4. The differences between Catholicism and Protestantism

5. The stories in The New Testament

难点:1. Features of Trinity

2. The Sacrament

3. The process of Christian schism

Lesson Five:the Middle Age(学时数:2)

知识点:1. The setting of the Middle Ages

2. The formation and development of German culture

3. Byzantine culture

4. Medieval social ideology

5. Literature and art

重点:1. Byzantine’s cultural achievement

2. The significance and special features of medieval culture and politics 难点:Scholasticism

Lesson Six:Renaissance and Reformation (学时数:4)

知识点:1. Background to the Renaissance

2. Source and significance of Renaissance

3. Cultural achievement of the Renaissance

4. Social Ideology during the Renaissance

5. The religious Reformation

6. Development of natural sciences

7. Beginning of Modern philosophy

8. Classicism and the cultural salon

重点:1. Da Vinci's art

2. Literature of Renaissance(Chaucer and Shakespeare)

3. Martin Luther

4. Calvinism

难点:1. Machiavelli’s political thinking

2. Rene Descartes’ philosophy

3. Spinoza’s philoso phy

Lesson Seven:Culture During the Enlightenment(学时数:4)

知识点:1. Empiricist influences from Britain

2. Representative figures of the Enlightenment and their ideas

3. Literature during the Enlightenment

4. A Reflection on the Enlightenment and its significance

重点:1. John Locke’s epistemology

2. Rousseau’s thoughts
