生产管理论文(Production management papers)




1. 生产计划与调度优化:研究如何通过合理的生产计划和调度方法来提高生产效率和降低生产成本。


2. 生产过程优化与改进:研究如何通过优化生产过程来提高产品质量和生产效率。


3. 供应链管理:研究如何通过优化供应链中的各个环节来提高整体供应链效率和响应能力。


4. 质量管理:研究如何通过质量管理方法和工具来提高产品质量和质量管理效果。


5. 环境与能源管理:研究如何通过节能减排和资源利用优化来提高生产过程的环保性和能源利用效率。


6. 制造业转型升级:研究如何引导传统制造业向智能制造和数字化转型,以提高竞争力和适应市场需求变化。







































W 股份有限公司,是我国首家高新技术合资公司,同时是国内最早涉足光电器件领域的制造企业。








以生产管理有关的作文英文回答:As a production manager, my main responsibility is to ensure that the manufacturing process runs smoothly and efficiently. This involves overseeing the production schedule, managing inventory levels, and coordinating with different departments to meet production goals.One of the key challenges in production management is balancing efficiency with quality. It's important to find the right balance between producing goods quickly and ensuring that they meet the required standards. For example, if we prioritize speed over quality, we may end up with a high rate of defective products, which can be costly in terms of rework and customer returns.Another important aspect of production management is workforce management. It's crucial to have a skilled and motivated team to ensure that production targets are met.This involves training employees, providing clear instructions, and monitoring their performance. For instance, I once had to deal with a situation where a new employee was struggling to keep up with the production pace.I worked closely with them to identify areas for improvement and provided additional training to help them succeed.In addition to managing the production process, I also have to be proactive in identifying potential issues and finding solutions before they escalate. This requires good communication skills and the ability to think on my feet. For example, when a machine broke down unexpectedly duringa shift, I had to quickly rearrange the production schedule and allocate resources to minimize downtime.Overall, being a production manager requires a combination of technical knowledge, leadership skills, and problem-solving abilities. It's a challenging but rewarding role that allows me to make a tangible impact on thesuccess of the company.中文回答:作为生产经理,我的主要责任是确保制造过程运行顺利高效。























生产作业管理论文第一篇:生产作业管理论文关键词:现场管理优化现场管理摩托罗拉生产管理论文润色中国论文职称论文Abstract: in this paper manufacturing enterprise production site management concept and characteristic was put forward on the basis of optimizing production site management to follow the principle of economic benefits, the principle of scientific, flexibility principle, the service principle, the principle of standardization, and 5 basic principles.Key words: the management;Optimize on-the-spot management;MOTOROLA 摘要:在阐述制造业企业生产现场管理的概念和特征的基础上,提出了优化生产现场管理要遵循的经济效益原则、科学性原则、弹性原则、服务原则、规范化原则等5个基本原则.关键词:现场管理;优化现场管理;摩托罗拉生产现场管理是制造业企业管理的重要组成部分,直接影响企业的生产效率和经济效益.只有不断地优化生产现场管理,才能实现企业管理的整体优化.我国制造业企业在企业升级和推进企业管理现代化过程中,虽也创造了一些改善现场管理的经验,但多础.基础扎实,现场管理水平高,可以增强企业对外部环境的承受能力和应变能力;可以使企业的生产经营目标,以及各项计划、指令和各项专业管理要求,顺利地在基层得到贯彻和落实.(2)整体性.现场管理是从属于企业管理这个大系统中的一个子系统.现场管理作为一个系统,具有整体性、相关性、目的性和环境适应性.现场管理的外部环境是整个企业,企业生产经营的目标、方针、决策和措施都会直接影响生产现场管理.这个系统输入的人、机、料、资、信、能等生产要素,通过生产现场有机的转换过程,向环境输出各种合适的产品、半成品或劳务,同时,反馈转换过程中的各种信息,以促进各方面工作的改善.生产现场管理系统的特点是综合的、开放的、有序的、动态的和可控的,这个特点要求生产现场必须实行统一指挥,不允许各部门、各环节、各工序违背统一指挥而各行其是.各项专业管理虽自成系统,但在生产现场必须协调配合,服从现场整体优化的要求[3].(3)群众性.现场管理的核心是人.现场的一切生产活动、各项管理工作都要由现场的人去掌握、操作和完成.优化现场管理仅靠少数专业管理人员是不够的,必须依靠现场所有职工的积极性和创造性,发动广大工人群众参与管理.生产工人在岗位工作过程中,按照统一标准和规定的要求,实行自我管理、自我控制,以及实行岗位工人之间的相互监督.工人自我管理,开展职工民主管理活动,必须改变人们的旧观念,培养工人参与管理的意识,增强工人的责任心,不断提高工人的素质.(4)开放性.现场管理是一个开放系统,在系统内部以及与外部环境之间经常需要进行物质和信息的交换与信息反馈,以保证生产有秩序地不断进行.各类信息收集、传递和分析利用, 到及时、准确、齐全,尽量使现场人员能看得见、摸得着,人人心中有数.与现场生产密切有关的规章制度,如安全守则、操作规程、岗位责任制等,应公布在现场醒目处,便于现场人员共同遵守执行.现场区域划分、物品摆放位置、危险场所等应设有明显标志.各生产环节以及各道工序之间的联络,可根据现场工作的需要,建立必需的信息传导装置.(5)动态性.现场各种生产要素的组合,是在投入与产出转换的运动过程中实现的.优化现场管理是从低级到高级不断发展、不断提高的动态过程.在一定条件下,现场生产要素的优化组合,具有相对的稳定性.但是有时由于市场环境的变化、企业产品结构的调整,以及新产品、新工艺、新技术的采用,造成原有的生产要素组合和生产技术条件就不能适应了,必须进行相应的变革,现场管理应根据变化了的情况,对生产要素进行必要的调整和合理配置,提高生产现场对环境变化的适应能力,从而增强企业的竞争能力.优化制造业企业生产现场管理的基本原则如前文所述,企业生产现场管理是企业管理这个大系统中的一个区域性的子系统,直接影响产品质量和企业的经济效益.企业管理要实现整体优化,首先要持续不断地优化企业生产现场管理.作者认为,优化企业生产现场管理应遵循的基本原则主要有: 2.1 经济效益原则现场管理要克服只抓产量、产值而不计成本,只讲进度和速度而不讲效率和效益的单纯生产观点,树立以提高经济效益为中心的指导思想.首先,生产的产品一定要适销对路,也就是在产品品种、质量、数量、成本、交货期等方面要适应和满足市场的要求.只有在这个前提下,生产效率越高,效益才越大.否则产品方向不对路,滞销积压,则生产效率越高,造成的经济损失就越大.其次,要在生产过程中处处精方法加以应用.笔者曾作为摩托罗拉公司的培训教师,与该公司的员工进行了较为广泛的接触并参观了生产现场.(下文将对摩托罗拉公司天津工厂的生产现场管理作一简要介绍)在此基础上,参阅相关文献,并结合其他企业在现场管理上的成功做法,笔者认为,以下几方面的管理措施,可供参考.3.1 人本管理人是生产现场诸要素中最活跃、最复杂的要素,人本管理是企业生产现场管理的灵魂.因此,必须做好人本管理工作,造就一支高素质的职工队伍.首先要创造一个使职工心情舒畅、积极向上的生产现场环境,另外,在生产现场管理工作中,要注意发挥每个职工的所长,充分调动其生产积极性,以做出创造性的工作[2].3.2 标准管理可进行作业分析,实现岗位工作(操作)标准化.所谓作业分析,就是在流程工序分析的基础上,对工作地或工作岗位的全部作业因素(作业目的、方法、环境等)进行分析.作业分析的核心是以人为主体分析作业方法,即对作业者(人)的一系列行为作分析研究.作业分析的目的是使每一岗位要用最佳的操作,最好的程序,最少的时间达到最高的要求,生产出最好的产品.主要解决每个岗位干什么、怎么干、什么时间干、干到什么程度的问题.应运用岗位作业分析制定岗位工作(操作)标准,明确规定岗位的工作目标、操作程序、操作时间、操作内容、要求、操作方法和岗位人员定额.为了有效实施岗位标准,应明确规定各个岗位的岗位职责与权限、岗位人员的素质要求、岗位目标和定额、各个标准的考核规定,以保证标准的实施.3.3 定置管理可按照定置管理的要求,设计绘制各种工序的定置管理图,制定定置管理标准,并可按照定置管理标准的要求,对生产现场进行清理检查工作,对各种物品、工具、材料等分别按照定置管理图的要求位置摆放.应作到工齐规范,界区明显,道路畅通,布局合理.对生产现场所有的设备、材料、工具、用具及其它物品实行定置管理时,要充分利用空间,作到操作方便、运输距离短、装卸次数少,及可靠的安全防护保证.使生产现场的人、物、场地处于最佳结合状态[3].作业场地要标志清楚,施工用料及器具摆放有序.施工结束后,现场的杂物、垃圾和废料要及时清除.工作场所内要窗明壁净,温度、亮度、湿度符合生产要求[4].3.4 走动管理西方企业管理人员普遍认为,行动重于空谈,深入现场解决实际问题,不仅会极大地提高管理的效率,而且会有效促进上下级之间的思想交流和感情联系,有利于提高全体职工的士气,促进企业的发展.因此,企业各级管理者应注意经常深入到一线,实行“走动管理”,以增强对生产现场工作重要性和艰巨性的理解,加强对生产现场各项工作的紧密联系,尊重生产一线的地位和自主权,作好指导、协调和服务工作,树立一切为一线服务的观点,从各方面为一线创造好的条件,急一线所急,帮一线所需,解一线所难,调动职工的生产积极性.3.5 工艺管理生产现场工艺管理的任务是生产出预定的台格产品.工艺的先进与否,确定了产品的档次,要想生产出高质量的产品,必须抓好工艺管理这个关键.企业必须造就一支高素质的生产现场技术管理队伍,通过对影响质量的工艺因素进行事先的预防控制,建立一个正常的生产秩序,通过严格执行既定工艺规程来保证设计质量的实现[5].3.6 设备管理企业生产现场设备管理,是企业设备管理在生产现场这个特殊环境下的具体管理内容,应通过采用科学的管理制度、标准及方法,对企业生产现场设备的使用、维护、检查、修理等具体环节进行有效的组织、协调、控制与监测,以使生产现场设备处于良好运转状态[6].生产现场设备管理是保证生产活动正常即鼓励员工组成团队,针对现场管理中出现的问题,选择某一专项进行研究和改善.TFE已经成为摩托罗拉的一项制度化活动,每年都会有很多TFE小组提出有价值的提案,为公司的现场改善提供了重要依据,同时公司也将对其进行奖励.A Brief Discussion of On-the-spot Management ofEnterprise for Manufacturing IndustryLI Gi(International Enterprise Management, Nankai University,Tianjin 300071,China)Abstract:This paper analyzes the conception and characters of On-the-spot management system.It de-scribes that On-the-spot management improvement should obey five rules.Key words:On-the-spot Management;On-the-spot management improvement;Motorola(2)IR与PC制度在摩托罗拉内部的管理沟通中,IR和PC是两项重要的措施,是对其生产现场人员进行管理的重要手段.a)IR制度IR即I Recommend(我建议),每周都组织现场生产人员填写一张IR提议表,提出其在实际工作中遇到的问题和解决方案,由生产主管整理后递交给决策层,切实可行的方案将得到实施,提议人将获得奖励.IR制度使一线生产人员与管理者之间建立了一条上行沟通的渠道,每周都有很多来自生产现场的提案得到采纳,使摩托罗拉的现场管理水平得到持续的改善.b)PC制度PC即Personal Commitment(个人承诺),指各级员工与其直接领导进行定期的谈话交流,员工要明确自己的责任和目标,管理人员掌握下属的思想动态.PC制度在现场管理中充分调动了员工的积极性,有效的鼓舞了士气,树立了员工的责任感和使命感,从深层次提高了现场管理的水平.结语第二篇:生产运营管理作业《生产运营管理》作业一、选择题详见课本每章后面选择题。












MRP(Material Requirement Planning)即物料需求计划,以BOM(Bill of Material)为核心,将产品逐级分解到小的零部件而后制定计划,安排生产。

JIT(Just in Time)即及时生产制。








































企业生产管理论文关于企业生产管理论文生产管理是公司管理的重要组成部分, 其内容随着科学技术的进步、经济环境的变化而不断变革和充实。

生产管理是每个生产型公司进行持续经营的根本,本文是有关企业生产管理论文,欢迎参考!引言目前由于世界消费市场的需求不断萎缩,各国都加强了对国际贸易的保护,在这种情况下,企业的订单数量锐减,给企业的生存和发展带来了较大的影响,所以在当前全球经济一体化的模式下,传统的企业生产管理模式与市场需求的变化矛盾越来越激烈,所以需要加强企业生产管理模式的改进,坚持以市场为导向,以消费者需求为目标,从而对现代企业生产管理机制不断健全和完善,加快现代企业生产管理模式的建立,提高企业的竞争力,进一步对供应链管理进行优化,使企业能够更好的与当前新的市场竞争环境相适应.1 现代企业生产管理模式存在的问题企业在发展过程中,建立现代化的企业生产管理模式具有极为重要的意义,其是以企业各种要素资源为基础,即人力、物力、财力和信息资源,将这些资源进行高擀质量、低成本及快速及时的转化,从而形成市场所需要的产品和服务项目,企业生产管理模式可以说是一种系统化的指导和控制方法,其通过有计划、有组织的对企业的生产进行控制,并针对市场的需要求来进行产品的生产,同时提供能够满足顾客满意的各项服务.虽然我国现有的大部分企业在企业生产管理工作中都能够做到这一点,而且已经形成了具有自身独特性的生产管理模式,但这种新的生产管理模式还不可避免的存在着一些问题,需要我们进行具体的分析,从而针对存在的问题采取切实可行的解决对策,加快企业的发展.1.1 组织机构不够完善企业生产管理的科学性很大程度上取决于企业是否有健全的生产管理机构.目前我国大部分企业,特别是中小型民营企业当中,企业组织机构还不健全,没有形成企业市场调查、产品设计开发、原料采购及产品生产等一系列完善的生产管理组织机构,而且企业各部门之间各自为政,缺乏有效的配合,而且权责不明,这就导致企业生产管理无法达到协调、及时,极易在某个环节出现问题,从而给企业的生产带来一定的影响,导致企业经济损失的发生.1.2 生产管理水平落后部分企业为了有效的提高产品的生产量,则一味的追求劳动生产率的提高,而对产品的质量控制却较为忽视,这就导致大规模的进行产品的生产,但由于质量不过关,从而导致企业经济效益无法实现.另外还有部分企业缺乏完善的生产管理流程,企业在采购流程、订单流程和生产线管理流程上都存在着较大的随意性,没有一套健全的体系,生产管理较为混乱,对企业的正常运行生产运营带来较大的影响.1.3 质量控制不够到位质量是企业产品的生命,是企业得以生存和发展的根本,所以在企业生产管理工作中,需要严格对质量进行控制,通过完善的质量检验制度来确保产品的质量.但在目前仍有部分企业,只顾眼前利益,而对企业产品质量控制必要的控制,缺乏完善的质量管理和控制体系,由于产品质量存在问题,从而导致产品滞销或是被退货的情况屡屡发生,给企业带来了较严重的经济损失.另外在企业产品质量检验工作中,由于检验人员缺乏质量控制意识,在检验工作中不能严格按照标准来进行,从而导致产品质量不过关即出厂,给企业的信誉带来较大的影响.2 现代企业生产管理模式的改进措施2.1 完善生产管理机构改进现代企业生产管理模式,首先必须进一步健全和完善企业生产管理组织机构,特别是对于那些处于转型发展以及遇到重大制约瓶颈的企业来说,完善生产管理组织机构显得更为重要.完善企业生产管理组织机构,首先必须按照"精兵简政"的原则,聚消、精简和合并不必要或者功能重叠的部门,优化组织体系,强化部门职能,建立联系制度.牢固树立"精益生产"理念,进一步优化人力资源分布,将人力资源用在"刀刃上",实现人力资源的效利用,提升生产管理效率.完善生产管理组织机构,还必须建立现代企业生产管理"联席会议制度",建立由决策层、管理层、部门负责人组成的现代企业生产管理机制,定期或不定期就企业生产管理计划以及一些突出问题进行研究落实,强化企业生产管理的"协同性".2.2 完善生产管理流程制度具有根本性、长期性和稳定性,而要落实好制度就必须完善工作流程.改进现代企业生产管理模式,必须进一步健全和完善企业生产管理流程,着力提升企业生产管理的规范化、制度化、流程化.突出关键环节和重点领域,大力加强采购、订单评审、库存清理、生产线、质量检验等流程建设,比如对于质量检验管理,应当建立原材料采购流程来保证原材料的可靠性,建立生产环节检验流程来确保质量检验到位,真正通过建立规范化的.生产管理流程,保证企业生产管理落到实处.完善生产管理流程,还必须根据品质、质量、价格、时间、服务等企业竞争力"五大要素"来完善企业生产管理流程,将"五大要素"渗透到企业生产管理各个方面,提升企业生产管理流程的科学性.2.3 完善生产管理机制健全和完善的现代企业生产管理机制,是提升企业生产管理"执行力"、提升企业生产管理水平、确保企业生产管理落到实处的重要保障,因而现代企业应当建立一套形之有效的管理机制.加强制度建设,切实将企业的管理理念、管理流程、管理规范以制度的形式固定下来,让全体员工遵照执行.建立企业生产管理激励约束机制,对于落实企业生产管理制度并取得显着成效的部门和员工应当给予物质和精神奖励,对于那些破坏管理制度并造成重大损失的应当给予必要的惩处.把提升员工素质作为加强企业生产管理的重要举措,切实加强对员工的教育培训,通过提高员工素质来强化生产管理水平.全力打造一流的企业生产管理队伍,通过引进与培养相结合的方式,建立一支素质高、能力强、作风硬、员工公认的生产管理队伍.3 结束语企业在发展和运行过程中,离不开生产管理,这是企业的重要基础,而企业要想实现生产的有效管理,提供在市场中的整体竞争能力,则需要建立科学的现代化企业生产管理模式,强化企业经济实力的提升.特别是在当前新的历史条件下,现代企业管理模式从传统模式开始向现代化的管理模式开始转变,这就需要遵循市场发展的规律,并以市场为导向,对企业生产管理模式进行不断改进和创新,确保企业生产管理模式走向科学、持续、健康的发展轨道,加快推动企业发展的步伐,为企业长远发展提供足够的动力支撑.参考文献[1]张煜.精准生产模式及其应用[J].内蒙古科技与经济,2009(3).[3]谭群满.试论现代企业生产管理模式创新[J].企业导报,2012(21).[3]季轩丞.现代化生产管理模式的介绍与现状[J].经营管理者,2011(5).。






⽣产管理毕业论⽂1 摘要:本⽂对制造型企业⽣产车间现场管理在⽣产车间现场管理重要性⽅⾯、制造型企业⽣产车间现场管理的改善⽅法⽅⾯、⽣产车间现场管理在动态环境下企业⽣产车间现场管理执⾏⼒保证体系构建⽅⾯、企业⽣产车间现场管理的市场导向⽅⾯、企业应树⽴“以⼈为本”的理念⽅⾯、加强⽣产车间现场管理促进安全⽣产降低⽣产成本⽅⾯进⾏了简单的分析。



关键词:现场管理重要性及改善⽅法;现场管理执⾏⼒;市场导向:以⼈为本及降低成本: ⽬录 1、制造型企业⽣产车间现场管理的含义和重要性 1.1 现场和现场管理的含义 1.2 ⽣产车间现场管理的重要性 2、制造型企业⽣产车间现场管理的改善⽅法 2.1 如何改善⽣产车间现场管理 2.2 改善现场管理的⽅法 3、动态环境下企业⽣产车间现场管理执⾏⼒保证体系构建 3.1 企业⽣产车间现场管理执⾏⼒概念的界定 3.2 企业现场管理执⾏⼒影响因素分析 3.3 ⽣产车间现场管理执⾏⼒保证体系的构建 4、企业应树⽴"以⼈为本"的理念 4.1 "以⼈为本"的具体含义及现实意义 4.2 倡导企业⽂化理念的关键是做到"以⼈为本" 4.3 建议 5、企业⽣产车间现场管理的市场导向 5.1 企业现场管理的市场导向,按照现场的⽣产要素分类内 5.2 正确把握市场导向,搞好企业⽣产车间现场管理,使现场与市场有机地结合,应注意⼏个问题 6、加强⽣产车间现场管理促进安全⽣产降低⽣产成本 6.1 我国许多企业⽣产车间现场管理混乱的现象还普遍存在 6.2 ⽣产车间现场管理是对⽣产现场中的⼈流、物流、场所三者之间的关系 6.3 现场管理是⼀种实实在在的管理技术,实施后的效果 6.4 ⽣产车间现场管理强调是⽣产现场的过程管理 6.5 现场管理同样需要增加安全设施的投⼊ 6.6 现场安全管理要与时俱进 6.7 ⽣产车间现场管理讲究以⼈为 结论 参考⽂献 制造型企业⽣产车间的现场管理是制造型企业⽣产管理的核⼼,之所以如此是因为⽣产车间是企业的利润中⼼和成本管理中⼼,⽣产车间现场管理的⽔平⾼低直接关系到企业能否盈利,它是企业能否得到赖以⽣存和发展的资⾦的重要基础,故此⽣产车间现场管理是企业⽣产经营战略的重要组成部分。



















1 管理理念采用民主的政策,并采纳广大员工的建议,这是煤矿进行精细化管理工作的重要理念。


1. 1 树立安全第一的工作理念就是说在工作期间,要将安全放在第一位,要做好相应的预防措施,而且还要遵循生命至上的工作原则。


1. 2 不要对他人或自己进行伤害这点从表面意思来看,好像是在说不要对他人以及自己的生命构成威胁,而实际的意思则是强调不要在进行煤矿生产工作期间做违反章程的操作,指挥人员不要做出错误的指挥,如果发现违反操作章程的情况应该立即制止,否则会带来十分严重的后果。


1. 3 要落实责任、强行执行落实责任:这方面主要是说,在工作期间要将目标落实到实处,细化指标,并要明确每个工作人员的具体职责。




1. 4 要让员工意识到,安全并不是唯一的工作追求,但是没有安全就会失去所有“安全并不是唯一的工作追求”,主要的意思是说除了在工作中进行安全防御以外,还要追求其他方面的工作,例如工作中的操作技巧等。

























































通过减少在制品库存,不仅能降低成本、缩短生产周期,还能发现生产管理中存在的问题;4、提高生产效率5、降低生产成本6、稳定地生产出用户要求的质量7、提高生产系统的柔性对生产管理运作与改善常常以品质、成本、交期及时间为考虑因素.如何满足顾客的需求及维持产销活动的顺畅,是生产管理的关键.五、生产管理的功能在生产管理的实务运作中,应掌握生产管理的功能并加以活用以符合上述生产管理的目的.1. 生产计划在订货式生产事业中,订单及生产预测的产品数量及交期依据资源分配作成不同期间的生产计划,作为产销活动的外包管理、物料计划与管制、现场管理及生产管制等工作执行的依据.生产计划的主要任务可以归纳为以下五条:1、要保证交货日期与生产量;2、使企业维持同其生产能力相称的工作量及适当开工率;3、作为物料采购的基准依据;4、将重要的产品或物料的库存量维持在适当水平;5、对长期的增产计划,作业人员与机2. 途程计划针对产品的制造方式及材料构成所进行的各项基本计划,一般企业由生产技术相关部门提出,其内容包括制造程序及方法设定,标准工时及材料用量标准设定,检验项目及方式的决策等,其目的是缩短产品周程时间,使产品流程最适化,以降低生产成本,提高生产效率,并作为日程计划安排、分派工作及生产进度管制的依据.3.日程计划①日程计划是生产管理工作中最重要的环节之一,如何对计划进行的生产预先设定时间、顺序、不同产品、批量的衔接等,都是程计划要明确的事项或中心内容。

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生产管理论文(Production management papers)Introduction to production management and safetyI. Basic knowledge of production managementSince the human society, there has been joint labor and production, then inevitably there is production management. Without production management, it is impossible to combine all kinds of dispersed and independent production factors to accomplish and realize the common production goal. Thus, production management is indispensable in all social production process.Two, the meaning of production managementThe production management is to achieve a given production target, and adopt effective means and methods of production, and relevant people and things, time and information plan, a series of activities of the organization, command, coordination and control. It ensures orderly and efficient production.Three, production management statusA, production management is an indispensable part of enterprise activities. Enterprise management is the market, product development and production management of the activities of the composition;B, production and operation management is an important function of enterprise management. It is the guarantee of theenterprise's management goal and the correct decision, and it is coordinated with the technical development and management of the enterprise.Four, the purpose of production managementProduction management is aimed at high efficiency, low consumption, flexibility and punctuality. Can be divided into the following implementation content:1. Ensure delivery time;2, shorten the production cycle, it can not only ensure the delivery time, but also reduce the occupation of WIP, thus reducing product costs;3, reduce WIP inventory, reflect the effectiveness of management. By reducing WIP inventory, it can not only reduce costs, shorten production cycles, but also find problems in production management;4, improve production efficiency5, reduce production costs6, stable production of quality requirements of users7, improve the flexibility of the production systemAs for production management, operation and improvement are often considered as quality, cost, delivery time and time. Howto meet customer's needs and maintain the smooth production and marketing activities is the key to production managementFive, production management functionsIn the actual operation of production management, we should grasp the function of production management and make use of it to meet the purpose of production management1. production planIn order to produce business, manufacturing orders and forecast the number of products and delivery on the basis of resource allocation for different period of production planning, production and marketing activities as outsourcing management, material planning and control, site management and production control and execution of the work basis.The main tasks of the production plan can be summarized into the following five items:1, to ensure delivery date and production;2, enable enterprises to maintain commensurate workload and appropriate operating capacity;3, as the basis of material procurement basis;4 maintain an adequate level of inventory of important products or materials;5, the long-term production plan, operators and machines2. routing planAccording to the basic plan of manufacturing mode and material composition of the enterprise, the general production technology proposed by the relevant departments, including the manufacturing process and method of setting, set the standard working hours and material usage standard, inspection items and methods of decision making, its purpose is to shorten the product cycle time, make the product process optimization, to reduce production costs, improve production efficiency, and as a daily schedule, work assignment and production schedule and control basis.3. scheduleThe schedule is one of the most important link in the production management, how to plan the production of preset time, sequence, different products, quantities of convergence, are planning to clear the content items or center.The production activities of enterprises is a broad and complex system, this system can make the smooth operation, must have system of production schedule planning and arrangements, provide the basis for the production of various departments, departments and even the comprehensive operation can be orderly and efficient.Planning the agenda1, determine the baseline scheduleAccording to the process / material of the operation, the starting / finishing period reference / sequence is indicated.2. Determine the production scheduleDetailed monthly production plan based on baseline schedule, production capacity and delivery schedule.3. Arrange the agendaArrange in accordance with the delivery dateAccording to the customer arrangementAccording to the process bottleneck size arrangement4, preparatory work preparationAdequate job preparation and production schedule review to ensure the feasibility and achievement of the plan.Implementation steps of agenda plan1. make monthly production plan according to production plan;2. determine the start and completion date of the product on the basis of the baseline schedule;3. determine the standard processing time of individualprocesses;4. determine process start and finish times in accordance with process data and machine / manual load;5. define production schedule and start and finish date;6. specify work / machine start date and completion date with work schedule;7. confirm the pre production preparation for the schedule;8. adjust / revise the schedule when necessary.4. job assignmentAccording to the order routing and schedule the completion date, the workload assigned appropriate to the staff of various departments with the machine, in order to start the actual production activities. There are three kinds of methods: centralized dispatching, dispersed dispatching and mixed dispatching. Its function is:(1) give orders effectively.(2) providing material consumption and working hours data for batch manufacturing order as the basis for cost calculation.(3) as the basis for the preparation of tools and fixtures for the public works department.(4) as the manufacturing department supervisor, dispatch workers and control the manufacture of the products.(5) provide the process data as a reference after the routing plan and schedule.(6) provide the manufacture process for material, delay, quality abnormal data as a reference control over personnel.5. progress controlAccording to the schedule of production schedule, control the time step by step to ensure the completion of the schedule. Its contents include the control of time and quantity. Its function is:(1) once the manufacturing work has been dispatched, the production schedule of the product will be in accordance with the planned production schedule in advance, and only if the progress is checked continuously.(2) grasp the actual progress of the manufacturing work, review the degree of achievement of the schedule, and then analyze the reasons for the lead or delay in production, and take remedial measures in order to complete the project on time.Six 、 production management responsibilitiesWith the difference of enterprise scale and production form, the production organization and the scope of pipe production need to be adjusted frequently, but the main work is thecoordination of production plan, production schedule and abnormal production and marketing.A variety of small order production units often have emergency work. Therefore, the enrichment of the work of institutionalization and abnormal management is neglected by mass production. The responsibilities of the sanitary work are usually as follows:(1) determine the product, quantity and delivery time(2) production capacity and load analysis before production, and get ready for work(3) arrange production plan and schedule(4) do grasp the supply of materials required for production(5) allocation and coordination of production work;(6) control the actual production situation and coordinate the problem(7) responsible for the liaison work about the shipment(8) regular participation in production and marketing coordination meetings and production meetings;(9) analyze and review production performance, check and record reports(10) participate in other relevant activities, review meetings, etc.Seven, production management: 1 2 3; finance; 4.; information; the time.Among the five objects of production management, people are the main ones. Man is a dual role in management, both as a manager and as a manager. Management objects include people and other objects, while management of other objects is implemented by people. Therefore, the main body of the management process is human, and the behavior of people and people is the core of management.Wealth and material are the important material basis for an organization to achieve its goals, and are also important management objects. Money and things are passive. Management is the close coordination of the elements of wealth and goods with other elements.Information is the object of management because information reflects the management situation.Information can be transferred and processed.The information system is the nervous system of the management system".Management of the flow of people and logistics through information to reflect and achieve. Management should give full play to its function and rely on information support.The true and effective collection and dissemination of information is an important means of management activities.Any management activity can not be separated from time. One of the important characteristics of production and life in modern society is timeliness. Seize the opportunity, seize the opportunity is an important factor in successful management.Eight, production management system(1) management system1. function of management system(1) the system is the growth point of organizational power.(2) the system is the established way of collective cooperation, and should be a common tacit understanding within the enterprise.(3) the system is a tool to simplify the work method and obtain the quality of work.(4) system is a method to reduce the dependence of enterprise on employees' technology, experience and ability.2., the establishment of management system principles(1) pay attention to efficiency, effect and elasticity.(2) the system itself should have the ability to restrain itself.(3) before carrying out the system, the results and defects should be foreseen and prevented in advance.(4) reduce the frequency of institutional change.3., management system formulation steps(1) to determine the function and organizational status of the system.(2) determine the working items of the system.(3) determine the working process and working methods of the system.(4) the design of system statement.(5) the establishment and establishment of relevant data.(6) allocation of work and division of powers and responsibilities.(7) research on management methods.(8) publication and implementation, including schedule, budget and method of implementation.Nine, simple production management and work planning andpractical operation processFirst, the planDesign production capacity - production objectives - Purchasing - quality management - cost management - production schedule.Two, organizationDegree of centralization - external contracting - overtime hours - equipment scheduling - production equipment - production staffing - ScheduleThree, leadershipMotivating employees - work order - work indicators - personnel performance evaluationFour, control:Inventory control - quality control - progress control - cost control - production controlOperating practicesThe production management of a small enterprise is fairly simple, and the effective workflow is usually as follows:(1) sales: direct contact with the customer through the experience of the order, and determine the price and delivery.(2) material planning: the quantity required by the purchasing staff shall be determined by the responsible person after a short calculation.(3) routing plan: on the basis of past experience directly tell the site supervisor decision process.(4) cost estimation: the cost of materials used in each batch is calculated, plus the approximate work time required, and the wage is calculated. The manufacturing cost is calculated.(5) schedule: inform the on-site supervisor or staff of the date and delivery date of each batch of products by oral notice or simple record.(6) job assignment: the work drawings, work instructions, samples and materials required are handed over to the supervisor or staff at the site for their own work.(7) schedule control: daily inspection by the responsible person to the factory, check the actual progress and the delivery time required by the customer.(8) delivery: after the completion of the product, slightly with the specifications of the comparison, to determine the correct storage, temporary storage or direct to the customer.Ten, production management strategy inductionBefore the establishment of a variety of small quantityproduction management, the selection of production management strategy is as important as the rationalization of the pipe operation.Formulate flexible production and marketing management systemA variety of mode of production changes, must develop appropriate marketing management system, sales department to follow.Manage the auxiliary vendor to avoid material shortageIt is necessary to establish an outsourcing management system in order to adjust order in the light season and deal with urgent orders,Among them, the choice and management of the assistant supplier is crucial to the success of the outsourcing management. Therefore, it is necessary to do a good job with the management of the auxiliary manufacturers to avoid the shortage of work stoppage.Selecting reasonable or outsourcing jobsBefore outsourcing management, it is necessary to choose and judge self - and outsourcing operations, which will not only affect production costs, but also affect delivery coordination.Application of mixing factory layoutIn a variety of small order production trends, the combination of mixed plant layout and group factory layout is the key point of process management improvement.Implement small batch productionExtensive line production, mixed line production, and group production are all examples of a few small order production methods. Therefore, the implementation of small batch production is the basis of a variety of small order production management.Small batch production can not only reduce inventory and shorten production time, but also easy to manage WIP and more flexibility in production and marketing. For manufacturing, it is indisputable that a small quantity of production can handle a variety of small orders.The training of multi skilled workers to work and personnel arrangement is more flexibleThe production of multiple products with planned manpower can not only eliminate the imbalance between workload and capability, but also prevent delay in delivery due to employee leave or project connection failure. Therefore, multi skilled work should be planned to make work and personnel arrangements more flexible.The promotion of visual management, management of abnormal problemsA variety of small order production methods often have abnormal problems because of the frequent change of production lines. The implementation of visual management, can quickly grasp the problem, and take timely measures to improve the production country, reduce defective goods and delivery delays and so on.Visual management is the heart, TCDC group intelligence simplified one and use planning, implementation, assessment and management, through the Kanban, color, light, sample entities such as display and marked, can further make the management work more to implement.According the production load regulation that the production and marketing closelyEx ante capacity load analysis can understand the general situation of production and marketing activities, further grasp the surplus amount and adjust them flexibly so as to make the production and marketing work more closely coordinated.To make the production management system and computerized, quickly grasp the production informationIt is the trend of production management to use computer to grasp production and marketing information promptly and correctly, adjust order condition in time, and make a variety of production methods more flexible.The training and selection of active coordination and good production management personnelIn order to improve the efficiency of the system management, we should train and select the active and coordinated production and logistics management personnel in order to meet the varied and small order production conditions.Eleven. Safety standards for production managementIn the process of production management, to avoid causing injuries and property damage accidents and take corresponding prevention and control measures, to ensure the safety of employees, ensure the production and operation activities related to the activities carried out smoothly. This activity is named safety management!Safety management is a complicated system engineering, need to use the method of theory and method of safety system engineering, the basic factors affecting the safety of personnel and equipment, quality management and effective control, so as to achieve the "controllable".1, how to improve the safety management level?Through direct practice and indirect practice, improve the level of safety management. Indirect practice is the acquisition of management knowledge through theoretical, normative, and standard learning. Therefore, we are required to study the basic scientific knowledge of the major and study the rules and regulations that combine with the basic knowledge and experience of the major. We should practice the successful examples and practices of others. Direct practice is to get experience and lessons from the accident, because the accidentis contrary to the objective law punishment; is the most impartial examination of the work; forcing people to accept the real scientific practice. Pay attention to the investigation and handling of the accident, find out the cause of the accident, and prevent the similar accident from occurring. Do a good job of statistical analysis of the accident, grasp the law of the accident, so as to guide the production safety management,Provide safety management level.2, solve the problem of cognition and stress the basic position of safety workThe enterprise is the main part of safety production, and it is necessary to implement and strengthen the responsibility of the enterprise in the work of safety in production. In the entire production process of the enterprise, every link and every post should attach great importance to the work of safety in production. From the production process and the standardization of posts, in doing a good job in assessing the safety of enterprises based on the work carried out in various types of enterprises throughout the country to carry out safety and quality standardization activities. Safety and quality standardization construction experience to promote coal mine safety and quality standards, regulations enacted in various industries, guide enterprises to establish and improve various aspects of job safety and quality standards, standardize the behavior of production safety, promote enterprise safety and quality management level, a level. Small enterprises are the weak link of safety production management. While encouraging, supporting and guiding the development of the non-public sectorof the economy, it is necessary to effectively strengthen the supervision and management of safe production of individual and private enterprises, and gradually explore a set of effective measures for supervision and administration.3, earnestly implement the personnel safety responsibility system at all levels, especially the safety first responsibility personSafety production responsibility system is an important organizational measure to do safety work well. Many years of practice have proved that the responsibility system for production safety has been well implemented, the security situation is good, otherwise, the security situation is poor. In order to implement the responsibility system for production safety, we must first of all personnel and departments in work safety responsibilities, rights and interests were clearly defined, responsibilities, rights and interests is not clear, it is difficult to implement the responsibility system. With all levels of personnel at all levels, units at all levels to implement the signing of the "responsibility for safety in production" form, and gradually implement the responsibility for safety in production, and according to the responsibility and requirements of accountability. Earnestly implement the responsibility for safety in production of the person in charge of production and operation units, which is an important prerequisite for the safe production of production and operation units. Can start from the following four aspects:We should set up the thought of "safety first, prevention first"To establish and improve the responsibility system for production safety of the principal responsible personTo establish the principal responsible for reporting to the staff congressFourth, we must strengthen the supervision function of governments at all levels4, improve the safety guarantee system and safety supervision system so as to make full use of it.All regions and departments should strengthen safety supervision as a means to promote the implementation of the safe production law. First, improve the production safety supervision institutions. Although many areas have initially established a "three institutions, four networks" security monitoring system, but overall, uneven progress. Up to now, there are 33% counties and 25% cities and municipalities without security supervision institutions. In the already established safety regulatory body, the problems of personnel and lack of funds are prominent. To make explicit provisions to strengthen the local production safety supervision agencies at all levels and the law enforcement team construction, local governments at all levels in accordance with the "production safety law" requirements, establish and improve production safety supervision mechanism, enrich the necessary personnel. Two is to strengthen ahead of guard. All levels of production safety supervision and inspection personnel, not only toin-depth investigation and analysis of the cause of the accident, seriously investigate and deal with liability foraccidents, more important is to discover and to urge the rectification of safety hazards, the accident nipped in the bud. Enterprises should also establish a scientific safety accident prevention system, and take the initiative to troubleshoot security risks and problems. Three is to strengthen the supervision of small enterprises in particular. Small company wide, numerous, complex, safety supervision difficult, is the weak link of work safety supervision. From the aspects of organization and leadership, working mechanism and safety investment, a set of effective supervision methods are gradually explored.5, actively carry out safety evaluation and risk assessment work.Safety evaluation and risk assessment is an important content of modern safety management, the current situation and the level of safety of a unit of the correct evaluation, and evaluate all aspects of risk factors and severity, with a clear anti accident struggle focus and the need to take measures to achieve advanced control. To reduce and eliminate accidents.We should conscientiously implement the regulations on the administration of safety assessment institutions, and strengthen the supervision and administration of safety assessment institutions. "Safety first, prevention first" is the basic policy of our country's safety in production. Hu Jintao, general secretary of the central economic work conference held at the end of last year stressed: "safety production issues related to the people's lives and property security, social stability is a major concern.". Leading cadresat all levels should attach great importance to it and work hard to reduce and eliminate all kinds of major accidents, and earnestly carry out the work concerning safety in production." Since the sixteen year old, the central leading comrades have more than 150 instructions on the work of production safety, which fully reflects the Central Committee of the CPC and the State Council attaches great importance to the work of safety in production. Our security evaluation work is to implement the "safety first, prevention first" technical guarantee, is the implementation of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council's policy of safe production of concrete embodiment.1., strict access and strict management should be adopted to ensure the quality of the safety assessment institutions from the source.2., strict security assessment personnel access.3, to do a good job of safety evaluation requires high-quality talents.4., establish the quality assurance mechanism of safety evaluation work.6, strengthen on-site supervision and inspection, to ensure long-term stability of enterprises.The whole production management needs unremitting efforts. To this end, enterprises should pay attention to the following tasks:First, strict implementation of 24 hours of uninterrupted production safety scheduling and leading cadres on duty system. Every day, a leading cadre above the level of the division keeps the shift on duty and deals with the problems in production safety in a timely manner.Two is the strict deputy general over the leadership of "Five" assessment system, each well to write a summary of the questions on the exam, a team leader or supervisor, blasters, weekly for a D card, each stop a "strict discipline, responsibility to complete a project, so as to improve the quality of well field.Three is to strengthen the night shift safety management. In the night, strict inspection system, each month must complete 6 illegal indicators, each completed a monthly listing index, stop operation a "strict violation of" index. Strictly the project manager, deputy manager of the production site to "364" system, the monthly production site of 3 middle, 3 night, 6 hours a month on duty 8 indicators, not less than 4. Security supervision department strictly in the night check system, the night shift will adhere to the 8 hour work system, in particular, to strengthen the night shift management, night work shall not empty classes missed.Four is strict on-site safety management. Strictly control the operation of the production command system, and strictly analyze the accident impact analysis system. Any accident and influence, the project department should report to the dispatch room, must be in accordance with the "three off, analyze and deal with the four responsibility" principle; strict on-site attendant at work system; it is strictly 24 hours; strict stop。
