中国文化 英语简介

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2). Rulers’ view on heaven: prior concern his people’s well-beings 皇天无亲,惟德是辅。
Extended Reading:
1. 《中国文化读本》 叶朗,朱良志 外语教学与研
究出版社 2. 《Insights into Chinese Culture》 中国文化英语教程 叶朗,朱良志 外语教学与研究出版社
3. 《中国的品格》楼宇烈 南海出版公司
4. 《中国哲学简史》 冯友兰 北京大学出版社 5. Confucius The Analects, Raymond Dawson, Oxford University Press
1) hold aloft monarchical power, value school education ( 高扬君权,重视师教) 天地君亲师 2) scorn deity’s power and its influence ( 淡化神权) 天地不是神,是生养万物的根本( not all-mighty gods ) 3) extol moral justice and emphasize self-elevation ( 高扬明道正谊,强调自我提升)
2. human --- an ethical specie
a. human groups and classifies out of individual desires (人生而有欲,欲而不得,则不能无求,求而无度量分界,则不能不争。 争则乱,乱则穷。先王恶其乱也,故制礼义分之,以养人之欲,给人之 求。使欲必不穷乎物,物必不屈于欲,两者相持而长,是礼之所起也。) 《荀子• 礼论》 根据每个人对社会的贡献和对社会的需求来分配一定的 物质,这样就使欲和物之间的需求和供给达到一种平衡。 b. human disciplines themselves through education on humanity 王弼:“止物不以威武,而以文明,人文也” 不用武力而用文明来是 天 下万物各得其所,此人文也。( non-violence ) 孔颖达:“观乎人文以化成天下者,言圣人观察人文,则诗书礼乐之 谓,当法此教而化成天下也。( artistic education and influence )
Conclusion: human is in defiance of deity worship and is resistant to fetishism
c. influence of Chinese humanity on western culture:
Chinese humanity broke down the dominance of religious authority and brought fresh air to western religious humanism, helping to lift human power to a higher place
and arts, that is, through humanity education, in the end to the aim against power and suppression
Human Place on Universe
1. the most intelligent specie on universe
Chapter One Generalization
1. highest standard: oneness ( harmony with
heaven ) 天人合一
2. characteristics: humanity
charace of deity worship on one hand 上薄拜神教 b. its resistance to fetishism on the other hand 下防拜物教 c. its stress on human civilization through education on rituals
Towards heaven: harmony
1. Views on heaven: compliance with naturalness ( 顺自然 )
a. on the worship of heaven ( 天 ) 1). The worship of nature ( 自然界 ), believing each natural existence and creature is governed or ruled by one single god. 2). The worship of deceased ancestors ( 祖先崇拜,天命之天 ), holding an idea that the pass-away ancestors will guard their safety and endow them with good lucks. b. different views on heaven 1). ordinary people’s view on heaven: follow the rule of naturalness 大禹治水,因势利导; 无为(non-action)者,非谓其凝滞而不动 也,以其莫言莫从己出也。《 淮南子• 主术训》 注重公道,遵守天 地万物本然的状态。
a. heaven and earth are the source of all lives, and the human beings the most intelligent specie 惟天地万物之母,惟人万物之灵 《尚书•泰誓上》 b. 水火有气而无生,草木有生而无知(intelligence),禽兽有知而无义 (human rituals),人有气有生有知,亦且有义,故最为天下贵也。 《荀 子•王制》 c. as an equal to heaven and earth, human beings are able to change ( 天地人三才 ) 1) heaven speaks with season rotating ( 天有其时,春生夏长秋收冬藏 ) 2) earth produces all kinds of life sustainments ( 地有其财 ) 3) human groups, manipulates and disciplines ( 人有其治 )