



[英语教案]小学英语《Fruits》教学设计Teaching goals:Part A in this unit.Go over the sentence patterns that have been learnt, such as “What colour is it? What do you like?I like bananas. ……”The important points:Sentence pattern: Is this a banana? Yes, it is./ No, it isn’t. Words: banana mango lemon pineapple watermelon pear Difficult points:This is a market. It isn’t a classroom!Preparation:tape recorder, cards, computer and TV.Teaching steps:Step 1:GreetingsT: Good morning, boys and girls!Nice to see you again!How’s it going?Step 2:Presentation of the words1. T shows an apple and asks: What’s this?Ss: ( It’s an ) apple.T: Yes, it’s an apple. Pass the apple and practice: It’s an apple.(one by one)T: This is an apple. Pass and practice: This is an apple.2. T shows an orange and say: This is an orange. Pass andpractice: This is an orange.3. T shows a banana and say: This is a _banana_. Pass andpractice.4. T shows a mango and say: This is a _mango_. Pass andpractice.Play games to consolidate the words:Game 1: Show slides and let Ss guess: What’s this?T will ask some students to point and say: This is a…( Have a match between boys and girls)Game 2: Listen and show me the fruit.Step 2: Presentation of the sentence pattern1. T shows a mango and asks: Is this a mango? Ss: Yes, it is. T writes on the Bb: Yes, it is. Practice: Yes, it is.2. T shows the mango and asks: Is this an apple? Ss: No (itisn’t).Practice: No, it isn’t.T writes on the blackboard: No, it isn’t.T points to the blackboard and ask: What should we fill in the four-line blanks?Ss: Is this a mango?T fills in the blanks.Practice reading the sentence.Step 3:Play games to consolidate the sentence pattern and the words.Game 1: Touch and guess: Is this a …?Game 3: Have a listening comprehension test:Listen to the dialogues and do the exercises: (draw in theblanks)1. It’s a _________.2. This is a __________.3. It’s an _________.4. This is a ________.5. This is a ______. It isn’t a classroom!Step 4: PracticeLet’s listen to the tape and practice reading the tape. Perform the dialogues in pairs or groups.Talk about the fruits you like.Step 5: Do some exercises on the workbook.Step 6: Homework:1.上网查找关于水果的谚语。


Peach, peach, peach,
I like peach.
Strawberry, strawberry, strawberry,
I like strawberry. Banana, banana, banana, I like banana. Orange, orange, orange, I like orange.
1.制作单词卡片 2.练习(liànxí)所学单词 发音
Thank you!
Peach, peach, peach, I like peach.
Strawberry, strawberry, strawberry, I like strawberry.
Let’s practice
apple pear
Let's chant!
Apple, apple, apple,
I like apple. Pear, pear, pear, I like pear.



2024年小学英语水果完整fruits课件一、教学内容本节课的内容选自小学英语教材《牛津小学英语》3B的Unit 5 “Fruits”章节。

详细内容包括水果词汇的学习,如apple, banana, orange, strawberry, grape等;一般现在时的运用,描述喜欢的水果;以及通过水果主题展开的简单对话。

二、教学目标1. 学生能够掌握并运用与水果相关的英语词汇。

2. 学生能够使用一般现在时描述自己喜欢的水果。

3. 学生能够在实际情景中运用所学词汇和句型进行简单对话。


教学重点:水果词汇的学习,以及句型“I like”的运用。

四、教具与学具准备1. 教具:PPT课件,包含水果图片和单词;实物水果。

2. 学具:学生用书,练习册,彩色笔。

五、教学过程1. 导入:通过展示水果实物和PPT水果图片,引导学生说出水果的英文名称,激活学生的已有知识。

2. 新课内容:呈现PPT课件,学习水果词汇和一般现在时句型“I like”。


3. 例题讲解:讲解一般现在时描述水果的例句,如“I like apples. They are sweet and delicious.”,并指导学生进行仿说。

4. 随堂练习:学生两人一组,用所学的水果词汇和句型进行对话练习。


七、作业设计1. 作业题目:画一幅水果画,并用英语描述你喜欢的水果。

2. 答案示例:I like strawberries. They are red and sweet.I love to eat them.八、课后反思及拓展延伸本节课通过实践情景引入,例题讲解和随堂练习,让学生掌握了水果词汇和一般现在时的运用。





2.学生能够运用句型“Do you like...?Yes,I do./No,I don't.”询问和回答对






(2)教师展示一些水果,问学生“Do you like...?”引出句型。





3.教师用句型“Do you like...?Yes,I do./No,I don't.”询问学生对水








2024最新-fruits fruits教案(优秀3篇)

2024最新-fruits fruits教案(优秀3篇)

fruits fruits教案(优秀3篇)作为一位杰出的老师,通常需要用到教案来辅助教学,教案有利于教学水平的提高,有助于教研活动的开展。






预期目标:1、学会grape (葡萄) watermelon (西瓜)两个单词,巩固所学过的其它水果单词。

2、熟练使用I like…,将新授单词及学过的单词组成一个完整的句子。






① 进入教室,参观水果商店,请小朋友们看看桌上有哪些你能用英文说出的水果单词。


② 买水果(请小朋友们向售货员阿姨买自己喜欢的水果,用I like﹍说)③ 幼儿买到水果后,把水果放到篮子里,回到自己的座位上。

3、找找读读,学习新单词请小朋友找出grape watermelon 水果( 1 ) 教单词grape 集体说,分组说,女孩子说,男孩子说。



小学英语《Fruits》教学设计(优秀范文5篇)第一篇:小学英语《 Fruits》教学设计小学英语《 Fruits》教学设计一、教学内容:Lesson 6 Fruits二、教学目标:1、能听懂会说单词:orange , apple , peach , watermelon , pear , grapes , banana.2、能听懂句子进行会话:3、通过创设情境,使学生感受并运用语言,进一步培养学生口语交际能力。

三、教学过程:Step1 Warm up:1、Draw a picture of the teacher, Miss Tang with an apple in the mouth.2、Sing an English song: An apple a day.Step2 Presentation: Greeting:T: Good morning, boys and girls.S: Good morning, Miss Tang.T: Nice to meet you.S: Nice to meet you, too.Step3 Revision: 游戏:猜猜是什么水果?多媒体出示七种水果:orange , apple , peach , watermelon ,pear , grapes , banana , 每种水果只露出一小部分,让学生猜猜是哪种水果,猜对了多媒体出现掌声,猜错了,教师给予鼓励和提示,可以再试一次。

Step4 Presentation:1、教师指着多媒体画面导课:“ Look, so many nice fruit!Do you like them?T :“ Ok.Let ' s have fruit party now.We are going to buy some fruit.”2、多媒体呈现四组情景:Miss White: Do you like peaches? Amy: Yes, I do.Miss White: Do you like oranges? Amy: No, I don't.Miss White: What about pears? Amy: Oh, I like them very much.Miss White: Let’s have some peaches and pears.Amy: Ok.10、教师播放话题内容,学生先听一遍,然后跟读。



小学英语fruit的教案教案标题:小学英语《Fruit》的教案教案目标:1. 学生能够认识和正确发音水果的英文单词。

2. 学生能够描述水果的外观和味道。

3. 学生能够运用所学的水果词汇进行简单的交流。

教学重点:1. 水果的英文单词。

2. 描述水果的外观和味道的词汇。

3. 运用所学词汇进行简单的交流。

教学准备:1. PPT或图片展示水果的图片。

2. 水果的模型或实物。

3. 学生练习册或工作纸。

教学过程:引入:1. 使用PPT或图片展示水果的图片,引导学生观察并说出图片中的水果名称。

2. 教师朗读并让学生跟读水果的英文单词,确保学生正确理解和发音。

呈现:1. 教师出示水果的模型或实物,让学生观察并描述水果的外观特征,如颜色、形状等。

2. 教师教授描述水果味道的词汇,如sweet(甜的)、sour(酸的)、juicy(多汁的)等,并让学生模仿发音。

练习:1. 学生分组,每组分配一份学生练习册或工作纸,上面列有水果的图片和空白处用于填写水果的英文单词。

2. 学生根据图片填写对应的英文单词,并进行互相核对。

巩固:1. 学生进行小组交流,描述他们最喜欢的水果,并用所学的词汇进行描述。

2. 部分学生上台展示他们的描述,其他学生进行评价和提问。

拓展:1. 教师出示更多水果的图片,让学生尝试说出新的水果名称,并进行发音练习。

2. 学生自由绘制自己最喜欢的水果,并用英文写下水果的名称。

总结:1. 教师对本节课所学内容进行总结,并强调学生在日常生活中多尝试使用英文来描述水果。

2. 学生进行口头回答问题,检查他们对所学内容的理解程度。

作业:1. 学生完成练习册或工作纸上的水果填空题。

2. 学生写一篇短文,描述他们最喜欢的水果的外观和味道。

教学延伸:1. 鼓励学生在家里和朋友一起尝试用英文描述水果。

2. 制作水果拼盘,让学生用英文介绍拼盘中的水果。

教案评估:1. 学生在练习册或工作纸上填写水果的英文单词的准确性。

2. 学生在小组交流和展示中的表现和参与度。





二、教学目标1. 能够听懂、会读并正确运用以下水果的英文名称:apple、banana、orange、grapes。

2. 能够用正确的形容词描述水果的颜色,如red apple、yellow banana等。

3. 能够表述自己对喜欢的水果的理由,如"I like apples because they are sweet."4. 能够在小组合作中进行对话,分享自己对不同水果的喜好。

三、教学重点1. 掌握水果的英文名称。

2. 研究描述水果的颜色。

3. 学会表达对喜欢的水果的理由。

四、教学准备1. PPT呈现水果的图片和相关词汇。

2. 学生练本。

五、教学流程1. Warming-up (5分钟)- 引导学生通过问题与老师介绍并回忆水果相关的知识。

- 老师播放水果相关的歌曲,帮助学生回忆水果的名称。

2. Presentation (15分钟)- 老师通过PPT依次展示水果的图片,并教授相关的单词。

- 学生进行听读练,跟读老师的发音。

3. Practice (20分钟)- 将学生分成小组,要求他们用英文对话,描述自己喜欢的水果以及理由。

- 每组选择一名代表,进行小组间的展示和分享。

4. Consolidation (10分钟)- 练册相关练的巩固,可以进行课堂检测。

5. Summary (5分钟)- 通过问题回答,帮助学生总结本节课所学的知识点。

6. Homework (2分钟)- 布置相关练册的作业,巩固所学的内容。






小学英语教案全英文版水果Title: Elementary English Lesson Plan - FruitsIntroduction:Teaching young learners about fruits is not only important for health reasons but also plays a significant role in improving their knowledge of the English language. To help teachers conduct an engaging and informative lesson about fruits, this lesson plan has been prepared.Objectives:- To introduce and provide information about different types of fruits- To improve students' vocabulary related to fruits- To develop their reading, writing, and speaking skills- To promote healthy eating habitsMaterials:- Pictures of different fruits- Alphabet flashcards- Video about fruits- Writing worksheet- Fruit-themed song and danceProcedure:1. Warm-up activity (5 minutes) - The teacher can ask the students to name different fruits they like. The teacher can write these fruits on the board and ask them to identify the alphabet used in each fruit.2. Presentation (10 minutes) - The teacher can present pictures of different fruits and introduce them to the students. The teacher can explain the color, taste, and shape of each fruit.The teacher can use flashcards to help students identify the spelling of each fruit.3. Video presentation (10 minutes) - The teacher can show a video about fruits and ask students to pay attention to the names of the fruits and their characteristics.4. Vocabulary worksheet (10 minutes) - The teacher can distribute a worksheet with pictures of different fruits. The students will have to write the names of the fruits in English.5. Writing activity (10 minutes) - The teacher can ask the students to write a few sentences about their favorite fruit. The teacher can support them in the task by providing a few prompts.6. Speaking activity (10 minutes) - The teacher can encourage students to talk about the fruits they have learned about in class. Some possible questions are - What is your favorite fruit? Why do you like it? How often do you eat fruits?7. Fruit-themed song and dance (5 minutes) - The teacher can finish the lesson with a fun and engaging fruit-themed song and dance that children can enjoy and participate in.Closure:The teacher can summarize the key learnings of the lesson and remind students of the importance of a healthy diet. The teacher can also highlight the new vocabulary words learned.Assessment:Assessment can be done through the writing activity and speaking activity. The teacher can also observe thelevel of participation and engagement during the lesson. The teacher can provide feedback and suggestions for improvement.Conclusion:Teaching young learners about fruits in English can be an engaging and informative experience. This lesson plan aims to provide teachers with a comprehensive guide to creating a successful lesson on fruits. By using visuals, videos, worksheets, and interactive activities, teachers can keep children engaged and interested in learning English. Moreover, by promoting healthy eating habits, teachers can help children make positive lifestyle choices.。










教学过程Step 1 自我介绍1.老师向学生自我介绍,介绍自己的名字、年龄、爱好等。


Step 2 学习水果单词1.展示幻灯片,出示水果图片,并让学生尝试读出对应的单词。


Step 3 描述水果的颜色、大小和形状1.让学生观察所选水果的颜色、大小和形状,并运用英语表达。


Step 4 角色扮演1.分组,每个小组挑选一个人来扮演水果卖家。



Step 5 课堂练习1.给学生一张写有水果图片的纸,让他们在纸上写出对应的英文单词。

2.让学生进行口头问答练习,如“What fruit do you like?”“Ilike apple.”课后作业1.回家后复习所学的水果单词。







小学英语fruits教案的范文Title: Let's Learn About Fruits!Objective:- Students will be able to identify and describe different types of fruits in English.- Students will be able to use simple English sentences to talk about their favorite fruits.Materials:- Pictures of various fruits- Flashcards with the names of fruits- Whiteboard and markersWarm-up (5 minutes):- Greet the students and ask them if they like fruits.- Show them pictures of different fruits and ask them to name the fruits in English.Presentation (15 minutes):- Introduce the names of different fruits using flashcards.- Use simple sentences to describe each fruit, e.g. "Apples are red and crunchy" or "Bananas are yellow and sweet".Practice (20 minutes):- Divide the class into small groups and give each group a set of fruit flashcards.- Ask the students to take turns picking a card and describing the fruit to their groupmates using English sentences.- Encourage the students to ask questions about thefruits to each other.Production (15 minutes):- Have each student choose their favorite fruit andwrite a short paragraph describing why they like that fruit.- Encourage them to use descriptive words and complete sentences in their paragraphs.Wrap-up (5 minutes):- Ask a few students to share their paragraphs with the class.- Review the names of the fruits and their characteristics.Assessment:- Observe the students' ability to name and describe the fruits in English during the practice and production activities.- Evaluate their written paragraphs for their use of descriptive language and complete sentences.Objective:- 学生能够用英语识别和描述不同类型的水果。



Wha’s this?学习水果apple、pear、orange、banana、peach。




然后通过教师的引导,认识这些水果的英文名称,并且初步理解What’s this…的含义,学会用It’s a/an…的句式表达。










教师把已装有苹果的盒子神秘的拿到学生面前,激发学生探索的欲望.T:Look!What’sthis?C:盒子T:Yes.AboxT:What’sinthebox?Doyouknow?T:Ok,doyouwanttoknow?(引导学生说出Yes或No)Dingdingdong(敲盒子)T:Whowanttotry?(作举手状,并引导学生说出Letmetry)当学生拿出苹果之后,教师:Oh(惊喜的),What’sthis?C:苹果T:Yes,apple!(教师要抑扬顿挫的反复读).readafterme,apple.(学生跟读) (2)、pear教师用已切好的雪梨给学生尝,并让他们猜出是什么东西。








(2)教师问学生“Do you like fruits?”引导学生回答。




4.教师让学生用英语描述水果的特征,如“An apple is red and











北师大版小学二年级英语下册《Fruit》说课稿一、教材分析1. 教材基本信息•《Fruit》是北师大版小学英语二年级下册的教材单元之一。


2. 教材特点•本单元的教材内容生活化,与学生的日常生活密切相关。


二、教学目标1. 知识目标•学生能够听懂、认读并正确运用教材中的水果单词。


2. 能力目标•学生能够用英语表达自己喜欢或不喜欢的水果。


3. 情感目标•通过本单元的学习,培养学生对水果的兴趣,增强他们的学习动机和自信心。

三、教学重点和难点1. 教学重点•水果的名称和基本特征。


2. 教学难点•学生运用所学的水果词汇进行对话。


四、教学准备1. 教具准备•教材《Fruit》•PPT•视频素材2. 学生准备•学生需要提前预习教材,了解本单元的主题水果和相关词汇。

五、教学过程1. Warm-up (5分钟)•利用PPT或教具展示一些水果的图片,鼓励学生用英语说出水果的名称。


2. Presentation (10分钟)•通过播放适当的视频素材,引入本节课的主题《Fruit》。


3. Practice (15分钟)•学生分组进行对话练习,使用所学的水果词汇进行提问和回答,例如:–问:What fruit do you like?–答:I like apples.•教师可以逐组巡视,给予学生鼓励和指导,并记录学生的表现情况。

4. Consolidation (10分钟)•引导学生讨论水果的颜色和形状。



2024年小学英语fruits水果教学课件一、教学内容本节课选自小学英语教材第三章《Foods We Like》的第三节,主要详细内容为常见水果的英文表达及其特点。


二、教学目标1. 学生能够听懂、准确说出常见水果的英文名称。

2. 学生能够运用句型“Do you like?”来询问对方是否喜欢某种水果,并能用“Yes, I do.”或“No, I don't.”来回答。

3. 学生能够通过小组合作,完成有关水果话题的简单对话。

三、教学难点与重点教学难点:正确运用句型“Do you like?”进行询问和回答。




五、教学过程1. 导入:教师展示水果实物,引导学生用英文说出水果名称,复习已学过的水果词汇。

2. 呈现:通过PPT课件展示新学的水果图片,教师教授新单词,学生跟读。

3. 实践:教师创设情境,用“Do you like?”句型询问学生是否喜欢某种水果,引导学生用所学句型回答。

4. 练习:学生两人一组,用所学的水果单词和句型进行对话练习。

5. 例题讲解:教师出示例题,引导学生理解题意,并示范解题过程。

6. 随堂练习:学生独立完成随堂练习题,巩固所学知识。

六、板书设计1. Fruits2. 内容:水果名称:apple、banana、orange、grape、watermelon、pineapple、strawberry、mango句型:Do you like?Yes, I do. / No, I don't.七、作业设计1. 作业题目:a. 根据图片写出对应的水果名称。

b. 编写一个关于水果的简单对话,运用所学句型。



FruitTopic: fruitTeacher: SunnyTeaching steps:1. Greeting:Good morning , children.Good morning Melody.2. Warm up:Let’s do the Warm up!Ok? Ok!Happy go, happy go,happy, happy go,la, la, la,Happy, happy , go.Good! You say: very good.3. Topic:No.1 Look at here! What is it? It’s a apple.(orange)(Do the action)very good! Please say:apple. Look at my mouth (Say the word for three times!) Now let’s call the c ard out. Ready go! (about three times)OK, OK! You’re very good!卡券回收详细问题了解下!No.2 OK, please pass down the card and say: apple, orange. OK? O K! (do the individual exercise)No.3:Please follow me, let’s do the action! Ok, you say: I like apple (orange),yam, yam, good.One more time.Very good, you say : very very smart.4. Let’s review the words: apple, orange5. Let’s play a game. (ye. ye. ye. play a game)Listening game:If I say the word ,you must run to the card, quickly. OK? OK!Speaking game:Flashing card!6. Say Good bye to Melody:Then show me your hands. Please go home be a little Melody. Tell you r daddy and mummy. OK? OK! Please say Goodbye to melody. Good b ye, children, see you a gain! Bye—bye!体尝到自己的“痛苦”,我便很少向人借书。



小学英语fruits教案的范文全文共6篇示例,供读者参考篇1Hello everyone, today I want to share with you a fun and exciting English lesson plan about fruits. Fruits are delicious and healthy, so it's important for us to learn about them. Are you ready to have some fruity fun? Let's get started!Warm-up: To start the lesson, we can play a game called "Fruit Basket". Everyone in the class will be assigned a fruit name such as apple, banana, orange, etc. The teacher will then call out a fruit name and those students must quickly stand up and switch seats with each other. It's a fast-paced game that will get everyone moving and energized for the lesson ahead.Introduction: Next, we can introduce the different types of fruits to the students. Show pictures or actual fruits to help them identify and learn the names of fruits like apples, bananas, strawberries, grapes, etc. Talk about the colors, shapes, and tastes of each fruit to make it more engaging and memorable for the students.Vocabulary Practice: After introducing the fruits, we can move on to a vocabulary practice activity. Students can match the fruit names with their pictures, spell out the names of fruits, or even play a memory game where they have to remember and match the fruit pairs.Reading and Writing Activity: To practice reading and writing skills, students can complete a worksheet where they have to fill in the missing letters of fruit names, write sentences using the names of fruits, or even create a short story involving different fruits.Listening Activity: For a listening activity, the teacher can read out descriptions of different fruits and students have to guess which fruit is being described. This will help improve their listening comprehension skills and reinforce their knowledge of fruit names.Art and Craft: To add a creative element to the lesson, students can do a fruit-themed art and craft project. They can make fruit hats, fruit puppets, or even do fruit stamping with cut-up fruits dipped in paint. It's a fun way to get creative and hands-on with the lesson.Conclusion: To wrap up the lesson, have a fruit tasting activity where students can try different fruits and describe howthey taste. Encourage them to use English words like sweet, sour, juicy, and delicious to express their opinions. It's a tasty way to end the lesson on a fun and interactive note.I hope you enjoy this fruity English lesson plan and have fun learning about fruits! Remember to eat your fruits every day for a healthy and happy life. Good luck and have a great time learning English!篇2Hello everyone, today I'm going to share with you a fun English lesson about fruits! Fruits are not only yummy to eat, but they are also important for our health. Let's dive into the world of fruits together!First, let's learn some common fruits in English. Repeat after me: apple, banana, orange, strawberry, watermelon, pineapple, and grape. Great job!Now, let's play a game called "Guess the Fruit". I will describe a fruit and you have to guess what it is. Are you ready? Okay, here we go!1. It is red and juicy. You can find it in many countries and it's great for making apple pies.- Did you guess apple? You're right!2. It is yellow and long. Monkeys love to eat it and it's a great snack for us too.- Did you guess banana? Good job!3. It is orange and round. It's a citrus fruit and full of Vitamin C.- Did you guess orange? Well done!4. It is small and red. It's perfect for topping on desserts like ice cream.- Did you guess strawberry? Awesome!5. It is green on the outside and red on the inside. It's super refreshing to eat on a hot day.- Did you guess watermelon? Fantastic!6. It is spikey on the outside and sweet on the inside. It grows in tropical regions.- Did you guess pineapple? Excellent!7. It is small and comes in bunches. It can be red, green, or purple in color.- Did you guess grape? Wonderful!Now that we've learned about different fruits, let's practice using them in sentences. For example, "I like to eat bananas for breakfast" or "My favorite fruit is watermelon because it's so juicy".I hope you had fun learning about fruits today. Remember to eat plenty of fruits every day to stay healthy and strong. Keep up the good work and I'll see you next time for more English fun! Bye-bye!篇3Title: Fun Fruits LessonHi everyone! Today we are going to have a super fun lesson all about fruits! Fruits are not only healthy for us, but they are also super yummy! Are you ready to learn all about them? Let's get started!First, let's talk about the different types of fruits. There are so many fruits out there, like apples, bananas, oranges, grapes, strawberries, watermelons, and so much more! Each fruit is unique and has its own special taste and color.Next, let's learn some fun facts about fruits. Did you know that apples are a great source of fiber? Or that bananas arepacked with potassium? It's amazing how fruits can help keep our bodies healthy and strong.Now, let's play a game! I'm going to say the name of a fruit, and you have to guess what color it is. For example, apples are red, bananas are yellow, and oranges are orange. Are you ready to play? Let's go!1. Apple - red2. Banana - yellow3. Orange - orange4. Grape - purple5. Strawberry - red6. Watermelon - green and redGreat job, everyone! You all did amazing at guessing the colors of the fruits. Now, let's practice saying the names of the fruits in English. Repeat after me: apple, banana, orange, grape, strawberry, watermelon.I hope you had a blast learning all about fruits today. Remember to eat your fruits every day to stay healthy and strong. See you next time! Bye bye!篇4Hello everyone! Today I’m going to teach you all about fruits in English. Fruits are yummy and healthy, so it’s important to know the names of different fruits in English. Are you ready? Let’s get started!First, let’s learn the names of some common fruits in English:- Apple- Banana- Orange- Grapes- Pineapple- Watermelon- Strawberry- Pear- Cherry- MangoNow, let’s practice saying the names of these fruits together. Repeat after me: “Apple, Banana, Orange, Grapes, Pineapple, Watermelon, Strawberry, Pear, Cherry, Mango.” Great job!Next, let’s learn some sentences about frui ts:- I like apples.- She loves bananas.- He is eating an orange.- We enjoy eating grapes.- They are sharing a pineapple.- I want some watermelon.- She picked some strawberries.- He has a juicy pear.- They are eating cherries.- We are cutting a mango.Now, let’s play a game! I’m going to describe a fruit, and you have to guess what it is. Are you ready? Here we go!1. It’s red and round. It’s crunchy and sweet. What is it? (Apple)2. It’s long and yellow. You can peel it and eat it. What is it? (Banana)3. It’s orange and juicy. You can peel it and eat the segments. What is it? (Orange)4. It’s small and purple. You can eat them one by one. What is it? (Grapes)5. It’s tropical and spik y on the outside. What is it? (Pineapple)Great job, everyone! You did an awesome job learning about fruits in English. Remember to eat lots of fruits to stay healthy and strong. See you next time! Bye!篇5Title: Let's Learn About Fruits!Hey kids! Today, we're going to have a super fun lesson about fruits! Fruits are not only yummy to eat, but they are also really good for our bodies. They give us lots of energy and help us stay healthy and strong.First, let's start with some common fruits that you might already know. Do you like apples? They are crunchy and tasty. Apples come in different colors like red, green, and yellow. They are good for our teeth and give us Vitamin C.Next, let's talk about bananas. Bananas are a great source of potassium, which is important for our muscles and bones. They are easy to peel and eat, making them a perfect snack for busy days.How about oranges? Oranges are full of Vitamin C, which helps us fight off colds and stay healthy. They are juicy and sweet, perfect for a refreshing treat on a hot day.Do you know what a strawberry looks like? Strawberries are red and heart-shaped. They are packed with antioxidants and fiber, which are great for our digestion and skin.Now, let's learn about some exotic fruits like mangoes and pineapple. Mangoes are sweet and juicy, and they come in a beautiful golden color. Pineapples are prickly on the outside but sweet and tangy on the inside. They are delicious in smoothies and salads.Remember to eat a variety of fruits every day to get all the different nutrients you need. And don't forget to drink water to stay hydrated!I hope you had fun learning about fruits today. Let's go out and enjoy some fruity snacks together! Yum yum!篇6Hello everyone! Today I'm going to teach you all about fruits in English! Fruits are yummy and healthy snacks that give us lots of vitamins and energy. Are you ready to learn all about them? Let's get started!First, let's talk about some common fruits you may know. There are apples, bananas, oranges, grapes, strawberries, and watermelons. These fruits are all delicious and good for you. Do you have a favorite fruit? Why do you like it?Next, let's learn some new fruits that you may not have heard of. There are kiwis, mangoes, pineapples, and papayas. These fruits may look funny on the outside, but they taste so good on the inside! Have you ever tried any of these fruits before?Now, let's learn some important words related to fruits. "Fruit" is the general word for all kinds of fruits. "Apple" is a red or green fruit that grows on a tree. "Banana" is a yellow fruit that you peel before eating. "Orange" is a round fruit with a thick skin that you have to peel. "Grape" is a small fruit that grows in clusters. "Strawberry" is a red fruit with lots of little seeds on the outside. "Watermelon" is a big fruit with lots of juicy red inside.I hope you learned a lot about fruits today! Remember to eat lots of fruits every day to stay healthy and strong. See you next time! Bye bye!。

二年级下英语教案-Unit 3 Lesson 16 Fruits 冀教版(一起)

二年级下英语教案-Unit 3 Lesson 16 Fruits 冀教版(一起)

Unit 3 Food and DrinkLesson 16【教学目标】(一)知识目标:学生能够认读、理解和运用下列词汇: fruit.(二)能力目标:能够在真实的环境中表达自己的需求.(三)情感目标:初步了解中各种水果.【教学重难点】学生能够认读、理解和运用下列用语:Do you like grapes? Yes, I love grapes.What do you like? I like bananas.【教学准备】课件,光盘,图片.【教学过程】Ⅰ.开始上课和复习.Class opening and review.学生进教室的时候分发给他们上节课的食物和饮料图片,一边发一边问候他们说: Hello vegetable, meat, juice等等.让学生与其他学生分享进教室时教师给他们的食物或者饮料图片.告诉学生看四面墙的标记.它们是: fruit, meat, rice, noodle, drink, vegetable.Ⅱ.课文导入.Lesson hook.请同学们打开课本.这节课我们将学习有关水果的词汇.大家准备好了吗?新概念New concepts:1.Listen and say!这些是我们今天将要学习的水果:pear, grape, apple, banana.两个新的,两个旧的.那两个是旧的呢?是的,我们以前见过apple和grape.指着词汇逐词朗读,让学生跟读.谈论课本的图片.大家认为他们在谈论什么?他们在说什么?让我们一起找出答案.播放录音让学生跟读.播放2—3遍录音,听每一个学生的发音,根据需要帮助他们.新句型:Do you like grapes?Yes, I love grapes.Do you like pears?No, I don’t like pears.What do you like?I like bananas.(1)演示:拿出水果词汇卡片和图片,让学生合上书,把词汇卡片和图片贴在黑板上.让几位学生把相应的词汇和图片连线,给有困难的学生线索帮他们完成.(2)练习:一对一活动:学生可以结对联系以下对话.学生甲: Do you like grapes?学生乙: Yes, I love grapes.学生甲: Do you like pears?学生乙: No, I don’t like pears.学生甲: What do you like?学生乙: I like bananas.变换角色拓展这个活动.2.Let’s do it!请同学们看黑板上的这些图片.指名并说: Stand up, please.指着图片问学生:请同学们打开书.Ⅲ.Look and talk跟学生谈论这些图片,然后在教室边走动,边让学生用一下两个对话交谈,I like 接食物.I like 接饮料.I’m hungry.I like…I’m thirsty.I like…【板书设计】FruitsDo you like pears?No, I don’t like pears.What do you like?I like bananas.。

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