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Unit 4 Buying fruit

Lesson aims:

1, Listen to understand, speak, read, and session spelled words apples, oranges, bananas, peaches, grapes,watermelons, pears, some 。

2 , Listen to understand, say, conversational reading words pineapples, lemons, strawberries, mangoes 。 3, listen to understand, said that the sentenceWhat are these/those? Apples. Good.

4, Correctly understand and grasp the dialogue, and with the correct pronunciation and intonation read and act out the dialogue.

Teaching aids:

1, Teaching preparation: Word picture and Word cards, about the fruit kind, tape recorder, tape.

2, Student preparation: each person with some fruit.

Teaching procedures:


1、 Greeting

2 、 Sing a song :《 They sing happily 》。

Step2:Presentation and practice

1、The teacher to produce apple , it's ... Introducing AppleThere are one/two... Teach words.

2、With law teaching the word oranges, bananas, peaches, grapes, watermelons, pears.

3、 Play a game : What's missing? On the teacher PPT Produce a

list of words and ask What's missing? :

Step3 :Work in pairs

1, (Students look at the picture) the teacher What are

these/those? Asked studentsSom e ... Answers

2 . Deskmate duo using fruit in kind What are these/those? Ask andSom e ... Answers Dialogue, performances.

Step4:Listen and draw.

Teacher one student describes the physical, the remaining students painted.

Step4 : Homework:

? Copying word 3 times.

?? Read and write the words.

? ? ? According to the text content, adapting a dialog.


一、Topic课题:Unit 4 Would you like some apples?

二、 Teaching Aims教学目标:


1. To help students learn to use these phrases: a cup of… a

glass of … a bag of …

2. Review and consolidate the vocabulary about food, drink and fruits.

3. Through studying the text to help the students to comprehend the story and try to retell.

能力目标(Ability ):

To further develop (转载于: 博文学习网:

小学水果英语教案)student’s ability to practice in pairs and work in groups.


Stimulate student’s interest in learning English.

三、Key& Important items教学重、难点

Key words:

Love, grapes, tomato, popcorn, bowl, pasta, cheese. Sandwiches, burgers, stomach, maybe, sick, parents, worry, ice, soup, coca-cola, lemonade.

Communication sentences:

Would you like some apples?

Yes, I’d like to. No, thank you.

What does the man want to have?

Which room does the man choose?

What pets does the woman want?

四、Materials for Teaching教具准备


food(grapes, small tomatoes, popcorns)

word cards

cup, glasses, bottle, schoolbag, bowl, box

五、Pre-study Demands 预习要求
