
It’s made of used wood and grass.
4. What is the painting made from?
It’s made from grass, leaves and flowers.
Nick: Hey Marcus, have you heard about the art and science ? Marcus: You mean the one just outside the ? Nick: Yeah, that’s the one. The school notice says that all students are to attend . Our school is paying for it! Marcus: Wow, that’s great! Nick: I went there yesterday. Marcus: Did you see anything cool? Nick: Of course! All the works there by university students. Marcus: What did you see? Nick: I saw a huge . It’s made of used and .I also saw a really beautiful . It’s made from , and . Marcus: Oh,yeah, the fair is about environmental and ,right? Nick: Yes, and the students some really interesting and creative ideas.
Look and say
The model plane is made of _________ used wood . and glass
4. What is the painting made from?
It’s made from grass, leaves and flowers.
Nick: Hey Marcus, have you heard about the art and science ? Marcus: You mean the one just outside the ? Nick: Yeah, that’s the one. The school notice says that all students are to attend . Our school is paying for it! Marcus: Wow, that’s great! Nick: I went there yesterday. Marcus: Did you see anything cool? Nick: Of course! All the works there by university students. Marcus: What did you see? Nick: I saw a huge . It’s made of used and .I also saw a really beautiful . It’s made from , and . Marcus: Oh,yeah, the fair is about environmental and ,right? Nick: Yes, and the students some really interesting and creative ideas.
Look and say
The model plane is made of _________ used wood . and glass
人教版九年级英语上册课件:Unit 5 单元话题阅读与写作课件 (共10张PPT)

ng) 是中国最流行的传统的民间艺术形式 之一。中国剪纸有一千五百多年的历史,在明朝和清朝时期 (the Ming and Qing Dynasties)特别流行。
人们常用剪纸美化居家环境。特别是在春节和婚庆期间, 剪纸被用来装饰门窗和房间,以增加喜庆的气氛。剪纸最常 用的颜色是红色,象征健康和兴旺。中国剪纸在世界各地都 很受欢迎,经常被用作馈赠外国友人的礼物。
_p_le_a_s_a_n_t_a_t_m__o_s_p_h_e_r_e._T__h_e_c_o_l_o_r_m__o_st__fr_e_q_u_e_n_t_ly__u_s_e_d_i_n__p_a_per _c_u_tt_i_n_g_i_s_r_e_d_,__w_h__ic_h__sy_m__b_o_l_iz_e_s_h_e_a_l_t_h_a_n_d__p_r_o_s_p_e_r_it_y_. ___ _C_h_i_n_e_s_e_p_a_p_e_r__cu__tt_in__g_s _a_r_e_v_e_r_y_p_o_p__u_la_r__a_ro_u__n_d_t_h_e_w__o_r_ld__ _a_n_d__th_e_y__a_r_e_o_f_te_n__g_iv_e_n__a_s_p_r_e_s_e_n_ts__to__f_o_re_i_g_n_f_r_i_en__d_s._____
写作指导 一、当我们介绍某物时,我们需要更多的细节信息,通常 用上“be made of/from/in/by...be used for...”等句式。请你 根据上面短文内容造句。 1. be made of:T_h_e_c_l_o_th__t_ig_e_r_i_s_u_s_u_a_ll_y_m__a_d_e_o_f_c_o_t_to_n__o_r_s_il_k_. 2. be made in:___T_h_e_c_l_o_t_h_t_ig_e_r__is_m__a_d_e__in__C_h_i_n_a___. 3. be made by:_T_h_e__c_lo_t_h_t_i_g_er__is__m_a_d_e__b_y_C__h_i_n_e_se__p_e_o_p_le_. 4. be used for:_T_h_e__cl_o_t_h_t_i_g_er__is__u_se_d__f_o_r_w_a_r_d_i_n_g__o_ff_e_v_i_ls
人们常用剪纸美化居家环境。特别是在春节和婚庆期间, 剪纸被用来装饰门窗和房间,以增加喜庆的气氛。剪纸最常 用的颜色是红色,象征健康和兴旺。中国剪纸在世界各地都 很受欢迎,经常被用作馈赠外国友人的礼物。
_p_le_a_s_a_n_t_a_t_m__o_s_p_h_e_r_e._T__h_e_c_o_l_o_r_m__o_st__fr_e_q_u_e_n_t_ly__u_s_e_d_i_n__p_a_per _c_u_tt_i_n_g_i_s_r_e_d_,__w_h__ic_h__sy_m__b_o_l_iz_e_s_h_e_a_l_t_h_a_n_d__p_r_o_s_p_e_r_it_y_. ___ _C_h_i_n_e_s_e_p_a_p_e_r__cu__tt_in__g_s _a_r_e_v_e_r_y_p_o_p__u_la_r__a_ro_u__n_d_t_h_e_w__o_r_ld__ _a_n_d__th_e_y__a_r_e_o_f_te_n__g_iv_e_n__a_s_p_r_e_s_e_n_ts__to__f_o_re_i_g_n_f_r_i_en__d_s._____
写作指导 一、当我们介绍某物时,我们需要更多的细节信息,通常 用上“be made of/from/in/by...be used for...”等句式。请你 根据上面短文内容造句。 1. be made of:T_h_e_c_l_o_th__t_ig_e_r_i_s_u_s_u_a_ll_y_m__a_d_e_o_f_c_o_t_to_n__o_r_s_il_k_. 2. be made in:___T_h_e_c_l_o_t_h_t_ig_e_r__is_m__a_d_e__in__C_h_i_n_a___. 3. be made by:_T_h_e__c_lo_t_h_t_i_g_er__is__m_a_d_e__b_y_C__h_i_n_e_se__p_e_o_p_le_. 4. be used for:_T_h_e__cl_o_t_h_t_i_g_er__is__u_se_d__f_o_r_w_a_r_d_i_n_g__o_ff_e_v_i_ls
人教版九年级英语全一册第五单元unit-5-What are the shirts made of -课件

Unit 5
What are the shirts made of?
Section A 1a-1c
➢ Objectives
1. To learn to understand and use the passive voice(present tense) be + v (ed).
What are these things usually made of?
It is made of … / They are made of …
1a What are these things usually made of ?Match them with the materials. More than one answer is possible.
What are these things? Say the names in English.
What are these things? Say the names in English.
gold bars
What are these things? Say the names in English.
Yes, and it was made in Thailand.
1c Practice the conversation in 1a. Then make conversations using the information in 1b.
This ring looks nice. Is it made of silver?
Hmm…yes, I think it’s quite pretty. Is it made of silver?
Unit 5
What are the shirts made of?
Section A 1a-1c
➢ Objectives
1. To learn to understand and use the passive voice(present tense) be + v (ed).
What are these things usually made of?
It is made of … / They are made of …
1a What are these things usually made of ?Match them with the materials. More than one answer is possible.
What are these things? Say the names in English.
What are these things? Say the names in English.
gold bars
What are these things? Say the names in English.
Yes, and it was made in Thailand.
1c Practice the conversation in 1a. Then make conversations using the information in 1b.
This ring looks nice. Is it made of silver?
Hmm…yes, I think it’s quite pretty. Is it made of silver?

1. chopsticks 2. window a. wood b. gold
3. coin
4. stamp c. silver e. paper
5. fork
6. blouse f. silk g. glass
Hey, do you think this ring looks OK?
使用说明:点击对应课时,就会跳 转到相应章节内容,方便使用。
➢ Objectives
1. To learn to understand and use the passive voice(present tense) be + v (ed).
2. To learn to listen for the details. 3.To learn to talk about what products are made of
Yes, and it is made in America.
dress cotton Japan What is the ... made of? It was made of... Where was the ... made? It was made in...
This shirt feels comfortable. Is it made of cotton?
Yes, and it is made in Japan.
chair wood Korea What is the ... made of?
It was made of...
Where was the ... made?
It was made in...
These shirts feel comfortable. Are they made of cotton?

-Whose book is this ? -It_m__u_s_t_ be Mary’s. (=It must belong to Mary)
Because Hemingway is her favony
John Tony
-Whose football is this ? -It could\might be( could\might blong to ) John and Tony’ s. They like playing football.
MMiissss YYaanngg
Whose … is this ?
It must be sb’s.
belong to sb. It could /might be sb’s.
belong to sb. It can’t be sb’s.
belong to sb.
must 100%
probably true
could 20%-80% might possibly true
can’t almost not true
Whose football is it?
It might\could beJim’s.He loves playing football.
Ann Whose backpack is it?
She must be a teacher.
What does he do?
He could/might be a _w_o_rk_er_\_famer \doctor
He must be a doctor. He is a doctor.
Grammar Focus
Because Hemingway is her favony
John Tony
-Whose football is this ? -It could\might be( could\might blong to ) John and Tony’ s. They like playing football.
MMiissss YYaanngg
Whose … is this ?
It must be sb’s.
belong to sb. It could /might be sb’s.
belong to sb. It can’t be sb’s.
belong to sb.
must 100%
probably true
could 20%-80% might possibly true
can’t almost not true
Whose football is it?
It might\could beJim’s.He loves playing football.
Ann Whose backpack is it?
She must be a teacher.
What does he do?
He could/might be a _w_o_rk_er_\_famer \doctor
He must be a doctor. He is a doctor.
Grammar Focus
人教版英语九年级全册 Unit 5 单元巩固与复习 课件(共27张PPT)

Unit 5 What are the shirts made of?
01. 单 词 02. 词 组 03. 句 型
单词的发音和 词性巩固
归纳不同的短 语类型
壹 单词发音与词性
chopsticks [ˌtʃɔpstiks] n. 筷子 coin [kɔin] n. 硬币 fork [fɔ:k] n. 餐叉,叉子 blouse [blauz] n.(女士)短上衣;衬衫 sliver [silvə] n. 银,银器; adj.银色的 glass [glas] n .玻璃 cotton ['kɒtn] ['kɑ:tn] n. 棉;棉花 steel [sti:l] n. 钢;钢铁 fair [feə(r)] [fer] n.展览会;交易会 adj.公平的 product [ˈprɒdʌkt][ˈprɑ:dʌkt] n. 产品;制品 France [fra:ns], [fræ ns] n.法国 Germany [ˈdʒə:(r)məni] n. 德国 surface [sə:(r)fis] n. 表面;表层 material [məˈtiəriəl] n. 材料;原料
不论;无论 例如 用手 最后一个星期五 在高温下 在山腰上
no matter such as by hand on the last friday of each month at a very high heat on the sides of mountains
叁句 子 巩 固
products were made in those countries. 4. 国际风筝节是在每年的四月举行。 The international kite festival is held in April every year. 5. 劳拉不知道放飞风筝可能会如此令人兴奋。 Laura didn’t know that kite flying could be so exciting.
01. 单 词 02. 词 组 03. 句 型
单词的发音和 词性巩固
归纳不同的短 语类型
壹 单词发音与词性
chopsticks [ˌtʃɔpstiks] n. 筷子 coin [kɔin] n. 硬币 fork [fɔ:k] n. 餐叉,叉子 blouse [blauz] n.(女士)短上衣;衬衫 sliver [silvə] n. 银,银器; adj.银色的 glass [glas] n .玻璃 cotton ['kɒtn] ['kɑ:tn] n. 棉;棉花 steel [sti:l] n. 钢;钢铁 fair [feə(r)] [fer] n.展览会;交易会 adj.公平的 product [ˈprɒdʌkt][ˈprɑ:dʌkt] n. 产品;制品 France [fra:ns], [fræ ns] n.法国 Germany [ˈdʒə:(r)məni] n. 德国 surface [sə:(r)fis] n. 表面;表层 material [məˈtiəriəl] n. 材料;原料
不论;无论 例如 用手 最后一个星期五 在高温下 在山腰上
no matter such as by hand on the last friday of each month at a very high heat on the sides of mountains
叁句 子 巩 固
products were made in those countries. 4. 国际风筝节是在每年的四月举行。 The international kite festival is held in April every year. 5. 劳拉不知道放飞风筝可能会如此令人兴奋。 Laura didn’t know that kite flying could be so exciting.

2.古典音乐 2.classical music
3.实在太….. 3.much too
4.在会 4.at an appointment
5.占据,构成…. 5.make up
14 chase: v. chase sb/ sth
15 catch: v. caught catch up with sb 追赶上某人 catch a cold =have a cold 抓住 catch sb / sth
16 interview:v. 采访,面试 (sb)
interviewee 被接见者; 被采访者 17.noise .n.意in为te噪rvi音ew,e喧r 接闹见讲者时;,采为不 可数名词,访作者某种声音讲时为可数名词 make ~
12 worried: adj. get/feel/be worried about sth worry: 1) v. worry about
2)n. 烦恼,忧虑
13.own: adj. 自己的 one’s own sth v. =have 拥有 do sth on one’s own= do sth by oneself 自己做、、、、 owner n.所有者 the owner of sth
8. crucial: adj. 至关重要的
~ time/~ points be ~ to sb 对某人至关重要 The result is ~to everyone. It’s ~ that … 至关重要的是… It's crucial that we get this right.
9.make up
p retend to be doing假装正在做某事
Sometimes the boy pretended to be asleep. He pretended to be reading.
3.实在太….. 3.much too
4.在会 4.at an appointment
5.占据,构成…. 5.make up
14 chase: v. chase sb/ sth
15 catch: v. caught catch up with sb 追赶上某人 catch a cold =have a cold 抓住 catch sb / sth
16 interview:v. 采访,面试 (sb)
interviewee 被接见者; 被采访者 17.noise .n.意in为te噪rvi音ew,e喧r 接闹见讲者时;,采为不 可数名词,访作者某种声音讲时为可数名词 make ~
12 worried: adj. get/feel/be worried about sth worry: 1) v. worry about
2)n. 烦恼,忧虑
13.own: adj. 自己的 one’s own sth v. =have 拥有 do sth on one’s own= do sth by oneself 自己做、、、、 owner n.所有者 the owner of sth
8. crucial: adj. 至关重要的
~ time/~ points be ~ to sb 对某人至关重要 The result is ~to everyone. It’s ~ that … 至关重要的是… It's crucial that we get this right.
9.make up
p retend to be doing假装正在做某事
Sometimes the boy pretended to be asleep. He pretended to be reading.

• Ⅱ.重点短语 • 1.be made of/from 由……制成 • 2.be made in 在某地被制造 • 3.the art and science fair科学艺术展 • 4.be famous for/be known for以……闻
• 4.No matter what you may buy,you might think those products were made in those countries.
• 无论你买什么,你也许会认为那些产品 是在那些国家制造的。
• 5.The international kite festival is held in April every year.
• 48.classic films 经典电影
• Ⅲ.经典句型 • 1.Is it made of silver?它是由银制成的
• 2.It was made in Thailand. 它是在泰 国制造的。
• 3.What is the painting made from? • 颜料是由什么制成的?
• 5.both in the past and now 在过去和现 在
• 6.as far as I know 就我所知…… • 7.on the sides of mountains 在山坡上
• 8.pick by hand亲手采摘 • 9.be good for对……有好处 • 10.no matter 不论;无论 • 11.things made in China 中国制造的东
些善于独立思考的人,给那些具有锲而不舍的人。2024年11月上午12时3分24.11.1200:03November 12, 2024 • 3、书籍—通过心灵观察世界的窗口.住宅里没有书,犹如房间里没有窗户。2024年11月12日星期二12时3分47秒00:03:4712 November 2024
• Ⅱ.重点短语 • 1.be made of/from 由……制成 • 2.be made in 在某地被制造 • 3.the art and science fair科学艺术展 • 4.be famous for/be known for以……闻
• 4.No matter what you may buy,you might think those products were made in those countries.
• 无论你买什么,你也许会认为那些产品 是在那些国家制造的。
• 5.The international kite festival is held in April every year.
• 48.classic films 经典电影
• Ⅲ.经典句型 • 1.Is it made of silver?它是由银制成的
• 2.It was made in Thailand. 它是在泰 国制造的。
• 3.What is the painting made from? • 颜料是由什么制成的?
• 5.both in the past and now 在过去和现 在
• 6.as far as I know 就我所知…… • 7.on the sides of mountains 在山坡上
• 8.pick by hand亲手采摘 • 9.be good for对……有好处 • 10.no matter 不论;无论 • 11.things made in China 中国制造的东
些善于独立思考的人,给那些具有锲而不舍的人。2024年11月上午12时3分24.11.1200:03November 12, 2024 • 3、书籍—通过心灵观察世界的窗口.住宅里没有书,犹如房间里没有窗户。2024年11月12日星期二12时3分47秒00:03:4712 November 2024
人教九年级英语上册课件:Unit 5 单元写作(共11张PPT)

【典型案例】 假如你是张明,你的奶奶是你们家乡民间剪纸老艺人,80 多岁了,身体健 康,喜欢剪纸艺术,这种剪纸在你们家乡很受欢迎,多用于结婚庆典或节日, 用于装饰窗户或门,烘托喜庆气氛。根据所给提示写一篇短文,介绍一下你 的奶奶和剪纸艺术,希望人们喜欢这种艺术。可以适当发挥。 提示词:folk artisan 民间艺人,scissors 剪刀,engraving knife 雕刻刀,set off 衬托,festival atmosphere 节日气氛,wedding ceremonies 结婚庆典,festival 节日,decorate 装饰
I hope you also love the traditional art.
【名师点评】 作者把作文分层来写,首先介绍奶奶老当益壮的情况,接着介绍剪纸,最后 希望人们喜欢剪纸艺术,显得层次分明,段落合理,句式富于变化,语言较 为丰富和地道,语句通顺连贯,特别是被动语态(are found)使用规范,表现 了作者较高的英语水平,堪称一篇佳作。
【热点作文演练】 随着中国经济的腾飞,越来越多的中国人意识到保护非物质文化遗产的重要 性。请你以“Chinese Xuan Paper”为题,写一篇 120 词左右的英语文章,介绍 中国宣纸。 参考词汇:稻草 rice straw;书画 calligraphy and painting;文人墨客 poets and writers;气味 smell;青檀 qingtan;工序 procedure
【思路点拨】 1.时态:一般现在时。 2.人称:第一人称。 3.写作思路:本文介绍老艺人奶奶和她的剪纸,首先介绍奶奶的情况,接 着介绍剪纸艺术,最后希望人们喜欢剪纸艺术。 4.注意事项:合理使用被动语态,注意分层来写。
【范文】 My grandmother is a folk artisan.Although she is over 80,she is very
人教版九年级英语上册Unit 5 单元课件(完整版)

1. chopsticks 2. window a. wood b. gold
3. coin
4. stamp c. silver e. paper
5. fork
6. blouse f. silk g. glass
Hey, do you think this ring looks OK?
Things Made of Made in
shirts chopsticks
cotton silver steel
Korea Thailand Amirts feel comfortable. Are they made of cotton?
Yes, and they were made in America.
Yes, and it is made in Japan.
chair wood Korea What is the ... made of?
It was made of...
Where was the ... made?
It was made in...
These shirts feel comfortable. Are they made of cotton?
and where they are made.
What are these things? Say the names in English.
What are these things? Say the names in English.
What are these things? Say the names in English.
人教版九年级英语上册unit 5单元课件(139张PPT)

Section A Period One
Words Review
chopstick coin fork silver glass blouse cotton steel fair grass
n. 筷子 n. 硬币 n. 餐叉;叉子 n. 银;银器 adj. 银色的 n. 玻璃 n. (女士)短上衣;衬衫 n. 棉;棉花 n. 钢;钢铁 n. 展览会;交易会 n. 草;草地
Words Review
environmental adj. 自然环境的;有关环 境的 leaf pl. (leaves) n. 叶;叶子 produce v. 生产;制造;出产 widely adv. 广泛地;普遍地 be known for 以......闻名;为人知晓 process v. 加工;处理 n. 玻璃 pack v. 包装;装箱
3. What is the planeand made of? It‟s made ofmodel used wood grass.
4. What is the painting made from? It‟s made from grass, leaves and flowers.
Make conversations using the 2c information in 2a and 2b.
cotton chair bag America Korea
1c This This chair bag looks isthe conversations Practice in it‟s Yes, and good. IsThen it made 1a. make conversations made in using the information in 1b. of of cotton? wood? America. Korea.
Words Review
chopstick coin fork silver glass blouse cotton steel fair grass
n. 筷子 n. 硬币 n. 餐叉;叉子 n. 银;银器 adj. 银色的 n. 玻璃 n. (女士)短上衣;衬衫 n. 棉;棉花 n. 钢;钢铁 n. 展览会;交易会 n. 草;草地
Words Review
environmental adj. 自然环境的;有关环 境的 leaf pl. (leaves) n. 叶;叶子 produce v. 生产;制造;出产 widely adv. 广泛地;普遍地 be known for 以......闻名;为人知晓 process v. 加工;处理 n. 玻璃 pack v. 包装;装箱
3. What is the planeand made of? It‟s made ofmodel used wood grass.
4. What is the painting made from? It‟s made from grass, leaves and flowers.
Make conversations using the 2c information in 2a and 2b.
cotton chair bag America Korea
1c This This chair bag looks isthe conversations Practice in it‟s Yes, and good. IsThen it made 1a. make conversations made in using the information in 1b. of of cotton? wood? America. Korea.
人教版英语九年级上册第五单元Unit 5课件PPT

done 做 done
必须 被 must be
做 done
把字句改成被字句你会了吗? Xiaoming encourages me to learn math. Xiaoming invited me to his birthday party. Someone must clean the classroom every day.
重难点 短语动词是整体,adv./prep.不可在被动中被
The children is well looked after in the kindergarten . The teacher should be listened to carefully in the class.
重难点 短语动词是整体,adv./prep.不可在被动中被
want/need/require doing相当于want/need/ require +to be done 如:
The library needs cleaning. =The library needs to be cleaned. 图书馆需 要打扫了。
Thank you
am/is/are being
were been
一般现在时的被动 am/is/are + done
一般过去时的被动 was/were + done
1. Xiaoming bite the dog every day. 12 3 The dog is bitten by Xiaoming every day.
4.必考—— It 作形式宾 语
• I find it pleasant to work with him. • They feel it difficult to finish the work in a short time. • She think it easy to learn English.

▪ product
n.产品;制品 produce生产
▪ handbag
n. 小手提包
▪ mobile
可移动的;mobile phone 手机
▪ Germany 德国—Germans德国人
▪ Search for
1 even if = even though
2 a pair of
hand and then are sent for processing. Pam: What happens next? Liu Jun: The tea is packed and sent to many
different countries and places around China. Pam: It seems that many people all over the world drink Chinese tea. Liu Jun: Yes, people say that tea is good for both health and business!
Pam: Where is tea produced in China? Liu Jun: Well, in many different areas. For
example, Anxi and Hangzhou are widely known for their tea. Pam: How is tea produced? Liu Jun: Well, as far as I know, tea plants are grown on the sides of mountains. When the leaves are ready, they are picked by
Unit 5(单元解读课件)-九年级英语全一册同步备课系列(人教版)

教材板 语 块篇 形 式
第三课 表
Section 与
(Gramm 习
本课内容是义务教育教科书 人教版英语九年级第五单元 第三课语法课。4a活动突出 重点,即被动语态的基本构 成be+done, 这一练习既关注 语言形式,也关注被动语态 的表意功能;4b将主动语态 改为被动语态,旨在突破重 难点。4c让学生通过口头表 达方式再次在实践中巩固被 动语态的学习,将其转变成 语言运用能力。
2 主题语境:
主题范畴:人与社会 主题群:历史,社会与文化 子主题内容:跨文化沟通与交流, 艺术形式中的文化价值和作品赏析, 身份认同与文化自信
3 主题意义:
了解文化特色 提升文化自信 传承传播文化
能正确运用一般现在时的被动 语态谈论产品是由什么制造, 什么时候制造的等。
01 What:谈论中国的物产
第六节Section B 3a-Self Check
第五课时 第六课时
1.通过阅读文章首段的大致介绍和插图,能够 把握文章整体结构和段落大意。 2.能够运用一系列阅读技巧有效提高阅读技能, 了解文章结构特点。
1.掌握本课单词,复习本单元重点单词、短语、 句型。 2.运用一般现在时态的被动语态写作文。

Self Check
1 List some things you use every day. Write down what
they are made of/from and where they were made.
Made of/from
Made in
blanket pencil bag calculator chopsticks
paper cutting Chinese clay
Beauty In Common Things 普通事物中的美
Talk about the things.
What the product is What it is made of/from Who it is made by Where it is made What it is used for Why it is special
kite bamboo/plastic/silk by workers in Shangdong playing and watching international kite festival
Talk about the things.
What the product is
How it is produced Who it is made by Where it is made What it is used for Why it is special
Tanghulu is a popular traditional snack in north China. Traditionally, people only 1._u_s_e_ (use) haws(山楂果) to make Tanghulua.rHeapwust 2._________ (put) on a thin banboo stick(棍). Thenartheecyovered 3._________(cover) with melted sugar. But

fair n. an event at which people or businesses show and sell products
a book fair 书市 a trade fair 交易会
Listen and check (√) the main topic of Nick and Marcus’ conversation.
What happens next?
The tea is packed and sent to many different countries and places around China.
It seems that many people all over the world drink Chinese tea.
Listen again and mark true or false.
1. The art and science fair is just inside the science museum.
2. The fair is mainly about planes and paintings.
3. All the works at the fair were made by university students.
Yes, people say that tea is good for both health and business!
1. What is the model plane made of?
What is the painting made from? be made of与be made from 辨析 两词组都是“由……制成的”之意。 be made of指从原料到制成品只发生 了形状变化,没有发生本质变化(属物 理变化)。
a book fair 书市 a trade fair 交易会
Listen and check (√) the main topic of Nick and Marcus’ conversation.
What happens next?
The tea is packed and sent to many different countries and places around China.
It seems that many people all over the world drink Chinese tea.
Listen again and mark true or false.
1. The art and science fair is just inside the science museum.
2. The fair is mainly about planes and paintings.
3. All the works at the fair were made by university students.
Yes, people say that tea is good for both health and business!
1. What is the model plane made of?
What is the painting made from? be made of与be made from 辨析 两词组都是“由……制成的”之意。 be made of指从原料到制成品只发生 了形状变化,没有发生本质变化(属物 理变化)。
人教版九年级英语上册课件:Unit 5 单元写作(共11张PPT)

【典型案例】 假如你是张明,你的奶奶是你们家乡民间剪纸老艺人,80 多岁了,身体健 康,喜欢剪纸艺术,这种剪纸在你们家乡很受欢迎,多用于结婚庆典或节日, 用于装饰窗户或门,烘托喜庆气氛。根据所给提示写一篇短文,介绍一下你 的奶奶和剪纸艺术,希望人们喜欢这种艺术。可以适当发挥。 提示词:folk artisan 民间艺人,scissors 剪刀,engraving knife 雕刻刀,set off 衬托,festival atmosphere 节日气氛,wedding ceremonies 结婚庆典,festival 节日,decorate 装饰
Place Materials used How to make Be used for
More information
安徽泾县 竹子,青檀,稻草 手工制作,十八道工序,约一年时间 最好的书画用纸 植物的气味,深受文人墨客喜爱,久存 不坏,越久越珍贵 盛于唐朝……
Chinese Xuan Paper Chinese Xuan Paper is produced in Jing county,Anhui.It has a history over 1,000 years old.It became popular from Tang Dynasty.The best Chinese Xuan Paper is produced in Jing County,Anhui.It is made from bamboo, qingtan,rice straw and so on.It is the reason why people can smell pleasant smell of plants when using it.However,making Xuan Paper is not an easy job.It can't be made by machines but by hands only.Besides,it needs 18 procedures to make a perfect piece of Xuan Paper.So it's very common to take about one year to complete everything.
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and a reason.
Jane’s little brother
Hemingway is her favorite author.
toy car
She loves volleyball.
He was the only little kid at the picnic.
Deng Wen
She always listens to classical music.
He loves cats.
Listening text
Girl 1: Whose volleyball is this? Boy 1: It must be Carla’s. She loves volleyball. Girl 1: How about this toy car? Girl2:Oh, that toy car must belong to Jane’s
2b Listen again and fill in the blanks.
• 1. The person m__u_s__t _ go to our school.
• 2. The person c__a_n_’t__ be a boy. • 3. It _c_o_u__ld_ be Mei’s hair band. • 4. The hair band m__i_g_h_t_ belong
little brother. He was the only little kid at the picnic. And the magazine must belong to Deng Wen. He loves cats.
Boy1:Oh, and look, someone left a book. Girl 2: Oh, yeah… This book must be Mary’s. Hemingway is her favorite author. Girl 1: OK… and how about this CD? Girl 2: Hmmm… The CD must belong to Grace. She always listens to classical music.
Unit 5 It must belong to Carla.
---Whose books are these?
--- They are Kate’s. (They __b_el_o_n_g_t_o Kate).
Jim’s toy car
---Whose toy car is this?
---It belongs to Jim. ( It’s _J_i_m_’_s___ )
Whose T-shirt is this ?
It must be Tom’s.
belong to Tom.
Can this It can’t be John’s.
T-shirt be
John’s? It’s much too small for him.
to Linda. • 5. It m__u_s__t _ be Linda’s backpack.
Listening text
Bob: Oh, look! Whose backpack do you think this is?
Anna: I don’t know. Look, here’s a school T-shirt. Bob: Well then, the person must go to our school.
Oh! Here is a hair band, so the person can’t be a boy. Anna: It could be Mei’s hair band. She has long hair.
Bob: Or the hair band might belong to Linda. She was at the picnic, wasn’t she?
has long hair and she’s on the tennis team. Bob: You’re right!
Grammar Focus
Use “must” to show that you
think something is really true.
Use “might” or “could” to
Whose book is this ?
It must be xx’s. Because… belong to xxx.
It can’t be xx’s. Because… i
1b Listen and match each person with a thing
show that you think something is possibly true.
Use “can’t” to show that you
are almost sure something is not true.
It must be--- (肯定是,100%) It might/could be… (有可能,20-80%) It can’t be… (肯定不是,0%)
2a Bob and Anna found a backpack in front of their school. Listen and write down the things in the backpack.
Things in the backpack
Anna: Yes, she was. But then the backpack could belong to Rita. She’s always forgetting things.
Bob: Oh, look! Tennis balls. Anna: Then it must be Linda’s backpack. She