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1.The Romans led by Julius Caesar launched their first invasion on Britain in ___?

A 200 B.C

B 55 A.D

C 55 B.C

D 410 A.D

2.The capital of Northern Ireland is ___?

A Blefast

B Birminghan

C Edinburgh

D Cardiff

3.The statement “You can not step twice into the same river”was said by___?

A Aristotle

B Heracletus

C Socrates

D Pythagoras

4.The greatest names in European philosophy are Socrates, ___, and Aristotle, who are active in Athens in the 5th and 4th century B.C.

A Pythagoras

B Heracleitus

C Herodotus

D Plato

5.Between 1337 and 1453 the ___ took place in Britain.

A Wars of Roses

B Black Death

C Hundred Years’War

D Peasants Uprising

6.William, Duke of Normandy, fought King Harold of England at the Battle of Hastings in___.

A 1066

B 1086

C 1381

D 1035

7. The first Civil War in Britain lasted from ___ to ___.

A 1600 --- 1604

B 1640 --- 1644

C 1642 --- 1646

D 1646 --- 1650

8. ___ believed that the highest good in life was pleasure, freedom from pain and emotional upheaval.

A Cynics

B Stoics

C Sceptics

D Epieureans

9.James Watt created a ___ in 1769?

A Spinning Mule

B Steam Engine

C Power Loom

D Spinning Jenny

10.Most of the land belonging to the Saxons was confiscated by William and given to ___.

A The Danes

B the Irish

C The Norman barons

D The Scots


1. 选C。公元前55年,由Julius Caesar(恺撒领导的罗马人首次入侵Britain,而罗马人撤出大不列颠是在公元410年。

2. 选A。Belfast(贝尔法斯特北爱尔兰首府,是北爱尔兰的商业、教育、服务和娱乐中心,也是重要海湾。Birmingham(伯明翰,英格兰城市,英国第二


3. 选B。Heraclaitus(赫拉克利特,古希腊唯物主义哲学家,辩证法的奠基人之一。他认为“火”是万物的本原,一切都在流动变化之中,“人不能两次踏进同一条河”是他的名言。

4. 选D。Socrates(苏格拉底、Plato(柏拉图and Aristotle(亚里士多德是公元前5世纪到公元前4实际活跃在雅典的欧洲三大哲学家。

5. 选C。从1337---1453英法之间的战争断断续续地持续了一百年,称之为“英法百年战争”。(Hundred Years’War

6. 选A。1066年10月14日William, Duke of Normandy(诺蔓底公爵威廉在Hastings(黑斯廷斯战败英国国王Harold(哈罗德,这是英国历史上著名的诺曼征服时间(The Norman Conquest。次战役确定了诺曼人对英格兰人的统治地位。同年12月25日威廉在伦敦加冕,称William the Conqueror(征服者威廉。

7. 选C。1642英国第一次内战在查里斯国王和国会之间展开,因国王的反对者主要是清教徒,因此英国内战又称之为“清教徒革命”。

8. 选D。公元前4世纪,西方哲学四大流派:the Cynics(犬儒主义学派、the Sceptics(怀疑论学派、the Epicureans(享乐主义学派、the Stoics(斯多葛学派互相争鸣。the Epicureans(享乐主义学派认为“快乐”是人生的最大追求。

9. 选B。James Watt(詹姆斯.瓦特于1769发明了蒸汽机,蒸汽机的发明在英国的工业革命中起着重要的作用。

10.选C。多数本属于萨克逊人的土地被征服者威廉没收后送给了诺曼贵族们。(The Norman barons

1. “To know something like the palm of one’s hand” means ___?

A to understand the nature of something and be competent in the performance of them

B to understand everything without any question

C to understand only something easy

D to be thoroughly familiar with the nature and details of something

2.British English is spoken in ___?

A Great Britain

B Australia

C New Zealand

D A.B and C

3.Which of the following joined England and Scotland in 1707?

A the Act of Supremacy

B the Act of Union

C the Reform Act

D the Magana

