



导学目标:Master the basic rules of full inversion and partial inversion

导学重难点:The use of full inversion and partial inversion

学习方法: 观察、发现、识记、归类、操练


Step 1. passion show (激情回顾)


1) Never ____ Zhou yang forget his first assignment at the office of a popular English newspaper.

2)Not only __ _ I interested in photography, but I took an amateur course at university to update my skills.

3)Only if you ask many different questions ___ you acquire all the information you need to know. Step2.discussing with passion(激情研讨)

1.Tell the differences of the following sentences (观察对比下列两组例子,指出它们的语序有何不同。)

1. A tree stands in front of the classroom..

2. In front of the classroom stands a tree.

3. I had never seen such a wonderful feast before.

4. Never before had I seen such a wonderful feast.


激情点拨:1,3句为(肯定句和否定句); 2, 4句为。

2. 概念


如果_____________放在主语之前, 叫全部倒装;


Step3. full inversion and partial inversion(全倒装和部分倒装) .

discussing with passion(激情研讨) 找出下列句子中哪些是全部倒装,哪些是部分倒装

1.No sooner had she gone out than the class began.

2. Off flew the bird!

3. South of the city lies a big steel factory

4. Gone are the days when they could do what they liked.

5. Not until the teacher came did he finish his homework

6. Never shall I do this again.

7. Little do I dream I would see you here.

8. Only when he told me did I realize what trouble he was in.

9. There goes the bell.

10. I have never been abroad. Neither /No has he.

学生总结:全倒装:_______________________ 部分倒装:_______________________ 激情点拨 :定义:把谓语动词放在之前,就叫倒装结构。如果全部谓语放在主语之前, 叫全部倒装; 如果只把助动词,情态动词或be 动词放在主语之前就叫倒装。Step4.完全倒装的类型

1.Then goes the boy! (男孩走了)2。Here is your letter.

3. There goes the bell.

4. Now is the time

学生总结:: , , , 等副词置于句首, 谓语动词常用 be, come, go, lie, run, rush, live, exist, happen, stand, begin, remain, seem, appear, follow。当其主语为名词时,通常要使用全部倒装。

1. From the valley travelled a frightening sound.(山谷里传来了令人害怕的声音)

2.Under the tree stands a little boy. (一个小男孩站在树下)

3. Inside the parcel was a letter.

4. In front of the lecture hall sits a professor.

学生总结:当句首状语是表示的介词词组或为了强调概念或为了保持句子平衡时, 且谓语动词为be, stand, lie, hang, sit等时,也常引起全部倒装。

1. In the front of the room was a table, and behind it stood a beautiful lady.

2. Among the speakers was China’s Premier Zhu Rongji, who stressed the need for equality and


3.Present at the meeting were Professor White and many other guests.

4. Growing all over the mo untain are wild flowers.

学生总结:作表语的、或置于句首时, 倒装结构采用“语+连系动词+语”的结构,也常引起全部倒装。

1.Out rushed a boy and a dog.

2. Away flew the plane.

3. In came the headteacher, with a book in his hand.

4. Up went the arrow into the air.

学生总结:表示运动方向的词, in, , , down, off, back 等置于句首,谓语动词是come, go, follow, rush, run等表示运动的动词,且句子的主语为时,也常引起全部倒装。

1.Such were his words.

2. Such was what he said.

3. Such was Albert Einstein, a simple man but of great achievement.

学生总结:such 作表语,置于,意为“……就是如此”,且句子的主语是词时,也常引起全部倒装。


1. Not once did we visit the city of our own.

2. Seldom in all my life have I met such a determined person.

3. Neither have I seen him recently, and nor have I heard from him.

4. I don’t know his name, and neither/ nor do I want to.

5. Not only do I know her, but I am also her friend.

学生总结:含有或半否定意义的词、连词如:never, not, not only, little, seldom, no where, neither, nor等词,放在时要用倒装句。not only...but also…,neither…nor…,连接并列的句子时,, 和后的句子要部分倒装,但but also…后面的成分不到装。Neither/nor表示“也不……”时,后面引导的句子也要部分倒装

1. Hardly (Scarcely) had he reached the station when the train started.

2. 3. No sooner had I reached home than the phone began to ring.

4. So fast did he walk that I couldn’t catch up with him.

5. Not until she saw the present did she feel happy.

学生总结:含有…than,…when,…when的主从复合句中,no sooner, hardly, scarcely所在的主句倒装,than, when所在的句子不到装,即遵循“主倒从不倒”;

含有so…that…,such…that…等句子结构中, so…/such…所在的部分倒装,遵循“前倒后不倒”;Such an interesting book ______ ________that John has read it twice.

So interesting a book _______ ________ that John has read it twice.

含有not until的句子中,not until置于句首时主句倒装,而从句不倒装,即遵循“主倒从不倒”。Not until he shouted at the top of his voice __________ she turn her head.

1. She is busy doing her homework. So is her brother.

2. You passed the exam. So did I.

3. He doesn’t like shopping. Neither do I.

4. He can’t speak any foreign language. Nor can his father.

5. I have never been abroad. Neither /Nor he.

6. He went to college last year. So I.

学生总结:或, 放在句首,表示前面说话的情况也适用于另一个人(物)即“也(也不),如此”,用倒装句。

1. Only after three operations was she able to walk without sticks.

2. Only then did we realize that the man was blind.

3. Only by seizing every minute can we finish it on time.

4. Only a few young men went to the theatre.

学生总结:only所修饰的词、短语或从句放在句首,用倒装句。如果only修饰主语时则不用倒装句。 Only then __________we realize that the man was blind.

1.Child as he is, he knows a lot of English. 2.Young as he is, he knows much.

3. Search as they would, they could find nobody in the house.

学生总结:引导让步状语从句时,通常把从句中的语、语,甚至谓语动词的一部分置于句首。 _______ _______ ______ ________ (虽然他们年老), they stuck to working.

1. Were I in his position, I wouldn’t do it that way.

2. Hadn’t you helped me, I would have failed.

3. Should it snow, what should we do?

学生总结:省略的虚拟条件句,将, 或移至主语之前。If you should need more information, please let me know.

= _________________________________, please let me know.

If you had reviewed your lessons, you might have passed the examination

= you might have passed the examination




A. Not until dark did the boys realize it was too late to return home.

B. Not until dark the boys realized it was too late to return home.

C. Until dark the boys realized it was too late to return home.


A.It was not until did she take off her dark glasses that did I realize she was a famous film star.

B. It was not until she took off her dark glasses that did I realize she was a famous film star.

C. Not until she took off her dark glasses did I realize she was a famous film star.


A. Hardly had I closed my eyes than the phone rang.

B.No sooner I had closed my eyes than the phone rang.

C. No sooner had I closed my eyes than the phone rang.


A.A woman as she is, she is able to do that. B。Woman as she is, she is able to do that.

C. As she is a woman, she is able to do that.


A. As he tried hard, he did not pass the examination.

B. Hard although he tried, he did not pass the examination.

C. Hard as he tried, he did not pass the examination.


A. Not only have I been to the city of Hangzhou, but (also) I spent my childhood there.

B. Not only I have been to the city of Hangzhou, but (also) did I spend my childhood there.

C.Not only I have been to the city of Hangzhou, but (also) I spent my childhood there.

二、请填写正确的助动词(be, have, do , will)

1 Never ___________ I forget the hospitality of the family in Tibet.

2 Not until she spoke __________I realized she was a foreigner.

3 Only then___________ we realize that the man was blind.

4 Seldom in my life ___________ I met so determined a person.

5 Noon sooner ___________I left my house than it began to rain.

6 Not only ___________he read the book, but also remembered what he read.

7 Never ___________ I been there.

8 Only then __________I begin my work on designing a bridge.

9 Not only ________ I interested in photography, but I took an amateur course.

10 Below____________ a restaurant.


1. I have never seen him before. →________________ I seen him.

2. she had hardly gone out when a student came to see her.

_____________________ when a student came to see her.

3.I didn’t go there. he didn’t go there either. →I didn’t go there, _____________

4.A terrible Genie(妖怪) stood before the fisherman. →Before the fisherman ______ _________.

5. people seldom did experiment to test their ideas.

____________________________ to test their ideas.

6. You can learn English well only in this way. → __________________ you learn English well.

7. Lu Xun was not only a great writer, but also a great thinker.

__________________ a great writer, but also a great thinker.

8. It didn’t stop raining until midnight. →___________________ it stop raining.

9 You will see so many seats only at a stadium in Beijing.

______________________________you see so many seats.

10 I have seldom seen a situation which made me so angry.

_______________seen a situation which made me so angry.

11 You’ll be able to write a good report only after you have acquired the information you need.

_____________________________________________you be able to write a good report.

12 She is not only good at languages, but also at history and geography.

_______________________________, but also at history and geography.

13 I have never read such an exciting report before.

__________________________I read such an exciting report.

14 I only began my work on designing a new bridge then.

________________I begin my work on designing a new bridge.

15 There was not only a Christmas tree but also exciting presents under it.

________________________________, but also exciting presents under it.

四. 根据汉语意思,用倒装语序翻译下列各句,在空格处填入恰当的词。

1)只有用这种方法,我们才能学好英语.Only in this way, ___ ___ learn English well.

2)我一看见他我就把钱给了他.Hardly _____ _____ _____ him the money when I saw him.

3)尽管他是个孩子,他懂5门.____ ____ ____ ____, he knows 5 foreign languages.


_____ ____ ____ here yesterday, you would have seen him.


Not until I reached home ________ I _________that I had lost the wallet.


So much ________he ________that I could hardly recognize him.


Not only ____ _____ ______ _____ painting,_____ she takes a course ______ ____ every week.


Never in my life ________ I _______ nor seen such a thing.


On the ground _____ a boy of less than 10,badly _______.


I don’t want to know him,________ ________I want to learn something about


1).他刚一睡着就听到有人敲门。(no sooner…than)________________________________

2)上学期的期末考试我没及格,只有那个时候我才知道学习的重要性。(only then)


3) 我们只能用这种方法减肥。(only in this way)


4) 直到他反复提醒我,我才记得这件事情。(not until…)


5) 尽管他是个孩子,但是他知道很多事情. ( as )_______________________________

6) 他太兴奋了以致一个字都说不出来.(so… that)


7) 小河的南面有个小工厂.(lie )______________________ ___


9) .我不但去过杭州市,而且我在那儿度过了我的童年。_________ _____________


倒装句Inversion 主语放在谓语的前面,叫做自然语序。 谓语放在主语的前面,叫做倒装语序。 1.倒装的种类: 1)将谓语全部放在主语前面的叫全部倒装。 2)将谓语一部分(助动词/情态动词)放在主语前面的叫部分倒装。 3) 倒装用法巧记忆:(五全八部话倒装) 五全:有/时/表/地方 八部:不/只/让步/也/需/常/如此/祝福 谓语动词放在主语之前的这种语法现象称为倒装。从倒装的形式来看,可分为全部倒装(full inversion)和部分倒装(partial inversion)两种。前者是指整个谓语置于主语之前,而后者仅是指助动词、情态动词或be 动词等功能置于主语这前。 结构: 全部倒装: ①引起全部倒装的成分(放句首) + V + 主语 ②表语+ 系动词+ 主语 部分倒装: ①引起部分倒装的成分(放句首) + do/did/does + 主语+ V原形 ②引起部分倒装的成分(放句首) + can/could/might等情态动词+ 主语+ V原形 ③引起部分倒装的成分(放句首) + be动词(am, is, are, was, were ) + 主语+ 表语 (一)全部倒装 基本结构为“引起倒装的词或词组+ 谓语+ 主语” 1“There + be” 句型。 ¤表示存在概念的状态动词,如:be ( 有各种时态变化),exist,remain,live,lie,stand等; ¤表示某事发生或某人到达等概念的不及物动词,如:come,enter,arise,occur,follow,等 There happen +主语(碰巧);There appear +主语 There seem +to be主语(似乎) There be going to be+主语(将会)There used +to be主语(曾经)There be likely to be+主语(很可能)


《文言文特殊句式》导学案 一、【学习目标】 1.了解高考中常考的文言文特殊句式。 2.掌握文言文特殊句式的几种类型的标志及翻译方法。 二、【学习重、难点】 学习重点:文言文特殊句式的几种类型的标志。 学习难点:倒装句式的辨识和翻译。 三、【学习方法】自学、归纳总结 【考纲解读】 高考文言文考查能力要求明确指出:“理解与现代汉语不同的句式和用法。”考查形式主要有显性和隐性两种。显性就是以选择题形式判断句式的不同,隐性是将文言文特殊句式放在翻译中综合考查。 主要的特殊句式:判断句、被动句、倒装句(变式句)、省略句。 ㈠判断句 1、用“者”或“也”表示判断,这是典型的文言判断形式。 (1)主语后用“者”,谓语后用“也”表示判断。 如:夺项王天下者,必沛公也。 (2)主语后单用“者”,或谓语后单用“也”表示判断。 如:四人者:庐陵萧君圭君玉,长乐王回深父…… (3)“者也”在句尾连用表示判断。 如:①城北徐公,齐国之美丽者也。②沛公之参乘樊哙者也。 (4)“者”、“也”全不用。 如:①刘备,天下枭雄。②秦,虎狼之国。 2.用副词“乃”“则”“即”“皆”“素”“耳”等表示判断。这些形式也比较多见。 如:①臣乃市井鼓刀屠者。②此则岳阳楼之大观也。③即今之傫然在墓者也 ..。④夫六国与秦皆诸侯。⑤且相如素贱人。⑥此亡秦之续耳。 3.用动词“为”、“是”表示判断。(文言文中用“是”作判断动词的较为少见) 如:①故今之墓中全乎为五人也。 ②问今是何世,乃不知有汉,无论魏晋。 ③巨是凡人,偏在远郡……

4.用“非”、“未”、“弗”等表示或辅助表示否定的判断。 如:①吾本非文人画士…… ②六国破灭,非兵不利,战不善,弊在赂秦。 ③人固未易知,知人亦未易也。 ④呼尔而与之,行道之人弗受。 (注意:以上各种类型判断句,译成现代汉语时,如是肯定判断句,要用“是”;如是否定判断句,要用“不是”。) ㈡被动句 1.用介词“于”、“受”、“受……于……”表被动(“于”引进动作行为的主动者)。 如:①六艺经传皆通习之,不拘于时,学于余。②吾不能举全吴之地,十万之众,受制于人。 2.用“见”、“见…于……”表示被动(“于”引出动作的主动者)。 如:①信而见疑,忠而被谤。②秦城恐不可得,徒见欺。③吾常见笑于大方之家。 3.用“为”、“为……所……”(“为”引出动作的主动者)或“……为所……”表示被动。 如:①而身死国灭,为天下笑。②为.(wéi,动词,治理的意思)国者无使为积威之所劫哉。 ③不者,若属皆且为所虏。 4.用介词“被”表示被动 如:①舞榭歌台,风流总被雨打风吹去。②予犹记周公之被逮,在丁卯三月之望。 5.动词本身表示被动(这是意念上的被动句,没有任何标志,要根据上下文来判别补出)。 如:①傅说举于版筑之间,胶鬲举于鱼盐之中。(傅说从筑墙的工作中被选拔,胶鬲从贩卖鱼盐的人中被举拔。)②帝感其诚。(天帝被愚公的诚心感动。) ㈢省略句 1.省主语。 ①廉颇为赵将,()伐齐,()大破之。承前省 ②沛公谓张良曰:“……()度我至军中,公乃入。”蒙后省 ③每假借于藏书之家,()手自笔录,()计日以还……()录毕,()走送之。自述省 ④“独乐乐,与人乐乐,孰乐?”()曰:“不若与人。”对话省 2.省谓语(无论是古代还是现代,省略谓语的现象还是比较少的)。 ①军中无以为乐,请以剑舞(为乐)。 ②一鼓作气,再(鼓)而衰,三(鼓)而竭。 3.省略动词或介词的宾语。(宾语常见的是代词“之”) (1)省略动词后的宾语 ①项王曰:“壮士!之卮酒赐。”则与(之)斗卮酒。


倒装句 倒装句之全部倒装 全部倒装是只将句子中的谓语动词全部置于主语之前。此结构通常只用与一般现在时和一般过去时。常见的结构有: 1) here, there, now, then, thus等副词置于句首, 谓语动词常用be, come, go, lie, run。 There goes the bell. Then came the chairman. Here is your letter. 2) 表示运动方向的副词或地点状语置于句首,谓语表示运动的动词。 Out rushed a missile from under the bomber. Ahead sat an old woman. 注意:上述全部倒装的句型结构的主语必须是名词,如果主语是人称代词则不能完全倒装。 Here he comes. Away they went. 倒装句之部分倒装 部分倒装是指将谓语的一部分如助动词或情态倒装至主语之前。如果句中的谓语没有助动词或情态动词,则需添加助动词do, does或did,并将其置于主语之前。 1) 句首为否定或半否定的词语,如no, not, never, seldom, little, hardly, at no time, in no way, not until… 等。 Never have I seen such a performance. Nowhere will you find the answer to this question. Not until the child fell asleep did the mother leave the room. 当Not until引出主从复合句,主句倒装,从句不倒装。 注意:如否定词不在句首不倒装。 I have never seen such a performance. The mother didn't leave the room until the child fell asleep.


2019高考英语总练习学案第11讲:倒装句 倒装的两种考法: 1.放在单项选择题中,考查考生的倒装语法知识是否熟练掌握; 2.放在完形填空和阅读理解中,设置理解障碍。 倒装的两种形式: 1.完全倒装:将整个谓语动词提到主语前。 2.部分倒装:即半倒装,将谓语的一部分即助动词提到主语前。 【一】完全倒装 【翻译句子】 (1)车来了。 Herecomesthebus. (2)铃响了。 Theregoesthebell. (3)孩子们冲出来了。 Outrushedthechildren. (4)那个男孩离开了。 Awaywenttheboy. 【结论1】表方位的副词here,there或out,in,up,down,away,off等标志词放在句首,句子用完全倒装。 【翻译句子】 (12)Littledoesheknowaboutthenews. 他对这消息知之甚少。 (13)Bynomeanscanhecatchupinsuchashorttime. 他根本不可能在这么短的时间里赶上来。 【结论1】含有否定意义的副词或短语如:few,little,never,not,notuntil,nowhere,rarely,seldom,hardly/scarcely…when…,nosooner…(than)…,notonly…(butalso),atnotime,bynomeans等放在句首时,需用部分倒装。 【疑难1】 Heisactiveinpersonality,andheseldomstaysindoors.(无助动词) Heisactiveinpersonality,andseldomdoeshestayindoors.(添加does) 【疑难剖析1】假设原句中没有助动词,必须根据谓语动词的具体时态来确定相应的助动词do,does或did。 【疑难2】 NotonlychildrenbutalsoadultsareinterestedinthefilmHarryPotter. 【疑难2】Notnotonly…butalso连接两个并列主语时不可倒装。只有在连接两个句子且将notonly所连接的句子提到句首时,才可用倒装,butalso后面的句子不倒装。 【疑难3】 Ihadhardlygottotheairportwhenthep lanetookoff. →HardlyhadIgottotheairportwhentheplanetookoff.(注意谓语动词形式) 【疑难剖析3】在“hardly/scarcely…when/nosooner”位于句首时,要用部分倒装。【疑难4】Thevillagersdidnotrealizehowseriousthepollutionwasuntilallthefishdiedintheriver


题目: 倒装句 备课人:姜慧君 审批人:姜慧君 备课日期:2014. 4 授课日期:2014. 4 【学习目标】掌握倒装句的用法。 【学习重点】理解部分倒装和全部倒装。 【学习难点】倒装句的灵活使用。 【知识链接】 英语的基本语序是“主语 + 谓语”。如果将谓语的全部或一部分放在主语之前,这种语序叫做倒装语序。倒装的原因,一是语法结构的需要,二是为了强调。倒装主要有两种:部分倒装,把助动词放在主语之前,谓语的其他部分放在主语之后。全部倒装,将整个谓语放在主语之前。 【学法指导】自主学习,理解并学会运用。 【学习过程】 一、全部倒装: 1、用于there be 句型。 There are many students in the classroom. 2、句首状语引起完全倒装。以here there, now, then out, in, up, down, away 等副词开头的句子里,以表示强调。 Here comes the bus. Now comes your turn. Out went the children. 当代词作主语时,主谓语序不变。 Here it is. Here he comes. 3、句首状语为表示地点的介词短语。 South of the city lies a big steel factory. From the valley came a frightening sound. 4、表语置于句首时,倒装结构为“表语 + 系动词 + 主语” 1)形容词 + be + 主语 Present at the meeting were Professor White, Professor Smith and many other guests. 2) 过去分词 + be + 主语 Gone are the days when they would do what they liked. 3) 介短 + be + 主语 Among the goods are Christmas trees, flowers, candles and toys. 5、so, nor, neither 开头的句子,表示重复前句部分内容。 He has been to Beijing, so have I. Liwei can’t answ er the question, neither can I. so 后主谓不倒装,表示对前面所述内容的肯定、确认。 Tom is very kind, so he is. 二、部分倒装: 1、否定副词no, not, never, seldom, little, hardly 以及含有no, not 的短语(at no time, by no means, not once)放在句首时。 Never in my life have I heard such a thing. Not a single word did he say at the meeting. At no time will China turn superpower. Not once has he kept his promise. 2、以否定词开头的关联结构。not only…but also…, no sooner…than, hardly/scarcely…when.只将前半部分倒装,后半部分正常语序。Not until +时间状语 + 倒装 Not until + 句子 + 倒装。 Not until late in the evening did he come back. Not until he finished the work did he begin to watch TV . He did n’t begin to watch TV until he finished the work. Not only did he buy a bike for me but also he sent it to my house. Hardly had he got on the bus when he heard a shout. =No sooner has he got on the bus than he heard a shout. 3、only + 副词/介短/状语从句。 Only this afternoon did I finish the novel. Only in this way can you learn English well. He stays in bed when he is seriously ill. →Only when he is seriously ill does he stay in bed.


文言文倒装句专题教案 【学习目标】 1.了解高考对文言倒装句式的要求。 2.理解和掌握与现代汉语不同的文言倒装句式及其用法。 3.通过相关练习加以巩固和提高。 【学习重点】学生掌握辨析较复杂的文言倒装句式方法。 【学习方法】讲练结合,注重积累。 【学习课时】1课时 【学习过程】 一、学:练习导学 阅读下面的文段,涵盖了多种文言特殊句式,请将画线的句子特征作判断,并翻译成现代汉语。 客有为齐王画者,齐问曰:“画孰最难?”曰:“犬马最难。”“孰最易?”曰:“鬼魅最易。”“何为?““夫犬马,人所知也,旦暮罄于前,不可类也,故难;鬼魅无形者,不罄于前,故易之也.” (1)客有为齐王画者(句式:) 翻译: (2)不罄于前(句式:) 翻译: 现代汉语的句子成分的顺序,一般为“主─谓─宾”“定(状)─中心词”。但在文言文中,在一定条件下,句子成分的顺序会发生变化,这就是古汉语中所谓的倒装句,即指文言文中一些句子成分的顺序出现了前后颠倒的情况。倒装句有下面几种情况: 一、主谓倒装(谓语前置或主语后置) 二、宾语前置(宾语置于动词谓语或介词之前)(复习重 点)三、定语后置(定语放在中心词之后) 四、介宾短语后置,也叫状语后置(状语处在动词谓语之后) (探:双主探究) 一、主谓倒装 主谓倒装句有三种情况:语气强烈的疑问句;语气强烈的感叹句;旧诗词为了韵律相合。 ①甚矣,汝之不惠!(汝之不惠!甚矣!) ②美哉,我少年中国!(我少年中国,美哉!) ③渺渺兮予怀(予怀渺渺兮) 二、宾语前置(重点) 文言文中,动词或介词的宾语一般置于动词或介词之后,但在特定条件下宾语前置。

1.否定句中代词作宾语,宾语前置。 ①古之人不余欺也。(不欺余) ②我无尔诈,尔无我虞。(我无诈尔,尔无虞我) ③忌不自信,而复问其妾曰……(忌不信自) 2.疑问句中疑问代词作宾语,宾语前置。 ①大王来何操?(大王来操何) ②沛公安在?(沛公在安) ③而又何羡乎?(而又羡何乎?) 3.用“之”或“是”将宾语前置,用这种宾语前置的格式时,还可以在宾语之前加上“唯(惟)”,构成“唯(惟)……是……”的格式,强调宾语的作用就更大。 ①句读之不知,惑之不解。(不知句读,不解惑) ②唯利是图。(唯图利) ③何陋之有?(有何陋?) 4.介宾短语中宾语前置 ①不然,籍何以至此?(籍以何至此) ②嗟尔远道之人胡为乎来哉?(嗟尔远道之人为胡乎来哉?) ③项伯东向坐(项伯向东坐) 三、定语后置: 1.中心语+定语+者 ①计未定,求人可使报秦者,未得。(求可使报秦者人) ②客有吹洞箫者,倚歌而和之。(有吹洞箫者客) ③楚人有涉江者(有涉江者楚人) 2.中心语+之+定语,“之”是定语后置的标志。 ①蚓无爪牙之利,筋骨之强。(蚓无利爪牙,强筋骨) ②居庙堂之高则忧其民,处江湖之远则忧其君。(居高庙堂则忧其民,处远江湖则忧其君) ③四海之大,有几人欤?(大四海,有几人欤?) 3.中心语+之(而)+定语+者,“之”是定语后置的标志。 ①石之铿然有声者,所在皆是也。(铿然有声石,所在皆是也) ②大阉之乱,缙绅而能不易其志者。(而能不易其志者缙绅) ③马之千里者,一食或尽粟一石。(千里马) 4.用数量词作定语时,数量词大多数放在中心词的后面。 ①一食或尽粟一石。(一食或尽一石粟


Inversion 倒装句型 Step 1: A quiz of the preview You were asked to preview 预习 “Inversion” on Page 89 . Now see how much you know about it. 1. How many kinds of inversions are there in English? What are they? 2. Read the inversion sentences in Reading I on Page 26. Summary: a. 句子的基本语序:_________________ eg: I love English. b. 把谓语的全部或一部分放在主语之前, 叫___________结构。 c. 如果______________放在主语之前, 叫全部倒装; eg: Here comes the car. d. 如果只把______________放在主语之前, 叫部分倒装。eg: Never have I heard such a thing. e. 倒装的原因:语法结构的需要,或者是为了强调。 Step 2: Grammar study ※ 重点一:完全倒装: 谓语置于主语前。 eg: The children went out. Out went the children. The days are gone. Gone are the days. 使用完全倒装的情况: 将下列句子变成倒装句: (1) A small factory lies in the south of the river. __________________________________________________________________________________________ (2) Mr. Green and many other guests were present at the party. __________________________________________________________________________________________ (3) The girl went away. _________________________________________________________________ 把下列倒装句变成基本语序: (1) Out rushed the boy. _________________________________________________________________ (2) On the top of the mountain stands an ancient tower. __________________________________________________________________________________________ 使用倒装句型翻译下列句子: (1)这是你想要的那本书。______ ______ the book you want. (2)那里以前没有学校。_______ _______ _______ schools before. (3)整座高楼展现在我们面前。_____ ______ ______ us lay _____ ______ ________ ※重点二:部分倒装:助动词/情态动词/be 动词置于主语前。(反复朗读下列句子) (1) I know little about your life. Little do I know about your life. (2) I have never heard such a thing. Never have I heard such a thing.

倒装句导学案(看例子得结论 )含答案

倒装句导学案 一、仔细观察例句,参考《新测评》P73-75,把下列句子改写为倒装句并给予总结 1.e.g. Susan had hardly entered the room when the doorbell rang. ——Hardly had Susan entered the room when the doorbell rang. e.g I will lend money to him under no circumstances. ——under no circumstances will I lend money to him. e.g. She not only didn't accept my invitation, she but also was extremely angry. ——Not only did she accept my invitation, but also she was extremely angry. 1.)I have never seen such wonderful pictures in my life. Never have I seen such wonderful pictures in my life. 2.)I was bored at no time during the tour. At no time was I bored during the tour. 3. ) He seldom paints now. Seldom does he paint now. 4. ) I had hardly got to Amsterdam when it began to snow. Hardly had I got to Amsterdam when it began to snow. 5. ) We can give up learn at no time. At no time can we give up. 6.) John not only loves Chinese, he is also good at speaking it. Not only does John love Chinese, he is also good at speaking it. Conclusion __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ 2.e.g. The actor came to the party only after being asked three times. ——Only after being asked three times did the actor come to the party. 7). You can learn as much about European artists only on such a trip. Only on such a trip can you learn as much about European artists. 8). I realized the importance of math only then. Only then did I realize the importance of math. 9). He was able to get happily back to work only when the war was over in 1918.


特殊句式之——(1)倒装句一、完全倒装: 练习: 1.For a moment nothing happened. Then___all shouting together. A.voices had come B.came voices B.C.voices would come D.did voices come 2.Hearing the dog barking fiercely, away___. A.fleeing the thief B.was fleeing the thief B.the thief was fleeing D.fled the thief 二、部分倒装

Eg. Helen likes music ,so she does. 练习: 1.Only by increasing the number of doctors by 50 percent___ properly in this hospital. A. can be the patients treated B.can the patients be treated C. the patients can be treated D.treated can be the patients 2.Not once___ to Michael that he could one day become a top student in his class. A.occurred it B.it did occur C.it occurred D.did it occur 3.——I reminded you not to forget the appointment. ——____. A. So you did B. So I do not C.So did you D.So do I 三、形式倒装(强调作用)


文言文中的倒装句式 请牢记以下汉语句子结构图: (定)主+(状)谓+(定)宾 (补) 这是讲述一切语法知识的根本! 一、定语后置 我们知道,定语(形容词或形容词性短语)是用来限制或修饰中心词(名词或名词性短语)的,一般放在中心词的前面。这是古今汉语的共同规律。但在古汉语里,有时为了强调和突出定语,把它放到中心词的后面,这种语法现象就称为定语后置。 形式变为:主(定)+谓+宾或者:主+谓+宾(定) 定语后置一般有标志性的词语。所以,我们可以根据这些特点把它归结为四种常见的形式: 1.中心词+之+后置定语 例如:①(古)蚓无爪牙之利,筋骨之强。(《劝学》) (今)蚯蚓没有锋利的爪牙,强健的筋骨。 ②(古)居庙堂之高则忧其民,处江湖之远则忧其君。(《岳阳楼记》) (今)处在高高的庙堂上,就为他的人民忧虑,处在僻远的江湖间,就替他的君主担忧。 分析: ①②句中的中心词分别是“爪牙”、“筋骨”、“庙堂”、“江湖”,后置定语分别是“利”、“强”、“高”、“远”,四个“之”是定语后置句的标志,无实在意义。 2.中心词+之(而)+后置定语+者 例如: ③(古)马之千里者,一食或尽粟一石。(《马说》)

(今)能日行千里的马,吃一顿有时要吃一担粮食。 ④(古)此四者,天下之穷民而无告者。(《孟子"梁惠王下》) (今)这四种人,是天下无依无靠的走投无路的老百姓。 ⑤石之铿然有声者,所在皆是也。 分析: ③④句中的中心词分别是“马”、“穷民”,后置定语分别是“千里”、“无告”,标志性的词语分别是“之……者”、“而……者”,其中的“者”相当现代汉语中联系定语和中心词的结构助词“的”。 3.中心词+后置定语+者 例如: ⑥(古)村中少年好事者,驯养一虫。(《促织》) (今)村里好事的少年,养了一只蟋蟀。 ⑦太子及宾客知其事者,皆白衣冠送之。 分析: ⑥句中的中心词是“少年”,后置定语是“好事”,“者”是标志性词语。 4.中心词+数量词: 例如: ⑧(古)尝贻余核舟一。(《核舟记》) (今) (他)曾经送给我一只用桃核雕刻的小船。 ⑨为人五,为窗八,……为字三十有四 分析: ⑧句中的“一”作“核舟”的定语。 另外,辨识定语后置要注意两点:一是表示领属性的定语(如“永州之野产异蛇”)不能后置,只有一般用来表示人或事物的性质、状态、时间、处所、数量等修饰性定语才能后置。二是要注意把定语后置和某些表面上相类似的语言形式区别开来。例如: ⑨村中少年好事 (定语+主语+谓语+宾语) ⑩村中少年之好事者 (定语后置) ⑾村中少年之好事 (主语与谓语之间加了一个结构助词“之”,取消句子的独立性) 小结:


高效复习探究学案------倒装句 一.创设情境,导入复习要点 Enjoy the following story: Long long ago, ____________; On the hill____________; In the temple ______________; The old monk was telling stories to a little monk. What story was he telling? 二.学习考纲----关于倒装句部分(高考考什么) 二.复习倒装句 任务一结合课本句子分析出倒装的概念和种类 Ask the Ss to find out the sentences beginning with never, not only ,only if or here in the reading passage. A. Never will Zhou Yang forget his first assignment at the office of a popular English newspaper. B. Not only am I interested in photography, but I took an amateur course at university to update my skills. C. Only if you ask many different questions can you acquire the information you need to know. D.Here comes my list of dos and don’t. 观察比较这几个句子,找出语序的不同。 基本语序(I love English)______________ a,b和c的语序;______________________ d的语序;____________________ 总结:英语句子通常有两种语序:一种是陈述语序,一种是倒装语序。将谓语的一部分或全部置于主语之前的语序叫做_____________________。而倒装可分为


倒装句导学案看例子得 结论含答案 公司内部档案编码:[OPPTR-OPPT28-OPPTL98-

倒装句导学案 一、仔细观察例句,参考《新测评》P73-75,把下列句子改写为倒装句并给予总结 Susan had hardly entered the room when the doorbell rang. ——Hardly had Susan entered the room when the doorbell rang. I will lend money to him under no circumstances. ——under no circumstances will I lend money to him. . She not only didn't accept my invitation, she but also was extremely angry. ——Not only did she accept my invitation, but also she was extremely angry. 1.)I have never seen such wonderful pictures in my life. Never have I seen such wonderful pictures in my life. 2.)I was bored at no time during the tour. At no time was I bored during the tour. 3. ) He seldom paints now. Seldom does he paint now. 4. ) I had hardly got to Amsterdam when it began to snow. Hardly had I got to Amsterdam when it began to snow. 5. ) We can give up learn at no time. At no time can we give up. 6.) John not only loves Chinese, he is also good at speaking it. Not only does John love Chinese, he is also good at speaking it. Conclusion _____________________________________________________________________ _____

高考英语 语法专题复习精练:特殊句式 倒装

【倒装】 16. --Hello,Zhu Hua. I’ll have to return to Canada because I’ve worked here for a year. --________! A. What time flies B. How time flies C. What does time fly D. How does time fly 17. During the war,________but also he lost his wife and his child. A. not was his job in the lab taken away B. not only was his job in the lab taken away C. not merely his job in the lab was taken away D. not just was taken away his job in the lab 18. --We have to stop talking here outside. Listen,________! --Hurry up,or we’ll be late. A. There goes the bell B. There does the bell go C. There the bell goes D. Goes the bell there 19. I think this is the first time that we have met. __________anywhere. A. Before have we nev er seen each other B. Never before we have seen each other C. Each other have we seen never before D. Never before have we seen each other 20. __________! You should take this chance to attend it. A. How important conference is it B. How an important conference it is C. What an important conference is it D. What an important conference it is 21. She didn’t come to the party last Sunday. __,she could have made the party more exciting. A. If she came B. Would she come C. Had she come D. Did she come 22. They finally managed to climb to the top,but ________then. A. went the children down the hill B. down the hill did the children go C. down the hill went the children D. down the hill the children went 23. I received his mother’s tele phone call at eleven. _____that he was badly hurt in an accident yesterday. A. Then did I know B. Only then I knew C. Only then did I know D. Only then knew I 24. --What sport do you like best? --Springboard diving (跳板跳水). __________to dive into water from high board! A. What a fun is it B. How fun it is C. How a fun is it D. What fun it is 25. --The old man wouldn’t stay at home for a rest even if it rained. --__________.He would feel sick if he stayed home for one day. A. So would my grandpa B. So wouldn’t my grandpa C. Neither would my grandpa D. Nor wouldn’t my grandpa 26. By no means __________to our plan for the trip. A. will she agree B. she will agree C. agrees she D. will agree she 27.The child tiptoed quietly to the bird. _____into the forest when he was about to catch it. A. Flew it away B. Away flew it C. Away it flew D. Flew away it 28. Little Tom is an orphan. __________,he has to make a living by himself. A. A child as he is B. Child as he is C. Child as is he D. A child though he is 29. Hardly had she walked out of the woods ___she heard the strange scream coming from behind a tree. A. than B. until C. since D. when 30. We have been on duty for four hours and __________. A. now comes your turn B. now does your turn come C. now your turn comes D. comes now your turn 31. We haven’t seen each other for many months. __________! A. What I missed you B. What did I miss you C. How I missed you D. How did I miss you


高考语法专项07倒装句 英语最基本的语序是主语在前,谓语动词在后。但有时由于句子结构的需要或表示强调,就要采用倒装形式。将谓语动词完全移到主语之https://www.360docs.net/doc/697298309.html,前称为完全倒装,只将助动词或情态动词放到主语之前称为部分倒装。强调性倒装和以so, neither, nor开头的句子是高考例题的热点。 (一)倒装句的意义 1、适应一定的语法结构的需要,主要是指疑问句句型结构的需要。 e.g. May I come in? Was the People’s Liberation Army foun ded in 1927? 2、为了强调某一部分,而把这部分放到句首,构成倒装。 e.g. Never have I been late for school this term. So early did he come to school that no other students came. (二)倒装的使用情况 1、在“there be” 结构里,there是引导词,主语在be后。 e.g. There is a box on the table. 2、在疑问句中。 e.g. Is she 高考资源网singing in the classroom? 高.考.资.源.风 What does your mother do?

3、在here, there等副词开头的某些句子里(要用一般现在时态)。如果主语是人称代词,主语和主要动词的词序不变。(完全倒装) e.g. There goes the bell. Here is an apple for you. There she comes. 4、重复倒装句型,用在以so, nor, neither开头,表示谓语所述的情况也适用于另一个人或一事物的肯定或否定句中。so用于肯定句,表示“也一样”、“也这样”;nor, neither用于否定句,表示“同样也不,也不这样”。 e.g. I am watching TV. So is she. My parents didn’t watch TV last night. Neither (Nor) did I. 5、直接引语的全部或一部分放在句首时,主句中的主谓也常直接倒装。(完全倒装) e.g. “Very well,” said the French student. “Bring me two eggs and a cup of tea, please.” said he. 6、在以never, little, hardly, not only, few, not, seldom等否定副词开头的句子中,采用部分倒装。如不放在句首就不要倒装。w。w。w.k。s。5。u.c。o。m e.g. Little did he say at the meeting. Never shall I forget the day when I joined the Army.
