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• After the Second World War ,the British empire began to decline as more and more former colonies declared their political independence • Today the age of British imperialism is gone. But the British foreign policy in still influenced by Britain’s imperial past. (Why?)
Britain and International Institutions
Nowadays its foreign policy is largely shaped by its participation in a number of important international institutions. 1.Britain is one of the five permanent members of the United Nations Security Council, along with Russia , China , the US ,and France.
• • • • 6. The permanent member of the UN Security Council ( 英国是联合国常任理事国之一) 7. The member of the European Union (欧盟成员国之 一) 8. The member of the Commonwealth ( 英联邦的成员 国) 9. The special relationship with the United States (与美 国的特殊关系) 10. The presence of superpower bases in Britain (在英 国存在超级大国的军事基地) 11. Its participation in NATO (积极参与北约的活动)
British Security and Defence Policy
2.The keystone of British defence policy is its participation in the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation. 3.Britain was proud to be invited to lead the newly established Rapid Reaction Crops. 4.Britain retains an independent nuclear weapons capability.
Britain and the United States
Today, the relationship with the United States is regarded as the most important bilateral partnership in current British foreign policy, as shown in political affairs.
Britain and International Institutions
2.More important to Britain in the day is that Britain has become a member of EU. 3.In 1973,Britain joined the European Economic Community . 4.Britain is also a Βιβλιοθήκη Baiduember of the Commonwealth.
• Because the UK had a strong military power and prestige ,it had a big influence on the postwar international order. • (Some former colonies –Australia and Canada-still looked to Britain as the center of their political and cultural world.)
Unit 8 British Foreign Relations
主讲人:王玲 组员:钟东 李博
• 1. Active in setting up the United Nations (积极 推进联合国的成立) • 2. Foreign policy influenced by its history and ge opolitical traits(受其历史和地缘政治影响的外交 政策) • 3. Longterm physical separation from the European cont inent (长期与欧洲大陆隔绝) • 4. The involvement of the Foreign and Common wealth Office (英国外交与联邦事务部的参与) • 5. The Treasury (财政部)
How Foreign Policy is Made
1.The Prime Minister and Cabinet decide on the general direction of Britains foreign policy. 2.The Ministry of Defence :it is responsible for defence and involvement in its military treaty commitments. 3.The Department of Trade and Industry :formulating international trade policy and commercial relations with other countries. 4.Treasury :managing economy
The Foundations of British foreign policy
The contemporary foreign policy of the UK is greatly influenced by its imperial history and also by its geopolitical traits. 1.Most important single factor :British policymakers is its history. 2.British conducts its external affairs is geopolitical. 3.British island location created a sense of psychological isolation in its habitants.
British Security and Defence Policy
1.Britain spends more on defence than most other advanced industrial countries and maintains larger professional forces. It is the third largest spender in the world and it ranked fifth or sixth in terms of its military power.
Britain and the United States
3.The special relationship with the United States has gone through many ups and downs. The major test of Anglo-American relations occurred during 1965 Suez Crisis.
Britain and the United States
Another major factor which influences British foreign policy is its relationship with the United States. 1.Political factors :the Second War as a part of NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organisation ) 2.Economy factors: the United States accounts for Britain largest single export market.