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Unit 1

Frederick William I, the king of Prussia, would never have imagined that his greatest gift

1. _______ t he Russia n people would have such an

2.(amaze) _______ h istory. This gift was the

Amber Room, 3. _______ was give n this n ame 4. ________ several tons of amber were used to

make 5. ______ .

The amber which 6.(select) ___________ had a beautiful yellow-brown color 7. ___________

hon ey. The desig n of the 8. ________ was in the fancy style popular in those days. It was also a

treasure 9.(decorate) _________ with gold and jewels, which took the coun try's best artists about

ten years 10. (make) ________ .

1. to

2. amaz ing

3. which

4. because

5. It

6. was selected

7. like

8. room

9. decorated 10. to make


The Olympic Games got its name because it was in Olympia , Greece __1 ___ t he Games were

held. The Olympic Games __ 2 ____ (hold) every four years. There are two main sets of Games--

the Win ter and the Summer Olympics, and both are held every four years __ 3__ a regular basis.

The Win ter Olympics are usually held two years before the Summer Games. Only athletes 4__have reached the agreed sta ndard for their eve nt will be admitted as competitors. They may come__5 any where in the world. At first, only the Greek cities could join in and they used to

compete aga inst each other just _ 6 __ the honour of winning. No other coun tries could join in, __7_ could slaves or wome n!H owever, no wadays any country can take part if their athletes are good eno ugh. Wome n are not only allowed , _________________________________________ 8 ___ play a very importa nt role. The motto of

the Olympics is "Swifter, Higher and Stronger. If'is a great responsibility as well as a great honour to be chosen to host the Olympic Games. There ' s as much competition among countries to host the Olympics __ 9 ___ to win Olympic medals. China succeeded in biddi ng for the right to

host the 29th Olympics in Beijing, __ 10 __ is a great honor for the Chin ese.

1. That

2. Are held

3. Who/ that

4. Competitors

5. They

6. For

7. Nor


However 9. To host 10. which


The computer is a mach ine _1 ___ was born to work for people. _2 ______ i t first came into

bein g, it was just a calculati ng mach ine. That is to say, it can only be used to work out problems

_3 __ numbers. Later, it was developed to an Analytical Machine, _4 __________ followed simple

in struct ions from cards with holes. This was such a great revoluti on in tech no logy! A computer

can “ think ” as human race once it is programmed with proper programs, _5 _____ it itself can not

“ think ” _6 __ man' s help, so we say a computer has artificial intelligenee. The computer

was completely cha nged whe n it got its new tran sistors in the 1960s. Its size became smaller and

smaller _7 __ its memory became larger and larger. And tha nks _8 ____ t he Intern et, computers

were connected to one another as a huge family_9 _________ an endless network. Actually, the

computer could eve n talk to huma n being _10 _______ (use) the Ian guage called BASIC.

1. That

2. When

3. With

4. Which

5. But

6. Without

7. While

8. To

9. By

10. using


Daisy had always Ion ged to help endan gered species of wildlife. One day she woke up and

found a flying carpet by her bed. “ Wheredo you want to go?” it asked. Daisy responded

immediately, “ I ' d like to see some_1 _____________ (danger) wildlife ” she said. Please take me to a distant land where I can find the animal_2 ______ gave fur to make this sweater. At once the

carpet flew away and took_3 ___ t o Tibet. There Daisy saw an an telope _4 _____ (look) sad. It

said, “ we rteeing killed_5 ______ the wool beneath our stomachs. Our fur is being used_6

_______ (make) sweaters for people like you. As a result, we are now _7__ dan ger. A”that

Daisy cried, “ I ' m sorry I never _8 __________ (know) that. I wonder_9 ____ i s being done to help

you. Flying carpet, please show me a place_10 _______ there ' s some wildlife protect ion.

_____________________________________________ ”

1. En da ngered

2. Which

3. Her

4. Look ing

5. For

6. To make

7. In


Knew 9. What 10. where


Have you ever dreamed of being famous as a musician?

At first many sin gers may form a

band to practise their music. And _1 ________ they may get the chanee to give_2 _____________

(perform) in pubs or clubs. Later they may gradually become popular. _3 _________________ , the

Mon kees started in a differe nt way. Only one of them was good eno ugh and the other three

members pretended _4 _______ (sing). To be honest, it couldn ' t _5 __________ (call) a real band
