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一、Chinese to English (本大题5小题.每题10.0分,共50.0分。Translate the following underlined part of the text into English. )

第1题 中国家庭一向尊老爱幼。在大家庭里,老一辈人的意见受到尊重,小一辈的人得到全家的爱护。中国宪法规定赡养父母是成年子女义不容辞的责任。在城市里,不和家里老人一起住的年轻夫妇给老人生活费并帮助他们干家务活儿。在农村,尽管大家庭解体了,许多结了婚的儿子和他的家人还与父母住在同一个院子里。对他们来说,分家不过是分灶而已。结了婚的儿子往往把房子盖在父母家附近.这样父母和子女互相帮助、探望都和过去一样方便。



In extended families, older member's opinion was respected, and the youngest members are loved and taken good care of by all. China's

constitution stipulates that grown-up children are duty-bound to support their parents. In the cities, couples who do not live with their aged parents give the latter living allowances and help them with the house chores. In the countryside, though quite a number of extended families have dissolved, many married sons and their families continue to live in the same courtyard with their parents. To them, breaking up the extended family means cooking their meals separately. Married sons most often have their houses built near their parents' home, making it convenient for parents and children to help and visit each other as before.

[本题分数]: 10.0 分



1.在大家庭里:译为in extended families 。


constitution stipulates that grown-up children are duty-bound to support their parents ,此处是将名词短语“成年子女义不容辞的责任”译成主谓结构。“宪法”译为constitution ,“规定”译为stipulate ,“赡养父母”译为support their parents 。

3.生活费:living allowances 。

4.解体:译为dissolve 。

5.对他们来说,分家不过是分灶而已:此处的“分家”理解为“大家庭的解散”,译为breaking up the extended family ,“分灶”译为cooking their meals separately 。



即making it convenient for parents and children to help and visit each other as before 。

第2题 我们找不出话来了。对于这样的问题我还没有仔细思索过。在我知道了他的惨痛遭遇以后,我究竟应该拿什么话应对他呢?




I couldn't read his countenance without seeing his face. However, judging from what he had said, he was evidently living in a world of his own —bereft of home, love or warmth, and flogged by the scourge of life. But he acted unyieldingly and was filled with bitter hatred. He was using both hands to bear the burden of life. He was never scared or discouraged. He could achieve what children from well-to-do families could not achieve, and he had ideas that they didn't dare to have.

Life is a melting pot which hardens the will of children like him so that they are able to withstand the bitterest blows of life ever.

[本题分数]: 10.0 分



1.我看不见那个小子的脸,不知道他脸上的表情:此句暗含因果关系,“看不见那个小子的脸”是因,可译为without seeing his face ,“不知道他脸上的表情”最好译为couldn't read his countenance 。

2.但是从他刚才的话里,我知道对于他另外有一个世界存在。没有家,没有爱,没有温暖,只有一根生活的鞭子在赶他:分析这两句,后一句是对前一句中“另外一个世界”的解释,故两个可并为一句,用破折号连接,即However, judging from what he had said, he was evidently living in a world of his own —bereft of home, love or warmth, and flogged by the scourge of life.

3.他能够倔强:译为he acted unyieldingly 。

4.他能够恨:可理解为“他充满着仇恨”,即译为he was filled with bitter hatred 。

5.举起生活的担子:译为bear the burden of life 。

6.生活毕竟是一个熔炉。它能够锻炼出这样倔强的孩子来。甚至人世间最惨痛的遭遇也打不倒他:这三句话意义联系紧密,可以译为一句话。“人世间最惨痛的遭遇也打不倒他”也就是“他能够战胜人世间最惨痛的遭遇”,整句可泽为Life is a melting pot which hardens the will of children like him so that they are able to withstand the bitterest blows of life ever 。
