
英语国家概况复习点2Northern Ireland1. Basic information:It is often called “Ulster” and is the smallest of the four natoins (area/population)Physical feature: mostly rural, low hills, beautiful lake district in the south-west, rugged coastline, including its most famous landmark, the Giant’s CausewayEconomy: the lowest wealth per head and low living cost.Aircraft manufacturers and shipbuilders2. History(1) Political conflicts:--- 1914: The Home Rule Bill was finally passed by the British Parliament but was suspended because of theworld war1. (From 1801 to 1921, the full name of UK was “The United Kingdom of Grea t Britain and Ireland”, because the whole island of Ireland was politically integrated with Great Britain. But due to Irish desires for an independent Irish state, a campaign in parliament for “Home-rule” was launched, and the Home Rule Bill was finally passed in 1914.)--- 1916: the Easter Rising (The rebels took over Dublin’s Post Office forcing the British to retake it by military means. The leaders of the rebellion were executed by the British authorities.)--- 1919: IRA (the Irish Republican Army) expanded the fighting.--- The Sinn Fein party who were supporters of the Irish terrorists gained most of the Irish seats in the British parliament, Irish independence became inevitable. (a legal political party formed in1905, supporters of the Ir ish terrorists; support the IRA’s right to fight by a twin campaign, both political and military which they call the policy of “the Bullet and the Ballot Box” 暴力和民主手段)(2) Religious conflicts--- most Irishes are Catholics; most Britishes are Protestants--- In the 17th C., people emigrated from Scotland and Northern England to the north of Ireland. The people of this part thought of themselves as British, and wished to remain a part of the British state. They were Protestants.(3) A partition of Ireland in 1921Faced with these conflicting demands the British government chose a compromise and organised a partition of Ireland. The southern 26 counties formed a free state---Ireland; the other 6 north-eastern counties remained a part of Britain ----- Northern Ireland.---Northern Ireland was given its own Parliament to deal with Northern Irish internal affairs, based at Stormont3. Troubles and solutionsThe majority, the Protestants controlled the local democratically- elected parliament and used that power to support their own economic and social dominance in the province. Catholics found it harder to get jobs, or to benefit from social programs such as public housing. The armed conflict “troubles” developed.(1) a Civil Rights Movement(2) the presence of British soldiers on Northern Ireland since 1969 (the first British soldiers were seen on Northern Irish streets. They have been there ever since.)(3) IRA’s violence in the 1970s (IRA split in 1969, and a strong fac tion separated from the official IRA calling themselves “ Provisional IRA” which felt armed force was the only way to get the British out. So,this group continued the conflict for the last 30 years. And Protestants took revenge on Catholics.(4) Bloody Sunday (1972.01.30---13 Catholics who had been taking part in a peaceful civil rights march were shot dead by British soldiers. )(5) the Power-Sharing mechanism (in 1973, an agreement was reached between the main political parties in。

一、文化概况1. 英国文化英国是一个拥有悠久历史的国家,其文化底蕴深厚。
2. 美国文化美国是一个移民国家,因此其文化融合了来自世界各地的元素,呈现出多元化和包容性。
3. 英美文化交流英美两国之间的文化交流十分频繁,互相影响。
二、历史概况1. 英国历史英国历史可以追溯到古代,罗马、盎格鲁-撒克逊、诺曼底人等不同民族和文化在英国留下了深远的影响。
2. 美国历史美国历史相对年轻,但是却是一个充满传奇色彩的国家。
3. 英美历史关系英国曾是美国的殖民地,双方有着深厚的历史渊源。
三、政治概况1. 英国政治英国是一个君主立宪制国家,国家元首是君主,首相是政府首脑。
2. 美国政治美国是一个总统制国家,总统是国家元首和政府首脑。

英语国家概况课后题汇总及答案英美社会与文化复习题I. Choose the one that best completes each of the following statements.1. The two main islands of the British Isles are . A. Great Britain andIreland B. Great Britain and Scotland C. Great Britain and Wales D.Great Britain and England 2. is the capital city of Scotland.A. BelfastB. EdinburghC. AberdeenD. Cardiff 3. According to a2021 estimate, Britain now has a population of over million.A. 160B. 600C. 60D. 16 4. Among the four parts of the United Kingdom, is the smallest.A. EnglandB. ScotlandC. WalesD. Northern Ireland 5. Almost aquarter of the British population lives in England.A. northeasternB. southeasternC. northwesternD. southwestern 6.English belongs to the group of Indo-European family of languages.A. CelticB. Indo-IranianC. GermanicD. Roman7. The introduction of Christianity to Britain added the first element of words toEnglish.A. Danish and FinnishB. Dutch and GermanC. French and ItalianD. Latin and Greek8. The evolution of Middle English was reinforced by the influence.A. NormanB. DutchC. GermanD. Danish 9. Samuel Johnson’sdictionary was influential in establishing a standard form of .A. grammarB. handwritingC. spellingD. pronunciation 10. At present, nearly of the world’s population communicate in English.A. halfB. a quarterC. one thirdD. one fifth 11. Theattack on Rome ended the Roman occupation in Britain in 410.A. NormanB. DanishC. CelticD. Germanic 12. By the late 7thcentury, became the dominant religion in England.A. Celtic ChristianityB. Anglo-Saxon ChristianityC. Germanic ChristianityD. Roman Christianity 13. Westminster Abbey was built at the time of . A. St. Augustine B. Edward the Confessor C. William the Conqueror D. Alfred the Great 14. The marked the establishment of feudalism in England.A. Viking invasionB. signing of the Magna CartaC. Norman ConquestD. Adoption of common law 15. The end of the Wars of the Roses led to the ruleof . A. the House of Valois B. the House of York C. the House of Tudor D. the House of Lancaster16. The direct cause for the Religious Reformation was King Henry VIII’s effort to . A. divorce his wife B. break with Rome C. support the Protestants D. declare his supreme power over the church 17. The EnglishCivil War broke out in 1642 between . A. Protestants and Puritans B. Royalists and Parliamentarians C. nobles and peasants D. aristocrats and Christians 18. was passed after the Glorious Revolution.A. Bill of RightsB. Act of SupremacyC. Provisions of OxfordD. Magna Carta19. The Industrial Revolution was accomplished in Britain by the middle ofthe century.A. 17thB. 18thC. 19thD. 20th20. Britain faced strong challenges in its global imperial dominance bythe beginning of the century.A. 17thB. 18thC. 19thD. 20th21. The British government is characterized by a division of powersbetween three of thefollowing branches with the exception of the . A. judiciary B. legislature C. monarchy D. executive 22. The importance of the British monarchy can be seen in its effect on . A. passing the bills B. advising the government C. political parties D. public attitude23. As a revising chamber, the House of Lords is expected to the House of Commons.A. rivalB. complementC. criticizeD. inspect 24. British Cabinet works on the principle of . A. collective responsibility B.individual responsibility C. defending the collectivism D. defending the individuals 25. The main duty of the British Privy Council is to .A. make decisionsB. give adviceC. pass billsD. supervise theCabinet 26. In Britain, the parliamentary general election is held every years.A. threeB. fourC. fiveD. six 27. has a distinct legal system based on Roman law.A. WalesB. EnglandC. ScotlandD. Northern Ireland 28. Generally speaking, the British Parliament operates on a system.A. single-partyB. two-partyC. three-partyD. multi-party 29. The policies of the Conservative Party are characterized by pragmatism and .A. government interventionB. nationalization of enterprisesC. social reformD. a belief in individualism 30. The Labor Party affected the British society greatly in that it . A. set up the National Health Service B. improved public transportation C. abolished the old tax system D. enhanced the economic development 31. The British economy achieved global dominance by the . A. 1860s B. 1870s C. 1880s D.1890s32. In , the British Parliament passed two important acts toestablish a welfare state. A. 1945 B. 1946 C. 1947 D. 194833. The in the early 1970s worsened an already stagnant economy in Britain.A. oil crisisB. high inflation ratesC. large importsD. unemployment problem34. Of the following practices, does not belong to Thatcher’ssocial welfare reform.A. reducing child benefitsB. shortening the unemployment benefits periodC. reducing the unemploymentD. lowering old age pensions35. The Blair government has been successful in all the following aspects except . A. limiting government spending B. keeping inflation undercontrol C. reducing unemployment D. reducing inequality 36. Britain has devoted of its land area to agriculture.A. 54%B. 64%C. 74%D.84% 37. Britain’s important fishingareas include all the following except .A. the North SeaB. the English ChannelC. The sea area aroundIreland D. The sea area between Britain and Ireland 38. Coal miningindustry in Britain provides of the energy consumed in the country.A. 1/3B. 1/4C. 1/5D. 2/3 39. The car industry in Britain inmostly . A. foreign-owned B. state-owned C. joint-venture D.privately-owned 40. Of the following sectors in Britain, hasexperienced spectacular growth since theend of Word War II. A. agriculture B. energy industry C. serviceindustry D. manufacturing industry 41. In Britain, the division betweengrammar schools and vocational schools were ended by theintroduction of comprehensive schools in the . A. 1930s B. 1940s C. 1950s D. 1960s42. About of British children receive primary and secondaryeducation through theindependent system. A. 5% B. 6% C. 7% D. 8%43. Partially funded by central government grants, the Britishuniversities receive their remainingfunds from all the following sources except . A. tuition fees B.loans C. donations D. corporate contributions 44. Of the following,is NOT a basis of admission to Britain’s universities.A. result in national entrance testB. A-level resultC. an interviewD. school references 45. To be admitted to the Open University, oneneed .A. some educational qualificationsB. no educational qualificationsC. General Certificate of Education-AdvancedD. General NationalVocational Qualifications 46. Among Britain’s quality press, the following newspapers are regarded as the �DBig Three‖with the exception of . A. The Times B. The Guardian C. The Observer D. The Daily Telegraph 47. Life on Earth is a kind ofprogram produced by the BBC and is popular among 500million viewers worldwide. A. feature B. drama C. documentary D.soap opera 48. is Britain’s top pay television provider.A. BSBB. SkyTVC. BBCD. BSkyB 49. Of the following, isNOT a common feature of all the British holidays.A. families getting togetherB. friends exchanging good wishesC.friends enjoying each other’s company D. families traveling overseas 50. The following Christmas traditions are particularly British except .A. Trooping the ColorB. Queen’s Christmas messageC. Boxing DayD. Christmas pantomime51. The most significant achievement of the English Renaissance is .A. poetryB. dramaC. novelD. pamphlet 52. is viewed as Romantic poetry’s �DDeclaration of Independence.‖A. �DI Wondered Lonely as a Cloud‖B. Don JuanC. �DPreface toLyrical Ballads‖ D. Prometheus Unbound 53. Of Dickens’ n ovels, is considered autobiographical.A. A Tale of Two CitiesB. David CopperfieldC. Oliver TwistD. Great Expectations54. is a representative of English Critical Realism at the turn of the 19th century.A. Robert Louis StevensonB. John MiltonC. Joseph ConradD. Thomas Hardy55. Of the following statements, is NOT correct in terms of Neo-Romanticism.A. It prevailed at the end of the 19th century.B. The writers were dissatisfied with the social reality.C. The writers believed in �DArt for Art’s Sake‖.D. Treasure Island was a representative work.56. is NOT included in the modernist group.A. Oscar WildB. Virginia WoolfC. William Butler YeatsD. T. S. Eliot57. Of the following books, was NOT written by Thomas Hardy.A. Jude the ObscureB. Tess of the D’UrbervillesC. Adam BedeD. The Return of the Native 58. Of the following statements, is NOT correct about Virginia Woolf.A. She was a central figure of the �DBloomsbury Group‖.B. She experimented with stream of consciousness.C. She was an influential feminist.D. Her masterpiece was The Rainbow.59. Of the following writers, is NOT a Nobel Prize winner.A. Samuel BeckettB. James JoyceC. William GoldingD. V. S. Naipaul 60. Waiting for Godot is written by . A. Samuel Beckett B. George Orwell C. William Golding D. D. H. Lawrence 61. The United States has states on the continent.A. 50B. 49C. 48D. 35 62. The state of is the largestin area of all the states.A. AlaskaB. HawaiiC. TexasD. Florida63. The U. S. lies in North America, with Canada to the north, Mexico to the south, theAtlantic to its and the Pacific to its . A. northern, east, west B. central, east, west C. southern, west, east D. western, east, west 64. The largest river in the U. S. is .A. the Missouri RiverB. the Mississippi RiverC. the Ohio RiverD. the Colorado River65. Some of the world famous universities like Harvard, Yale and MIT are located . A. in the South B. along the Pacific CoastC. in New EnglandD. in the Midwest66. is located on the U. S. �CCanadian border between Lake Erie and Lake Ontario.A. Yellowstone National ParkB. The Grand CanyonC. Niagara FallsD. The Great Salt Lake 67. The native Alaskan population includes thefollowing except the . A. Indians B. Eskimos C. Aleuts D.Blacks 68. The largest minority in the United States is the .A. Pacific IslandersB. BlacksC. Native AmericansD. Asians69. The Immigrants Act of 1924 restricted the further immigration into the United States,particularly from . A. Europe B. Asia C.Africa D. South America 70. The characteristic of dominant American culture is . A. English-speaking, northern European, RomanCatholic and middle-class B. English-speaking, western European, RomanCatholic and upper-class C. English-speaking, northern European, Protestantand upper-class D. English-speaking, western European, Protestant and middle-class71. The first successful English colony in North America was founded at in . A. Jamestown, Louisiana B. Boston, Massachusetts C. Jamestown, Virginia D. Plymouth, Georgia72. Pilgrim Fathers are a group of who came to America to avoid persecution inEngland.A. ProtestantsB. PuritansC. CatholicsD. Christians 73. The Seven Years’ War occurred between the . A. French and American Indians B. French and Spaniards C. French and British D. British and AmericanIndians 74. �DNo taxation wi thout representation‖ was the rallying sloganof . A. the settlers of Virginia B. the people of Pennsylvania C.the colonists in New England D. the people of the 13 colonies 75. The first shots of the American War of Independence were fired in . A. ConcordB. LexingtonC. PhiladelphiaD. Boston76. In May 1775, was held in Philadelphia and began to assume the functions of anational government.A. the First Continental CongressB. the Second Continental CongressC.the Boston Tea Party D. the Congress of Confederation 77. Abraham Lincoln issued to grant freedom to all slaves.A. Declaration of IndependenceB. ConstitutionC. Emancipation ProclamationD. Bill of Rights78. The policy of the United States was at the beginning of the two world wars.A. neutralityB. full involvementC. partial involvementD. appeasement79. President applied New Deal to deal with the problems of the Great Depression.A. WilsonB. TrumanC. RooseveltD. Kennedy80. The Vietnam War was a long-time suffering for Americans, and it continued throughout theterms of Presidents .A. Johnson, Nixon and FordB. Truman, Eisenhower and Kennedy感谢您的阅读,祝您生活愉快。

英语国家文化概况试题 LEKIBM standardization office【IBM5AB- LEKIBMK08- LEKIBM2C】英语国家文化概况试题I.Decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F)1.Great Britain includes 3 constituent countries: England, Scotland,and Wales.(T)2.. Independent schools get money mainly through the private sectorand tuition rates, with some government support.(T)3.Britain is not a member of the NATO due to its disagreement withsome European countries in defense policy. (F)4.Britain has a written constitutions of the sort which most countrieshave.(F)5.Conservative party prefers policies that protect individual’s rights.(T)6.New England was established by English puritans.(T)7.The US Constitution set up a federal system with a strong centralgovernment.(T)8.There are more Catholics than Protestants in the US. (F)9.Harvard College was originally founded to train government officials.(F)10.Americans have to join a political party in order to vote or to be acandidate for public office. (F)II.Choose the answer that best completes the statement or answers the question:1.Which of the following is NOT considered a characteristic of London(2.d)3.a.The cultural centre.b.The business centre.c.The financial centre.d.The sports centre.4.Which of the following kings was executed in the civil war5.(c)6.a.James I.b.James II.c.Charles I.d.Charles II.7.By whom is a “vote of no confidence” decided8.(a)9.a.The House of Commons.b.The House of Lords.c.The two major parties.d.The Prime Minister.10.I f a student wants to go to university in Britain, he will take theexamination called ______ (a)a.General Certificate of Education-Advanced.b.General Certificate of Secondary Education.c.the common entrance examination.d.General National Vocational Qualifications.11.H ow many counties are there in Northern Ireland12.(b)13.a.26b.6c.32d.2014.W hich of the following statements was correct around the time ofAmerican Revolution?(a)a.The American had the mixed blood of Europeans or theirdescendants.b.The American had the mixed blood of Europeans with AmericanIndians.c.The American had the mixed blood of Europeans with blacks.d.The American had the blood of English and their descendantsonly.15.W hich of the following is NOT guaranteed in the Bill of Rights?(b)a.The freedom of religion.b.The freedom of searching a person’s home by policec.The freedom of speech and of the press.d.The right to own weapons if one wishes16.T he following were some of the characteristics of Protestantismexcept_____(c)a.Challenging the authority of the Pope.b.Salvation through faith.c.Salvation through the church.d.Establishing a direct contact with God.17.T he following were the founding fathers of the Americaexcept_____.(c)a.George Washingtonb.Thomas Jefferson.c.William Pann.d.Benjamin Franklin.18.The expenditure on American public schools is guided or decided by_____.(d)a.Teachersb.Studentsc.Headmastersd.Boards of educationIII.Tell what you know about the following in your own words?IV.1.The House of CommonsAnswer: the House of Commons is the real center of British political life because it is the place where about 650 elected representatives (Members of Parliament) make and debate policy. These MPs are elected in the General Elections and should represent the interests of the people who vote for them.2.The importance of general electionsAnswer: General elections are very important in western democracy. They provide opportunities for people to influence future government policies and to replace those incompetent political leaders.3.Class system in British societyAnswer: The class system does exist in British society. Most of the British population would claim themselves to be either of middle-class or working-class, though some people would actually belong to the upper middle-class or lower middle-class . class divisions are not simply economic, they are cultural as well. One of the distinctive features about the British class system is that aristocratic titles can still be inherited.4.Independent schools of the UKAnswer: Independent schools are commonly called public schools which are actually private schools that receive their funding through the private sector and tuition rates, with some government assistance. Independent schools are the part of national education system in the UK.5.The CommonwealthAnswer: The Commonwealth is a voluntary association of states which is made up mostly of former British colonies. Many of them are developing countries like India; others are developed nations like Australia, Canada and New Zealand. The Commonwealth was set up as a forum for continued cooperation and as a sort of support net work.6.The Declaration of IndependenceAnswer: The Declaration of Independence was mainly drafted by Thomas Jefferson and adopted by the Congress on July 4, 1776, when the people of 13 English colonies in North America were fighting for their freedom and independence from the British colonial rule. The document declared that all men were equal and that they were entitled to have some unalienable rights such as life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.7.The Bill of Rights of the USAnswer: The Bill of Rights consists of the first 10 amendments which were added to the Constitution in 1791. The Bill of Rights was passed to guarantee freedom and individual rights such as freedom of speech, the right to assemble in public places, the right to own weapons and so on.8.Three Faiths in the USAnswer: Americans were considered to come in three basic varieties: Protestant, Catholic and Jewish. In terms of numbers, the Protestants are the strongest, the Catholics are next the Protestants and Jewish are the smallest among the three groups.9.High education of the USAnswer: In America, high education refers to education on the college level. American higher education includes four categories of institutions,. They are the university, the four-year undergraduate institution (the college), the technical training institution and the two-year or community college. Some are supported by public funds and some by private funds.10.The Cold WarAnswer: By the end of WWII, the United States, which had not suffered as much as other allied countries, became the strongest country in the world. As the possessor of atomic tombs and much of the world’s gold reserve and industrial production in its hand, thepolicy-makers of the US wanted a world order dominated by the US, a world market free and open to American goods and services. In pursuing this goal, the US encountered determined resistance from the Soviet Union. Gradually the two wartime allies fell apart and the Cold War began.V.Questions for consideration (此部分没有标准答案,是发挥题,写出要点即可)1.“British history has been a history of invasion.” Please illustrate thispoint with the examples. How each of the invasions influence English culture?2.Main points: 4invasions :Roman Empire, Angles and Saxon, Vikings and Normans3.What are the three big parties in the UK4.What are some of the similarities and dissimilarities between thethree parties?Main points: the Conservative party , the Labor party and the Liberal Democrats5.What is the Open University in Britain6.What do you think of this system?Main points: the open university offers a non-traditional route for people to take university level courses and receive a university degree.People can register without having any formal educational qualifications. They follow university courses through textbooks, TV, radio broadcasts, a network of study centers net and other ways.7.In what way did Puritanism influence American culture?8.9.What are some of the major powers of each of the three branchesof the US government10.H ow are the three branches supposed to check and balance eachother?11.W hat is the goal of education in the United States12.D iscuss the similarities and differences in Great Britain, the UnitedStates and China concerning the goals of education.13.W hat is the relationship between government and religion inAmerican?14.15.W hat is the US containment policy16.I s it successful17.I llustrate your point with facts.注:这部分论述题答案是open的,有一些是根据课本内容要求学生分析并写出自己的观点,没有标准答案。

一、英国(United Kingdom)英国是英语的发源地,也是英语国家中最重要的一个。
二、美国(United States)美国是世界上最大的英语国家之一,也是世界上最强大的国家之一。
五、新西兰(New Zealand)新西兰是一个位于南太平洋的岛国,也是一个英语国家。

1. 英语国家及其地理位置英语是英国的母语,但也广泛使用于其他国家和地区。
2. 主要的英语国家文化每个英语国家都有其独特的文化特点。
3. 英语国家的节日和庆典不同的英语国家有自己独特的节日和庆典。
4. 英语国家的体育文化体育在英语国家有着重要的地位,不同的体育项目也与当地文化紧密相连。
5. 英语国家的饮食文化饮食文化也是了解一个国家的重要方面。
6. 英语国家的名人和文化艺术英语国家涌现了众多的名人和文化艺术家。
7. 英语国家的教育体系英语国家的教育体系对于学生的成长和未来发展起到重要的影响。

UNIT TEN AMERICAN SOCIAL PROBLEMSRacial problemsA nation of immigrants:religious refugeesadventurersslavesIn theory: the principle of equalityIn reality: stratified society (阶级社会)Power, wealth, and prestige are unequally distributed among the population. …inequality tends to follow racial and ethnic lines as well (不平等往往与族裔有关) Hispanics(西班牙人): 12.3% of population;Blacks: 11.7 % of population, about 25 millionMyth of Black people’s racial inferiority(下等):irresponsibility, promiscuity(乱交), laziness, lower intelligencewhip(边打)or lynch(处死)mob(暴民)The 13th Amendment to the Constitution in 1865 ended slavery.But many states have segregation laws to keep races apart in schools, housing, restaurants.Blacks got the lowest-paid jobs.Rigged(不正当的)literacy tests keep them from voters’rolls.Segregation(分层)law in practice till 1950s in the South.the civil rights movement in the 1960s…many black leaders began to disclaim[full integration into the American mainstream] as the goal of the black minority.Current situation of Blacksmixed picture(喜忧参半)…institutionalized discrimination is still rife.Housing: Black people live in black neigh- borhoods in cities. White people live in rich suburban areas.Most whites think much progress has been made in equality. But more than half of the blacks believe that there has not been much progress.Only 20% of whites think…miss out…because of discrimination(不公平对待). Only 1/3 of Black have become middle class.Unemployment rate up to 50%, 8 times the average rate of the country. “Underclass”: live in poverty, crime, drug, joblessness, hopelessnessPoverty12.5% (or 35.9 million) live at or below poverty line.The poverty level for 2011 was set at $22,350 (total yearly income) for a family of four.Meaning of being poor:Dog food, malnutrition, deprivation, diseases, alcoholism, unstable marriage, victim of crime, illiteracy, low self-esteemAverage wealth per adult: $25,000; but distributed unequally.Most of this wealth has not been accumulated through hard work.... It has been inherited (继承).Unequal incomes:Richest 1/5 get 40% of national incomePoorest 1/5 get 5.2% of national income.Unequal benefits:80% of checks for expensive restaurants and 1/3 of broadway(百老汇)tickets from “expense accounts”.Drug AbuseThe drug problem…a major threat(威胁) to society.Drugs related to crime:Over half of violent crimes after using alcohol.Heroin related to crime.60% of fatally injured drivers with over 0.05% alcohol level.Drug users more likely to be killed.Alcoholics with 3 times higher death rate than average, and 7 times more likely to die in accidents.Economic costs:More money used for accidents, medical bills, and lost production.Society pay to support drug users.Public resources (police) for control and treatment.CrimeCrime is a serious problem facing the nation.President Nixon: “declare war against it.”But he was impeached and resigned due to Watergate.61% of women feel unsafe in own neigh-borhood.45% of people afraid to walk alone at night.47% have guns for self-protection.Arrested are more likely to be male, young, a minority person, and a city resident.Males four times more likely arrested.Females arrested more for juvenile runaway or prostitution(卖淫).Courts more lenient(宽大的)to females.Young people commit more crimes.Minorities(少数民族)are more likely to be arrested, commit more crimes.Because: (1) poverty is related to serious crimes; (2) prejudice by police.Courts would sentence minorities more severely(严格地)than whites.The Abuse of Power by Government and CorporationsGovernment power: education, social services, marriage, conditions of employment, tax. Often oppressive, unresponsive, impersonal, inefficient, arrogant, corrupt.。

概况Each Country1. History(UK 见ppt)2. Political Structure:◆UK:◆Australia:◆NZ:3. Unique Holidays(具体见下)4. Population:UK:62 millionAustralia: (2007)21.1 millionNew Zealand: (2007)4.24 million5. Map: Key cities, bodies of waterUK1.Type of population: 90% urban, 10% rural. Total: 62 million2.Time of Viking invasion: 8th to 9th century/793AD.3.Normans: 10664.King Arthur: ①Roman Britain(Britannai) before 1066.King Arthur is rumored to be around this time.②A legendary king of the Britons③He is said to have led the Knights of the Round Table at Camelot5.Population and size of 4 UK countriesEngland: 84% of the UK populationScotland: 5.1 million, lowest population density in the UKWales: 3 million, smallest nationNorthern Ireland: 1.7 million6.Anglo-Saxons:·Much unrest until 7th century.·Heptarchy: Seven kingdoms of the 7th century (but this term is out of date) ·Vikings: 793AD·the Danes invaded and ruled for half of the 9th century.·In this time period we have the origin of the word ―Enland‖: Land of the Angles·Alfred the Great, king of Wessex (871-899): Saved the Angles from the Danes ·King Edward (died in 1066) :last Wessex king7.Was Ireland a part of UK in the past?Yes. Joined in 1801. Left in 19228.Britain and ancient Rome relationship:During the period of Early Britain, first part Rome Britain, Roman invasion in55BC, lead by Julius Caesar, finished by Caludius in 43AD9.What the size of British Empire: 1/4—1/310.UN Security Council members: China, France, Russia, UK, US11.NATO: North Atlantic Treaty Organization12.BBC: British Broadcasting Corporation附:When did Ireland divide?May.3.1921 Northern Ireland became separated from Ireland .1922, Ireland became an independent country.UK Politics1. Political evolution violent or peaceful? Peaceful.2. Differences between Bill of Rights and Magna CartaMagna Carta: King John was forced to sign the Magna Carta in 1215 to impose legal limits on the king‘s personal power in raising money from his subjects. 影响:Slowly developed into a parliament with two separate houses.Bill of Rights(1689): Was the result of Glorious Revolution When the crown was offered , WilliamⅢ and MaryⅡ agreed to sign the Bill of Rights that gave political supremacy to Parliament and severely limited the Crown‘s power, which marked the beginning of the constitutional monarchy in England.3.Divisions of Parliament, main purpose, who PM is chosen and his/her Cabinet, number, who do the people elect, cost of running for MPDivision: The Crown, House of Lords, House of CommonsMain purpose: To make laws, pass laws from the government, taxes and money PM is chosen by the leading Parliament Party.PM selects the members of his Cabinet (20).Anyone 18 or older can vote. People elect the House of CommonsAnyone can run for MP at a fee of 500 pounds, or 5,200 Yuan.4.Major political parties and their differences• Labor Party: ①government supervision for industry②even distribution of wealth③equal opportunity• Conservative Party: ①supports private enterprise & minimal state regulation②accepts the mixed economy, involves private ownership of business with some government control.③believe in a governing class with a natural right & special privileges.• Liberal Democratic Party: ①the ―middle ground‖ party②The Liberal Democrats describe their ideology as giving "power to the people"; they are against the concentration of power in unaccountable bodies.5. PM of the UK: David Cameron (CP& LDP 联合政府)6. Tony Blair: 1997-2007 led the Labor Party7. Queen‘s political role: The Queen is Head of State but her power is only symbolic.8. Is the House of Lords the upper class? No.9. Differences between H of Lords and H of CommonsH of Commons: Elected by the people; Represent the people who elected them; Member of Parliament; they are center of British political life; the leading party selects the Prime Minister; The leading minority party sets up a Shadow Cabinet.H of Lords: They are not elected, inherit the position, be appointed by sovereign(monarchy) through PM‘s suggestion; do not have much power; They can delay bills, but only for one year; They are the highest court of appeals; Their main function is to debate the issues of the day.10. Britain has what type of government: Central government & Local government11.Is the Queen the head of other countries? Yes. Australia,Newzealand12.Constitution①The foundation of the UK government is the constitution.②Unlike other countries governed by a constitution, the UK‘s constitution is based on following sources:·Statute laws: These are laws passed by Parliament• Common laws or judge-made law: These are the court laws• Conventions, traditions&customs: Informal agreements·principles& practices of government which are not legally binding but have the force of law.• Ancient documents• European Union and the European Convention of Human Rights③Characteristics of British Constitution:·Constitutional Monarchy: The king(Queen) is the head of the state but power is only symbolic·Parliament Sovereignty: Parliament is the final authority·Representative Democracy: people are subject to the law, including government officials.13.Size of middle class: about 60% of the UK populationUK History1. Major time periods, events and people(ppt)2. Causes of Britain‘s decline: ①damages caused by WWII②beginning with the independence of India and Pakistan in 1947, the remainder of the British Empire was almost completely dismantled.③As the 1950s progressed, the UK had lost its place as a superpower and could no longer maintain its large empire.3.Type of decline: relative , not absolute4.Examples of three types of industryAgriculture: livestock, growing cropsIndustry & Production: engineering; food and tobacco; chemicals; paper, printing and publishing; metals and minerals; textiles, clothingServices: Finance; Hotels and restaurants; Real estate; Education; Health and social workUK Literature1. Describe the Basic Periods with examples◆Old English Period (450~1066):特点:Most writings were concerned with Christianity and astrong belief in fate. Works were written in Old English. Poetry was the dominant genre. E.g:Beowulf. About 6th century Swedish warrior fighting dragons.This is the most famous Old English writing.◆Medieval English Literature (1066~1485): 特点:The church uses plays to instruct its people.Illiterate population begin to see and hear literature.E.g: Geoffrey Chaucer : Canterbury Tales; Thomas Moore : Utopia, published in 1516, is a book describing an imaginary place with an ideal political system.◆Renaissance Literature (1485~1660):Elizabethan Drama: 1586-163Jacobean Period: 1603-1625特点:There was a shift from a religious worldview to a humanistic worldview. Human development and love were reoccurring themes.Poetry and drama were the major literary genres.The first theater open in London in 1576.Commoners were beginning to be accepted at some plays.The most famous play writer was: William Shakespeare. Hamlet;Rome o&Juliet…Other key people:Christopher Marlowe: 1564-1593Ben Jonson: 1572-1637John Donne:1572-1631◆Neoclassical Period (1660~1798)特点:A time of returning to the art of Ancient Greek and Rome.Restoration (1630-1660),Charles II (查理二世王政复辟)The Age of Enlightenment: Eighteenth CenturyThe Industrial Revolution begins.Key Authors:John Milton (1608-1674)Paradise LostJohn Bunyan (1628-1688)Pilgrims ProgressJonathan Swift (1667-1745)Daniel Defoe (1660-1731)◆Romanticism (1798~1832)Background:NapoleonMiddle class gains representation in the British parliament.Romantics reacting against the Industrial Revolutionsome of the famous poets:John KeatsPercy ShelleyWilliam WordsworthLord ByronRobert Burnssome of the famous Romantic novelists:Mary Shelley – FrankensteinJane Austen – Sense and Sensibility, Pride and Prejudice◆Victorian Period (1832~1900)特点:Much of the literature of this time drew attention to the poor and oppressed, sexual misconduct, and the need for social reform.some of the famous authors:Charles Dickens : Oliver TwistSir Walter Scott : IvanhoeRobert Louis Stevenson : Dr Jekyll and Mr HydeThree sisters (Charlotte, Emily and Ann Bronte): famous novels :Jane Eyre; Wuthering HeightsCharles Dickens : A Tale of Two CitiesCharles DarwinRobert Louis StevensonSherlock Holmes◆Modern Period (1900~present)①Before WWⅡModernism: Through rational and logical means of gaining knowledge man will improve his environment. It was objective and a search for abstracttruth. It rejected God.Anti-heroic charactersE.g: Joseph Conrad: Heart of Darkness (1902)Virginia WoolfT.S. Eliot②After WW ⅡPost-Modernism: It is a reaction against the logic of Modernism. An extreme formof Modernism. It is subjective and rejected truth.E.g: George Orwell :famous novel 1984 was a satire on the totalitarian tendency,depressing stories are characteristic of postmodernism. John Fowles: The French Lieutenant‘s Woman2. Canterbury Tales: Geoffrey Chaucer; stories told by people on wayto Christian Church in Canterbury S.E. England.3. Beowulf: About 6th century Swedish warrior fighting dragons; this is the most famous Old English writing.4. Hamlet: William Shakespeare5. Ode on a Grecian Urn: John Keats ,18196. Jane Eyre: Charlotte BronteUK Education1. GCSE: General Certificate of Secondary Education2. A Levels: after year 11, study two more years and take A-Levels to go to universityNorthern Ireland1. Basic order of events in NI1600s - Queen Elizabeth encouraged English settlements in Ireland.1916 - The Easter Rising1921 - Partition - The Anglo-Irish Treaty2. Good Friday Agreement: Also known as the Belfast Agreement.,was a major political development in the Northern Ireland peace process. It was signed in Belfast on 10 April 1998 (Good Friday) by the British and Irish governments and endorsed by most Northern Ireland political parties.3. Bloody Sunday: demonstration in Londonderry, Northern Ireland, on Sunday, Jan. 30, 1972, by Roman Catholic civil rights supporters. Bloody Sunday precipitated an upsurge in support for the nationalist Irish Republican Army (IRA), which advocated violence against the United Kingdom to force it to withdraw from Northern Ireland.4. Sinn Fein: Political wing of the Provisional Irish Republican Army (IRA). Sinn Féin, organized in both Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland, is a nationalist party in Northern Ireland, representing Roman Catholics who want to achieve a united Ireland through whatever means are necessary, including violence. The party was led by Gerry Adams from 1983.5. Religion of Irish and British: ChristianityAustralia1. What is unique to each state?Western Australia: the largest state; very few people live there; it contains most of the countries minerals.The Northern Territory: the essence of the Australian Outback; it has a varied landscape; also known as the land of the aborigines.South Australia: the driest state; 60% is desert; rich in mineral resources; has world-famous vineyards(wine).Queensland: the ‗sunshine‘ state and has magnificent beaches; Australia‘s premier tourist destination; the location of the Great Barrier Reef.New South Wales: the first white settlement in Australia; it leads the country in shipping, industry, and agriculture; the most populous area of the country; Sydney is the state capital.Australi an Capital Territory: the site of the nation‘s capital, Canberra; National government is its main industry.Victoria: the smallest mainland state but most densely populated and highly urbanized; a major tourist destination; its capital, Melbourne, is the second largest city in Australia.Tasmania: the smallest state; has several substantial industries; has retained much of its colonial feel.2. History: (time line)1788 - Colonization1850s - Gold Rush1880s - Growth of Nationalism1901 - Federation1900s - A New Nation1914 - 1918 - WWI1920s - The 1920s1929 - The Great Depression1939 - WWII1946 - Populate or Perish: Immigration3. Minorities: Aborigines &immigrants from non-European countries4.Map5. TAFE: Technical and Further Education6. Unique Holidays• Australian Day - January 26th• ANZAC Day - April 25th• Remembrance Day - Nov 11th• Melbourne Cup Day - Nov7. Favorite Sports: Australian Rules football; NetballNew Zealand1. Major cities: Capital: Wellington; largest city: Auckland; Christchurch and Dunedin.2. Difference between North and South IslandNorth: major cities: Wellington and Auckland; VolcanoesSouth: less densely populated; largest cities: Christchurch and Dunedin; has the most impressive mountains; glaciers3. HistoryFirst settlers: Maori. They came from Polynesia at least 700 years ago, and maybe 1000 years ago.The Dutch in 1642 first discovered New Zealand.British explorer James Cook in 1769 first came to New Zealand whose ship‘s name was Endeavor.Treaty of Waitangi: Maori wanted protection from European settlers.Growth of a nation: self-government (1852); a separate dominion (1907); full independence (1947) ; ―Most prosperous country in the world‖ by 1940.The Maturing of the nation: 1947,became fully independent from Britain1951, the Legislative Council was abolished , creating a unicameral legislature.1940s-1970s, increasing economic prosperity based on agriculture.Parliament in 1975 established a tribunal to hear claims of violations of the Treaty of Waitangi.In 1993 Parliament was changed to give more representation to smaller parties.1996, first Mixed Member Proportional(MMP) Parliament4. Minorities: Maori5. Unique holidaysNew Year‘s DayWaitangi Day: Feb 6th (National Day)Easter (Good Friday through Easter Monday)ANZAC Day: April 25th (This stands for Australia and New Zealand Army Corps. It honors the men and women who have fought in wars)Queen Elizabeth‘s II Birthday: first Monday of JuneLabor Day: fourth Monday in OctoberChristmasBoxing Day: the day after Christmas. A major shopping dayHolidaysSport of the Kings: horse racingWimbledon: the most famous tennis match in the UKSport Scottish invented: GolfMuslim fast: Ramadan; a fast during the month of SeptemberGuy Fawkes: Bonfire Night (a catholic conspirator, Nov 5, 1605----celebrated by Fireworks and bonfire):Hogmanay: Scotland, (when) News Years Eve, (how) first footing Eisteddfod: Wales; purpose: preserve the Welsh language and culture, which is threatened by English.Boxing Day: UK, the day after Christmas, a major shopping dayTrouping the Colour: on the Queens birthdayWaitangi Day: New Zealand, Feb 6th (National Day)ANZAC Day: Australia and NZ, April 25thDatesUK joined EU: 1973Scotland joins UK: 1707Wales join UK: 1536Ireland divided: 1922End of the Empire: 1945-1997Historical time periods of all the countriesOtherBe able to recognize a picture of: Tony Blair;Margaret Thatcher;Queen, Gordon Brown, David Cameron;Globe TheatreParliament, Cricket, St Patrick‘s Day, Christmas Pantomime(哑剧)。

以下是几个代表性的英语国家概况:1. 英国(United Kingdom)英国位于欧洲大陆的西北部,由四个国家组成:英格兰、苏格兰、威尔士和北爱尔兰。
2. 美国(United States)美国是一个位于北美洲的联邦共和制国家,由50个州组成。
3. 加拿大(Canada)加拿大是北美洲最北端的国家,是一个君主立宪制国家。
4. 澳大利亚(Australia)澳大利亚是世界上面积第六大的国家,位于南太平洋地区。
5. 新西兰(New Zealand)新西兰位于南太平洋地区,由北岛和南岛组成。
二、国家特点1. 文化和历史英语国家的文化和历史各具特色。
2. 经济和科技英语国家在经济和科技领域具有强大实力。

可编辑修改精选全文完整版英语国家概况复习整理一、单选题知识点:1.英国部分英国的主要岛屿:Great Britain and IrelandEdinburgh(爱丁堡)是苏格兰的首都英国有超过60 million的人口Northern Ireland是4个英国组成部分中最小的一个1/4 人口住在southeastern England英语属于Indo-European 语系中的Germanic(日耳曼语)基督教额引入为英国添加了第一笔 Latin and Greek色彩中世界英语被Norman influence强化塞缪尔.约翰逊的词典的意义是建立了Spelling的标准目前,将近a quarter的世界人口讲英文The Gremanic对罗马的进攻结束了罗马人占领英国在7世纪晚期,Roman Christianity(天主教会)处于英格兰的主导地位Westminster Abbey(威斯敏斯特教堂)建立在Edward the confessor(忏悔者爱德华)时期The Norman conquest 标志着Feudalism(封建制度)在英国的建立玫瑰花战争带来the House of Tudor的统治宗教改革(Religious Reformation)的直接原因是亨利三世国王divorce his wife英国革命在1642年爆发于Royalists and Parliamentarians(保皇党人和国会议员)之间Bill of Right(人权法案)在Glorious Revolution (光荣革命)后被通过19世纪中期英国的Industrial Revolution完成英国在20世纪初期面临着强烈的全球帝国统治挑战英国政府的三权分立:judiciary(司法),legislature(立法)及executive(行政),而不包括momarchy(君主) 英国君主的重要性体现在他在public attitude方面的影响British Cabinet(内阁)在Collective responsibility(集体负责制)的原则下工作英国Priry Council(枢密院)的主要责任是Give advice英国议会大选每5年举行一次Scotland拥有建立在罗马法律基础上的独特的法律系统英国议会的经营是two-party(两党的)模式保守党的政策是典型的Pragmatism(实用主义)和 a belief in individualism(个人主义的信仰)工会党(The Labor Prty)的影响是建立了全国健康服务体制(National Health Service)英国经济到1800s实现了全球统治在1946年,英国议会通过了两个重要法案,建立了福利规定1970s早期的The oil crisis(石油危机)恶化了本来已经不景气的英国经济布莱尔政府没有在reducing inequality方面获得成功英国开垦了74%的土地用于发展农业英国的渔业地区不包括The sea area between Britain and Ireland在英国,煤矿产业提供了1/4的能源英国汽车产业几乎全部是Foreign-owned(外企)英国文艺复兴时期最光辉的成就是drama(戏剧)"Preface to Lyrical Ballads"是浪漫诗的开篇之作Thomas Hardy 是19世纪批判现实主义的代表Waiting for Godot是Samuel Bekett 写的2.美国部分美国大陆上有48个statesAlaska是最大的州美国在 central North America ,加拿大在它的北面,墨西哥在南面,大西洋在它的东面,太平洋在它的西面美国最大的河流是Mississippi River哈佛、耶鲁和MIT等著名大学位于New EnglandNiagara Falls(尼亚加拉瀑布)位于美国-加拿大边境上阿拉斯加人口中没有the Blacks美国最大的少数民族是the Blacks1924年的移民法案限制美国的进一步移民,尤其是来自欧洲的美国文化主流的特点是:English-speaking,Western European,Protestant and Middle-class第一个北美殖民地建立在Jamestorn,VirginiaPilrim Fathers 是一群Paritans(清教徒),他们为了逃避在英国的迫害而来到美国7年战争发生在French and British之间"No taxation without represtation"是The people of 13 colonies的口号美国独立战争的第一枪在Lexingto (列克星顿)打响1775年5月,The second continenta congrsee 在Philadelphia举行林肯签发了Declaration of Independence承诺给予所以奴隶自由第二次世界大战开始时,美国是neutrality(中立的)政策Roosevelt(罗斯福)新政处理了大萧条的问题越南战争继续受Eisenhower,kennedy and johnson的影响美国的ore(矿石)只占世界很小部分现代美国经济经历了faming economy,handcraft economy,最终形成industrial economy第一家国家银行是在Alexander Hamilton时期建立的美国1/3粮食用于出口目前,美国出口占世界10%美国常规教育包括elementary,secondary and higher education美国高等教育开始于Harvard University 的建立MIT没有出过总统美国国庆节在July 4thWashington Irving 是美国文学之父Tony Morrison是第一个获得诺贝尔奖文学奖的非裔美国人二、名词解释:1. American Civil War(美国内战)American Civil War is a war that was fought in the US between 1861 and 1865 when 11 southern states rebelled against the federal government. The southern states were beaten, and as a result of the war, slaves became free.2.Melting pot and salad(大熔炉)The melting pot is an analogy for the way in which homogeneous societies develop, in which the ingredients in the pot (people of different cultures, races and religions) are combined so as to develop a multi-ethnic society. The term, which originates from the United States, is often used to describe societies experiencing large scale immigration from many different countries.3.American Constitution(美国宪法)American Constitution,which was drawn up in 1787 and came into effect in 1789,is the basic law of the land.For over two centuries,it has guided the development of government institution and has the basis for the nation,s political stability,economic growth and social progress.4.Cold War(冷战)In the spring of 1947 ,for the purpose of establishing the U.S.hegenmiony(霸权) in postwar world,President Truman declared the "Tueman Doctrine",aiming at expanding American sphere of influence.This marked the beginning of the Cold War period.the Cold War exerted great influence in Europe,and two Germanys were founded.Then,in April 1949,the U.S.allied with other Western countries,forming the North Atlantic Treaty Organization.While seeking to prevent Communist ideology from gaining further adherents(追随者) in Europe, the U.S.also responded to the challenges elsewhere.5.Thanksgiving(感恩节)Thanksgiving is a associated with the time when Europeans first came to the New World.In1620,the Mayflower arrived and brought about 150 Pilgrims.Life at the beginning was very hard and there was not enough food,so many of them died.During the following summer the Native Americans helped them and then they had a bountiful harvest.So they held a big celebration to thank God and the Native Americans.6.British Labor Party(英国工会党)British Labor Party known as a party of high taxation,was created by the growing trade union movement at the end of the 19th century.It quickly replaced the Liberal Party as one of the two largest political parties.The Labor government that come to power in 1945 had a major effort on British society. It set up the National Health Service.The party activities are largely funded by the trade unions.7.British Conservative Party(英国保守党)By and large, the Conservative Party is supported by those who have something to "conserve".Economically,the Conservative Party supports free enterprise and privatization of state-owned enterprise.It is against too much government intervention,especially nationalization.The Conservative Partyfavors reducing the influence of trade unions and minimizing expenditures on social welfare.Its policies are charactized by pragmatism and a belied in individualism.monwealth of Nations(联邦国家)The Commonwealth of Nations is a voluntary association of independent sovereign statse,all of which acknowledge the British monarch as the head.The Commonwealth is not a political union of any sort,and its member states have full autonomy to manage their internal and external affairs.It is primarily an organization in which countries with diverse economic backgrounds have an opportunity for close and equal interaction after gaining independence.The major activities of the Commonwealth are designed to advocate democracy,human rights,and to promote economic cooperation and growth within its members.9.Critical Realism(批判现实主义)The Critical Realism of the 19th centry flourished in the 1840s and the early 1850s.The Critical Realism described the chief traits of the society and criticized the capitalist system from a democratic viewpoint.The greatest English realist was Charles Dickens.10.Standard English (标准英语)Standard English is based on the speech of the upper class of southeastern England.It is widely used in media and taught at school .It is preferred by the educated,middle-class people .It has developed and has been promoted as a model for correct British English .It is also the norm carried overseas.Today Standard English is codified to the extent that the grammar and vocabulary are much the same everywhere in the world where English is thought and used.三、简答题:1.what is the full name of the UK?The full name is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland2.why do tourists from all over the world like to go to Scotland?They like to enjoy the beautiful Scottish scenery ,to drink Scotch whisky and to see Scotsmen wearing kilts and playing bagpipes.3.How many periods can the development of the English language be divided into and what are they ?The development of the English language can be divided into three periods : Old English ,Middle English and Modern English.4.Why did English become more important after the Black Death?The laboring and merchant classes grew in economic and social importance after the Black Death,so English also grew in importance compare to French.。


1. 英语国家数量:目前,英语被作为官方语言或主要语言使用在75个国家和地区。
2. 英语的起源:英语起源于古代日耳曼语,并受到盎格鲁、撒克逊、日耳曼和诺曼底法语等语言的影响。
3. 英语的变体:英语有多种变体,包括英国英语、美国英语、澳大利亚英语和加拿大英语等。
4. 英语国家的文化:英语国家的文化多样且富有活力。
5. 英语国家的政治体制:英语国家有各种不同的政治体制。
6. 英语的全球影响力:英语是联合国和其他国际组织的官方语言之一。
7. 英语教育:英语是世界上最广泛学习的第二语言。

初二英语国家与文化知识点1. 介绍国家与文化的重要性(开头段)在初二英语学习中,国家与文化是一个重要的知识点。
2. 国家与文化知识点之一:美国(主体段一)美国是一个多元文化的国家,其文化底蕴深厚。
3. 国家与文化知识点之二:英国(主体段二)英国是英语的故乡,拥有悠久的文化传统。
4. 国家与文化知识点之三:中国(主体段三)中国作为一个历史悠久的国家,有着丰富多彩的文化。
5. 国家与文化知识点之四:其他国家(主体段四)除了美国、英国和中国,世界上还有许多其他国家也拥有丰富的文化。
6. 总结通过了解不同国家的文化,可以帮助我们更好地了解世界各地的人们,并促进文化之间的相互交流与理解。

英语国家概况Chapter 1 Land and People第一章英国的国土与人民I. Different Names for Britain and its Parts 英国的不同名称及其各组成部分1.Geographical names: the British Isles, Great Britain and England.地理名称:不列颠群岛,大不列颠和英格兰。
2.Official name: the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.官方正式名称:大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国。
3.The British Isles are made up of two large islands-Great Britain (the larger one) and Ireland, and hundreds of small ones.不列颠群岛由两个大岛—大不列颠岛(较大的一个)和爱尔兰岛,及成千上万个小岛组成。
4.Three political divisions on the island of Great Britain: England, Scotland and Wales.大不列颠岛上有三个政治区:英格兰、苏格兰和威尔士。
(1) England is in the southern part of Great Britain. It is the largest, most populous section.英格兰位于大不列颠岛南部,是最大,人口最稠密的地区。
(2) Scotland is in the north of Great Britain. It has three natural zones (the Highlands in the north; the Central lowlands; the south Uplands) Capital: Edinburgh苏格兰位于大不列颠的北部。

1. 英语国家概况a. 英国:了解英国的地理位置、首都伦敦、著名的城市(例如曼彻斯特、爱丁堡等)以及其他的民俗文化和风俗习惯(例如英式下午茶)。
b. 美国:了解美国的地理位置、首都华盛顿、主要城市(例如纽约、洛杉矶等)以及著名的文化象征(例如自由女神像、白宫等)。
2. 节日和庆典a. 圣诞节:了解圣诞节的起源、庆祝活动和习俗,例如互赠礼物、圣诞树、圣诞卡等。
b. 春节:了解中国传统春节的来历、庆祝活动和习俗,例如过年、放鞭炮、贴春联等。
3. 饮食文化a. 中西餐文化:了解中餐和西餐的饮食文化差异,例如餐桌礼仪、食物种类以及用餐时间。
b. 茶文化:了解中国茶文化的历史、不同种类的茶以及茶道仪式。
4. 文学和艺术a. 莎士比亚:了解英国著名剧作家莎士比亚及其作品,例如《罗密欧与朱丽叶》、《哈姆雷特》等。
b. 文化名人:了解一些英语世界的文化名人,例如莫扎特、达·芬奇、爱因斯坦等。
5. 体育文化a. 足球:了解足球在英语国家的普及程度、重要比赛和球星,例如英超联赛、世界杯以及贝克汉姆、梅西等。
6. 音乐和电影a. 流行音乐:了解一些英语世界的流行音乐和歌手,例如披头士乐队、迈克尔·杰克逊等。
b. 奥斯卡奖:了解奥斯卡奖的起源、评选标准以及一些著名的奥斯卡奖获奖电影,例如《泰坦尼克号》、《阿甘正传》等。
7. 社会习俗和礼仪a. 拜访习俗:了解不同国家和地区的拜访礼仪,例如中国的拜年和西方的拜访规矩。
b. 名称和称谓:了解不同国家和地区对人名和称谓的习惯,例如中国人的姓在前、名在后,英语国家的姓在后、名在前。
8. 传统习俗a. 简艺节:了解印度传统节日简艺节的庆祝活动和习俗,例如彩色喷雾、舞蹈、祈祷等。

英语国家文化概况试题I.Decide whether the following statements are true (T) orfalse (F)1.Great Britain includes 3 constituent countries: England,Scotland, and Wales.(T)2.. Independent schools get money mainly through the privatesector and tuition rates, with some government support.(T) 3.Britain is not a member of the NATO due to its disagreementwith some European countries in defense policy. (F)4.Britain has a written constitutions of the sort which mostcountries have.(F)5.Conservative party prefers policies that protect individual’s rights.(T)6.New England was established by English puritans.(T)7.The US Constitution set up a federal system with a strongcentral government.(T)8.There are more Catholics than Protestants in the US. (F)9.Harvard College was originally founded to train governmentofficials. (F)10. Americans have to join a political party in order tovote or to be a candidate for public office. (F)II.Choose the answer that best completes the statement oranswers the question:1.Which of the following is NOT considered a characteristicof London?(d)a.The cultural centre.b.The business centre.c.The financial centre.d.The sports centre.2.Which of the following kings was executed in the civil war?(c)a.James I.b.James II.c.Charles I.d.Charles II.3.By whom is a “vote of no confidence” decided? (a)a.The House of Commons.b.The House of Lords.c.The two major parties.d.The Prime Minister.4.If a student wants to go to university in Britain, he willtake the examination called ______ (a)a.General Certificate of Education-Advanced.b.General Certificate of Secondary Education.c.the common entrance examination.d.General National Vocational Qualifications.5.How many counties are there in Northern Ireland? (b)a.26b.6c.32d.206.Which of the following statements was correct around thetime of American Revolution?(a)a.The American had the mixed blood of Europeans or theirdescendants.b.The American had the mixed blood of Europeans with AmericanIndians.c.The American had the mixed blood of Europeans with blacks.d.The American had the blood of English and their descendantsonly.7.Which of the following is NOT guaranteed in the Bill ofRights?(b)a.The freedom of religion.b.The freedom of searching a person’s home by policec.The freedom of speech and of the press.d.The right to own weapons if one wishes8.The following were some of the characteristics ofProtestantism except_____?(c)a.Challenging the authority of the Pope.b.Salvation through faith.c.Salvation through the church.d.Establishing a direct contact with God.9.The following were the founding fathers of the Americaexcept_____.(c)a.George Washingtonb.Thomas Jefferson.c.William Pann.d.Benjamin Franklin.10. The expenditure on American public schools is guidedor decided by _____.(d)a.Teachersb.Studentsc.Headmastersd.Boards of educationIII.Tell what you know about the following in your own words?1.The House of CommonsAnswer: the House of Commons is the real center of British political life because it is the place where about 650 electedrepresentatives (Members of Parliament) make and debate policy. These MPs are elected in the General Elections and should represent the interests of the people who vote for them.2.The importance of general electionsAnswer: General elections are very important in western democracy. They provide opportunities for people to influence future government policies and to replace those incompetent political leaders.3.Class system in British societyAnswer: The class system does exist in British society. Most of the British population would claim themselves to be either of middle-class or working-class, though some people would actually belong to the upper middle-class or lower middle-class . class divisions are not simply economic, they are cultural as well. One of the distinctive features about the British class system is that aristocratic titles can still be inherited.4.Independent schools of the UKAnswer: Independent schools are commonly called public schools which are actually private schools that receive their funding through the private sector and tuition rates, with some government assistance. Independent schools are the part ofnational education system in the UK.5.The CommonwealthAnswer: The Commonwealth is a voluntary association of states which is made up mostly of former British colonies. Many of them are developing countries like India; others are developed nations like Australia, Canada and New Zealand. The Commonwealth was set up as a forum for continued cooperation and as a sort of support net work.6.The Declaration of IndependenceAnswer: The Declaration of Independence was mainly drafted by Thomas Jefferson and adopted by the Congress on July 4, 1776, when the people of 13 English colonies in North America were fighting for their freedom and independence from the British colonial rule. The document declared that all men were equal and that they were entitled to have some unalienable rights such as life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.7.The Bill of Rights of the USAnswer: The Bill of Rights consists of the first 10 amendments which were added to the Constitution in 1791. The Bill of Rights was passed to guarantee freedom and individual rights such as freedom of speech, the right to assemble in public places, the right to own weapons and so on.8.Three Faiths in the USAnswer: Americans were considered to come in three basic varieties: Protestant, Catholic and Jewish. In terms of numbers, the Protestants are the strongest, the Catholics are next the Protestants and Jewish are the smallest among the three groups.9.High education of the USAnswer: In America, high education refers to education on the college level. American higher education includes four categories of institutions,. They are the university, the four-year undergraduate institution (the college), the technical training institution and the two-year or community college. Some are supported by public funds and some by private funds.10. The Cold WarAnswer: By the end of WWII, the United States, which had not suffered as much as other allied countries, became the strongest country in the world. As the possessor of atomic tombs and much of the world’s gold reserve and industrial production in its hand, the policy-makers of the US wanted a world order dominated by the US, a world market free and open to American goods and services. In pursuing this goal, the USencountered determined resistance from the Soviet Union. Gradually the two wartime allies fell apart and the Cold War began.IV.Questions for consideration (此部分没有标准答案,是发挥题,写出要点即可)1.“British history has been a history of invasion.” Pleaseillustrate this point with the examples. How each of the invasions influence English culture?Main points: 4invasions :Roman Empire, Angles and Saxon, Vikings and Normans2.What are the three big parties in the UK? What are some ofthe similarities and dissimilarities between the three parties?Main points: the Conservative party , the Labor party and the Liberal Democrats3.What is the Open University in Britain? What do you thinkof this system?Main points: the open university offers a non-traditional route for people to take university level courses and receive a university degree. People can register without having any formal educational qualifications. They follow university courses through textbooks, TV, radio broadcasts, a network ofstudy centers net and other ways.4.In what way did Puritanism influence American culture?5.What are some of the major powers of each of the threebranches of the US government? How are the three branches supposed to check and balance each other?6.What is the goal of education in the United States? Discussthe similarities and differences in Great Britain, the United States and China concerning the goals of education.7.What is the relationship between government and religion inAmerican?8.What is the US containment policy? Is it successful?Illustrate your point with facts.注:这部分论述题答案是open的,有一些是根据课本内容要求学生分析并写出自己的观点,没有标准答案。
国家概况与文化复习Unit 4 Politics

Unit 4 Politics, Class and Race of BritainImportance of general electionsPeriodic national elections are very important in the western model democracy. The election is seen as an opportunity to influence future government policy---or, less positively, that whatever else the failings of the political system, at lease the election provides the opportunity to “kick the rascals out”!651 seats in the House of CommonsThe party that wins the majority seats can form a cabinet (government).The majority of the members of the Parliament can vote out a government. The election is seen as an opportunity to influence future government policy. Formation of governmentNow about 99% of population can voteEvery 5 years651 members of House of Commons from 651 districtsWho can be a candidate?Any voter500 pounds in depositMoney back if over 5% of votesMonster Raving PartyThe Conservative partyProcedure of general electionOnce the date has been set, everyone on the “electoral register”(the list of citizenseligible to vote) receives a voting card in the small details of when and where tovote.Meanwhile the political parties get their electoral campaigns under way. This involves advertisements in newspaper, door-to-door campaigning.On the election day people go to their local voting station. They give their card tothe official. When the voting closes at the end of the day, the counting begins.The Conservative(保守)partyThe Conservative party is the party that spent most time in power.protecting individual’s rightslow taxesbig companiesrich should also help poor“fatherly”sense of obligation to the poorThe Labor party(工党)Labor Party: socialistunion movementredistribute wealth 再分配services: health care, education, housingnationalization of enterprisesbig government, more taxesLiberal Democrats民主党The Liberal Democrats are the third biggest party, and to some extent may be seen as a partyof the “middle”, occupying the ideological ground between the two main parties.Recent political trends in the UK.ClassDefinition of class:group of people who share types of employment, income levels, and cultural characteristics.“life-chances”It is far from impossible for the working-class child to acquire middle-class status: it is simply statistically much more unlikely than for his middle-class school-friend. Methods of dividing classes:Occupation, income, culture, educationUpper-middle class:higher status professions (doctor, lawyer), private schools, OxbridgeLower-middle class:office worker, low-income, public school, other universitiesWorking class:manual work, low-income, public schoolRace5% of population are not whiteMost from former colonies after WW II.People of former colonies had the right to live in UKConsequences of immigrants: new culture (food, religion, music)Negative effects:Problem of assimilation; some London boroughs have over 30% from minoritiesWhites feel competition and threat(afraid) subtle and overt discrimination against Immigrants worse-off economically, more likely to be unemployedRacist party (The National Front)Many immigrants feel justice system unfairSimilaritiesSimilar in promoting benefits for their classes, helping the poor.DifferencesDifferences in policies. Labor for poor and bigger government, state runs business.Conservatives for more individual entrepreneurship(企业家), small government.Liberal democrats, between the two, for change.。

英语国家国情与文化考前串讲与复习大纲I.国情I考试题型与样题讲解II.国情I复习重点III.国情II考试题型与样题讲解IV.国情II复习重点I.国情I考试题型与样题讲解Section I Discourse Manipulation [20 points]Part 1. Question 1. (10 points)In the box below, five sentences of one paragraph have been put into random order. Reorganize these sentences to form a logically ordered paragraph. Write your answers on the Answer Sheet.Part 2. Question 2. (10 points)The following five paragraphs have been put into random order. Please put them into their logical order. Write your answers on the Answer Sheet. The first one has been done for you.A.The origins of most sports can easily be traced to the demands of warfare. This is seen most clearly in sports that involve fighting or throwing things, or teams attacking each others‟ territories. It also explains why sports have traditi onally been masculine affairs. And even though sport has become much more gender-equal in terms of facilities, it is still rare for there to be official competition between the sexes.B.The most popular pastime in Britain is the same as anywhere else: watching television. The next most popular is probably going to the pub. However, this does not mean that the British are a nation of lazy drunkards. Perhaps to make up for those unhealthy habits, two-thirds of all adults play some kind of sport.C. A third major influence on the shape of modern sports has been pressure from industry. Factories require their workers to be available at set times for work. They cannot work efficiently if half the work-force decides to go hunting for a couple of days. And so, in the 19th century in Britain, sports were codified in order to make them more regular and time-efficient so that the workers could get back to work on time.D.Britain was at the forefront of this codification because of the Industrial Revolution.This important process first started in Britain, and it is for that reason that Britain was the first country to organize sports along industrial lines. We can conclude that Britain did not invent the sports that the rest of the world now plays, but she was the first to organize them properly, and this is the legacy she has bequeathed to the world.E.Another influence on sport has been the seasonal requirements of agriculture. Agrarian communities typically play sports when the farming season is least busy. After harvest is such a time, for example, and in Britain it is easy to divide sports intoSection II Awareness of Course Content [40 points]Part 1. Questions 3 – 12. (20 points)Decide whether the following statements are true or false according to your understanding of the tutorial texts. Write T for “true” and F for “false” on the Answer Sheet._____3.The other mother-tongue languages in Britain are all dialects of English. _____4.Wales has replaced its traditional industries with the help of foreign investment._____5.The Protestants were in Ireland before the Catholics._____6.The tripartite system refers to the three types of secondary education made available by the 1944 Education Act._____7.China has 50% more students in higher education than the UK._____8.Elizabeth I was the Queen of Britain but Elizabeth II is the Queen of England._____9.Britain has never done particularly well in the Olympic Games._____10.The only mountains in Britain are in Wales and Scotland._____11.England has more than four-fifths of the total population._____12.The amusing thing about Arthur is that he wasn‟t English.3. F4.T5. F6.T7.T8. F 9. F 10.F 11.T 12.TPart 2. Questions 13 – 22. (20 points)Fill in each blank in the following passage with one word given in the box. Use capitals where necessary. Write corresponding letters on the Answer Sheet.The post-war __________(13) to Britain were looking for opportunities for work and __________(14). Many of them came from the __________(15) sub-continent. Pakistanis often bought little corner-shops as __________(16) businesses, which explains …paki-shop‟ as a new term for …corner-shop‟, although this is a poli tically __________(17) term.__________(18) were opened up by Chinese and Indian immigrants. They were __________(19) by many other nationalities, so that today Britain can __________(20) boast the most varied __________(21) in the world. The normal choic e for people eating out in Britain is “Indian or Chinese?”Many Indians settled in the Midlands, and the characters of some towns and cities have changed noticeably. We can say that Britain has become much more __________(22).13.H 14.F 15.B 16.I 17.J18.A 19.C 20.E 21.G 22.D Section III Reading Test [40 points]Part 1. Questions 23 – 27 are based on Passage 1. (15 points)Passage 1British MediaWe know that from the time they wake up to the time they go to bed, the average British man and woman will have spent at least 6 hours in direct contact with the main media. By this I mean radio, television, and one or other of the newspapers. As well as these, there will have been billboard advertisements, sales promotions in shops, and possibly a film or a play in the theatre. The media surround us in our everyday lives, and there is almost no escaping them. They are so important that you can now even study them at university.In Britain the most important of them –television –is largely shared between the BBC and ITV. The former is a public corporation, while the latter is a collection of commercial institutions. Both provide minority interest channels (BBC2 and Channel 4) as well as the more popular mainstream channels (BBC1 and ITV). The money that supports these two TV systems is derived from a license fee in the case of the BBC, and advertising revenue for ITV. Radio is similarly divided between the BBC and commercial radio companies.This difference in revenue source brings with it an obvious difference in style and format. The BBC does not have to have advertisements, and can therefore provide radio and TV programmes that are uninterrupted by commercial breaks. The commercial companies, on the other hand, are obliged to have regular breaks for advertiseme nts or …commercials‟ as they are often called. This allows the BBC to look more serious, though some people complain that without a commercial break there is never time to go and put the kettle on for a cup of tea.Most people get their political information from the newspapers or news reports on radio and TV. Because of this, the political parties spend millions of pounds on the media during elections. They also employ …spin doctors‟ to promote their policies through the media. As a result, much political debate now takes place in the media rather than in Parliament. This leads to the criticism that the media are taking the place of Parliament.This criticism was voiced all the more when the House of Commons began to be televised from 1990. At first MPs were worried about it, thinking that television might make them look foolish, but they are more relaxed about it now. Many MPs try to improve their TV image, including Margaret Thatcher and the present Prime Minister, Tony Blair. One politician who suffered because he could not do this was Neil Kinnock. He was unable to …look good on television‟, and possibly even lost an election because of it.Questions 23 – 27: Choose the best ending from A, B, C and D for each statement that follows. Write your answers on the Answer Sheet.23.On average, people are in contact with the main media for at least __________.A.a quarter of their livesB. a sixth of each dayC.half their waking hoursD.most of the year24.Independent Television is a __________.A.corporation set up to serve the publicB.number of different business companiesC.popular middle-of-the-road programmemercial licensing agency25.Differences between the BBC and ITV result from their different __________.A.style of programmesB.income systemspany structureD.advertising styles26.Although many people think it is an advantage, some people criticize the________.A.uninterrupted programmes of the BBCB.serious look of the BBCC.interruptions caused by ITV commercialsD.different style of the ITV programmes27.Political parties invest a lot of money in media promotion because __________.A.they have spin doctors who can influence the mediaB.they can debate their policies on the radio and TVC.media reports provide most people‟s political informationD.radio and television can take the place of Parliament23. A 24. B 25. B 26. A 27. APart 2. Questions 28 – 32 are based on Passage 2. (15 points)Passage 2Literature and HistoryLiteracy and literatureLiteracy is not, of course, a pre-requisite of literature. The word …literature‟ in its broadest sense probably pre-dates the invention of writing by thousands of years. There are tribes in the jungles of South America today who have no written form of their language –and yet they have a …literature‟, collections of songs, poems, stories, jokes, sayings, that record and pass on to younger generations the knowledge andwisdom of the ancestors. We call this an …oral literature‟. If we look at some of the earliest books – the Old Testament part of the Bible, for example – we see stories that were undoubtedly told in the days before writing, in this case the history of the tribes of Israel and their wanderings and their genealogies. The stories were finally set down in writing, but they pre-date it.Anglo-Saxon beginningsSomething similar is probably true of one of the first traditional examples of British (or, more correctly, English) literature –the epic poem Beowulf. It is only an …English‟ poem linguistically, and even then only in the sense that it is an example of Old English – more properly Anglo-Saxon – that was brought over with the waves of German and Scandinavian peoples who settled in Britain from the 4th century onwards. The versions that we have of Beowulf date from 1000 AD, but there are fragments from the 8th century and it deals with the story of a 6th century Swedish warrior. It is certain that the story was originally transmitted orally –sung or declaimed by professional story-tellers who had memorised it – since in those days only the Church and its priests would be literate. Other literary texts from this period that are still studied by young people following a degree in English Literature are the translations into the vernacular of the writings of the Venerable Bede, an 8th century monk who wrote an Ecclesiastical History of the English People in Latin. These translations were ordered by the far-sighted King Alfred during his long reign (871 – 899) and he also ordered the keeping of what are now known as the Anglo-Saxon Chronicles a historical diary, year by year, of events in the realm.Chaucer and the beginning of Modern EnglishThe last of the Viking invasions was by the Normans –Vikings who had forsaken their own language and adopted French after a couple of centuries in the north of France. The consequence of this francophone takeover was that for the next 400 years (a period usually called the Middle Ages) most literature in England was written in French, or in Latin, which was the scholastic and diplomatic language of Europe. There was still some literature in the vernacular, however, and by the end of the 14th century this had developed to the extent that one writer is normally used to mark the beginning of a more recognisably English literature – Geoffrey Chaucer.Questions 28 –32: Give short answers to the following questions. Write your answers on the Answer Sheet.28.What can you have a literature without?29.What is the unexpected thing about the first “English” hero?30.How do we know that Beowulf was originally part of oral literature?31.Why was Bede‟s Ecclesiastical History translated?32.What does the phrase francophone takeover refer to?A.Writing/LiteracyB.He was Swedish.C.Because only the Church and its priests were literate.D.King Alfred ordered it.E.The Norman Conquest/Invasion.Part 3. Questions 33 – 42 are based on Passage 3. (10 points)Passage 3Empire and DeclineThe World‟s Largest EmpireTowards the end of the 19th century the British economy was the dominant economy in the world. The British Empire “on which the sun never sets” covered one quarter of the globe, and British merchant ships, together with the fleets of the Royal Navy, outnum bered all other shipping on the seas. A half of all the world‟s coal and steel was dug from its soil, a half of all cotton was spun on its giant looms, and one manufactured item in three was fashioned in its workshops and factories. The small group of islands off the northwest coast of Europe appeared to have taken over the world.The Industrial RevolutionBroad reasons for such dominance are easy to find. The Industrial Revolution had occurred first in Britain, which was rich in the raw materials of industry, coal and iron ore, and whose population benefited from a well-watered, fertile land. The political and social conditions were stable, since the nation was protected by its island status, and this same geography encouraged a nation of seafarers and travellers. A culture that built ships and sent its men around the world for trade (or piracy) would naturally inspire the enterprise and invention necessary for the creation of new methods of agriculture and production.Empire as a result of the Industrial RevolutionOnce under way, the Industrial Revolution created its own needs. Mass-produced goods needed to be sold, and so markets had to be opened up and raw material sources protected. This required more ships both to carry the goods and to protect them from attack by jealous rivals. International diplomacy aimed at assuring the markets, and this would frequently mean colonising the regions that formed the markets. The material superiority of such colonisers would easily persuade them that they had the right to impose them selves upon supposedly …inferior‟ peoples.The contrast with todayIf we jump just over a hundred years to the beginning of the 21st century, we see a very changed world. Now, the dominant economy by far is that of the United States of America, followed by Japan and Germany. The UK vies with France and Italy for the position of the world‟s fourth/fifth/sixth largest economy, but by many other methods of calculation it falls behind. In terms of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) per capita in 1998 it was number eleven, in GDP growth it was number thirteen, and in industrial output growth it was number sixteen. In other words, it is still a large economy but it is not as efficient and is not growing as quickly as other countries, and has long ago been overtaken in size by several of them.Questions 33 –42: Give complete sentence answers to the following questions and join them in the ways suggested in the brackets. Write your answers out as two paragraphs on the Answer Sheet.First paragraph:33.In the late 1800s, what did Britain‟s economy dominate? (join with nextanswer, using …and‟)34.....what did her ships control?35.What revolution did this superiority begin with? (join with next answer, using…which‟)36....where did it first develop? (join with next answer using …because)37....were the conditions favourable, or not?Second paragraph:38.Did the need to sell goods lead to the development of a large army, or a largenavy? (join with the next answer, using …which in turn...‟)39....what did this give Britain the power to do to other countries?40.Are things the same today, or different? (start with …However, ...‟ and joinwith next answer, using …and although..‟)41....does Britain still have a large economy or a small economy? (join with nextanswer, using a comma)42....has it been overtaken by one other country or several other countries?II.国情I复习重点Tutorial 1, Extension Text Three: Angles, Saxons and Jutes; Extension 4, the first paragraph and the last two paragraphs.Tutorial 2, Extension Text Three: The House of Commons (The first two paragraphs); Extension Text Five (The first four paragraphs)Tutorial 5, Core TextTutorial 8, Extension Text Two: Religion in Britain重点词汇:Constitutional monarchy, tripartite system, literature genre, license, referendum, compulsory education, Liberal Democrats (Libdems), agrarian, expenditure, established, Lords Spiritual, Lords Temporal, hereditary peers, Norman Conquest, broadsheet, spin-doctoring, media image, fraudulent知识点:英国历史上几次被入侵的顺序二战后日本、德国经济复苏的主要原因伦敦交通在20世纪50年代引进司售人员Open University 对学生生活的影响体育在1800年代规则化(codified)的主要原因英国电视上的肥皂剧政治家与媒体形象英国上议院主要英国报纸英国文学著名作家III.国情II考试题型与样题讲解Section I Discourse Manipulation [20 points]Part 1. Question 1. (10 points)In the box below, five sentences of a paragraph have been put into random order.Reorganize these sentences so that they form a logically ordered paragraph. Write your answers on the Answer Sheet.Part 2. Question 2. (10 points)The following five paragraphs have been put into random order. Please put them into their logical order. The first one has been done for you. Write your answers on the Answer Sheet.A.Horse racing is a sport, one of many sports in Australia, and it is a sport that hasproduced Australia‟s greatest crop of icons. Au stralians love winners, especially sporting winners, and tend to elevate them to the highest pedestal. Australians have had many sporting heroes over the past century. Names like Don Bradman, Dawn Fraser, Herb Elliott; Lionel Rose; Cathy Freeman and Ian Thorpe are not just household names in Australia; they are icons both present and past.B.However, if sporting icons belong both to the present and the past, it is to the pastone must look to find Australia‟s greatest icon – Ned Kelly! He was an outlaw, at least in the eyes of the law, who attempted to right the wrongs done to him and his family by an oppressive colonial regime. He viewed the police, who epitomized colonial authority, as nothing less than criminals themselves. His last gun battle with police in 1880 marked him as a real icon for all Australians as he attempted to vindicate himself and assert his individual rights against authority.C.Icons in Australia come in different shapes and sizes –slim, fat, square, round,oblong – yet all represent something unique about Australia. Take the Melbourne Cup for example; here you have an object that is on a round wooden base with a thin stem of silver topped by an elliptical-shaped cup with handles resembling human ears. An oddly-shaped icon but one easily recognized by Australians asrepresenting a horse race that causes the whole of Australia to stop work for three-and-a-half minutes each year.D.Many Australians over the years have tried to do the same, although justice andthe law seem generally to have prevailed. Success against the law produced some notable victories and losses for individuals who became more famous than iconic.People like Daniel Mannix and Billy Hughes are examples in Australian history. It has to be said, however, that politicians will never be high on the list of Australian icons because they are always perceived as overpaid and underworked. To be an Australian icon one needs to be loved and, over the years, Australians have made winners and high achievers and …battlers‟ icons and not those who obtain their payment from the taxes of ordinary Australians.E.Australia has a wide variety of icons that are represented in various forms. Someare immediately recognizable as national symbols such as the kangaroo or koala;others, like the song “Waltzing Matilda”, encourage in Australians a fervent sense of pride and nationalism unequalled by any other person, object or thing. What is certain about Australian icons is that different people see them in different formsSection II Awareness of Course Content [40 points]Part 1. Questions 3 – 12. (20 points)Decide whether the following statements are true or false according to your understanding of the tutorial texts. Write T for “true” and F for “false” on the Answer Sheet._____3.Canada first became known as the “Dominion of Canada” in 1949._____4.Nunavut was created in 1999 to allow aboriginal groups more self-government._____5.Canadian soldiers were not involved in the American Civil War (1861–5)._____6.More than half of the new immigrants coming to Canada in recent years are from Europe._____7.A new Prime Minister is appointed in a ceremony presided over by the Queen‟s r epresentative._____8.In 2003 the Prime Minister of Canada was Jean Chretien, a French-Canadian._____9.The Free Trade Agreement of 1988 resulted in a reduction of tariffs andtrade barriers between Canada and the US._____10.Canada joined the WTO in 1999 after much discussion._____11.The province of Ontario accounts for about half of Canadian manufacturing. _____12.New legislation must be approved by both the House of Commons and the Senate before it can become law.3. F4.T5. F6. F7.T8.T 9.T 10.F 11.T 12.TPart 2. Questions 13 – 22. (20 points)Complete the following summary by filling in each blank with one word from the box. Write corresponding letters on the Answer Sheet.Nolan attempted to put the landscape in its proper perspective as he depicted the Rainforest of Northern Queensland, the __________(13) landscapes of central Australia and the stark effects of __________(14) on animals and the land. Nolan‟s series of paintings on __________(15) –Australia‟s adopted fo lk-hero –add another dimension to the development of Australian art. Drysdale‟s pictorial review of Australia (1956–1966) allowed Australians the chance to become more critically aware of the reality of non- __________(16) life. Australian art seemed to be all about images of the land and life in the __________(17), not about city life where most Australians lived. This emphasis on landscape painting gave a(n) __________(18) of Australia as a land bereft of people. The painting of Australian people, and their place in the Australian landscape, was left to Drysdale and William Dobell (1899–1970) and other artists who vied for the annual …Archibald Prize‟ for __________(19). Aboriginal art, apart from Namatjira, had to await a re-vitalization of interest in the 1980s when indigenous art and artists were given the __________(20) by the Hawke Labor government to, in a sense, re-invent their art. Traditional __________(21) art now forms part of the world art scene. However, in Australia, this art form seems to be realized only on bark paintings and T-shirts sold to __________(22)!13.E 14.I 15.J 16.G 17.H18.C 19.B 20.F 21.A 22.D Section III Reading Test [40points]Part 1. Questions 23 – 27 are based on Passage 1. (15 points)Passage 1Like unwanted guests, Briti sh Columbia‟s forest fires failed to pack up and go home with the rest of the tourists after Labour Day. Even though the weather has finally started to cool down, it will be weeks before all the fires are extinguished.This summer, forest fires literally crippled parts of Canada‟s westernmost province. Thousands of people were tragically forced out of their homes, some returning to find nothing left. Roads and campgrounds were closed, mills shut down. In some areas, the air is still thick with smoke.Naturally, once folks are back in their homes and rebuilding is under way, people will look for ways to prevent these terrible fires from occurring again. But complete fire suppression is neither possible, nor desirable. Forest fires are natural occurrences, but massive fires like the ones that burned in B.C.‟s Okanagan Valley this year are normally rare. Decades of poor forestry practices combined with lower precipitation and an unusual, summer-long drought (a harbinger of things to come if we don‟t address gl obal warming) created a situation in which the province‟s forests became catastrophically flammable.How did this happen? Normally, small forest fires are part of a healthy forest ecosystem. They burn woody debris on the forest floor and recycle those nutrients back into the soil. They also help keep insect infestations, like the pine beetle, in check. Some species of tree have even evolved thick bark to survive such fires or even seeds that require fire to stimulate growth and these trees thrive in open forests that are subject to natural fire cycles.But when natural fire cycles are disrupted, woody debris builds up like kindling on the forest floor, creating the potential for a much larger, hotter fire that can wipe out an entire forest. In this way, th e flames of this summer‟s Okanagan fires were actually fanned by B.C.‟s fire suppression policies. The province spends tens of millions of dollars suppressing fires every year, holding back the smaller fires that rejuvenate our forests. The hope has been that by preventing fires, more trees will be available for logging companies to cut later. Unfortunately, as this summer has shown, forests do not readily conform to highly simplified methods of forest management. Strictsuppression is not an effective policy and lays the groundwork for future catastrophic fires. Clearcutting also creates conditions favorable to forest fires because replanted tree farms leave more fuel available to burn (in the form of slash) and clearcuts create hot, dry conditions that make fires more likely.So what‟s the solution? Well, for starters, we can‟t keep going along with the same practices that caused the problem. Forests are incredibly varied, so one policy will not work for the entire country or even an entire province. Generally, to reduce the risk of very large fires, we need to leave the forests more intact, with trees of a variety of species and age classes. Controlled burning should be conducted wherever possible. Thinning (where some small trees and underbrush is removed) should be done on existing tree farms to reduce the fuel load. To be least costly and most beneficial, thinning should be focused on areas alongside roads and adjacent to communities.If we want to make our communities safer and our forests healthier, we need to learn how forests regulate themselves rather than trying to force our own simple systems onto them. We have to look at forests as forests and not just a crop of trees. Otherwise, each summer we will end up with further tragedies and more and more smoldering, unwanted guests.Questions 23 – 27: Decide whether the following statements are true, false or not mentioned. Write T for “true”, F for “false” and NM for “not mentioned” on the Answer Sheet._____23.The passage indicates that it is not desirable to prevent or put out all forest fires._____24.If there is no fire, then woody debris simply rots away or is consumed by pine beetles._____25.Clearcutting all the trees in an area is a good way to reduce the risk of a major fire._____26.Regular, controlled burns of the underbrush will reduce the population of small animals such as rodents._____27. A forest should be regarded as a crop of trees which needs to be harvested regularly.23.T 24.T 25.F 26.NM 27.FPart 2. Questions 28 – 32 are based on Passage 2. (15 points)Passage 2Sean Earle doesn‟t u sually have a problem finding employment. But, he has yet to find a good-paying job. As 23 years of age, he has painted and renovated houses, tuned-up cars, driven delivery trucks and worked as a short-order cook. When he was 21 he took a one-year accelera ted computer technician‟s course at a nearby university.。
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1.Official name: the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.2.Why is the limed influence of Roman?① the Romans always treated the Britons as a subject people of slave class. ②never during the 4 centuries did the Romans and Britons intermarry.③the Romans had no impact on the language or culture of ordinary Britons.3.What is the rainfall feature of UK?Britain has a steady reliable rainfall throughout the whole year. The average annual rainfall in Britain is over 1,000millimetre. There is a water… surplus(过剩) in the north and west, and a water …deficit (亏空)in the south and east.4.How many invaders in UK?1.Roman Britain2.The Anglo-Saxons3.Viking and Danish invasions4.The Norman5.What is the influence of invaders?1.The Roman built many towns, road, baths, temples and buildings. They make good use of Britain‟s natural resources. They also brought the new religion, (Christi…anity), to Britain.2.The Anglo-Saxons laid the foundations of the English state. Firstly, they divided the country into shires(ai), with shire courts and shire reeves(地方执行官), or …sheriffs(行政司法长官), responsible for administering law. Secondly, they devised设计(design)the narrow-strip(条,带,细长片), three-field farming system which continued to the 18th century. Thirdly, they also established the ma‟norial (manor庄园)system. Finally, they created the Witan (council or meeting of the wisemen)to advise the king, the basis of the Privy Council which still exists today.3.Alfred was a king of Wessex. He defeated the Danes and reacheda friendly agreement with them in 879. The Danes gained control of the north and east, while he ruled the rest. He also converted some leading Danes into Christians.He founded a strong fleet and is known as “the father of the British navy”. He reorganized the Saxon army, making it more efficient. He translated a Latin book into English. He also established schools and formulated a legal system. All this earns him the title “Alfred the Great.”4.he Norman Conquest of 1066 is perhaps the best-known event in English history. William the Conqueror …confiscated (没收)almost all the land and gave it to his Norman followers. He replaced the weakSaxon rule with a strong Norman government. So the feudal system was completely established in England. Relations with the Continent were opened, and the civilization and commerce were extended. Norman-French culture, language, manners and architecture were introduced. The Church was brought into closer connection with Rome, and the church courts were separated from the civil courts.6.How does feudal rule of William?①Under William, the feudal system in England was completely established. ②According to this system, the King owned all the land personally. ③William gave his barons large estates in England in r eturn for a promise of military service and a proportion of the land‟s produce. ④These estates were scattered far and wide over the country, so that those who held them could not easily combine to rebel the king. ⑤The barons, who had become William‟s tenants-in-chief, parceled out land to the lesser nobles, knights and freemen, also in return for goods and services. ⑥At the bottom of the feudal scale were the villeins or serfs. ⑦One peculiar feature of the feudal system of England was that all landowners must take the oath of allegiance,not only to their immediate lord, but also to the king.7.The reforms of Henry II.The ways King Henry II consolidate the monarchy: Henry II took some measures to consolidate the monarchy. He forced the Flemish mercenaries to leave England; recalled grants of Royal lands made by his previous king Stephen; demolished many castles built in Stephen‟s time; strengthened and widened the powers of his sheriffs and relied for armed support upon a militia composed of English freemen.The ways Henry II reform the courts and the law: King Henry II greatly strengthened the Court and extended its judicial work. He divided the whole country into six circuits and appointed justices to each. Cases were therefore heard before the intermittent justices who applied the law impartially. During his reign, a common law was gradually established in place of the previous laws of the local barons. He also introduced a new jury system to replace the old ordeal-based trial system. Besides, he shifted the trial of clergymen charged with criminal offenses from the Bishop‟s court to the King‟s court.8.What is the contents and significance of Great Charter? Charter was signed by King John in 1215 under the press of the barons. It consists of sixty-three clauses. Its important provisions are as follows: (1) no tax should be made without the approval of the Grand Council;(2) no freemen should be arrested, imprisoned or deprived of their property; (3) the Church should possess all its rights, together with freedom of elections; (4) London and other towns should retain their traditional rights and privileges, and (5) there should be the same weights and measures throughout the country. Although The Great Charter has long been popularly regarded as the foundation of English liberties, it was a statement of the feudal and legal relationships between the Crown and the barons, a guarantee of the freedom of the Church and a limitation of the powers of the king. The spirit of the Great Charter was the limitation of the powers of the king, keeping them within the bounds of the feudal law of the land.。