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Motivati on Letter
Dear Sir or Madam,
I would like to apply for the En glish-Taught Master degree in
Communi cati on Engin eeri ng, which starts in December 2011.1 am a
BSc(E ng) in Telecom muni cati ons Engin eeri ng with Man ageme nt, which is a joi nt degree p rogram betwee n Beiji ng Un iversity of P osts &
Telecom mun icatio ns(BU PT) and Un iversity of London.
Reaso ns for choos ing CE of RWTH Aachen
I had spent n early two years seeki ng the way of my life from 2007 till 2009.
In itially, as a freshma n, I concen trated on the work of Stude nt Union and Beiji ng IET YME (In stituti on of Engin eeri ng and Tech no logy Yong Member Sectio n). As a result of my hard work, I was elected vice p reside nt in the third semester. However, i nstead of feeli ng much pl easure and exciteme nt, I could not work up too much en thusiasm for the iterative activities.
Then I un derstood that the work of orga ni zati on man ageme nt did n really fit me. Naturally, I tran sferred my focus to study. I was heartily satisfied whe n I overcame pu zzles eve n though the two-year distracti on brought me great difficulties at the beg inning. Since the n, I started to realize that this should be the way of my life.
I also found that I am most attracted by subject concerns with com muni cati
on systems and excelled in courses such as In troducti on to the Com mun icatio n, Telecom mun icatio n Systems, Sig nals and Systems
Theor y, Internet Protocols, Digital Signal Process ing and Microwave &
Op tical Tran smissi on.
Through these courses, I lear nt the sim pie in frastructure of com muni cati on system and basic theories such as Samp li ng, Quan tizati on,
Channel Codi ng, Queu ing Theory, Fourier Tran sforms, Wireless Network, Digital Filter Desig n and Routi ng Protocol. However, I was still con fused with questi ons like what p arameters would in flue nee the p ractical op erati on of equipment, how to in tegrate the si ngle un its, how can I make impro veme nt to avoid disadva ntages of existi ng theories.
In the summer of 2010, I p artic ip ated in school laboratory which took charge of MIMO System op timizati on, one of n ati onal key scie ntific research p rojects. I kee niy felt the lack of kno wledge over that p eriod, and was figuri ng how to exactly calculate the cha nnel cap acity in differe nt con diti ons, how to in sta ntly tran sfer cha nnel state in formati on
(CSI) to tran smitter antenn as, how to apply the ideal model in the complex realities. I found these questi ons very fasc in at ing.
Obviously, it is imp ossible to solve those questio ns with the curre nt kno wledge I lea nt in my un dergraduate p eriod, thus I decided to further my study. Ano ther imp orta nt reas on is that what we lear nt lags far behi nd
't support me in operating advaneed equipment. For reality, which can
exa mple, the 8051 microc on troller I lear nt in the course of
'Microprocessor System Design ' was applied in 1990s.
While doing microwave exp erime nt, my teacher men ti oned that among the top three compani es: An ritsu, ROHDE&SCHWARZ and Agile nt, which p roduce VNA, R&S owns the unp aralleled p redo minance comp ared with the other two companies.
Germa ny owns the most adva need tech no logies, the best research groups, first-rate in dustrial tech no logy and rigorous elite educatio n system, which stre ngthe n my wish to con ti nue my studies in Germa ny. RWTH Aache n Un iversity, which is among the best in Germa ny, enjoys an excelle nt intern ati onal repu tatio n and brings together many disti nguished scholars who are global leaders in their res pective fields. Additi on ally, the coop erati on relati on shi p with large enterp rises can n ot only devel op my research skills but also expand my point of view and en lighte n me to thi nk critically and creatively.
I was lucky to find out that Aache n has set up CE on 2010 Autu mn
Intern ati onal Educatio n Exhibiti on Tour, therefore I set it as my goal without any hesitati on.
Exp ectati on of study ing in Germa ny
Exp ect for the academic goal men ti oned above, I wish to have in-depth un dersta nd of Germa n culture as well.
I have always bee n in terested in p hilos ophy as it pro vides me an swers to my life. Among great p hilos op hers, Hegel is the one I admire most.
Nearly all the moder n p hilos op hical schools have draw n from the theory of Hegel eve n though it has bee n recog ni zed that several points of Hegel are in correct. From my own point of view, adults are adults because they can logically con sider and deal with eve nts. With such p hilos op hical atmos phere, I believe that to study and live in Aache n will enhance my un dersta nding of my life and my future.
Besides, I am kee n on a football and had come in third in football match as a rep rese nti ng my class. I always admire the excelle nt team sp irit and con summate tech niq ues of Germa ny. Moreover, Oliver Rolf Kahn is one
of the p layers I like best. Livi ng in Germa ny, a top-ranking football level n ati on, the fan tastic feeli ng of p layi ng with kin dred frie nds really makes me excited.
Future Plan
I plan to be an engin eer after achiev ing my doctoral degree and serve in a cooperation connecting China and Germany. I believe that with familiarizatio n of both Germa ny and Chin ese culture, I can p erform well at my job and make a con tributio n to enhance frien dshi p betwee n China and Germa ny. Y our faithfully,
也许很多学生会说:以后的事情现在怎么能知道?其实, 学校就 是想了解你是否有明确的求学目的,并允许学生有根据、符合逻辑的设想。
另外,在申请高等商学院的时候, 学校还会特意让学生谈谈自己的优缺点和性格特征。
留学动机信一定要具体并且全文贯通、 有前因和后果,按照西方人的说法就是有逻辑性。
总之一句话:具 体、生动、逻辑性强、中心思想明确。
Motivati on Letter
Internships Aeron autical Engin eer
arguably the pinn acle of engin eeri ng in the world today. That is the main reason that I am
interested in pursuing an Aeronautical Engineering Internship after having compieted my Bachelor's degree in Aeronautical Engineering 5 years ago at the Ale ppo Uni versity of Mecha ni cal Engin eeri ng.
My aim is to become a competent computational engineer who is qualified to work for
intern ati onal aeron autical engin eeri ng compani es. Since UK is known as the country at the
forefront of aeron autical deve lopmen ts, it makes p erfect sense for me to pu rsue my Internship in the country that has companies best equipped to han dle my internships.
Havi ng enu merated my reas ons for choos ing to make an Internship in UK, I want to now explain the reasons why I am applying for acce ptance to your company.
I believe my educati onal qualificati ons and my exp erie nee are good eno ugh to earn me a place in the Internship at your company. With such exemplary academic performances and scores, I believe I am the right can didate for in this Internship.
Working at the world's leading aircraft manufacturer and means being part high-performanee team where every day I will exchange ideas and expertise colleagues from differe nt coun
tries and n ati on alities, disci pli nes and backgro un ds.
I am look ing forward to un dertak ing an imp ressive career with in the Britches aeron autical field
over the next 5 years. I am looking forward to the opportunity to help design manu facture the
most eco-efficie nt, state-of-the-art aircraft. I will push the boun daries of tech no logy with pion eeri ng deve lopments and desig ns by exploring all po ssibilities.
I am po sitive that the Internship in aeron autical engin eeri ng will be an excelle nt start for an
ambitious career person like me
Therefore, I would be so proud and happy if I received the admissi on for this Internship.
Dear sir
Since my early days as a child I was fond of exploring how things work. I was that kid who 在撰文时,一定要以具体事例配合你所表达的中心思想,
The aerospace industry is at the forefront of tech no
logical adva nceme nt at an exponen tial
aircrafts that can defy the limits of the world, innovation, pushing the boundaries rate. The design and manufacture or go beyond the decree of nature, of of is of a with
disassembles or smashes every toy he has to know how it works. I have deve loped a rather intuitive and profound fascination in exploring the electronic gadgets, especially with regard to their con struct ion and op erati on. This fasci nati on for everyth ing electr onic promp ted me to take up Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry as my course of study in my higher sec on dary school. I received high grades with disti nction as I fini shed among the top 5% in my school. This made me able to fulfill my dream with securi ng an admissi on to faculty of engin eeri ng at XXX Uni versity, one of the top uni versities in XXX.
After I started studying at faculty of engineering, I decided to choose electronics and telecommunications as my specialization to feed my passion. During my five years of
study in g, I have lear ned that engin eeri ng is as much as an art as it is a scie nee. My study rein forced me with solid un dersta nding of the basic concepts of com muni cati on theories, power electronics, signal processing, electromagnetic waves and networking. I have consistently performed well and maintained high grades throughout my curriculum. Furthermore, I graduated my Bachelor course with a First class with disti ncti on and was among the top 10% in my batch. I gained the 13th rank amon gst 178 stude nts. Even my college awarded me with a cash p rize in all the four years, for maintaining high grades.
In my graduation thesis, I was working on a research project to establish a low cost, robust, wireless Ad Hoc network between the moving vehicles, without the need of enterp rise in frastructure. We researched the differe nt n etwork architectures that can be used. My respon sibility was choos ing the best RF link to be suitable to han dle the high mobility challe nges of the moving cars environment such as the Doppler effect that shifts the carrier frequency and very short connection time. My work included modifying the Wi-Fi p rotocol to op erate similar to the DSRC (Dedicated Short Range Communi cati on) protocol (which was made for high mobility applications). However, there were no ada pters available to run DSRC p rotocol, so I chose a wireless ada pter to assist me in my project. Since I was not familiar with the C programming Ianguage the adapter used, I learned and became p roficie nt in the C p rogram ming Ian guage to assist with the p roject.
For the p ast 2 mon ths, I jo ined XXX, one of the leadi ng research in stitutes in XXX, as a researcher. I continued my con tributi on to the ITS (In tellige nt Transpo rtati on System) by working on a project to reduce the road accidents in XXX, using sensor networks and smart phones. Our goal was to assist the car driver and warn him from different road obstacles (speed bumps, road holes, U-turns and so on) that can cause accidents, by buildi ng a database for obstacles and make the drivers access it through com mun icati on tech no logies.
My aim to deve lop myself more and help people to have a good quality of life made me to be actively in volved in extracurricular activities beside academic studies. I was an active member in the IEEE stude nt's branch in my un iversity for about one year. I orga ni zed a lot of scie ntific even ts, sympo siums and trips with the aim of sp read ing scie nee p assi on. In additi on, I was a member in AIESEC, and travelled to In dia to p artici pate in a volun teeri ng p roject to sp read cancer aware ness. I can say that Travelli ng abroad en riched me and
gave me the p rivilege of being opened to differe nt cultures. I lear ned that we, as huma ns, have more in com mon tha n our differe nces.
The thirst for exploring of this kid is not satisfied yet. And educati on is a life long p rocess, that's why I want to con ti nue my study by pursuing a master degree in Germa ny. Germa ny is renowned for a long tradition of welcoming international students and its higher education is one of the best in the world, especially in the fields of engineering and scie nee. And I can ben efit from havi ng such a world class degree to establish my career as a com muni cati on engin eer and a researcher. Furthermore, I will have the opportunity to learn Germa n, which will open many doors for me. I chose the master p rogram of com muni cati on engin eeri ng at XXX, after I read carefully
the curriculum and found that it fully suits my ambitions. Moreover,XXX is one of the leading
universities in Germany with a long tradition of scientific partnership
and coop erati on with in dustry. It will give me an intern atio nal expo sure and in sights into new tren ds, which will help me to push my studies and research forward.
I am look ing forward to con ti nue my con tributi on to the ITS by research ing to deve lop its various app licati ons, and I do believe that the p rogram will p rovide me with what I n eed to start.
With my stro ng academic backgro und, in tellectual abilities and p ractical exp erie nee, I am
con fide nt that I will bring a high level en ergy, en thusiasm and cultural diversity to this p rogram and exceed your exp ectatio ns.
I am grateful for con sideri ng my app licati on and I look forward for your favorable reply.
Sin cerely,
electronics [font#FF0000was
compiete phenomena behind the working of a radio. The meticulous attention get
an un distorted out put amazed me. It abundant field of electr onics. electrical engineer with profound
practicable applications tosociety.
Engin eeri ng with sp ecializati on in Digital Signal Process ing, at here. university.
ever, in cli
ne in terested through these quotes daily, by one of d me towards achieving perfection in whatever in anything amaz ing in my vici ni ty, my the greatest field I chose . en thusiasm minds Basically towards was then, that I decided to pursue a career in the
My goal is to deve lop into a p roficie nt
kno wledge to tran slate tech ni cal cog niti on into
I aspire to pursue Masters Degree in Electrical n ame the p
articular univ piqued in 9th grade when the teacher explained the
I am an un dergraduate stude nt, havi ng done an inspiring four-year course in Electro nics Engin eeri ng from Terna Engin eeri ng College, un der the affinity of Uni versity Of Mumbai. During these four years of study, I have strived to maintain an approach of expending independent effort in all my en deavors. After my un dergraduate study I would like to refine my kno wledge and skills I have gained in pursuing a graduate study in Telecom muni cati on field.
As I have bee n brought up in a family which has a strong in cli nati on towards Scien ce, I had developed a fascination for electronics and also the computers right from the
begi nning. This in cli natio n towards scie nee further in creased by my active p artic ip ati on in the fairs and seminars during my school days. I had a special interest towards these tech no logies and app reciated its inno vative ideas. My good academic records at school level and my pen cha nt for scie nee rightly guided me to take up the scie nee stream at the uni versity level from which I drew the true sp irit of engin eeri ng. Con seque ntly I decided to obtain my undergraduate major in
electronics engineering as it had a tremendous poten tial to become a domin ate force affect ing all walks of huma n life. Also Electr onics Revolutio n ushered in an area that heralded the begi nning of all round p rogress.
The four year un dergraduate study has taught me that Engin eeri ng is as much as an art as it is a scie nee. Creative in sti net, excel fellowma n ship and p erce ptive ness are the very gist of
engineering. During my engineering course I was introduced to the concepts of po wer electro nics, digital com muni cati on, data com muni cati on and n etwork ing and I had developed an instant liking to these subjects. I have also developed an interest in the computational skills like MS-Word, Excel, and PowerPoint and in the programming
Ian guages like C, C++, JAVA, J2EE and Matlab. However, for my MS degree, I remai n open to other topics as well. During my un dergraduate I have atte nded various sem inars and conferences that were con ducted by my dep artme nt. I am con fide nt that the kno wledge I have gained in the un dergraduate level will serve as a base for my career adva nceme nt in the telecom field 」want to be the part of this telecom muni cati on in dustry which is curre ntly facing a tech no logical revoluti
on adva nceme nt.
My fields of interest however fasc in ated by intern etwork ing, adva need sig nal p rocess ing
telecom mun icati on and n etwork ing as a field for pursuing masters.
I am con fide nt that my un dergraduate study has p rovided me with sufficie nt kno wledge in order to take up any one of these as my sp ecializati on in my graduate study.
One of the most important less ons I have lear nt when I was working as a Junior Engin eer is to acce pt both failure and success as a part of po sitive frame of mind. My work in volved orga nizing meeti ngs with the clie nts, to solve their issues and to give them good results which ben efited me to in teract with various kinds of people. That was a marvelous exp erie nee for me which I feel would sta nd in good stead in the future.
The award winning faculty and excelle nt facilities at your uni versity makes the p rogram ideally
suited to my p rofessi onal goals. It is one of the most dyn amic uni versities p rovidi ng personal atte nti on to the intern ati onal stude nts and exte nsive academic resources. It is a p lace of various social activities. My desire to pu rsue further study in UK is because it has
the most dynamic atmosphere that will be going to shape up my thinking and learning
abilities. I stron gly believe that kee ping up a curious and expIo rative attitude leads to a con sta nt lear ning pro cess. The diversity of stude nt's union will open my mind to new ideas and new ways of doing thin gs. The intern ati onal educati on will give me the training and the caliber to meet the so as to con tribute my share in its spread over a wide
com munications and system an alysis which amazes
spectrum of areas. I am especially through digital systems and also me to choose
global clients. I am looking forward to be an active contributing member of the stude nt's com mun ity at your uni versity. My future plans are to take part in various activities in your uni versity and put my hard work and resources and succeed in my field.
In con clusi on, I would like to add that the esse nee of Un iversity educati on lies in the syn ergetic relati onship betwee n the stude nt and his dep artme nt. I feel that graduate study at your Uni versity will be the most logical exte nsion of my academic goals and a major ste p towards achievi ng my objectives. I would be very grateful to you if I am gran ted with an opportun ity to pu rsue my graduate studies with finan cial assista nee at your in stituti on and I am sure that I will be able to justify your faith in me.
Hi Folks
I am applying to Germa n Uni versities for my Masters. Please let me know how it is and suggest ways in which i can improve it. Thanks in adva nee.
This is how it goes...
"Kee ping an inq uisitive and expIo rative attitude, I believe in con sta nt lear ning p rocess. As a graduate in Mecha nical Engin eeri ng, I seek Master's Degree to refine my kno wledge and skill set in areas of my in terest. I feel that it will also open up several ave nues as far as my goal of career as a research professional at academic, commercial or research oriented organisation is concerned. I intend to pursue my Master's Degree in order to achieve this goal. Being ardently adventurous I dare to claim that, throughout my life, curiosity has been the main feature of my personal character. I always sought new challe nges, new questi ons and new an swers and I do believe that it has bee n this love of no velty which has led me towards educati on success.
As my father works for a service industry, right from my childhood I had umpteen opportun ities to en gage myself with mach in es. I had the opportun ity to visit a Rail coach manufacturing unit and a locomotive overhauling unit where I was taken aback by the
heavy mach ines and various manu facturi ng pro cesses. Even before compi eti ng my schooli ng I was determ ined to purse a course that would fuel my p assi on for mach in es. I also discovered my ap titude and love for mathematics and p hysics at high school. I was kee n on pursuing adva need studies in all the three. Mecha ni cal Engin eeri ng seemed the right op tio n since it offered the excit ing po ssibility of in tegrati ng these disci pli nes.
In my un dergraduate years, I've acquired a strong backgro und in the fun dame ntals of the basic mecha ni cal engin eeri ng subjects. I secured top grade in my class. Mecha nics and Finite Eleme nts Subjects cap tivated my in terest. In relati on to my in terest I un derwe nt a training p rogram at Aeron autical Devel opment Establishme nt, Ban galore where I received a great amount of knowledge about Hydraulic System Operation and Electrohydraulic Actuator Testi ng. This p ractical kno wledge helped me un dersta nd the theoretical concepts in Hydraulics and Fluid Mecha nics.
My first encounter with research was in final year of my graduate course when i was associated with XXXXX. I worked in a project titled XXXXXX. My role was primarily concerned with the asp ects of desig n and deve lopment, which also requires me to gain an un dersta nding of MATLAB which was helpful in an alys ing the feasibility of p rojects un der differe nt work ing con diti on.
To specialize in Masters I would need strong foundation in practical application of the concepts which I gained duri ng my time at XXXXX. Here, I was exp osed to the rigour of p roduct devel opment. This
exp erie nee gave a good in sight about engin eeri ng tech niq ues like Failure mode and effects analysis, DVP&R, Boundary diagrams, FAST Diagrams. Also I have had hands on exp erie nee in desig n of structural p arts and p ressure vessels. I have been trained and working in PRO/E WILDFIRE and ANSYS. I am a Certified "Associate Value Sp ecialist" from SAVE Intern ati on al?? which is a p remier intern ati onal society devoted to the adva nceme nt and pro moti on of the value methodology.
Germa ny has always bee n the world leader in tech no logy, and without questi on it is the motherland of Engineering. Germany avails the advantages of securing the best of
kno wledge, quality of educati on, good life style and above all the intern ati onal expo sure.
Browsi ng through the in formatio n brochure and the Uni versity's web p age I feel that the Graduate Study in your uni versity holds a lot of pro mise to me. The research carried out by various in stitutes on dyn amics, Multibody systems and structures are app eali ng. The breadth and depth of the courses coupled with a stimulati ng research environment seem to me the right mix for sem inal work and pion eeri ng research. I believe that with variety of courses offered and with highly knowledgeable faculty and excellent facilities, the
Uni versity will p rovide a p erfect environment to focus all my resources towards my goal.
I believe that the p rogram will not only help me find a career in a research orga ni zati on but also give me an opportunity to explore and broaden the scope of my understanding through coursework and research at your university. I am fully aware that a pursuit in research and academics requires a high level of dedicatio n, determi natio n, motivatio n and self-disci pli ne. I wish to assure you that, I will meet the above exp ectatio ns dilige ntly and p rove to be a worthy alu mnu s."
Excelle nt
Letter of Motivati on
As a stude nt in school and as an engin eer at work, one thing that was p ersiste nt in me
was my enthusiasm and inquisitive nature. This characteristic in me caused me to be curious and an alytical about every aspect of my p rofessi onal as well as my personal life. I have always used logic when pursuing my deep intent to learn at every stage of my educati on and career. With this in troduct ion, I take this opportunity to p lace forward my
in terest to pu rsue a Master's Degree in Mecha ni cal Engin eeri ng.
I recall an in cide nt long back, where I was very curious about a Scien tific Pen dulum clock.
As one would expect from a fifteen year old, I unscrewed the case body of a perfectly worki ng clock and wan ted to know the mysterious source behi nd the oscillati ons of the pen dulum, its gear fun cti ons and most importan tly the sound of the clock. Tragedy struck, whe n someth ing flew off of the case body and I found out that it was a hook-s pring that held the hammer arms together that hits the rod at regular in tervals which made the sound. I could not fix it back at that mome nt but later man aged to do so. Although I had disabled a p erfectly work ing clock, I was glad that I could find out why the mach ine was keyed and what was being keyed; it was the coiled spring, an element which transmits its stored energy through various links like gears, shafts, arms, etc. This is something that I can un dersta nd today as an engin eer and is one of the marvelous inven ti ons that ben efited huma n kind.
Engin eeri ng studies further expan ded my un dersta nding and kno wledge of mach in es. I observed myself inq uisitive but matured eno ugh to rely on scie ntific concepts and principl es,
somethi ng that is gained through academic educati on and p ractical app licati on.
Courses like Mecha nics, Kin etics of Mach in ery, Dyn amics of Mach inery and App lied Thermody namics en lighte ned me on principles beh ind fun dame ntal laws that are observed and mach ines that are engin eered. I con ti nued to do well in academic courses while at same time contributed in the campus culture. I was also associated to Indian In stitute of In dustrial Engin eeri ng [IIIE], an In stituti on that en abled to un dersta nd more on various tech no logies and its adva nceme nt in the in dustry through sem inars and worksh ops. In my final year of engin eeri ng studies, I comp leted an academic p roject on a Catalytic converting un it for orga nic wastes which con verted the orga nic kitche n wastes in to bio-fuel. The system con sisted of a gasify ing un it which gasified the orga nic wastes and p assed it through a catalytic unit which broke the higher hydro-carb on cha ins in to lower on es. The system also con sisted of a conden ser (Shell and Tube Heat Excha nger) which cooled the gas to raw oil. The p roject in volved the desig n and study of Heat Excha ngers, In duct ion Heaters, and the fabricati on of the un it, by applying kno wledge through various academic topics like, Applied Thermodynamics, Heat and Mass transfer, Design of Mach ine eleme nts and Desig n of p ressure vessels.
My interests towards scienee and engineering elevated further as I started working on Recip rocati ng comp ressors at Neuma n & Esser (Co mp ressor App licati on Cen tre) as an App licati on engin eer, un dersta nding the work ing principle and correlati ng them with theory.
I app lied concepts that I had lear nt duri ng my un dergraduate educati on to my work which involved learning the P-V diagram for each machine, Adiabatic efficiency, Volumetric efficie ncy, shaft po wer etc., un dersta nding the losses and the factors lead ing to in efficie nt p erforma nee of the mach inery duri ng critical issues like discharge valve loss due to valve leakages. While work ing in the prop osal dep artme nt I could deve lop a sound kno wledge about Technical as well as commercial aspects in a manufacturing firm. I am certain through these experiences that, one should always believe in in-depth analysis, un dersta nd the concept, and look ahead to solve the critical task with proper in sight. A con ti nu ous lear ning pro cess app lied to app licati ons and mach in ery's, its principle beh ind the work ing, and the reas on for its n eed on the first p lace has always kept me in trigued to study them.
I intend to further a study in Mecha ni cal Engin eeri ng with a focus on en ergy tech no logy .In my un dersta nding the Huma n dependence on en ergy tech no logy both traditi onal as well as ren ewable is n ecessary, however with the give n dep leti on of n atural resources, there needs to be a transition in the methods of energy production. As a compiete tran sformati on overni ght is not feasible, I would like to explore in in tegrati on of ren ewable
en ergy tech no logy with the exist ing methods. I would also like to explore in in tegrat ing mult iple en ergy systems in an app licati on with measures to curb dow n the en ergy losses duri ng p roduct ion, tran smissi on and distributi on.
It is every engin eer's dream to p rovide smartest of the soluti ons to the most critical issues in the in dustry and to establish on eself as a skilled pro fessi on al. This can only be acco mp lished through the expansion of on e's kno wledge base through higher educati on and a con sta nt push to aspire further. I wish to Progress and p artici pate in con struct ing and creati ng n ewer and smarter ideas to solve p rimary issues concerning my field in the in dustry and I con sider RWTH Aache n Uni versity, as a platform to see myself en able and equipped with all that I dream to become in my career. I am certa in about what I share here in this letter as I am con fide nt of what I want to be and。