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摘要 .................................................................... I ABSTRACT ................................................................... II

一、绪论 (1)

1.1工程概述 (1)

1.2供配电设计一般原则 (1)

1.3本设计的设计内容 (1)

二、负荷分析 (2)

2.1本设计负荷分级 (2)

2.2电力负荷对电源的要求 (2)

2.3负荷统计 (2)

三、无功补偿和变压器选择 (5)

3.1无功补偿的目的 (5)

3.2无功补偿初步计算 (5)

3.3无功功率设备的确定 (5)

3.4变压器的选择 (5)

四、短路电流的计算 (7)

五、变电所电气主接线设计 (8)

5.1主线路线型选择 (8)

5.1.1导体材料的选择 (8)

5.1.2各主线路的计算电流及选择 (8)

5.2变电所高压电气主接线设计 (9)

5.2.1电气主接线形式及运行方式 (9)

5.2.2开关柜型式及配置 (10)

5.2.3电气主接线图绘制 (10)

5.3变电所低压电气主接线设计 (10)

5.3.1电气主接线形式及运行方式 (10)

5.3.2开关柜型式及配置 (10)

5.3.3电气主接线图绘制 (10)

六、低压配电干线系统设计 (11)

6.1低压带电导体系统型式选择 (11)

6.2低压配电干线系统接线方式设计 (11)

6.2.1照明负荷配电干线系统 (11)

6.2.2电力负荷配电干线系统 (11)

6.2.3消防用电设施配电干线系统 (12)

6.2.4层间配电箱系统设计 (12)

七、防雷接地系统设计 (13)

7.1本建筑的防雷措施 (13)

7.2本设计接地系统选择 (13)

7.3等电位联结的选择 (13)

致谢 (14)

参考文献 (15)

附录 (16)





【关键词】:商业办公楼;供配电; 负荷计算;设备选择;电气主接线


This design is a 20-story high-rise commercial office building for the comprehensive power supply and distribution project design, While commercial buildings generally use four to five years. It requirements of electrical equipment to adapt to a different needs of the times. The designers need a scientific forecast of future levels of development, highlight the "people-oriented" design principles.It is necessary to achieve safety, energy saving, economic, convenient, beautiful, suitable for easy installation and maintenance, but also to adapt to the development of the era of scalability. All the construction of the power first principle, we can see the importance of electricity for our lives.

The design content includes determining the equipment and electrical load rating of the building which load calculation; reactive power compensation calculation; select the power transformer capacity, type; short-circuit current calculation; substation electrical main wiring design; low-voltage power distribution system design; lightning protection grounding system design. Part of the design process needs to use AutoCAD drawing drawing, the final order of the entire design process, summarize the design document report.

【keywords】: Commercial office buildings;supply and distribution;alculating the loads;equipment selection;electrical wiring
