
如左侧导轨,用left rail即可,没必要用rail on the left side;a temperature of 250℃to 300℃可以精简为at 250℃—300℃。

辽 宁 大连 1 6 2 0 3) 1
【 要】 摘 作为科技论 文的重要组成部分, 英文标题、 摘要及 关键词在扩大国际间学术交流方面起 着不客忽视 的作 用。其英文翻译要忠实、
简明、 体 , 得 并保 持 原 文 的 语 言风 格 和 语 言 特 点 , 求规 范 , 勿乱译 。本 文 分 别 对 它 们 的翻 译 技 巧进 行 了初 步 探 讨 。 力 切
1英 文标 题 .
S AN G ANY n qn 上官云青) 作者单位应包括“ H G U u — ig( 等。 单位名称 、 所 在 地 ( 市 ) 邮政 编 码 、 别 ” 城 、 国 4项 内 容 , 位 名 称 要 完 整 ( 小 到 大 ) 单 从 ,
以 确 保 联 系方 便 。 同时 单 位 名 称 应用 统 一 的 英 文译 名 , 可 随 意 翻译 , 不 11 文 标 题 的要 求 .英 e at to oeg L n u g , io i gNo me n ma 科 技 论 文 的标 题是 科 技 论 文 的重 要 组 成 部 分 , 对 全 文 的 高 度 概 以 免 造 成 误 解 ,如 D p r n fF r i a g a e L an n r l 是 nv s y D l n 162 , hn 辽 ei a 0 3。 1 括 和总 结 , 般 读者 首 先 是 从 标题 上 进 行 初 步 判 断 所 查 的 科 技 论 文 对 U i rt ai 1 0 3 C ia( 宁 师 范 大 学外 语 系 16 2 ) 一
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提供所译外文资料附件(印刷类含封面、封底、目录、翻译部分的复印件等,网站类的请附网址及原文】Ships Typed According to Means of Physical SupportThe mode of physical support by which vessels can be categorized assumes that the vessel is operating under designed conditions. Ships are designed to operate above, on, or below the surface of the sea, so the air-sea interface will be used as the reference datum. Because the nature of the physical environment is quite different for the three regions just mentioned, the physical characteristics of ships designed to operate in those regions can be diverse.Aerostatic SupportThere are two categories of vessels that are supported above the surface of the sea on a self-induced cushion of air. These relatively lightweight vehicles are capable of high speeds, since air resistance is considerably less than water resistance, and the absence of contact with small waves combined with flexible seals reduces the effects of wave impact at high speed. Such vessels depend on lift fans to create a cushion oflow-pressure air in an underbody chamber. This cushion of air must be sufficient to support the weight of the vehicle above the water surface.The first type of vessel has flexible “skirts” that entirely surround the air cushion and enable the ship to rise completely above the sea surface. This is called an air cushion vehicle (ACV), and in a limited sense it is amphibious.The other type of air-cushion craft has rigid side walls or thin hulls that extend below the surface of the water to reduce the amount of air flow required to maintain the cushion pressure. This type is called a captured-air-bubble vehicle (CAB). It requires less lift-fan power than an ACV, is more directionally stable, and can be propelled by water jets or supercavitating propellers. It is not amphibious, however, and has not yet achieved the popularity of the ACVs, which include passenger ferries, cross-channel automobile ferries, polar-exploration craft, landing craft, and riverine warface vessels. Hydrodynamic SupportThere are also two types of vessels that depend on dynamic support generated by relatively rapid forward motion of specially designed hydrodynamic shapes either on or beneath the surface of the water. A principle of physics states that any moving object that can produce an unsymmetrical flow pattern generates a lift force perpendicular to the direction of motion. Just as an airplane with (airfoil) produces lift when moving through the air, a hydrofoil, located beneath the surface and attached bymeans of a surface piercing strut, can dynamically support a vessel’s hull above the water.Planning hulls are hull forms characterized by relatively flat bottoms and shallowV-sections (especially forward of amidships) that produce partial to nearly full dynamic support for light displacement vessels and small craft at higher speeds. Planning craft are generally restricted in size and displacement because of the required power-to-weight ratio and the structural stresses associated with traveling at high speed in waves. Most planning craft are also restricted to operations in reasonably clam water, although some “deep V” hull forms are capable of operation in rough water.Hydrostatic SupportFinally, there is the oldest and most reliable type of support, hydrostatic support. All ships, boats, and primitive watercraft up to the twentieth century have depended upon the easily attained buoyant force of water for their operation.This hydrostatic support, commonly recognized as flotation, can be explained by a fundamental physical law that the ancient philosopher-mathematician Archimedes defined in the second century B.C. Archimedes’ Principle states that a body immersed in a liquid is buoyed up (or acted upon) by a force equal to the weight of the liquid displaced. This principle applies to all vessels that float (or submerge) in water---salt or fresh. And from this statement the name of the ships in the category are derived; they are generally called displacement hulls.Although this ship type is very familiar, its subcategories warrant special discussion. For example, in some vessels reasonably high speed must be combined with the ability to carry light cargo or to move more comfortably in rough water than a planning hull. High-speed planning-hull characteristics can be modified to produce a semidisplacement hull or semiplaning hull. These compromise craft, of course not as fast as full-planing hulls but faster than conventional displacement hull, must have more power and less weight than the latter. Such types are obviously the result of “tradeoffs.”The example cited above lies between clear-cut physically defined categories----it is not a good example of a variation of a true displacement-type ship. The latter must be recognized primarily as a displacement vessel, and its variations depend primarily on the distribution of buoyant volume----the extent of the depth and breadth of the hull below the water.The most ubiquitous type of displacement ship can be generally classified as the common carrier, a seagoing vessel. It may be employed for passenger service, light cargo-carrying, fishing by trawling or for hundreds of other tasks that do not require exceptional capacity, speed, submergence, or other special performance. It is the most common and easily recognizable type of ship, with moderate displacement, moderate speeds, moderate to large lengths, and moderate capacities. It usually embodies the maximum in cruising range and seaworthiness. It is the “ship for all seasons.” It is the standard to which all other ship classifications in the displacement category may be referred.The closest relative to this standard vessel, which plays a crucial role not only in world commerce but in the survival of the industrial world as well, is the bulk, oil carrier, the tanker, or supertanker. These terminologies are common but unspecific, and in this discussion they are inadequate, for what was called a supertanker several years ago is today not a supertanker. The industry itself has created a far more explicit nomenclature. Based upon the index of 1000000 tons oil cargo capacity, the size categories are LCC (large crude carrier), VLCC (very large crude carrier), and ULCC (ultra large crude carrier). Any tanker greater than 100000 tons but less than 200000 is a LCC, those between 200000 and 400000 are VLCCs, and those over 400000 are ULCCs. The current necessity for these designations becomes clear when we realize that before 1956 there were no tankers larger than 50000 tons, and not until the early sixties were any ships built larger than 100000 tons. In 1968 the first ship over 300000 tons was built. With their bulk and enormous capacity (four football fields can be placed end to end on one of their decks), these ships are designed and built to be profit-makers, enormously long, wide, and deep, carrying thousands of tons of crude oil per voyage at the least cost. Few of these elephantine tankers have more than one propeller shaft of rudder. Their navigation bridges are nearly one quarter of a mile from their bows. Their top service speed is so low that a voyage from an Arabian oil port to a European destination normally takes two months.Such vessels belong to a category of displacement ship that has a great range of buoyant support. They have a very large and disproportionate hull volume below the surface when fully loaded. Indeed, the cargo weight far exceeds the weight of the ship itself. The draft or depth of water required for a fully loaded VLCC runs to 50 or 60 feet and the ULCC may be 80 feet. Such ships belong in the exclusive category of displacement vessels called deep displacement ships.There exists another type of displacement hull with extreme draft. However, it is similarity to the crude-oil carrier of the preceding discussion goes no further than that. This type of vessel is called the SWATH( small waterplane area twin hull). Briefly, this rather rare breed of ship is designed for relatively high speed and stable platform in moderately rough water. Its future is problematical, but the theory of placing the bulk of the displacement well below the surface and extending the support to the above-water platform or deck through the narrow waterline fins or struts is sound. Twin hulls connected by an upper platform provide the necessary operating stability. The most significant class of displacement hull for special application is the sub marine, a vessel for completely submerged operation. The nature of the submarine and a description of her various operational attitudes, both static and dynamic, is covered in subsequent chapters. It is only necessary here to emphasize that submerisible vessels are specifically displacement vessels applying the theory of Archimedes’ Principle and all that it implies.Multihull VesselsThere is one other type of hull in common use that has not yet been mentioned, primarily because it fits into none of the categories described but rather can exist comfortably in any. This craft is the so-called multihull vessel----the catamaran andthe trimaran. These vessels are most frequently displacement hulls in their larger sizes, such as the SWATH mentioned above, or more conventionally, ocean research vessels requiring stable platforms and protected areas for launching equipment. There are also the twin-hulled CAB vessels mentioned earlier and high-speed planning catamarans. Actually, the multihull ship is an adaptation of any of the basic hull categories to a special application that requires exceptional transverse stability and/ or the interhull working area.中文翻译:按照物理支撑方式而划分的船舶类型就船舶分类而言,物理支撑形式是基本于船舶在设计情况下进行的假定。

可以利用搜索引擎,移植定量分析、定性分析的用法以确定 词组的搭配。需要注意的是,有时直接将不确定的词组放进 Google 检测未必能获得准确的结果,还需要对搜索对象作 一些细微的调整,主要为减字、加字或换字三种。 以上 文 提 到 的 with an/the error rate of -14. 01‰为例,将其 作为整体输入 Google 检测,发现找不到这个词组,主要原因是 提到了 -14. 01‰这个频率。进行减字处理后,仅输入“with an error rateof”,获得了 17,100,000 条结果,而“with the error rate of”则获得了 33,500,000 条结果。单就频率来看,似乎 此处用定冠词比较合理。但细看返回结果,发现“ with the error 4 搜索引擎和国外行业数据库的结合使用 rate of”下的第一条结果为“…comparable with the error rate of purified HIV - 1 reverse transcriptase by determining the in vivo mutation rate of HIV…”,可见这实际是个无关项,此时需 要译者进一步检查定冠词是否是最合适的搭配。
gas 这一词因其通常含义仅为“气体”,多用在表示煤气、天然 气等,用来表示“废气”显得单薄。 “应急管理”确实可用 emergency management,但之前的 burning 则在语法上不 妥,理应使用 emergency management of…的结构。
将句子缩短为词组,检索“翅片管式废气锅炉”时,仍获得 Finned tube type gas boiler。 对于“翅片管”一词,有 101 个网站显示结果为 finned tube, 其中包括数十家翅片管生产商对于翅片管的百科说明: “翅 片 管( Finned Tube) 顾名思义,是管子表面带有翅片的传热管。 翅片管又叫鳍片管,也称肋片管。对于“废气锅炉”一词, 基于 105 个网站的翻译结果为exhaust boiler,16 个结果为 exhaust gas boiler,9 个结果为 gas boiler,而 7 个网站结果为 flue gas boiler译者进一步细读例句,其中包括教材《船舶辅 机》第 13 章第二节船舶辅锅炉的结构与附件教案,其中亦 称废气锅炉为 exhaust boiler,即可印证该术语的翻译足够达 意。译为: Emergency Management of the Fire of a Finned Tube Exhaust Boiler。

1. 题名常见句型一般用名词性短语(词组式),不能用不定式或完整句式。
基本句型为:Research of ...(对于XXX的研究);Study on...(基于XXX的研究);Design of...(关于XXX的设计);Research and Application of...(XXX的研究与运用)2. 基本要求为准确论文标题的英译必须准确到位,避免漏译;简洁:没有实际内容的汉语字词可不必译出(如:关于乔治斯坦纳阐释学四步骤的研究,可不将“关于”翻译出来,直接翻译成“Research of/ Study on...”即可。
格式:标题中所有实词的首字母大写,虚词等小写,五个字以上的虚词的首字母(如before, between等)大写。
步骤二:摘要主题翻译1. 摘要: Abstract(第一行居中)2. 语言结构:语态:一般为被动语态(The research is consisted with five parts...“本论文包括五个部分”。
);时态:一般来说,目的用将来时(The purpose of the research is to...)方法和结果用过去时(The research method was.../It was showed that...)结论用一般现在时(The research shows that...)。
步骤三:关键词Key words(“Key”的首字母大写,其余全部小写)。

船舶设计论文中英文外文翻译文献XXX shipbuilding。
with a single large container vessel consisting of approximately 1.5 n atomic components in a n hierarchy。
this n is considered a XXX involves a distributed multi-agent n that runs on top of PVM.2 XXXShip XXX process。
as well as the final product's performance and safety。
nal design XXX-consuming and often fail to consider all the complex factors XXX。
there is a need for a more XXX designers.3 The Role of HPCN in Ship Design nHPCN。
or high-performance computing and orking。
has the potential to XXX utilizing the massive parallel processing power of HPCN。
designers XXX changes。
cing the time and cost of thedesign process。
HPCN can handle the complex XXX。
XXX.4 XXX XXX of the HPCN n Support ToolThe XXX ship designers is implemented as a distributed multi-agent n that runs on top of PVM。



对造船行业现状的研究Research on the present situation of shipbuilding industry摘要:时下中国国内大多数船厂处于任务不饱满状态,造船业务量大量萎缩,尤其是以外贸出口型的船厂订单更是严峻,而担负着国内贸易运输型内河船舶建造厂家,虽然有建造任务,但所受影响也是很大,本文对当前的造船形势做了分析,提出了解决当前造船困境的几点意见。
关键词:国内造船船市低迷对策AbstractNowadays,most of the shipyards in china are in a very difficult situation with the shrinking business, especially the export-oriented shipyard,Though the shipyards to build transport inland ship for domestic trade still have construction project , it has been greatly influenced also. The thesis analyses shipbuilding trends at present and have come up with several suggestions to slove the current problems.Key words: internal shipbuilding; ship industry depressed; strategy引言:船舶工业是国民经济的重要组成部分,为水上交通、海洋开发和国防建设等行业提供技术装备的现代综合性产业,对促进劳动力就业、发展出口贸易和保障海防安全意义重大。

浙江国际海运职业技术学院学报JOURNAL OF ZHEJIANG INTERNATIONAL MARITIME COLLEGEMar.2010 Vol.6No.12010年3月第6卷第1期船舶英语特点及其翻译方法研究刘群芳,李晓珍(浙江国际海运职业技术学院,浙江舟山316021)摘要:中国航运业发展带动着船舶工业的蓬勃发展,向国外学习高端修造船技术是中国船舶工业国际化的必由之路。
关键词:船舶英语;特点;直译;意译中图分类号:H315.9文献标志码:AA Study on Characteristics of Shipbuilding Englishand its Translation MethodsLIU Qunfang,LI Xiaozhen(Zhejiang International Maritime College,Zhoushan316021,China)Abstract:With the development of China’s shipping industry,China’s shipbuilding industry has stepped forward a lot.It is essential to study advanced technology from foreign countries for China’s shipbuilding development.Shipbuilding English is the primary means of communication in this field,so it is very important to do a good job on translation.Based on the analysis of the characteristics of shipbuilding English,this paper makes a study on the translation methods and sums up some methods to provide references for the majority of workers engaged in shipbuilding English translation.Key words:shipbuilding English;characteristics;literal translation;free translation作者简介:刘群芳(1977-),女,江西吉水人,硕士,讲师。


精心整理Chapter1ShipDesign(船舶设计)Lesson2ShipsCategorized(船舶分类)2.1Introduction(介绍)Theformsashipcantakeareinnumerable.一艘船能采用的外形是不可胜数的Avesselmightappeartobeasleekseagoinghotelcarryingpassengersalongtosomeexoticdestination;afloatingfortres sbristlingwithmissilelaunchers;。
AerostaticSupport(空气静力支撑)Therearetwocategoriesofvesselsthataresupportedabovethesurfaceoftheseaonaself-inducedcushionofair.Theser elativelylightweightvehiclesarecapableofhighspeeds,sinceairresistanceisconsiderablylessthanwaterresistance,andthe absenceofcontactwithsmallwavescombinedwithflexiblesealsreducestheeffectsofwaveimpactathighspeed.有两种靠自身诱导的气垫浮于海面上的船。

中国 还 不 是 世 界 造 船 强 国 ,有许 多 高 端 修 造 船 技 术 、 先进船用产品需从 国外引进。 因而 , 要 与 国外 公 司 、 需
船舶企业 、 高校 和研究 机构开展技术研讨 、 学术交 流 ,
这使 得 船 舶 英 语 成 为 交 流 的 主 要 手 段 和 必 要 途 径 , 而
a d t a l i n e ho n isTr nsato M t ds
LU Q na g L iohn I ufn , I aze X
(hj n t nt nl ri o ee Z osa 3 6 2 , hn ) Z e a g ne a o a MaimeC l g, huhn 0 1 C ia i I r i t l 1
其 中船 舶 技术 资 料 翻译 是 最 重 要 的 方 法 之 一 。 目前 , 些 船 舶 工 程 技 术 人 员对 船 舶 设 备 构 造 和 一 工 作 原 理 都 相 当 了解 , 语 基 础 也 不 错 , 在 翻 译 船 英 但 舶 资 料 过 程 中 , 是会 感 到 一 定 难 度 。 其 原 因 , 是 还 究 就
语特 点 出发 , 开展翻译 方法研 究 , 总结 出一 些方法 , 以期 为广大从 事船舶英语翻译 工作者提 供参考 。
船舶论文 外文翻译

1.1Container Shipping ChangesAs commerce has become and continues to be more international, ocean container shipments have grown exponentially as a means of moving most any kind of freight from one port to another. Buffered by waves of change touching other modes of transport, ocean carriers are in a constant process of altering the way they conduct their business to meet current needs of shipping customers. While chartered to serve a wider public with insight about the industry, the Container Shipping Information Service (CSIS) is able to provide a spokesperson from one of its 24 member companies to treat objectively with commonly shared issues. Andres Kulka, senior vice president of CSAV Group North America shares just such insights.In an environment of high transportation costs, ocean container shipping‟s mix of speed, cost, availability and capability offers a superior value proposition, especially as logistics and supply chain management processes and systems are implemented by a growing range of shippers. Because of their shelf life or time value certain commodities must be transported by air. Increases in the need to speedily transport these commodities along with the greater economy will be a primary factor for airfreight growth in the future. But spiraling fuel surcharges and resulting cost consciousness among shippers opens opportunities for ocean carriers to gain market share in the broader spectrum of non- perishable commodities where airfreight‟s cost effectiveness has diminished.Shortages of containers is produced by commercial imbalance situations. When exports outgrow imports in a geographic region, you may face equipment shortages, as was the case in Asia. When you add imbalance by type of equipment to the situation, the situation worsens. While at present leasing containers are available to meet the demand in Asia, container pricing has reached levels of $2,500 for a dry,due largely, to the increase of commodities costs and deterioration of the US exchangeThere have been reports of shortages of containers, particularly for cargo moving from Asia.Under these conditions,shipping lines are relying primarily on empty repositioning to Asia rather than use of fresh equipment.The shortage of equipment in the US today is due to two primary factors. First,exports are growing at high rates, mainly because of devaluation of the USdollar.Additionally imports are pretty much staggered causing, again, a commercial imbalance. Secondly, last year many nonprofitable international intermodal lanes were eliminated. This reduced the stock of containers at some inland locations available for exports.Location specific equipment shortages have created the need for increasing empty container repositioning. That is one of the reasons export freight rates have gone up. Media pays great attention to Asian business, but how healthy is container shipping in other regions, say Latin America?In fact trade with Latin America has been sensitive to the sharp fall of theUS dollar. For example in 2007 the Brazilian real was down 17% and the Chilean peso fell 7%. For exports total 2007 volumes for Latin America were about 800,000 TEU (twenty-foot equivalent units), approximately 20% greater than 2006. Top commodities exported to Latin America have been resins,chemicals, plastics, forest products and general merchandise. Higher rates have followed the increase in export demand.Foodstuffs and forest products dominate import volumes from South America, about 970,000 TEU in 2007. Unlike exports, import volume growth—5.5% greater than 2006—has slowed due to the decline of the US dollar. Import rates have risen, but not nearly as strongly as export rates. So far in 2008 the US dollar has continued its downward trend. We are very cautious about the future outlook. Even though exports will probably continue growing at high rates, imports might continue decreasing.1.2Discussion of Structural Standards DevelopmentTaken as a whole, there has been a piecemeal approach to structural design standards. As technical developments occur (models of various structural behaviours, risk methodologies), they have been incorporated into structural standards. Individuals and rule committees have framed their own rules with an emphasis on certain load/strength/failure models, coupled with some risk avoidance strategy (explicit or implicit). It is hardly surprising that various standards are different, even quite different. More,rather than fewer, concepts are available to those who develop structural standards. In the absence of a binding philosophy of structural behaviour, there will continue to be divergence along the way to improved standards. It must be appreciated that all current standards “work”. Any of the current naval and commercial ship design approaches can be used to produce structural designs that function with adequate reliability over a 20+ yearlife expectancy, unless subjected to poor maintenance, human operational error, or deliberate damage. Changes to standards are, therefore, resisted by all those who have invested time and effort in them as developers and users. The rationale for change must be presented well, and its benefits have to outweigh its costs.Experienced designers recognize that structural behaviour can be very complex. Despite this, it is necessary to use simple, practical approaches in design standards, to avoid adding to the problem through overly-complex rules that are difficult to apply and more so to check and audit. Stress is the primary load-effect that standards focus on, partly because it is so readily calculated. The main concerns are material yielding, buckling and fatigue. All of these are local behaviours, and all are used as surrogates for actual structural failure. A structure is a system, comprised of elements, which in turn are built from materials.As an example, yielding can be considered. Yielding is a material level …failure‟, very common, usually very localized, and usually producing noobservable effect. It can be quite irrelevant. The important issue is the behaviour and failure of the structural system, even at the level of the structural components. Ship structures are especially redundant structures, quite unlike most civil structures and buildings. Ship structures are exposed to some of the harshest loading regimes, yet are usually capable of tolerating extensive material and component failure, prior to actual structural collapse.An essential deficiency of all traditional structural standards has been the failure to consider the structural redundancy (path to failure) and identify weaknesses in the system. Areas of weakness are normally defined as those parts that will first yield or fail.However, far more important is the ability of the structure to withstand these and subsequent local/material failures and redistribute the load. The real weaknesses are a lack of secondary load paths. It is often assumed, wrongly, that initial strength is a valid indicator for ultimate strength, and far simpler to assess. There is a need to focus on ways of creating robust structures, much as we use subdivision to create adequate damage stability. As another example, consider frames under lateral loads. When designed properly, frames can exhibit not only sufficient initial strength, but substantial reserve strength, due to the secondary load path created by axial stresses in the plate and frame. In effect, it is possible to create a ductile structure (analogous to a ductile material). If we instead use current designstandards that emphasize elastic section modulus, we risk creating a …brittle‟ structure, even w hen built from ductile materials.In the case of fatigue and buckling, it is again necessary to stand back from consideration of the initial effects, and examine whether there is sufficient reserve (secondary load paths). When there is no such reserve, there is the structural equivalent of a subdivision plan that cannot tolerate even one compartment flooding.The above discussion talks only about structural response, and indicated some gaps. Similar gaps exist in our knowledge of loads. The complexity of ship structures, the complexity of the loads that arise in a marine environment, and the dominating influence of human factors in any risk assessment for vessels, all present daunting challenges.The project team‟s approach to this project, described in the following sections, has intended to provide part of the basis for future design standard development.1.1集装箱运输的变化当商业已成为并将继续更加国际化,远洋集装箱运输已成为成倍增长的将任何种类的货物从一个港口移到另一个港口的手段。

中英文资料翻译A Simple Prediction Formula of Roll Damping of Conventional Cargo Ships on the Basis of lkeda's Method and Its LimitationSince the roll damping of ships has significant effects of viscosity, it is difficult tocalculate it theoretically. Therefore, experimental results or some prediction methods are used to get the roll damping in design stage of ships. Among some prediction methods, Ikeda’s one is widely used in many ship motion computer programs. Using the method, the roll damping of various ship hulls with various bilge keels can be calculated to investigate its characteristics. To calculate the roil damping of each ship, detailed data of the ship are needed to input. Therefore, a simpler prediction method is expected in primary design stage. Such a simple method must be useful to validate the results obtained by a computer code to predict it on the basis of Ikeda,s method, too. On the basis of the predicted roll damping by Ikeda’s method for various ships, a very simple prediction formula of the roll damping of ships is deduced in the present paper. Ship hull forms are systematically changed by changing length, beam, draft, mid-ship sectional coefficient and prismatic coefficient. It is found, however, that this simple formula can not be used for ships that have high position of the center of gravity. A modified method to improve accuracy for such ships is proposed.Key words: Roll damping, simple prediction formula, wave component, eddy component, bilge keel component.IntroductionIn 1970s, strip methods for predicting ship motions in 5-degree of freedoms in waves have been established. The methods are based on potential flow theories (Ursell-Tasai method, source distribution method and so on), and can predict pitch, heave, sway and yaw motions of ships in waves in fairly good accuracy. In roll motion, however, the strip methods do not work well because of significant viscouseffects on the roll damping. Therefore, some empirical formulas or experimental data are used to predict the roll damping in the strip methods.To improve the prediction of roll motions by these strip methods, one of the authors carried out a research project to develop a roll damping prediction method which has the same concept and the same order of accuracy as the strip methods which are based on hydrodynamic forces acting on strips. The review of the prediction method was made by Himeno [5] and Ikeda [6,7] with the computer program.The prediction method, which is now called Ikeda’s method, divides the roll damping into the frictional (BF), the wave (Bw),the eddy (Be) and the bilge keel (Bbk) components at zero forward speed, and at forward speed, the lift (Bi) is added. Increases of wave and friction components due to advance speed are also corrected on the basis of experimental results. Then the roll damping coefficient B44 (= roll damping moment (kgfm)/roll angular velocity (rad/sec)) can be expressed as follows: B44 B bk (1)At zero forward speed, each component except the friction and lift components are predicted for each cross section with unit length and the predicted values are summed up along the ship length. The friction component is predicted by Kato’s formula for a three-dimensional ship shape. Modification functions for predicting the forward speed effects on the roll damping components are developed for the friction, wave and eddy components. The computer program of the method was published, and the method has been widely used.For these 30 years, the original Ikeda’s method developed for convention al cargo ships has been improved to apply many kinds of ships, for examples, more slender and round ships, fishing boats, barges, ships with skegs and so on. The original method is also widely used. However, sometimes, different conclusions of roll motions were derived even though the same Ikeda’s method was used in the calculations. Then, to check the accuracy of the computer programs of the same Ikeda’s method, a more simple prediction method with the almost same accuracy as the Ikeda’s original one has b een expected to be developed. It is said that in design stages of ships, Ikeda’s method is too complicated to use. To meet these needs, asimple roll damping prediction method was deduced by using regression analysis [8]. Previous Prediction FormulaThe simple prediction formula proposed in previous paper can not be used for modem ships that have high position of center of gravity or long natural roll period such as large passenger ships with relatively flat hull shape. In order to investigate its limitation, the authors compared the result of this prediction method with original Ikeda’s one while out of its calculating limitation. Fig. 1 shows the result of the comparison with their method of roll damping. The upper one is on the condition that the center of gravity is low and the lower one on the condition that the center of gravity is high.From this figure, the roll damping estimated by this prediction formula is in good agreement with the roll damping calculated by the Ikeda’s method for low position o f center of gravity, but the error margin grows for the high position of center of gravity. The results suggest that the previous prediction formula is necessary to be revised. Methodical Series ShipsModified prediction formula will be developed on the basis of the predicted results by Ikeda’s method using the methodical series ships. This series ships are constructed based on the Taylor Standard Series and its hull shapes are methodically changed by changing length, beam, draft, midship sectional coefficient and longitudinal prismatic coefficient. The geometries of the series ships are given by the following equations. Proposal of New Prediction Method of Roll DampingIn this chapter, the characteristics of each component of the roll damping, the frictional, the wave, the eddy and the bilge keel components at zero advanced speed, are discussed, and a simple prediction formula of each component is developed.As well known, the wave component of the roll damping for a two-dimensional cross section can be calculated by potential flow theories in fairly good accuracy. In Ikeda's method, the wave damping of a strip section is not calculated and the calculated values by any potential flow theories are used as the wave damping.reason why viscous effects are significant in only roll damping can be explained as follows. Fig. 4 shows the wave component of the roll damping for 2-D sections calculated by apotential flow theory.ConclusionsA simple prediction method of the roll damping of ships is developed on the basis of the Ikeda’s original prediction method which was developed in the same concept as a strip method for calculating ship motions in waves. Using the data of a ship, B/d, Cb,Cm, OG/d, G),bBK/B, Ibk/Lpp,(pa, the roll damping of a ship can be approximat ely predicted. Moreover, the limit of application of Ikeda’s prediction method to modern ships that have buttock flow stern is demonstrated by the model experiment. The computer program of the method can be downloaded from the Home Page of Ikeda’s Labo (Ac knowledgmentsThis work was supported by the Grant-in Aid for Scientific Research of the Japan Society for Promotion of Science (No. 18360415).The authors wish to express sincere appreciation to Prof. N. Umeda of Osaka University for valuable suggestions to this study.References五、Y. Ikeda, Y. Himeno, N. Tanaka, On roll damping force of shipEffects of friction of hull and normal force of bilge keels, Journal of the Kansai Society of Naval Architects 161 (1976) 41-49. (in Japanese)六、Y. Ikeda, K. Komatsu, Y. Himeno, N. Tanaka, On roll damping force of ship~Effects of hull surface pressure created by bilge keels, Journal of the Kansai Society of Naval Architects 165 (1977) 31-40. (in Japanese)七、Y. Ikeda, Y. Himeno, N. Tanaka, On eddy making component of roll damping force on naked hull, Journal of the Society of Naval Architects 142 (1977) 59-69. (in Japanese)八、Y. Ikeda, Y. Himeno, N. Tanaka, Components of roll damping of ship at forward speed, Journal of the Society of Naval Architects 143 (1978) 121-133. (in Japanese) 九、Y. Himeno, Prediction of Ship Roll Damping一State of the Art, Report of Department of Naval Architecture & Marine Engineering, University of Michigan, No.239, 1981.十、Y. Ikeda, Prediction Method of Roll Damping, Report of Department of Naval Architecture, University of Osaka Prefecture, 1982.十一、Y. Ikeda, Roll damping, in: Proceedings of 1stSymposium of Marine Dynamics Research Group, Japan, 1984, pp. 241-250. (inJapanese)十二、Y. Kawahara, Characteristics of roll damping of various ship types and a simpl e prediction formula of roll damping on the basis of Ikeda’s method, in: Proceedings of the 4th Asia-Pacific Workshop on Marine Hydrodymics, Taipei, China, 2008,pp. 79-86.十三、Y. Ikeda, T. Fujiwara, Y. Himeno, N. Tanaka, Velocity field around ship hull in roll motion, Journal of the Kansai Society of Naval Architects 171 (1978) 33-45. (in Japanese)十四、N. Tanaka, Y. Himeno, Y. Ikeda, K. Isomura,Experimental study on bilge keel effect for shallow draftship, Journal of the Kansai Society of Naval Architects 180 (1981) 69-75. (in Japanese)常规货船的横摇阻尼在池田方法基础上的一个简单预测方法及其局限性摘要:由于船的横摇阻尼对其粘度有显着的影响,所以很难在理论上计算。

1.1Container Shipping ChangesAs commerce has become and continues to be more international, ocean container shipments have grown exponentially as a means of moving most any kind of freight from one port to another. Buffered by waves of change touching other modes of transport, ocean carriers are in a constant process of altering the way they conduct their business to meet current needs of shipping customers. While chartered to serve a wider public with insight about the industry, the Container Shipping Information Service (CSIS) is able to provide a spokesperson from one of its 24 member companies to treat objectively with commonly shared issues. Andres Kulka, senior vice president of CSAV Group North America shares just such insights.In an environment of high transportation costs, ocean container shipping’s mix of speed, cost, availability and capability offers a superior value proposition, especially as logistics and supply chain management processes and systems are implemented by a growing range of shippers. Because of their shelf life or time value certain commodities must be transported by air. Increases in the need to speedily transport these commodities along with the greater economy will be a primary factor for airfreight growth in the future. But spiraling fuel surcharges and resulting cost consciousness among shippers opens opportunities for ocean carriers to gain market share in the broader spectrum of non- perishable commodities where airfreight’s cost effectiveness has diminished.Shortages of containers is produced by commercial imbalance situations. When exports outgrow imports in a geographic region, you may face equipment shortages, as was the case in Asia. When you add imbalance by type of equipment to the situation, the situation worsens. While at present leasing containers are available to meet the demand in Asia, container pricing has reached levels of $2,500 for a dry,due largely, to the increase of commodities costs and deterioration of the US exchangeThere have been reports of shortages of containers, particularly for cargo moving from Asia.Under these conditions,shipping lines are relying primarily on empty repositioning to Asia rather than use of fresh equipment.The shortage of equipment in the US today is due to two primary factors. First,exports are growing at high rates, mainly because of devaluation of the USdollar.Additionally imports are pretty much staggered causing, again, a commercial imbalance. Secondly, last year many nonprofitable international intermodal lanes were eliminated. This reduced the stock of containers at some inland locations available for exports.Location specific equipment shortages have created the need for increasing empty container repositioning. That is one of the reasons export freight rates have gone up. Media pays great attention to Asian business, but how healthy is container shipping in other regions, say Latin America?In fact trade with Latin America has been sensitive to the sharp fall of theUS dollar. For example in 2007 the Brazilian real was down 17% and the Chilean peso fell 7%. For exports total 2007 volumes for Latin America were about 800,000 TEU (twenty-foot equivalent units), approximately 20% greater than 2006. Top commodities exported to Latin America have been resins,chemicals, plastics, forest products and general merchandise. Higher rates have followed the increase in export demand.Foodstuffs and forest products dominate import volumes from South America, about 970,000 TEU in 2007. Unlike exports, import volume growth—5.5% greater than 2006—has slowed due to the decline of the US dollar. Import rates have risen, but not nearly as strongly as export rates. So far in 2008 the US dollar has continued its downward trend. We are very cautious about the future outlook. Even though exports will probably continue growing at high rates, imports might continue decreasing.1.2Discussion of Structural Standards DevelopmentTaken as a whole, there has been a piecemeal approach to structural design standards. As technical developments occur (models of various structural behaviours, risk methodologies), they have been incorporated into structural standards. Individuals and rule committees have framed their own rules with an emphasis on certain load/strength/failure models, coupled with some risk avoidance strategy (explicit or implicit). It is hardly surprising that various standards are different, even quite different. More,rather than fewer, concepts are available to those who develop structural standards. In the absence of a binding philosophy of structural behaviour, there will continue to be divergence along the way to improved standards. It must be appreciated that all current standards “work”. Any of the current naval and commercial ship design approaches can be used to produce structural designs that function with adequate reliability over a 20+ yearlife expectancy, unless subjected to poor maintenance, human operational error, or deliberate damage. Changes to standards are, therefore, resisted by all those who have invested time and effort in them as developers and users. The rationale for change must be presented well, and its benefits have to outweigh its costs.Experienced designers recognize that structural behaviour can be very complex. Despite this, it is necessary to use simple, practical approaches in design standards, to avoid adding to the problem through overly-complex rules that are difficult to apply and more so to check and audit. Stress is the primary load-effect that standards focus on, partly because it is so readily calculated. The main concerns are material yielding, buckling and fatigue. All of these are local behaviours, and all are used as surrogates for actual structural failure. A structure is a system, comprised of elements, which in turn are built from materials.As an example, yielding can be considered. Yielding is a material level‘failure’, very common, usually very localized, and usually producing noobservable effect. It can be quite irrelevant. The important issue is the behaviour and failure of the structural system, even at the level of the structural components. Ship structures are especially redundant structures, quite unlike most civil structures and buildings. Ship structures are exposed to some of the harshest loading regimes, yet are usually capable of tolerating extensive material and component failure, prior to actual structural collapse.An essential deficiency of all traditional structural standards has been the failure to consider the structural redundancy (path to failure) and identify weaknesses in the system. Areas of weakness are normally defined as those parts that will first yield or fail.However, far more important is the ability of the structure to withstand these and subsequent local/material failures and redistribute the load. The real weaknesses are a lack of secondary load paths. It is often assumed, wrongly, that initial strength is a valid indicator for ultimate strength, and far simpler to assess. There is a need to focus on ways of creating robust structures, much as we use subdivision to create adequate damage stability. As another example, consider frames under lateral loads. When designed properly, frames can exhibit not only sufficient initial strength, but substantial reserve strength, due to the secondary load path created by axial stresses in the plate and frame. In effect, it is possible to create a ductile structure (analogous to a ductile material). If we instead use current designstandards that emphasize elastic section modulus, we risk creating a‘brittle’ structure, even w hen built from ductile materials.In the case of fatigue and buckling, it is again necessary to stand back from consideration of the initial effects, and examine whether there is sufficient reserve (secondary load paths). When there is no such reserve, there is the structural equivalent of a subdivision plan that cannot tolerate even one compartment flooding.The above discussion talks only about structural response, and indicated some gaps. Similar gaps exist in our knowledge of loads. The complexity of ship structures, the complexity of the loads that arise in a marine environment, and the dominating influence of human factors in any risk assessment for vessels, all present daunting challenges.The project team’s approach to this project, described in the following sections, has intended to provide part of the basis for future design standard development.1.1集装箱运输的变化当商业已成为并将继续更加国际化,远洋集装箱运输已成为成倍增长的将任何种类的货物从一个港口移到另一个港口的手段。


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On Tr n l t g Ab t a t fM a i e a sa i sr c so r n n
0 tn c n n t x rs h o ii a a i g a d e d t wrng i tr rt t n ic e a t o s e r fs in l fe a o e p e s t e rgn l me n n n la s o o ne p ea i sn e f w u h r g tp o e so a o tan n fEngih ta sa in riigo ls r n lt .Ac o d n o t e c a a trsis o b ta t f ma n e h oo ia a e s s f l o c r ig t h h r ceit f a srcs o r e tc n l gc l p p r ,u eu c i r n lto t o r td e s d o ag u e fta lto r cie ta sain m eh dsae su id ba e n a lr e n mb ro rnsain p a tc . Ke r s y wo d :ma n e h o o ia a r m ai e tc n l gc lp p r a s a t r nsain i r e tc n lgc lp pe ; rn e h oo ia a e ; b t c;ta l t r o
2 1 年 3月 01
浙 江 国 际海 运 职业 技术 学 院学 报
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Ab t a t Ma n e h oo i a p p ri a kn f r fs in l e gn e n n ce t i p p r ma yo h c s r c : r e tc n lgc l a e i d o o e s a, n i e r g a d s in i c a e, n f ih i s p o i f w
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刘群 芳 , 魏 萍
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21 年 第 1 01 期
刘 群 芳 等 : 船舶 科 技 论 文 英 文 摘 要 翻 译 方 法 论
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