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PizzaHut Crazy English


1、您预订了吗?Have u made a reservation?

2、您几位呢?How many in your party?

3、这张桌子您满意吗?Will this table be to your satisfaction? /Is this table ok?

4、稍后将有服务员为您点餐。The waiter will come to take your order soon.

5、堂食还是外带?For here or to go?

6、对不起,现在已经没位了。Sorry, the restaurant is full now./Sorry, there is no table available

now./Sorry ,all the tables are taken.

7、请您排队轮候好吗?Could u please wait in the line, sir/ma’am?

8、请问您叫什么名字?May I have your name?

9、这是您的等候小票。This is your waiting ticket.

10、大概需要等待15分钟。It takes about 15 minutes.

11、抱歉让你久等了。I m sorry to have kept u waiting.

12、您的座位已经安排好了。Your table is ready. /We have a table for u.

13、需要给您的小孩拿个BB凳吗?Do you need a baby chair for your child?

14、谢谢光临,欢迎下次再来。Thanks for coming. Welcome to here next time.


1、您现在要点餐了吗?Are u ready to order?

2、现在可以点菜了吗?Can I take your order now?

3、很抱歉,您要的……已经没有了。I m sorry , it’s not available now .

4、我一会儿就回来。I’ll be back in a couple of minutes.(客人在研究菜单时)

5、……是一个很棒的选择/……是我们的特色菜。……is an excellent choice.……is our


6、您是否要尝一下我们的促销产品呢?Would u like to try our latest promotion?

7、让我为您重复点单。Let me repeat the order.

示例:您点了一个9寸美式精选铁盘披萨和一杯可乐加冰。Your have othered a 9 inch American Special pan pizza and 1 Pepsi with ice.

8、披萨需要17到20分钟,饮料很快就奉上。Your pizza will take 17 to 20 minutes and drinks

will come soon.

9、我把菜单拿走好吗?May I take the menu away?


1、对不起,我搞错了。Excuse me, I made a mistake.

2、这是您点的……。请慢用。Here is your ……Help yourself, please.

3、小心铁盘烫手。Be careful, the pan is very hot.

4、对不起,您的披萨还要稍等一下。Sorry, your pizza will take a bit longer.


1、如您所愿。As u like.(当顾客需要水或者酱料什么的时候可用)

2、您要续杯吗?Would u like a refill?

3、那些盘子帮你收掉好吗?Can I take those plates?

4、剩下的您需要打包吗?Would u like to pack the rest?

5、我去叫我们经理过来。I will get the manager for u.


1、需要买单了吗?Shall I get your check?

2、请问您怎样付款?现金还是刷卡?How would u like to pay,in cash or by credit card?

3、总共是xx元。That will be xx yuan . / The total is xx yuan .

4、有1元零钱吗?Do u have change for a one?/Do u have one yuan?

5、您需要发票吗?Do u need a receipt?

6、这是您的发票,请收好。Here is your receipt. Keep it please.

7、这是您的找零,祝你今天愉快。Here is your change .Have a good day~

8、我们这边可以刷卡。We do take credit card./We can accept credit card.

9、请在这边签字。Could u sign here,please?

10、谢谢你先生/小姐,但我们这边不接受小费。Thank u sir/ma’am,but we don’t accept tips.
