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作为大庆师范学院的一份子,在军训之后,我们必去的地 方就是铁人英雄纪念馆,进入铁人纪念馆的大门,映入眼帘的 正中间是铁人纪念馆,旁边是绿油油草地和前头一面一个的雕 像,铁人纪念馆旁边各有二座雕像,就是王进喜。
As a member of the Daqing Normal University, in the military training, we will go is the hero iron man memorial hall, into the iron man Memorial gate, just in the middle of the eye is the iron man memorial hall, next to the green grass and the front side of a statue of the iron man Memorial next to each of the two statues, is Wang Jinxi.
The outside steps of the iron man memorial hall is also very learned, a total of 47 grey color steps, Wang Jinxi lived to 47 years old. At the iron man memorial, he saw him leading a gang of soldiers forward. Turn left, and enter an exhibition area. I saw a sign saying, " Wang Jinxi, six years old, pulling blind father to beg, 9 years old and father out of labor, 10 years old herding cattle to the landlord, 15 years old in oil as a child laborer. ". Wang Jinxi is living in this difficult environment.
铁人精神享誉中外,历史弥新,影响同愈深远。铁人的 形象不仅铭刻在人们的脑海里,还有留在文学、摄影、美术、 邮票、展览和影视作品的记忆中,持续深入形式各异的宣传。 铁人精神绽放着光芒,她已成为建设企业文化的灵魂,成为 中华民族的思想瑰宝。
The iron man spirit is famous at home and abroad, the history is new, the influence is more profound. The image of iron man is not only engraved in the minds of people, but also in the memory of literature, photography, art, stamps, exhibitions and film and television works, and constantly in different forms of propaganda. The iron man spirit blooms the light, she has become the soul of the construction enterprise culture, become the Chinese nation's thought treasure.
当我看完这张牌子后,我不禁联想到了现在这美好的生活 环境,就在这种环境下,却没有一个能像王进喜这样的人。自 此,王进喜成为我们心目中的英雄。
When I read this brand, I can't help but think of the beautiful living environment, in this environment, but not a person like Wang Jinxi. Since then, Wang Jinxi has become our hero.
Wang Jinxi is an outstanding representative of the Yumen people, the brilliant example of Chinese oil workers, the excellent role model of the Chinese communists, the heroes of the Chinese nation. He has made immortal achievements for the development of the petroleum industry of the motherland and socialist construction, and has created great material wealth, and left us precious spiritual wealth - the iron man spirit.
Hero in my heart 我心目中的英雄
Iron man Jin xi Wang 铁人王进喜
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
Brief introduction
王进喜是玉门人的杰出代表,中国石油工人 的光辉典范,中国共产党人的优秀楷模,中华 民族的英雄。他为祖国石油工业的发展和社会 主义建设立下了不朽的功勋,在创造了巨大物 质财富的同时,还给我们留下了宝贵的精神财 富——铁人精神。
铁人纪念馆的外面台阶也很有学问的,一 共是47个灰颜色的台阶,王进喜活到了47岁。 在铁人纪念馆里进去一眼就看见了他领着一帮 战士们向前去。向左转,就进入了一个展区。 我看见了这样一个牌子,上面写道:王进喜6 岁拉着盲人父亲去讨饭,9岁同父亲出劳役,10 岁给地主放牛,15岁在油矿当童工。王进喜就 是在这艰苦的环境下生存的。