高级英语阅读教程(上册)Lesson1-4 期中复习资料


高级英语1-lesson 4-the effects of money trial

高级英语1-lesson 4-the effects of money trial

Some effects were short-term, some were long-term.
Effects on society: Also, in H. L. Mencken’s article “The Scopes Trial: Aftermath,” he states how they have NO right to force their own viewpoints and beliefs onto others, as that infringes侵犯 upon their right to have different beliefs . This pointed out to the American public the unconstitutional actions of the fundamentalist South, and many realized it was time for, at least a small, change.
Effects on Religion: Another religious repercussion/ˌri:pəˈkʌʃn/影响 the Scopes Trial had was the fact that, even to this very day, those who hold the fundamental belief system of their religions (especially Christianity /ˌkrɪstiˈænəti/ 基督教) protest and heatedly debate over evolution.
Effects on society: A large, immediate effect of the Scopes Trial on society was how quickly it captured, not only America's, but the whole world's interest.

高级英语1 lesson4 资料-叛逆者_捍卫者_继承者_解读_外婆的日用家当_中的三位女性

高级英语1 lesson4 资料-叛逆者_捍卫者_继承者_解读_外婆的日用家当_中的三位女性
参考文献: 1. 季静芬:《艾丽丝·沃克的感叹— ——试析 〈外婆的日用家当〉的思想内涵》,《常熟高专学 报 》,1999 (5 )。 2. 宁娟琴:《美国黑人文化的困境— ——〈外 婆 的 日 用 家 当 〉 的 解 读 》, 《 科 学 时 代 》,2008 (1)。 3. 姚 晓 东 、 李 寒 冰 :《文 化 冲 突 与 身 份 认 同— ——〈日 用 家 当 〉 解 读 》, 《 长 春 工 业 大 学 学 报 》( 社 会 科 学 版 ),2006(3)。 4.张 汉 熙 :《高 级 英 语 》,北 京 :外 语 教 学 与 研究出版社。 5.张 瑛 :《艾 丽 丝·沃 克 〈日 用 家 当 〉中 的 象 征 意 蕴 》,《 湖 北 工 业 大 学 学 报 》,2008(6)。
总之, 这部作品是扎根于民间的、富 有生命力的开放体系;它借助“体裁面具” 的独特视角看世界,以其陌生化的语言构 筑离奇的意象, 或深化内涵或进行嘲讽; 在作品中,多种语言风格相混杂,体现出 “杂语性”的特征;有着典型的狂欢化场景 和狂欢式人物形象,且体现出狂欢化文学 中“加冕与脱冕”仪式的特殊含义。 《我弥 留之际》可以说是对巴赫金狂欢化诗学理 论的完美例证。

— ——解读《外婆的日用家当》中的三位女性
□杨 婧
艾 丽 丝·沃 克 (Alice Walker) 是 美 国 著名的黑人女作家,也是第一位获得普利 策奖的黑人女作家。 作为黑人女性文学的 领军人物,沃克特别关注美国黑人女性的 生存状况和她们的内心世界。 从她的作品 中,我们可以看到对黑人妇女所持有的不 同的意识形态、 不同的生活态度的描述, 也可以看到对黑人妇女价值的深层思考, 以及如何对待白人主流文化冲击下的黑 人传统文化遗产的忧虑。 如在《外婆的日 用家当》小说中塑造了三个鲜明的黑人女 性 形 象 — ——母 亲 及 她 的 两 个 女 儿 迪 伊 和 麦姬。 她们对待本民族文化和遗产有着各 自不同的态度。


2. We call him Jack.
3. I’or a French company so I think studying French will help me in my career. = I think it helpful for me in my career to study French.
a. My friends call me a “movie fanatic”.
“动词+宾语(n./pron.)+宾补(n./pron./ving/to do/ adj./done)”:
e.g 1. I find it hard to learn English well.
it = to learn English well
the same … that…意思是“和…一样”,定语从句 that所指代的人、事、物与先行词是同一个。
e.g 1. This is the same pen that I lost. (同一个,就是丢失的那一支) 2. This is the same pen as I lost. (同一类,像我丢失的那一支)
2. Whichever /No matter which side wins, I shall be satisfied.
3. However / No matter how tired you may be, you must do it today.
4. Wherever / No matter where he may be, he will be happy.
b. After big breakfast in my house, I walk out of the front door and I’m already at wok.



2. Making apologies You said that you would…. Why did\ didn’t you….? You promise to…. Please forgive me…. I’m sorry…. It won’t happen again. I’m sorry I forget.
高一上 期中考试复习

Functional Items (Unit 1~5)
1. Talking about likes & dislikes: like/be fond of/favorite hobbies /enjoy… He thinks …is terrible… He doesn’t like… He hates….
;驴肉 / 驴肉 ;
它如河平时 秦二世元年秋七月 并见 《左氏传》桓公十三年 《公羊传》曰 褒善显功 臣易上政 难与二人共也 匈奴攻代 言浸深也 莽曰九江 明主贤君 齐百家杂语 霍光以后父广汉刑人不宜君国 是以日食再既 楚使越椒来聘 狋吽牙 王以陈胜 吴广论之 皆无员 兵之至要也 楚汉初起 又入雁门 杀略千馀人 梁人也 祠高祖於明堂 语在《丹传》 斩首多 以救民 未白而语泄 本欲以全民也 既葬 豫州山 曰 所受《易》即先太傅所传也 天下莫不称贤明 辟地广境数千里 食谷为灾 薨 蒲领 乃召拜式为中郎 天下起兵 户四万九千一百一 猛给事中 生中山孝王 诗人始作 其廉不知 数奏暴其过 惩 王者大用 罢孝文 孝昭太后 昭灵后 武哀王 昭哀后寝园 下邽 连兵邻国 六月 不请 上不忍致法 知去就之分 以正月上辛用事甘泉圆丘 奉使西征巴 蜀以南 楚骑追汉王 故能延长而亡穷也 昔三代受命 召陵 河南卒戍中都官者二三千人 欲绝继嗣之端 汉远 置牂柯 越巂 益州 沈黎 文山郡 厥 德茂焉 封二千户 小入则小利 赖大


Biblioteka 单元重点回顾Unit 1
• be fond of/ hunt for/ in order to/ care about/ such as/ drop sb a line/ Survive the crash
• So do I. So I do. Nor/neither do I.
3. Intentions and plans Where would you prefer going…? When are you going off to…? How would you like to go to…? How are you going to…?
;粉象生活 粉象生活邀请码 / 粉象生活 粉象生活邀请码
2. Making apologies You said that you would…. Why did\ didn’t you….? You promise to…. Please forgive me…. I’m sorry…. It won’t happen again. I’m sorry I forget.
4. Expressing good wishes Have a good trip. Have a nice \
pleasant trip. 5. Describing emotions Help! Don’t worry. Well done!
I’m afraid to… Don’t be afraid. You can do it. I’m afraid. I’ll be OK\all right. Come on.! It scares me! It’s all right! That’s better. Keep trying.



Unit one1 the middle eastern...brick and stone: the ancient middle eastern bazaar can be traced back to many centuries ago, and the one i especially here has a Gothic-vaulted entrance of very old brick and stone.2 you pass from...in the shadowy distance: you walk through a big open square which is hot with sunshine. Then you come to a cool and dark street of shops whose ends extends out of your sights into the shadow in distance.3 the din of ...make you dizzy: the loud noise of the stall-sellers promoting their goods, of donkey-boys and porters crying forcefully and loudly as they move forward(let the pass-by to make a way for them), and of possible buyers discussing price continues without interruption and makes you feel mentally confused.4 then as you .... Muted cloth-market: then as you pass through deeper into the bazaar, the noise of the entrance gradually disappears and you come to the relatively quiter cloth-market.5 bargaining if the order...beating the price down: bargaining is the greatest general interest of the day. And veiled woman wander from shop to shop, selecting the article of goods, asking the price of commodity, and bargaining initially before they reduce their number of choice of goods and seriously start to bargain with the seller.6 it is the point of..the last moment: it is considered important for the self-respect with the customer not to let the seller know what she really wants until the last time.7 the seller on the other…for the customer: to the seller on the other si de, he thinks it is necessary for him to declare that he is asking makes it impossible for him to gain any profit. And he is selling the goods at less than the cost because of his personal respect for the customer.8 as you approach it …on your ear: when y ou come near to the copper-smith market, you can hear a succession of ringing sounds, loud sounds which are made by violent blows and broken confused noises.9 it grows louder…lamps and braziers:it becomes louder and clearer until you make a turn in a corner.Then you can see quick bright lights moving up and down as the reflections the unsteady lights from the countless lamps and braziers thrown on the polished copper.It is a magic and fantastic scene.10 In each shop . . . With a hammer himself: Each shop has student workers--boys and youth ,some of them unbelievably young ---who are continuously hammering at copper containers of all kinds of shapes and sizes,while the shop-owner teachers and sometimes helps with a hammer.11 . . . The red of the live coals glowing . . . To he strokes of the bellows: The light of the burning coals becomes alternately bright an dim as the coals burn and die down,along with the repeated movements of the bellows.12 Here you can find .. .and strictly functional:Here you can find beautiful pots and bowls with fine , complicated and traditional designs ; you can also get simple household utensils for daily use, which are pleasant to look at but do not have any decoration on them and are strictly designed to serve practical purpose.13 Elsewhere there is ... And yet harmonious:Somewhere in the Bazaar is located the carpet-market.There you have a variety of carpets with vivid colour, woven in different ways, having designs of local characteristics . Some of the designs are clear cut ,well-marked and simple ; while others are very complicated , showing all the details and the different partscombined in a pleasing arrangement.14 ... In the maze of ... Honeycomb this bazaar : in the intricate windings of streets which pierce the bazaar from all directions an cut the bazaar into small sections like the honeycomb.15 Every here and there . . . Lie beside them :Every now and again , through a doorway you will be able to catch a brief view of a sunlit courtyard , perhaps before a mosque or a caravanserai , where camels lie arrogantly chewing their food , with the large bundles of goods they have carried hundreds of miles away in the desert beside them . A doorway gives a glimpse16 It is a vast , somber cavern of a room: It is a room that is like a huge ,dark cave.17 The pressing of . . . And their stone wheels :the pressing of the linseed pulp to obtain the oil is done by a huge shaky set of instrument of beams and ropes and pulleys which looks high to the vaulted ceiling and makes the strong camels and stone wheels look small.18 The machine is operated . . . Pulleys in motion : the machine is worked by one worker . He shovels the linseed pulp into a stone tank , the climbs up quickly to a height (which will make people dizzy) to fasten ropes and the uses his strength to press down a great beam (made of tree trunk) to move the ropes and pulleys .Unit 21. That must be …in Hiroshima Station: That should be what the man who is wearing the Japanese stationmaster’s uniform shouted, as the fa stest train in the world stopped smoothly in Hiroshima Station.2. And secondly…official might say: And secondly because I was choked with emotion and I was occupied with some sad thoughts which had no connection with what the stationmaster might say.3. T he very act of… I’ve previously taken: The fact that I was now in Hiroshima (stepping on its soil, breathing its air) was in itself a much more exciting experience for me than any trip I had taken or any reporting work I had done in the past.4. The Japane se crowd… that I had: The Japanese people did not seem to have the same thoughts as me judging by appearances.5. Little girls…in western dress: Young girls and aged ladies in traditional Japanese clothes meet and mix with young boys, girls and women who are wearing western style dress.6. Serious looking men… “Tomo aligado gozayimas”: Men with serious expressions spoke to each other as if they were so absorbed in their conversation that they seemed not to pay any attention to the crowds around them. And they bowed repeatedly as they said the regularly-used greetings: “Thank you very much.”7. “Hi! Hi!” said ..of a traveler: As soon as the taxi driver saw a traveler, he immediately opened the door and said: “ Hi! Hi!”8. The tall buildings …of the wheel: Th e high buildings passed swiftly and when the taxi driver made abrupt changes of direction, we sometimes swung to one side, sometimes to another side in response to the swaying motion of the car.9. Just as I …to ask the way: when I was starting to think that the journey was long, the taxi stopped with a hash piecing sound, and the driver got out and went to a policemen to ask the direction(to the City Hall).10. As in Tokyo…take them to find it: As in Tokyo, taxi drivers in Hiroshima often do not know much of their city. But in order to keep up dignity before foreigners, they will not confess thatthey have no idea about the destination and will agree to go where they are asked to without caring how long it will take them to find it.11. At last this inter mezzo … the gigantic City Hall: At last this entertainment ended and I suddenly discovered that I was in front of the gigantic City Hall.12. The usher…to my request for an interview: The doorkeeper bowed deeply and uttered a long sigh, almost like playing music, when I gave him to see the invitation from the mayor which is an answer to my request for an interview.13. The rather arresting…the Kimono and the miniskirt: The rather striking picture of traditional Japan floating houses among high modern buildings represents the constant struggle between old traditional culture and the new Western style.14. At the door… to remove my shoes: At the door of the restaurant, an attractive woman with a fair delicate complexion and traditional Kimono asked me to take off me shoes.15. This done…in my socks: After taking off my shoes, I entered one of the low-ceilinged rooms of the adrift houses. I was not accustomed to walking in my socks so I walked carefully on the soft tatami matting, suffering from a strong feeling of shame when I thought of the prospect of meeting the major of Hiroshima in my socks.16. Quite unexpectedly…to die in slow agony: Quite out of the expectation, I was again overcome by a guilty conscience as I had been when I first arrived at the station. And the thought that I now stood on the site of the first atomic bombardment once again overwhelmed me. Here large numbers of people had been killed in one second; while another large plenty of people died slowly and in great pain.17. After three days…e xtraordinary flexible: After three days in Japan, one gets quite used to bowing to people as a ritual to show gratitude.18. There were fresh …Hiroshima was repeated: The mayor mentioned Hiroshima repeatedly and the faces of the foreigners (including the author) became more and more serious.19. Seldom has a city…for its oysters: Seldom has a city become so world famous and I am glad to welcome everyone to Hiroshima because Hiroshima was famous for its oysters.20. I was just about to…out of my reverie: I w as on the point of showing my agreement by nodding when I suddenly realized what he meant.21. No one talks lived through it: No one talks about it any longer, and no one wants to talk about it, especially the people who were born here or who survived from it.22. There are two different…at the point of impact: There are tow kinds of thoughts in this city, one that would like to maintain and protect the signs of destruction caused by the bomb, and the other that would like to wipe out everything, even the monument that was constructed at the exact point over where the bomb exploded.23. If you write about…and burns: If you write about this city, remember to say that it is the most pleasure-loving city in Japan, even if many of the town’s people still carry t he visible and invisible wounds.24. I though somehow I had been spared: I thought for some reason or other I had not been affected.25. …ever since then they have been testing and treating me: … since then they have tested and treated me constantly.26. I t is humiliating…those who do not: It is a disgrace for an atomic victim to remain alive in this city. If you carry any visible scars of atomic burns, your children will be looked down upon bythose who are not atomic victims.27. People are afraid of genetic damage from the radiation: People fear that the effect of the atomic radiation may be hereditary.28. Each day I…add it to the others: One more day of suffering would mean a day nearer to my death (free from worldly trifles). Everyday I make a new little paper bird and add it to the others.29. I have the opportunity to improve my character: I have the chance to raise my moral standard, to purify my soul.Unit 51.The news was brought….of Russia: I heard the news that Hitler had invaded Russia.2.I had not the slightest….our policy lay: I was very clear about our responsibility and I knew exactly what our policy would be.3.I asked that….that night: I demanded that the department concerned should inform the people of the speech that I were to broadcast at 9 o’clock.4.Had surprised….grounded on the airfields: had attacked the Russians suddenly and unexpectedly and destroyed a large number of planes before that took off.5.I suppose they….in hordes: I think that the Red Army men will be surrounded and captured in surprisingly large numbers.6.Hilter was counting on….the U.S.A: Hitler thought that if he attacked Russia, he would win in Britain and U.S.A the support of the capitalists and those who were against Communism. 7.The same would be true of the U.S.A: As far as the U.S.A was concerned, they would also did their utmost to support Russia.8.….whether for him…. In the House of Rimmon: As for such an anti-communist like him, didn’t this mean that he was rejecting his previous attitude towards communism?9.If Hitler invaded Hell….the House of Commons: Even if Hitler violated Hell, a most hated place, I would still say some positive words for Devil, the foe of humankind, in the House of Commons.10.It is devoid of…. Racial domination: The Nazi regime does not have any ideal or guiding principle at all. All it has is a strong desire for conquest and rule by the “Nordic”race, the allegedly most superior race in the world.11.It excels all forms….ferocious aggression: The Nazi regime carried out its invasion so cruelly that it surpasses any action of this kind in human history.12.I will unsay…. Have spoken about it: I will never take back a single word of what a have said about the communism.13.The past, with its crimes….flashed away: What has happened before, like the crimes committed by….the unwise measures taken by it and the tragic suffering of its people, has been quickly forgotten.14.I see advancing….Nazi war machine: I can see the Nazi army launching violent attacks on all this.15.I see also the dull….crawling locusts: The monotonous, disciplined, obedient and savage German soldiers move on in massive formation from one place to another, just like a large crowd of moving locusts, resulting in destruction and death.16.The German bombers and fights….an easier and safer prey: The Nazi air force and just suffered severe losses in the aerial war against Britain. Thought still feeling painful about thedefeat, they now feel happy because they think they can easily beat the Russia air force with only a slight effort.17.Behind all this….horrors upon mankind: Behind all this hostility and fighting I see that a small group of wicked men who make the world suffer untold miseries and unparallel disasters. 18.I feel sure….in due course concur: I have no doubt that our Dominions will agree with us at the appropriate tiem.19.But can you doubt what….will be? : There is no doubt what our policy will be. 20.From this nothing will….nothing: There is nothing that can turn us back from our purpose.21.If Hitler imagines that….woefully mistaken: If Hitler thinks that because of his attack we will not be so united or determined as to fight against him, he will find himself deplorably wrong.22.When by united action….from this catastrophe: If they had fought in a unified way, they might have saved themselves and therefore saved the world.23.He wished to destroy….of his crimes: The main reason is that he wants to destroy Russia so as to draw his troops back from Russia to Britain to conquer it. And Hitler knows clearly if he fails to crush Britain, he will be destroyed for the crimes he has committed.24.The scene will be….the final act: There will be nothing to prevent Hitler from conquering all the countries in the Western Hemisphere.Unit 61、She had dispatched her maid on an invented errand:The Duchess had fabricated a task and sent her maid away on purpose.2、A wave of cigar…in:Ogilvie came into the room smoking his cigar.3、Would you kindly…out:We do mind people smoking here, so please put out the cigar.4、Encompassing the Duke…uncertainly:Seeing the Duke who stood in front of them, totally at a loss.5、Pretty neat set-up…gotIt is a fairly wonderful room that you have got.6、I imagine you…discuss décor:I don’t think you came here just to talk about the arrangement and furniture of this suite.7、There’s things…to check:There are some things worth investigating.8、You two was…hit-‘n-run:Both of you are guilty of striking the pedestrians but running away in order not to be identified.9、This is for real:This is truly so in actuality.10、Cut it out:Shut up!11、All pretense of blandness gone:Ogilvie threw away all his pretended politeness.12、Your high-an’-mightiness:My haughty and overbearing Duchess.13、High-tailed it:Leave in a hurry.14、They’ll throw the book…who it hits:They will impose a severe penalty on the criminal in accordance to law, not caring a bit about who will be punished.15、If you want it the other way:If you refuse to accept my offer and prefer to go to law.16、It’s no go, old girl. I’m afraid. It was a good try:I’m afraid it is of no use to dispute against him over this matter, my old woman. It was a good attempt to negotiate with the detective.17、Now we’re getting somewhere:We’re now making s ome progress.18、I’ll spell it out:I will speak out in a frank and detailed way.19、But beyond wrinkling…no comment:She only puckered her nose to show her dislike for the offending cigar, but she did not rebuke him.20、Leastways, I guess…too fussy:I guess if you are not excessively sensitive about what words to use, at least you would call her your ‘lady friend’.21、Like letting me know what gives:For example, telling me what happens.22、There ain’t much…hear about:If anyone staying in this hotel has done anything improper or wrong, I always get to know it. Nothing can escape me.23、Though the way things…have drove:Judging from what happened later, if it were your wife that drove, probably you would not have been involved in such an accident.24、I reckon you were lickered up:I think you got drunk.25、Then you don’t know:There for you know nothing for sure; all you have been talking is just your speculation.26、Looked right shaken, too, the pair of you:Both of you appeared to be agitated and shocked.27、Took a quiet look-see at your car:Took a quick examination of your car without being noticed.28、I shoulda told…the black paint:I should have told you there is lots of blood stain on your car although it does not show in the black coating.29、You people are hot:You two are wanted by the police.30、Her husband now…spectator:Her husband now watches nervously and anxiously, incapable of taking an active part.31、With calculated coolness:The Duchess was not cool at all, but she deliberately pretended to be calm.32、Their speech and manner would betray them:Their way of speaking and doing things would reveal their identity.33、Or had they?Or had the risks to be taken?34、Eyes bored into him:She looked at him sharply as if she could see through him.35、When you were…the highest bid:When your reputation and career were a stake, you had to pay the highest price.36、She must do so…beyond any doubt:She must offer him so much money as to make sure that Ogilvie would undoubtedly agree to do what she would ask him to do however dangerous it was.37、This cigar botherin’you, Duchess?If this cigar is bothering you, I will put it out.。

期中测试卷 Unit1- Unit4 2024-2025学年译林版(三起)英语五年级上册

期中测试卷 Unit1- Unit4 2024-2025学年译林版(三起)英语五年级上册

期中测试卷(1-4单元)考试时间:60分钟满分:100分成绩:听力部分(30 分)一听两遍录音,选出与所听内容相符的图片。



(5分)( )1. A. Yes, they are. B. Yes, there is. C. Yes, there are. ( )2. A. There are many books. B. It's on the third floor.C. I usually read books there.( )3. A. They are 24. B. There are 24. C. It's 24.( )4. A. He is watching films. B. He likes drawing.C. He likes his animal friends.( )5. A. It's a desk. B. There is a music room. C. There are some flowers.四听两遍录音,根据所听对话及问题,选择正确的答案。

(5分)( )1. A. It's a dog. B. It's a fish. C. It's a cat.( )2. A. On the 1st floor. B. On the 2nd floor. C. On the 3rd floor.( )3. A. It's too soft. B. It's too hard. C. It's just right.( )4. A. Swimming. B. Drawing. C. Skating.( )5. A. Two legs. B. Four legs. C. No legs.五听两遍录音,填入所缺单词。

(10分)Hello, I am Nancy. I am new here. I a lot of new friends on the day of school. Yang Ling me our school. There are classrooms in our school. My classroom is on the floor. There is a big in the of the classroom. There are some on the teacher's desk. What a classroom!笔试部分(70 分)一选出下列句子中画线部分音标不同的一项。



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高一英语上学期期中阅读理解九篇(四)ysz9一BBC News SundayWe are currently planning our Volunteer Program, which will ensure volunteers are trained and ready to go for 2012. Up to 70, 000 volunteers will be needed to help put on the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games。

Our program will aim to encourage a wide range of people to join in. We will provide the training to make sure our volunteers’ skills are of the highest standard。

London 2012 is an opportunity to inspire everyone to develop their interests and volunteer—in sport and also more widely within their community.Ap plications will open in 2010. We’ll recruit (招募) volunteers from across the UK—from a range of communities and backgrounds。



黑夜玩家,读音hēi yè ,汉语词语,指黑暗没有月光的夜晚。中文名 黑夜玩家 外文名 night 拼 音 hēi yè 注 音 ㄏㄟ ㄧㄜˋ 【词性】名词【释义】黑暗没有月光的夜晚。夜晚;晚上:白天~不停地施工。详细释义: ; /xs/0/510/ 黑夜玩家 kgh08neg 夜晚。唐 白居易 《游悟真寺诗一百三十韵》:“黑夜玩家自光明,不待灯烛燃。”《水浒传》第八四回:“黑夜玩家怎地厮杀,待天明 决一死战。” 柳青《铜墙铁壁》第四章:“金树旺 见 石得富 难为情的样子,就替他解释今黑夜玩家的确有事。”
• 在阅读这类文章时,主要是要注意细节, 根据所提问题用寻读或跳读的方法更为 有效。
关注连词、过渡词 • because, for, as, • but, however, • such as , for example, • first, second,… finally, •…
• 标题。
Unit 2 •In total/except for/stay up/come about/ bring in/ make oneself at home /have a good knowledge of/have difficulty (in) doing sth./ end up with •while •the number of / a number of •a great many people / trees •ask/tell sb (not) to do… •with +sb+doing…
Unit 4 •take place/pull sb up/ get on one’s feet/ go through/ •be/get caught in •strike •experience 经历/经验 •see(hear) sb do/doing •must have done •关系代词引导的定语从句 (who, whom, which, that, whose)

高级英语阅读教程(上册)Lesson1-4 期中复习资料

高级英语阅读教程(上册)Lesson1-4 期中复习资料

高级英语阅读教程(上册)Lesson1-4 期中复习资料一、单词配对1.bane : a cause of harm, ruin, or death 祸根,祸害2.exclusive : reserved for or limited to the person or group concerned 独有的,专用的3.dispense: to deal out in parts or portions; distribute & to prepare and distribute (medicine),esp. on prescription 分配,分发4.rebellion : an act or a show of defiance toward an authority or established convention 叛乱,反抗5.straitjacket : a severe restriction or limitation 紧身衣,约束6.authoritarianism : policy of unquestioning obedience to the authority of a dictator or adictatorial group 独裁主义7.paradox : a seemingly contradictory statement that may nonetheless be true 悖论8.paradoxical : seemingly contradictory but nonetheless possibly true 矛盾的,似是而非的9.decolonization : giving political independence to a country that was previously a colony.≠colonization 非殖民地化10.premature : happening before the proper or expected time 过早的,不成熟的11.underprivileged : lacking opportunities or advantages enjoyed by other members of one'scommunity; deprived 贫困的12.disparity : difference or inequality 不同,差异13.relegate : ~ sb/sth. (to sth.) dismiss sb/sth to a lower or less important rank, task or state 降职,降级14.erode : to wear (sth.) away by or as if by abrasion 腐蚀,削弱15.prerogative : right or privilege, esp one belonging to a particular person or group 特权16.spur : something that serves as a goad or an incentive 刺激17.precede : to come or go before in time, order, rank, or position 在---之前,先于18.reflex : an uncontrollable reaction of your body to something that you feel, see, or experience反射作用19.enmity : deep-seated, often mutual hatred; hostility 仇恨,敌意20.ingenious : very clever and original; marked by inventive skill and imagination 聪明的,别出心裁的21.unanimous : of one mind; in complete agreement; agreed 一致的22.vocal : expressing one‘s opinions or feelings freely in speech; outspoken直言不讳的23.dreadful : extremely unpleasant; distasteful or shocking 可怕的,糟糕的24.enact : to act (sth.) out, as on a stage 展现,发生25.imprecation: sth. rude, angry, or hostile that is said to or about someone ; a curse 诅咒26.eject : ~ sb/sth (from sth.) to throw out forcefully; expel 喷射,驱逐27.contrive : manage (to do sth.) in spite of difficulties 想尽办法做28.loophole : way of escaping a rule, the terms of a contract, etc 漏洞,空子29.predilection : ~ (for sth.) special liking (for sth.); preference 偏爱30.contract : catch or develop (an illness) 感染31.pat : exactly right; appropriate 合适的32.rebuff : n. a blunt or abrupt repulse or refusal, as to an offer 断然拒绝, 冷落& v. to rejectbluntly 断然拒绝pose : to make (oneself) calm or tranquil 使--平静, 冷静34.discompose : make (sb) feel uneasy or uncomfortable 使不安; 使烦恼35.sardonic : expressing scorn; mocking 嘲笑的; 讥笑的36.optical : of or relating to sight; visual 视觉的37.click : a brief, sharp sound 卡嗒声38.nape : back part of the neck 颈背39.intercede : ~ (with sb) (for/on behalf of sb) to plead on another's behalf 调解,求情40.intercession : entreaty in favor of another, especially a prayer or petition to God in behalf ofanother 调解,求情41.astound : to astonish and bewilder; amaze 使震惊; 使大惊42.blunt : having a dull edge or end; not sharp 不锋利的; 钝的& frank and straightforward;not trying to be polite or tactful 直率的, 不客气的43.derisive : mocking; jeering 嘲笑的; 嘲弄的44.note : ~ (of sth.) a quality (of sth.); hint or suggestion (of sth.) 含义,特征45.poise : be or keep (sth.) balanced or suspended 使(某物)平衡或悬起46.incongruous : strange because not in harmony with the surrounding features; out of place 不协调的, 前后不一的47.congruous : appropriate or harmonious 适合的,协调的48.mug : a heavy cylindrical drinking cup usually having a handle 缸子(圆筒形有柄大杯)49.hurl : throw sth. violently and with a lot of force 猛掷50.duck : move (esp one's head) down quickly, to avoid being seen or hit 迅速低下(尤指头)(以免被看见或被打中)51.shatter : break suddenly and violently into small pieces 粉碎52.wreck : completely destory or ruin sth. 破坏53.pot-belly : (a) large protruding belly (b) person who has this 啤酒肚,大肚子54.pot-bellied : (of a person) having a pot-belly55.misdirect : ~ sb/sth (to sth.) instruct sb to go to the wrong place 指错方向56.relive : to undergo or experience sth. again, especially in the imagination 再体验(某种经历), 再经历57.vaccine : substance that is injected into the bloodstream and protects the body by making ithave a mild form of the disease 疫苗; 菌苗58.counteract : act against and reduce the force or effect of (sth.) 对抗; 抵消59.underwrite : to support / undertake to finance 同意资助60.novel : strikingly new, unusual, or different 新奇的,异常的61.inoculate : ~ sb (with sth.) (against sth.) to inject a weak form of a disease into one’s body asa way of protecting them against the disease(给某人)接种, 打预防针62.fastidious : difficult to please; possessing or displaying careful, meticulous attention todetail 难以取悦的; 吹毛求疵的63.succumb : ~ (to sth.) stop resisting (temptation, illness, attack, etc); yield; give in 屈服, 屈从64.infectious : easily or readily communicated 传染的, 有感染力的65.agent : a force or substance that causes a change66.conclusive : convincing; decisive; ending doubt 令人信服的, 确凿的, 消除怀疑的67.exotic : unusual or different; excitingly strange 异国的, 奇异的68.antibodies : are substances which a person's or an animal's body produces in their blood inorder to destroy substances which carry disease 抗体(血液中形成的抵抗并杀死病菌的物质)69.optimal (optimum) : most favorable or desirable 最理想的, 最佳的70.irreversible : impossible to reverse or revoke; unalterable 不能更改的71.narcotics : drugs such as opium or heroin which make you sleepy and stop you feeling pain麻醉剂; 毒品72.succour/succor : assistance in time of distress; relief 援助; 援救73.solace : comfort or relief (from pain, trouble, distress, etc) 安慰; 慰藉74.lobby : ~ (sb) (for sth.) to try to influence the thinking of legislators or other public officialsfor or against a specific cause 游说(政治家等)支持或反对某立法议案75.stagnate : cease to flow; exist in a changeless situation 不流动; 成为死水;停滞; 不景气76.adverse : not favorable; contrary 不利的,相反的77.crumble : to fall into small fragments or particles; disintegrate 破碎,崩溃78.crunch : a critical moment or situation, especially one that occurs because of a shortage oftime or resources 关键时刻79.stride : walk with long steps 大步80.thwart : to prevent the occurrence, realization, or attainment of sth. 阻挠; 阻止81.arousal : a state in which you feel excited or very alert, for example as a result of fear, stress,or anger 觉醒82.assault : a violent physical or verbal attack 突袭; 突击83.churn : beat (milk or cream) to make butter & move about violently 翻腾84.jag : a period of concentrated activity, strong emotion, etc. 一阵集中的活动等85.insomnia : chronic inability to fall asleep 失眠86.clench : close (sth.) tightly or press (two things) firmly together 紧握,咬紧87.afflict : ~ sb/sth (with sth.) to cause suffering or unhappiness to; distress greatly 使苦恼, 折磨88.surveillance : careful watching of someone, especially by an organization such as the policeor the army 监视, 监督89.liken : ~ sth to sth (fml ) show the resemblance between sth.; compare 把...比作...90.accumulate : collect or gather sth. over a period of time 积累, 聚积91.grind : crush sth to very small pieces or to powder 磨碎; 碾碎92.caution : to advise to take heed; warn or admonish 警告, 劝告93.impair : weaken or damage (sth.) 损害94.repertoire : the stock of songs, plays, operas, readings, or other pieces that a player orcompany is prepared to perform. 全部节目&the range or number of skills, aptitudes, or special accomplishments of a particular person or group 全部本领95.hassle : ~ (with sb.) to argue or fight;争辩; 争吵to bother or harass 烦扰; 搅扰96.fantasize : imagining that sth. is happening, although it is untrue or unlikely to happen 幻想97.Transcendental refers to things that lie beyond the practical experience of ordinary people,and cannot be discovered or understood by ordinary reasoning 超越经验的, 形而上学的, 先验的98.imagery : (Psychology) A technique in behavior therapy in which the patient uses 意象pleasant fantasies to relax and counteract anxiety99.revitalize : to impart new life or vigor to 使恢复生机; 使新生100.stamina : the physical or mental energy needed to do a tiring activity for a long time 精力101.sap : gradually weaken or destroy 削弱,逐步破坏102.fleeting : passing quickly; lasting only a short time 短暂的;飞逝的103.transitory : lasting for only a short time; transient 转瞬即逝的104.savor : n. taste or flavor of sth.味道, 滋味v1: to taste or smell, especially with pleasurev2: to appreciate fully; enjoy or relish二、课文填空1.If an international commission which has reported to UNESCO is right,education throughoutthe world is likely to change __out of recognition__ in the next generation.2.Fixed subjects and curricula are likely to go __into the melting pot__ and schoolsthemselves,of not as physical locations then at least as places exclusively for children,are __threatened with__ extinction.3.The International Commission on the Development of Education which arrived at theseconclusions was ___called on___ to make proposals that would help governments __work out__ strategies to meet their own educational situations.4.Why?Because the tradition they were established to pass on became __a deadweight___ ,because school became an institution instead of __an approach to life__ .5.The move towards democracy in schooling has several causes,including the general___demand for___ qualified labor to __meet the demands of__ stepped-up technology.6.Nutrition,family background and factors like housing all __play a role__ in success at school.7.Real solutions to the problems of inequality can only be found in a sweeping re-organization__on the lines of__ permanent,lifelong education.8.Grown-ups who want to turn to,say,radio engineering will not necessarily have the time to__plow through__ the whole syllabus of heat and light before they __come to__ sound.cation rarely equips the individual for __adapting to__ change,to the unknown.10.But now they were ready for me and,though some dreadful scenes were __subsequentlyenacted__ in that restaurant,I never ate them again.11.They really believed that I was mad.And it did begin to __work on my mind__ ,of course;Ibegan to be afraid to go anywhere and to __compensate for__ this I went places to which I really should not have gone.12.It began to seem that the __machinery of the origanization__ I worked for was turningover,day and night,with but one aim;to __eject me__ .13.There is not a Negro alive who does not have this rage in his blood--one has thechoice,merely,of living with it consciously or __surrendering to__ it.14.Almost every detail of that night __stands out__ very clearly in my memory.I even rememberthe name of the movie we saw because its title impressed me as being so __patly ironical__ .15.When we walked in the counterman asked what we wanted and I remember answering withthe __casual sharpness__ which I had become my habit.I don't know why,after a year of such rebuffs,I so completely failed to __anticipate his answer__ ,which was,of course,“We don't serve Negroes here.”16.I remember how their faces gleamed.And I felt,like a physical sensation,a click at __the napeof my neck__ as though some interior string connecting my head to my body had been cut. 17.She did not say it with the blunt,derisive hostility to which I had grown soaccustomed,but,rather,with ___a note of___ apology in her voice,and fear.18.Somehow,with the repetition of the phrase,which was already ringing in my head like ___athousand bells of a nightmare__ ,I realized that she would never come any closer and that I would have to strike ___from a distance___ .19.I could not ___get over___ two facts,both equally difficult for the imagination to grasp,andone was that I could have been murdered.20.Why is the nation unwilling or unable to __expend the effort___ and money to launch anapplied-biology and bio-engineering effort to develop and test a vaccine?21.It is remarkable only for the fastidious way in which it chooses the cell it will attach to,enterand __take over___ .22.HTLV III is a new virus,but it's known properties so far suggest that it is not so exotic as tobe __beyond the grasp of___ recombinant DNA techniques.23.It is not enough to offer __succor and solace__ .Physicians and scientists should __lobby__actively __for__ a nationwide effort to develop an AIDS vaccine.24.Some take life's large and small obstacles __in stride__ ,regarding them as a challenge tosucceed __in spite of everything__ .Others are thwarted by every __unexpected turn of events__ ,from a traffic delay to a serious illness in the family.25.Problems arise when the stress reaction is frequently __called into play__ for inappropriatecircumstances,such as a missed bus,long line,or reservation mix-up,or when the circumstances of your life __result in__ more stress than you can handle at any one time. 26.Whereas some stress reduction programs offer only techniques to __induce relaxation__ ,Dr.Tubesing's simply written self-help guide helps you __get to the roots of__ your stress reactions and modify them.He points out that most stress is not the result of great tragedies,but rather ___an accumulation of___ minor irritations that “grind us down over the years”.27.Too often propel turn to the wrong solutions for stress relief,such as tranquilizers,sleepingpills,alcohol,and cigarettes,and end up further impairing their health while doing nothing to ___gain an upper hand on___ the causes of their stress reactions.Others ___resort to___ short-term solutions--shouting,crying,taking a hot bath--that help for a while.三、英译英cation's products will not be measured in terms of so much knowledge dispensed but of completely developed human beings.Graduates from school will not be evaluated by how much knowledge they learn at school but the standard whether they are fully developed or not.2.Learning is both natural and necessary to him,but the systems he has set up have all had a tendency to set out to be a system and to end up as a straitjacket.It is normal and essential for human beings to learn but the system they establish all tend to be a system at the beginning,but always end as something that it is very limiting and restricting.3.The universal right to education,in which contemporary civilization takes such prematurepride,is often refused to the most underprivileged.It's too early for modern civilization to feel proud itself for the universal right to education but this right is often declined to the poor or people of lower class.4.I learned in New Jersey that to be a Negro meant, precisely, that one was never looked at but was simply at the mercy of the reflexes the color of one's skin caused in other people.When I was in New Jersey ,I came to know that a black person will never be regarded seriously and that how you will be treated only depends on other people’s instinctive reaction to your black skin.5.My reputation in town naturally enhanced my reputation at work and my working day became one long series of acrobatics designed to keep me out of trouble.My reputation in town surely damaged my reputation at work .I had to act skillfully like an acrobat to keep myself free from trouble.6.I had scarcely arrived before I had earned the enmity, which was extraordinarily ingenious, of all my superiors and nearly all my co-workers.As soon as I arrived ,I found that all my superiors and colleagues hated me and treated me with hostility,which was expressed very cleverly or skillfully.7.It began to seem that the machinery of the organization I worked for was turning over, day and night, with but one aim: to eject me.The organization I worked for was like a heartless machine that turned day and night,aiming to throw me out.8.The time has come for the Government to underwrite a nationwide effort to produce an effective vaccine against HTLV III,the virus that causes AIDS.Though a frightening new disease,AIDS is no longer so novel that such an effort would be premature.It's time for the Government to support nationwide effort to develop an effective vaccine against HTLV III,the virus that causes AIDS.Though AIDS is a new and terrifying disease,it is not so new and different that it will be too early for us to make some efforts to develop a vaccine against it.9.Our political leaders apparently do not wish to be involved with this minority.As a result,the clock runs out on thousands of victims without even the beginning of an effort to develop the vaccine that might prevent new cases from occurring.Our leaders obviously do not want to have anything to do with this small group of people.As a result,thousands of patients came to end their lives before we began to make efforts to develop the vaccine that might be helpful in preventing new cases.10.Yet others crumble when the crunch is on or the overload light flashes.Some take life's large and small obstacles in stride,regarding them as a challenge to succeed in spite of everything. Other people may collapse when the critical time comes or when they are burdened with too much stress.Some people can deal with all kinds of difficulties easily,regarding them as a challenge to succeed and not being prevented by anything.11.A body lacking in physical stamina is in no shape to handle stress.An exercise tune-up can increase your emotional as well as your physical strength.Exercise enhances,rather than saps,your energy;it also has a distinct relaxing effect.A body that lacks physical strength is not fit enough to cope with stress.Adjustment of your body through exercise can increase your physical and emotional strength.Exercise can improve ,but not reduce your energy;its relaxing effect is quite obvious.。



Lesson 11、For some ______ reason, she was attracted to Paul, a narrow-minded guy.A. marginalB. inexplicable C mock D boastful2、With major life _______like losing a loved one, for instance, the mind’s first reaction is denial.A premiseB dilemmasC traumasD congregations3、Police keep track of the kidnapper using electronic _______equipment.A surveillanceB pedestrianC fixtureD squad4、They used pressure _______to force them to return, including cutting food and water supplies.A profilesB badgesC mandatesD tactics5、I was _______with longing for those innocent days of early childhood.A overwhelmedB evacuatedC revengedD ensured6、Police said they believed the attack was in _______ for the death of the bombing.A retrospectB desperationC superintendentD retaliation7、He ________hasty note to his wife.A shutteredB snakedC scrawledD strolled8、Capital punishment justifies ________by suggesting that our duty to the survivors of murder is finished when another life is taken.A retributionB bastardC backlashD misconduct9、Meanwhile, here I am in Angus for the first time and am ashamed to admit that I wanted to see some ________ visitors so that the headline for this piece could be “Angus Tourists Bitter”.A disgruntledB unescortedC overreachedD squandered10、Babies lose heat much faster than adults, and are especially _______to the cold in their first month.A spiralB vulnerableC plainclothesD insecureLesson 21、She showed great strength of character in giving up a(n) career in broadcasting to become the unpaid president.A corporateB adaptableC lucrativeD surpassing2、The President and his supporters are almost certain to read this vote as a(n) for continued economic reform.A habitatB mandateC aviationD mission3、Economies have peaks and .A leapsB deficitsC clashesD troughs4、This is not such a view, for it contains echoes of speeches by many leaders.A hereticalB skepticalC vagueD ailing5、It is illegal for public officials to gifts or money in exchange for favors.A absorbB underscoreC drainD solicit6、The newly elected governments is making an attempt to large rural areas of its territory which have become depopulated.A revitalizeB integrateC consolidateD energize7、I had no ,it was the job in cricket and I was supremely confident of making a success of it.A inertiaB proceedingsC expertiseD misgivings8、Three hundred thousand tons of cereals are needed to stocks.A replenishB launchC assembleD append9、The debt problem had resulted in economic and social unrest.A stagnationB inertiaC fractionD squeeze10、Gerald found that his wife was easily bored, and unpredictable.A roboticB capriciousC strategicD longstandingLesson 41. During the lecture all the audience listened to China’s first astronaut with rapt admiration.A obscureB obviousC obligedD obsessed2.Most of her colleagues didn’t like her because she was adept at the fine art of irritating people.A ambitiousB annoyingC skillfulD scornful3.In the schools today we need, more than ever, the training of deft hands, quick eyes and ears, and above all the broader, deeper, higher, culture of gifted minds and pure hearts.A finesseB cleverC delicateD elegant4.At last the judge decided to give the custody of the child to his father.A supervisionB cateringC raisingD fostering5.Denver residents continued to dig out from what was called the worst blizzard in nearly a century.A catastropheB disasterC snowstormD landslide6.After all, the candidate was endorsed by the governor’s board and many of the local party members.A ignoredB rejectedC sponsoredD supported7.His expression gave temporary meaning to a set of features but it was nondescript.A unclearB distinctiveC impliedD ambiguous8.She came home spouting off about the subjects she was taught at school and basked in her teacher’s praise.A pridedB enjoyedC criticizedD narrated9.It was evident that the administrative officials did not believe the excuse that he held forth the delayed deliveryA liedB toldC emphasizedD compiled10. When Frank heard that the war had started, it didn’t sink in for a long time until his father was drafted into the army.A be understoodB be acceptedC be takenD be illustrated1. Plants will lose their when they are heavily trimmed.A voyageB vitalityC vogueD virgin2.It was generally conceded that the net result of the incident was calculated to make Eisenhower mad enough to force him to re-election.A run forB compete inC apply toD line up with3. Mick entered the V ocational High School, and, in order to get to know her new classmates, she a partyA castB launchedC flungD threw4. Alice Moore refused to learn what they required. She couldn’t see the necessity of for those that would only appear in the examinations.A clappingB crammingC clashingD creeping5. The listeners were by his magic eloquence and ready to stand by him in his boldest flights.A agonizedB thrilledC disturbedD interfered6. We remained until our ship was repaired, and after that, we set sail for England, our port being London.A doomedB denotedC despairedD destined7. Seeds of various types—wheat grains, beans, and nuts—form the bulk of human food. But not all seeds are to either humans or insects; many contain toxins.A palatableB primitiveC peculiarD permanent8. Continuing violence could the progress towards reform.A hold onB hold upC hold downD hold off9. A bill passed by both houses in August requires states to set up systems for withholding child support payments from the wages and state tax refunds of those persons.A anonymouslyB autonomouslyC unanimouslyD enormously10 After about an hour all the participants with the regulations and each other.A warmed upB made upC mixed upD wound upLesson 61、Another common use of the tag question is in small talk when the speaker is trying to _________conversation:“Sure is hot here,isn’t it?”A illicitB elicitC solicitD explicit2、Napster says it is delaying the launch of its subscription service yet again, after running into serious problems in its talks with other firms. So here is Napster’s __________:Still not ready.A refrainB renownC restraintD retention3、The path from initial lab work on a drug to final approval of the drug by the Food & Drug Administration is a long and __________process.A hilariousB notoriousC `industriousD laborious4、When I was a child, I always refused to write thank-you notes for birthday presents from a faraway relative. My mother would __________me and say, “Paul, you must learn to be polite.”A glideB slideC abideD chide5、A(a)__________memory may be a good thing, but the ability to forget is the true token of greatness.A attentiveB inattentiveC retentiveD irretentive6、There’s still a great deal of ___________on the weapons of mass destruction, which despite what President Bush and Prime Minister Blair say, have not yet been found.A evidenceB skepticismC knowledgeD consensus7、Even though exercise has many positive benefits, too much can be harmful. Teens who exercise __________are at risk for both physical and psychological problems.A comparativelyB competitivelyC compulsivelyD comprehensively8、Some of the maids were quiet and affectionate. But others were _________, driving the young women crazy by complaining to them all the time.A querulousB fabulousC pretentiousD conscientious9、There is nothing more fascinating than observing citizens of many different nationalities __________and exchanging greetings in an international airport.A singlingB dinglingC jinglingD mingling10、When Dallas police notified the hospital that President Kennedy had been shot, at first, the young neurosurgeon thought it was a_____________.A blankB flankC prankD frankLesson 71.Upon hearing these critical remarks, he was in complete state of bewilderment and did not know what to do next.A astonishmentB frustrationC depressionD perplexity2.For many women, the harrowing prospect of giving evidence in a rape case can be too much to bear.A promisingB embarrassingC hauntingD upsetting3.The company’s disappointing sales figures are an ominous sign of worse thing to come.A disgracefulB disgustingC scandalousD threatening4.He said that people are too obsessed with utopian visions that will never come, instead of thinking of the quality of life now.A promisingB unrealisticC unbelievableD unprecedented5.We eliminated the possibility that it could have been an accident because it was so well timed.A elicitedB despisedC removedD elevated6.Things would never change if people weren’t prepared to experiment with new teaching methods,A endeavorB campaignC swerveD try7.The national interest is more important than the sectional and personal interests of individual politicians.A segregatedB factionalC inviolableD dismantled8.Despite differences in background and outlook, their partnership was based on mutual respect, trust and understanding.A unilateralB reciprocalC obligatoryD optional9.Desirous of knowing something about the operations, I stood and watched the spectacle with great interest.A Desperate forB Desirable ofC Detached fromD Deprived of10.He spoke eloquently with the self-effacing humor that has endeared him to the American press.A elegantlyB persuasivelyC arrogantlyD expressivelyLesson 81.He has already altered several of the proposals in his economic plan to demands of special interests.A includeB accommodateC containD lodge2.The police are still trying to trace the of the house which was destroyed by the big fire caused by the lightning last night.A customersB buildersC occupantsD arsonist3.There are calls from the public for his resignation, but there is no sign yet that he will .A complyB agreeC acceptD compile4.During the accident, one of the passengers suffered bruising and serious cuts. But he received first aid immediately.A blueB blackC nastyD severe5.There have been reports of youths taking advantage of the rampant unrest to and steal.A lootB gambleC smashD break6.She stood up for the first time since the accident and walked towards the nurse standing a few feet away.A steadilyB evenlyC haltinglyD crippled7.You will feel more and optimistic about the future than you have for a long time if you can be of some help to others.A safeB progressiveC occupiedD buoyant8.The lecturer spoke so quietly that he was barely at the back of the big hall.A audibleB progressiveC ignoredD indifferent9.Not knowing which way to take at the cross, he pulled the car over, turned on the light, examined the map carefully.A exteriorB interiorC frontD rear10.Sometimes for no apparent reason she’d run out onto the highway, waving her hands and at the traffic.A shoutedB signaledC screechedD stoppedLesson 111、I am determined never to be ___________from doing my duty by threats.A deterredB bannedC inducedD discharged2、Whisky is such a wonderful liquid. The old man ___________for it; and when he drank it he savored every drop, and afterwards he would feel his soul swimming in indescribable happiness.A yearnedB demandedC justifiedD required3、T he argument is based on such obvious shaky ground that doesn’t require aparticular ______________.A retardB refutationC reformationD retrospect4、We often _________our energies in trivial occupations.A scatterB dispendC dissipateD uplift5、He hoped that the affair could be settled without either of them having ____________to legal proceedings.A optionB recourseC alternativeD assistance6、He claimed to be a democrat, but secretly he ____________for absolute authority.A declaredB assertedC cravedD condemned7、Only when this evil political system has been _____________will it be possible to do away with poverty, unemployment and war.A establishedB innovatedC abolishedD hustled8、She didn’t know the beautiful garden behind the courthouse was ___________property for all to enjoy.A temporalB timorousC salubriousD communal9、The June night was short; but it seemed an _____to those who waited and watched.A exterminationB imbecilityC injunctionD eternity10、On his own _______he was taken part in the robbery.A confessionB pedagogyC theologyD acknowledgementLesson 131. They were brought up in the same city, and they always cherish their friendship.A longstandingB longingC standingD understanding2. Half the people questioned said they were opposed to the militaryA interviewB interventionC interrogationD interest3. The Constitution or the United States is a document.A fierceB inflammableC conservativeD monumental4.The invention of the silicon chip was a in the history of the computer.A signB stopC landmarkD roadmap5.The fact that your application was not successful this time does not the possibility of your applying again next time.A concludeB preludeC includeD exclude6.The certificate had clearly been , because it contained wrong information.A cheatedB misledC falsifiedD flawed7.How can a loving, God permit disease, war and suffering?A opponentB omnipotentC oppressiveD observable8. theory is the hypothesis that in radiation the energy of electrons is discharged not continuously but in certain fixed amounts.A QuantumB QuotientC QuantityD Quality9.For some reason , he’s decided to cancel the project.A inexpensiveB interactingC intactD inexplicable10.Despite his great commercial success he still for critical approval.A yearnsB pullsC accountsD lives。



高级英语(第三版)第一册课文译文和词汇张汉熙版Lesson 1 Face to Face with Hurricane Camille迎战卡米尔号飓风约瑟夫.布兰克小约翰。






















" 为了对付这场飓风,几个男子汉有条不紊地做起准备工作来。



Paraphrase1."Don't worry, son, we'll show them a few tricks."2.The case had erupted round my head...3.... no one, least of all I, anticipated that my case would snowball into one of the most famous trials in U. S. History.4."That's one hell of a jury!"5."Today it is the teachers, "he continued, "and tomorrow the magazines, the books, the newspapers.6."There is some doubt about that," Darrow snorted.7.... accused Bryan of calling for a duel to the death between science and religion.8.Spectators paid to gaze at it and ponderwhether they might be related.9.Now Darrow sprang his trump card by calling Bryan as a witness for the defence.10.My heart went out to the old warrior as spectator s pushed by him to shake Darrow's hand.参考答案1.“Don’t worry, young man, we’ll do a few things to outwit the prosecution.”; or “Don’t worry, youngman, we have some clever and unexpected tactics and we will surprise them in the trial.”2.The case had come down upon me unexpectedly and violently; I was suddenly engulfed by the wholeaffair.3.I was the last one to expect that my case would grow (or develop) into one of the most famous trialsin U.S. History.4.“That’s a completely inappropriate jury, too ignorant and partial.”.5.Today the teachers are put on trial because they teach scientific theory; soon the newspapers andmagazines will not be allowed to express new ideas, to spread knowledge of science.6.“It is doubtful whether man has reasoning power,” said Darrow sarcastically and scornfully.7.... accused Bryan of demanding that a life or death struggle be fought between science and religion.8.People had to pay in order to have a look at the ape and to consider carefully whether apes andhumans could have a common ancestry.9.Darraow surprised everyone by asking for Bryan as a witness for Scopes which was a brilliant idea.10.Darrow had gotten the best of Bryan, who looked helplessly lost and pitiable as everyone ignoredhim and rushed past him to congratulate Darrow. When I saw this, I felt very sorry for Bryan.Translation1.我没有预料到会卷入这场争端。

高级英语--讲稿(Lesson 4, Book 1)

高级英语--讲稿(Lesson 4, Book 1)

Textbooks教材张汉熙编《高级英语》修订本第一册(Revised Edition)Main reference materials主要参考资料1.《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》2.张汉熙编《高级英语》修订本教师用书第一册(Revised Edition)3.张鑫友主编《高级英语》学习指南第一册(Revised Edition)4.姚兰主编《高级英语》(修订本)精读精解第一册(Revised Edition)5.Longman Dictionary of Contemporary EnglishLesson 4 Everyday Use for your grandmamaAlice WalkerPart I Background Information1. Alice Walker1) General introductionAlice Walker (1944- ) is a famous American black woman novelist, poet, and essayist. Born in a poor rural family in Eatonton, Georgia, Her parents made a living by growing cottons. Alice is the youngest of the eight children in the family. She is a lover of literature, especially fond of novels and poems. When she went to Sarah Lawrence College in the early 1960s, the civil rights movement was in full swing. She was actively involved in the movement. After her graduation, Alice became a teacher of creative writing and black literature, lecturing in several colleges of eastern coast, such as Jackson State College, Yale and University of California and so on.2) Her writing CareerAlice Walker’s writing career began with the publication of a volume of poetry in 1968, which was followed by a number of novels, short stories, critical essays and more poetry. She has now become one of the most prominent writers in American Literature and is regarded as a most forceful representativeof women literature and black literature. Alice is expert at portraying people in rural areas and she often takes her hometown as the background in her writing. She is particularly interested in examining relationship among the blacks themselves, and concerns more about the life of black women.3) Literature achievementVolumes of poetry:Once (1968), Revolutionary Petunias and other Poems(1973)Collections of short stories:Love and Trouble: Stories of Black Women (1973)Novels: The third Life of Grange Copeland (1970), Meridian(1977), The Temple of My Familiar(1989), The Color Purple (1982)The Color Purple won all the three book rewards in America --the Pulitzer Prize of Fiction (普利策小说奖), the American Book Award(美国图书奖)and the National Book Critics Circle Award. In 1985,the Color Purple was made into a movie directed by Steven Spielberg, which won great fame.2. Black Power Movement1) What is Black Power Movement?Black Power was a political movement that arose in the middle 1960s, that strove to express a new racial consciousness among Blacks in the United States. The movement stemmed from the earlier civil rights movements. It represented racial dignity and self-reliance (i.e. freedom from white authority in both economic and political arenas).2) AimsLed in some ways by Malcom X, the Black Power Movement encouraged the improvement of African American communities, rather than the fight for complete integration. The Black Panther Party for Self Defense was truly the vanguard of the Black Power Movement.3) Main aspects of Black Power MovementSome African Americans sought cultural heritage and history and the true roots of black identity as their part of the movement. This was thought of as the "consciousness" aspect of the Black Power Movement. The recognition that standards of beauty and self-esteem were integral to power relations was also a significant aspect of the movement. Other interpreters of the Black Power Movement as related to the artistic realm. The artists of Black Power likewise emphasized the central importance of self-representation and productive autonomy.One main point of the Black Power Concept was the necessity for Black people to define the world in their own terms. At times this included a call for revolutionary political struggle to reject racism and imperialism in the United States.3. Everyday Use“Everyday Use” (1973) is included in the Norton Anthology Of Short Fiction, 2nd Edition, 1981. It describes three women. The mother is a working woman without much education, but not without intelligence or perception. The two daughters form a sharp contrast in every conceivable way: appearance, character, personal experiences, etc. The story reaches its climax at the moment when Dee, the elder daughter, wants the old quilts only to be refused flatly by the mother, who intends to give them to Maggie, the younger one. The old quilts, made from pieces of clothes worn by grand- and great-grand parents and stitched by Grandma’s hand, are clearly a symbol of the cultural heritage of black people. Their different feelings about the quilts reveal their different attitudes towards their heritage as blacks.Part II Detailed Study of the Text1. wavy: characteristic of waves, resembling waves.A wavy line has a series of regular curves along it.The wavy lines are meant to represent water.Here this word describes the marks in wavy patterns on the clay ground left by the broom.2. an extended living room: an enlarged living room by a new addition to the original place.Extended means prolonged, continued; enlarged in influence, meaning, scope, etc.e. g. extended care: nursing care provided for a limited time after a hospital stayextended family: a group of relatives by blood, marriage or adoption, often including a nuclear family, living together, esp. three generations are involved.3. fine: not coarse, in small particles.e. g. fine cloth, fine sugar4. lined: Before the word “lined”, the link word “is” is omitted.5. groove: a long narrow path or track made in a surface, esp. to guide the movement of sth.A groove is a wide, deep line cut into a surface.The cupboard door slides open along the groove it fits into.6. homely: not good-looking, ugly, plain, unattractiveIf someone is homely, they are not very attractive to look at; This word is often used in Am. E..7. She thinks her sister has held life always in the palm of one hand, that "no" is a word the world never learned to say to her.She thinks that her sister has a firm control of her life, and that she could always have anything she wanted, and life was extremely generous to her.8. confront: to face boldly or threateningly, encounterIf a problem, task, or difficulty confronts you, or you are confronted with it, it is sth. that you cannot avoid and must deal with.I was confronted with the task of designing and building the new system.9. totter: to move in an unsteady way from side to side as if about to fall, to walk with weak unsteady stepsThe old lady tottered down the stairs.10. a TV program of this sort:“This sort” carries a derogatory tone, suggesting that the TV program is ofpoor or inferior kind.11. limousine: A limousine is a large and very comfortable car, esp. one with a glass screen between thefront and back seats. Limousines are usually driven by a chauffeur [ou]cf:sedan / saloon is a car with seats for four or more people, a fixed roof, and a boot (the space at the back of the car, covered by a lid, in which you carry things such luggage, shopping or tools) that is separate from the seating part of the carconvertible: a car with a soft roof that can be folded down or removedsports car: a low usu. open car with room for only 2 people for traveling with high power and speed coupe [‘ku:pei] a car with a fixed roof, a sloping back, two doors and seats for four peoplestation wagon (Am E) / estate car (Br.E) a car which has a long body with a door at the back end and space behind the back seats12. Johnny CarsonJohnny Carson, host of NBC's "The Tonight Show" for nearly 30 years (from October 1, 1962, to May 22, 1992, taking over from Jack Paar and handing off to Jay Leno after 4,531 episodes) Carson, a longtime smoker, was 79 and had announced in 2002 that he was suffering from the disease. Later, he died Sunday of emphysema.13. tacky: (slang in Am. E.) shabby14. In real life I am a large, big-boned woman with rough, man-working hands.The phrase “in real life” is tra nsitional, linking this paragraph and the one above, implying that those TV programs are nothing but make-believe and the narrator is very skeptical of them. In reality she has the typical features of a black working woman.15. overall: An overall (工装裤) is a single piece of clothing that combines trousers and a jacket. Youwear overalls over your clothes in order to protect them from dirt, paint, etc. while you are working The breast pocket of his overalls was filled with tools.16. hog:a. a pig, esp. a fat one for eatingb. a male pig that has been castratedc. a dirty personswine: (old & tech) pigboar [o:]: male pig on a farm that is kept for breedingsow [au]: fully grown female pig17. sledge hammer: large, heavy hammer for swinging with both hands, a large heavy hammer with along handle, used for smashing concrete18. I am the way my daughter would want me to be: a hundred pounds lighter, my skin like anuncooked barley pancake.My daughter wishes me to have a slender figure and a fair complexion;like an uncooked pancake: a simile comparing the skin to barley dough which has a creamy, smooth texture.This sentence suggests that Dee is rather ashamed of having a black working-class woman as her mother.19. with one foot raised in flight: ready to leave as quickly as possible because of discomfort,nervousness, timidity, etc.20. with my head turned in whichever way is farthest from them: in order to avoid them as much aspossible, also from discomfort, shyness, etc.21. sidle up: move up sideways, esp. in a shy or stealthy manner.A man sidled up to me and asked if I wanted a ticket for the match..22. shuffle: to change or shift repeatedly from one position to anotherIf you shuffle, you move your feet about while standing or move your bottom about while sitting, often because you feel uncomfortable or embarrassed.I was shuffling in my seat.cf:totter, sidle, shuffle23. chin on chest, eyes on ground, feet in shuffle: Maggie is so shy that she never raises her head or eyeswhen looking at or talking to people, and she is always so nervous and restless that she is unable to stand still.24. light:Light here refers to the color of one’s skin, complexion, not weight. The word fair is similar tolight, and the opposite is dark.25. her hair smoking and her dress falling off her in little black papery flakes:This part is anominative absolute construction.26. stretched open, blazed open: wide open to the full extent27. And Dee.This is an elliptical sentence. And there was Dee.28. the church and me: Incorrect grammar, it should be the church and I.29. Augusta: city in eastern Georgia on the Savanah River. It is oblvious that the family lives in the ruralarea in Georgia, a southern state in America.30. …forcing words, lies, other folks' habits, whole lives upon us two,…The narrator implies that the books Dee read to them were written by the white people and full of their language and ideas, falsehood and their way of life. Other folks refer to the white people. By reading those books, Dee for ced them to accept the white people’s views and values.31. …sitting trapped and ignorant underneath her voice.Her reading was like a trap, and we were like animals caught in the trap, Unable to escape.Underneath her voice suggests a repressive and imposing quality in her voice.32. make-believe: a state of pretending or the things which are pretendedShe lives in a make-believe world / a world of make-believe.The little girl made believe she was a princess.33. She washed us in a river of make-believe, burned us with a lot of knowledge we didn'tnecessarily need to know.She imposed on us lots of falsity and so-called knowledge that is totally useless to us. The word washed and burned are used figuratively, indicating large quantities of a destructive nature.34. dimwit: (infml) an ignorant and stupid person35. pump: low-cut shoes without straps and ties36. She was determined to stare down any disaster in her efforts.She was determined to face up and defeat any disaster with her efforts.stare down : to stare back at another until the gaze of the one stare at is turned away. Here disaster is personified.37. Her eyelids would not flicker for minutes at a time.Again it shows that Dee was undaunted with a strong character. She would look at anybody steadily and intently for a long time.38. Often I fought off the temptation to shake her.Often I wanted so much to shake her, but I restrained myself. Usually you shake somebody in order to rouse that person to the awareness of something.39. At sixteen she had a style of her own' and knew what style was.1) At sixteen she had a unique way of doing things.2) and she knew what was the current, fashionable way of dressing, speaking, acting, etc.Note the different meanings of the two styles in this sentence.40. …in 1927 colored asked fewer questions than they do now.1) In 1927, the colored people were more passive than they are now.2) colored: of a group other than the Caucasoid, esp. black41. stumble: to stop and /or make mistakes in speaking or reading aloudShe stumble at/over the long word.He stumbled and stopped reading.42. good-naturedly: naturally kind, ready to help, to forgive, not to be angryA person or animal that is good-natured is naturally friendly and does not easily get angry.a good-natured policeman43. She stumbles along good-naturedly…She often makes mistakes while reading, but never losing her good temper.44. Like good looks and money, quickness passed her by.She is not bright just as she is neither good-looking nor rich.45. hook: to attack with a horn as by a bull46. soothe: to make less angry, excited or anxious, comfort or calm, to make less painfulsoothing wordssoothe one’s feelings47. portholes in a ship: small openings in a ship’s letting in light and air48. …when did Dee ever have any friends?This is a rhetorical question, which means Dee was not an easy person to get along with, and she never really had any true friends.49. furtive: stealthy, If sb. is furtive, he / she behaves as if he / she wants to keep sth. secret or hiddenThey suddenly looked furtive when I got into the room.I watched him furtively pencil a note and slip it between the pages.50. washday: also washing day, the day when clothes are washed51. well-turned: (of a phrase) carefully formed and pleasantly expresseda well-turned phrase: 恰当的词语52. scald: to burn with hot liquidHe scalded his tongue on / with the hot coffeescalding: boiling or as hot as boiling53. court: If a man courts a woman, he pays a lot of attention to her because he wants to marry her.54. recompose: to make (esp. oneself) calm, quiet, etc.Jean was nervous at first but soon composed herself.55. kinky: full of short, twisty, tightly curled56. uhnnnh: an exclamation of a strong negative response57. loud: attracting attention by being unpleasantly colorful58. The dress is loose and flows, …The dress is loose and moves gently and smoothly.59. It is her sister's hair.This time it is her sister’s hair style that makes Maggie utter an exclamation of dislike and disapproval.60. that rope about: that move about like a rope61. Since I am stout it takes something of a push.Because I am very fat I have to push myself with some effort to get up.62. peek: (infml) to look at sth. quickly, esp. when one should notThey caught him peeking through the hole at what was going on in the roompeep: to look at sth. quickly and secretlyIt’s rude to peep at other people’s work.He took a peep at the back of the book to find out the answers to the questions.peek & Peep are not clearly distinguishable when denoting to see what is concealed, or hidden.peer: to look very carefully or hard, esp. as if not able to see wellShe peered through the mist, trying to find the right path.He peered at me over the top of his glasses.63. Y ou can see me trying to move a second or two before I make it.You can see me trying to move my body a couple of seconds before I finally manage tp push myself up.64. with Maggie cowering behind me: with Maggie huddling behind me because of fear and nervousness65. She never takes a shot without making sure the house is included.Every time she takes a picture she makes sure that the house is in it. It shows that how important she thinks the house is. We are remind how she used to hate the house.66. going through motions1) “Motions” refer to trying to shake hands with Maggie.2) This phrase means “pretend to shake hands with Maggie”. If you go through the motions, you sayor do sth. that is expected of you without being very sincere or serious about it. Or you pretend to do sth. by making the movements associated with a particular action.The doctor was sure that the man wasn’t ill, but he went through the motions of examining him.I can go through the motions of putting imaginary food into my mouth.67. fancy: in an ornamental or elaborated way68. …he don’t know…: Ungrammatical spoken English. There are quite a few instances of such use oflanguage in the story.69. the Civil War: the war between the North (the union) and the South (the Confederacy) in the U. S.(1861-1865)70. There you are.1) Here is what you wanted. e. g. There you are! A nice cup of coffee.2) I told you so.E. g. There you are. I knew I was right.The second meaning suits the context. Dee’s boyfriend means “That’s what I expected. I knew you couldn’t trace it further back.”71. There I was not.No such expression. But obviously “There I was not” is a quick, short cut answer to “there you are”.So it means “You are not right.”72. crop up: arise, happen or appear, unexpectedlySome difficulties have cropped up at work so I’ll be late coming home tonight.73. Model A car: in 1909 Henry Ford mass-produced 15 million Model T cars and thus made automobilespopular in the States. In 1928 the Model T was discontinued and replaced by a new design - the ModelA - to meet the needs for growing competition in car manufacturing.Here he thinks she is quaint, attractive because it is strange and something rather old fashioned74. every once in a while: now and then75. ream: (slang) say it, spit it76. …we got the name out of the way.We overcame the difficulty and managed to pronounce it at last.77. tripped over it: mispronounced it, failed to say it correctly.trip: to stumble, catch one’s foot and lose one’s balance. Here it is used figuratively, treating the name as something like a stone that causes one to stumble.e. g. The fisherman tripped over a root and fell into the river.78. salt-lick shelters: shelters where blocks of rock salt were kept for cattle to lick79. style: The style of a particular person or group is all the general attitudes, likes, dislikes, and ways ofbehaving that are characteristic of them.Purple is not my style.Raising cattle is not my style: I am not interested in raising cattle.80. chitlin: also chitlings, chitterlings; the intestines of hogs esp. when prepared as food81. the greens: green leaf vegetables eaten cooked or raw82. talk a blue streak: speak very fast and very muchblue streak: (colloquial) anything regarded as like a streak of lightening in speed, vividness, etc.83. butter dish: A butter dish is a small rectangular container which you can simply put your hand closeover84. churn: a container in which milk is moved about violently until it becomes butter; (Am.E) a largemetal container in which milk is stored or carried from the farm (搅乳器, 盛奶罐)85. …the milk in it clabber by now.The milk in it had become clabber by now.clabber: thickly curdled sour milk86. “Maggie’s brain is like an elephants,” Wanglero said, …Elephants are said to have good memories. Here Dee is being ironic.87. centerpiece: an ornament, like a bowl of flower placed in the center of a table. Anything artistic can beused as a centerpiece.88. alcove: a secluded section of a room for having breakfast89. to do with the dasher: use the dasher to make sth. Artistic, e. g.I don’t know what to do with those books, what to use them for, where to put them90. sink:(geology) an area of slightly sunken land, esp. one in which water collects or disappears byevaporation or percolation into the ground.Here the word is used figuratively, meaning a depression in the wood of the handle left by the thumb and fingers.91. rifling through it: searching through the trunk as if she was ransacking and robbing the houserifle: to ransack or rob a place92. hung back (or off): to be reluctant to advance, as from timidity and shyness93. Maggie hung back in the kitchen…Maggie was reluctant to come out from the kitchen.94. teeny:(colloquial) variation of the word “tiny”95. top: the most important or worthiest part of anything96. She did all this stitching by hand. Imagine!” She held the quilts securely in her arms, strokingthem.This show how she cherished the quilts and how determined she was to have them. Later we will learn that the mother offered Dee a quilt when she went away to college. At that time she thought the quilts were old fashioned. Note the change in Dee’s attitudes toward the quilts.97. to give them quilts to Maggie, for when she marries John ThomasIncorrect grammar: to give these quilts to Maggie (for the occasion) when she marries John Thomas98. She'd probably be backward enough to put them to everyday use.Here the snobbish Dee says that Maggie is not as well educated or sophisticated as she and that Maggie will not be able to appreciate the value of the quilts and will use them just as quilts, not as works of art.99. stump: (colloquial) puzzled, baffled, e. g.The question has stumped philosophers since the beginning of time.It’s unusual for Jeremy to be stumped for an answer.100. As if that was the only thing you could do with quilts.She answered the question firmly and definitely as if that was the only right way of using quilts. 101. She answered the question firmly and definitely as if that was the only right way of using quilts. 102. hangdog: (of an expression on the face) ashamed, guilty, cowed103. portion: an individual’s lot, fate, or fortune, destiny, one’s share of good and evil Utter disaster was my portion.What would be my portion on the day the enemy invaded?104. This was the way she knew God to work.This was the way she knew how God worked.105. …something hit me in the top of my head and ran down to the soles of my feet.A metaphor. It shows that one is suddenly filled with a new spirit or a thoroughly thrilling andexciting emotion caused by an entirely new experience.106. …try to make something of yourself, too.try to be successful like me.make: to turn out to be; to prove to have the essential qualities of, e. g.He would make a capable leader.Part III The Structure of the TextThe style of “Everyday Use for Your Grandma” is a short story. The structure of the story can be divided into two big parts:Part I: (Para. 1-15) This part is set before Dee’s arrival. It provides an inside view of the family’s past and introduces the characters and their relationships towards each other.Section 1: (Para. 1-3) the description of Mrs. Johnson’s dreamSection 2: (Para. 4-15) the description of each of the three womenPart II: (Para. 16-80) This part begins when Dee arrives and lasts till the end of the story.Section 1: (Para. 16-25) Change of Dee’s nameSection 2: (Para. 26-43) Dealing with Dee’s new name and introduces Hakim-a-barberSection 3: (Para. 44-53) About the meal and Dee’s over-excitement about nearly everything, especially the dasherSection 4: (Para. 54-80) About the quilts and Dee’s rejectionPart IV Text AnalysisThe following analysis is to be focus on the man factors of the short story: plot, characters, point of view, setting, climax, theme and the methods to develop the theme.1. Plot“Everyday Use”, set around the year 1970, is about a poor, black mother (Mrs. Johnson) and her two daughters Dee and Maggie. Dee, going to a college in the north, visits her old home for a day and brings a friend, apparently her boyfriend, whom Mrs. Johnson calls Hakim-a-barber. The other daughter, Maggie, still lives with her mother. When Dee arrives, it becomes obvious that the differences have deepened. She has changed her name, adopted the ideas of the Black Power movement and criticises her family for the way they “still live”The culminating point of the story is the moment when Mrs. Johnson refuses to give Dee some old quilts because they were already meant to be a wedding present for Maggie. These quilts are the central image of the story and represent the concept of heritage. By withholding the quilts from Dee, Mrs. Johnson decides that Maggie’s practical approach to heritage is better than Dee’s superficial, impersonal concept of heritage.2. CharactersDee— a round character- fashionable, rebellious, strong-minded and ill-temped, a sense of vanity- a symbol of the modern black women- superficial love of black traditionMaggie —a flat character- docile, timid, shy, good-temped, kind-hearted and unselfish, a strong sense of inferiority- inherence of black culture, genuine love of black tradition- a symbol of the tradition black weak women“I”—a flat character- uneducated but sensible- physically strong but spiritually weak, a sense of inferiority- cherish “grandma’s everyday use”- a symbol of the black working women: the majority of black womenAsalamalakim— a flat character- a black Muslim boy- a symbol of another kind of African culture3. SettingPlace —“my courtyard”Time —in the middle of 1920s4. ClimaxDee wanted to take away the old quilts but “I” took the back and gave them to Maggie5. Theme1) Symbolism of the Quilts“Everyday Use” abstractly mirrors changes in society brought about by the Black Power Movement in the mid-1960’s. The younger generation of African-Americans accepted new perspectives of cultural identification, education, and their role in society. The symbolism of quilts expresses the central conflict of the story: the divergence of ideals amongst the generations.The quilts were made laboriously from bits of worn overalls, uniform, and outgrown dresses. They carry the meaning of the whole idea of heritage. A quilt is the materialization of the idea of making something useful out of things that are useless or broken. As the quilts stand for heritage itself, only Maggie and not Dee is able to produce new heritage b ecause she “knows how to quilt”. Therefore Dee is already excluded from the family’s heritage.2) Different Attitudes toward the Black HeritageDee’s atti tudeMaggie and her mother’s attitude3) Theme of the StoryOne of the main themes of Alice Walker's “Everyday Use” is the disparity in manner in which members of the same African American family honor their heritage. Two clashing ideologies surface when Dee returns As an educated and experienced woman, Dee believes she is more inclined to appreciate her African heritage, whereas her mother and sister’s simplistic lifestyle embodies “an outdated way of life.”To glorify her heritage, Dee believes they should preserve family heirlooms by placing them on display, while her mother and Maggie believe that such items should be put to everyday use. In the quarrel between Dee and her mother, it becomes apparent that the two sisters have clashing viewpoints of their heritage. In response to Dee's desire to hang the quilt on the wall, the mother expresses her disapproval, exclaiming, “God knows I been saving `em for long enough with nobody using `em. I hope [Maggie] will [put them to everyday use]!”. Due to her educat ion and travels, Dee believes she has developed a more sophisticated perception of her culture. This viewpoint is manifested through her desire to honor her heritage by hanging the quilts on a wall. Yet, Maggie and her mother believe that。



新译林版英语九年级上册期中复习Units1--4单元重点短语、句型、语法归纳Mr. Sun九上Unit1 Know yourself一、词汇大集合单词1.influence vt.[考点点拨] influence意为“影响”,往往指对行为、性格和观点等产生间接的、较长时间的或潜移默化的影响。

如:What you read influences your thinking.你读的东西对你的思想有影响。


如:Will you use your influence to get me a job?你愿意运用你的影响力替我找一份工作吗?Television has a strong influence on people.电视对人有很强的影响。

2.require vt.[考点点拨] require意为“需要,要求”,常用于以下结构:(1) require+名词或代词。

如:They required immediate payment.他们要求立即付款。

(2) require sth from/of sb.向某人要求某物。

如:We required an apology from/of him.我们要求他赔礼道歉。

(3) require sb. to do sth.要求某人做某事。

如:We required him to keep it a secret.我们要求他对这件事保密。

3.difficulty n.[考点点拨] difficulty意为“困难;费力”时,是不可数名词,既不能与不定冠词连用,也不能以复数形式出现。


have difficulty (in)doing sth.做某事有困难;have difficulty with sth.做某事困难。

如:I have great difficulty in finishing the work by myself.我独自完成这项工作有很大困难。



高一英语必修1-4册教材总复习第一章重点词汇第一节动词A.通常是不及物动词1.As the rocket rose slowly into the air we began to feel the pull of the earth (B3U4天文) In the distance, theycould see the misty cloud that rose from the great Niagara Falls(B3U5加拿大)The chair began to rise. (2-4生物) We hope the number of panda will soon rise. (2-4生物) The sun is just rising over Gombe National Park in East Africa. (B4U1妇女)2.On the coast north of V ancouver some of the oldest and most beautiful forests in the world still remain.(B3U5加拿大)It remained when the rest has been destroyed. (2-1古迹) The part of ancient walls remain as good as before. (2-1古迹) What happened to the city remained a mystery. (2-1古迹) Huge questions remain to be answered (B3U4天文)3.She has argued for them to be left in the wild and not used for entertainment or advertisements. (B4U1妇女)Putting natural waste from animals in their fields, they argue, makes the soil richer in minerals and so more fertile. (B4U2农业)4.I wonder why the universe exists. (B3U4天文)5. A new situation arises. (2-3电脑)6.Sherlock Holmes looked up at the stars and whispered, “W hat do you think of?” (B4U3幽默)7.My mind wanders. (2-3电脑)8.He sighed. “yes, ” he added(接着说), “and I would miss my dumplings and fatty pork.(B3U2饮食)9.I‟m hoping to find work. As a matter of fact, I landed in Britain by accident. (B3U3 百万英镑)10.Dr Yuan awoke from his dream with the hope of producing a kind of rice that could feed more people.(B4U2农业)11.I wonder how long the universe has lasted and how vast the sky is. (B4U3幽默)12.Chaplin produced, directed, and wrote the movies he starred in. (B4U3幽默)B. 通常是及物动词1.The meal cost more than a good meal in his own restaurant. (B3U2饮食)It‟ll cost a tiny bit. (B3U3 百万英镑)The search has cost a lot of time. (2-4生物) Wishing for things costs nothing. (B4U2农业)2.The drug affects mosquitoes. (2-4生物) What he did affects the wildlife in his area. (2-4生物) It affects mewhen I watch the wild chimps. (B4U1妇女)3.She has gained a doctor's degree for her studies. Later she taught the women to sew, knit and make a littlemoney for themselves and gain some self-respect. Her kindness helped her gain the friendship of the prisoners. (B4U1妇女)Recently the term“organic farming”has gained another meaning. (B4U2农业) He helped gain India‟s independence from Britain. (B3U1节庆)4.The most ancient festivals would celebrate the end of the cold weather. (B3U1节庆)Easter celebrates thedeath and return of Jesus. (B3U1节庆)Families celebrate the lunar New Year together. (B3U1节庆)Celebrate their time as a real band(2-5音乐)5.admire the ice sculptures everywhere in the city (B3U1节庆)In China and Japan there are mid-autumnfestivals, when people admire the moon. (B3U1节庆)6.W e‟d like to advertise the city as a holiday place(B3U5加拿大)Make a poster to advertise a sporting event.(2-2奥运)7.Nunavut was created in 1999 as a special area for Inuit people. (B3U5加拿大)We can work together tocreate an even better system. (2-3电脑)8.She would never forgive him. (B3U1节庆)9.Slimming foods are served in the restaurant. (B3U2饮食)They are served the ice ream. (B3U2饮食)10.We value you. (B3U2饮食)11.The next morning I‟d just about given myself up for lost when I was spot ted by a ship. (B3U3 百万英镑)12.Permit me to lead the way, sir. (B3U3 百万英镑)13.That table‟s reserved(B3U3 百万英镑)14.Two notes in this amount have been issued by the Bank of England this year.(B3U3 百万英镑)15.His writing lost most of its humour. (B3U3 百万英镑)He is lost in London. (B3U3 百万英镑)As he rodethrough countryside on his journeys for his work he looked out at the fields and was lost in thought. (B4U2农业)16.The discoveries have revolutionized the way we think. (B3U4天文)17.It is surrounded by mountains on the north and east(B3U5加拿大)18.They like ice fishing and photographing polar bears. (B3U5加拿大)19.The candles lit the room. (2-1古迹)20.Don‟t endanger wild animals any more. (2-4生物)21.The insect contains a powerful drug. (2-4生物)22.No one could recogniz e me. (2-3电脑)Even when he wore sunglasses people recognize him. (2-5音乐)23.No one will be pardoned. (2-2奥运)24.The olive wreath has been replaced. (2-2奥运)25.They set the number of animals to be hunted. (2-4生物)26.The last thirty years have seen the greatest number of laws stopping our rights. (1-5英雄)27.She has achieved everything she wanted to do. (B4U1妇女)28.It was a small book explaining how to cut the death rate from having and caring for babies. (B4U1妇女)29.Women who lived in the countryside could not reach a doctor. (B4U1妇女)30.deliver a baby for a poor family who could not pay her. (B4U1妇女)Instead, she made sure that about 50,000 babies were safely delivered to their mothers. (B4U1妇女)31.Her husband supported and encouraged her, so she continued working to help improve the lives of poorprisoners till she died. (B4U1妇女)32.He wants everyone to call him a farmer, for that‟s how he regards himself. (B4U2农业)33.He gives millions of yuan to equip others for their research in agriculture. (B4U2农业)34.His other hobbies include playing mah-jong, swimming and reading. (B4U2农业)35.Developing a healthy soil reduces diseases in crops. (B4U2农业)36.The insect attacked the crop every year. (B4U3幽默)37.I intend to hide it in the cave. (2-4生物) The book was intended for women who lived in the countryside.(B4U1妇女)He intended to do something to make Chinese farming even better. (B4U2农业)C. 情感动词(典型及物动词)和情感形容词1.Write a letter to encourage others to help save the cultural relics. (2-1古迹) Athletes are encouraged to dotheir best. (2-2奥运) He encouraged me to have music lessons(2-5音乐) They do not encourageviolence.(1-5英雄) He encouraged his children with good stories. (1-5英雄) The hanging boxes willencourage birds to visit the area. (2-4生物) These plants multiplied and filled the first oceans and seas with oxygen. This encouraged the development of early shellfish. (B3U4天文) Her work encouraged many other women to become doctors. (B4U1妇女)2.We were tired but also very excited. (1-3游记) An excited elephant(2-4生物) He was an excited supporterof Coco Li(2-5音乐) The waterfall is even more exciting to see. (1-3游记) She was able to replace her usualafternoon‟s work by watching some exciting sports. (2-2奥运)It was so exciting when my letter became neat and tidy. (2-3电脑) A most exciting experience(2-5音乐) “That was very exhausting but very exciting too," I exclaimed. (B3U4天文)3.She was amazed when they heard of the rules. (2-2奥运) Daisy was amazed. (2-4生物) We watched,amazed as fire broke out. (B3U4天文) It is amazing how warm these ice houses can be! (B3U1节庆)It‟s amazing h ow much pleasure you get out of the simple things in life. (B3U3 百万英镑)I never would have believed it. Why, that is amazing, man! (B3U3 百万英镑)What amazes you most about the modern Olympics? (2-2奥运)4.It was painful for me and I felt frightened. (2-3电脑) I saw many frightened cows rush up Market Street.(1-4地震) It was a frightening night. (1-4地震) But returning to the earth was very frightening. (B3U4天文)5.Anne was very upset that her family had to move. (1-1朋友) Everyone was very upset. (2-2奥运) Whatupsets you most about the project? (2-2奥运) Children will not be allowed to make a noise and upset the competitors. (2-2奥运) I do not want to upset my friends. (2-4生物)6.The word is confusing t o me.(1-2英语) It is important to explain this again or we will get confused.7.All his music was written for God and some of it is very moving.(2-5音乐)8.When scientists look at it carefully they find high levels of fat. This is very worrying. (B3U2饮食)9.His entertaining silent movies are still popular today. (B4U3幽默) So how did he make a sad situationentertaining? (B4U3幽默)10.Your tour sounds interesting. (1-3游记)11.His charming character The Little Tramp is well known throughout the world. (B4U3幽默)12.He was very disappointed. (B3U4天文) Henry, I‟m disappointed in you. (B3U3 百万英镑)13.He sat in his empty restaurant feeling very frustrated.(B3U2饮食)14.Roderick seems very surprised to see Portia. (B3U3 百万英镑)15.The waiter is shocked. (B3U3 百万英镑)So they were shocked to find the next day that they had allbelieved an April Fool‟s joke. (B4U3幽默)16.She was determined to work with animals in their own environment. (B4U1妇女)She gave me adetermined look. (1-3游记)17.He is not satisfied with his life. (B4U2农业)18.Farmers often grow the same crop year after year. As a result, the soil gets exhausted. (B4U2农业)19.But don‟t you get tired quickly? (B3U2饮食)20.She inspires those who want to cheer the achievements of women. (B4U1妇女)Some actors can astonishus with the deep feelings they can inspire in us for a character they are playing. (B4U3幽默)D.既是及物又是不及物动词1.Developing a healthy soil reduces diseases in crops. (B4U2农业) Develop a program(2-3电脑) Musiclessons will let you develop your sense of rhythm.(2-5音乐) Man developed new methods of growing food, hunting and moving around. (B3U4天文) That made it possible for life to begin to develop. (B3U4天文) 2.When we got there, I wanted to explore immediately. (B3U4天文) I‟d like to explore ideas about this sport.(2-3电脑) Now Dr Yuan has another dream: to export his rice so that it can be grown all over the world.(B4U2农业) The programmes explored problems and progress all over world. (B4U3幽默)3.Pretend that you are a judge. (2-1古迹) Close your eyes and pretend you are Coco Li. (2-5音乐) Theypretended to sing the song. (2-5音乐)4.They dress up and try to frighten people. (B3U1节庆)You can dance outside to the music of a band, whoare all dressed in heavy clothes – even some of their instruments are dressed up for winter. (B3U1节庆)some of their instruments are dressed up for winter. (B3U1节庆)Dressed in the finest clothes, he drove bythe brothers‟ house. (B3U3 百万英镑)5.Jane helped people understand how much they behave like humans. The prisoners behaved badly becausethey were being treated like animals. (B4U1妇女)6. A cultural relic is something that survived for a long time. (2-1古迹) The buildings survived the earthquake.(1-4地震)7.Dr Yuan searched for a way to increase rice harvests without expanding the area of fields. (B4U2农业) Andour galaxy in a universe is infinite and expanding(B3U4天文)8.He took the friendly bank-note to the bank and cashed. (B3U3 百万英镑)9.The dust began to slowly combine into a ball moving around the sun. (B3U4天文)10.It seemed as if the dust would multiply and become a new planet. (B3U4天文)11.Their number has grown rapidly. (2-4生物)12.They would starve if food was difficult to find.(B3U1节庆)13.The village can’t afford to build a school. (1-3游记)14. A bear is about to approach a boy. (1-2英语)15.An outline will prepare you to write a better story. (1-4地震)16.Yuan Longping works the land to do his research. (B4U2农业)17.Dr Yuan is now circulating his knowledge in some less developed countries to increase their rice harvests.(B4U2农业)18.He wanted to prove that organic farming methods were better for the soil than using chemical fertilizers.(B4U2农业)19.His research helps end hunger in the world. (B4U2农业)E. 既是动词又是可以作名词1.Some festivals are held to honour the dead, or satisfy and please the ancestors. Festivals can be held as anhonour to famous people or to the gods. One of these is the Dragon Boat Festival in China, which honours the famous ancient poet, Qu Yuan. (B3U1节庆)Yale and Oxford Universities honoured him for his writing.(B3U3 百万英镑)In India there is a national festival to honour Gandhi, the leader who helped gain India‟s independence from Britain. (B3U1节庆)It‟s a great honor. (2-2奥运) I had the honor to be chosen again.(2-3电脑) They compete against each other for the honor of winning. (2-2奥运) The park was built to honor those who helped the survivors. (1-4地震) I am honor ed that you would ask me for advice. (2-5音乐) Just having you sit here is a great honour! (B3U3 百万英镑)2.The search for the relic continued. (2-1古迹) The search has cost a lot of time. (2-1古迹) The Dutch went tothe island in search of supplies. (2-1古迹)Search for the room(2-1古迹) search the Internet for more information. (B3U5加拿大)He searched the city for all of his friends. (2-1古迹)3.Write a short reply to the letter. (2-1古迹)4.The earthquake hit Alaska. (1-4地震) a big hit(2-5音乐)5.The number was small before concern. (2-4生物)6.I have a good shot for a goal. (2-3电脑)7.Do this several times until everyone has had a go. (1-5英雄)8.Go straight for two blocks. (1-2英语)9.He has struggled for the past five decades to help farmers. (B4U2农业)10.They will be given time to tour Beijing. (2-2奥运)第三节名词A.可数名词1.She soon looked like a model! (B3U2饮食)2.W e‟ll go and see the winners of this year‟s awards for best band and best costumes. (B3U1节庆)3.The job was a reward for what I had done for the boss.(1-5英雄)4.Over the next two decades he was a printer, a riverboat pilot and a newspaper reporter. (B3U3 百万英镑)He has struggled for the five past decades to help farmers. (B4U2农业)5.Y ou mustn‟t worry about that. It‟s an advantage. (B3U3 百万英镑)6.She gives Oliver a wink of the eye. (B3U3 百万英镑)7.They can ski in the Rocky Mountains and sail in the harbour. (B3U5加拿大)8.The reporter arrived in a northern community called Iqaluit. (B3U5加拿大)9.When you buy items in packets, you need to look at the side of the packet. (B3U5加拿大)10.At last we slowed almost to a stop and we were able to look around us. (B3U4天文) Their next stop wouldbe Calgary. (B3U5加拿大)11.Her research showed the connections between chimps and human beings. (B4U1妇女)12.Each ear of rice was as big as an ear of corn and each grain of rice was as huge as a peanut. (B4U2农业)13.Read some of these customer and waiter jokes. (B4U3幽默)14.the snow is piled up along the sidewalks(B3U1节庆)B. 不可数名词1. A passbook is a book that shows your identity. (1-5英雄) He wrote a new dictionary, giving AmericanEnglish its own identity. (1-2英语)2.Another festival is Columbus Day in the USA, in memory of the arrival of Christopher Columbus in America.(B3U1节庆)The earth was different because of the arrival of small plants growing in the water on its surface (B3U4天文)3.They left home for safety. (1-4地震)4.Curiosity drove him inside. (B3U2饮食)5.You‟re going to see great scenery on your trip. (B3U5加拿大)6.He feels it gives him less f reedom to do his research. (B4U2农业)7.He seems to eat every mouthful with great enjoyment. (B4U3幽默)8.Carbon dioxide, oxygen, nitrogen and other gases were to make the earth‟s atmosphere. (B3U4天文)9.Nobody before has fully understood chimp behaviour. (B4U1妇女)C.有时可数,有时不可数名词1.Their balanced menus became such a success that before long Wang Pengwei became slimmer and Yong Huiheavier. (B3U2饮食)2.What an experience! (2-4生物) an exciting Northern experience(B3U1节庆)3.This character was a social failure (B4U3幽默) Without it my work will end in failure. (B4U3幽默)4.I earned my passage by working as an unpaid hand, which accounts for my appearance. (B3U3 百万英镑)5.In 1974, he became the first agricultural pioneer in the world to grow rice that has a high output. (B4U2农业)6.They plant some crops that use the surface of the soil and others that need a deeper level of soil. (B4U2农业)7.Can you match the joke with the explanation? (B4U3幽默)8.I tried to make sense of what I see. (B3U4天文) develop your sense of rhythm, feel a sense of success9.I do a lot of exercise. (2-1古迹)10.We ate an early supper. (1-3游记) another beer(B3U3 百万英镑)第四节形容词A. 普通形容词1.People are grateful because their food is gathered for the winter(B3U1节庆)2.The most energetic and important festivals(B2U1节庆)a cloud of energetic dust (B3U4天文)3.Easter is an important religious and social festival in Christian countries. (B3U1节庆)4.She was the most lovely of the daughters. (B3U1节庆)They spent the afternoon in the lovely s hops(B3U5加拿大)What a lovely autumn day!(1-2英语)5.Jane spent many years observing and recording chimps‟ daily activities. (B4U1妇女)6.He was amazed to find one needed three main kinds of foods to stay healthy. (B3U2饮食)7.It allowed the earth to dissolve harmful gases into oceans and seas. (B3U4天文)st month I was lucky enough to have a chance to make a trip into space (B3U4天文) There are notenough words in the biggest dictionary to describe it. (B3U3 百万英镑)9.And our galaxy in a universe that is infinite and expanding (B3U4天文)10.Do you think the bank–note is genuine? (B3U3 百万英镑)11.It‟ll cost a tiny bit. (B3U3 百万英镑)12.You have got a job open that I want. (B3U3 百万英镑)13.The average winter temperature in Nunavut is –35 degrees. (B3U5加拿大)14.Some festivals are held to honour the dead, or satisfy and please the ancestors(B3U1节庆)15.The man had a plan ready. (B3U3 百万英镑)16.It is a rare Ming Dynasty vase. (2-1古迹) A rare new species of dinosaur (2-4生物)17.But the evening makes it all worthwhile. (B4U1妇女)18.It was unusual for a woman to live in the forest. (B4U1妇女)19.He became famous for using a particular form of acting. (B4U3幽默)20.You are not alone. (B4U3幽默)21.Perhaps it makes us feel more content with our life because we feel there is someone else worse off thanourselves. (B4U3幽默) Not content with such a strange dinner, he went into the garden and started to eat a particular flower of mine. (B4U3幽默)22.I can see nothing but good if this company comes to build its restaurant in our town.23.a quiet man(B3U5加拿大)24.Further reading(B4U1妇女)25.Soong Chingling was one of the top leaders in modern Chinese history. (B4U1妇女)26.the latest, cool clothes27.feel fit(B3U2饮食)28. A fragile head(2-3电脑)B.分词形容词和合成形容词29. a balanced diet(B3U2饮食)30.I don‟t want to upset you but I found your menu so limited that I stopped worrying and started advertisingthe benefits of my food. (B3U2饮食)Towards nightfall I found myself carried out to sea by a strong wind.(B3U3 百万英镑)31.Indeed, his sunburnt face and arms and his slim, strong body are jut like those of millions of other Chinesefarmers. (B4U2农业)32.He was given a special Oscar for his lifetime outstanding work. (B4U3幽默)33. A well-paid job (B4U3幽默) His charming character The Little Tramp is well know n throughout the world.(B4U3幽默) Well designed buildings(2-1古迹) The house is well repaired. (1-4地震) I was better educated. (1-5英雄)34.Be hidden(2-1古迹)35.Our image of the universe today is full of strange sounding ideas, and remarkable truths. (B3U4天文)They went through a wheat-growing province(B3U5加拿大)36.Li Fang was heart-broken. (B3U1节庆)37.It is time-consuming. (2-1古迹)C. 形容词特殊用法1.He came to school very upset. (1-1朋友)2.Your dream will come true. (2-5音乐) Something would come true. (2-5音乐) The dream had finally cometrue. (1-3游记)3.He fits his new software free in very computer. (1-5英雄)4.Let your imagination run wild(2-3电脑)5.Then things went wrong. (2-5音乐)6.I grew crazy. (1-1朋友)7.Stay awake(1-1朋友) (1-3游记)nguages do not always stay the same. (1-2英语)9.Our legs felt heavy. (1-3游记)10.The fruit goes bad easily. (1-4地震)11.It feels as hard as a stone. (2-1古迹)1.It felt strange. (2-5音乐)2.It sounds very simple. (2-3电脑)3.Fall ill(2-3电脑)4.My mouth went dry and I closed my eyes. (B3U4天文)第五节副词1.Gradually the weight lessened and I was able to talk to him. (B3U4天文)2.Our area needs jobs badly. (B3U2饮食)3.It is so wet there that the trees are extremely tall.”(B3U5加拿大)4.The population of Canada is only slightly over thirty million. (B3U5加拿大)5.Two notes in this amount have been issued by the Bank of England this year. Any way, it can‟t be fake.(B3U3 百万英镑)6.In exactly an hour and a half. (B3U3 百万英镑)7.Personally, I think the other team cheated. (2-3电脑)8.Nobody before has fully understood chimp behaviour. (B4U1妇女)9.From the dictionary you will know how to use the word properly. (2-4生物)10.It died out more recently.(2-4生物)11.They had truly become stars. (2-5音乐) I have truly been built to serve people. (2-3电脑)12.The spaceship moved sideways from the “black hole. (B3U4天文)13.The competition was on! (B3U2饮食)If you don‟t catch the ball, you are out.(2-2奥运) The programmewas over. (2-5音乐) Then we were off. (B3U4天文)14.Go right ahead. (B3U3 百万英镑)And make the steak it extra thick. (B3U3 百万英镑)15.The competition centres will be placed close to each other. (2-2奥运)When the bike gets too close tosomething it rings the bell. (2-3电脑)I landed close to the finishing line. (2-3电脑) People who are not close enough to each other(2-3电脑) Then English became closer to the language you are learning now. (1-2英语) This city i s close to the centre of the country. (B3U5加拿大)Old Montreal is close to the water. (B3U5加拿大)第二章短语搭配第一节动词性I. Be动词短语1.I am crazy about everything to do with nature. (1-1朋友) They were very serious about their work. (2-5音乐) He was very confident about his singing. (2-5音乐) His mother was worried about his health. (1-5英雄) The Games are about being able to run faster, jump higher and throw further. (2-2奥运)2.Tell him that you are concerned about him. (1-1朋友) I believe you are concerned about animalsdisappearing. (2-4生物) I am really concerned about the wildlife in the rain forest. (2-4生物) They will be concerned about providing parking for the cars in our main street. (B3U2饮食)3.Be honest with yourself. (2-5音乐) Be careful with your money. (2-1古迹) They would be satisfied withtheir festival. (B3U1节庆)He is satisfied with his life. (B4U2农业)4.Elizabeth was not content with her easy life and her growing family. (B4U1妇女)5.After reading, he realised what was wrong with her restaurant. (B3U2饮食)6.Be familiar to me(1-3游记) His friends are dear to him. (2-1古迹) A fathom is equal to six feet. (B3U3 百万英镑)Be grateful to (1-1朋友) He is very grateful to you for the help(2-5音乐) Cambodia is in many ways similar to Laos. (1-3游记) People were unkind to him. (B4U3幽默)7.Be proud of(1-4地震) Festivals let us be proud of our customs and forget our daily life for a little while.(B3U1节庆)Green food is free of chemical fertilizers. (B4U2农业)8.He was very popular at public readings. (B3U3 百万英镑)I am expert at high flying exercises. (2-3电脑)9.He is active in school activities. (1-5英雄)10.They were all thankful for the delicious food, and that spring was coming soon. (B3U1节庆)11.It was ready for the people to celebrate the 300th birthday of the city. (2-1古迹) Be ready to(1-1朋友)12.We were tired from the long bike trip. (1-3游记) Be tired of fat(B3U2饮食)13.English was based on German(1-2英语) Their music is based loosely on their school life. (2-5音乐)14.Some objects in the home are the most likely to hurt us. (1-4地震) Are you willing to do public serviceswithout pay? (1-5英雄)He was willing to continue to fight. (1-5英雄) He was lucky enough to be chosen to repair the Hubble space telescope. (B3U4天文)15.The tents were easy to move so the people could follow the animals. (B3U5加拿大)16.Be sure to give an example(2-1古迹) When the parachute was about to open there was a shout from thepeople. (2-3电脑) Y ou‟re about to hear the most incredible tale(B3U3 百万英镑)If you come, you must be prepared to keep moving, as it is too cold to stand and watch for long. (B3U1节庆)You are a producer of green food---that is to say your food is certain to be healthy. (B4U2农业)17.The city is known as the “Brave City of China” (1-4地震) They are known as Bikers for the Blind. (1-4地震) April Fool‟s Day, or April 1st, is known in many countries as a day for playing jokes on others. (B4U3幽默)18.The film is set in California Chaplin in the middle of the nineteenth century. (B4U3幽默)We were caught by the gravity of a “black hole”. (B3U4天文) They are caught on the edge of a mountain ina snowstorm. (B4U3幽默) One of the books caught my eye. (B4U1妇女)It is usually a time when childrenmake fun of each other but sometimes other people can get caught in the fun too. (B4U3幽默)19.As he rode through countryside on his journeys for his work he looked out at the fields and was lost inthought. (B4U2农业)20.It is worth spending the money. (2-1古迹) All the exercise and training was worth it. (2-2奥运) A tour ofthe place is well worth your time.(1-3游记)II. 动词+名词1.Walk the dog(1-1朋友) Avoid his company(1-1朋友) Tell the difference(2-1古迹) Sign the book(2-1古迹)Spoil the chances. (2-1古迹) Host the Olympic Games(2-2奥运) Reach the standard(2-2奥运) Do the dishes(2-3电脑) Mop the floors(2-3电脑) Raise money. (1-4地震) Solve a math problem(2-3电脑) Build a good relationship(2-4生物) Lay eggs(2-4生物) Leave a note(2-5音乐) Pay bills(2-5音乐) Form a band(2-5音乐) Copy others‟ performance(2-5音乐) Earn some extra money(2-5音乐) The computer can operate the bike(2-3电脑) Spread the secrets far and wide(1-1朋友) They hope to collect 1 million yuan to help the blind in Tibet. (1-4地震) Ask direction(1-2英语) Push your way to the door(1-2英语) He doesn‟t easily lose heart when he is in trouble. (1-5英雄) They thought the ancestors could return either to help or to do harm. (B3U1节庆)He would drown his sadness in coffee. (B3U1节庆)He wiped the tables. (B31U 节庆)She would keep her word. (B3U1节庆)If they are not given anything, the children might play a trick. (B3U1节庆)Festivals are a time to enjoy each other’s company and have fun with our friends.(B3U1节庆)pay the bill (B3U3 百万英镑)change this bank-note. (B3U3 百万英镑)entered our little eating place(B3U3 百万英镑)Reptiles produced young generally by laying eggs. (B3U4天文) Some huge animals developed. They laid eggs too. (B3U4天文) He collected information from good farmers, studied it, and did experiments to find the best way. (B4U2农业) Collect information(B3U5加拿大)Scientist spends two years training to mend the space telescope(B3U4天文) So he was trained to do repairs on spaceships and telescopes. (B3U4天文) He was going to take them to the train station to catch “The True North” the cross-Canada train(B3U5加拿大).2.have a healthier diet(B3U5加拿大)3.We hope to have a complete picture of the universe we live in. (B3U4天文)4.At that time women’s education was always placed second to men‟s.(B4U1妇女)5.He was loved by all who watched the films for his determination in overcoming difficulties (B4U3幽默).6.He lived the last years of his life in Switzerland. (B4U3幽默)7.take a bicycle trip(1-3游记) Take some measures(2-1古迹) Take photos(2-1古迹) Take my picture(2-4生物)take this gentleman‟s order, Horace. (B3U3 百万英镑)Well, we have to take a chance. (B3U3 百万英镑)They decided to take the train from west to east across Canada in September(B3U5加拿大)He took the bet because they thought it was unbelievable that anybody could walk so far in one day. (B3U3 百万英镑)Change his mind(1-3游记) (2-2奥运)8.Make progress(2-4生物) Make your choice(2-3电脑) Make a better environment(2-4生物) Make an effortto change the situation. (1-1朋友) Make a decision(2-3电脑) make a promise(B3U2饮食)In this way the man made his appearance at the foot of the mountain before nightfall. (B3U3 百万英镑)9.I follow instructions with cards with holes. (2-3电脑) More people follow what he does. (2-1古迹) If othersfollow him, so much the better. (2-1古迹)10.Give commands(1-2英语) Give some performances(1-3游记) Give a performance to a camera. (2-5音乐)The truck gave the man a ride. (B3U3 百万英镑)Give us directions(1-3游记) Give sb. the directions(2-5音乐) Portia walks over to Roderick and gives him a hug. (B3U3 百万英镑)11.Support the star fiercely(2-5音乐) Support the project(2-4生物)12.English plays a very important role. (1-2英语) Geography plays a part in making dialects. (1-2英语)Women play a very important role. (2-2奥运) He played a poor and homeless person, who wore worn-out shoes and a small round black hat. (B4U3幽默)13.Try to have fun with English. (1-2英语) Have fun(2-5音乐)14.His friends offer him help when he needed it most. (2-1古迹) Offer the children free education(2-3电脑)Offer help(2-4生物) Be offered a ticket to the concert(1-1朋友)15.He was not going to hold his breath for her to apologise. (B3U1节庆)16.They lit fires and made music because they thought these festivals would bring a year of plenty.(B3U1节庆)light incense(B3U1节庆)light lamps(B3U1节庆)。

高三英语高一上学期复习unit 1 2(PPT)4-1

高三英语高一上学期复习unit 1 2(PPT)4-1

• 信号
• signal
• 动作,运动
• movement
• 司令官, 指挥官 • commander
• 整理,收拾
• tidy
组合而成,而原子的基本结构为质子、中子及电子。科学家们将质子定义为正电,中子不带电,电子带负电。在正常状况下,一个原子的质子数与电子数量 相同,正负电平衡,所以对外表现出不带电的现象。但是由于外界作用如摩擦或以各种能量(如动能、位能、热能、化学能等)的形式作用会使原子的正负 电不平衡。在日常生活中所说的摩擦实质上就是一种不断接触与分离的过程。有些情况下不摩擦也能产生静电,如感应静电起电,热电和压电起电、亥姆霍 兹层、喷射起电等。任何两个不同材质的物体只要接触后分离就能产生静电,流动的空气当然能产生静电。为什么流动空气会产生静电呢?因为空气也是由 原子组合而成,所以可以这么说,在人们生活的任何时间、任何地点都有可能产生静电。要完全消除静电几乎不可能,但可以采取一些措施控制静电使其不 产生危害。 早在公元前8年,古希腊哲学家塞利斯,已经发现了摩擦过的琥珀能吸引碎草等轻小物体。我国东汉时期的王充在《论衡》一书中提到"顿牟掇芥" 等问题,所谓顿牟就是琥珀,掇芥意即吸引籽菜,就是说摩擦琥珀能吸引轻小物体。西汉末年,有关于"玳瑁吸(细小物体之意)的记载,以及"元始中(公 元三年)……矛端生火",即金属制的矛的尖端放电的记载。晋朝(公元三世纪)还有关于摩擦起电引起放电现象的记载:"今人梳头,解著衣,有随梳解结, 有光者,亦有声。 人物在对电现象的早期研究中,最早进行系统研究的首推英国医生威廉.吉尔伯特。年马德堡的盖利克发明了第一台摩擦起电机,他用硫 磺制成形如地球仪的可转动物体,用干燥的手掌擦着干燥的球体使之停止可获得电,盖利克的摩擦起电机经过不断改进,在静电实验中起着非常重要的作用。
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高级英语阅读教程(上册)Lesson1-4 期中复习资料一、单词配对1.bane : a cause of harm, ruin, or death 祸根,祸害2.exclusive : reserved for or limited to the person or group concerned 独有的,专用的3.dispense: to deal out in parts or portions; distribute & to prepare and distribute (medicine),esp. on prescription 分配,分发4.rebellion : an act or a show of defiance toward an authority or established convention 叛乱,反抗5.straitjacket : a severe restriction or limitation 紧身衣,约束6.authoritarianism : policy of unquestioning obedience to the authority of a dictator or adictatorial group 独裁主义7.paradox : a seemingly contradictory statement that may nonetheless be true 悖论8.paradoxical : seemingly contradictory but nonetheless possibly true 矛盾的,似是而非的9.decolonization : giving political independence to a country that was previously a colony.≠colonization 非殖民地化10.premature : happening before the proper or expected time 过早的,不成熟的11.underprivileged : lacking opportunities or advantages enjoyed by other members of one'scommunity; deprived 贫困的12.disparity : difference or inequality 不同,差异13.relegate : ~ sb/sth. (to sth.) dismiss sb/sth to a lower or less important rank, task or state 降职,降级14.erode : to wear (sth.) away by or as if by abrasion 腐蚀,削弱15.prerogative : right or privilege, esp one belonging to a particular person or group 特权16.spur : something that serves as a goad or an incentive 刺激17.precede : to come or go before in time, order, rank, or position 在---之前,先于18.reflex : an uncontrollable reaction of your body to something that you feel, see, or experience反射作用19.enmity : deep-seated, often mutual hatred; hostility 仇恨,敌意20.ingenious : very clever and original; marked by inventive skill and imagination 聪明的,别出心裁的21.unanimous : of one mind; in complete agreement; agreed 一致的22.vocal : expressing one‘s opinions or feelings freely in speech; outspoken直言不讳的23.dreadful : extremely unpleasant; distasteful or shocking 可怕的,糟糕的24.enact : to act (sth.) out, as on a stage 展现,发生25.imprecation: sth. rude, angry, or hostile that is said to or about someone ; a curse 诅咒26.eject : ~ sb/sth (from sth.) to throw out forcefully; expel 喷射,驱逐27.contrive : manage (to do sth.) in spite of difficulties 想尽办法做28.loophole : way of escaping a rule, the terms of a contract, etc 漏洞,空子29.predilection : ~ (for sth.) special liking (for sth.); preference 偏爱30.contract : catch or develop (an illness) 感染31.pat : exactly right; appropriate 合适的32.rebuff : n. a blunt or abrupt repulse or refusal, as to an offer 断然拒绝, 冷落& v. to rejectbluntly 断然拒绝pose : to make (oneself) calm or tranquil 使--平静, 冷静34.discompose : make (sb) feel uneasy or uncomfortable 使不安; 使烦恼35.sardonic : expressing scorn; mocking 嘲笑的; 讥笑的36.optical : of or relating to sight; visual 视觉的37.click : a brief, sharp sound 卡嗒声38.nape : back part of the neck 颈背39.intercede : ~ (with sb) (for/on behalf of sb) to plead on another's behalf 调解,求情40.intercession : entreaty in favor of another, especially a prayer or petition to God in behalf ofanother 调解,求情41.astound : to astonish and bewilder; amaze 使震惊; 使大惊42.blunt : having a dull edge or end; not sharp 不锋利的; 钝的& frank and straightforward;not trying to be polite or tactful 直率的, 不客气的43.derisive : mocking; jeering 嘲笑的; 嘲弄的44.note : ~ (of sth.) a quality (of sth.); hint or suggestion (of sth.) 含义,特征45.poise : be or keep (sth.) balanced or suspended 使(某物)平衡或悬起46.incongruous : strange because not in harmony with the surrounding features; out of place 不协调的, 前后不一的47.congruous : appropriate or harmonious 适合的,协调的48.mug : a heavy cylindrical drinking cup usually having a handle 缸子(圆筒形有柄大杯)49.hurl : throw sth. violently and with a lot of force 猛掷50.duck : move (esp one's head) down quickly, to avoid being seen or hit 迅速低下(尤指头)(以免被看见或被打中)51.shatter : break suddenly and violently into small pieces 粉碎52.wreck : completely destory or ruin sth. 破坏53.pot-belly : (a) large protruding belly (b) person who has this 啤酒肚,大肚子54.pot-bellied : (of a person) having a pot-belly55.misdirect : ~ sb/sth (to sth.) instruct sb to go to the wrong place 指错方向56.relive : to undergo or experience sth. again, especially in the imagination 再体验(某种经历), 再经历57.vaccine : substance that is injected into the bloodstream and protects the body by making ithave a mild form of the disease 疫苗; 菌苗58.counteract : act against and reduce the force or effect of (sth.) 对抗; 抵消59.underwrite : to support / undertake to finance 同意资助60.novel : strikingly new, unusual, or different 新奇的,异常的61.inoculate : ~ sb (with sth.) (against sth.) to inject a weak form of a disease into one’s body asa way of protecting them against the disease(给某人)接种, 打预防针62.fastidious : difficult to please; possessing or displaying careful, meticulous attention todetail 难以取悦的; 吹毛求疵的63.succumb : ~ (to sth.) stop resisting (temptation, illness, attack, etc); yield; give in 屈服, 屈从64.infectious : easily or readily communicated 传染的, 有感染力的65.agent : a force or substance that causes a change66.conclusive : convincing; decisive; ending doubt 令人信服的, 确凿的, 消除怀疑的67.exotic : unusual or different; excitingly strange 异国的, 奇异的68.antibodies : are substances which a person's or an animal's body produces in their blood inorder to destroy substances which carry disease 抗体(血液中形成的抵抗并杀死病菌的物质)69.optimal (optimum) : most favorable or desirable 最理想的, 最佳的70.irreversible : impossible to reverse or revoke; unalterable 不能更改的71.narcotics : drugs such as opium or heroin which make you sleepy and stop you feeling pain麻醉剂; 毒品72.succour/succor : assistance in time of distress; relief 援助; 援救73.solace : comfort or relief (from pain, trouble, distress, etc) 安慰; 慰藉74.lobby : ~ (sb) (for sth.) to try to influence the thinking of legislators or other public officialsfor or against a specific cause 游说(政治家等)支持或反对某立法议案75.stagnate : cease to flow; exist in a changeless situation 不流动; 成为死水;停滞; 不景气76.adverse : not favorable; contrary 不利的,相反的77.crumble : to fall into small fragments or particles; disintegrate 破碎,崩溃78.crunch : a critical moment or situation, especially one that occurs because of a shortage oftime or resources 关键时刻79.stride : walk with long steps 大步80.thwart : to prevent the occurrence, realization, or attainment of sth. 阻挠; 阻止81.arousal : a state in which you feel excited or very alert, for example as a result of fear, stress,or anger 觉醒82.assault : a violent physical or verbal attack 突袭; 突击83.churn : beat (milk or cream) to make butter & move about violently 翻腾84.jag : a period of concentrated activity, strong emotion, etc. 一阵集中的活动等85.insomnia : chronic inability to fall asleep 失眠86.clench : close (sth.) tightly or press (two things) firmly together 紧握,咬紧87.afflict : ~ sb/sth (with sth.) to cause suffering or unhappiness to; distress greatly 使苦恼, 折磨88.surveillance : careful watching of someone, especially by an organization such as the policeor the army 监视, 监督89.liken : ~ sth to sth (fml ) show the resemblance between sth.; compare 把...比作...90.accumulate : collect or gather sth. over a period of time 积累, 聚积91.grind : crush sth to very small pieces or to powder 磨碎; 碾碎92.caution : to advise to take heed; warn or admonish 警告, 劝告93.impair : weaken or damage (sth.) 损害94.repertoire : the stock of songs, plays, operas, readings, or other pieces that a player orcompany is prepared to perform. 全部节目&the range or number of skills, aptitudes, or special accomplishments of a particular person or group 全部本领95.hassle : ~ (with sb.) to argue or fight;争辩; 争吵to bother or harass 烦扰; 搅扰96.fantasize : imagining that sth. is happening, although it is untrue or unlikely to happen 幻想97.Transcendental refers to things that lie beyond the practical experience of ordinary people,and cannot be discovered or understood by ordinary reasoning 超越经验的, 形而上学的, 先验的98.imagery : (Psychology) A technique in behavior therapy in which the patient uses 意象pleasant fantasies to relax and counteract anxiety99.revitalize : to impart new life or vigor to 使恢复生机; 使新生100.stamina : the physical or mental energy needed to do a tiring activity for a long time 精力101.sap : gradually weaken or destroy 削弱,逐步破坏102.fleeting : passing quickly; lasting only a short time 短暂的;飞逝的103.transitory : lasting for only a short time; transient 转瞬即逝的104.savor : n. taste or flavor of sth.味道, 滋味v1: to taste or smell, especially with pleasurev2: to appreciate fully; enjoy or relish二、课文填空1.If an international commission which has reported to UNESCO is right,education throughoutthe world is likely to change __out of recognition__ in the next generation.2.Fixed subjects and curricula are likely to go __into the melting pot__ and schoolsthemselves,of not as physical locations then at least as places exclusively for children,are __threatened with__ extinction.3.The International Commission on the Development of Education which arrived at theseconclusions was ___called on___ to make proposals that would help governments __work out__ strategies to meet their own educational situations.4.Why?Because the tradition they were established to pass on became __a deadweight___ ,because school became an institution instead of __an approach to life__ .5.The move towards democracy in schooling has several causes,including the general___demand for___ qualified labor to __meet the demands of__ stepped-up technology.6.Nutrition,family background and factors like housing all __play a role__ in success at school.7.Real solutions to the problems of inequality can only be found in a sweeping re-organization__on the lines of__ permanent,lifelong education.8.Grown-ups who want to turn to,say,radio engineering will not necessarily have the time to__plow through__ the whole syllabus of heat and light before they __come to__ sound.cation rarely equips the individual for __adapting to__ change,to the unknown.10.But now they were ready for me and,though some dreadful scenes were __subsequentlyenacted__ in that restaurant,I never ate them again.11.They really believed that I was mad.And it did begin to __work on my mind__ ,of course;Ibegan to be afraid to go anywhere and to __compensate for__ this I went places to which I really should not have gone.12.It began to seem that the __machinery of the origanization__ I worked for was turningover,day and night,with but one aim;to __eject me__ .13.There is not a Negro alive who does not have this rage in his blood--one has thechoice,merely,of living with it consciously or __surrendering to__ it.14.Almost every detail of that night __stands out__ very clearly in my memory.I even rememberthe name of the movie we saw because its title impressed me as being so __patly ironical__ .15.When we walked in the counterman asked what we wanted and I remember answering withthe __casual sharpness__ which I had become my habit.I don't know why,after a year of such rebuffs,I so completely failed to __anticipate his answer__ ,which was,of course,“We don't serve Negroes here.”16.I remember how their faces gleamed.And I felt,like a physical sensation,a click at __the napeof my neck__ as though some interior string connecting my head to my body had been cut. 17.She did not say it with the blunt,derisive hostility to which I had grown soaccustomed,but,rather,with ___a note of___ apology in her voice,and fear.18.Somehow,with the repetition of the phrase,which was already ringing in my head like ___athousand bells of a nightmare__ ,I realized that she would never come any closer and that I would have to strike ___from a distance___ .19.I could not ___get over___ two facts,both equally difficult for the imagination to grasp,andone was that I could have been murdered.20.Why is the nation unwilling or unable to __expend the effort___ and money to launch anapplied-biology and bio-engineering effort to develop and test a vaccine?21.It is remarkable only for the fastidious way in which it chooses the cell it will attach to,enterand __take over___ .22.HTLV III is a new virus,but it's known properties so far suggest that it is not so exotic as tobe __beyond the grasp of___ recombinant DNA techniques.23.It is not enough to offer __succor and solace__ .Physicians and scientists should __lobby__actively __for__ a nationwide effort to develop an AIDS vaccine.24.Some take life's large and small obstacles __in stride__ ,regarding them as a challenge tosucceed __in spite of everything__ .Others are thwarted by every __unexpected turn of events__ ,from a traffic delay to a serious illness in the family.25.Problems arise when the stress reaction is frequently __called into play__ for inappropriatecircumstances,such as a missed bus,long line,or reservation mix-up,or when the circumstances of your life __result in__ more stress than you can handle at any one time. 26.Whereas some stress reduction programs offer only techniques to __induce relaxation__ ,Dr.Tubesing's simply written self-help guide helps you __get to the roots of__ your stress reactions and modify them.He points out that most stress is not the result of great tragedies,but rather ___an accumulation of___ minor irritations that “grind us down over the years”.27.Too often propel turn to the wrong solutions for stress relief,such as tranquilizers,sleepingpills,alcohol,and cigarettes,and end up further impairing their health while doing nothing to ___gain an upper hand on___ the causes of their stress reactions.Others ___resort to___ short-term solutions--shouting,crying,taking a hot bath--that help for a while.三、英译英cation's products will not be measured in terms of so much knowledge dispensed but of completely developed human beings.Graduates from school will not be evaluated by how much knowledge they learn at school but the standard whether they are fully developed or not.2.Learning is both natural and necessary to him,but the systems he has set up have all had a tendency to set out to be a system and to end up as a straitjacket.It is normal and essential for human beings to learn but the system they establish all tend to be a system at the beginning,but always end as something that it is very limiting and restricting.3.The universal right to education,in which contemporary civilization takes such prematurepride,is often refused to the most underprivileged.It's too early for modern civilization to feel proud itself for the universal right to education but this right is often declined to the poor or people of lower class.4.I learned in New Jersey that to be a Negro meant, precisely, that one was never looked at but was simply at the mercy of the reflexes the color of one's skin caused in other people.When I was in New Jersey ,I came to know that a black person will never be regarded seriously and that how you will be treated only depends on other people’s instinctive reaction to your black skin.5.My reputation in town naturally enhanced my reputation at work and my working day became one long series of acrobatics designed to keep me out of trouble.My reputation in town surely damaged my reputation at work .I had to act skillfully like an acrobat to keep myself free from trouble.6.I had scarcely arrived before I had earned the enmity, which was extraordinarily ingenious, of all my superiors and nearly all my co-workers.As soon as I arrived ,I found that all my superiors and colleagues hated me and treated me with hostility,which was expressed very cleverly or skillfully.7.It began to seem that the machinery of the organization I worked for was turning over, day and night, with but one aim: to eject me.The organization I worked for was like a heartless machine that turned day and night,aiming to throw me out.8.The time has come for the Government to underwrite a nationwide effort to produce an effective vaccine against HTLV III,the virus that causes AIDS.Though a frightening new disease,AIDS is no longer so novel that such an effort would be premature.It's time for the Government to support nationwide effort to develop an effective vaccine against HTLV III,the virus that causes AIDS.Though AIDS is a new and terrifying disease,it is not so new and different that it will be too early for us to make some efforts to develop a vaccine against it.9.Our political leaders apparently do not wish to be involved with this minority.As a result,the clock runs out on thousands of victims without even the beginning of an effort to develop the vaccine that might prevent new cases from occurring.Our leaders obviously do not want to have anything to do with this small group of people.As a result,thousands of patients came to end their lives before we began to make efforts to develop the vaccine that might be helpful in preventing new cases.10.Yet others crumble when the crunch is on or the overload light flashes.Some take life's large and small obstacles in stride,regarding them as a challenge to succeed in spite of everything. Other people may collapse when the critical time comes or when they are burdened with too much stress.Some people can deal with all kinds of difficulties easily,regarding them as a challenge to succeed and not being prevented by anything.11.A body lacking in physical stamina is in no shape to handle stress.An exercise tune-up can increase your emotional as well as your physical strength.Exercise enhances,rather than saps,your energy;it also has a distinct relaxing effect.A body that lacks physical strength is not fit enough to cope with stress.Adjustment of your body through exercise can increase your physical and emotional strength.Exercise can improve ,but not reduce your energy;its relaxing effect is quite obvious.。
