小学三四年级英语颜色公开课 PPT

yellow black blue red green
What colour is it? 它是什么颜色?
It’s red. 它是红色的。
What colour is it? 它是什么颜色?
It’s yellow. 它是黄色的。
What colour is it?
It’s blue.
Welcome to Wei Yuan Education School
Let’s chant!
Follow me Follow follow follow me Hands up , hands down Follow follow follow me Stand up , sit down Follow follow follow me Turn around , turn around Follow follow follow me Let’s sing a song.
What’s this?
It's W.
What color is it?
It's black.
What’s this?
It's T.
What color is it?
It's green.
[blæ k]
blue red yellow
yellow blue red
Colors 看看谁的反应快
blue快 red black green
Colors 课堂练习
colours (颜色)

Teaching with objects
Color cards
Color sorting
Physical teaching
Color matching games
Design a game where students have to match the correct English color name with each object or image This can be done through quizzes, flashcards, or board games
Game based teaching
Create stories that involve different colors and ask students to identify and name the colors in the story This makes learning more engaging and fun for students
English color teaching
Basic knowledge of color Color Vocabulary in English The Methods of Teaching English Colors Practice of English Color Teaching Evaluation and Feedback on English Color Teaching
Basic knowledge of color
1. Color is the visual phenomenon caused by the reflection and absorption of light by objects
Color cards
Color sorting
Physical teaching
Color matching games
Design a game where students have to match the correct English color name with each object or image This can be done through quizzes, flashcards, or board games
Game based teaching
Create stories that involve different colors and ask students to identify and name the colors in the story This makes learning more engaging and fun for students
English color teaching
Basic knowledge of color Color Vocabulary in English The Methods of Teaching English Colors Practice of English Color Teaching Evaluation and Feedback on English Color Teaching
Basic knowledge of color
1. Color is the visual phenomenon caused by the reflection and absorption of light by objects

The level of brightness in a color A color with high lightness is bright and vibrant, while a color with low lightness is dark and muted
The basic concept of color
Color is the visual phenomenon caused by the reflection or emission of light from objects It is one of the main elements of art and design, and is used to create visual effects and communicate ideas and emotions
Happiness: In some cultures, yellow is associated with joy and celebration
Optimism: In business and marketing, yellow of evokes a positive and hopeful mood
English Introduction to Colors
The basic concept of color English expression of common colors The symbolic and cultural significance of colors The application of color in daily life
The level of brightness in a color A color with high lightness is bright and vibrant, while a color with low lightness is dark and muted
The basic concept of color
Color is the visual phenomenon caused by the reflection or emission of light from objects It is one of the main elements of art and design, and is used to create visual effects and communicate ideas and emotions
Happiness: In some cultures, yellow is associated with joy and celebration
Optimism: In business and marketing, yellow of evokes a positive and hopeful mood
English Introduction to Colors
The basic concept of color English expression of common colors The symbolic and cultural significance of colors The application of color in daily life

• 绿色在汉语中用来描述植物的颜色,指生 命之色,它象征着“春天、活力、青春、 健康、环保”。汉语中绿色也有贬义的含 义,如“绿帽子”。在英语中,绿色还指 果实“没有成熟的,青的,生的”
• green hand指“缺少经验的,幼稚的, 不成熟的”;look green指“人脸色苍白, 无血色的”;
• green house • 指 “温室”;
• green keeper • 指“高尔夫球场看管人”;
• Green Paper 与White Paper对应, 指“英国供民众讨论的政府提案文 件”;
• green room • 指“剧场、电视演播室等的演员休息
• 从这些例子可以看出,英汉两种语言 中关于绿色有比较大的文化差异。
purple [‘pə:pəl] n.紫色 adj.紫色的
black [blæ k] n.黑色 adj.褐色的
white [wait] n.白色 adj.白色的
orange [’ɔrindʒ] n.橙色 adj.橙色的
pink [piŋk] n.粉红色 adj.粉红色的
white, red, yellow, green, blue, brown, purple, pink, orange, grey, golden, silver • 相当于汉语的黑、白、红、黄、绿、 蓝、棕色、紫、粉红、橙、灰、金、 银。
在中国人的传统观念中,白色象征着纯洁、清 白,如“清白无辜”、“洁白无瑕”;白色 也意味着肃穆、哀悼, 为吊唁过世的人,亲 属要穿白服,尤其是在古代更是如此。白色 在汉语中有其引申的含义,表示“徒然、无 价值”等,如不起任何作用,我们常说“白 搭”;做事没有什么结果,我们说“白费 劲”;形容一个人什么也不明白,我们称之 为“白痴”;对于一个人有不切实际、无法 实现的的幻想,我们说这是在做“白日梦”; 形容一个人不知道知恩图报,反而忘记恩情, 我们称之为“白眼狼”;形容一个人瞧不起 别人,我们会说,他在翻“白眼”。可以说 这些引申的意义基本上是贬义。

Design different levels of games to meet the needs of different levels of students, so that all students can find suitable games to practice their English skills
Primary School English Color Courseware
• Course Introduction • Teaching content • Teaching method • Teaching process
Course Introduction
Course background
Use colored language
Use colored language to describe the scene and story, so that students can easily image and understand the meaning of the course
Game interaction
Color description
teach students how to describe the color of an object accurately, including its brightness, purity, depth, etc
Color association
teach students how to associate colors with their own feelings
Encourage students to actively participate in game interaction, so that they can improve their English skills and have fun at the same time
Primary School English Color Courseware
• Course Introduction • Teaching content • Teaching method • Teaching process
Course Introduction
Course background
Use colored language
Use colored language to describe the scene and story, so that students can easily image and understand the meaning of the course
Game interaction
Color description
teach students how to describe the color of an object accurately, including its brightness, purity, depth, etc
Color association
teach students how to associate colors with their own feelings
Encourage students to actively participate in game interaction, so that they can improve their English skills and have fun at the same time

white [waɪt] 白色;白色的
orange ['ɒrɪndʒ] 橙色;橙色的
OK [əʊ'keɪ] 好;行
mum [mʌm] 妈妈
(美式英语:mom [mɒm])
Unit 2
Mr Jones, this is Miss Green. 琼斯先生,这是格林小姐。
Good morning, Miss Green. 早上好,格林小姐。 I see red. 我看见红色。
句型 show me …给我看 Show me green Show me yellow Show me red Show me purple
句型 当主语是物的时候,单数用is,复数用are。 what colour are the rulers? 那些尺子是什么颜色?
They are yellow 他们是黄色
This is … Good morning Good afternoon Good evening Good night
这是…… 早上好 中午好,下午好 晚上好 晚安
句型 I see …表示“我看到……” “I ”是“我”的意思 See是“看见,看到”的意思 I see red apples I see a green tree
Unit 2 Colours
Unit 2
red [red] 红色;红色的
green [gri:n] 绿色;绿色的
yellow ['jeləʊ] 黄色;黄色的
blue [blu:] 蓝色;蓝色的
black [blæ k] 黑色;黑色的
单元小结Biblioteka 单词Unit 2brown [braʊn] 棕色;棕色的

Message Converance
Cultural differences in color
In the United States, red is often associated with patriotism and strength, while in Britain, red is associated with energy and passage
The practical application of color
Clothing color matching is a very important part of fashion The right color matching can make people look more energetic and lively, while the wrong color matching can make people look drab and tied Therefore, when selecting clothing, people of need need to consider the color matching rules
The Application of Colors in English
In English literature, colors are often used to describe characters and their traits For instance, a character described as "green" might report jealousy or envy, while "gray" might suggest that a character is wise or experienced
Cultural differences in color
In the United States, red is often associated with patriotism and strength, while in Britain, red is associated with energy and passage
The practical application of color
Clothing color matching is a very important part of fashion The right color matching can make people look more energetic and lively, while the wrong color matching can make people look drab and tied Therefore, when selecting clothing, people of need need to consider the color matching rules
The Application of Colors in English
In English literature, colors are often used to describe characters and their traits For instance, a character described as "green" might report jealousy or envy, while "gray" might suggest that a character is wise or experienced
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《认识颜色》英语教学课件PPT以生动有趣的方式引导儿童学习颜色的英语词汇和表达方式。课件首先通过复习引导环节,回顾已学的颜色单词如white白色和black黑色等。接着,新知识引探部分介绍更多颜色词汇,如yellow黄色、red红色,并通过示范句型"what colour is it? It is..."来加深理解。在趣味引练环节,学生们可以分组进行颜色词汇和句型的练习,通过互动游戏如"Dram an banana, Color it yellow"来巩固所学内容。最后,扩展引展部分提供绘画作业,鼓励学生们运用新学的颜色词汇来创作,既锻炼英语表达能力,又培养艺术创造力。整个课件设计