1. 中药:Chinese medicine2. 针灸:Acupuncture3. 脉象:Pulse condition4. 望、闻、问、切:Observation, listening, inquiry, palpation5. 辨证论治:Syndrome differentiation and treatment6. 气滞血瘀:Qi stagnation and blood stasis7. 气血两虚:Qi and blood deficiency8. 风寒感冒:Wind-cold感冒9. 湿热证:Damp-heat syndrome10. 脾胃虚弱:Spleen-stomach weakness11. 肝火旺盛:Liver fire flaming12. 心火旺盛:Heart fire flaming13. 肺热咳嗽:Lung heat cough14. 脾虚泄泻:Spleen deficiency diarrhea15. 肾虚腰痛:Kidney deficiency waist pain16. 湿温病:Damp-heat disease17. 风湿病:Rheumatism18. 痛经:Menstrual pain19. 月经不调:Menstrual irregularity20. 更年期综合症:Menopause syndrome21. 肥胖症:Obesity22. 高血压病:Hypertension23. 糖尿病:Diabetes24. 失眠:Insomnia25. 抑郁症:Depression26. 焦虑症:Anxiety disorder27. 自闭症:Autism28. 强迫症:OCD (Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder)29. 多动症:ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder)30. 老年痴呆症:Alzheimer's disease31. 帕金森病:Parkinson's disease32. 癌症:Cancer33. 白血病:Leukemia34. 心脏病:Heart disease35. 肝病:Liver disease36. 肾病:Kidney disease37. 肺病:Lung disease38. 高脂血症:Hyperlipidemia39. 甲亢:Hyperthyroidism40. 甲减:Hypothyroidism41. 黄褐斑:Chloasma42. 白癜风:Vitiligo43. 牛皮癣:Psoriasis44. 带状疱疹:Shingles45. 水痘:Chickenpox46. 麻疹:Measles47. 风疹:Rubella (German measles)48. 痄腮:Mumps (耳下腺炎)49. 红眼病(急性结膜炎):Red eye (acute conjunctivitis)50. 中耳炎:Otitis media (middle ear infection)请注意,这些翻译可能并不完全准确或具体,因为中医是一个非常复杂和深奥的医学系统,其概念和术语往往难以用简单的英文词汇来表达,仅供参考。
red ginseng
【化】 notoginseng; Radix Notoginseng
【医】 radices pseudoginseng
long-noded pit viper
【化】 musk
【医】 musk
【医】amoorcorn tree bark;cortex phellodendri;phellodendri,cortex;Phellodendron amurense
Gentiana scabra bge Japanese gentian root radix geutianae rough gentian
fructus viticis fruit of simple leaf shrub chaste tree
Wu Chia Pee
leatherleaf milletia
1. selfheal
2. self-heal
【医】 radices saussureae
【医】 Bupleurum falcatum L.; radix bupleuri
【医】 pericarpium citri reticulatae
【医】 fructus aurantii immaturus
脉象浮紧 floating and tense pulse
手法补泻 reinforcing and reducing manipulations
寒邪束表 pathogenic cold hampering the exterior
拇指平推法 horizontal pushing with the thumb
清热凉血药 herbs for clearing away heat and cooling blood
宣肺平喘 disperse lung qi to stop asthma
引经报使 guiding action
灵活化裁 flexible modification
针灸疗法 acupuncture and moxibustion therapy, acumox
中草药 Chinese medicinal herbs
炮制 processing
四气五味 four properties and five tastes
清除杂质 eliminating impurity
入药部分 the part used for medical purpose
风为百病之长 wind is the leading factor in causing various diseases
水液代谢障碍 disturbance of water metabolism
气随津脱 exhaustion of qi due to loss of body fluid
离经之血 abnormal flow of the blood
津液的形状、功能与分布 form, function, and distribution of the body fluid
中医英语术语翻译重点Last revision on 21 December 2020中医英语术语翻译重点天人相应Correspondence of human body and natural environment辨证论治treatment based onsyndrome differentiation针灸acupuncture and moxibustion寒凉药物herbs cold and cool in nature滋阴降火nourishing yin and reducing fire整体观念concept of holism开窍(of the five zang-organs) open into生长化收藏sprout, grow, transform, ripen and store同病异治different therapeutic methods used to treat the same disease异病同治same therapeutic method used to treating different diseases从阴引阳drawing yang from yin阴平阳秘balance of yin and yang寒极生热extreme cold generating heat热极生寒 extreme heat gernerating cold病机总纲general rule of pathogenesis祛风散寒eliminating wind and dispersing cold实则泻之treating excess syndromes with reduction虚寒证deficiency cold syndrome实热症 excess heat syndrome潜阳熄风suppressing yang and eliminating wind补其不足 supplement insufficiency泻其有余 reduce excess五行学说the theory of five elements木曰曲直wood characterized by bending and straightening火曰炎上fire characterized by flaring up土爰稼穑earth characterized by sowing and reaping金曰从革metal characterized by clearing and changing水曰润下water characterized by moistening and descending母病及子illness of mother viscera affecting the child one子病及母illness of child viscera affecting the mother one相乘相侮over restriction and counter-restriction心火亢盛exuberant fire in the heart肾阳式 of kidney yang平肝和胃soothing the liver and harmonizing the stomach水火不济between water and fire奇恒之腑extraordinary fu-organs藏象学说the theory of visceral manifestation藏而不泻storage without discharge泻而不藏discharge without storage形体诸窍physical build and various orifices其华在面the luster manifesting upon the face满而不实 full but not to be solid实而不满solid but not to be full心主血脉heart governing blood and vessels肺司呼吸lung controlling breathing脾主运化spleen governing transportation and transformation肝主疏泄liver controlling conveyance and dispersion肾主藏精kidney governing storing essence面色无华lusterless complexion汗血同源sweat and blood sharing the same origin升降出入ascending, descending, going out and going in宣发肃降dispersion, purification and descent后天之本acquired base of life肝气逆上upward adverse flow of liver qi先天之精innate essence奇恒之腑extraordinary fu-organs孤俯isolated fu-organ腐熟水谷digest water and food七冲门the seven important portals胆主决断The gallbladder is responsible for making judgment泌别清浊separating the lucid from the turbid大肠主津The large intestine governs thin body fluid小肠主液The small intestine governs thick body fluid先天禀赋innateness温养腑脏warming and nourishing the viscera津血同源body fluid and blood sharing the same origin气为血帅,血为气母Qi commands the blood and the blood carries qi. 益气固脱nourishing qi to stop collapse奇经八脉eight extraordinary vessels十二经筋tendons of the twelve regular meridians舒经活络soothing meridians and activating collaterals刺络拔罐collateral pricking and cupping therapy腠理闭塞stagnation of interstitial space湿邪困脾pathogenic dampness obstructing the spleen外感六淫six excesses pathogenic factors饮食劳倦mproper diet and overstrain阳常有余,阴常不足Yang is usually excessive while yin is frequently deficient.四大经典Four GreatClassic:Huangdi s Canon of Medicine黄帝内经Classic of Difficulties难经Shennong s Classic of Materia Medica神农本草经Rreatise on Cold Damage and Miscellaneous Diseases伤寒杂病论四气four properties:cold,,hot,warm,cool五味five flavors:sour,bitter,sweet,pungent,salty(中药)七情seven conditions of ingredients in prescriptionsSingle effect,mutual reinforcement,mutual assistance,mutual restraint,mutual inhibition,mutual antagonism,mutual suppression寒凉派Liu Wansu-School of Cold and Cool攻下派Zhang Congzheng-School of Purgation补土派Li Gao-School of Reinforcing the Earth滋阴派Zhu Zhenheng-School of Nourishing Yin辛温中药herbs pungent in taste and warm in nature辛凉中药herbs pungent in taste and cool in narure向日为阳,背日为阴The side facing the sun belongs to yang and the reverse side to yin,血液常行的前提条件:心气充沛,血液充盈,脉道通利Normal circulation of blood:abundance of heart qi,sufficiency ofblood,vessels are prerequisite.四气;元气primordial qi,宗气pectoral qi,营气nutrient qi,卫气defensiveqi内生五邪;内风,内寒,内湿,内燥,内火Five internal excesses;internal cold,internal dampness,inrenaldryness,internal fire内伤七情Internal injury due to sevenemotions;joy,anger,anxiety,thought,sorrow,fear,fright怒则气上,喜则气缓,悲则气消,恐则气下,惊则气乱。
中医药名词英⽂翻译01(学科相关词汇)01.001中医(1)traditional Chinesemedicine;(2)traditionalChinese physician (1)起源与形成于中国的具有整体观念、辨证论治等特点的医学;(2)本学科专业职业队伍。
01.002中药Chinese materia medica在中医理论指导下应⽤的药物。
01.003中医学traditional Chinesemedicine 以中医药理论与实践经验为主体,研究⼈类⽣命活动中健康与疾病转化规律及其预防、诊断、治疗、康复和保健的综合性科学。
01.004中药学Chinese materia medica中药学科的统称。
01.005中医药traditional Chinesemedicine and pharmacy中医与中药的合称。
01.006中医药学traditional Chinesemedicine and pharmacy 中医学与中药学的合称,侧重反映中医与中药两者共同发展,密不可分。
01.007中西医结合integration oftraditional and westernmedicine 以现代医学等现代科学知识及⼿段来继承和发展中医药,中西医学相互补充,取长补短,诊治疾病的医学形式。
01.008中医基础理论basic theory oftraditional Chinesemedicine 研究和阐明中医学的基本概念、基本理论、基本规律、基本原则的学科。
01.009中医诊断学diagnostics oftraditional Chinesemedicine 根据中医学的理论体系,研究诊察病情、判断病种、辨别证候的基础理论、基本知识和基本技能的学科。
01.010⽅剂学prescriptions of Chinesemateria medica研究治法与⽅剂配伍规律及其临床运⽤的学科。
06.002药材crude medicine ; crude drug初步加工处理的中药原料药。
06.003道地药材genuine regional drug特定产地的特定品种,且质量、疗效优良的药材。
06.004鲜药fresh medicine; fresh crudedrug 鲜、活应用的药物。
06.005天然药物natural medicine; naturalcrude drug 没有经过加工的有药用价值的天然动、植、矿物药。
06.006采制collection and preparation包括采集、收获、加工、干燥等制备商品中药材的传统技术。
06.007采收期collection period采集药用动、植物的适宜时期。
06.008产地加工processing in production place在产地将鲜药初步加工,使之成为药材的过程。
06.009萌发期germination period植物发芽的阶段。
06.010枯萎期withering period植物失去水分或失去生机的阶段。
06.013晒干drying in sunshine将药材曝晒使干燥。
06.014阴干drying in shade将药材在通风不见阳光的地方自然干燥。
06.015烘干drying by baking将药材加温干燥,包括焙干、烤干等。
06.016虫蛀rotten due to insect bites仓虫蛀蚀药材使其受损或变质的现象。
06.017霉变mildew and rot中药生霉、腐败、腐烂等现象的统称。
06.018泛油extensive diffusion of oil药材及饮片所含油质溢出表面呈油浸润状态,使质变软、色泽变深黯,味变哈喇的现象。
暴咳 肺痿 肺痈 哮病 喘病 实喘 虚喘 暴喘 肺胀 肺痨 肺癌 悬饮 卒心痛 真心痛 厥心痛 胸痹 心厥 心悸[病] 惊悸 怔忡 中风 中风后遗症 头痛[病] 真头痛 头风 口僻 眩晕 ●病 癫狂病 癫病 狂病 不寐[病] 多寐 健忘 百合病 痴呆 脑瘤 侏儒 胃痛[病] 吐酸[病] 嘈杂[病] 痞满[病] 反胃[病] 噎膈
胃石 泄泻 久泻 暴泻 暴吐 呃逆[病] 胃癌 胰癌 肠癌 腹痛[病] 便秘[病] 解● 痰饮[病] 黄疸[病] 阳黄 阴黄 急黄 肝著 臌胀 肝痈 肝癌 肝厥 胁痛[病] 胆胀 胆石 蛔厥 水肿[病] 阳水 阴水 风水 皮水 石水 脾水 肾水 正水 淋证 热淋 石淋 气淋 血淋 膏淋 劳淋 癃闭 关格
第 1 页,共 6 页
36、 37、 38、 39、 40、 41、 42、 43、 44、 45、 46、 47、 48、 49、 50、 51、 52、 53、 54、 55、 56、 57、 58、 59、 60、 61、 62、 63、 64、 65、 66、 67、 68、 69、 70、 71、 72、 73、 74、 75、 76、 77、 78、 79、
中医英语课后句子翻译1(含中文 lesson1-10)
中医英语课后句子翻译1(含中文 lesson1-lesson10)Lesson 11.中国医药学有数千年的历史,是中国人民长期同疾病作斗争的经验总结TCM has a history of thousand of years and is a summary of the Chinese people’s experience in their struggle against diseases.2. 中医学有完整独立的理论体系。
TCM has a unique and integrated theoretical system.3. 中医学是研究人的生命规律以及疾病的发生、发展和防治规律的一门科学。
TCM is a science that studies the rules of life as well as the occurrence, progress, prevention and treatment of disease.4. 《黄帝内经》为中医学理论体系的形成奠定了基础Yellow Emperor’s Cannon of Internal Medicine has laid a solid foundation for the formation of theoretical system of TCM.5. 《难经》在许多方面,尤其是在脉学上,补充了《皇帝内经》的不足。
Classic of Difficulties has supplemented what was unaddressed in the Yellow Emperor’s Cannon of Medicine in many respects,especially in pulse lore.6. 《诸病源侯论》是中医学最早的一部病因症候学专著。
Discussion on the causes and symptom of various diseases is the earliest extant monograph on the causes and symptom ofdiseases in china.7. 阳常有余,阴常不足。
常用中药学词汇翻译一、药材产地:四川等地Medicinal origin:Sichuan and other provincesthe medicine material plant baseherbal plantation built according to GAP4、岗梅Iliex asprella13、川芎Ligusticum chuanxiong18、菊花Chrysanthemum morifolium40、栀子Gardenia jasminoides41、人参Panax ginseng黄芪Astragalus membranaceus42、昆明山海棠Tripterygium hypoglaucum45、狗脊Cibotium barometz 47同52、半夏Pinellia ternate62、山楂Crataegus pinnatifida63、绞股蓝Gynostemma pewaphylium67、鸡蛋花Plumeria rubra78、山楂Crataegus pinnatifida81、丹参Salvia miltiorrhiza83、溪黄草Rabdosia lophanthoides(基地种的是线纹香茶菜和纤花香茶菜)84、板蓝根Isatis indigotica87、地黄Rehmannia glutinosa90、钩藤Uncaria hirsute103、牛大力Millettia specisoa(原来拉丁名Champ改为正体Champ)二、药用部位:根及根茎roots and rhizomes 块茎tubers全株:whole-plant 地上部分aerial part 花蕾flower buds茎叶stems and leaves 树皮bark(黄柏)根皮root bark(厚朴)干皮、根皮及枝皮bark of the trunk, root and branch果皮peel,pericarp,rind含有树脂的心材heartwood with resin 带钩茎枝stems with hooks全株whole-plant 子实体fruiting bodyThe plants taking root and rhizome,leaf,seed and fruit as medicinal position are more,which separately account for 54.66%,36.02% and 29.19% of the woody medicinal species.以药用部位进行统计,根及根茎类、叶类、种子果实类最多,分别占木本药用植物的54.66%、36.02%、29.19%;三、分布:全国各地different areas of China nationwide长江流域至南部各省: along Changjiang River valley长江三角洲和整个长江流域the Yangtze delta and the whole Yangtze basin.四、功效:纳气平喘promoting inspiration to relieve asthma温中止呕warming middle energizer to arrest vomiting柿叶具有抗菌消炎、生津止渴、清热解毒、润肺强心、镇咳止血、抗癌防癌等多种医疗保健功能。
健康饮食 养生问题 母婴保健 养生小常识
1.2根据病症取名的中成药 翻译公式:药名+剂型,如:疝气汤###HemiaDecoction阴虚丸###YinAsthenicPill1.3根据药物功效取名的中成药 翻译公式:功效+剂型或剂型+for+功效,例如: 保和丸###Digestion_promotingPill涤痰丸###Phlegm_eliminatingPellet 柏子养心丹###SemenBiotaePillforNourishingtheHeart 补中益气煎膏###DecoctedPasteforStrengtheningMiddleWarmerandBenefitingVitalEnergy 狗皮膏药###Anti_rheumPlaster 泻白散###Lung_HeatExpellingPower肾气丸###PillforInvigoratingKidneyEnergy 清暑益气汤###DecoctionforClearingAwaySummer_heatandBenefitingEnergy1.4根据主药料+功效取名的中成药 翻译公式:主药料+剂型+for+功效(名词或名词短语),如果主药料名和功效语都较长,可选用模式:剂型+of+主药料+for+功效(名词或名词短语),如: 牛黄清心丸###CalculusBovisBolusforClearingAwayHeat_fire 甘草泻心汤###RadixGlycyrrhizaeDecoctionforPurgingStomach_fire 当归补血散###RadixAngelicaeSinesisPowerforEnrichBlood 安宫牛黄丸###CalculusBovisBolusforResurrection 羌活胜湿汤###DecoctionofRhizomaseuRadixNotopterygiiforExpellingWetness 藿香正气水###HerbaAgastachisSyrupforRestoringHealthyEnergy 养阴清肺糖浆###SyrupforNourishingYinandClearingAwayLung_heat 牛黄降压片###CalculusBovisTabletsforHypertension 精制银翘解毒片###Well_preparedTabletofFructusForsythiaeandFlosLonicerae2中药功效语的汉英翻译模式
1. 望诊(Observation)望诊是中医药中常用的一种诊断方法,通过观察患者的面色、舌苔、脉象等来判断疾病情况。
”可以翻译为,“The doctor observed that the patient had a pale complexion, thick greasy tongue coating, and weak pulse.”2. 闻诊(Olfaction and Auscultation)闻诊是中医药中一种重要的诊断方法,通过闻气味和听声音来判断疾病情况。
中医药的闻诊可以翻译为Olfaction and Auscultation。
”可以翻译为,“The doctor used olfaction and auscultation to detect an unusual body odor and wheezing sound in the patient's breathing.”3. 问诊(Inquiry)问诊是中医药中常用的收集病史的方法,通过询问患者的病情、症状等来获取诊断信息。
”可以翻译为,“The doctor inquired about the patient's condition, symptoms, and the progression of the illness.”4. 切诊(Palpation)切诊是中医药中常用的一种诊断方法,通过触摸患者的脉搏、身体等来判断疾病情况。
Unit 11 中国医药学traditional Chinese medicine; TCM2中医基础理论basic theory of traditional Chinese medicine3临床经验clinical experience4辨证论治treatment based on syndrome differentiation5杂病miscellaneous diseases6中药学Chinese pharmacy7四气五味four properties and five tastes8针灸acupuncture and moxibustion; acumox9古代中国哲学classical Chinese philosophy10汗法sweating therapy; diaphoresis11下法purgation12吐法vomiting therapy; emetic therapy13补土派the School of Reinforcing the Earth14病因学etiology15方剂prescription; formula16医疗实践medical practice17治疗原则therapeutic principles18寒凉药物herbs cold and cool in nature19滋阴降火 nourishing yin and reducing fire20瘀血治病diseases caused by blood stagnationUnit21五脏five zang-organs; five zang-viscera2六腑six fu-organs3经络系统system of meridians and collaterals4整体观念holism5有机整体organic wholenss6社会属性social attribute7开窍(of the five zang-organs) open into8生长化收藏sprout, grow, transform, ripen and store9诊断学diagnostics10邪正关系relationship between pathogenic factors and healthy qi11治疗学therapeutics12风寒感冒common cold due to wind and cold13同病异治different therapeutic methods used to treat the same disease14异病同治the same therapeutic method used to treat different diseases15水液代谢平衡balance of water metabolism16清心火clearing away heart fire17疾病本质nature of disease18以左治右treating the left side for curing diseases located on the right side19从阴引阳drawing yang from yin20.病在上者下取之treating the lower part for curing diseases located on the upper part Unit 31哲学概念philosophical concept2.相互转化mutual transformation3.阴平阳秘balance of yin and yang4.阴阳转化transformation between yin and yang5.寒极生热extreme cold turning into heat6.病理变化pathological changes7.绝对偏盛absolute predominance8.病机总纲general rule of pathogenesis9.补其不足supplementing what it lacks of10.祛风散寒 eliminating wind and dispersing cold11.相互消长 mutually inhibiting and promoting;wax and wane between yin and yang12.相互制约 mutually inhibiting and restraining13.相互依存 interdependence14.阴胜则阳病excess of yin leading to decline of yang15.相反相成 contrary and supplementary to each other16.有机整体 organic whole17.阳损及阴 impairment of yang involving yin18.阴阳两虚 deficiency of both yin and yang19.虚寒证deficiency cold syndrome20.潜阳熄风 suppressing yang and eliminating windUnit41 the theory of five elements 五行学说2 free development 条达舒畅3 to be generated and to generate生我,我生4 restraint in generation 生中有制5 over restriction and counter-restriction相乘相侮6 Wood over restricts earth because it is deficient.土虚木乘7 promotion, restriction, inhibition and transformation 生克制化8 disorder of a mother-organ involving its child-organ 母病及子9 insufficiency of essence and blood in the liver and kidney 肝肾精血不足10 blood deficiency in the heart and liver 心肝血虚11 exuberant fire in the heart心火亢盛12 insufficiency of liver yin 肝阴不足13 declination of kidney yang肾阳式微14 weakness of the spleen and stomach 脾胃虚弱15 soothing the liver and harmonizing the stomach 平肝和胃16 between water and fire水火不济Unit51 藏象学说doctrine of visceral manifestations2 五脏六腑five zang-organs and six fu-organs3 奇恒之腑extraordinary fu-organs4 水谷精 of water and food5 传化水谷transmitting and transforming water and food6 贮藏精气storing essence7 表里关系internal and external relationship8 治疗效应therapeutic effects9 临床实践clinical practice10 藏而不泻storage without discharge11泻而不藏discharge without storage12形体诸窍physical build and various orifices13开窍(of five zang-organs) open into14精神情志spirit and emotions15心藏神the heart storing spirit16肺藏魄the lung storing corporeal soul17肝藏魂the liver storing ethereal soul18脾藏意the spleen storing consciousness19肾藏志the kidney storing will20其华在面the luster manifesting upon the faceUnit61 心主血脉 the heart governing blood and vessels2 心气充沛 sufficiency of heart qi3 面色红润 rosy complexion4 血液充盈 sufficiency of blood5 脉道不利 unsmooth vessels6 面色无华 lusterless complexion7 脉象细弱 thin and weak pulse8 心藏神 the heart storing spirit9 汗血同源 sweat and blood sharing the same origin10 升降出入 ascending, descending, going out and going in11宣发肃降 dispersion, purification and descent12通调水道 regulating water passage13脾主运化 the spleen governing transportation and transformation14水谷精 of water and food15水液停滞 stoppage of water and fluid16后天之本 acquired base of life17调畅气机 regulating qi activity18肝气逆上 upward adverse flow of liver qi19先天之精 innate essence20肾主纳气 the kidney receiving qiUnit71 奇恒之府extraordinary fu-organs2 孤俯isolated fu-organ3 腐熟水谷digest water and food4 魄门anus5 肝之余其surplus part of liver qi6 上焦upper energizer7 泌别清浊separating the lucid from the turbid8 食物残渣residue of foods9 大肠主津The large intestine governs thin body fluid10精汁(胆汁)bile11小肠主液The small intestine governs thick body fluid12初步消化primary digestion13精气essential qi14七冲门the seven important portals15胆主决断The gallbladder is responsible for making judgment16排泄糟粕discharge waste17月经来潮occurrence of menstruation18吸门inhaling portal19形态中空morphological hollowness20传化水谷transporting and transforming water and foodUnit81 先天禀赋innateness2 精微物质nutrients; refined substance3 血液循行blood circulation4 水液代谢water metabolism5 气的运动形式way of qi movement6 气的升降出入ascending, descending, exiting and entering movements of qi7 气机调畅normal function of qi activity8生命的原动力primary motive force of life9 温养腑脏warming and nourishing the viscera10 腑脏经络之气qi of the viscera and meridians11气机qi activity12气化qi transformation13先天之气innate qi14后天之气acquired qi15正气healthy qi16邪气pathogenic factors17元气primordial qi18宗气thoracic qi19营气nutritive qi20卫气defensive qi21腠理striae and intersticesUnit91气生血qi promoting the production of blood2气行血qi promoting the flow of blood3气摄血qi commanding blood4血载气blood carrying qi5血生气blood generating qi6气生津液qi promoting the production of body fluid7气行津液qi promoting the flow of body fluid8气摄津液qi commanding body fluid9津液载气body fluid carrying qi10津液生气body fluid generating qi11津血同源body fluid and blood sharing the same origin12气随液脱exhaustion of qi due to loss of body fluid13气随血脱exhaustion of qi due to hemorrhage14气随津泄loss of qi due to profuse sweating15气行则血行,气滞则血瘀。
自然现象 哲学概念 对立统一 相互消长
healthy qi 发热恶寒 fever and aversion to cold
头身疼痛 久痢脱肛 dysentery 养阴清热 heat 清肺热 湿邪犯肺 lung 清热泻火 fire 腠理
headache and body pain proctoptosis due to prolonged
气血运行 阴阳转化 yang 阳消阴长 阴胜则阳病
yang waning and yin waxing predominance of yin leading to
disorder of yang 阴胜则阳病 an excess of yin leads to
deficiency of yang 阳胜则热 heat 寒极生热 热极生寒 阳损及阴 extreme cold generating heat extreme heat generating cold impairment of yang involving yin predominance of yang generating
essence and blood 肝阳上亢 心肝血虚 hyperactivity of liver yang asthenia / deficiency of heart and
liver blood 心肝火旺 心火亢盛 滋肾养肝 方位配五行 exuberance of heart and liver fire hyperactivity/exuberance of heart fire nourishing the kidney and liver correspondence of the directions to
医疗实践 治疗原则 寒凉药物
介绍中医的英语作文带翻译Traditional Chinese medicine, also known as TCM, has a history of thousands of years and is an important part of Chinese culture. It includes various forms of herbal medicine, acupuncture, massage (tui na), exercise (qigong), and dietary therapy.中医,也被称为TCM,有着数千年的历史,是中国文化的重要组成部分。
One of the key principles of TCM is the concept of balance. In TCM, the body is seen as a harmonious whole, and the balance between yin and yang is believed to be essential for good health.中医的一个关键原则是平衡的概念。
TCM also emphasizes the importance of treating the rootcause of an illness, rather than just the symptoms. Practitioners of TCM believe that by addressing the underlying imbalance in the body, they can help the body heal itself.中医还强调治疗疾病的根本原因的重要性,而不仅仅是治疗症状。
如“麻黄汤”可译为Mahuang Decoction,“桂枝汤”可译为Guizhi Decoction。
但在具体翻译时有的采用英语翻译方剂名称中的中药名(如将“桂枝汤”译为Cinnamon Twig Decoction),有的则采用拉丁语翻译(如将“桂枝汤”译为Ramulus Cinnamoni Decoction)。
就直译和意译而言,方剂名称的翻译可以有如下一些方式:1.以方中君药命名的方剂译式为:主药名+剂型名,如“麻黄汤”可译为Herba Ephedrae Decoction或Ephedra Decoction。
2.以主治病证命名的方剂译式为:病证名+剂型名,如“疝气汤”可译为Hernia Decoction。
3.以动物命名的方剂译式为:动物名+剂型名,如“白虎汤”可译为White Tiger Decoction,“青龙汤”可译为Blue Dragon Decoction。
4.以借喻法命名的方剂译式为:借喻物+剂型名,如“碧玉散”可译为Jasper Powder,“玉女煎”可译为Jade Maiden Decoction。
5.以功效命名的方剂译式为:功效+剂型名,如“温脾汤”可译为Spleen-Warming Decoction或Decoction for Warming the Spleen。
6.以服药时间命名的方剂译式为:时间+剂型名,如“鸡鸣散”可译为Rooster-Crowing Powder,“鸡苏散”可译为Rooster-Waking Powder。
7.以主药加功效命名的方剂译式为:主药+剂型名+for+功效,如“朱砂安神丸”可译为Cinnabaris (或Cinnabar)Decoction for Tranquilizing the Mind,“黄连解毒汤”可译为Rhizoma Coptidis (或Coptis)Decoctioin for Relieving Toxin。
交替搓揉alternative rubbing and kneading
旋转复位rotating reduction
腰肌劳损injury of lumbartissues
针刺的角度与深度angle and depth of needling
提插捻转lifting, thrusting, swirling and rotating
双手进针法insertion of needle with double hands
水针疗法hydro-acupuncture therapy
中草药Chinese medicinal herbs
四气五味four properties and five tastes
清除杂质eliminating impurity
入药部分the part used for medical purpose
减轻疼痛alleviating pain
艾炷灸moxibustion with moxa cone
功法训练exercise for practicing tuina
灯火灸lamp moxibustion
放松肌肉relaxing muscles
温针灸warm needling method
解除肌肉紧张relieving muscular tension
燥湿健脾drying dampness and strengthening the spleen
组成规律prescription-formulating principle
一起来学习吧!中草药名称英语翻译:Earthworm地龙East Asian Tree Fern Rhizome狗脊Elecampane Inula Root土木香Emblic Leafflower Fruit余甘子English Walnut Seed胡桃仁Entada Sten瞌藤子Entadae Stem过江龙Ephedra HerbEpigeal Srephaia Root地不容Epimedium Herb淫羊藿Erect St. John'swort Herb 小连翘Ergot麦角Eriocarpous Glochidion Leaf 漆大姑Eucommia Bark杜仲European Grape Fruit索索葡萄European Hop Flower啤酒花European Verbena马鞭草European Waterhemlock Root 毒芹False Chinese Swertia HerbFalsehellebore Root and Rhizome 藜芦Falsesour Cherry樱桃核Fangchi Root广防已Feather Cockscomb Seed青葙子Fennel Fruit小茴香Fermented Soybean淡豆豉Fewflower Lysionotus Herb石吊兰Field Sowthistle Herb苣荬菜Fig无花果Figwort Root玄参FigwortflowerPicrorhizaRhizomeFiliform Cassytha Herb无根藤Fimbriae Orostachys瓦松Fineleaf Schizonepeta Herb 荆芥Finger Citron佛手Fistular Onion Stalk葱白Fiveleaf Gynostemma Herb 绞股蓝Flabelate Maiden-hair Herb 过坛龙Flastem Milkvetch Seed沙苑子Flos Caryophyllata丁香Fluorite紫石英Forbes Wildginger HerbForest Frog's Oviduct蛤蟆油Forrest Silkvine Stem or Root黑骨头Fortune Eupatorium Herb佩兰Fortune Firethorn Fruit救兵粮Fortune Loosestrife Herb星宿菜Fortune Meadowrue Herb白蓬草Fortune Paulownia Fruit /Royal Paulownia Fruit 泡桐果Fortune Plumyew Twig and Leaf三尖杉Fortune Windmillpalm Petiole棕榈Fortune's Drynaria Rhizome骨碎补Fourstamen Stephania Root粉防己/汉防己Fragrant Eupatorium Herb飞机草Fragrant Plantainlily Herb玉簪Fragrant Sarcococca Herb清香桂Fragrant Solomonseal Rhizome玉竹Franchet Groundcherry Calyx and Fruit 锦灯笼Frangrant Ainsliaea Herb杏香兔耳风Frankincense乳香Freshwater Sponge紫梢花Fringed Iris Herb铁扁担Fruticose Breyniae Leaf and Twig黑面神。
Ascending and Descending, Floating and Sinking (升降浮沉)
• It refers to the drugs’ four different function
trend (up ,down, inside and ouside)to
⒊Dietary Taboos during taking the medicine (服药时的饮食禁忌):
Dosage and usage
• The usage: --- Decoction(煎煮方法) Be decocted first(先煎) Put the medicine next (后下) Drug wrapped during decocted(包 煎)
are associated
• Fire
• One of the five phases • with which the season summer • the color red • the taste bitterness • and the heart and small intestine in the
Contraindication in Using Herbs (用药禁忌)
⒈ Incompatibility : -- eighteen incompatible medicaments(十八反) --nineteen counteraction(十九畏)
⒉Contraindication during pregnancy(妊娠 用药禁忌)
医学常用中医学名词英语翻译Medical Translation of Common Traditional Chinese Medicine TermsIntroductionTraditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) has a long history in China and is gaining recognition worldwide for its holistic approach to healthcare. As TCM practitioners collaborate with international counterparts, accurate translation of TCM terminologies becomes essential for effective communication. This article aims to provide English translations of commonly used TCM terms, ensuring clarity and consistency in medical discourse.1. Yin and Yang (阴阳)Yin and Yang are fundamental concepts in TCM, representing the two opposing and interrelated forces present in all aspects of life. The English translation for Yin is "negative" or "passive," while Yang is translated as "positive" or "active." These terms are often used to describe the balance and interactions within the body.2. Qi (气)Qi refers to the vital energy that flows through the body, maintaining health and well-being. It is often translated as "vital energy" or "life force." Qi can be further classified into different types, such as "Congenital Qi" (先天之气) and "Acquired Qi" (后天之气), which respectively refer to inherited and acquired energy.3. Meridians (经络)Meridians are the pathways through which Qi flows in the body. These channels connect various organs and tissues, ensuring the harmonious distribution of Qi. The term "Meridians" or "Meridian Channels" is commonly used to describe these pathways.4. Acupuncture (针灸)Acupuncture is a well-known TCM therapy that involves inserting thin needles into specific points along the meridians to stimulate the flow of Qi and restore balance in the body. The English term for acupuncture remains "acupuncture," as it has become widely recognized globally.5. Herbal Medicine (中药)Herbal medicine has been a vital component of TCM for centuries, utilizing plants, minerals, and animal products to treat various ailments. The term "Herbal Medicine" or "Chinese Herbal Medicine" is used to describe this branch of TCM.6. Tui Na (推拿)Tui Na is a form of therapeutic massage in TCM that involves manipulation of the body's meridians and acupressure points. The English term for Tui Na is often translated as "Chinese Medical Massage" or simply "Tui Na."7. Moxibustion (艾灸)Moxibustion is a technique in which dried mugwort (Artemisia vulgaris) is burned near or on specific acupoints to warm and stimulate the flow of Qi. The term "Moxibustion" remains the standard translation for this practice.8. Cupping (拔罐)Cupping involves placing heated glass or bamboo cups on the skin to create suction, promoting blood circulation and detoxification. The English term "Cupping" is the commonly used translation for this therapy.ConclusionAccurate translation of TCM terms into English is crucial for effective communication and collaboration in the field of medicine. By providing precise translations of commonly used TCM terms, this article aims to facilitate international exchanges and enhance the understanding and integration of TCM into global healthcare systems.。
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