Describe an unusual meal you had 雅思口语答案 P2 P3 5-8月 2018年

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Describe an unusual meal you had雅思口语答案P2P35-8月2018年

Describe an unusual meal you had

You should say:

What the meal it is

Where you had the meal

When you had it

And how was the meal

这个话题属于experience类,一般这一类的话题,前面三个小题目都是what it is?When it is?where it is?我们准备这一类的话题时按照自己的经历和当季的其他话题进行准备。比如这一季的话题里面有Describe a happy experience you had before,这个话题里面where you were?When it happened.我们都可以用同样的素材。比如我们选择除夕夜家庭的聚会,选择父亲五十岁生日等等素材。素

材是一样的,只是我们侧重点不一样,就是分别对两个话题进行不同部分延伸。Describe an unusual meal里面我们是对what the meal is?How was the meal?进行拓展;而Describe a happy experience里面是who you were is?和why you felt happy进行拓展。这个话题P3部分是由话题的核心词meal进行展开的。学员多看看高分的素材,积累核心的词汇,短语,表达和更好的素材,然后在专业外教老师帮助下形成自己的素材和答案,加上模拟,最后流利和有效地输出自己所积累的,会很快掌握雅思口语各个部分的题目,也会取得满意的分数。下面是启利教育雅思高分老师和英国雅思著名老师原创的素材。全套雅思口语素材请登录启利教育网站查看,也可联系网站客服安排雅思口语外教模拟体验。


I had an unusual meal when I was4-5years old.I could clearly remember that it was a frog stew.My dad bought some of those small frogs at the wet market and he cooked them in our house.He got some spices like garlic,onions,pepper and a lot more.He used a very big casserole to sautéthe ingredients before boiling them.It was even funny when those little frogs started to hop out of the casserole that my parents together with my aunts had to catch all of them.Almost everybody was screaming and laughing as they were trying to capture these tiny creatures.The frogs tried to escape as my dad was about to boil them.

Anyway,it was just at home and my dad was preparing the dinner since he had some friends/colleagues who would be visiting us.I also remember that they had a drinking spree at that night.I think it’s

unusual because it is not a common dish which we usually have on the dining table.To be honest,I just tasted the soup but I did not eat the meat because my mother did not want me to try it.She said that it was for adults only.

Now that I’m old,I have some friends who are actually trying that dish which according to them is really delicious.They say it’s an exotic food and some say that it is aphrodisiac.I have also found out that those frogs are actually clean and can be eaten as these are not the poisonous kind of frog which most people know.They are called frog farms.

I have heard that in some Southeast Asian countries,frog farm dishes are popular native exotic food.What’s more,some foreigners are also trying the frog dish out of curiosity.Anyway,if I will have the chance to eat this dish again,I will be more than happy to try it.It’s one of the happiest childhood memories that I have and will forever treasure.


1.Where the place is?

-Your hometown,an old restaurant,at home

-How you know the place?

This is the place where you spent your childhood/this is the

place where you love to dine or to eat as they provide

sumptuous food or affordable meals/this is the place where

you usually have your meetings

2.How you go there?
