



掩膜版是的制造工艺是关系到集成电路的质量和集成 度的重要工序。
1) STI刻蚀
2) P阱注入
3) N阱注入
4) 多晶硅刻蚀
5) N+ S/D 注入
6) P+ S/D 注入
7) 氧化层接触刻蚀
8) 金属刻蚀
e. 蚀刻(将曝露处的铬层腐蚀去除) f. 脱膜(将光刻胶去除)
g.切割(按生产工艺要求,将一大片拼版成品切割为各自独 立的单个成品)
使用投影掩膜版时确实存在很多可能的损伤来源,例如投 影掩膜版掉铬,表面擦伤,静电放电(ESD)和灰尘颗粒。 如果掩膜版被一个没有正确接地的技术人员触摸,静电放 电就会引发问题。这种情况有可能通过掩膜版上微米尺寸 的铬线条放电产生小电涌,熔化电路线条损坏图形。
解决投影掩膜版上颗粒沾污的方法是用一个极薄的透光膜 保护表面,这种薄膜称为保护膜。
这层保护膜的厚度需要达到足够薄,以保证透光性,同时 又保证足够结实,能够耐清洗,此外,还要求保护膜长时 间暴露在UV射线的辐射下,仍能保持它的形状。目前所使 用的材料包括硝化纤维素醋酸盐和炭氟化合物。
通常在掩膜版上形成图形的方法是使用电子束。这种技术利 用直写把电子存储的原始图形绘制成版图。
电子束光刻:电子束光刻的直写方式把高分辨率的图形转印 到投影掩膜版表面,在电子束光刻中电子源产生许多电子, 这些电子被加速并聚焦成形射到投影掩膜版上。电子束可 以通过磁方式或电方式被聚焦,并在涂有电子束胶的投影 掩膜上扫描形成所需要的图形。电子束可以扫过整个掩膜 版(光栅扫描),也可以只扫过要光刻的区域(矢量扫描) 在投影掩膜上形成图形。



明确掩膜版所需的功能和性能要求, 包括掩膜的形状、尺寸、透光率等。 这涉及到对应用场景的深入理解以及 对掩膜版材料的选择。
利用专业设计软件,根据需求分析结 果,进行掩膜版的设计制图。这一步 要确保设计精度和制图质量,为后续 制作提供准确依据。
汇报人: 日期:
• 掩膜版概述 • 掩膜版的制作流程 • 掩膜版的应用案例 • 掩膜版技术的发展趋势和挑战
掩膜版,又称光罩,是一个具有 特定图案的不透明板。
它通常由石英或玻璃制成,图案 部分由铬或其他不透明材料制成 。
MEMS:在微机电系统 (MEMS)领域,掩膜 版用于制造微小的机械 结构和电子元件。
光电子:掩膜版也应用 于光电子器件的生产, 如光波导、光分束器等 。
其他领域:除了微电子 制造,掩膜版还用于平 板显示、纳米压印等领 域。
总的来说,掩膜版在微 电子制造及相关领域扮 演着核心角色,其精度 和可靠性直接影响最终 产品的性能。随着科技 的不断发展,掩膜版的 制造技术和应用领域也 将持续拓展和创新。
以上只是掩膜版在各个行业中的一些典 型应用案例。实际上,掩膜版在微电子 制造领域具有广泛的应用前景,其精度 和稳定性对于提高产品质量和生产效率
随着电子产品的微型化,掩膜版的制造精度要求越来越高。为了满足这一需求,掩膜版技 术正不断向更高精度的制造方向发展。例如,采用先进的光刻技术和纳米压印技术,能够 实现更高的分辨率和更精细的图案转移。










在VLSI中,电⼦束曝光10X或5X的掩模版,或直接⽤电⼦束产⽣1X 的⼯作掩模版玻璃的质量和准备:⽤以制作掩模版的玻璃必须内部和两表⾯都物缺陷。



绿⾊的钠钙玻璃和低钠⽩钠钙玻璃(贵50%)容易被拉制成⼤⾯积的薄张,⽽且表现出很好的质量,它们热膨胀系数⾼(93×10- 7cm/cm°c),使得它门⼤⼤不适合在投影中应⽤。

在应⽤中要求低的热膨胀系数的材料,就选择硼硅玻璃和⽯英玻璃(热膨胀系数分别是37和5×10- 7cm/cm°c)。













片数 (假设芯片
尺寸 5mm
1:1 30 30 30 30
(1)总图绘制 是将设计好的图选择适当的放大倍数,画在一张标
准的方格坐标纸上,一般选择把器件的实际尺寸放大 100—1000倍,同时放大倍数也不宜过大。
在投影掩 膜版上的 视场尺寸
投影透镜 硅片上的曝光
投影掩模版视场 100 100 100 100 100 100 尺寸 (mm)
硅上的曝光视场 10 10 (mm)
20 2025 Fra bibliotek25每个曝光视场芯 4
(2)原图刻制 是从总图上描刻出各块光刻板的原图。 手工刻图:将平压在总图上,带有红色塑料涂层的透明薄膜, 描刻出轮廓,再用手工剥去原图透明区的红膜。 机械刻图:由坐标刻图仪进行,事先计算好的图形坐标值, 操作刻刀,即可在红膜上刻出分图的轮廓,然后手工剥除 透明区的红膜。 自动刻图:是按照事先编好的逻辑程序编出坐标,打成纸带, 输入计算机,由计算机控制平台移动和刻刀的动作,在红 膜上刻出各个分图,经人工揭膜后得到原图。
投影掩膜版是一个石英版,它包含了要在硅片上重 复生成的图形,这种图形可能仅包含一个管芯,也可 能是几个。投影掩膜版指的是对于一个管芯或一组管 芯的图形。
光刻掩膜版:它是一块石英版,包含了对于整个硅 片来说确定一工艺层所需的完整管芯阵列。


目前公司光刻室温度控制在23±0.5℃、其它洁净室温 度控制在23±1℃,相对湿度控制在45%~70%RH。
洁净室洁净度等级的定义 洁净度等级(Class) 目前有公制和英制两种定义方式
Material Rigidity
Sodalite 540
Silicon-Boride 657
Quartz 615
Heat Expansion(ppm/oC)
Material Soda lime
Silicon-Boride 3.7
Quartz 0.5
1. 硼硅玻璃,优点不突出,很少使用;
掩膜版 (mask 或 光罩)
干版 (精度适中、耐用性适中、价格适中)
菲林 (精度低、不耐用、价格低)
凸版(APR)版 (主要用来转移PI液等)
2. 掩膜版制作流程







2. 掩膜版制作流程
ULPA (Ultra Low Particulate Penetration Air-filter) 0.15um的微粒子捕捉率至少为99.9995%;



AMOLED(active-matrix organic light-emitting diode)是一种非常先进的显示技术,它能够提供更加清晰、更加色彩丰富的图像,因此在手机、电视等电子产品中得到了广泛的应用。





二、高精密金属掩膜板的技术特点1. 材料选择:高精密金属掩膜板的材料需要选择高纯度的金属材料,以确保在制备过程中不会产生杂质和气泡,影响到镀层的均匀性。

2. 表面处理:高精密金属掩膜板的表面需要进行特殊处理,以提高其平整度和抗腐蚀能力,保证在生产过程中不会产生划痕和氧化。

3. 加工精度:高精密金属掩膜板的加工精度需要控制在非常小的范围内,以保证在不同层次的AMOLED结构中能够实现精准的金属沉积和电镀。

三、高精密金属掩膜板的应用注意事项1. 存储条件:高精密金属掩膜板在存储过程中需要放置在干燥、通风的环境中,以防止其表面产生水汽和污染物,影响到镀层的均匀性。

2. 清洁方法:在使用过程中需要定期对高精密金属掩膜板进行清洁,去除表面的灰尘和污渍,以保证其使用效果和寿命。

3. 操作规范:在使用高精密金属掩膜板进行AMOLED生产过程中,需要严格按照操作规程进行操作,避免在使用过程中产生损坏和变形。

四、高精密金属掩膜板的维护和保养1. 定期检测:需要定期对高精密金属掩膜板进行检测,发现问题及时进行维修和更换,以保证其使用效果和寿命。



掩膜版(mask)制造技术Photomask MakingRoger Robbins 3/6/2007The University of Texas at DallasErik Jonsson School of EngineeringAuthor: Roger Robbins 3/6/2007 Document Number: SP-07-001 The University of Texas at DallasPhotomask MakingRoger Robbins 3/6/2007Table of ContentsPhotomask Making (2)Table of Contents (2)Photomask Making (3)Purpose (3)Introduction (3)Mask “Color” (3)Process Description (4)Step 1: Plasma Cleaning (4)Step 2: HMDS Application (5)Step 3: Resist Application (6)Step 5: Lithographic Patterning (8)Step 6: Post Bake (10)Step 7: Develop (10)Step 8: Plasma De-scum (11)Step 9: Cr Etch (12)Step 10: Resist Removal and Mask Clean (12)Step 11: Final Inspection (14)Conclusion (14)Appendix A (15)Appendix B (18)Title: Photomask Making Page 2 of 24 Author: Roger Robbins 3/6/2007 Document Number: SP-07-001 The University of Texas at DallasPhotomask MakingRoger Robbins 3/6/2007PurposeThis paper describes a starting process for making photomasks with the tools in the UTD Cleanroom. Special needs may dictate variations in this process flow.IntroductionPhotomasks are generally Chrome coated glass lithographic templates designed to optically transfer patterns to wafers or other substrates in order to fabricate planar type devices of all types. Basically the pattern information is created in a drawing package and stored in a database, reformatted and transferred to a lithography tool –laser writer or e-beam writer in our case – then printed in a layer of photoresist coated onto the photomask plate. The imaged pattern is next developed to form a template over the opaque Chrome and then the Chrome is etched away where the resist is clear. After the etch process is complete, the remaining photoresist is removed, the plate cleaned, and then stored for later use in an optical printer.This paper will describe in detail all the fundamental process steps required to fabricate a photomask in the UTD Cleanroom Labs.Figure 1. Example of standard photomasks: “Clear field” on left, “dark field” on rightMask “Color”First, there are some key details to discuss that determine what “color”photomask you will need to make, (Figure 1). Normally, we use “positive” photoresist to make masks. This means that wherever light exposes the photoresist, the developer willAuthor: Roger Robbins 3/6/2007 Document Number: SP-07-001 The University of Texas at Dallaswhich light will pass to expose the substrate during the pattern transfer process – (Dark Field mask color).Following that logic, if the substrate also has positive photoresist, the mask will allow exposure to the substrate in the same pattern as the clear regions on the mask. The development of the substrate resist will produce exposed areas in the same location as the clear areas on the mask. This will allow an etch process to transfer the clear area pattern to an underlying film by etching away the underlying film in the clear area.This may seem simple to the casual observer, but there is a complication when you consider the common “lift-off” process which will change the “color” of the pattern on the substrate. In the lift-off process, the patterned substrate is first developed and then a film is deposited on top of the patterned resist. The next step strips the resist under the deposited film. This will leave a pattern of deposited film in the areas where the positive photoresist was exposed and leave bare the areas under the unexposed resist that were washed away, taking the deposited film away with the wash.Then to further complicate a complicated logic, there is negative photoresist which stays put when exposed and washes away in unexposed areas. This negative process does the opposite thing to the above positive resist. The resists can be used either on the mask or the substrate in any order. Thus you must keep exact logical understanding and control of your process in order to make what you want.Process DescriptionThe following process description will assume that we start with a bare, blank photomask and describe all the steps to fabricate a complete mask. There may be sections that are optional or unnecessary due to the particular situation you have, such as a pre-coated mask that does not need to be coated with photoresist.Step 1: Plasma CleaningBoth new and recycled bare photomasks may have a thin invisible layer of organic contamination on the Cr surface. This organic layer will sometimes cause adhesion problems between the Cr and the photoresist later in the process. It also may interfere with the Cr etch process after photomask imaging. However it is easy to remove the contamination with a short, but aggressive Oxygen plasma treatment before starting the photomask process. The current process designed and tested for this purpose is shown in Table 1. It uses the March Asher1 tool, (Figure 2), but fortunately it can be used in any other month of the year as well. ?Table IMarch Asher Cleaning*Step Parameter Value1 Vacuum Pressure 230 mTorr2 Gas O23 Gas Flow 31 sccm4 Time 600 sec*Set the photomask Cr side up on the poweredelectrode plate for RIE conditions.Figure 2. March Plasma Asher tool: RF power supply at left, Control section in center,and access door to RF plasma chamber on right.Step 2: HMDS ApplicationIn order to enhance the adhesion of the photoresist to the Cr, we bake the mask in a special oven that applies a molecular monolayer of Hexamethyldisilizane (HMDS), to the surface2. This molecule chemically bonds to the Cr and then bonds to the photoresist so that the photoresist will not allow developers or etch solutions to lift the edges of resist patterns away from the mask. This step is pretty much mandatory for coating a mask prior to exposure.This is a simple process. Basically you open the oven door, insert your mask (riding on a quartz boat), close the door and push the start button. During the oven process, the mask is brought to temperature (120 C), and pressure is automatically cycled between 10 mTorr and 1200 mTorr several times to drive off moisture from the surface of the substrate. The oven fills with HMDS vapor for 5 minutes. This is the application step in which HMDS chemically attaches one end of its molecule to the substrate. The atmosphere in the oven is then cleared of vapor by introducing N2 into the oven and pumping it out again over several cycles. After about 27 minutes, the ovenspecial ? in thick Cr plated Stainless steel table normally used to level SU8 photoresist. It will take about 3 – 5 minutes to cool to room temperature.2 Daggett, Joe, Villareal, Sam, and Robbins, Roger, “UT Dallas IC Fabrication Laboratory HMDS ProcessSetup,”/doc/feb9526d3369a45177232f60ddccda38366be17c.html/research/cleanroom/documents/HMDS_Process.pdf,(2/21/2003).Title: Photomask Making Page 5 of 24 Author: Roger Robbins 3/6/2007 Document Number: SP-07-001 The University of Texas at DallasFigure 3. HMDS Oven showing logbook, mask, quartz holder with extractable handle and open door. The start button is the black button in the upper center of the control box. The red button is the reset and buzzer silencer.Step 3: Resist ApplicationAfter the blank photomask is prepared, the next step is to apply the photoresist. This is done on the CEE spinner3 manually, (Figure 4). We use two photoresists for photomasks in our lab: S1813, and AZ1518. (See Appendix A and B for resist spec sheets). Normally, the AZ1518 is pre-applied by the photomask vendor, and we don’t have to worry about applying that resist. But if we are coating a blank one, we normally use the S1813 or a new, faster resist AZ TFP650.3 Robbins, Roger “CEE Spin Coater/Hotplate Operation,”Figure 4. Manual application of S1813 photoresist to a blankphotomask in the CEE spinner.You must be trained on this tool before using. The design of the CEE spinner requires that you learn how to program the spin cycle. This is described in detail in reference #3, but verbal instruction with demonstration is required. The parameters of a nominal coating program are listed in Table 2. These parameters are regularly changed by users, so you must first check the installed values and put in your own values before coating.Table 2CEE Spinner Parameters for Mask Photoresist CoatingStep Parameter Value1 Dispense 02 Spin Speed #1 500 rpm3 Acceleration 500 rpm/sec4 Spin Time Duration #1 2 sec5 Spin Speed #2 4000 rpm6 Acceleration 4000 rpm/sec7 Spin Time Duration #2 60 seclid and starting the CEE spin cycle. For a 5 inch square photomask, the amount of photoresist is about 2 ml. The first spin cycle quickly spreads the resist without throwing it off the mask, and the second spin cycle stretches the resist film into a highly uniform thin film at the desired thickness based on a spin-speed curve from the manufacturer. For a photomask, you would typically want about 6,000 –10,000?of thickness.Title: Photomask Making Page 7 of 24 Author: Roger Robbins 3/6/2007 Document Number: SP-07-001 The University of Texas at DallasStep 4: Pre-BakeAfter the resist is coated it still contains a considerable amount of solvent that needs to be driven out via a moderately high temperature bake. This is usually done on the integral CEE spinner hotplate shown in Figure 5. This step is called “pre-bake”because it happens before exposure.Figure 5. CEE spinner hotplate with mask baking under exhaust lid.The CEE spinner has a special programmable hotplate with an integral hinged lidwith fume exhaust capabilities. This lid captures the solvent vapors emanating from thehot photoresist, and ports them away from your nose so you w on’t come down withcentral nervous system problems. Table 3 lists the baking parameters for S1813.Temperature and time are important here and vary with the photoresist type.Table 3Bake Parameters for S1813 PhotoresistStep Parameter Value1 Temperature 115 C2 Bake Time 90 secStep 5: Lithographic PatterningLithography is a complex process and will not be described here in detail. In the UTD clean room there is one method for making photomasks – the HeidelbergTitle: Photomask Making Page 8 of 24 Author: Roger Robbins 3/6/2007 Document Number: SP-07-001 The University of Texas at DallasInstruments “D WL-66” laser mask writer. The principle steps involved in making a mask are listed below.Create a device design.Lay out the mask geometries using a drawing package such as AutoCad.Convert the drawing data into a form familiar to the DWL-66 computer(.cif), using a special conversion software and special separate computer.Note: You should write a label on each mask you make to avoid using thewrong mask during your device fabrication.Send the converted data to the DWL-66 computer.Reserve time on the DWL-66 laser writerSign the LogbookLoad the resist coated photomask blank onto the laser writer stage.Set up the layout on the DWL-66 computer. Setup the job on theDWL-66 computer.Focus the DWL-66.Find the center of the photomask blank.Start the Job.Wait a long, long time before the mask is complete (many hours).Remove the mask from the DWL-66.Basically, the exposure step modifies the chemistry of the photoresist so that the exposed portion either dissolves in the developer and washes away - (Positive resist), or solidifies and remains on the mask while all the unexposed resist washes away in the developer - (Negative resist). The two photo resists listed in this document are positive resists which wash away after exposure.There are a lot of pitfalls involved with the stream of actions listed above – you must follow them exactly – deviations may cause computer confusion crashes. The lithography step will require extensive training and practice along with recurrent help –ask if you are uncertain. Use the available instruction sheets for detailed guidance so you won’t forget anything. Let us assume here that the lithography exposure goes well. Figure 6 shows the illustrious DWL-66 mask writer.Figure 6. DWL-66 Laser Mask WriterTitle: Photomask Making Page 9 of 24 Author: Roger Robbins 3/6/2007 Document Number: SP-07-001 The University of Texas at DallasStep 6: Post BakeSome resists require a short bake after exposure to “activate” the exposure. The two photomask resists, S1813 and AZ1518 do not, so we just skip right by this step in this document.Step 7: DevelopAfter exposure, the resist needs development to show the pattern. Each photoresist has its own developer and we have automatic programs set up in the CPK spin developer tools to develop your mask or wafer, (Figure 7). For optical resists, the developer chemical is basically a solution of Tetra Methyl Ammonium Hydroxide (TMAH). The rinse cycle utilizes de-ionized water.Figure 7. Photo of the CPK Spin Develop/Etch tool. The process fluids are forcedthrough the spray nozzles via pressurized source tanks (black tanks with green bolthandles in lower drawers). Note the “POLOS” controller panel at the top left of the overhead panel – this is where the tool is programmed and where process progress is displayed. Also note that if a light goes on above one of the switches at the top right, the。




















投影掩膜版是一个石英版,它包含了要在硅片上重 复生成的图形,这种图形可能仅包含一个管芯,也可 能是几个。投影掩膜版指的是对于一个管芯或一组管 芯的图形。
光刻掩膜版:它是一块石英版,包含了对于整个硅 片来说确定一工艺层所需的完整管芯阵列。
掩膜版是的制造工艺是关系到集成电路的质量和集成 度的重要工序。
初缩是在照相机上进行的,必须保证拍照图面、镜头和 感光底版严格平行,并使象的焦平面与感光底版的药膜完 全重合。
将初缩版或者初缩版的复印物作为物,经精缩后得 到满足设计要求的光刻版。
初缩版一般只有一个图形,而精缩版需要在同一块 底版上制作几十到几百个相同的图形,以适应大批量生产 的需要
在投影掩 膜版上的 视场尺寸
投影透镜 硅片上的曝光
投影掩模版视场 100 100 100 100 100 100 尺寸 (mm)
硅上的曝光视场 10 10 (mm)
20 20
25 25
片数 (假设芯片
(2)原图刻制 是从总图上描刻出各块光刻板的原图。 手工刻图:将平压在总图上,带有红色塑料涂层的透明薄膜,
描刻出轮廓,再用手工剥去原图透明区的红膜。 机械刻图:由坐标刻图仪进行,事先计算好的图形坐标值,
操作刻刀,即可在红膜上刻出分图的轮廓,然后手工剥除 透明区的红膜。 自动刻图:是按照事先编好的逻辑程序编出坐标,打成纸带, 输入计算机,由计算机控制平台移动和刻刀的动作,在红 膜上刻出各个分图,经人工揭膜后得到原图。



Photomask MakingRoger Robbins 3/6/2007The University of Texas at DallasErik Jonsson School of EngineeringTitle: Photomask Making Page 1 of 24Author: Roger Robbins 3/6/2007 Document Number: SP-07-001 The University of Texas at DallasPhotomask MakingRoger Robbins 3/6/2007Table of ContentsPhotomask Making (2)Table of Contents (2)Photomask Making (3)Purpose (3)Introduction (3)Mask “Color” (3)Process Description (4)Step 1: Plasma Cleaning (4)Step 2: HMDS Application (5)Step 3: Resist Application (6)Step 4: Pre-Bake (8)Step 5: Lithographic Patterning (8)Step 6: Post Bake (10)Step 7: Develop (10)Step 8: Plasma De-scum (11)Step 9: Cr Etch (12)Step 10: Resist Removal and Mask Clean (12)Step 11: Final Inspection (14)Conclusion (14)Appendix A (15)Appendix B (18)Title: Photomask Making Page 2 of 24 Author: Roger Robbins 3/6/2007 Document Number: SP-07-001 The University of Texas at DallasPhotomask MakingRoger Robbins 3/6/2007PurposeThis paper describes a starting process for making photomasks with the tools in the UTD Cleanroom. Special needs may dictate variations in this process flow.IntroductionPhotomasks are generally Chrome coated glass lithographic templates designed to optically transfer patterns to wafers or other substrates in order to fabricate planar type devices of all types. Basically the pattern information is created in a drawing package and stored in a database, reformatted and transferred to a lithography tool –laser writer or e-beam writer in our case – then printed in a layer of photoresist coated onto the photomask plate. The imaged pattern is next developed to form a template over the opaque Chrome and then the Chrome is etched away where the resist is clear. After the etch process is complete, the remaining photoresist is removed, the plate cleaned, and then stored for later use in an optical printer.This paper will describe in detail all the fundamental process steps required to fabricate a photomask in the UTD Cleanroom Labs.Figure 1. Example of standard photomasks: “Clear field” on left, “dark field” on rightMask “Color”First, there are some key details to discuss that determine what “color”photomask you will need to make, (Figure 1). Normally, we use “positive” photoresist to make masks. This means that wherever light exposes the photoresist, the developer will wash away the photoresist. This exposed area, then, will expose the Chrome and allow it to be washed away in the acid etch solution, leaving holes in the Chrome throughTitle: Photomask Making Page 3 of 24Author: Roger Robbins 3/6/2007 Document Number: SP-07-001 The University of Texas at Dallaswhich light will pass to expose the substrate during the pattern transfer process – (Dark Field mask color).Following that logic, if the substrate also has positive photoresist, the mask will allow exposure to the substrate in the same pattern as the clear regions on the mask. The development of the substrate resist will produce exposed areas in the same location as the clear areas on the mask. This will allow an etch process to transfer the clear area pattern to an underlying film by etching away the underlying film in the clear area.This may seem simple to the casual observer, but there is a complication when you consider the common “lift-off” process which will change the “color” of the pattern on the substrate. In the lift-off process, the patterned substrate is first developed and then a film is deposited on top of the patterned resist. The next step strips the resist under the deposited film. This will leave a pattern of deposited film in the areas where the positive photoresist was exposed and leave bare the areas under the unexposed resist that were washed away, taking the deposited film away with the wash.Then to further complicate a complicated logic, there is negative photoresist which stays put when exposed and washes away in unexposed areas. This negative process does the opposite thing to the above positive resist. The resists can be used either on the mask or the substrate in any order. Thus you must keep exact logical understanding and control of your process in order to make what you want.Process DescriptionThe following process description will assume that we start with a bare, blank photomask and describe all the steps to fabricate a complete mask. There may be sections that are optional or unnecessary due to the particular situation you have, such as a pre-coated mask that does not need to be coated with photoresist.Step 1: Plasma CleaningBoth new and recycled bare photomasks may have a thin invisible layer of organic contamination on the Cr surface. This organic layer will sometimes cause adhesion problems between the Cr and the photoresist later in the process. It also may interfere with the Cr etch process after photomask imaging. However it is easy to remove the contamination with a short, but aggressive Oxygen plasma treatment before starting the photomask process. The current process designed and tested for this purpose is shown in Table 1. It uses the March Asher1 tool, (Figure 2), but fortunately it can be used in any other month of the year as well. ☺Table IMarch Asher Cleaning*Step Parameter Value1 Vacuum Pressure 230 mTorr2 Gas O23 Gas Flow 31 sccm4 Time 600 sec1 Roger Robbins, “March Asher Operation,”/~rar011300/public_html/MarchAsher/MarchAsherOperation.pdf,(7/31/2006)Title: Photomask Making Page 4 of 24 Author: Roger Robbins 3/6/2007 Document Number: SP-07-001 The University of Texas at Dallas*Set the photomask Cr side up on the poweredelectrode plate for RIE conditions.Figure 2. March Plasma Asher tool: RF power supply at left, Control section in center,and access door to RF plasma chamber on right.Step 2: HMDS ApplicationIn order to enhance the adhesion of the photoresist to the Cr, we bake the mask in a special oven that applies a molecular monolayer of Hexamethyldisilizane (HMDS), to the surface2. This molecule chemically bonds to the Cr and then bonds to the photoresist so that the photoresist will not allow developers or etch solutions to lift the edges of resist patterns away from the mask. This step is pretty much mandatory for coating a mask prior to exposure.This is a simple process. Basically you open the oven door, insert your mask (riding on a quartz boat), close the door and push the start button. During the oven process, the mask is brought to temperature (120 C), and pressure is automatically cycled between 10 mTorr and 1200 mTorr several times to drive off moisture from the surface of the substrate. The oven fills with HMDS vapor for 5 minutes. This is the application step in which HMDS chemically attaches one end of its molecule to the substrate. The atmosphere in the oven is then cleared of vapor by introducing N2 into the oven and pumping it out again over several cycles. After about 27 minutes, the oven buzzes rather loudly indicating it is done. Reset the buzzer, open the oven door and remove your mask using the forked lifting tool – the mask is hotter than boiling water (120 C). Let it cool. Cooling is important because the temperature uniformity of the mask determines the film thickness uniformity during the spin coating of the resist. To quickly achieve temperature uniformity, set the mask on a cool metal surface like thespecial ½ in thick Cr plated Stainless steel table normally used to level SU8 photoresist. It will take about 3 – 5 minutes to cool to room temperature.2 Daggett, Joe, Villareal, Sam, and Robbins, Roger, “UT Dallas IC Fabrication Laboratory HMDS Process Setup,”/research/cleanroom/documents/HMDS_Process.pdf,(2/21/2003).Title: Photomask Making Page 5 of 24 Author: Roger Robbins 3/6/2007 Document Number: SP-07-001 The University of Texas at DallasFigure 3. HMDS Oven showing logbook, mask, quartz holder with extractable handle and open door. The start button is the black button in the upper center of the control box. The red button is the reset and buzzer silencer.Step 3: Resist ApplicationAfter the blank photomask is prepared, the next step is to apply the photoresist. This is done on the CEE spinner3 manually, (Figure 4). We use two photoresists for photomasks in our lab: S1813, and AZ1518. (See Appendix A and B for resist spec sheets). Normally, the AZ1518 is pre-applied by the photomask vendor, and we don’t have to worry about applying that resist. But if we are coating a blank one, we normally use the S1813 or a new, faster resist AZ TFP650.3 Robbins, Roger “CEE Spin Coater/Hotplate Operation,”/research/cleanroom/documents/CEEcoater.pdf, (10/7/2004).Title: Photomask MakingPage 6 of 24Author: Roger Robbins 3/6/2007 Document Number: SP-07-001 The University of Texas at DallasFigure 4. Manual application of S1813 photoresist to a blankphotomask in the CEE spinner.You must be trained on this tool before using. The design of the CEE spinner requires that you learn how to program the spin cycle. This is described in detail in reference #3, but verbal instruction with demonstration is required. The parameters of a nominal coating program are listed in Table 2. These parameters are regularly changed by users, so you must first check the installed values and put in your own values before coating.Table 2CEE Spinner Parameters for Mask Photoresist CoatingStep Parameter Value1 Dispense 02 Spin Speed #1 500 rpm3 Acceleration 500 rpm/sec4 Spin Time Duration #1 2 sec5 Spin Speed #2 4000 rpm6 Acceleration 4000 rpm/sec7 Spin Time Duration #2 60 secThe resist is dispensed from a plastic pipette by sucking up just the right amount of liquid photoresist and dispensing it onto the center of the wafer and then closing thelid and starting the CEE spin cycle. For a 5 inch square photomask, the amount of photoresist is about 2 ml. The first spin cycle quickly spreads the resist without throwing it off the mask, and the second spin cycle stretches the resist film into a highly uniform thin film at the desired thickness based on a spin-speed curve from the manufacturer. For a photomask, you would typically want about 6,000 –10,000Ǻof thickness.Title: Photomask Making Page 7 of 24 Author: Roger Robbins 3/6/2007 Document Number: SP-07-001 The University of Texas at DallasStep 4: Pre-BakeAfter the resist is coated it still contains a considerable amount of solvent that needs to be driven out via a moderately high temperature bake. This is usually done on the integral CEE spinner hotplate shown in Figure 5. This step is called “pre-bake”because it happens before exposure.Figure 5. CEE spinner hotplate with mask baking under exhaust lid.The CEE spinner has a special programmable hotplate with an integral hinged lidwith fume exhaust capabilities. This lid captures the solvent vapors emanating from thehot photoresist, and ports them away from your nose so you w on’t come down withcentral nervous system problems. Table 3 lists the baking parameters for S1813.Temperature and time are important here and vary with the photoresist type.Table 3Bake Parameters for S1813 PhotoresistStep Parameter Value1 Temperature 115 C2 Bake Time 90 secStep 5: Lithographic PatterningLithography is a complex process and will not be described here in detail. In the UTD clean room there is one method for making photomasks – the HeidelbergTitle: Photomask Making Page 8 of 24 Author: Roger Robbins 3/6/2007 Document Number: SP-07-001 The University of Texas at DallasInstruments “D WL-66” laser mask writer. The principle steps involved in making a mask are listed below.Create a device design.Lay out the mask geometries using a drawing package such as AutoCad.Convert the drawing data into a form familiar to the DWL-66 computer(.cif), using a special conversion software and special separate computer.Note: You should write a label on each mask you make to avoid using thewrong mask during your device fabrication.Send the converted data to the DWL-66 computer.Reserve time on the DWL-66 laser writerSign the LogbookLoad the resist coated photomask blank onto the laser writer stage.Set up the layout on the DWL-66 computer. Setup the job on theDWL-66 computer.Focus the DWL-66.Find the center of the photomask blank.Start the Job.Wait a long, long time before the mask is complete (many hours).Remove the mask from the DWL-66.Basically, the exposure step modifies the chemistry of the photoresist so that the exposed portion either dissolves in the developer and washes away - (Positive resist), or solidifies and remains on the mask while all the unexposed resist washes away in the developer - (Negative resist). The two photo resists listed in this document are positive resists which wash away after exposure.There are a lot of pitfalls involved with the stream of actions listed above – you must follow them exactly – deviations may cause computer confusion crashes. The lithography step will require extensive training and practice along with recurrent help –ask if you are uncertain. Use the available instruction sheets for detailed guidance so you won’t forget anything. Let us assume here that the lithography exposure goes well. Figure 6 shows the illustrious DWL-66 mask writer.Figure 6. DWL-66 Laser Mask WriterTitle: Photomask Making Page 9 of 24 Author: Roger Robbins 3/6/2007 Document Number: SP-07-001 The University of Texas at DallasStep 6: Post BakeSome resists require a short bake after exposure to “activate” the exposure. The two photomask resists, S1813 and AZ1518 do not, so we just skip right by this step in this document.Step 7: DevelopAfter exposure, the resist needs development to show the pattern. Each photoresist has its own developer and we have automatic programs set up in the CPK spin developer tools to develop your mask or wafer, (Figure 7). For optical resists, the developer chemical is basically a solution of Tetra Methyl Ammonium Hydroxide (TMAH). The rinse cycle utilizes de-ionized water.Figure 7. Photo of the CPK Spin Develop/Etch tool. The process fluids are forcedthrough the spray nozzles via pressurized source tanks (black tanks with green bolthandles in lower drawers). Note the “POLOS” controller panel at the top left of the overhead panel – this is where the tool is programmed and where process progress is displayed. Also note that if a light goes on above one of the switches at the top right, the fluid is low in that particular pressure canister. It will complete the current process evenif the light goes on during process.The steps involved in developing the mask in the CPK acid/base developer tool are as follows:Sign the LOGBOOKInsure that the machine is on – press the green start button on theoverhead panel if needed.When the display asks for help, follow the directions on screen and pressthe “other” button – (the blank pad between the “MODE” and “UP arrow”).If required, exchange the substrate holder for the appropriate sized maskholder. This involves turning off the “VACUUM” on the controller paneland lifting the chuck off the spindle, then replacing it with the appropriatemask holder. Note that the fit between holder and spindle is tight andrequires that the two posts on the spindle fit into the receiver holes on the Title: Photomask Making Page 10 of 24 Author: Roger Robbins 3/6/2007 Document Number: SP-07-001 The University of Texas at Dallasbottom of the chuck assembly. Place the chuck over the spindle andslide it around until the two posts slip into the receiver holes and thechuck base seats against the o-ring in the spindle.Turn on the vacuum by pressing the “VAC” button on the overhead panelcontroller. Check to see that the chuck is properly seated and will notwobble excessively during the rotation.Place the mask securely inside the corner posts on the substrate holder.Close the lid.Select the proper program number from the list of programs posted justunder the controller on the overhead panel. Enter this program numberby pressing the “PROGRAM” button, entering the appropriate number, (2for S1813), then pressing the “ENTER” button.To start the develop program, press the I/O button at the lower left of theoverhead display.The develop program has a multitude of steps and comes to a completestop several times to “puddle-develop” in order to save developer fluid.Allow the program to complete and then press “VAC” to open the lid andremove your developed mask. NOTE: These lids are notorious fordripping fluid droplets on perfectly good masks – be very gentle in liftingthe lid.Close the lid and remove your mask.Step 8: Plasma De-scumAfter development, have a look at your pattern under a microscope. Look at it for a long time to check the pattern and quality of develop. Look for things like scalloped resist edges, lifted resist, pinholes, under or over development, particles, and other things that look like they could damage the image. If a severe fault is found, do not go on to the next step. Stop and recycle the mask. The resist can be stripped off and new resist applied at this point, saving cost and material.If the inspection goes well, you need to prepare for the Cr etch. The first thing to do here is to insure that all of the pattern will etch in the etch time allowed. This can be helped if you do a very light O2 “de-scum” etch in the March Asher. The “de-scum” etch parameters are listed in Table 4.Table 4March Etcher “Descum” ParametersParameter Value1 Gas O22 Flow of gas313 RF Power50 Watts4 Etch Time10 secThe effect of this light etch is to clean out the bottom of the developed features in the resist. This insures that there are no areas covered with a very thin film of resist leftby the developer. If all is clean, the etch process will be uniform and complete all at once.Title: Photomask Making Page 11 of 24 Author: Roger Robbins 3/6/2007 Document Number: SP-07-001 The University of Texas at DallasStep 9: Cr EtchAfter the short plasma “de-scum,” it is time to do the Cr etch. This etch can be accomplished on the CPK developer/etcher that developed the mask in the first place. Just select the Cr etch program and set the mask firmly into the corner post nests. The actual operation is very similar to the CPK develop program in Step 7, and the steps are outlined below.Sign the LOGBOOKInsure that the machine is on – press the green start button on theoverhead panel if necessary.When the display asks for help, follow the directions on screen and pressthe “other” button – (the blank pad between the “MODE” and “UP arrow”).If required, exchange the substrate holder for the appropriate sized maskholder. This involves turning off the “VACUUM” on the controller paneland lifting the chuck off the spindle, then replacing it with the appropriatemask holder. Note that the fit between holder and spindle is tight andrequires that the two posts on the spindle fit into the receiver holes on thebottom of the chuck assembly. Place the chuck over the spindle andslide it around until the two posts slip into the receiver holes and thechuck base seats against the o-ring in the spindle.Turn on the vacuum by pressing the “VAC” button on the overhead panelcontroller. Check to see that the chuck is properly seated and will notwobble excessively during the rotation.Place the mask securely inside the corner posts on the substrate holder.Close the lid.Select the proper program number from the list of programs posted justunder the controller on the overhead panel. Enter this program numberby pressing the “PROGRAM” button, entering the appropriate number, (4for Cr Etch), and hitting the “ENTER” button.To start the etch program, press the I/O button at the lower left of theoverhead display.The etch program has a multitude of steps and comes to a complete stopseveral times to “Puddle” develop in order to save etch fluid.Allow the program to complete and then press “VAC” to open the lid andremove your etched mask. NOTE: These lids are notorious for drippingdroplets on perfectly good masks, so be very gentle in lifting the lid.Close the lid.Step 10: Resist Removal and Mask CleanAfter inspecting the etched pattern under a microscope, it is time to remove the photoresist from the mask. This is done to avoid polymer-to-polymer contact at the contact print step between the old resist on the mask and the new coat of resist on a wafer. Polymer contact generates high friction and the resist on the wafer could be torn by sliding the wafer around during alignment.This resist removal can usually be done in the solvent CPK spinner. This tool is very similar to the CPK Chrome etch spinner – identical control and user interface, so Title: Photomask Making Page 12 of 24Author: Roger Robbins 3/6/2007 Document Number: SP-07-001 The University of Texas at Dallasthe instructions are almost identical to the previous section – simply select the Acetone Strip program and run your mask. This process uses puddles of Acetone to dissolve the photoresist remaining on the photomask and then spins it off and finally rinses the mask with Isopropyl Alcohol.To assure that the photoresist film is chemically removed, you can also send the mask through the March Asher using the same procedure as described in Step 1: “Plasma Cleaning.”Mask CleaningAs a final cleanup to remove remnants from the CPK process, particularly from the back side, you can clean the mask in the UltraTech Mask Washer. Use program “0”for a simple high pressure DI water wash of both sides. This tool is pictured in Figure 8 with its control panel.Note that the big rotor has to be balanced before starting the wash. When you load your mask onto the spin wheel, another mask of the exact mass as yours has to be loaded opposite to yours or the resulting momentum vibration during the spin cycle will cause the tool to stop to protect itself and your mask from disaster. Make sure the balancing mask is the same mass as your mask – compare the thickness! The Door to the chamber opens by sliding downwards after you release the latch with the black button at the lower left of the control panel (below and left of the “Big Red emergency OFF” button).To select the program to run, press “Go To Program,” then “0,” and then “Enter”to access the water-only wash program “0.”This will load the “0” program and indicate it by placing a “0” in the “Prog” box in the upper right of the keypad area. To start the program, press the “Off/On Start” button in the upper left of the instruction keypad.Figure 8. UltraTech Mask Washer.Title: Photomask Making Page 13 of 24Author: Roger Robbins 3/6/2007 Document Number: SP-07-001 The University of Texas at DallasStep 11: Final InspectionThe last step should be a thorough inspection of the etched pattern. It is better to find errors and poor quality at this stage than after a bad pattern that can potentially ruin a multi-level substrate.ConclusionThis document has briefly illustrated the Masking making lithography trail through the UTD Clean Room Labs. Once the mask is made, a new trail is followed to transfer the mask pattern to a substrate to build a device. That trail is multivariate and depends on the device being fabricated. Usually, instruction for that portion of the trail is obtained from your research group or directly from literature. Cleanroom staff can help with additional advice if necessary. Take care and be SAFE!Title: Photomask Making Page 14 of 24Author: Roger Robbins 3/6/2007 Document Number: SP-07-001 The University of Texas at DallasAppendix AS1813 Photoresist Spec SheetRather than clutter up this document with an appendix of many pages, please find the data on the web. The spec sheet for S1813 photoresist can be found on the web at the following address: http://cmi.epfl.ch/materials/Data_S1800.pdf Well, I suppose I should include the spin speed curves and the dose characteristic since I had to include the data sheet for the other resist.Title: Photomask Making Page 15 of 24 Author: Roger Robbins 3/6/2007 Document Number: SP-07-001 The University of Texas at DallasAppendix BAZ1518 Photoresist Spec SheetIt seems that the manufacturer of AZ1518 does not post its data sheets on the internet. Consequently, I will clutter up this document with a copied version of their data sheet.Author: Roger Robbins 3/6/2007 Document Number: SP-07-001 The University of Texas at Dallas。

































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版(光栅扫描),也可以只扫过要光刻的区域(矢量扫描) 在投影掩膜上形成图形。
a. CAD(Computer Aided Design) ↓ b. CAM(Computer Aided Manufacture) ↓ c. 光刻(将处理好的图形数据文件传递给激光光绘机,对 匀胶铬版进行非接触式曝光。 ) ↓ d. 显影(将曝光处光刻胶层去除,显露铬层)
1) 掩膜版是对匀胶铬版经过光绘加工后的 产品。由玻璃基片、铬层、氧化铬层和 光刻胶层构成的。 2) 当有效波长作用到光刻胶上,发生化学反 应,再经过显影之后,曝光部分的光刻胶层会 被分解、脱掉、直接显露出下层的铬层(阻挡光层) ,形成具体图形。 3) 掩膜的应用 目前掩膜版在电子行业中主要应用于 STN- LCD、TFT -LCD、PDP、以及 PCB 产业BGA、FPC、HDI 等产品。
投影掩膜版是一个石英版,它包含了要在硅片上重 复生成的图形,这种图形可能仅包含一个管芯,也可 能是几个。投影掩膜版指的是对于一个管芯或一组管 芯的图形。 光刻掩膜版:它是一块石英版,包含了对于整个硅 片来说确定一工艺层所需的完整管芯阵列。 掩膜版是的制造工艺是关系到集成电路的质量和集 成度的重要工序。
准的方格坐标纸上,一般选择把器件的实际尺寸放大 100—1000倍,同时放大倍数也不宜过大。
(2)原图刻制 是从总图上描刻出各块光刻板的原图。 手工刻图:将平压在总图上,带有红色塑料涂层的透明薄膜, 描刻出轮廓,再用手工剥去原图透明区的红膜。
4:1 100 30 36
在投影掩 膜版上的 视场尺寸
投影掩模版视场 尺寸 (mm) 硅上的曝光视场 (mm)
投影透镜 硅片上的曝光 视场
每个曝光视场芯 片数 (假设芯片 尺寸 5mm 5mm)
电子束光刻:电子束光刻的直写方式把高分辨率的图形转印 到投影掩膜版表面,在电子束光刻中电子源产生许多电子, 这些电子被加速并聚焦成形射到投影掩膜版上。电子束可 以通过磁方式或电方式被聚焦,并在涂有电子束胶的投影
将初缩版或者初缩版的复印物作为物,经精缩后得 到满足设计要求的光刻版。 初缩版一般只有一个图形,而精缩版需要在同一块 底版上制作几十到几百个相同的图形,以适应大批量生产 的需要
铬 层
氮化物或氧化物形成的薄膜,其作用是增加铬膜与石英玻 璃之间的黏附力,在铬膜的上方需要有一层20nm厚的三氧 化二铬抗反射层,这些薄膜是通过溅射方法制备的。
1) STI刻蚀
2) P阱注入
3) N阱注入
4) 多晶硅刻蚀
5) N+ S/D 注入
6) P+ S/D 注入
5 4 6
7) 氧化层接触刻蚀
8) 金属刻蚀
3 2 1 7 8
投影掩膜版的材料: 最主要的用于亚微米光刻的投影掩膜版衬底材料 是烧融石英。这种材料始终用在深紫外光刻中,因为 它在深紫外光谱部分(248nm和193nm)有高光学透射。 用做投影掩膜版的烧融石英是最贵的材料并且有非常 低的温度膨胀。低膨胀意味着投影掩膜版在温度改变 时尺寸是相对稳定的。掩膜版材料应具有的其它性能 是高光学透射和在材料表面或内部没有缺陷。
e. 蚀刻(将曝露处的铬层腐蚀去除)
切割(按生产工艺要求,将一大片拼版成品切割为各自 独立的单个成品)
使用投影掩膜版时确实存在很多可能的损伤来源,例 如投影掩膜版掉铬,表面擦伤,静电放电(ESD)和灰尘
操作刻刀,即可在红膜上刻出分图的轮廓,然后手工剥除 透明区的红膜。
输入计算机,由计算机控制平台移动和刻刀的动作,在红 膜上刻出各个分图,经人工揭膜后得到原图。
初缩是在照相机上进行的,必须保证拍照图面、镜头 和感光底版严格平行,并使象的焦平面与感光底版的药膜 完全重合。
有保护膜的掩膜版可以用去离子水清洗,这样可以保 护膜上大多数的颗粒,然后在通过活性剂和手工擦洗,就
保护膜 铬图形 框架 投影掩膜版
保护膜上的颗粒在光学焦距范围 之外. 抗反射涂层 焦深 掩膜版材料 保护膜 铬图形
投影掩膜版被用在步进光刻机和步进扫描系统中, 需要缩小透镜来减小形成图案时的套准精度。步 进光刻机通常使用的投影掩膜版缩小比例为5︰1 或4︰1,而步进扫描光刻机使用投影掩膜版的缩 小比例为4︰1。
10:1 100 100 10 10 4
5:1 100 100 20 20 16
静电放电就会引发问题。这种情况有可能通过掩膜版上微 米尺寸的铬线条放电产生小电涌,熔化电路线条损坏图形。
解决投影掩膜版上颗粒沾污的方法是用一个极薄的透 光膜保护表面,这种薄膜称为保护膜。
这层保护膜的厚度需要达到足够薄,以保证透光性, 同时又保证足够结实,能够耐清洗,此外,还要求保护膜