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INDEMNIFICATION用于赔偿条款或独立的赔偿协议中时指的是一个广义的过程,包括索赔,赔偿,对赔偿的限制,救济等一切与赔偿相关的行为。Indemnity 一词的本义是指赔偿物,但在合同英语中,将indemnity与Indemnification不加区别地予以互换使用的情形也不鲜见。



“Affiliate” means, w ith respect to any person or entity, each stockholder, subsidiary, officer, director, agent and employee of that person or entity.



“Claim” has the meaning assigned in Section 6.09(a).



Eg1: (b) Specific Assignments Prohibited.Assignments prohibited under subsection (a) include, without limitation, assignment of

(i) any claim for damages arising out of the Non-assigning party’s breach of the

whole contract; and

(b) 特定转让的禁止。(a)款项下禁止的转让包括,但不限于下列转让:

(i) 因非转让方违反整个合同引起的任何损害赔偿请求权之转让;及


“Indemnifiable Losses” means the aggregate of Losses and Litigation Expenses.“Indemnifiable Losses”是指“应赔偿损失”。在法律英语中有很多生僻用词,一般词典上难以查到。由于“Indemnifiable”是一个明显的派生词,其词根部分“Indemnify”的含义—赔偿—我们是知道的,问题在于其后缀有两种不同含义:一曰“可…的”(如edible, 可食用的);二曰“应…的”(如receivables, 应收款项)。依法律常识,此处应当译成“应赔偿损失”。译文:“应赔偿损失”是指累计损失及诉讼费用。

“Indemnitee” means any person who makes a claim for indemnification under this Article, and each Affiliate of the Indemnitee.


“Indemnitor” means any person against whom an Indemnitee makes a claim for indemnification under this Article.


“Litigation Expense” means any court filing fee, court cost, arbitration fee or cost, witness fee, and each other fee and cost of investigating and defending or asserting a claim for indemnification under this Article, including, without limitation, in each case, attorneys’ fees, other professionals’ fees, and disbursements.

评述:在英文合同中fee, cost, expense, disbursement等表示费用的近义词非常多,但汉语中用来表示对等概念的词汇相对较少,彼此间的区分界限也不明朗。在英美法语境下,

Fee 通常是指政府机关或专业人士为其所提供的服务收取的费用。

Cost 通常指经营某项营业的成本。



“Loss” means any liability, loss, claim, set tlement payment, cost and expense, interest, award, judgment, damages (including punitive damages), diminution in value, fines, fees and penalties or other charge, other than a Litigation Expense.


“Third Party Claim” has the meaning assigned in Section 6.10 (a).

译文:“第三方索赔”具有第6.10 (a)条中赋予的含义。

Section 6.01. Indemnification of Buyer. Subject to the limitations set forth in Section 6.03 [Survival of Representations and Warranties], Section 6.05 [Basket], Section 6.06 [Limitation of Indemnity Obligation], and Section 6.07 [Taxes], Seller and ParentCo. shall indemnify Buyer against all Indemnifiable Losses arising out of or relating to any one or more of the following: (a) Any [material] misrepresentation or breach by Seller of any representation or warranty set forth in this Agreement [or any Closing Document that Seller delivered].

(b) Any [material] breach by Seller of any covenant or other agreement set forth in this Agreement [or any Closing Document that Seller delivered].

(c) Seller’s failure to pay or discharge any Retained Liabilities.

(d) The claim (referred to in Item ___ of Section ___ of Seller’s Disclosure Schedule)||(pertaining to the action(to hold Seller responsible for the [insert the disclosed liability against which Seller will indemnify Buyer].))


1. 本条的标题“Indemnification of Buyer.”若不注意,译成中文时极易造成歧义。比如直译成“买方赔偿”,则单就标题译文表达的意思而不参照下文具体内容是很难明确到底是“买方享有的赔偿”还是“买方承担的赔偿”之意。因此,为免含混,最好是增译成“买方享有的赔偿”。

2. “Subject to”和“arising out of or relating to”是法律英语中常见的表达,前面的课程中已有述及,不再赘述。
