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关键词:无线收发单片机AT98C51 芯片MC145026/MC145027

Design of wireless transceiver system


Among the wired data transmission, data transmission carrier is twisted pair, optical fiber or coaxial cable. In fact, the data transmission can also be transmitted by wireless transmission, i.e. data transmitted through air or vacuum. Compared with the traditional wired data transmission, wireless transmission without worrying about transmission cable installation, which saves a lot of cables, reducing system cost and difficulty of construction.

With the rapid development of digital communications technology and ultra large scale integrated circuits, wireless transceiver system has become a trend in which has been widely used in various fields, with a very low cost wireless transceiver system, no cable, unrestricted application environment flexible configuration, etc., which makes wireless transceiver technology has much room for development. Digital communications technology and high-performance, highly integrated radio transceiver IC application technologies to enable the performance of the wireless transceiver technology better and more reliable. The constitution describes the design principles and implementation of a three-state codec chip MC145026/MC145027 and wireless transmit / receive modules used to implement wireless transceiver system, gives the wireless transceiver and microcontroller AT89C51 encoder / decoder between solutions to problems, and describes the overall composition theory and simulation system.

Keywords: wireless transceiver SCM AT98C51 Chip MC145026/MC145027

前言..................................................................... IV 1单片机技术概论 (1)

1.1概述 (1)

1.1.1单片机的产生与发展 (1)

1.1.2单片机的应用 (2)

1.2 AT89C51单片机的基本结构 (2)

1.2.1 AT89C51单片机系列 (2)

1.2.2 AT89C51单片机内部结构及功能部件 (3)

1.2.3 AT89C51单片机外部引脚功能说明 (3)

2无线收发技术概论 (6)

2.1无线收发技术及应用 (6)

2.1.1无线收发技术现状 (6)

2.1.2无线收发系统的发展过程及应用 (6)

2.2无线收发模块 (6)

2.2.1 编/解码模块 (6)

2.2.2无线收发/模块 (7)

2.3编码解码芯片 (7)

2.3.1传感器的选择 (7)

2.4 M145027接收程序设计 (8)

3系统硬件设计 (10)

3.1系统组成 (10)

3.2发射端电路 (10)

3.3接收端电路 (11)

4系统软件设计 (12)

4.1总体结构 (12)

4.2仿真测试 (12)

总结 (13)

附件程序代码 (14)

参考文献 (16)

谢辞 (17)
