018 南京盐城 高三英语 二模试卷

018 南京盐城 高三英语 二模试卷
018 南京盐城 高三英语 二模试卷

欢迎加入南京新东方高一学习交流群:527317982 高二:693300475 高三:534048018 南京市、盐城市2018届高三年级第二次模拟考试





21. “I’m in China”,______ invites foreign native worldwide to experience unique job, is a project under the guidance of the State Council.

A. that

B. which

C. where

D. what

22. – How are you getting along with your presentation?

- Almost ready, and I ______ all I am supposed to.

A. did

B. had done

C. have done

D. shall have done

23. Divided into six themes, Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show ______ 55 models in 87 looks.

A. featured

B. represented

C. attracted

D. impressed

24. – Metteo’s new album Parama has turned out to be a hit.

- Oh, he is really ______ of a lucky dog.

A. nothing

B. anything

C. everything

D. something

25. I would have gone to bed when I was sick instead of ______ the earth would go into a holding pattern if I weren’t there for the day.

A. confirming

B. predicting

C. pretending

D. concluding

26. The palace has been restored to resemble ______ it was during the time of Emperor Qianglong.

A. what

B. that

C. which

D. how

27. The policy was rejected ______ a more cautious one.

A. in case of

B. in view of

C. in favor of

D. in place of

28. --- When will you ______ travelling?

--- Maybe next week.

A. go in for

B. get around to

C. look forward to

D. hold on to

29. America has become known for its ______ of individualism, which has been a source of conflict with other cultures.

A. push

B. ban

C. offence

D. control

欢迎加入南京新东方高一学习交流群:527317982 高二:693300475 高三:534048018 30. --- Do you know the guy over there?

--- Oh, don’t mistake him as an ordinary person. He’s a ______ in our company.

A. cold fish

B. rotten apple

C. sly fox

D. top banana

31. Guanghwa Bookshop as a stand-alone bookshop may face a loss, because profits from selling print books are ______ and rents in central London are high.

A. zero

B. handsome

C. adequate

D. slim

32. ---What do you think of her suggestion?

--- ______, it would be much more sensible to talk about it later.

A. Usually

B. Generally

C. Actually

D. Exactly

33. What you do not want ______ to yourself, do not do to others.

A. doing

B. done

C. being done

D. having done

34. Persistent people begin their success ______ others end in failure.

A. where

B. while

C. since

D. though

35. --- It’s probably wise to let Princess Elizabeth undertake the Commonwealth tour. ______

--- Well, she’s up to it.

A. What is it?

B. If you say so.

C. What say you?

D. If only I could go.


In case you missed it, a video last week showed a miniature horse eating a bowl of carrots----from a high chair. A high chair. Yes, really.

It might seem ___36___, but it might also be the logical extension of the growing ___37___ of treating animals as human and treating pets as children. Examples of this attitude are ___38___, and range from the innocent to the near-crazy. Some people even ___39___ their pets for Halloween or create social media accounts for them. Should this cause ___40___? Should we just smile and nod when people treat their pets as such? Should we shrug off the Facebook page “Animals are People Too” and “My Child has Four Paws”?

No. ___41___ animals aren't people. And pets aren't children.

There seems to be confusion about the ___42___between pets and children. People ___43___ the language of parenthood when talking to their “fur kid” or “baby”. Of course, it' s one thing to use such language lightly, as an innocent expression of love or a(an) ___44___ of the great joy and deep bonds that pets, like children, can create. It’s quite another to use this language ___45___.

Words ___46___. Using inaccurate labels for things doesn't just blur(模糊) the very real lines between pets and people; it can lead to dangerous delusions(错觉). What if a woman ___47___ having a baby won’ t

be much different from being a “dad” to a dog?

“Pet parents” point out that they do everything ___48___ parents do---- feed, bathe, clean up, care for and love. ___49___, all these actions form only part of the routines of true parenthood. One does not, and cannot, teach ___50___ and morality to cats and dogs, yet that’s the most important job of a parent. Having a child means preparing another mind and soul for adulthood and ___51___. Having a pet means keeping an animal obedient and dependent so it never ___52___ the way a child eventually will.

欢迎加入南京新东方高一学习交流群:527317982 高二:693300475 高三:534048018 Pets and children serve different roles, ___53___ different places in the lives of humans. ___ 54___ these fundamental differences benefits neither creatures nor people. We call “pets” ___55___ loving them any less. So stopping calling your pets your “children”.

36. A. awful B. absurd C. artificial D. awkward

37. A. trend B. expense C. demand D. danger

38. A. anywhere B. somewhere C. everywhere D. nowhere

39. A. pick up B. wake up C. dress up D. feed up

40. A. satisfaction B. inspiration C. conflict D. concern

41. A. Yet B. So C. Because D. Then

42. A. barrier B. comparison C. connection D. difference

43. A. master B. interpret C. adopt D. understand

44. A. intention B. reflection C. definition D. expectation

45. A. literally B. incidentally C. cautiously D. originally

46. A. exist B. work C. matter D. spread

47. A. believe B. prefers C. proves D. dreams

48. A. able B. absent C. reliable D. real

49. A. Therefore B. Indeed C. Furthermore D. Otherwise

50. A. languages B. attitude C. skills D. character

51. A. confidence B. enthusiasm C. patience D. independence

52. A. leaves B. plays C. grows D. performs

53. A. shifting B. occupying C. providing D. reserving

54. A. Revealing B. Denying C. Removing D. Emphasizing

55. A. by B. for C. without D. except




56. Which of the following might be the correct order of the missing subtitles in the passage?

a. In case of breakdown

b. Attracting assistance

c. If you have to drop out

A. a-b-c

B. b-c-a

C. c-a-b

D. b-a-c

57. We can learn from the passage that__________.

A. first aid staff can provide cycle capes

B. some roads may have normal traffic flow on them

C. refreshments are free to participants during the ride

D. Bike Events won’t charge you for the return of your bike


Anonymizing job applications to eliminate(消除)discrimination is not easy.

“If you’ve got the grades, the skills and the determination, this government will ensure you can succeed,” declared the British prime minister, on October 26th, as he introduced plans to tackle discrimination in the workplace. Ten big employers in the public and private sectors—including the civil service, HSBC and Deloitte—have agreed to start recruiting(招募)on a “name-blind” basis in Britain; others may also follow suit. In such schemes, those drawing up shortlists of applicants cannot see their names, with the aim of reducing racial and sexual bias. But do they work?

Several countries have experimented with name-blind applications. In 2010 Germany’s Anti-Discrimination Agency, an advisory body, sponsored a voluntary scheme to get businesses to try it. In France a law passed in 2006 made the anonymizing of applicants’ CVs compulsory for firms of over 50 employees. But the government was slow in laying down the conditions for how the law would operate, and only started performing it last year.

In Sweden and the Netherlands there have been some trials. Discrimination against job applicants based on their names is well documented, particularly among ethnic minorities. An experiment in Germany found that candidates with German-sounding names were 14% more likely to be called for an interview than

欢迎加入南京新东方高一学习交流群:527317982 高二:693300475 高三:534048018 candidates with Turkish ones. A review of various studies, by the Institute for Study of Labour (IZA), a German outfit, found that anonymized job applications boost the chances of ethnic minority candidates being invited to an interview. A Sweden study found that it led to more ethnic-minority people being hired.

However, the results from other trials are less clear. A second Swedish experiment found that only women, not immigrants, were boosted by anonymous recruitment. According to the IZA, experiments in the Netherlands showed no increase in the likelihood of ethnic-minority candidates being offered a job if their CVs were seen anonymously, suggesting that discrimination had slid in at the interview stage. Ensuring that a candidate is completely anonymous is also tricky.

A 2012 French study found that foreign-born candidates and those from poor districts were less likely to be called for interview when applications were anonymized. Its authors suggested that recruiters may have used other indicators, such as knowledge of Arabic, to identify race. In places suffering from religious tension, such as Northern Ireland, the name of a school can reveal a candidate’s faith, while a few years missing on a CV may suggest maternity leave(产假), and thus that the candidate is female. Going name-blind when shortlisting candidates may be a sensible start, but it is likely to be just a small step towards ending hiring bias.

58. What can learn from the passage?

A. In France, the government started the anonymized recruitment in 2006.

B. In Germany, chances of ethnic-minority name-blind candidates being interviewed are slighter.

C. In the Netherlands, the anonymous recruitment is more of a trick than an effective practice.

D. In Sweden, not only women but also immigrants may well enjoy a higher recruitment rate.

59. What does the underlined phrase “drawing up” in paragraph 2 mean?

A. writing out

B. taking in

C. making up

D. picking out

60. By writing the passage, the author tries to ______.

A. inform readers of the idea of anonymizing job applications

B. explain how anonymization in recruitment is operated

C. discuss whether anonymization in job applications works

D. promote the strategies of name-blind recruitment


SAN FRANCISCO---When you pull the headset over your eyes and the game begins, you are transported to a tiny room with white walls. Your task is to break out of the room, but you cannot use your hands. There is no joystick or game pad. You must use your thoughts.

You turn toward a ball on the floor, and your brain sends a command to pick it up. With another thought, you send the ball crashing into a mirror, breaking the glass and revealing a few numbers on a wall. You mentally type those numbers into a large keypad by the door. And you are out.

Designed by Neurable, a small startup founded by Ramses Alcaide, an electrical engineer and neuroscientist (神经科学家),the game offers what you might call a computer mouse for the mind, a way of selecting items in a virtual world with your thoughts.

Combining a headset with virtual reality goggles and sensors that can read your brain waves, this prototype (样机) is a few years from the market. And it is limited in what it can do. You cannot select an object with your mind unless you first look in its direction, narrowing the number of items you may be considering.

But it works. I recently played the game, which has the working title Awakening, when Alcaide and two

欢迎加入南京新东方高一学习交流群:527317982 高二:693300475 高三:534048018 Neurable employees passed through San Francisco, and a few hundred others tried it this month at the Siggraph computer graphics conference in Los Angeles.

The prototype is among the earliest fruits of a widespread effort to embrace technology that was once science fiction---and in some ways still is. Driven by recent investments from the US government and by the herd mentality (从众心理) in the tech world, a number of startups and bigger companies like Facebook are working on ways to mentally control machines. They are also looking for smoother ways to use virtual reality technology. The increased interest in neurotechnology is partly a result of an effort the government administration started in 2013. The initiative helped create significant government financing for brain-interface companies and related work in academy.

The Neurable prototype shows what is possible today. Using electroencephalography, or EEG---a means of measuring electrical brain activity that has been around for a decade---the company can provide simple ways of mentally interacting with a game. Some companies hope to go much further and want to build ways of performing nearly any computing task with the mind. Imagine a brain interface for rapidly typing on a smartphone.

At Neurable, which is based in Boston, Alcaide and the member of his team are pushing the limits of EEG headsets. Although sensors can read electrical brain activity from outside the skull, it is very difficult to separate the signal from the noise. Using computer algorithms (算法)based on research that Alcaide originally published as a doctoral student at the University of Michigan, Neurable works to read activity with a speed and accuracy that is not usually possible. The algorithms learn from your behavior. Before playing the game, you train them to recognize when you are focusing your attention on an object. A pulse of light bounces around the virtual room, and each time it hits a small colored ball in front of you, you think about the ball. At that moment, when you focus on the light and it stimulates your brain, the system reads the electrical spikes of your brain activity. “Once we understand them, we can use them.” Alcaide expects.

61. Which of the following is TRUE about the design of the game?

A. You can break the glass with a simple click of the mouse.

B. You can select as many items around you as you like.

C. The game has boosted the government revenues since its release.

D. The game can’t work without sensors and virtual reality technology.

62. What can be inferred from the underlined sentence in Paragraph 6?

A. What was a fantasy is coming true with technology.

B. Whatever efforts you make might not fruit success.

C. Science fiction leads to the development of the prototype.

D. The technology behind the prototype enjoys wide popularity.

63. What can we learn from the last paragraph?

A. It’s not uncommon that we usually have different voices in mind.

B. There’s still a long way to go before the game is fully matured.

C. The Alcaide team focuses on limiting the usage of headsets.

D. It’s impossible for Alcaide to read activities fast and accurately.

64. What might be the best title of the passage?

A. A game controlled with mind

B. A machine leading to the future

C. Neurable: king of tomorrow

D. Neurology: a cutting-edge zone


欢迎加入南京新东方高一学习交流群:527317982 高二:693300475 高三:534048018 Miss Martha, aged 40, kept a little bakery on the corner.

Two or three times a week a customer came in in whom she began to take an interest. He spoke English with a strong German accent. His clothes were worn and darned in places, and wrinkled and baggy in others. But he looked neat, and had very good manners.

1.He always bought two loaves of stale bread. Fresh bread was five cents a loaf. Stale ones were two for five. Never did he call for anything but stale bread.

Once Miss Martha saw a red and brown stain on his fingers. She was sure then that he was an artist and very poor. No doubt he lived in a attic painting pictures and ate stale bread.

Often when Miss Martha sat down to her chops and light rolls and jam and tea she would sigh, and wish that the gentle-mannered artist might share her tasty meal instead of eating his dry bread.

In order to test her theory as to his occupation, she brought from her room one day a painting that she had bought at a sale, and set it against the shelves behind the bread counter.

Two days afterward the customer came in.

"Two loafs of stale bread, if you please.

"A fine picture, madam," he said while she was wrapping up the bread.

"Yes?" says Miss Martha "I do admire art.You think it is a good picture?"

"Der balance," said the customer, is not in good drawing. Then he took his bread, and hurried out.

How and kindly his eyes shone behind his spectacles! To be able to judge perspective at a glance -- and to live on stale bread! But genius often has to struggle before it is recognized. She thought he began to look thinner. 2. Her heart ached to add something good to eat to his meagre purchase, but her courage failed at the act. She did not dare affront him. She knew the pride of artists.

Miss Martha took to wearing her blue-dotted silk waist behind the counter. In the back room she cooked a mysterious compound of quince seeds and borax.

One day the customer came in as usual, and called for his stale loaves. 3. While Miss Martha was reaching for them, a fire-engine came lumbering past. He hurried to the door to look, as any one will. Suddenly inspired, Miss Martha seized the opportunity. With a bread knife Miss Martha made a deep slash in each of the stale loaves, inserted a generous quantity of butter, and pressed the loaves tight again.

When the customer turned once more she was tying the paper around them.

When he had gone, after an unusually pleasant little chat, Miss Martha smiled to herself. For a long time that day her mind dwelt on the subject. She imagined the scene when he should discover her little deception.

He would prepare for his luncheon of dry bread and water. He would slice into a loaf -- ah!

Miss Martha blushed. Would he think of the hand that placed it there as he ate? Would he?

The front door bell jangled viciously. Somebody was coming in, making a great deal of noise.

Martha hurried to the front. Two men were there. One was a young man smoking a pipe -- a man she had never seen before. 4. The other was her artist.

His face was very red, his hat was on the back of his head, his hair was wildly rumpled. He clinched his two fists and shook them ferociously at Miss Martha. At Miss Martha.

"Dummkopf!" he shouted with extreme loudness; and then "Tausendonfer!" or something like it in German.

Miss Martha leaned weakly against the shelves and laid one hand on her blue-dotted silk waist. The young man took the other by the collar.

"Come on," he said, "you've said enough." He dragged the angry one out at the door to the sidewalk, and then came back.

欢迎加入南京新东方高一学习交流群:527317982 高二:693300475 高三:534048018 "Guess you ought to be told, ma'am," he said, "what the row is about. That's Blumberger. He's an architectural draftsman. I work in the same office with him.

"He's been working hard for three months drawing a plan for a new city hall. It was a prize competition. He finished inking the lines yesterday. You know, a draftsman always makes his drawing in pencil first. When it's done he rubs out the pencil lines with handfuls of stale bread crumbs. That's better than India rubber.

"Blumberger's been buying the bread here. Well, to-day -- well, you know, ma'am, that butter isn't -- well, Blumberger's plan isn't good for anything now except to cut up into railroad sandwiches."

Miss Martha went into the back room. She took off the blue-dotted silk waist and put on the old brown serge she used to wear. Then she poured the quince seed and borax mixture out of the window into the ash can.

65. Why did the customer always buy two loaves of stale bread?

A. Because he was to poor to afford better ones.

B. Because the bread was more delicious and to his taste.

C. Because the bread had a special usage for his work.

D. Because he wanted to create chances to see Miss Martha.

66. Which of the following can best describe Miss Martha?

A. Sympathetic, dreamy and decisive

B. Disciplined, ambitious and generous

C. Proud, sensitive and conservative

D. Practical, dependable and diligent

67. What does the “blue-dotted silk waist”symbolize?

A. Miss Martha’s fine appreciation for art.

B. Miss Martha’s affection for the customer.

C. Miss Martha’s strong sense of ceremony.

D. Miss Martha’s confidence in her baking skills

68. Which of the following sentences best forwards the plot?

A. ①

B. ②

C. ③

D. ④

69. Which of following sentences indicates the change of Miss Martha’s feelings

A. Curious→ excited→ lost→ relived.

B. Curious→ hopeful→ frustrated → calm.

C. Nervous→ delighted→ disappointed→ angry.

D. Nervous→ satisfied→frightened→depressed.

70. What message does the story convey?

A. All is well that ends well.

B. Love grows with obstacles

C. Don’t count your chickens before they are hatched.

D. Don’t measure other people’s corn by your own bustle.






A living wall or a green wall is a garden that grows vertically rather than horizontally and can exist inside or outside the home. Any well-lit place inside your home makes a suitable environment. Indoor herb gardens are growing in popularity and thrive well in sunny kitchens. Any outside wall does as well. Green or living walls are beneficial to us in so many ways. I will discuss below, in simple terms, how these vertical

欢迎加入南京新东方高一学习交流群:527317982 高二:693300475 高三:534048018 gardens can protect your home and environment, save you energy and benefit your health.

Pollutants exist all around us both outdoors and indoors. Toxic fumes(有毒气体)go into the air we breathe through our air systems and can cause what we commonly call “Sick Building Syndrome” Green or living walls can significantly clear up the toxins. While all plants absorb pollutants, there are certain plants that do so with much more efficiency. Even one plant can remove toxins from your home or building. However, the more plants are added, the more toxins are absorbed.

The plantings prevent dramatic temperature variation, which then prevents the building from corrosion(腐蚀) that results from expanding and contracting during extreme temperatures. These plants act as a natural insulation, keeping air inside the buildings cooler in the summer months and warmer during the winter months. The manner in which these vertical gardens are constructed allows the building to breathe and protects the walls from wind, harmful UV rays and corrosive rain. Besides, living walls and green roofs help to provide a natural environment for birds and butterflies.

Simply put, the plants on the building's exterior keep the building protected from the heat of the sun, thus keeping the building itself cooler so that less energy is employed when you are cooling the building. Interior green walls also greatly help to reduce energy use by helping to keep the interior cool. With each additional plant, energy consumption is reduced. Therefore, a room with hundreds of plants can see a temperature reduction of as much as 7℃. This is indeed significant! During the cold winter months these green walls have the opposite effect and act as insulation from bitter temperatures. The additional layer prevents heat from escaping, thus helping you to consume less gas or or oil.

Plants offer instant stress relief by softening the environment around us. They reduce noise and pollution. Gardens have an instant calming effect. In workplaces plants have been exploited to increase productivity, in the home they increase peace. They ease stress and tiredness, and offer rich oxygen. Gardens are strategically placed in hospitals for their calming benefits, which can lead to a patient's shortened stay. Try doubling the health benefits by building an eatable living wall in your kitchen. Absolutely, these greens will relax you and purify the air you breathe.

With so many benefits, why not build your own living wall?

欢迎加入南京新东方高一学习交流群:527317982 高二:693300475 高三:534048018



“At almost any given age, most of us are getting better at some

things and worse at others,” Joshua Hartshorne, an MIT cognitive

science researcher and the lead author of a study looking at how

intelligence changes as we age, told Business Insider.

The team behind that study quizzed thousands of people aged 10-

90 on their ability to do things like remembering lists of words,

recognizing faces. Their results suggest that no matter what your age,

there’s almost always a new peak on the horizon.

1. 用约30个单词概述图表和上文的主要内容;

2. 用约120个单词发表你的观点,内容包括:










____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________


2018上海英语高三二模翻译汇总 宝山 72.我对这场比赛的结果抱乐观态度。(optimistic) I am optimistic about the result of the game /match. 73. 许多人把迟到看作是一个小问题,其实不然。(think) Many people think of being late as a small problem, but in fact it’s not./it can have serious consequences. 74.无人驾驶技术解决了人们的困惑,使开车打电话成为可能。(…it…) Driverless technology solves people's puzzle and makes it possible to make a phone call /talk on the phone while driving. 75. 人生中最可怕的不是你即使努力了仍一事无成,而是碌碌无为却以平凡可贵安慰自己。(...not...but...) The most horrible/terrible/ dreadful/ fearful/ frightening/frightful thing that can happen in your life is not that you achieved/accomplished nothing even though you tried, but that you do nothing at all/give up and tell yourself it is precious to be just ordinary. 崇明 72. 何不利用这宜人的天气出去野餐呢?(advantage) 73. 当你对情况一知半解时,不要随意发表见解。(knowledge) 74. 到底是什么促使你放弃了这么稳定的工作,来到这个偏远地区保护野生动物?(it) 75. 人工智能正以如此快的速度改变着整个世界,你很难预测未来的生活究竟会是什么样子。 (So) 72. Why not take advantage of the agreeable weather and go out for a picnic? (1+1+1) 1


南京市、盐城市2020届高三年级第二次模拟考试 英语参考答案 第一部分听力理解(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分) 1-5 ACCAC 6-10 CBCBB 11-15 ABAAB 16-20 CCBAB 第二部分英语知识运用(共35小题;每小题1分,满分35分) 21-25 CDABA 26-30 BADBA 31-35 DCCDB 36-40 DBCDC 41-45 ACBDA 46-50 ABDAA 51-55 DCBBD 第三部分阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) 56-57 BA 58-60 DCB 61-64 CBDB 65-70 DCABAC 第四部分任务型阅读(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分) 71.hard/difficult 72. traditional 73. While 74. draw/ reach 75. morally 76. absence 77. worsen 78. fails 79. social 80. practice 第五部分书面表达(满分25分) 81. A possible version Late Afternoon, a short film about an old woman with Alzheimer recalling some sweet memories in her life with her daughter’s care, has touched viewers’ heart and gained popularity. (32 words) Family love is the most precious gift and supports us through thick and thin. It not only means parents’ unconditional love for their children but also children’s feedback. It is the basic power of life that we couldn’t live without. Furthermore, each one of us should be grateful for the family love we receive and learn to express our concern and care to our family members through words or deeds to strengthen the valuable bond between us. Family love is by no means empty talk. Therefore, I always communicate with my parents and respect their viewpoints about my choices in life. Meanwhile, I will try to understand them better and always be there whenever they need me. In a word, family love is to be cherished, strengthened and repaid. (134 words) 书面表达评分建议 一、评分原则 1.本题总分为25分,按5个档次给分。 2.评分时,可先根据文章的内容和语言初步确定其所属档次,然后以该档次的要求来衡量,确定或调整档次,最后给分。 3.少于130词或多于170词的,从总分中酌情减去1-2分。 4.评分时,应注意的主要内容为:内容要点、运用词汇和语法结构的数量和准确性、上下文的连贯性及语言的得体性。




2017南京盐城二模语文试卷 一、语言文字运用(15分) 1.在下面一段话空缺处依次填入词语,最恰当的一组是(3 分) 二十四节气的▲与时令奇异吻合,名称具有东方田园美与古典诗意美。如“惊蛰”,两个汉字组合在一起,就神奇地构成了生动的画面:在一声初始的雷鸣中,万千沉睡的生灵被唤醒了,睁开惺忪的双眼,▲地向太阳敞开了各自的门户。历代诗人也以天地节气丰富了汉语的表达空间,并以汉语印证了天地节气的真实不虚和▲。 A.气候不谋而合不可思议 B.气候不约而同不可理喻 C.物候不约而同不可思议 D.物候不谋而合不可理喻 1.C。注意比较不同语素的差异,“气候”应该是与气象有关,“物候”则是 生物学现象,从语境看,讲的不是天气,而是生物的变化。 “不约而同”与“不谋而合”这两个成语结构相同,意义相近,都有“偶然一致”的意思,其区别有二,一是适用对象不同,“不谋而合”多指见解、计划、理想等相同,“不约而同”侧重动作;二是语法功能不同,“不谋而合”一般作谓语,“不约而同”多作状语。 有趣的是,2016届南京盐城一模的第一题词语辨析也涉及了“不可理喻”,当时是与“捉摸不透”比较。此外,文科附加题的第一题文学常识也重复了2014届的文科附加题对“二程”的考查,难道是为了向过往的经典试卷致敬吗? 2.下列各句中,没有语病的一句是(3 分)(▲)

A.全球首颗量子卫星发射升空后,天地一体化的量子保密通信与科学实验体系成 功构建,标志着中国量子科学研究已处于领先地位。 B.二次元电影《你的名字》火遍全国,浪漫唯美的故事、让人有截屏冲动的精美画面,广大网友如痴如醉,带给人前所未有的体验。 C.成都市区金沙遗址的发现,进一步确定了古蜀文明考古学意义上的“宝墩、三星堆、金沙三部曲”,从而解决了三星堆的来龙去脉。 D.2017 年《社会蓝皮书》披露,我国的阅读情况不容乐观,大约 66.72%左右的被调查者表示,过去一年“一本书都没有读”。 2.A(B“广大网友”一句偷换主语;C“确定了”后面宾语残缺,“解决了”与“来龙去脉”搭配不当;D“大约”与“左右”重复赘余) 3.下列各句中,所引诗词不符合语境的一项是(3 分)(▲) A.这部作品的可贵在于底蕴的深厚,在于思想的争鸣,在于审美的价值,“奇文共欣赏,疑义相与析”,读者不妨通过阅读来一起欣赏、探寻。 B.“问渠那得清如许,为有源头活水来。”一个人只有不断汲取新的知识,才能心澄如镜,视野开阔,始终保持清醒的头脑与谦逊的心态。 C.近年来,常有一些所谓的公共知识分子,采用断章取义的伎俩,写文章奚落、诋毁鲁迅先生,真是“蚍蜉撼大树,可笑不自量”。 D.老一辈虽然离开了岗位,但“零落成泥碾作尘,只有香如故”,他们依然关心着年轻一代,关注着自己奉献毕生的事业。 3.D(可为“落红不是无情物,化作春泥更护花”等) A选项中的“奇文共欣赏,疑义相与析”出自陶渊明的《移居二首》,指遇到非常优秀的文章大家共同阅读思考,品味出其中的奇妙与含义,遇到不同 的观点大家共同讨论分析。与语境相符。 B选项中的“问渠那得清如许,为有源头活水来”出自朱熹的《观书有感》,原意是“要问池塘里的水为何这样清澈呢?是因为有永不枯竭的源头源源不断 地为它输送活水。”表面是写水因为有源头活水不断注入才“清如许”,实则预示


2019-2020 学年建邺区二 模 一、单项填空(共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 15 分) 从 A、B、C 和 D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 1.From the map of China on the right, we can know that Wuhan is in China. A.northern B. western C. central D. north-western 2.—I’ve been a League member for about two years. What about you —I joined the League May, 2017. A.in B. on C. at D. by 3.I have to live my life without books, the days would all be empty. A.Though B. Unless C. If D. Until 4.—Many countries have reached an with China on fighting against the virus. —Yes. It is high time for all the countries to work together. A.achievement B. agreement C. development D. environment 5.—There are three rooms in this house, with its own bathroom. —That’s what I want. I’ve got two kids. A.either B. neither C. each D. none 6.A s the number of the novel coronavirus infections grows , the World Heath Organization takes active steps to control the serious disease. A.more B. larger C. higher D. wider 7.—What a pity! It's raining. Do we have to cancel the family trip —No. As soon as the rain stops, we out to have fun. A.go B. will go C. went D. have gone


市、市2017届高三年级第二次模拟考试 数 学 2017.03 注意事项: 1.本试卷共4页,包括填空题(第1题~第14题)、解答题(第15题~第20题)两部分.本试卷满分为160分,考试时间为120分钟. 2.答题前,请务必将自己的、学校写在答题卡上.试题的答案写在答题卡...上对应题目的答案空格.考试结束后,交回答题卡. 一、填空题:本大题共14小题,每小题5分,共70分.请把答案填写在答题卡相应位置.......上. 1.函数f (x )=ln 11-x 的定义域为 ▲ . 2.若复数z 满足z (1-i)=2i (i 是虚数单位),-z 是z 的共轭复数,则z ·-z = ▲ . 3.某校有三个兴趣小组,甲、乙两名学生每人选择其中一个参加,且每人参加每个兴趣小组的可能性相同,则甲、乙不在同一兴趣小组的概率为 ▲ . 4.下表是关于青年观众的性别与是否喜欢戏剧的调查数据,人数如表所示: 现要在所有参与调查的人中用分层抽样的方法抽取n 个人做进一步的调研,若在“不喜欢戏剧的男性青年观众”的人中抽取了8人,则n 的值为 ▲ . 5.根据如图所示的伪代码,输出S 的值为 ▲ . 6.记公比为正数的等比数列{a n }的前n 项和为S n .若a 1=1,S 4-5S 2=0, 则S 5的值为 ▲ . 7.将函数f (x )=sin x 的图象向右平移π 3个单位后得到函数y =g (x )的图象, 则函数y =f (x )+g (x )的最大值为 ▲ . 8.在平面直角坐标系xOy 中,抛物线y 2 =6x 的焦点为F ,准线为l ,P 为抛物线上一点,PA ⊥l ,A 为垂足.若直线AF 的斜率k =-3,则线段PF 的长为 ▲ . (第5题图)


2012/2013学年度第二学期第二阶段学业质量监测试卷 九年级英语 注意事项: 1. 本试卷分第Ⅰ卷(选择题)和第Ⅱ卷(非选择题)两部分,共10页,满分为96分;考 试时间120分钟。 2.答案一律填涂或书写在答题卷上。选择题必须使用2B铅笔填涂,非选择题必须使用墨水笔书写。 第I卷选择题(共45分) 一、单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 从A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 1. Father ’s Day is coming. I plan to buy ______ nice bag for my father. A. a B. an C. the D.不填 2. You can have a good view of Nanjing at the top of Zijin Mountain ______ a clear day. A. at B. on C. in D. for 3. Go to the Olympic Center by underground instead, ______ you’ll be late for the match. A. and B. unless C. but D. or 4.All the fans became ______, when hearing the news that Kobe got hurt i n the match against Golden State Warriors. A. worried B. cheerful C. impossible D. unhealthy 5. More and more people ______ the importance of the eco-friendly lifestyle. A. miss B. promise C. realize D. suggest 6. High school ______ covers a lot, including Chinese, Math, Geography and so on. A. ability B. information C. practice D. course 7. —Where is Jack? I haven’t seen him for a long time. —He ______ HK with his family. I think he is having a wonderful time there. A. went to B. was in C. has gone to D. has been to 8. —I often have hamburgers for lunch. —You’d better not. It’s bad for you ______ too much junk food. A. eat B. ate C. eating D. to eat 9. During the busy traffic time, some people prefer to ride bikes because it’s much______. A. fast B. faster C. fastest D. the fastest 10. No one knows ______ the task will last. What a pity! A. how long B. how often C. how far D. how much 11. —Thank you for your gift. You are so sweet. —______. A.Don’t mention it. B. I’m glad you like it. C. Please don’t say so. D. No, it isn’t good. 12. So Young, the movie ______ was filmed in Nanjing, is on in many cities. A. which B. what C. who D. when 13. The decision about the price ______ in a few days. So they have to wait. A. is made B. was made C. is being made D. will be made 14. —Could you tell me ______?


2019上海英语高三二模翻译汇总 宝山 72.我对这场比赛的结果抱乐观态度。(optimistic) I am optimistic about the result of the game /match. 73. 许多人把迟到看作是一个小问题,其实不然。(think) Many people think of being late as a small problem, but in fact it’s not./it can have serious consequences. 74.无人驾驶技术解决了人们的困惑,使开车打电话成为可能。(…it…) Driverless technology solves people's puzzle and makes it possible to make a phone call /talk on the phone while driving. 75. 人生中最可怕的不是你即使努力了仍一事无成,而是碌碌无为却以平凡可贵安慰自己。(...not...but...) The most horrible/terrible/ dreadful/ fearful/ frightening/frightful thing that can happen in your life is not that you achieved/accomplished nothing even though you tried, but that you do nothing at all/give up and tell yourself it is precious to be just ordinary. 崇明 72. 何不利用这宜人的天气出去野餐呢(advantage) 73. 当你对情况一知半解时,不要随意发表见解。(knowledge) 74. 到底是什么促使你放弃了这么稳定的工作,来到这个偏远地区保护野生动物(it) 75. 人工智能正以如此快的速度改变着整个世界,你很难预测未来的生活究竟会是什么样子。 (So) 72. Why not take advantage of the agreeable weather and go out for a picnic (1+1+1) 73. When you have a limited/foggy knowledge of the situation, don’t express your opinions


2015年中考模拟试卷(二) 英语2015.05 注意事项: 1.本试卷共8页。全卷满分90分。考试时间为90分钟。试题包含选择题和非选择题。考生答题全部答在答题卡上,答在本试卷上无效。 2.请将自己的姓名、考试证号用0.5毫米黑色墨水签字笔填写在答题卡上。 选择题(共40分) 一、单项填空(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 1. —The song My old father sounds . —So it does. I like it very much. A. good B. well C. bad D. badly 2. There’re no buses in the small village. He has to go there his bicycle. A. by B. in C. with D. on 3. Many people can not afford one house in life because it too much. A. spends B. costs C. pays D. takes 4. Nowadays, more people pay attention to the air pollution. The government is taking action to change the terrible . A. situation B. condition C. background D. temperature 5. I was told to meet Mr. White at the airport. But I don’t know he will arrive. A. when B. how C. where D. why 6. Jia Pingwa’s novels are popular among adults and always get good . A. tips B. habits C. readers D. reviews 7. I’ve got a bad cold these days. I’ve done much since this morning. A. nothing B. something C. everything D. anything 8. —Shall I tell him about the change of the timetable right now? —I am afraid you , so that he will not come late for the meeting. A. will B. must C. may D. can 9. Finally, the two volunteers a plan to help the injured tiger. A. looked out B. worked out C. got out D. took out 10. —Would you like to watch the film Fast & Furious 7 with me tonight? —I still want to see it again although I it two weeks ago. A. have watched B. was watching C. watched D. watch 11. Recycling is one way to protect the environment, so don’t bottles or newspapers. A. find out B. hand in C. use up D. throw away 12. —What is Mrs Hang like? —. A. She is a bus driver. B. She is a little selfish. C. She teaches us maths. D. She likes travelling. 13. —Hi, Linda, why are you so unhappy? —I missed the football match between Hengda and Shuntian the bad traffic. A. so as to B. in order to C. because of D. as a result 14. —Do you mind moving a little? We are taking photos. —.


2013届(2012学年)上海市高三英语二模——翻译 (黄浦) 1. 这个故事激励年轻人为更美好的生活奋斗。(inspire) 2. 时光飞逝,尤其当你聚精会神地读一本好书时。(absorb) 3. 安全系统不会允许你进入大楼,除非你有正确的密码。(unless) 4. 我从未想到过会在机场遇到多年未曾谋面的老朋友。(It) 5. 无用信息的传播会对人类社会产生不利影响的事实已经引起公众的注意。(that) 1. The story inspires/inspired the youth /young people to struggle/strive for a better life. 2. Time passes/flies quickly, especially when you are absorbed in reading a good book. 3. The security system will not permit/allow you to enter the building unless you have the correct password. 4. It never occurred to me that I would meet my old friend (who/whom) I hadn’t seen for quite a few years at the airport. 5. The fact that the spread of useless information can have a bad effect on human society has attracted the attention/awareness of the public. (闵行) 85. 这款电子词典值得买吗?(worth) 86. 这孩子年龄太小,无法应对这么复杂的局面。(too…to…) 87. 当我心情不佳时,我常听听音乐来去除烦恼。(mood) 88. 经过热烈讨论,我们一致同意再为那所小学捐赠一台电脑。(agree) 89. 事实证明网络购物存在风险,因此下定单之前一定要深思熟虑。(exist) 85. Is this electronic dictionary worth buying? 86. The child is too young to deal with such complicated situation. 87. When I am in bad mood, I often listen to music to remove troubles. 88. After a heated discussion, we all agreed to donate another computer for the primary school. 89. Evidence has proved that risks exist in on-line shopping, so you have to think carefully before (浦东) 1. 他下定决心要实现抱负。(determine) 2. 居民们都希望有朝一日能更方便地享受图书馆的优质服务。(access)


南京市、盐城市2020 届高三年级第二次模拟考试 语文Ⅰ2020.03 一、语言文字运用(12 分) 阅读下面两组关于“文化”的文字,完成1~4 题。 (一) 作为一个长期从事中国传统文化研究的专家,他享有极高的学术▲,其著作所显示的深厚的▲和扎实的功力得到了学界的广泛好评。他对民族文化抱有坚定的信念,当然,这并不是说他是一个▲的国粹主义者。他主张文化发展要有所超越,认为内在超越是中国传统价值系统的基本特征,而超越世界与现实世界并不是▲的,中国人基本上不在这两个世界之间划上一道不可逾越的鸿沟。 他还认为,中国人的生死观仍是“人与天地万物为一体”观念的延伸。▲,▲。 ▲,▲。▲,▲。中国思想的最可贵之处则是能够不依赖灵魂不朽而积极 地肯定人生。 1.在第一段文字的横线处填入词语,最恰当的一组是(3 分) A.声望素养墨守成规截然不同 B. 威望学养墨守成规泾渭分明 C.声望学养抱残守缺泾渭分明 D.威望素养抱残守缺截然不同 1.C(3 分) 声望是一个人的名声, 威望是一个人的信誉。 素养:平日的修养。 学养:学问和修养 墨守成规偏重在固执地按老一套办事,不肯改进。 抱残守缺偏重迂腐、不懂得变通。 截然不同:截然,很分明地、断然分开的样子。形容两件事物毫无共同之处。 泾渭分明:泾河水清,渭河水浑,泾河的水流入渭河时,清浊不混。比喻界限清楚或是非分明。 2.在第二段文字的横线处填入语句,衔接最恰当的一项是(3 分) ①宇宙和人类是一个生生不已的过程 ②张载强调“生”是“气之聚”,“死”是“气之散” ③更无所谓死亡 ④自然不必为死亡而惶恐不安 ⑤既然是“聚亦吾体,散亦吾体” ⑥庄子用“气”的聚、散说生死 A.①④②⑥⑤③ B. ⑥②⑤④①③ C.⑥⑤④②③①D.①③④⑤⑥② 2.B(3 分) (二) 据“百度百科”词条解释,亚文化是指与主文化相对应的非主流的、局部的文化现象。亚文化不仅包含着与主文化相通的价值与观念,也有属于自己的独特的价值与观念,如粉丝


2013年上海市各区(县)高三年级第二学期高考模拟试卷 (二模)英语试卷选编 (中译英部分) 目录 黄浦区 (2) 杨浦区(第一次学业调研) (2) 浦东新区 (2) 徐汇区、松江区、金山区 (3) 闵行区 (3) 虹口区 (3) 奉贤区 (4) 静安区、杨浦区、宝山区、青浦区 (4) 普陀区 (5) 闸北区 (5) 长宁区、嘉定区 (5)

黄浦区 1.这个故事激励年轻人为更美好的生活奋斗。(inspire) 2.时光飞逝,尤其当你聚精会神地读一本好书时。(absorb) 3.安全系统不会允许你进入大楼,除非你有正确的密码。(unless) 4.我从未想到过会在机场遇到多年未曾谋面的老朋友。(It) 5.无用信息的传播会对人类社会产生不利影响的事实已经引起公众的注意。(that) 1.The story inspires/inspired the youth /young people to struggle/strive for a better life. 2.Time passes/flies quickly, especially when you are absorbed in reading a good book. 3.The security system will not permit/allow you to enter the building unless you have the correct password. 4.It never occurred to me that I would meet my old friend (who/whom) I hadn’t seen for quite a few years at the airport. 5.The fact that the spread of useless information can have a bad effect on human society has attracted the attention/awareness of the public. 杨浦区(第一次学业调研) 1.记得要学与思相结合。(combine) 2.党号召官员们提高效率,避免浪费。(call) 3.人们保护个人信息的意识有待提高。(remain) 4.开发清洁的公共交通是被广泛认可的改善空气质量的好方法。(recognize) 5.这位总统一直为缓慢的经济复苏和诸多外交事务的挑战忧心忡忡,但至今仍束手无策。(worry) 1.Remember to combine learning with thinking. 2.The Party calls on officials to increase efficiency and avoid waste. 3.People’s awareness of personal information protection remains to be raised. 4.Developing clean public transportation is widely recognized as a good way to improve air quality. 5.The president has been worrying about the slow economic recovery and many challenges in foreign affairs, but so far he hasn’t found a way out. 浦东新区 1.他下定决心要实现抱负。(determine) 2.居民们都希望有朝一日能更方便地享受图书馆的优质服务。(access) 3.老师的赞赏给了我很大的鼓舞,这对一名学生而言非常宝贵。(which) 4.接完电话,他既没关门也没关灯就匆匆忙忙离开了办公室。(with) 5.实验结果与我们所期望的大相径庭,但我们相信探索越多,就越可能成功。(likely) 1.He is determined to realize/accomplish/achieve/fulfill his ambition. 2.Residents all hope that they can have easy assess to the quality service of libraries one day(some day). 3.The teacher’s compliment(s) gave me(filled me with) a great encouragement(inspiration), which is so precious for a


As the points out, it is of critical significance to cherish people around and seize every opportunity to express your love to them because tomorrow is unpredictable. Love is a ray of sunshine in winter. However, in contemporary society, with the quickening pace of modern life and increasing professional competition, some people can hardly spare time to express love . Moreover, educated to be reserved from an early age, some tend to conceal their genuine emotion, feeling awkward when expressing love in word. Confronted with constant stressful exam, we seniors are suffering from extreme tiredness and severe anxiety, especially when we fall to fulfill parents expectation. It is classmates inspiration and affection that will help us go through this period of time. Every day, I will pay my friends sincere compliments, which hopefully will motivate them to strive for their dream. When misunderstanding arises. I will have a thorough communication with them to ease the problem. We are born in and live by love, so let us spread it.(169words) 阅读理解能力是高考英语中重点考查的英语语言运用能力。阅读理解题在试题中所占的比重最大。因此,提高英语阅读能力在英语学习中常起着至关重要的作用。 阅读教学应注重很多细节,在教学中应改变传统的教学方法。但从提高英语阅读能力的途径看,学生的阅读训练与学习主要有两类:一类以开阔视野、欣赏鉴析为主;另一类是以阅读策略为主要目的的专项训练。仅从应试的角度看,与前者相比,后者更能够使学生在较短的学习时间内大幅度提高英语阅读能力,从而在英语测试中取得理想的成绩。 (一)科技环保类这类文章在高考中出现的频率最高,难度最大,长难句太多,它们一般是说明文,但有时也夹杂着叙述和议论,并经常出现一些较新的科技名词或术语。考生如果经常阅读英语报纸报刊,具备比较丰富的课外知识,积累一定量的新词汇,对解这类文章会大有帮助。 (二)人物故事类一般为记叙文,有时也穿插说明和议论。这类文章一般难度不大。但是为了提高难度,命题者往往使用倒叙,插叙或补叙等手段故意打乱故事的陈述


2017南京盐城二模语文试卷 一、语言文字运用(15分) 1.在下面一段话空缺处依次填入词语,最恰当的一组是(3 分) 二十四节气的▲与时令奇异吻合,名称具有东方田园美与古典诗意美。如“惊蛰”,两个汉字组合在一起,就神奇地构成了生动的画面:在一声初始的雷鸣中,万千沉睡的生灵被唤醒了,睁开惺忪的双眼,▲地向太阳敞开了各自的门户。历代诗人也以天地节气丰富了汉语的表达空间,并以汉语印证了天地节气的真实不虚和▲。 A.气候不谋而合不可思议 B.气候不约而同不可理喻 C.物候不约而同不可思议 D.物候不谋而合不可理喻 1.C。注意比较不同语素的差异,“气候”应该是与气象有关,“物候”则是 生物学现象,从语境看,讲的不是天气,而是生物的变化。 “不约而同”与“不谋而合”这两个成语结构相同,意义相近,都有“偶然一致”的意思,其区别有二,一是适用对象不同,“不谋而合”多指见解、计划、理想等相同,“不约而同”侧重动作;二是语法功能不同,“不谋而合”一般作谓语,“不约而同”多作状语。 有趣的是,2016届南京盐城一模的第一题词语辨析也涉及了“不可理喻”,当时是与“捉摸不透”比较。此外,文科附加题的第一题文学常识也重复了2014届的文科附加题对“二程”的考查,难道是为了向过往的经典试卷致敬吗? 2.下列各句中,没有语病的一句是(3 分)(▲)

A.全球首颗量子卫星发射升空后,天地一体化的量子保密通信与科学实验体系成 功构建,标志着中国量子科学研究已处于领先地位。 B.二次元电影《你的名字》火遍全国,浪漫唯美的故事、让人有截屏冲动的精美画面,广大网友如痴如醉,带给人前所未有的体验。 C.成都市区金沙遗址的发现,进一步确定了古蜀文明考古学意义上的“宝墩、三星堆、金沙三部曲”,从而解决了三星堆的来龙去脉。 D.2017 年《社会蓝皮书》披露,我国的阅读情况不容乐观,大约 66.72%左右的被调查者表示,过去一年“一本书都没有读”。 2.A(B“广大网友”一句偷换主语;C“确定了”后面宾语残缺,“解决了”与“来龙去脉”搭配不当;D“大约”与“左右”重复赘余) 3.下列各句中,所引诗词不符合语境的一项是(3 分)(▲) A.这部作品的可贵在于底蕴的深厚,在于思想的争鸣,在于审美的价值,“奇文共欣赏,疑义相与析”,读者不妨通过阅读来一起欣赏、探寻。 B.“问渠那得清如许,为有源头活水来。”一个人只有不断汲取新的知识,才能心澄如镜,视野开阔,始终保持清醒的头脑与谦逊的心态。 C.近年来,常有一些所谓的公共知识分子,采用断章取义的伎俩,写文章奚落、诋毁鲁迅先生,真是“蚍蜉撼大树,可笑不自量”。 D.老一辈虽然离开了岗位,但“零落成泥碾作尘,只有香如故”,他们依然关心着年轻一代,关注着自己奉献毕生的事业。 3.D(可为“落红不是无情物,化作春泥更护花”等) A选项中的“奇文共欣赏,疑义相与析”出自陶渊明的《移居二首》,指遇到非常优秀的文章大家共同阅读思考,品味出其中的奇妙与含义,遇到不同 的观点大家共同讨论分析。与语境相符。 B选项中的“问渠那得清如许,为有源头活水来”出自朱熹的《观书有感》,原意是“要问池塘里的水为何这样清澈呢?是因为有永不枯竭的源头源源不断 地为它输送活水。”表面是写水因为有源头活水不断注入才“清如许”,实则预示
