上海市高级口译笔试汉译英题型 五年真题解析
2002.9上海市英语中级口译资格证书第一阶段考试SECTION 1: LISTENING TEST (40 minutes)Prt: Spot DicttionDirections: In this prt of the test, you will her pssge nd red the sme pssge with blnks in it. Fill in ech of the blnks with the words you hve herd on the tpe. Write your nswer in the corresponding spec in your NSWER BOOKLET. Remember you will her the pssge ONLY ONCE.s long s we re in reltionship, there is the potentil for lsting hppiness s well s for serious conflict. This pplies t work, ______________________ (1),nd t home・ The simple fct is tht reltionships re not lwys ________________ (2) siling. Conflict cn led to nger, hostility, nd further conflicts・ On the other hnd, it cn be used d ___________________ (3) for solving problems.For exmple, you cn hndle conflict by _____________________ (4) tht the problem exists, smoothing it over, or trying to overpower the other person. These, of course, will ________________ (5) win or lose situtions. But when you resolve conflict through collbortion nd compromise, you cn chieve _______________________ (6) situtions. In tody's lecture, I shll outline few steps on________________(7) trnsform conflict into solution in which both prties win.First ________________ (8). Explin the problem to the other prty. You should__________ (9) the conflict. It\ hrd to fix something before ___________________ (10) on wht is broken.Second, understnd 11 points of view・ Ste side your own opinions for moment nd (11) to understnd the other points of view. When people feel tht they hve been herd, they5re often more ________ (12).Third, brinstorm. Drem up s mny solutions s you cn nd __________________ (13) them one by one・ This step will require ________________ (14). Tlk bout which solutions will work nd______________ (15) they will be to implement. Your solutions need to be cceptble by both prties, so you should be prepred to _______________________ (16)・ Lter, you'11 need to review the(17) of the ccepted solution. If it (18), be open to mking chnges or (19) to bring bout new solution.Finlly, implement. When you hve both ____________ (20), decide who is going to do wht by when. Then keep your greements・Prt B: Listening ComprehensionL SttementsDirections: In this prt of the test, you will her severl short sttements. These sttements will be spokenONLY ONCE, nd you will not find them written on the pper; so you must listen crefully. When you her sttement, red the nswer choices nd decide which one is closest in mening to the sttement you hve herd・ Then write the letter of the nswer you hve chosen in the corresponding spec in your NSWER BOOKLET.1.() Mr. Bker doesn't like to go to the meeting 1st night・(B)Lst night M匚Bker decided to cncel this morning’s meeting.(C)Mr. Bker mde up his mind not to go to this morning^ meeting.(A)M匚Bker mde lst- minute decision to hold the meeting this morning・2.() Hrd work often brings bout discomfort in prts of the humn body.(B)If you re nervous, you my hurt yourself in performing this kind of tsk・(C)Those stff members who work bek to bek re hrd on ech other.(A)This exercise is to relx your muscles in the neck, the shoulders nd the bek・3.() We hve been working on this mchine for two yers.(B)Free mintennee work is for period of two yers.(C)You don^t hve to do repir work on this mchine in two yers.(A)With monthly clening, the oil in this mchine cn run for two yers.4.() Only those high school grdutes with excellent skills cn be dmitted into colleges•(B)No mtter how difficult it is, high school grdutes should t lest try twice to get themselvesinto colleges・(C)Students should consider wht they wnt to lern in the university.(A)Once in the university, you will feel superior to those drop- out students.5.() 11 the bord members voted for the Chirmn’s proposl to open the brnch office・(B)The Chirmn ws not in fvor of the opening of brnch office in the suburbs・(C)the bord members re expecting new Chirmn from the downtown office.(D)The Chirmn^ proposl to set up brnch office ws turned down by the bord members.6.() Mry hd mde n ppointment to see the personnel mngcr lst Tucsdy・(B)Mry hs been pplying for job nd is going to see the personnel mnger next week.(C)Mry is shortsighted nd ennot see tht personnel mnger in the next office.(D)Mry didn't get tht job since she ws me to the personnel mnger on Tuesdy.7.() The supermrket will be finished in sixty dys.(B)It took us more thn sixty dys to finish building the supermrket.(C)Thc supermrket should hvc been finished sixty dys go.(D)The supermrket hd been built sixty dys erlie匚8.() Her ttendnee record ws severely dmged.(B)Her ttendnee record ws never perfect.(C)She hd once ssisted in keeping the ttendnee record・(D)She hd kept ner- perfect ttendnee record・9.()He didn't know wht would hppen if he mde the suggestion.(B)He didn't feel nervous fter he hd put forwrd the suggestion.(C)He relized tht the committee members would not dopt his suggestion.(D)He considered it importnt to the committee members first.10.() The Expo will be open the dy fter tomorrow・(B)The Expo is rescheduled to open on Fridy.(C)The Expo's opening is delyed until tomorrow・(D)T he Expo is not likely to open on Fridy・11.Tlks nd ConversionsDirections: In this prt of the test, you will her severl short sttements. These sttements will be spoken ONLY ONCE, nd you will not find them written on the pper; so you must listen crefully. When you her sttement, red the nswer choices nd decide which one is closest in mening to the sttement you hve herd・ Then write the letter of the nswer you hve chosen in the corresponding spee in your NSWER BOOKLET.Questions 11-1411.() Mi; Powell telephoned. (B) The womn cited Mr. Powell.(C) Someone cme to see him. (D) There ws trffic jm.12.() Becuse she hsn't recorded the phone messge.(B)Becuse she hsn^t let Mr. Powell in.(C)Becuse she hsn5t invited him to lunch・(D)Becuse she hsn't phoned him.13.() Mr. Powelfs nme crd.(B)The resturnt^s phone number.(C)Some money to mke phone ell.(D)The nmc of well- known deprtment store.14.() the womn ws not creful bout the mn's nme crd.(B)The mn ws expecting someone to bring some importnt informtion.(C)The mn ws not vilble when M匚Powell cme in.(D)The womn ccepted the mn's pology for his mistke.(B)In 1963. Questions 23-2623. () studying socio- linguistics.(C) Sying hullo to ech othe 匚() Linguists. (C) Techers. 25. () He is probbly trying to beginQuestions 15-1815. () In 1961.(C) In 1970.16. () Lcrning mtcrils. (C) Summer course.(D) In 1971.(B) Lbortory fcilitics.(D) Prty invittions.17. () Some lbortory tests cn be done t home.(B) 11 the college course re vilble ・(C) registrtions re 11 the yer round.(D) Invittions to prties re free to 11 the students.18. () prt- time students my get cheper sncks ・(B) Students re ble to get TV study progrmmes.(C) Students cn ttend lectures once week.(D) Students my prticipte in summer school courses.Questions 19-2219. () lwye 匚(B)nrtist. (C) student. (D) physicin.20. () She thinks tht it is well- pid profession.(B) She considers herself to be fit for i 匚(C) She is unble to find other jobs for some time.(D) She wnts to live independently of other people ・21. () She cn spek severl lnguges ・ (B) She is more creful nd kinder.(C) She cn serve women clients better.(D) She is likely to get more sympthy. 22. () Becuse it is well known for its eduction! excellence ・(B) Becuse it is inexpensive in terms of school tuition fees.(C) Becuse it offers mrried students' prtments.(D) Becuse it Hows students to prctice during the schoolterms.(B) Tlking bout the wether. (D) Listening to wether forecsts.(B) Drivers.(D) Students.converstio n.(B)He is ernestly requesting n nswe匚(C)He is crefully pinning n out- door excursion.Questions 27〜3027.() 20,000.(C)2,000,000.2& () The fmily owners.The government nd the councils. (B) 200,000.(D)2,500,000.(B) The pressure groups・(D) The loci housing committees.(D)He is tenttively prepring composition on socil conventions・26.() English people like to begin converstion when the climte is fvorble.(B)Foreign visitors re sometimes nnoyed by the vribility of the wether in Englnd.(C)Englnd is sid to hvc the most effective trnsporttion system in the world・(D)The wether conditions in Englnd re not s bd s some people hve imgined・29.() Bccusc the rents rc too high.(B)Becuse there re not enough hostels.(C)Becuse the loci councils re inefficient nd indifferent.(D)Becuse some stte- run homes re less comfortble thn prisons.30.() stte- run prtment building for the homeless・(B)n efficient loci housing committee in the metropolis・(C)southern city tht hs solved the housing problem・(D)chrity orgniztion tht offers help to the homeless・Prt C: Listening nd TrnsltionL Sentence TrnsltionDirections: In this prt of the test, you will her 5 English sentences- You will her the sentences ONLY ONCE, fter you hve herd ech sentence, trnslte it into Chinese nd write your version in the corresponding spee in your NWER BOOKLET.(1) ______________________________________________________________________________⑵ ______________________________________________________________________________⑶ ______________________________________________________________________________ II.Pssge TrnsltionDirections: In this prt of the test, you will her 2 pssges. You will her the pssges ONLY ONCE, fter you hve herd ech pssge, trnslte it into Chinese nd write your version in the corresponding spce in your NSWER BOOKLET. You my tke notes while you re listening.⑴ ______________________________________________________________________________⑵ ______________________________________________________________________________SECTION 2: STUDY SKILLS (50 minutes)Directions: In this section, you will red severl pssges・ Ech pssge is followed by severl questions bsed on its content. You re to choose ONE best nswer, (), (B), (C) or (D), to ech question. nswer 11 the questions following ech pssge on the bsis of wht is stted or implied in tht pssge nd write the letter of the nswer you hve chosen in the coiTesponding spce in your NSWER BOOKLET.Questions 1 〜5In by ner lmeri in Southern Spin will be built the worlds first underwter residence for tourists. The hotel will be 40 feet down in the Mediterrnen. s 11 the world opened to tour opertors, there ws still frontier behind which ly three qurters of the globe's surfee, the sc; in whose cool depths light fdes; no winds blow; there re no strs. There even the most bored trvelers could reepture their sense of romnee, terror or beuty. For submerged hotel is such beutiful ide・The hotel will cost 170,000 nd will be ble to ccommodte up to ten people night. Up untilnow only scientists nd professionl divers hve lived under the se, but soon, for the first time, the public will be ble to go down into the drkness・ They will hve to swim down in diving suits, but t 40 feet there would be no problem bout decompression.Design of the hotel ws crucil・ Most of the underwter structures used before hd been in the shpc of diving bell or submrinc. Professionl divers could copc with such things but ordinry people would run the risk of violent clustrophobi. Then n ustrin rchitect hd the ide of mking three interconnecting circulr structures, 18 feet in dimeter, nd looking much like flying sucers. They would be cst in concrete nd lunched from the shore. Towed into position they would then be sunk. foundtion of cst concrete would lrecly be in pice on the se- bed. Pylons would ttch the structures to this. Once in position the structures would be pumped dry. The pylons mde to withstnd n uplift pressure of 350 tons, would then tke the strin.Cbles linking the underwter structures to the hotel on shore would connect it with electricity, fresh wter, television, nd n ir pump, nd Iso dispose of sewge・ Entry would be from underneth, up ldder; becuse of the pressure inside there would be no need of irlocks or doors.The first structure would include chnging room nd shower rc, where the divers would get out of their ger. There would Iso be kitchen nd lvtory. The second structure would contin dining room/ lecture thetre, nd sleeping ccommodtion for eight people・The third structure would contin two suites, stewrd would come down with the ten customers, to cook nd look fter (hem. Television monitors would rely 11 tht went on to the shore so tht discussions on the se bed could be tmsmitted to 11 the world.1.From the pssge we understnd tht tour opertors nd trvelers will be interested in the submerged hotel s________________ ・()it is quiet pice for reserch work (B) it is n idel se- food resturnt(C)it will offer new possibilities (D) it will hve unchnging wether2.Wht design ws finlly considered most suitble for the new hotel?()Three seprted circles・(B) Three linked discs・(C)Three connected globes- (D) Three interlocked cylinders.3.The hotel would be ble to flot under wter becuse it would be ___________________ ・()mde of light mteril (B) 350 tons in weight(C) filled with ir (D) ttchcd to pylons4.It is pinned tht sleeping qurters will be provided for the guests in the ____________ ・()second structure(B)second nd third structures(C)first nd third structures (D) third structure5.The purpose of television monitors under the se would be to rely ______________ ・().instructions from the se bed to the shore(B). news from the shore to the sc bed(C).informtion from the world to the se bed(D). informtion to the world from the se bedQuestions 6〜1()For most people, hosting bout oneself does not come nturlly. It is not esy or comfortble to tell someone II the wonderful things you hve ccomplished. But tht is exctly wht you need to do 讦you re seeking new job, or trying to hold on to the one you hve・Of course, there is fine line between self- confidence nd rrognee, so to be successful in winning over the interviewer you must lern to mximize your ccomplishments nd ttributes without ntgonizing the interviewer.The nturl tendency for most job seekers is to bchvc modestly in job interview. To do the best job of selling yourself in n interview, you hve to be prepred in dvnee・ s prt of your jobhunting check list, write down on piece of pper your mjor job- relted ccomplishments. Commit them to memory. You will probbly be plesntly surprised to see in writing 11 tht you hve done・By developing this list, you will hve ccomplished two things: the first is you will impress the interviewer by being ble to tlk confidently nd succinctly bout your ccomplishments. You will not hve to sit uncomfortbly while you think of your successes・ They will be t the tip of your tongue. Secondly, rther thn dwell on your own personlity chrcteristics, such s how hrdworking or cretive you re, you cn discuss hrd fets, such s how you sved your employer money or n ide you developed tht helped customer mn more money・ When chronicling your ccomplishments for the interviewer, tke s much credit s you honestly cn. If you developed specific ide without help from your supervisor, it is cceptble to sy tht. Remember, you re t tht interview to sell yourself, not your former co・ workers・However, never criticize your fonner employer. Shring your negtive thoughts with the interviewer is n immedite turn- off nd will only bmd you s compliner nd gossip, whom no one likes or will hie Keep in mind tht the most importnt prt of job interview is inking the employer like you nd presenting yourself s the person he or she wnts you to be. Consciously or not most employers tend to hire people who reflect their own vlues nd stndrds.Once you get the job you wnt, hosting bout your ccomplishments docs not stop. lthough you my think 11 your successes nd chievements re highly visible, remember tht you re only one If mny people in compny. Lek of recognition is cited by mjority of dischrged mngers s the most frequent complint ginst the former employe匚To help mke yourself more visible in the compny, volunteer for dditionl ssignments一both job- relted nd non- business- relted. These could include community reltions or chritble ctivities in whichyour compny is involved. These types of ctivities my enble you to hve more time nd ccess to top executives of the compny to whom you my ender yourself. You might even hve the opportunity to tell them wht you re doing for the compny, which cn never hurt.6.This rticle is mostly bout how to __________________ ・()interview for job (B) plese your boss(C) get long with co- workers (D) get nd keep job7.In Prgrph 2, the word "mximi zc” mens to ____________ ・()tlk bout (B) mke the most of(C) be modest bout (D) ply down8.The uthor sttes tht the one thing you should never do during n interview is ____________ ・()list your successes in previous jobs(B)promote your qulifictions for the job(C)tell your potcntil boss bout the projects you've worked on(D)mke negtive comments bout your former employer9.The uthor provides his views on winning nd holding new job by __________________ ・()offering suggestions (B) presenting fets nd sttistics(C) describing extreme situtions (D) telling stories10.In the pssge, the uthor recommends 11 of the following EXCEPT ______________ ・()mking point of telling your supervisor wht you hve done(B)tking prt in non- business- relted ctivities(C)going on hosting bout your successes nd chievements(D)giving the employer n ide on how to run his other businessQuestions 11 〜155 Steps to Living Longer1Wtch Your TemperScientists hve long believed tht Type's——those people driven by mbition, hrd work nd tight dedlines一were most prone to hert tteks. But it's not striving for gols tht leds to disese; rther, it's being hostile, ngry nd cynicl.Suggests Mittlcmn: if stress mounts so high tht you begin snpping t people, "sk yourself, "Is it worth hving hert ttek over this?"2Lighten Your Drk Moodsfor yers, evidence linking depression to n incresed risk of hert ttek hs been growing・ Johns Hopkins reserchers interviewed 1551 people who were free of hert disese in the erly 1980s nd gin 14 yers Iter. Those who reported hving experienced mjor depression were four times s likely to hve hert ttck sthose who hd not been depressed・Exercise is n often overlooked ntidepressnt. In study t Duke University, 60 percent of cliniclly depressed people who took brisk 30- minute wlk or jog t lest three times week were no longer depressed ftcr 16 weeks.3Fltten Tht BellyMore thn 50 yers go French scientist Jen Vgue noted tht people with lot of upper- body ft (those who looked like pples rther thn pers) often developed hert disese, dibetes nd other ilments. But it wsn't until the introduction of CT nd MRI sens tht doctors discovered tht specil kind of ft, viscerl ft, locted within the bdomen, ws strongly linked to these diseses.ccording to the Ntionl Institutes of Helth, there^s trouble brewing when your wist mesures 35 inches or more if you5re womn, nd 40 inches or more if youre mn. nd tht's regrdless of height •4Limit Your Bd HbitsHevy drinking・Moderte drinkers my be the lest likely to develop Metbolic Syndrome, while lcoholics rc the most likcly. In prt tht's bccusc, pound for pound, they erry more bdominl ft. In one Swedish study, reserchers found tht mle lcoholics erried 48 percent of their body ft within the bdomen,compred with 38 percent for teetotlers・Cigrette smoking・ Smoking is dngerous for resons besides lung cncer or emphysem・ Some 60 minutes fter smoking cigrette, one study reveled, smokers still showed elevted levels of cortisol, which promotes bdominl ft storge・ Over- effeinting. Moderte effeine consumption doesn't seem to be hrmful for most people・ But recent studies suggest tht when men who hve both high blood pressure nd fmily history of hypertension drink lot of effeinted coffee while under job stress, they my experience dngerous rise in blood pressure・5Rev Up Your Metbolismnew understnding of how disese sets up shop in your body focuses on metbolism一the sum of physicl nd chemicl rections necessry to mintin life. This pproch revels tht helthy metbolic profile counts for more thn crdiovsculr fitness or weight lone・s Glenn ・ Gsser, professor of exercise physiology t the University of Virgini, notes, "Metbolic fitness is one of the best sfegurds ginst hert disese, stroke nd dibetes."11.The phrse "snpping t" (Step 1: Wtch Your Temper) is closest in mening to _____________ ・()judging severely (B) decking publicly(C) nswering rudely (D) understnding wronglyording to the pssge, which of the following people rc liblc to incur nd suffer from hert tteks?()Those whose wist mesures 35 inches or less・(B)Those who tke brisk 20- minute wlk twice week.(C)Those who hve experienced mjor depression.14. ccording to the pssgc, wht kind of people rc tcctotlcrs (Step 4: Limit Your Bd Hbits)?(B) Hevy drinkers.(D) Non- smokers.15. Which of the following sttements is TRUE ccording to the pssge?()There is trouble brewing when your wist mesures 35 inches or less.(B) Metbolic fitness might prevent people from hving hert disese ・(C) Moderte drinkers my be the most likely to develop Metbolic Syndrome.(D) Moderte clfeine consumption seems to be hrmful for most people ・Questions 16-20World prehistory is written from dt recovered from thousnds of rcheologicl sites, pices where trees of humn ctivity re to be found. Sites re normlly identified through the presence of mnufetured tools.rcheologicl sites re most commonly clssified by the ctivity tht occurred there ・ Hbittion sites re pices where people lived nd erried out wide rnge of different ctivities. Most prehistoric sites come under this ctegory, but hbittion sites cn vry from smll open empsite through rockshelters nd eves, to lrge ccumultions of shellfish remins (shell middens). Villge hbittion sites my consist of smll ccumultion of occuption deposit nd mud hut frgments, huge erthen mounds, or communes of stone buildings or entire buried cities. Ech presents its own specil exevtion problems.Buril sites provide welth of informtion on the prehistoric pst. Grinning skeletons re very much prt of populr rcheologicl legend, nd humn remins re common finds in the rcheologicl record. The erliest deliberte humn burils re between fifty nd seventy thousnd yers old. Individul burils re found in hbittion sites, but often the inhbitnts designted specil re for cemetery. This cemetery could be communi buril pice where everyone ws buried regrdless of socil sttus. Other buril sites, like the Shng royl cemeteries in Chin, were reserved for nobility lone. Prts of cemetery were sometimes reserved for certin specil individuls in society such s cln leders or priests. The ptterning of grve goods in cemetery cn provide informtion bout intngible spects of humn society such s religious beliefs or socil orgniztion ・ So cn the pttem of deposition of the burils, their orienttion in their grves, even fmily grouping ・ Sometimes physicl nthropologists cn detect biologicl similrities between different skeletons tht my reflect close fmily, or other, ties.Qurry sites re pices where people mined prized rw mterils such s obsidin ( volcnic glss used for (D) Those who hve been striving for gols.(C) Chin smokers.fine knives nd mirrors) or copper. Excvtions t such sites yield roughed out blnks of stone, or metl ingots, s well s finished products redy for trding elsewhere. Such objects were brtered widely in prehistoric times・rt Sites such s the eve of ltmir in northern Spin, or Lscux in southwestern Frnce, re commonpice in some res of the world, noticebly southern fric nd prts of North meric. Mny re eves nd rockshcltcrs where prehistoric people pinted or engrved gme nimls, scenes of dily life, or religious symbols・ Some French rt sites re t lest fifteen thousnd yers old.Ech of these site types represents prticulr form of humn ctivity, one tht is represented in the rcheologicl record by specific rtifet nd surfee indictions found nd recorded by the rcheologist.16.n rcheologicl site is defined s pice where _____________ ・()some record of humn ctivity is found(B)humns bury beloved nimls(C)evidence of pint or niml life exists(D)prticulr rock formtions suggest the ptterns of history17.Generlly speking, rcheologicl sites re clssified ccording to _____________ ・()the people who lived there(B)the historicl period during which they were occupied(C)the type of ctivity for which they were used(D)the degree of civiliztion of those who lived there18.The uthor mentions 11 of the following fetures of grves which my provide rcheologists withinformtion bout prticulr society EXCEPT _________ ・()the loction of the grve (B) the goods buried with the person(C) The degree of preservtion of the body (D) The orienttion of the body in the grve19.Qurry sites re pices where _________________ .()pintings showing scenes of dily life(B)engrvings of fmous people(C)pintings recording the loction of buril sites(D)tools nd primitive devices used for engrvingording to the pssge, rt sites often contin __________ .(A)pintings showing scenes of dily life(B)engrvings of fmous people(C)pintings recording the loction of buril sites(D)tools nd primitive devices used for engrvingQuestions 21-25I got used, too, to my employer's violent chnges of front. There ws one morning when Siegfriedcme down to brekfst, rubbing hnd werily over red- rimmed eyes・"Out t 2 ・m.he groned, buttering his tost listlessly, “nd I don't like to hve to sy this, Jmes, but it's 11 your“My fultr I sid, strtled."Yes Id, your fult. The frmer hs sick cow for severl dys nd t 2 (/clock this morning he finlly decided to ell the vet. When I pointed out it could hvc wited few hours more he sid Mr. Herriot told him never to hesitte to ring一he'd come out ny hour of the dy or night."He tpped the top of his egg s though the effort ws lmost too much for him. "Well,it's 11 very well being conscientious nd 11 tht, but if thing hs wited severl dys it cn wit till morning. You9re spoiling these chps, Jmes, nd Fm getting the bckwsh of ii・ Fm sick nd tired of being drgged out of bed for trifles.,^“I'm truly sorry, Siegfried・I honestly hd no wish to do tht to you. Mybe it's just my inexperience・ If I didn't go out, I'd be worried the ninil might die. If I left it till morning nd it died, how would I feel?^^"Tht's 11 right, v snpped Siegfried. "There's nothing like ded niml to bring them to their senses. They'll ell us out bit crlicr next time:I bsorbed this bit of dvice nd tried to ct on it. week Iter, Siegfried sid he wnted work with me.“Jmes, I know you won't mind my sying this, but old Sumner ws co mplining to me tody. He sys he mg you the other night nd you refused to come out to his cow. He's good client, you know, nd very nice fellow, but he ws quite shirty bout it. We don't wnt to lose chp like tht:u But it ws just chronic mstitis^ 1 sid' bit of thickening in the milk, tht's 11. He'd been dosing it himself for nerly week with some quck remedy・ The cow ws eting 11 right, so I thought it would be quite sfe to leve it till next dy.”Siegfried put hnd on my shoulder nd n excessively ptient look spred over his fee. I steeled myself.I didn't mind his imprtience, I ws used to it nd could stnd it. But the ptience ws hrd to tke."Jmes, 5,he sid in gentle voice, "there is one fundmentl rule in our job which trnscends 11 others, nd F 11 tell you wht it is. YOU MUST TTEND. Tht is it nd it ought to be written on your on your soul in letters of fire/'21.Siegfried ws not t his best on one morning becuse _______________ ・()his brekfst ws not to his liking(B)he hd been died out during the night(C)he hd been woken up erly for brekfst(D)the frmer hdn5t tried to cure the cow himselfording to the pssge, who ws the young vet?()Jmes. (B) Siegfried.(C) Sumner (D) M匚Herrioson23・ Jmes thought it ws 11 right to leve Summer's cow till next dy becuse _________________ ・。
⼀、⼝语题 Directions: Talk on the following topic for at least 5 minutes. Be sure to make your points clear and supporting details adequate. You should also be ready to answer any questions raised by the examiners during your talk. You need to have your name and registration number recorded. Start your talk with “My name is……”“My registration number is……” 1、Topic: Is failure a bad thing? Why or why not?。
2、Question for Reference: 1. Is failure inevitable in our daily life? Cite examples. 2. What is your attitude towards failure? 3. In your opinion, what are the relations between failure and success? ⼆、⼝译题 1、Part A (英译中) Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear 2 passages in English. After you have heard each passage, interpret it into Chinese. Start interpreting at the signal… and stop it at the signal… You may take notes while you are listening. Remember you will hear the passages only once. Now let's begin Part A with the first passage. Passage 1: China's low taxation, low wages, large consumer market and stable poltical and social environment have attracted a growing number of overseas investors to this country. Your wish to establish a long-term cooperative relationship with our company coincides with ours.// We hope to enter into a partnership with your company and form a joint venture to manufacture what we call “China Concept Cars”。
W: Could you please tell me how to get to the nearest post office?M: Sure. Go straight along this street until you reach the traffic lights. Then turn left and you'll see the post office on your right.W: Thanks for your help.W: Excuse me, is the post office still open at this time?M: I'm not sure. You can call them to check.W: OK, thanks again.M: No problem.问题:1. Where is the nearest post office?2. How can the woman confirm if the post office is still open?答案:1. On the right, after turning left at the traffic lights.2. By calling the post office.题目二音频播放内容:请听第二段对话,回答第3至4小题。
W: Have you seen the weather forecast for tomorrow?M: No, I haven't. What did it say?W: It said it'll be sunny in the morning, but it might rain in the afternoon.M: I hope it stays sunny. I have plans for a picnic.W: Let's keep an eye on the weather. We can always reschedule if needed.M: That's true. Thanks for letting me know.M: Anyway, do you want to go get some ice cream later?W: Sure, that sounds great!问题:3. What does the weather forecast say about tomorrow?4. What are the speakers planning to do if the weather changes?答案:3. Sunny in the morning, but possibly rain in the afternoon.4. They will reschedule their picnic plans if needed.第二部分:阅读理解文章一The Benefits of Regular ExerciseRegular exercise is essential for maintaining good physical and mental health. Here are some of the key benefits:2. Disease Prevention: Regular physical activity reduces the risk of developing chronic diseases such as heart disease, high blood pressure, and diabetes.3. Mental Well-being: Exercise releases endorphins, which are known as the "feel-good" hormones. It helps reduce stress, anxiety, and depression, promoting better mental health.4. Improved Sleep: People who exercise regularly tend to have better sleep quality, allowing them to feel more rested and energized during the day.5. Increased Energy Levels: Engaging in physical activity boosts energy levels and reduces fatigue. Regular exercise improves overall stamina and endurance.In conclusion, incorporating regular exercise into one's lifestyle brings numerous benefits to both physical and mental well-being. It is important to make time for exercise and prioritize it as a part of a healthy routine.问题:5. What is one of the benefits of regular exercise mentioned in the passage?6. What are endorphins known for?答案:5. Weight management and prevention of obesity.6. Endorphins are known as the "feel-good" hormones.文章二The Impact of Air Pollution on HealthAir pollution is a significant environmental issue that poses risks to human health. Here are some of the ways air pollution can affect our well-being:1. Respiratory Problems: Exposure to pollutants in the air can lead to respiratory issues, such as asthma and bronchitis. Long-term exposure can cause permanent lung damage.2. Cardiovascular Diseases: Air pollution has been linked to an increased risk of heart attacks, strokes, and other cardiovascular diseases. Fine particles in the air can enter the bloodstream and affect the heart and blood vessels.4. Premature Death: Studies have shown that long-term exposure to air pollution can shorten life expectancy. The pollutants in the air contribute to various health conditions that can lead to premature death.In order to protect our health, it is crucial to take measures to reduce air pollution and improve air quality.问题:7. What are some health problems associated with air pollution according to the passage?8. What can be done to protect our health from air pollution?答案:7. Respiratory problems, cardiovascular diseases, allergies and irritations, and premature death.8. Measures should be taken to reduce air pollution and improve air quality.。
历年高级口译考题翻译部分精解第一套英译中Since Darwin, biologists have been-firmly convinced that nature works without plan or meaning, pursuing no aim by the direct road of design. But today we see that this conviction is a fatal error. Why should evolution, exactly as Darwin knew it and described it, be planless and irrational? Do not aircraft design engineers work, at precisely that point where specific calculations and plans give out, according to the same principle of evolution, when they test the serviceability of a great number of statistically determined forms in the wind tunnel, in order to choose the one that functions best? Can we say that there is no process of natural selection when nuclear physicists, through thousands of computer operations, try to find out which materials, in which combinations and with what structural form, are best suited to the building of an atomic reactor? They also practise no designed adaptation, but work by the principle of selection. But it would never occur to anyone to call their method planless and irrational.中译英1995年10月,黄浦江上又一座大桥凌空飞架,将浦南与奉贤连接起来,成为继徐浦、南浦、杨浦三座大桥之后建成通车的第四座大桥——奉浦大桥。
上海市英语高级口译岗位资格证书考试 章节题库 (英译汉)【圣才出品】
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上海高级口译考试(2009年春季)Part 1: English-Chinese InterpretingPassage 1Today, I shall make a direct give-and-take with everyone present, who is among the elite group in IT industry. First, mutually beneficial economic cooperation of China and America pushes forward the IT industry to a win-win situation for both countries. Secondly the Sino-US trade cooperation is highly complementary. The entry of US capital and technology into China brought along the investment of international capital. And China’s rapid development brings abundant returns for foreign-invested enterprises. //Enjoying general common ground and solid foundation of cooperation, under the five principles of Sino-American fair trade and economic cooperation, China is willing to deepen and widen our cooperation to push forward the rapid development of IT industry in both countries. We welcome more American companies to set up joint ventures in China, and Chinese government will devote itself to creating a favorable investment environment for bilateral cooperation.Passage 2This is a defining moment in our history. We face the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression - 760,000 workers have lost their jobs these years. Businesses and families can’t get credit. Home values are falling, and pensions are disappearing. Wages are lower than they’ve been in a decade. At a moment like this, we can’t afford four more years of spending increases, poorly designed tax cuts, or the complete lack of regulatory oversight of financial mechanism that even former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan now believes was a mistake. //If there’s one thing we’ve learned from this economic crisis, it’s that we are all in this together. From CEOs to shareholders, from financiers to factory workers, we all have a stake in each other’s success because the more Americans prosper, the more America prospers. So will create two million new jobs by rebuilding our infrastructure. We’ll invest in renewable energy, creating five million new, green jobs that pay well, and can help end our dependence on Middle East Oil. //Part 2: Chinese-English InterpretingPassage 1欢迎各位参观我国东部最大的博物馆——华东博物馆。
⼀、⼝语题 Directions: Talk on the following topic for at least 5 minutes. Be sure to make your points clear and supporting details adequate. You should also be ready to answer any questions raised by the examiners during your talk. You need to have your name and registration number recorded. Start your talk with “My name is……”“My registration number is……” 1、Topic: The Discuss what constitutes a healthy way of life 2、Question for Reference: 1. What 1. Define a healthy way of life in terms of both physical and mental well-being. 2. What contributes to a healthy way of life? What can man do to help live a healthy way of life? 3. What factors do you think will prevent one from living such a life? . ⼆、⼝译题 1、Part A (英译中) Passage 1: The In an era dominated by electronics and telecommunications, we can never emphasize too much the importance of change. Motorola defines “change” as challenge and opportunity. The past decade has seen Motorola seize the opportunities opened up by changes in China and build itself into one of the most successful American investors in the country. ∥ With a firm commitment and substantial investment, we promote technological progress in China. By doing so,Motorola's brand has become a household name in China. China is both an opportunity and a challenge. We have laid a lot of groundwork, and helped China to implement its own strategy. We will reinvest and bring new technology into China. Passage 2: For most people, almost any place can become a tourist destination as long as it is different from the place where the traveler usually lives. London may not be a tourist attraction to a Londoner, but for a New Yorker it may have many charms. Many big cities offer a unique atmosphere and history. The Great Wall and the Palace Museum of Beijing, and the cable cars of San Francisco are part of the unusual atmosphere of those cities.∥ Smaller and yet well-known towns and rural areas throughout the world may also have attractions of this kind that tourists visit. An excellent example is the small village town of Stratford, Shakespeare's birthplace. Of course, natural scenery has always been an attraction for tourists. Millions of people have visited Niagara Falls, for example. Its reputation as a place for a honeymoon resort is world-famous. 2、Part B(中译英) Passage1: 现代化的交通、电信与⼤众传媒⼿段使世界变得越来越⼩,国际社会如同⼀个地球村,居住在地球村⾥的各国⼈民在⽂化交流中彼此尊重、共求发展。
上海高级口译试题及答案一、听力理解1. 请根据所听对话,选择正确的答案。
A. 会议将在下午三点开始。
B. 会议将在下午四点开始。
C. 会议将在下午五点开始。
D. 会议将在下午六点开始。
答案:B2. 根据对话内容,下列哪项是正确的?A. 他们计划去看电影。
B. 他们计划去购物。
C. 他们计划去公园。
D. 他们计划去餐厅。
答案:A二、口语表达1. 请用英语描述你最喜欢的季节,并解释原因。
答案:My favorite season is autumn. The weather is cool and crisp, and the leaves change into beautiful colors.2. 请用英语讲述一次你在国外旅行的经历。
答案:During my trip to Paris, I visited the Eiffel Tower and enjoyed the stunning view of the city from the top.三、阅读理解1. 阅读以下段落,并回答问题:What is the main idea of the passage?答案:The main idea of the passage is the importance of environmental conservation.2. 根据文章内容,下列哪项是作者的观点?A. 人们应该减少使用塑料。
B. 人们应该增加使用塑料。
C. 塑料对环境没有影响。
D. 塑料是不可替代的。
答案:A四、翻译1. 将下列句子从英语翻译成中文:"In order to achieve success, one must be willing to work hard and persevere."答案:为了取得成功,一个人必须愿意努力工作并坚持不懈。
2. 将下列句子从中文翻译成英语:“随着科技的发展,我们的生活变得越来越便利。
第一部分历年真题上海市英语高级口译岗位资格证书考试真题及详解(一)第一阶段考试SECTION 1: LISTENING TEST (30 minutes)Part A: Spot DictationDirections:In this part of the test, you will hear a passage and read the same passage with blanks in it. Fill in each of the blanks with the word or wordsyou have heard on the tape. Write your answer in the correspondingspace in your ANSWER BOOKLET. Remember you will hear the passageONLY ONCE. Now let’s begin Part A with Spot Dictation.We already live in an over-communicated world that will only become more so in the next tech era. We’ve _____(1) that gets us so much information. We’ve got _____(2)every second, we’ve got computers and laptops, we’ve got personal organizers and we’re just being _____(3) and every advance in technology seems to create more and more communications at us. We are sort of _____(4).Research suggests that all the multi-tasking may actually make our brains _____(5), producing a world-wide increase in IQ _____(6) and more in recent decades. Is there any real benefit in _____(7) we now have to go through?We’re not becoming a race of _____(8), but many do think certain skills are enhanced and certain are not. You know the ability to _____(9), to answer a dozen mails in five minutes, or to fill out _____(10). That’s enhanced. But when someone is out there with his kids _____(11) or something like that, he’s got his cell phone inhis pocket. He’s always wondering, “Gee, did I get a voicemail?” This might have negative effects _____(12).Creativity is something that happens slowly. It happens when your brain is just _____(13), just playing, when it _____(14) which you hadn’t thou ght of, or maybe you have time to read a hook. You are a businessperson but you have time to _____(15), or about a philosopher and something that happened long ago or something or some idea _____(16). Actually, it might occur to you that you _____(17) in t hat way, and so it’s this mixture of unrelated ideas that feeds your productivity, _____(18). And if your mind is disciplined to answer every e-mail, then you don’t have time for that playful nodding. You don’t have time for _____(19). So I think maybe we’re getting smarter in some senses, hut over-communication is _____(20) and to our reflection.【答案】1. developed technology2. cell phones ringing3. bombarded with communication4. overwhelmed by the information flow5. work better and faster6. up to 20 points7. all these mental gymnastics8. global idiots9. make fast decisions10. maybe big aptitude tests11. playing in his little league12. on our own brain patterns13. nodding around14. puts together ideas15. read a book about history16. somebody thought of long ago17. can think of your own business18. feeds your creativity19. those unexpected conjunctions20. a threat to our creativity【录音原文】We already live in an over-communicated world that will only become more so in the next tech era. We’ve developed technology that gets us so much information that we’ve got cell phones ringing every second, we’ve got computers and laptops, we’ve got personal organizers and we’re just being bombarded with communication and every advance in technology seems to create more and more communications at us. We are sort of overwhelmed by the information flow.Research suggests that all the multi-tasking may actually make our brains work better and faster, producing a world-wide increase in IQ up to 20 points and more in recent decades. Is there any real benefit in all these mental gymnastics we nowhave to go through?We’re not becoming a race of glob al idiots, but many do think certain skills are enhanced and certain are not. You know the ability to make fast decisions, to answer a dozen e-mails in five minutes, or to fill out maybe big aptitude tests. That’s enhanced. But when someone is out there wi th his kids playing in his little league or something like that, he’s got his cell phone in his pocket. He’s always wondering, “Gee, did I get a voicemail?” This might have negative effects on our own brain patterns.Creativity is something that happens slowly. It happens when your brain is just noodling around, just playing, when it puts together ideas which you hadn’t thought of, or maybe you have time to read a book. You are a businessperson but you have time to read a book about history, or about a philosopher and something that happened long ago or something or some idea somebody thought of long ago. Actually, it might occur to you that you can think of your own business in that way, and so it’s this mixture of unrelated ideas that feeds your produc tivity, feeds your creativity. And if your mind is disciplined to answer every e-mail, then you don’t have time for that playful noodling. You don’t have time for those unexpected conjunctions. So I think maybe we’re getting smarter in some senses, but over-communication is a threat to our creativity and to our reflection.Part B: Listening ComprehensionDirections: In this part of the test there will be some short talks and conversations.After each one, you will be asked same questions. The talks,conversations and questions will be spoken ONLY ONCE. Now, listencarefully and choose the right answer to each question you have heardand write the letter of the answer you have chosen in the correspondingspace in your ANSWER BOOKLET. Now let’s begin Part B wi th ListeningComprehension.Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following conversation.1. (A) The designing of a new town.(B) The most livable small town in America.(C) The financing of a housing project.(D) The updating of old building codes.2. (A) Houses with front porches.(B) Houses that are very close together.(C) Quarter-of-an-acre or half-an-acre private yard space.(D) Easy access to the town center and to the vital institutions.3. (A) It has nothing to do with a sense of nostalgia for the past.(B) It has failed in the new town mentioned in the conversation.(C) People prefer to stay in an air-conditioned front porch.(D) People spend very much time on front porches in hot climates.4. (A) You are not allowed to use red curtains facing the street.(B) You couldn’t attach a satellite dish to your house.(C) You should remove plastic products from front porches.(D) You mustn’t park your car in front of your house for long.5. (A) Some of these rules seem to go a little too far.(B) Some of these rules are contradictory.(C) These rules are all dictated by the local laws.(D) These rules have not been approved by the developer.【答案与解析】1.A 对话开头男士便提到“in designing this new town…”,接着回顾了美国以前的小城镇把最好的设计元素结合在一起,例如联排别墅,人行道,前廊和两边种着树的街道等。
2015年9月上海高级口译真题听力部分解析I. Note-taking Gap filling (NTGF)从听力的音带文字来看,这次考试的NTGF话题不难,脉络清晰,但词汇难度较大,因此做笔记应该按照“纲目条”的技巧来记录。
文章一开始就提出了主题,即对妇女而言,家务活是一种被迫接受的工作(imposed occupation),而社会对这份“工作”也有不同的两种观点,演讲者对两种观点分别做阐述,值得一提的是,这种“两分法”(dichotomy)也是NTGF部分常见思路,考生需要注意。
很多女性并不是心甘情愿的(not congenial)做“家庭主妇”的,这是一份“奴仆的工作”menial labor, 但是妇女的工作非常重要,因为对于任何社会来讲,男人承担了很多重要的工作,比如造船、伐木和军队,他们在家需要妇女来提供服务,否则社会无法正常运作,但是这些工作没有酬劳、没有晋升的机会,一眼望得到头(dead-endjob, no chance of promotion, no detailed nature),而这些工作因为没有“详细的工作描述”(detailedjob description), 工作不需要与他人竞争, 妇女感觉自己的能力退化了,被社会边缘化了,人生也就觉得没有成就感(deteriorating,alienating, inadequate) 而因为我们的社会被分成了很多不同的单元(Our society is organized in units),因此,妇女感觉到了“孤独”(isolation),而这份孤独感对人有负面心理作用(negative psychological effects)。
而对于这份工作的正面看法是,在西方社会,这份工作也并不是那么单调沉闷(full of drudgery) 、也并非让人感觉是“奴仆的工作”,难度也不高,如果从home-builder这个角度看,这份工作也能有成就感。
模考吧网提供最优质的模拟试题,最全的历年真题,最精准的预测押题!上海英语高级口译笔试试题(二)一、English-Chinese Translation (本大题1小题.每题50.0分,共50.0分。
Translate the following passage (s ) into Chinese )第1题Some critics believe that the very concept of intellectual property is mistaken. Unlike physical property, ideas are non-rivalrous goods that can be used by many people at the same time without making them any less useful. The term "intellectual property" was widely adopted only in the 1960s, as a way to bundle trademarks, copyrights and patents. Those critics argue that today's rights are too strict and make the sharing of knowledge too expensive. The paradox about intellectual property in IT and telecommunications is that it eases the exchange of technology and acts as a bottleneck for innovation at the same time. The whole system is in a stage of transformation. "Markets require institutions, and institutions take a long time to develop. Today, the institutions for a 'market for technology' are not well developed, and it is costly to use this market," says a specialist. Ideas are to the information age what the physical environment was to the industrial one: the raw material of economic progress. Just as pollution or an irresponsible use of property rights threatens land and climate, so an overly stringent system of intellectual-property rights risks holding back technological progress. Disruptive innovation that threatens the existing order must beencouraged, but the need to protect ideas must not be used as an excuse for greed. Finding the fight balance will test the industry, policymakers and the public in the years ahead.【正确答案】:一些评论家认为知识产权这个概念本身就不乏谬误。
11月上海市高级口译真题A卷一、口语题1、Topic:The information age and the promotion of China’s modernization2、Question for Reference:1. What do you know about the information age?2. Discuss the importance of information technology to China’s modernizati on.3. How could we prepare ourselves for the coming information revolution?二、口译题1、Part A (英译中)Passage 1:The 20th century has seen the rise and decline of a succession of industries in the United States. The automobile industry has had to struggle to meet the challenge of foreign competition. Many new industries have appeared. Many of the currently rising industries are among what are known as high-tech industries,because of their dependence on the latest developments in technology.∥High-tech industries tend to be highly automated and thus need fewer workers than traditional industries such as steel-making. As high-tech industries have grown and older industries have declined in recent years,the proportion of American workers employed in manufacturing has declined. Service industries—industries that sell a service rather than make a product—now dominate the economy.Passage 2:Like other degenerative diseases,heart disease is ordinarily present for a very long time in the body before obvious and drastic symptoms appear. In fact,for most young people in our country,heart often begins in their early twenties. It grows worseover the years until finally the inevitable heart attack strikes.∥For most people the first heart attack does not come until a certain age,say their fifties or sixties. But for thousands of people every year,the first heart attack comes in the twenties and occasionally even a person in his teens may experience a serious heart attack. In this way we can say that heart disease is more dangerous to the younger generation,since they are not at all prepared for it.2、Part B(中译英)Passage1:欢迎各位游览东海世界公园。
上海市英语高级口译岗位资格证书考试第一阶段试题及答案上海市英语高级口译岗位资格证书考试第一阶段试题(06.9) SECTION1:LISTENING TEST(30minutes)Part A:Spot Dictation Directions:In this part of the test, you will hear a passage and read the same passage with blanks in it.Fill in each of the blanks with the world or words you have heard on the tape.Write your answer in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET.Remember you will hear the passage ONLY ONCE.Play is very important for humans from birth to death.Play is not meant to be just for children.It is a form of___________(1)that can tap into your creativity,and can allow you the chance to find your inner child and the inner child of others.I have collected the___________(2)of play here.Play can stimulate you___________(3).It can go against all the rules,and change the same___________(4).Walt Disney was devoted to play,and his willingness to___________ (5)changed the world of entertainment.The next time you are stuck in a___________(6)way of life,pull out a box of color pencils,modeling clay,glue and scissors,and___________(7)and break free.You will be amazed at the way your thinking___________(8).Playing can bring greater joy into your life.What do you think the world would be like-if___________(9)each day in play?I bet just asking you this question has___________(10).Play creates laughter,joy,entertainment, ___________(11).Starting today,try to get30minutes each day to engage in some form of play,and ___________(12)rise!Play is known___________(13). Studies show that,as humans,play is part of our nature. We have the need to play because it is instinctive and ___________(14).With regular play,our problem-solving and___________(15)will be in much better shape to handle this complex world,and we are much more likely to choose ___________(16)as they arise.It creates laughter and freedom that can instantly reduce stress and__________ (17)to our daily living.Play can___________(18), curiosity,and creativity.Research shows that play is both a‘hands-on’and‘minds-on’learning process.It produces a deeper,___________(19)of the world and its possibilities.We begin giving meaning to life through story making,and playing out___________(20).Part B:Listening Comprehension Directions:In this part of the test there will be some short talks and conversations.After each one,you will be asked some questions.The talks,conversations and questions will be spoken ONLY ONCE.Now listen carefully and choose the right answer to each question you have heard and write the letter of the answer you have chosen in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET.Questions1to5are based on the following conversation.1.(A)in Cherry Blossoms Village ninety of the residents are over85years old.(B)In the United States,there are twice as many centenarians as there were ten years ago.(C)All the people studied by these scientists from Georgia live in institutions for the elderly.(D)Almost all the residents in Cherry Blossoms Village have unusual hobbies.2.(A)Whether the centenarians can live independently in small apartments.(B)Whether it is feasible to establish a village for the”oldest old”people.(C)What percentage of the population are centenarians inthe state of Georgia.(D)What the real secrets are to becoming an active and healthy100-year-old.3.(A)Diet,optimism,activity or mobility,and genetics.(B)Optimism,commitment to interesting things,activity or mobility,and adaptability to loss.(C)The strength to adapt to loss,diet,exercise,and genetics.(D)Diet,exercise,commitment to something they were interested in,and genetics.4.(A)The centenarians had a high calorie and fat intake.(B)The centenarians basically eat something different.(C)The centenarians eat a low-fat and low-calorie, unprocessed food diet.(D)The centenarians eat spicy food,drink whiskey,and have sweet pork every day.5.(A)Work hard.(B)Stay busy.(C)Stick to a balanced diet.(D)Always find something to laugh about.Questions6to10are based on the following news.6.(A)Global temperatures rose by3degrees in the20thcentury.(B)Global warming may spread disease that could kill a lot of people in Africa.(C)Developed countries no longer depend on fossil fuels for transport and power.(D)The impact of the global warming will be radically reduced by2050.7.(A)Taking bribes.(B)Creating a leadership vacuum at the country’s top car maker.(C)Misusing company funds for personal spending.(D)Offering cash for political favors.8.(A)The nation has raised alert status to the highest level and thousands of people have moved to safety. (B)The eruption of Mount Merapi has been the worst in Indonesia over the past two decades.(C)All residents in the region ten kilometers from the base of the mountain have evacuated.(D)The eruption process was a sudden burst and has caused extensive damage and heavy casualty.9.(A)6to7.(B)8to10.(C)11to16.(D)17to25.10.(A)Curbing high-level corruption.(B)Fighting organized crime.(C)Investigating convictions of criminals.(D)Surveying the threats to national security. Questions11to15are based on the following interview.11.(A)A wine taster.(B)A master water taster.(C)The host of the show.(D)The engineer who works on the water treatment plant.12.(A)Berkeley Springs.(B)Santa Barbara.(C)Atlantic City.(D)Sacramento.13.(A)Being saucy and piquant.(B)Tasting sweet(C)A certain amount of minerals.(D)An absence of taste. 14.(A)Looking—smelling—tasting.(B)Tasting—smelling—looking.(C)Smelling—looking—tasting.(D)Tasting—looking—smelling.15.(A)Bathing.(B)Boiling pasta in.(C)Swimming.(D) Making tea.Questions16to20are based on the following talk. 16.(A)Enhance reading and math skills.(B)Increase the students’appreciation of nature.(C)Improve math,but not reading skills.(D)Develop reading,but not math skills.17.(A)To help the students appreciate the arts.(B)To make the students’educatio n more well-rounded.(C)To investigate the impact of arts training.(D)To enhance the students’math skills.18.(A)Once weekly.(B)Twice weekly.(C)Once a month.(D)Twice a month.19.(A)Six months.(B)Seven months.(C)Eight months.(D) Nine months.20.(A)The children’s attitude.(B)The children’s test scores.(C)Both the children’s attitude and test scores.(D)Both the teachers’and the children’s attitude. SECTION2:READING TEST(30minutes)Directions:In this section you will read several passages. Each one is followed by several questions about it.You are to choose ONE best answer,(A),(B),(C)or(D),to each question.Answer all the questions following each passage on the basis of what is stated orimplied in that passage and write the letter of the answer you have chosen in thecorresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET.Questions1—5Anyone who doubts that children are born with a healthy amount of ambition need spend only a few minutes with ababy eagerly learning to walk or a headstrong toddler starting to talk.No matter how many times the little ones stumble in their initial efforts,most keep on trying, determined to master their amazing new skill.It is only several years later,around the start of middle or junior high school,many psychologists and teachers agree,that a good number of kids seem to lose their natural drive to succeed and end up joining the ranks of underachievers. For the parents of such kids,whose own ambition is often inextricably tied to their children’s su ccess,it can be a bewildering,painful experience.So it’s no wonder some parents find themselves hoping that,just maybe, ambition can be taught like any other subject at school. It’s not quite that simple.”Kids can be given the opportunities to become passionate about a subject or activity,but they can’t be forced,”says Jacquelynne Eccles,a psychology professor at the University of Michigan,who led a landmark,25-year study examining what motivated first-and seventh-grades in three school districts.Even so,a growing number of educators and psychologists do believe it is possible to unearth ambition in students who don’t seem to have much.Theysay that by instilling confidence,encouraging some risk taking,being accepting of failure and expanding the areas in which children may be successful,both parents and teachers can reignite that innate desire to achieve. Figuring out why the fire went out is the first step. Assuming that a kid doesn’t suffer froman emotional or learning disability,or isn’t involved in some family crisis at home,manyeducators attribute a sudden lack of motivation to a fear of failure or peer pressure thatconveys the message that doing well academically somehow isn’t cool.”Kids get so caught up in the moment-to-moment issue of will they look smart or dumb,and it blocks them from thinking about the long term,”says Carol Dweck,a psychology professor at Stanford.”You have to teach them that they are in charge of their intellectual growth.”Over the past couple of years,Dweck has helped run an experimental workshop with New York City public school seventh-graders to do just that.Dubbed Brainology,the unorthodox approach uses basic neuroscience to teach kids how the brain works and how it can continue to develop throughou t life.”The message is that everything iswithin the kids’control,that their intelligence is malleable,”says Lisa Blackwell,a research scientist at Columbia University who has worked with Dweck to develop and run the program,which has helped increase the students’interest in school and turned around their declining math grades.More than any teacher or workshop, Blackwell says,”parents can play a critical role in conveying this message to their children by praising their effort,strategy and progres s rather than emphasizing their‘smartness’or praising high performance alone. Most of all,parents should let their kids know that mistakes are a part of learning.”Some experts say our education system,with its strong emphasis on testing and rigid separation of students into different levels of ability,also bears blame for the disappearance of drive in some kids.”These programs shut down the motivation of all kids who aren’t considered gifted and talented. They destroy their confidence,”says Jeff How ard,a social psychologist and president of the Efficacy Institute,a Boston-area organization that works with teachers and parents in school districts around the country to help improve children’sacademic performance.Howard and other educators say it’s important to expose kids to aworld beyond homework and tests,through volunteer work,sports,hobbies and other extracurricular activities.”The crux of the issue is that many students experience education as irrelevant to their life goals and ambitions,”says Michael Nakkual,a Harvard education professor who runs a Boston-area mentoring program called Project IF(Inventing the Future),which works to get low-income underachievers in touch with their aspirations.The key to getting kids to aim higher at school is to disabuse them of the notion that classwork is irrelevant,to show them how doing well at school can actually help them fulfill their dreams beyond it.Like any ambitious toddler,they need to understand that you have to learn to walk before you can run.1.Which of the following best expresses the main idea of the first paragraph?(A)Children are born with a kind of healthy ambition.(B)How a baby learns to walk and talk.(C)Ambition can be taught like other subjects at school.(D)Some teenage children lose their drive to succeed.2.According to some educators and psychologists,all ofthe following would be helpful to cultivate students’ambition to succeed EXCEPT________.(A)stimulating them to build up self-confidence(B)cultivating the attitude of risk taking(C)enlarging the areas for children to succeed(D)making them understand their family crisis3.What is the message that peer pressure conveys to children?(A)A sudden lack of motivation is attributed to the student’s failure.(B)Book knowledge is not as important as practical experience.(C)Looking smart is more important for young people at school.(D)To achieve academic excellence should not be treated as the top priority.4.The word”malleable”in the clause”that their intelligence is malleable,”(para.3)most probably means capable of being________.(A)altered and developed(B)blocked and impaired(C)sharpened and advanced(D)replaced and transplanted5.The expression”to disabuse them of the notion”(para.4) can be paraphrased as________.(A)to free them of the idea(B)to help them understand the idea(C)to imbue them with the notion(D)to inform them of the conceptQuestions6—10Civil-liberties advocates reeling from the recent revelations on surveillance had something else to worry about last week:the privacy of the billions of search queries made on sites like Google,AOL,Yahoo and Microsoft.As part of a long-running court case,the government has asked those companies to turn over i nformation on its users’search behavior.All but Google have handed over data,and now the Department of Justice has moved to compel the search giant to turn over the goods. What makes this case different is that the intended use of the information is not related tonational security,but the government’s continuing attempt to police Internet pornography.In1998,Congress passed the Child Online Protection Act (COPA),but courts have blocked its implementation due toFirst Amendment concerns.In its appeal,the DOJ wants to prove how easy it is to inadvertently stumble upon pore. In order to conduct a controlled experiment—to be performed by a UC Berkeley professor of statistics—the DOJ wants to use a large sample of actual search terms from the different search engines.It would then use those terms to do its own searches,employing the different kinds of filters each search engine offers,in an attempt to quantify how often”material that is harmful to minors”might appear.Google contends that since it is not a party to the case,the government has not right to demand its proprietary information to perform its test.”We intend to resist their motion vigorously,”said Google attorney Nicole Wong.DOJ spokesperson Charles Miller says that the government is requesting only the actual search terms,and not anything that would link the queries to those who made them.(The DOJ is also demanding a list of a million Web sites that Google indexes to determine the degree to which objectionable sites are searched.)Originally,the government asked for a treasure trove of all searches made in June and July;the request has been scaled back to one week’s worth of search queries.One oddity about the DOJ’s strategy is that the experiment could conceivably sink its own case.If the built-in filters that each search engine provides are effective in blocking porn sites,the government will have wound up proving what the opposition has said all along—you don’t need to suppress speech to protect minors on the Net.”We think that our filtering technology does a good job protecting minors from inadvertently seeing adult content,”says Ramez Naam,group program manager of MSN Search. Though the government intends to use these data specifically for its COPA-related test,it’s possible that the information could lead to further investigations and, perhaps,subpoenas to find out who was doing the searching. What if certain search terms indicated that people were contemplating terrorist actions or other criminal activities?Says the DOJ’s Miller,”I’m assuming that if something raised alarms,we would hand it over to the proper authorities.”Privacy advocates fear that if the government request is upheld,it will open the door to further government examination of search behavior.One solution would be for Google to stop storing the information,but the company hopes to eventually use thepersonal information of consenting customers to improve search performance.”Search is a window into people’s personalities,”says Kurt Opsahl,an El ectronic Frontier Foundation attorney.”They should be able to take advantage of the Internet without worrying about Big Brother looking over their shoulders.”6.When the American government asked Google,AOL,Yahoo and Microsoft to turn over information on its users’search behavior,the major intention is_________.(A)to protect national security(B)to help protect personal freedom(C)to monitor Internet pornography(D)to implement the Child Online Protection Act7.Google refused to turn over”its proprietary information”(para.2)required by DOJ as it believes that ________.(A)it is not involved in the court case(B)users’privacy is most important(C)the government has violated the First Amendment(D)search terms is the company’s busin ess secret8.The phrase”scaled back to”in the sentence”the request has been scaled back to one week’s worth of searchqueries”(para.3)can be replaced by_________.(A)maximized to(B)minimized to(C)returned to(D)reduced to9.In the sentenc e”One oddity about the DOJ’s strategy is that the experiment could conceivably sink its own case.”(para.4),the expression”sink its own case”most probably means that_________.(A)counterattack the opposition(B)lead to blocking of porn sites(C)provide evidence to disprove the case(D)give full ground to support the case10.When Kurt Opsahl says that”They should be able to take advantage of the Internet without worrying about Big Brother looking over their shoulders.”(para.5),the expression”Big Brother”is used to refer to_________.(A)a friend or relative showing much concern(B)a colleague who is much more experienced(C)a dominating and all-powerful ruling power(D)a benevolent and democratic organizationQuestions11—15On New Y ear’s Day,50,000inmates in Kenyan jails went without lunch.This was not somemass hunger strike to highlight poor living conditions. It was an extraordinary humanitarian gesture:the money that would have been spent on their lunches went to the charity Food Aid to help feed an estimated 3.5million Kenyans who,because of a severe drought,are threatened with starvation.The drought is big news in Africa, affecting huge areas of east Africa and the Horn.If you are reading this in the west,however,you may not be aware of it—the media is not interested in old stories.Even if you do know about the drought,you may not be aware that it is devastating one group of people disproportionately: the pastoralists.There are20million nomadic or semi-nomadic herders in this region,and they are fast becoming some of the poorest people in the continent.Their plight encapsulates Africa’s perennial problem with drought and famine.How so?It comes down to the reluctance of governments,aid agencies and foreign lenders to support the herders’traditional way of life.Instead they have tended to try to turn them into commercial ranchers or agriculturalists,even though it has been demonstratedtime and again that pastoralists are well adapted to their harsh environments,and that moving livestock according to the seasons or climatic changes makes their methods far more viable than agriculture in sub-Saharan drylands. Furthermore,African pastoralist systems are often more productive,in terms of protein and cash per hectare,than Australian,American and other African ranches in similar climatic conditions.They make a substantial contribution to their countries’national economies.In Kenya,for example,the turnover of the pastoralist sector is worth $800million per year.In countries such as Burkina Faso, Eritrea and Ethiopia,hides from pastoralists’herds make up over10per cent of export earnings.Despite this productivity,pastoralists still starve andtheir animals perish when drought hits.One reason is that only a trickle of the profits goesto the herders themselves;the lion’s share is pocketed by traders.This is partly because the herders only sell much of their stock during times of drought and famine, when they need the cash to buy food,and the terms of trade in this situation never work in their favour.Another reason is the lack of investment in herding areas.Fundingbodies such as the World Bank and-USAID tried to address some of the problems in the1960s,investing millions of dollars in commercial beef and dairy production.It didn’t work.Firstly,no one bothered to consult the pastoralists about what they wanted.Secondly,rearing livestock took precedence over human progress.The policies and strategies of international development agencies more or less mirrored the thinking of their colonial predecessors.They were based on two false assumptions:that pastoralism is primitive and inefficient,which led to numerous failed schemes aimed at converting herders to modern ranching models;and that Afri ca’s drylands can support commercial ranching.They cannot.Most of Africa’s herders live in areas with unpredictable weather systems that are totally unsuited to commercial ranching.What the pastoralists need is support for their traditional lifestyle.Over the past few years,funders and policy-makers have been starting to get the message.One example is intervention by governments to ensure that pastoralists get fair prices for their cattle when they sell them in times of drought,so that they can afford to buy fodder for their remaining livestockand cereals to keep themselves and their families alive (the problem in African famines is not so much a lack of food as a lack of money to buy it).Another example is a drought early-warning system run by the Kenyan government and the World Bank that hashelped avert livestock deaths.This is all promising,but more needs to be done.Some African governments still favour forcing pastoralists to settle.They should heed the latest scientific research demonstrating the productivity of traditional cattle-herding.Ultimately,sustainable rural development in pastoralist areas will depend on increasing trade,so one thing going for them is the growing demand for livestock products:there will likely be an additional 2billion consumers worldwide by2020,the vast majority in developing countries.To ensure that pastoralists benefit,it will be crucial to give them a greater say in local policies.Other key tasks include giving a greater say to women,who play critical roles in livestock production.The rich world should pay proper attention to the plight of the pastoralists.Leaving them dependent on foreign food aid is unsustainable and will lead to moreresentment,conflict,environmental degradation and malnutrition.It is in the rich world’s interests to help out.11.Which of the following CANNOT be concluded from the passage?(A)Forcing Africa’s nomadic herders to become ranchers will save them from drought.(B)The difference between pastoralist and agriculturalist is vital to the African people.(C)The rich world should give more support to the African people to overcome drought.(D)Environmental degradation should be the major concern in developing Africa’s pastoralism.12.The word”encapsulates”in the sentence”Their plight encapsulates Africa’s perennial problem with drought and famine.”(para.l)can be replaced by________.(A)concludes.(B)involves.(C)represents.(D)aggravates.13.What is the author’s attitude toward African drought and tr aditional lifestyle of pastoralism?(A)Neutral and indifferent.(B)Sympathetic and understanding.(C)Critical and vehement.(D)Subjective and fatalistic.14.When the author writes”the policies and strategies of international development agencies more or less mirrored the thinking of their colonial predecessors.”(para.4),he implies all the following EXCEPT that the aid agencies did not__________.(A)have an objective view of the situation in Africa(B)understand the unpredictable weather systems there(C)feel themselves superior in decision making(D)care about the development of the local people15.The author’s main purpose in writing this article in _________.(A)to evaluate the living conditions of Kenyan pastoralists(B)to give suggestions on the support of the traditional pastoralism in Africa(C)to illustrate the difference between commercial ranching and pastoralism(D)to criticize the colonial thinking of western aidagenciesQuestions16—20The prospects for finding life beyond Earth may be brightening.Today,scientists are reporting evidence for yet another potential habitat in our solar system:Saturn’s moon Enceladus.Scientists mining new data from the Cassini spacecraft say they may have found evidence that Enceladus—the planet’s fourth-largest moon —hosts liquid water.If the results hold up,this would bring to four the number of bodies in the solar system—including Earth—that display active volcanism.And since life as biologists know it requires liquid water and a source of energy, Enceladus would join Jupiter’s moon Europa and Saturn’s moon Titan,as well as Mars,as possible spots beyond Earth where simple forms of life may have gained or still maintain a foothold.The discovery,however,is bittersweet for many scientists.NASA’s proposed budget for fiscal calls for a50percent cut in its astrobiology program.Although the program is a tiny piece of the agency’s overall spending plan for science,it’s a significant source of money for probing fundamental questions of how and why life emerged on Earth and whetherlife arose elsewhere in the universe.A50-percent cut”is almost a going-out-of-business-level cut”in a vibrant line of research that stands as one pillar supporting President Bush’s vision for space exploration,says planetary scientist Sean Solomon,who heads the Department of Terrestrial Magnetism at the Carnegie Institution of Washington.Nevertheless,the research in today’s issue of the journal Science is the sort of thing that continues to light a fire under the field. Its report about liquid water under the icy surface of Enceladus is a”radical conclusion,”acknowledges Carolyn Porco,who leads the imaging team working with data from the Cassini orbiter.But if the team is right,”we have significantly broadened the diversity of solar-system environments”that might have rolled out the welcome mat”for living organisms,”she concludes.Images released last fall show the moon ejecting vast plumes of material near itsunexpectedly warm south pole.As the team pondered the evidence,they nixed severalexplanations,including the idea that the particles in the plumes were driven by vaporbillowing out as ice reached the surface and immediately turned into a gas.The last idea standing:Liquid water was venting from reservoirs near the surface,perhaps only tens of meters below the frigid crust.This explanation also helped solve the riddle of puzzlingly high levels of oxygen atoms found in Saturn’s neighborhood.Confirmation could come with additional flybys,if water—and perhaps life—is present,it wouldn’t be”luxuriant,”notes Jeffrey Kargel,a researcher at the University of Arizona at Tucson.It likely would face tough conditions—nasty chemicals,very low temperatures,and little energy to drive i t.Still,he adds,it’s premature to cross the moon off the list of possible”outposts”for life beyond Earth.Yet the prospect of building on these results could be dimmer with the threat of budget cuts.The proposed reductions post several challenges,researchers say.One is the loss of important financial leverage.While money for experiments and other research related to astrobiology can come from other funding agencies,such as the National Science Foundation or even the National Institutes of Health,NASA’s program often provides the crucial missing piece that turns demanding and sometimes dangerous。
上海市英语高级口译岗位资格证书考试第一阶段试题及答案上海市英语高级口译岗位资格证书考试第一阶段试题( 06.9) SECTION 1: LISTENING TEST(30 minutes)Part A: Spot Dictation Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear a passage and read the same passage with blanks in it. Fill in each of the blanks with the world or words you have heard on the tape. Write your answer in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET. Remember you will hear the passage ONLY ONCE. Play is very important for humans from birth to death. Play is not meant to be just for children. It is a form of ___________ (1) that can tap into your creativity, and can allow you the chance to find your inner child and the inner child of others. I have collected the ___________ (2) of play here. Play can stimulate you ___________ (3). It can go against all the rules, and change the same ___________ (4). Walt Disney was devoted to play, and his willingness to ___________ (5) changed the world of entertainment. The next time you are stuck in a ___________ (6) way of life, pull out a box of color pencils,modeling clay, glue and scissors, and ___________ (7) and break free. You will be amazed at the way your thinking ___________ (8). Playing can bring greater joy into your life. What do you think the world would be like-if ___________ (9) each day in play? I bet just asking you this question has ___________(10). Play creates laughter, joy, entertainment, ___________ (11). Starting today, try to get30 minutes each day to engage in some form of play, and ___________ (12) rise! Play is known ___________ (13). Studies show that, as humans, play is part of our nature. We have the need to play because it is instinctive and ___________ (14). With regular play, our problem-solving and ___________ (15) will be in much better shape to handle this complex world, and we are much more likely to choose ___________ (16) as they arise. It creates laughter and freedom that can instantly reduce stress and __________ (17) to our daily living. Play can ___________ (18), curiosity, and creativity. Research shows that play is both a ‘hands-on’and ‘minds-on’learning process. It produces a deeper, ___________ (19) of the world and its possibilities. We begin giving meaning tolife through story making, and playing out ___________ (20).Part B: Listening Comprehension Directions: In this part of the test there will be some short talks and conversations. After each one, you will be asked some questions. The talks, conversations and questions will be spoken ONLY ONCE. Now listen carefully and choose the right answer to each question you have heard and write the letter of the answer you have chosen in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET. Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following conversation.1. (A) in Cherry Blossoms Village ninety of the residents are over 85 years old.(B) In the United States, there are twice as many centenarians as there were ten years ago.(C) All the people studied by these scientists from Georgia live in institutions for the elderly.(D) Almost all the residents in Cherry Blossoms Village have unusual hobbies.2. (A) Whether the centenarians can live independently in small apartments.(B) Whether it is feasible to establish a village for the ”oldest old”people.(C) What percentage of the population are centenarians in the state of Georgia.(D) What the real secrets are to becoming an active and healthy 100-year-old.3. (A) Diet, optimism, activity or mobility, and genetics.(B) Optimism, commitment to interesting things, activity or mobility, and adaptability to loss.(C) The strength to adapt to loss, diet, exercise, and genetics.(D) Diet, exercise, commitment to something they were interested in, and genetics.4. (A) The centenarians had a high calorie and fat intake.(B) The centenarians basically eat something different.(C) The centenarians eat a low-fat and low-calorie, unprocessed food diet.(D) The centenarians eat spicy food, drink whiskey, and have sweet pork every day.5. (A) Work hard.(B) Stay busy.(C) Stick to a balanced diet.(D) Always find something to laugh about. Questions 6 to 10 are based on the following news. 6. (A) Global temperatures rose by 3 degrees in the 20th century.(B) Global warming may spread disease that could kill a lot of people in Africa.(C) Developed countries no longer depend on fossil fuels for transport and power.(D) The impact of the global warming will be radically reduced by 2050.7. (A) Taking bribes.(B) Creating a leadership vacuum at the country’s top car maker.(C) Misusing company funds for personal spending.(D) Offering cash for political favors.8. (A) The nation has raised alert status to the highest level and thousands of people have moved to safety.(B) The eruption of Mount Merapi has been the worst in Indonesia over the past two decades.(C) All residents in the region ten kilometers from the base of the mountain have evacuated.(D) The eruption process was a sudden burst and has caused extensive damage and heavy casualty.9. (A) 6 to 7.(B) 8 to 10.(C) 11 to 16.(D) 17 to 25.10. (A) Curbing high-level corruption.(B) Fighting organized crime.(C) Investigating convictions of criminals.(D) Surveying the threats to national security. Questions 11 to 15 are based on the following interview.11. (A) A wine taster. (B) A master water taster. (C) The host of the show. (D) The engineer who works on the water treatment plant.12. (A) Berkeley Springs.(B) Santa Barbara.(C) Atlantic City. (D) Sacramento.13. (A) Being saucy and piquant.(B) Tasting sweet (C) A certain amount of minerals.(D) An absence of taste. 14. (A) Looking—smelling—tasting. (B) Tasting—smelling—looking.(C) Smelling—looking—tasting. (D) Tasting—looking—smelling.15. (A) Bathing. (B) Boiling pasta in. (C) Swimming. (D) Making tea.Questions 16 to 20 are based on the following talk. 16. (A) Enhance reading and math skills. (B) Increase the students’appreciation of nature.(C) Improve math, but not reading skills. (D) Develop reading, but not math skills.17. (A) To help the students appreciate the arts. (B) To make the students’educatio n more well-rounded. (C) To investigate the impact of arts training. (D) To enhance the students’math skills.18. (A) Once weekly. (B) Twice weekly. (C) Once a month. (D) Twice a month.19. (A) Six months. (B) Seven months.(C) Eight months.(D) Nine months.20. (A) The children’s attitude.(B) The children’s test scores.(C) Both the children’s attitude and test scores.(D) Both the teachers’and the children’s attitude. SECTION 2: READING TEST (30 minutes)Directions: In this section you will read several passages. Each one is followed by several questions about it. You are to choose ONE best answer, (A), (B), (C) or (D), to each question. Answer all the questions following each passage on the basis of what is stated orimplied in that passage and write the letter of the answer you have chosen in thecorresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET. Questions 1—5 Anyone who doubts that children are born with a healthy amount of ambition need spend only a few minutes with a baby eagerly learning to walk or a headstrong toddler starting to talk. No matter how many times the little ones stumble in their initial efforts, most keep on trying, determined to master their amazing new skill. It is only several years later, around the start of middle or junior high school, many psychologists and teachers agree, that a good number of kids seem to lose their natural drive to succeed and end up joining the ranks of underachievers. For the parents of such kids, whose own ambition is often inextricably tied to their children’s su ccess, it can be a bewildering, painful experience. So it’s no wonder some parents find themselves hoping that, just maybe, ambition can be taught like any other subject at school. It’s not quite that simple. ”Kids can be given the opportunities to become passionate about a subject or activity, but they can’t be forced,”says JacquelynneEccles, a psychology professor at the University of Michigan, who led a landmark, 25-year study examining what motivated first-and seventh-grades in three school districts. Even so, a growing number of educators and psychologists do believe it is possible to unearth ambition in students who don’t seem to have much. They say that by instilling confidence, encouraging some risk taking, being accepting of failure and expanding the areas in which children may be successful, both parents and teachers can reignite that innate desire to achieve. Figuring out why the fire went out is the first step. Assuming that a kid doesn’t suffer froman emotional or learning disability, or isn’t involved in some family crisis at home, manyeducators attribute a sudden lack of motivation to a fear of failure or peer pressure thatconveys the message that doing well academically somehow isn’t cool. ”Kids get so caught up in the moment-to-moment issue of will they look smart or dumb, and it blocks them from thinking about the long term,”says Carol Dweck, a psychology professor atStanford. ”You have to teach them that they are in charge of their intellectual growth.”Over the past couple of years, Dweck has helped run an experimental workshop with New York City public school seventh-graders to do just that. Dubbed Brainology, the unorthodox approach uses basic neuroscience to teach kids how the brain works and how it can continue to develop throughou t life. ”The message is that everything is within the kids’control, that their intelligence is malleable,”says Lisa Blackwell, a research scientist at Columbia University who has worked with Dweck to develop and run the program, which has helped increase the students’interest in school and turned around their declining math grades. More than any teacher or workshop, Blackwell says, ”parents can play a critical role in conveying this message to their children by praising their effort, strategy and progres s rather than emphasizing their ‘smartness’or praising high performance alone. Most of all, parents should let their kids know that mistakes are a part of learning.”Some experts say our education system, with its strong emphasis on testingand rigid separation of students into different levels of ability, also bears blame for the disappearance of drive in some kids. ”These programs shut down the motivation of all kids who aren’t considered gifted and talented. They destroy their confidence,”says Jeff How ard, a social psychologist and president of the Efficacy Institute, a Boston-area organization that works with teachers and parents in school districts around the country to help improve children’sacademic performance. Howard and other educators say it’s important to expose kids to aworld beyond homework and tests, through volunteer work, sports, hobbies and other extracurricular activities. ”The crux of the issue is that many students experience education as irrelevant to their life goals and ambitions,”says Michael Nakkual, a Harvard education professor who runs a Boston-area mentoring program called Project IF (Inventing the Future), which works to get low-income underachievers in touch with their aspirations. The key to getting kids to aim higher at school is to disabuse them of the notion that classwork is irrelevant, to show them how doing well at schoolcan actually help them fulfill their dreams beyond it. Like any ambitious toddler, they need to understand that you have to learn to walk before you can run.1. Which of the following best expresses the main idea of the first paragraph?(A) Children are born with a kind of healthy ambition.(B) How a baby learns to walk and talk.(C) Ambition can be taught like other subjects at school.(D) Some teenage children lose their drive to succeed.2. According to some educators and psychologists, all of the following would be helpful to cultivate students’ambition to succeed EXCEPT ________.(A) stimulating them to build up self-confidence(B) cultivating the attitude of risk taking(C) enlarging the areas for children to succeed(D) making them understand their family crisis3. What is the message that peer pressure conveys to children?(A) A sudden lack of motivation is attributed to the student’s failure.(B) Book knowledge is not as important as practicalexperience.(C) Looking smart is more important for young people at school.(D) To achieve academic excellence should not be treated as the top priority.4. The word ”malleable”in the clause ”that their intelligence is malleable,”(para.3) most probably means capable of being ________.(A) altered and developed(B) blocked and impaired(C) sharpened and advanced(D) replaced and transplanted5. The expression ”to disabuse them of the notion”(para.4) can be paraphrased as ________.(A) to free them of the idea(B) to help them understand the idea(C) to imbue them with the notion(D) to inform them of the conceptQuestions 6—10 Civil-liberties advocates reeling from the recent revelations on surveillance had something else to worry about last week: the privacy of the billions of search queries made on sites like Google,AOL, Yahoo and Microsoft. As part of a long-running court case, the government has asked those companies to turn over i nformation on its users’search behavior. All but Google have handed over data, and now the Department of Justice has moved to compel the search giant to turn over the goods. What makes this case different is that the intended use of the information is not related tonational security, but the government’s continuing attempt to police Internet pornography.In 1998, Congress passed the Child Online Protection Act (COPA), but courts have blocked its implementation due to First Amendment concerns. In its appeal, the DOJ wants to prove how easy it is to inadvertently stumble upon pore. In order to conduct a controlled experiment—to be performed by a UC Berkeley professor of statistics—the DOJ wants to use a large sample of actual search terms from the different search engines. It would then use those terms to do its own searches, employing the different kinds of filters each search engine offers, in an attempt to quantify how often ”material that is harmful to minors”mightappear. Google contends that since it is not a party to the case, the government has not right to demand its proprietary information to perform its test. ”We intend to resist their motion vigorously,”said Google attorney Nicole Wong. DOJ spokesperson Charles Miller says that the government is requesting only the actual search terms, and not anything that would link the queries to those who made them. (The DOJ is also demanding a list of a million Web sites that Google indexes to determine the degree to which objectionable sites are searched.) Originally, the government asked for a treasure trove of all searches made in June and July ; the request has been scaled back to one week’s worth of search queries. One oddity about the DOJ’s strategy is that the experiment could conceivably sink its own case. If the built-in filters that each search engine provides are effective in blocking porn sites, the government will have wound up proving what the opposition has said all along—you don’t need to suppress speech to protect minors on the Net. ”We think that our filtering technology does a good job protecting minors from inadvertently seeingadult content,”says Ramez Naam, group program manager of MSN Search.Though the government intends to use these data specifically for its COPA-related test, it’s possible that the information could lead to further investigations and, perhaps, subpoenas to find out who was doing the searching. What if certain search terms indicated that people were contemplating terrorist actions or other criminal activities? Says the DOJ’s Miller, ”I’m assuming that if something raised alarms, we would hand it over to the proper authorities.”Privacy advocates fear that if the government request is upheld, it will open the door to further government examination of search behavior. One solution would be for Google to stop storing the information, but the company hopes to eventually use the personal information of consenting customers to improve search performance. ”Search is a window into people’s personalities,”says Kurt Opsahl, an El ectronic Frontier Foundation attorney. ”They should be able to take advantage of the Internet without worrying aboutBig Brother looking over their shoulders.”6. When the American government asked Google, AOL, Yahoo and Microsoft to turn over information on its users’search behavior, the major intention is _________.(A) to protect national security(B) to help protect personal freedom(C) to monitor Internet pornography(D) to implement the Child Online Protection Act7. Google refused to turn over ”its proprietary information”(para.2) required by DOJ as it believes that ________.(A) it is not involved in the court case(B) users’privacy is most important(C) the government has violated the First Amendment(D) search terms is the company’s busin ess secret8. The phrase ”scaled back to”in the sentence ”the request has been scaled back to one week’s worth of search queries”(para.3) can be replaced by _________.(A) maximized to(B) minimized to(C) returned to(D) reduced to9. In the sentenc e ”One oddity about the DOJ’s strategy is that the experiment could conceivably sink its own case.”(para.4), the expression ”sink its own case”most probably means that _________.(A) counterattack the opposition(B) lead to blocking of porn sites(C) provide evidence to disprove the case(D) give full ground to support the case10. When Kurt Opsahl says that ”They should be able to take advantage of the Internet without worrying about Big Brother looking over their shoulders.”(para.5), the expression ”Big Brother”is used to refer to _________.(A) a friend or relative showing much concern(B) a colleague who is much more experienced(C) a dominating and all-powerful ruling power(D) a benevolent and democratic organization Questions 11—15On New Y ear’s Day, 50,000 inmates in Kenyan jails went without lunch. This was not somemass hunger strike to highlight poor living conditions. It was an extraordinary humanitarian gesture: themoney that would have been spent on their lunches went to the charity Food Aid to help feed an estimated 3.5 million Kenyans who, because of a severe drought, are threatened with starvation. The drought is big news in Africa, affecting huge areas of east Africa and the Horn. If you are reading this in the west, however, you may not be aware of it—the media is not interested in old stories. Even if you do know about the drought, you may not be aware that it is devastating one group of people disproportionately: the pastoralists. There are 20 million nomadic or semi-nomadic herders in this region, and they are fast becoming some of the poorest people in the continent. Their plight encapsulates Africa’s perennial problem with drought and famine. How so? It comes down to the reluctance of governments, aid agencies and foreign lenders to support the herders’traditional way of life. Instead they have tended to try to turn them into commercial ranchers or agriculturalists, even though it has been demonstrated time and again that pastoralists are well adapted to their harsh environments, and that moving livestock according to the seasons or climatic changesmakes their methods far more viable than agriculture in sub-Saharan drylands. Furthermore, African pastoralist systems are often more productive, in terms of protein and cash per hectare, than Australian, American and other African ranches in similar climatic conditions. They make a substantial contribution to their countries’national economies. In Kenya, for example, the turnover of the pastoralist sector is worth $800 million per year. In countries such as Burkina Faso, Eritrea and Ethiopia, hides from pastoralists’herds makeup over 10 per cent of export earnings. Despite this productivity, pastoralists still starve andtheir animals perish when drought hits. One reason is that only a trickle of the profits goesto the herders themselves; the lion’s share is pocketed by traders. This is partly because the herders only sell much of their stock during times of drought and famine, when they need the cash to buy food, and the terms of trade in this situation never work in their favour. Another reason is the lack of investment in herding areas. Funding bodies such as the World Bankand-USAID tried to address some of the problems in the 1960s, investing millions of dollars in commercial beef and dairy production. It didn’t work. Firstly, no one bothered to consult the pastoralists about what they wanted. Secondly, rearing livestock took precedence over human progress. The policies and strategies of international development agencies more or less mirrored the thinking of their colonial predecessors. They were based on two false assumptions: that pastoralism is primitive and inefficient, which led to numerous failed schemes aimed at converting herders to modern ranching models; and that Afri ca’s drylands can support commercial ranching. They cannot. Most of Africa’s herders live in areas with unpredictable weather systems that are totally unsuited to commercial ranching. What the pastoralists need is support for their traditional lifestyle. Over the past few years, funders and policy-makers have been starting to get the message. One example is intervention by governments to ensure that pastoralists get fair prices for their cattle when they sell them in times of drought,so that they can afford to buy fodder for their remaining livestock and cereals to keep themselves and their families alive (the problem in African famines is not so much a lack of food as a lack of money to buy it). Another example is a drought early-warning system run by the Kenyan government and the World Bank that hashelped avert livestock deaths.This is all promising, but more needs to be done. Some African governments still favour forcing pastoralists to settle. They should heed the latest scientific research demonstrating the productivity of traditional cattle-herding. Ultimately, sustainable rural development in pastoralist areas will depend on increasing trade, so one thing going for them is the growing demand for livestock products: there will likely be an additional 2 billion consumers worldwide by 2020, the vast majority in developing countries. To ensure that pastoralists benefit, it will be crucial to give them a greater say in local policies. Other key tasks include giving a greater say to women, who play critical roles in livestock production. The rich world should payproper attention to the plight of the pastoralists. Leaving them dependent on foreign food aid is unsustainable and will lead to more resentment, conflict, environmental degradation and malnutrition. It is in the rich world’s interests to help out.11. Which of the following CANNOT be concluded from the passage?(A) Forcing Africa’s nomadic herders to become ranchers will save them from drought.(B) The difference between pastoralist and agriculturalist is vital to the African people.(C) The rich world should give more support to the African people to overcome drought.(D) Environmental degradation should be the major concern in developing Africa’s pastoralism.12. The word ”encapsulates”in the sentence ”Their plight encapsulates Africa’s perennial problem with drought and famine.”(para. l) can be replaced by ________.(A) concludes.(B) involves.(C) represents.(D) aggravates.13. What is the author’s attitude toward African drought and tr aditional lifestyle of pastoralism?(A) Neutral and indifferent.(B) Sympathetic and understanding.(C) Critical and vehement.(D) Subjective and fatalistic.14. When the author writes ”the policies and strategies of international development agencies more or less mirrored the thinking of their colonial predecessors.”(para.4), he implies all the following EXCEPT that the aid agencies did not __________.(A) have an objective view of the situation in Africa(B) understand the unpredictable weather systems there(C) feel themselves superior in decision making(D) care about the development of the local people15. The author’s main purpose in writing this article in _________.(A) to evaluate the living conditions of Kenyan pastoralists(B) to give suggestions on the support of thetraditional pastoralism in Africa(C) to illustrate the difference between commercial ranching and pastoralism(D) to criticize the colonial thinking of western aid agenciesQuestions 16—20 The prospects for finding life beyond Earth may be brightening. Today, scientists are reporting evidence for yet another potential habitat in our solar system: Saturn’s moon Enceladus. Scientists mining new data from the Cassini spacecraft say they may have foundevidence that Enceladus—the planet’s fourth-largest moon—hosts liquid water.If the results hold up, this would bring to four the number of bodies in the solar system—including Earth —that display active volcanism. And since life as biologists know it requires liquid water and a source of energy, Enceladus would join Jupiter’s moon Europa and Saturn’s moon Titan, as well as Mars, as possible spots beyond Earth where simple forms of life may have gained or still maintain a foothold. The discovery, however, is bittersweet for many scientists. NASA’sproposed budget for fiscal calls for a 50 percent cut in its astrobiology program. Although the program is a tiny piece of the agency’s overall spending plan for science, it’s a significant source of money for probing fundamental questions of how and why life emerged on Earth and whether life arose elsewhere in the universe.A 50-percent cut ”is almost a going-out-of-business-level cut”in a vibrant line of research that stands as one pillar supporting President Bush’s vision for space exploration, says planetary scientist Sean Solomon, who heads the Department of Terrestrial Magnetism at the Carnegie Institution of Washington. Nevertheless, the research in today’s issue of the journal Science is the sort of thing that continues to light a fire under the field. Its report about liquid water under the icy surface of Enceladus is a ”radical conclusion,”acknowledges Carolyn Porco, who leads the imaging team working with data from the Cassini orbiter. But if the team is right, ”we have significantly broadened the diversity of solar-system environments”that might have rolled out the welcomemat ”for living organisms,”she concludes. Images released last fall show the moon ejecting vast plumes of material near itsunexpectedly warm south pole. As the team pondered the evidence, they nixed severalexplanations, including the idea that the particles in the plumes were driven by vaporbillowing out as ice reached the surface and immediately turned into a gas. The last idea standing: Liquid water was venting from reservoirs near the surface, perhaps only tens of meters below the frigid crust. This explanation also helped solve the riddle of puzzlingly high levels of oxygen atoms found in Saturn’s neighborhood. Confirmation could come with additional flybys, if water—and perhaps life—is present, it wouldn’t be ”luxuriant,”notes Jeffrey Kargel, a researcher at the University of Arizona at Tucson. It likely would face tough conditions—nasty chemicals, very low temperatures, and little energy to drive i t. Still, he adds, it’s premature to cross the moon off the list of possible ”outposts”for life beyond Earth. Yet the prospect of building on these results could be。
[修订]中、⾼级⼝译考试历年真题、答案1.doc2002.9上海市英语中级⼝译资格证书第⼀阶段考试SECTION 1: LISTENING TEST (40 minutes)Prt: Spot DicttionDirections: In this prt of the test, you will her pssge nd red the sme pssge with blnks in it. Fill in ech of the blnks with the words you hve herd on the tpe. Write your nswer in the corresponding spec in your NSWER BOOKLET. Remember you will her the pssge ONLY ONCE.s long s we re in reltionship, there is the potentil for lsting hppiness s well s for serious conflict. This pplies t work, ______________________ (1),nd t home? The simple fct is tht reltionships re not lwys ________________ (2) siling. Conflict cn led to nger, hostility, nd further conflicts? On the other hnd, it cn be used d ___________________ (3) for solving problems.For exmple, you cn hndle conflict by _____________________ (4) tht the problem exists, smoothing it over, or trying to overpower the other person. These, of course, will ________________ (5) win or lose situtions. But when you resolve conflict through collbortion nd compromise, you cn chieve _______________________ (6) situtions. In tody's lecture, I shll outline few steps on________________(7) trnsform conflict into solution in which both prties win.First ________________ (8). Explin the problem to the other prty. You should__________ (9) the conflict. It\ hrd to fix something before ___________________ (10) on wht is broken.Second, understnd 11 points of view? Ste side your own opinions for moment nd (11) to understnd the other points of view. When people feel tht they hve been herd, they5re often more ________ (12). Third, brinstorm. Drem up s mny solutions s you cn nd __________________ (13) them one by one? This step will require ________________ (14). Tlk bout which solutions will work nd______________ (15) they will be to implement. Your solutions need to be cceptble by both prties, so you should be prepred to _______________________ (16)? Lter, you'11 need to review the (17) of the ccepted solution. If it (18), be open to mking chnges or (19) to bring bout new solution.Finlly, implement. When you hve both ____________ (20), decide who is going to do wht by when. Then keep your greements?Prt B: Listening ComprehensionL SttementsDirections: In this prt of the test, you will her severl short sttements. These sttements will be spokenONLY ONCE, nd you will not find them written on the pper; so you must listen crefully. When you her sttement, red the nswer choices nd decide which one is closest in mening to the sttement you hve herd? Then write the letter of the nswer you hve chosen in the corresponding spec in your NSWER BOOKLET.1.() Mr. Bker doesn't like to go to the meeting 1st night?(B)Lst night M⼕Bker decided to cncel this morning’s meeting.(C)Mr. Bker mde up his mind not to go to this morning^ meeting.(A)M⼕Bker mde lst- minute decision to hold the meeting this morning?2.() Hrd work often brings bout discomfort in prts of the humn body.(B)If you re nervous, you my hurt yourself in performing this kind of tsk?(C)Those stff members who work bek to bek re hrd on ech other.(A)This exercise is to relx your muscles in the neck, the shoulders nd the bek?3.() We hve been working on this mchine for two yers.(B)Free mintennee work is for period of two yers.(C)You don^t hve to do repir work on this mchine in two yers.(A)With monthly clening, the oil in this mchine cn run for two yers.4.() Only those high school grdutes with excellent skills cn be dmitted into colleges?(B)No mtter how difficult it is, high school grdutes should t lest try twice to get themselvesinto colleges?(C)Students should consider wht they wnt to lern in the university.(A)Once in the university, you will feel superior to those drop- out students.5.() 11 the bord members voted for the Chirmn’s proposl to open the brnch office?(B)The Chirmn ws not in fvor of the opening of brnch office in the suburbs?(C)the bord members re expecting new Chirmn from the downtown office.(D)The Chirmn^ proposl to set up brnch office ws turned down by the bord members.6.() Mry hd mde n ppointment to see the personnel mngcr lst Tucsdy?(B)Mry hs been pplying for job nd is going to see the personnel mnger next week.(C)Mry is shortsighted nd ennot see tht personnel mnger in the next office.(D)Mry didn't get tht job since she ws me to the personnel mnger on Tuesdy.7.() The supermrket will be finished in sixty dys.(B)It took us more thn sixty dys to finish building the supermrket.(C)Thc supermrket should hvc been finished sixty dys go.(D)The supermrket hd been built sixty dys erlie⼕8.() Her ttendnee record ws severely dmged.(B)Her ttendnee record ws never perfect.(C)She hd once ssisted in keeping the ttendnee record?(D)She hd kept ner- perfect ttendnee record?9.()He didn't know wht would hppen if he mde the suggestion.(B)He didn't feel nervous fter he hd put forwrd the suggestion.(C)He relized tht the committee members would not dopt his suggestion.(D)He considered it importnt to the committee members first.10.() The Expo will be open the dy fter tomorrow?(B)The Expo is rescheduled to open on Fridy.(C)The Expo's opening is delyed until tomorrow?(D)T he Expo is not likely to open on Fridy?11.Tlks nd ConversionsDirections: In this prt of the test, you will her severl short sttements. These sttements will be spoken ONLY ONCE, nd you will not find them written on the pper; so you must listen crefully. When you her sttement, red the nswer choices nd decide which one is closest in mening to the sttement you hve herd? Then write the letter of the nswer you hve chosen in the corresponding spee in your NSWER BOOKLET.Questions 11-1411.() Mi; Powell telephoned. (B) The womn cited Mr. Powell.(C) Someone cme to see him. (D) There ws trffic jm.12.() Becuse she hsn't recorded the phone messge.(B)Becuse she hsn^t let Mr. Powell in.(C)Becuse she hsn5t invited him to lunch?(D)Becuse she hsn't phoned him.13.() Mr. Powelfs nme crd.(B)The resturnt^s phone number.(C)Some money to mke phone ell.(D)The nmc of well- known deprtment store.14.() the womn ws not creful bout the mn's nme crd.(B)The mn ws expecting someone to bring some importnt informtion.(C)The mn ws not vilble when M⼕Powell cme in.(D)The womn ccepted the mn's pology for his mistke.(B)In 1963. Questions 23-2623. () studying socio- linguistics.(C) Sying hullo to ech othe ⼕() Linguists. (C) Techers. 25. () He is probbly trying to beginQuestions 15-1815. () In 1961.(C) In 1970.16. () Lcrning mtcrils. (C) Summer course.(D) In 1971.(B) Lbortory fcilitics.(D) Prty invittions.17. () Some lbortory tests cn be done t home.(B) 11 the college course re vilble ?(C) registrtions re 11 the yer round.(D) Invittions to prties re free to 11 the students.18. () prt- time students my get cheper sncks ?(B) Students re ble to get TV study progrmmes.(C) Students cn ttend lectures once week.(D) Students my prticipte in summer school courses.Questions 19-2219. () lwye ⼕(B)nrtist. (C) student. (D) physicin.20. () She thinks tht it is well- pid profession.(B) She considers herself to be fit for i ⼕(C) She is unble to find other jobs for some time.(D) She wnts to live independently of other people ?21. () She cn spek severl lnguges ? (B) She is more creful nd kinder.(C) She cn serve women clients better.(D) She is likely to get more sympthy. 22. () Becuse it is well known for its eduction! excellence ?(B) Becuse it is inexpensive in terms of school tuition fees.(C) Becuse it offers mrried students' prtments.(D) Becuse it Hows students to prctice during the schoolterms.(B) Tlking bout the wether. (D) Listening to wether forecsts.(B) Drivers.(D) Students.converstio n.(B)He is ernestly requesting n nswe⼕(C)He is crefully pinning n out- door excursion.Questions 27?3027.() 20,000.(C)2,000,000.2& () The fmily owners.The government nd the councils. (B) 200,000.(D)2,500,000.(B) The pressure groups?(D) The loci housing committees.(D)He is tenttively prepring composition on socil conventions?26.() English people like to begin converstion when the climte is fvorble.(B)Foreign visitors re sometimes nnoyed by the vribility of the wether in Englnd.(C)Englnd is sid to hvc the most effective trnsporttion system in the world?(D)The wether conditions in Englnd re not s bd s some people hve imgined?29.() Bccusc the rents rc too high.(B)Becuse there re not enough hostels.(C)Becuse the loci councils re inefficient nd indifferent.(D)Becuse some stte- run homes re less comfortble thn prisons.30.() stte- run prtment building for the homeless?(B)n efficient loci housing committee in the metropolis?(C)southern city tht hs solved the housing problem?(D)chrity orgniztion tht offers help to the homeless?Prt C: Listening nd TrnsltionL Sentence TrnsltionDirections: In this prt of the test, you will her 5 English sentences- You will her the sentences ONLY ONCE, fter you hve herd ech sentence, trnslte it into Chinese nd write your version in the corresponding spee in your NWER BOOKLET.(1) ______________________________________________________________________________⑵ ______________________________________________________________________________⑶ ______________________________________________________________________________ II.Pssge TrnsltionDirections: In this prt of the test, you will her 2 pssges. You will her the pssges ONLY ONCE, fter you hve herd ech pssge, trnslte it into Chinese nd write your version in the corresponding spce in your NSWER BOOKLET. You my tke notes while you re listening.⑴ ______________________________________________________________________________⑵ ______________________________________________________________________________SECTION 2: STUDY SKILLS (50 minutes)Directions: In this section, you will red severl pssges? Ech pssge is followed by severl questions bsed on its content. You re to choose ONE best nswer, (), (B), (C) or (D), to ech question. nswer 11 the questions following ech pssge on the bsis of wht is stted or implied in tht pssge nd write the letter of the nswer you hve chosen in the coiTesponding spce in your NSWER BOOKLET.Questions 1 ?5In by ner lmeri in Southern Spin will be built the worlds first underwter residence for tourists. The hotel will be 40 feet down in the Mediterrnen. s 11 the world opened to tour opertors, there ws still frontier behind which ly three qurters of the globe's surfee, the sc; in whose cool depths light fdes; no winds blow; there re no strs. There even the most bored trvelers could reepture their sense of romnee, terror or beuty. For submerged hotel is such beutiful ide?The hotel will cost 170,000 nd will be ble to ccommodte up to ten people night. Up untilnow only scientists nd professionl divers hve lived under the se, but soon, for the first time, the public will be ble to go down into the drkness? They will hve to swim down in diving suits, but t 40 feet there would be no problem bout decompression.Design of the hotel ws crucil? Most of the underwter structures used before hd been in the shpc of diving bell or submrinc. Professionl divers could copc with such things but ordinry people would run the risk of violent clustrophobi. Then n ustrin rchitect hd the ide of mking three interconnecting circulr structures, 18 feet in dimeter, nd looking much like flying sucers. They would be cst in concrete nd lunched from the shore. Towed into position they would then be sunk. foundtion of cst concrete would lrecly be in pice on the se- bed. Pylons would ttch the structures to this. Once in position the structures would be pumped dry. The pylons mde to withstnd n uplift pressure of 350 tons, would then tke the strin.Cbles linking the underwter structures to the hotel on shore would connect it with electricity, fresh wter, television, nd n ir pump, nd Iso dispose of sewge? Entry would be from underneth, up ldder; becuse of the pressure inside there would be no need of irlocks or doors.The first structure would include chnging room nd shower rc, where the divers would get out of their ger. There would Iso be kitchen nd lvtory. The second structure would contin dining room/ lecture thetre, nd sleeping ccommodtion for eight people?The third structure would contin two suites, stewrd would come down with the ten customers, to cook nd look fter (hem. Television monitors would rely 11 tht went on to the shore so tht discussions on the se bed could be tmsmitted to 11 the world.1.From the pssge we understnd tht tour opertors nd trvelers will be interested in the submerged hotel s________________ ?()it is quiet pice for reserch work (B) it is n idel se- food resturnt(C)it will offer new possibilities (D) it will hve unchnging wether2.Wht design ws finlly considered most suitble for the new hotel?()Three seprted circles?(B) Three linked discs?(C)Three connected globes- (D) Three interlocked cylinders.3.The hotel would be ble to flot under wter becuse it would be ___________________ ?()mde of light mteril (B) 350 tons in weight(C) filled with ir (D) ttchcd to pylons4.It is pinned tht sleeping qurters will be provided for the guests in the ____________ ?()second structure(B)second nd third structures(C)first nd third structures (D) third structure5.The purpose of television monitors under the se would be to rely ______________ ?().instructions from the se bed to the shore(B). news from the shore to the sc bed(C).informtion from the world to the se bed(D). informtion to the world from the se bedQuestions 6?1()For most people, hosting bout oneself does not come nturlly. It is not esy or comfortble to tell someone II the wonderful things you hve ccomplished. But tht is exctly wht you need to do 讦you re seeking new job, or trying to hold on to the one you hve?Of course, there is fine line between self- confidence nd rrognee, so to be successful in winning over the interviewer you must lern to mximize your ccomplishments nd ttributes without ntgonizing the interviewer.The nturl tendency for most job seekers is to bchvc modestly in job interview. To do the best job of selling yourself in n interview, you hve to be prepred in dvnee? s prt of your jobhunting check list, write down on piece of pper your mjor job- relted ccomplishments. Commit them to memory. You will probbly be plesntly surprised to see in writing 11 tht you hve done?By developing this list, you will hve ccomplished two things: the first is you will impress the interviewer by being ble to tlk confidently nd succinctly bout your ccomplishments. You will not hve to sit uncomfortbly while you think of your successes? They will be t the tip of your tongue. Secondly, rther thn dwell on your own personlity chrcteristics, such s how hrdworking or cretive you re, you cn discuss hrd fets, such s how you sved your employer money or n ide you developed tht helped customer mn more money? When chronicling your ccomplishments for the interviewer, tke s much credit s you honestly cn. If you developed specific ide without help from your supervisor, it is cceptble to sy tht. Remember, you re t tht interview to sell yourself, not your former co? workers?However, never criticize your fonner employer. Shring your negtive thoughts with the interviewer is n immedite turn- off nd will only bmd you s compliner nd gossip, whom no one likes or will hie Keep in mind tht the most importnt prt of job interview is inking the employer like you nd presenting yourself s the person he or she wnts you to be. Consciously or not most employers tend to hire people who reflect their own vlues nd stndrds.Once you get the job you wnt, hosting bout your ccomplishments docs not stop. lthough you my think 11 your successes nd chievements re highly visible, remember tht you re only one If mny people in compny. Lek of recognition is cited by mjority of dischrged mngers s the most frequent complint ginst the former employe⼕To help mke yourself more visible in the compny, volunteer for dditionl ssignments⼀both job- relted nd non- business- relted. These could include community reltions or chritble ctivities in whichyour compny is involved. These types of ctivities my enble you to hve more time nd ccess to top executives of the compny to whom you my ender yourself. You might even hve the opportunity to tell them wht you re doing for the compny, which cn never hurt.6.This rticle is mostly bout how to __________________ ?()interview for job (B) plese your boss(C) get long with co- workers (D) get nd keep job7.In Prgrph 2, the word "mximi zc” mens to ____________ ?()tlk bout (B) mke the most of(C) be modest bout (D) ply down8.The uthor sttes tht the one thing you should never do during n interview is ____________ ?()list your successes in previous jobs(B)promote your qulifictions for the job(C)tell your potcntil boss bout the projects you've worked on(D)mke negtive comments bout your former employer9.The uthor provides his views on winning nd holding new job by __________________ ?()offering suggestions (B) presenting fets nd sttistics(C) describing extreme situtions (D) telling stories10.In the pssge, the uthor recommends 11 of the following EXCEPT ______________ ?()mking point of telling your supervisor wht you hve done(B)tking prt in non- business- relted ctivities(C)going on hosting bout your successes nd chievements(D)giving the employer n ide on how to run his other businessQuestions 11 ?155 Steps to Living Longer1Wtch Your TemperScientists hve long believed tht Type's——those people driven by mbition, hrd work nd tight dedlines⼀were most prone to hert tteks. But it's not striving for gols tht leds to disese; rther, it's being hostile, ngry nd cynicl.Suggests Mittlcmn: if stress mounts so high tht you begin snpping t people, "sk yourself, "Is it worth hving hert ttek over this?"2Lighten Your Drk Moodsfor yers, evidence linking depression to n incresed risk of hert ttek hs been growing? Johns Hopkins reserchers interviewed 1551 people who were free of hert disese in the erly 1980s nd gin 14 yers Iter. Those who reported hving experienced mjor depression were four times s likely to hve hert ttck sthose who hd not been depressed?Exercise is n often overlooked ntidepressnt. In study t Duke University, 60 percent of cliniclly depressed people who took brisk 30- minute wlk or jog t lest three times week were no longer depressed ftcr 16 weeks.3Fltten Tht BellyMore thn 50 yers go French scientist Jen Vgue noted tht people with lot of upper- body ft (those who looked like pples rther thn pers) often developed hert disese, dibetes nd other ilments. But it wsn't until the introduction of CT nd MRI sens tht doctors discovered tht specil kind of ft, viscerl ft, locted within the bdomen, ws strongly linked to these diseses.ccording to the Ntionl Institutes of Helth, there^s trouble brewing when your wist mesures 35 inches or more if you5re womn, nd 40 inches or more if youre mn. nd tht's regrdless of height ?4Limit Your Bd HbitsHevy drinking?Moderte drinkers my be the lest likely to develop Metbolic Syndrome, while lcoholics rc the most likcly. In prt tht's bccusc, pound for pound, they erry more bdominl ft. In one Swedish study, reserchers found tht mle lcoholics erried 48 percent of their body ft within the bdomen,compred with 38 percent for teetotlers?Cigrette smoking? Smoking is dngerous for resons besides lung cncer or emphysem? Some 60 minutes fter smoking cigrette, one study reveled, smokers still showed elevted levels of cortisol, which promotes bdominl ft storge? Over- effeinting. Moderte effeine consumption doesn't seem to be hrmful for most people? But recent studies suggest tht when men who hve both high blood pressure nd fmily history of hypertension drink lot of effeinted coffee while under job stress, they my experience dngerous rise in blood pressure?5Rev Up Your Metbolismnew understnding of how disese sets up shop in your body focuses on metbolism⼀the sum of physicl nd chemicl rections necessry to mintin life. This pproch revels tht helthy metbolic profile counts for more thn crdiovsculr fitness or weight lone?s Glenn ? Gsser, professor of exercise physiology t the University of Virgini, notes, "Metbolic fitness is one of the best sfegurds ginst hert disese, stroke nd dibetes."11.The phrse "snpping t" (Step 1: Wtch Your Temper) is closest in mening to _____________ ?()judging severely (B) decking publicly(C) nswering rudely (D) understnding wrongly/doc/139034eb031ca300a6c30c22590102020640f274.html ording to the pssge, which of the following people rc liblc to incur nd suffer from hert tteks?()Those whose wist mesures 35 inches or less?(B)Those who tke brisk 20- minute wlk twice week.(C)Those who hve experienced mjor depression.14. ccording to the pssgc, wht kind of people rc tcctotlcrs (Step 4: Limit Your Bd Hbits)?(B) Hevy drinkers.(D) Non- smokers.15. Which of the following sttements is TRUE ccording to the pssge?()There is trouble brewing when your wist mesures 35 inches or less.(B) Metbolic fitness might prevent people from hving hert disese ?(C) Moderte drinkers my be the most likely to develop Metbolic Syndrome.(D) Moderte clfeine consumption seems to be hrmful for most people ?Questions 16-20World prehistory is written from dt recovered from thousnds of rcheologicl sites, pices where trees of humn ctivity re to be found. Sites re normlly identified through the presence of mnufetured tools.rcheologicl sites re most commonly clssified by the ctivity tht occurred there ? Hbittion sites re pices where people lived nd erried out wide rnge of different ctivities. Most prehistoric sites come under this ctegory, but hbittion sites cn vry from smll open empsite through rockshelters nd eves, to lrge ccumultions of shellfish remins (shell middens). Villge hbittion sites my consist of smll ccumultion of occuption deposit nd mud hut frgments, huge erthen mounds, or communes of stone buildings or entire buried cities. Ech presents its own specil exevtion problems.Buril sites provide welth of informtion on the prehistoric pst. Grinning skeletons re very much prt of populr rcheologicl legend, nd humn remins re common finds in the rcheologicl record. The erliest deliberte humn burils re between fifty nd seventy thousnd yers old. Individul burils re found in hbittion sites, but often the inhbitnts designted specil re for cemetery. This cemetery could be communi buril pice where everyone ws buried regrdless of socil sttus. Other buril sites, like the Shng royl cemeteries in Chin, were reserved for nobility lone. Prts of cemetery were sometimes reserved for certin specil individuls in society such s cln leders or priests. The ptterning of grve goods in cemetery cn provide informtion bout intngible spects of humn society such s religious beliefs or socil orgniztion ? So cn the pttem of deposition of the burils, their orienttion in their grves, even fmily grouping ? Sometimes physicl nthropologists cn detect biologicl similrities between different skeletons tht my reflect close fmily, or other, ties.Qurry sites re pices where people mined prized rw mterils such s obsidin ( volcnic glss used for (D) Those who hve been striving for gols.(C) Chin smokers.fine knives nd mirrors) or copper. Excvtions t such sites yield roughed out blnks of stone, or metl ingots, s well s finished products redy for trding elsewhere. Such objects were brtered widely in prehistoric times?rt Sites such s the eve of ltmir in northern Spin, or Lscux in southwestern Frnce, re commonpice in some res of the world, noticebly southern fric nd prts of North meric. Mny re eves nd rockshcltcrs where prehistoric people pinted or engrved gme nimls, scenes of dily life, or religious symbols? Some French rt sites re t lest fifteen thousnd yers old.Ech of these site types represents prticulr form of humn ctivity, one tht is represented in the rcheologicl record by specific rtifet nd surfee indictions found nd recorded by the rcheologist.16.n rcheologicl site is defined s pice where _____________ ?()some record of humn ctivity is found(B)humns bury beloved nimls(C)evidence of pint or niml life exists(D)prticulr rock formtions suggest the ptterns of history17.Generlly speking, rcheologicl sites re clssified ccording to _____________ ?()the people who lived there(B)the historicl period during which they were occupied(C)the type of ctivity for which they were used(D)the degree of civiliztion of those who lived there18.The uthor mentions 11 of the following fetures of grves which my provide rcheologists withinformtion bout prticulr society EXCEPT _________ ?()the loction of the grve (B) the goods buried with the person(C) The degree of preservtion of the body (D) The orienttion of the body in the grve19.Qurry sites re pices where _________________ .()pintings showing scenes of dily life(B)engrvings of fmous people(C)pintings recording the loction of buril sites(D)tools nd primitive devices used for engrving/doc/139034eb031ca300a6c30c22590102020640f274.html ording to the pssge, rt sites often contin __________ .(A)pintings showing scenes of dily life(B)engrvings of fmous people(C)pintings recording the loction of buril sites(D)tools nd primitive devices used for engrvingQuestions 21-25I got used, too, to my employer's violent chnges of front. There ws one morning when Siegfriedcme down to brekfst, rubbing hnd werily over red- rimmed eyes?"Out t 2 ?m.he groned, buttering his tost listlessly, “nd I don't like to hve to sy this, Jmes, but it's 11 your“My fultr I sid, strtled."Yes Id, your fult. The frmer hs sick cow for severl dys nd t 2 (/clock this morning he finlly decided to ell the vet. When I pointed out it could hvc wited few hours more he sid Mr. Herriot told him never to hesitte to ring⼀he'd come out ny hour of the dy or night."He tpped the top of his egg s though the effort ws lmost too much for him. "Well,it's 11 very well being conscientious nd 11 tht, but if thing hs wited severl dys it cn wit till morning. You9re spoiling these chps, Jmes, nd Fm getting the bckwsh of ii? Fm sick nd tired of being drgged out of bed for trifles.,^“I'm truly sorry, Siegfried?I honestly hd no wish to do tht to you. Mybe it's just my inexperience? If I didn't go out, I'd be worried the ninil might die. If I left it till morning nd it died, how would I feel?^^ "Tht's 11 right, v snpped Siegfried. "There's nothing like ded niml to bring them to their senses. They'll ell us out bit crlicr next time:I bsorbed this bit of dvice nd tried to ct on it. week Iter, Siegfried sid he wnted work with me.“Jmes, I know you won't mind my sying this, but old Sumner ws co mplining to me tody. He sys he mg you the other night nd you refused to come out to his cow. He's good client, you know, nd very nice fellow, but he ws quite shirty bout it. We don't wnt to lose chp like tht:u But it ws just chronic mstitis^ 1 sid' bit of thickening in the milk, tht's 11. He'd been dosing it himself for nerly week with some quck remedy? The cow ws eting 11 right, so I thought it would be quite sfe to leve it till next dy.”Siegfried put hnd on my shoulder nd n excessively ptient look spred over his fee. I steeled myself.I didn't mind his imprtience, I ws used to it nd could stnd it. But the ptience ws hrd to tke."Jmes, 5,he sid in gentle voice, "there is one fundmentl rule in our job which trnscends 11 others, nd F 11 tell you wht it is. YOU MUST TTEND. Tht is it nd it ought to be written on your on your soul in letters of fire/'21.Siegfried ws not t his best on one morning becuse _______________ ?()his brekfst ws not to his liking(B)he hd been died out during the night(C)he hd been woken up erly for brekfst(D)the frmer hdn5t tried to cure the cow himself/doc/139034eb031ca300a6c30c22590102020640f274.html ording to the pssge, who ws the young vet?()Jmes. (B) Siegfried.(C) Sumner (D) M⼕Herrioson23? Jmes thought it ws 11 right to leve Summer's cow till next dy becuse _________________ ?()tht ws wht Siegfried hd dvised(B)Sumner hd sid there ws no urgency(C)He knew he could do nothing to sve the niml(D)Sumner never pid his bills on time24."You must ttend " (1st prgrph) in the context of the pssge mens “__________ ⼆()You must follow your conscience(B)You must use your powers of discretion(C)You must go out whenever you re died(D)You must py close ttention 111 times25.The impression Jmes gives of Siegfried is tht of _____________ ?() firly esy- going generous employer(B)someone rther pompous nd unpredictble(C)conscientious but senile old mn(D)n insuffcrblc, tyrnnicl bossQuestions 26-30Most towns up to Elizbethn times were smiler thn modem villge nd ech of them ws built round its weekly mrket where loci produce ws brought for sle nd the towns fold sold their work to the people from。
Symposium on CrackingTranslationfrom English to ChineseLecturer: Frank ChenHangzhou New Oriental School英译汉失分点和解决方法• 1. 词汇量过小------ 狂背(词法)• 2. 句子看不懂------ 狂做(句法)• 3. 中文功底差------ 狂写(篇法)•翻译是实践的科学,只能每天练习,别无他法。
积累+感觉+技巧第一篇文章:演说• 1. conduct n. 行为•courage and conduct 勇气和行为?•这个娱记被指责违反职业道德。
•The entertainment reporter was accused of unprofessional conduct.•外表→精神;“行表示“士气”的一些说法。
•morale, conduct, spirit.•鼓舞士气boost / improve / raise morale•保持士气keep up / maintain morale•军队士气低落The morale of the troops is sinking lower.•军队士气大振The martial morale has been roused greatly.•为”→“士气”•小知识:为什么要用conduct?•押头韵•How fortunate we are indeed to live in the most diverse dynamic and beautiful state in the entire union. You know from the South Bronx to the Southern Tier, from Brooklyn to Buffalo, from Montauk to Massena …第一篇文章:演说• 2. 表示“依靠”的说法•depend on;•rely on;•rest on;•lean upon;•tie to;•cling to.• 3. unborn millions 尚未出生的百万生灵•量词增词法(amplification)•①给量词,加名词E→C•②给名词,加量词C→E•an elephant• a pen• a martial music• a plane•Soon the whole sky is azure and flaming.•不久蔚蓝的天空一片火红。
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【参考译文】Shanghai men are said to be the best of husbands. Theyknow how to win the favor of their wives and avoid conflicts so that happiness pervades their families. Shanghai men can be regarded as thesymbol of social security and harmony. They are joyful whenever theirwives are, thus filling the whole city of Shanghai with happiness.Shanghai men are jokingly called hen-pecked husbands. However,they will never yield to their wives but remain silent or smile away the quarrels. And they will apologize without hesitation shortly after they losetheir temper, which is a rarity. Finally, their wives find themselvescomplying with what their husbands say.Shanghai men are smart and practical and even slippery, but whatimpresses most is that they are aggressive in their career and responsibleto their families and respectful to females.【评析】1. 首句可以用It is said that.译出。
2. 前两句可以合并译为一句,即Shanghai men,who are said to be thebest of husbands,know how to win the favor of their wives and avoid conflicts so that happiness pervades their families.3. “讨..的欢心”亦可译为win sb..s heart。
4. “社会安定”宜译为social stability。
5. “快乐气氛”亦可译为felicity。
6. 用smile away翻译“一笑置之”很妥当,另举两例:smile away one.s embarrassment 以微笑解除窘态Smile your tears away. 笑笑吧,别哭了。
此外还可换用dismiss sth. with a laugh/smile或laugh off(to pretend that sth. is less serious than it really is by laughing or joking about it)。
7. “发火”的表达方式有多种,除lose temper之外,还有get angry、flare up、hit the ceiling、fly into a rage和go through the roof等多种。
8. “毫不迟疑地”除可用without hesitation之外,亦可用unhesitatingly。
9.“务实”宜译为pragmatic(dealing with problems in a sensible, practical way instead of strictly following a set of ideas)。
10. “圆滑”亦可译为smooth and wily、slick and sly或tactful。
11. “有进取心”亦可译为enterprising(Someone who is enterprising shows the ability to think of new things to do and has an eagerness to do them)。
12. “女性”亦可译为the fair sex。
【参考译文1】The Chinese government attaches great importance to environmental protection. It believes that environmental protection has abearing on the overall situation of China.s modernization drive and itslong-term development and that it is an undertaking which will not onlybenefit the Chinese people of today but also bring benefit to their childrenand grand children. The Chinese government has establishedenvironmental protection as a basic national policy. While promotingeconomic growth, it has adopted a series of measures to protect the environment. Especially in recent years, adhering to the principle ofprevention first, comprehensive control, entire push-on and key-point breakthrough, Chinese government has made great efforts to solve those outstanding environmental problems that threaten people.s health. It has persisted in institutional innovation, relied on technological advances, strengthened the role of law in environmental protection and brought intofull play the initiative of various sectors of the society. Thanks to theseefforts, the trend toward aggravated environmental pollution andecological destruction has slowed down, pollution control in some riverbasins has achieved some initial success, the environmental quality ofsome cities and regions has improved to some extent, and the people.s awareness of the importance of environmental protection has increasedfurther.(考试主办机构提供)【参考译文2】The Chinese government attaches great importance to environmental protection. It believes that environmental protection willhave a direct impact on the overall situation of China's modernization driveand its long-term development, and considers environmental protectionan undertaking that will not only benefit the Chinese people of today butalso their children and grandchildren. Years ago, the Chinese government established environmental protection as a basic national policy andsustainable development as an important strategy, and has adhered to theroad of a new type of industrialization. While promoting economic growth,it has adopted a whole array of measures to strengthen environmental protection. Especially in recent years, the Chinese government hasadhered to focusing on preventive measures, comprehensive control andoverall progress with breakthroughs at some key points, and worked hardto solve conspicuous environmental problems threatening people's health.At the same time, it has continued its efforts for institutional innovation,relied on scientific and technological advances, strengthened the legalsystem of environmental protection, and brought into full play theinitiative of people of all walks of life. Thanks to these efforts, although the amount of resource consumption and pollutants is increasing greatly, thetrend toward aggravated environmental pollution and ecologicaldestruction is slowing down; especially, environmental pollution control in some river valleys has seen some positive results, the environmentalquality of some cities and regions has improved, and the people'sawareness of the importance of environmental protection has enhanced.(白皮书译文)【评析】1.“高度重视”除可译为attach great importance to.外,亦可译为set(或put/lay)great/high store by/on.、lay(或put/place)stress on/upon.、give prominence to.和think highly of.。