
演讲结束时,宴会主人感谢你从繁忙的日程中抽出时间来——你泰然自若,优雅地点头微笑着,心里非常清楚你日历上唯一的事情就是就早餐后喝点咖啡poise is when youfinish your speech and the toastmaster thanks you for taking time out of your busyschedule to be a part of their program --- and you nod and smile graciously knowingfull well that the only thing on your calendar is a little coffee from breakfast.幽默注释:一些老干部退休后没什么事干,有人请他参加一些活动,他还假装很忙,好象推开了很多事才赶去似的。
i used to get nervous when giving a speech but then i read that it helps to thinkof the entire audience as being naked. and so, at this very moment, i’m standingup here imagining every one in this audience as being naked. and it really works.i no suffer from nervousness. eyestrain. yes幽默注释:把观众想象成裸体,意思是我不怕你们,就不紧张了。

Ladies and gentlemen, esteemed judges, and fellow speakers,Good morning/afternoon/evening! It's my great pleasure to stand before you today and share with you a little bit of humor that we all need in our lives. So, let's not waste any time and dive right into the world of laughter with a three-minute joke. But before we begin, let me remind you that laughter is the best medicine, and today, I'm going to prescribe you a generous dose of it.---Picture this: You're on a road trip with your best friend, and you've been driving for hours. The sun is shining, the wind is whispering through the windows, and you're both feeling pretty good about life. Suddenly, you hit a pothole, and your car bounces like a child on a trampoline. Your friend turns to you and says, "Gosh, I wish we had a trampoline to jump on right now!"And you respond, "Well, we could always turn this car into atrampoline!"Your friend looks at you with a mix of confusion and horror and asks, "How?"You simply reply, "Well, we just keep bouncing over potholes until we get a good rhythm going!"Laughter erupts, and you both realize that even in the midst of a less-than-ideal situation, there's always a way to find humor.---Now, let's talk about the time I tried to cook dinner for my family. I had always thought of myself as a bit of a culinary genius, but this night, I was about to have my bubble burst. I decided to make a fancy pasta dish that required a lot of precision and patience. Halfway through the cooking process, I realized I had forgotten to turn off the oven.As I rushed to turn off the oven, I accidentally knocked over a bottleof red wine. It shattered on the floor, and the wine started to spread everywhere. My heart raced, and I thought, "Oh no, my culinary masterpiece is now a disaster!"But instead of panicking, I took a deep breath and turned to my family. With a smile, I said, "Well, looks like we're having a 'spilled wine' dinner!"And so, we all sat down and laughed as we enjoyed our 'spilled wine' pasta. It turned out to be one of the best family meals we had in a long time, not because of the food, but because of the laughter that ensued.---Moving on, let's talk about the time I decided to take up yoga. I had always admired those flexible yoga instructors on TV, so I thought, "Hey, I can do this!" I bought a yoga mat, put on my comfiest workout clothes, and signed up for a beginner's class.The first pose we did was the tree pose. I stood on one leg, trying my best to balance. After a few minutes, I lost my balance and fell over, landing on my backside with a thud. The whole class burst into laughter.The instructor came over to help me up and said, "Don't worry, everyone falls over at some point. It's all part of the learning process."I replied, "Yeah, but I think I'll stick to my regular form of exercise – running for the hills!"And with that, we all had a good laugh, and I realized that even failure can be a source of humor.---Now, let's not forget about the time I tried to impress my friends with my 'hidden talent' of juggling. I bought three balls, stood in themiddle of the room, and started throwing them in the air. But instead of catching them, I kept dropping them, one after the other.My friends started laughing, and one of them said, "Hey, maybe you should try catching them instead of dropping them!"I looked at them and said, "You know, that's a good idea. I think I'll just throw them at the wall instead!"And so, I spent the next few minutes throwing balls at the wall, watching them bounce off and then fall to the ground. It was a hilarious sight, and we all had a great time laughing at my 'juggling' skills.---Ladies and gentlemen, esteemed judges, and fellow speakers,In conclusion, I hope you've enjoyed these three-minute jokes as much as I've enjoyed sharing them with you. Life is full of unexpected situations, and it's in these moments that we can find humor. Whetherit's a bouncing car, a spilled wine dinner, a failed yoga pose, or an attempt at juggling, laughter is the common thread that binds us all together.So, remember, life's a balloon, not a lemon. When things get tough,don't forget to take a deep breath, find the humor in the situation, and let it lift you up. Because in the end, laughter is the best way to turn a lemon into lemonade – and sometimes, it's the only way to make lemonade out of a balloon!Thank you for your attention, and I hope you've found today's three-minute joke to be as entertaining as I have!---And that concludes my speech. I hope you've had a good laugh and that you'll carry these jokes with you throughout your day. Remember, laughter is contagious, so spread it around!。

Good evening! I am thrilled to be here with you tonight to share alittle humor with you all. As we all know, laughter is the best medicine, and I'm here to prescribe a generous dose of it to your evenings. So,let's get ready to chuckle and maybe even learn a thing or two along the way.Title: "The Joys of Miscommunication"---First off, let me introduce you to the "language of love." Have you ever tried to say "I love you" in a foreign language? It's quite the adventure! For instance, in Spanish, you say "Te quiero." But what ifyou're not very good at Spanish, and you say "Te querio"? Suddenly, your love is no longer romantic; it's just a silly mistake. So, remember, when in doubt, stick to English!---Now, let's talk about technology. Have you ever had a text conversation that went something like this?Me: "How's your day going?"Friend: "It's going well, just got back from the gym. What about you?"Me: "I'm just chilling. Oh, I almost forgot to tell you, I just got a new gym membership."Friend: "Wait, what? You're chilling at the gym? How does that even work?"Oh, the joy of miscommunication! It's like trying to bake a cake without the recipe. You might end up with something... interesting.---Let's not forget about cooking. Have you ever tried to follow a recipe, only to find out that you've been using the wrong ingredients? I have. One time, I was making a cake, and I thought I needed flour. But I accidentally used baking powder instead. The result? A cake that was aslight as a feather and as sweet as a breeze. My friends were baffled, and I had to resort to explaining the science of leavening.---And then there's the age-old tale of the "hard of hearing" relative. You know, the one who says "I can hear you, I just don't understand whatyou're saying." It's like they're playing a game of charades, but the only catch is, they can't see the clues. So, you end up repeating yourself, and eventually, you just give up and ask them to read the subtitles.---Now, let's talk about travel. Have you ever tried to order food in a foreign country and ended up with something completely different from what you expected? I once ordered a "fish and chips" in the Netherlands, and what did I get? A fish and... well, it wasn't chips. It was something that looked like a chip, but it was actually a fried piece of... bread. I kid you not. So, when in doubt, just point to the pictures. It's better than trying to explain "chips" in Dutch.---In conclusion, my friends, life is full of miscommunication, and that's what makes it so funny. Whether it's a language barrier, a technology glitch, a cooking disaster, or a travel mishap, we can all find humor in our everyday struggles. So, let's embrace the miscommunication, because without it, where would we be without our good laughs?Thank you, and remember, life's a joke, and we're all in on it!---And that's all for now, folks. Keep smiling, keep laughing, and keep miscommunicating. It's what makes us human.。

Good evening! It’s a great pleasure to stand before you today and share with you some English humor. As you know, humor is a universal language that can bring people together from different cultures and backgrounds. So, let’s have a good laugh and enjoy the beauty of humor together!First, let me tell you a story about my cat. My cat is a very smart and curious creature. One day, I came home from work and found that my cat had climbed onto the kitchen counter. On the counter, there was a bowl of spaghetti. Without hesitation, my cat reached out and took a big bite of the spaghetti. I was so surprised that I couldn’t help but laugh. I said to my cat, “You know, you can eat your cat food, but spaghetti is not for cats!” The cat looked at me with a confused e xpression and then took another bite. I couldn’t resist laughing and said, “Alright, I guess you’re on a diet today.”Now, let’s move on to a joke about the English language. Did you know that English is the most difficult language to learn? Why? Because it has more than 40 different ways to spell the same sound! For example, the word “ough” can be pronounced asough, augh, ow, o, or even just a silent “gh.” Here’s a joke to illustrate this point:Why do we use “ough” in English?Because once you fight with a dough, you have to cough up what you dough!And now, let’s have a joke about the weather. The weather is always a popular topic for humor. Here’s a joke that will make you laugh:Why don’t we ever see penguins in Australia?Because they’re too busy down under!Moving on, let’s talk about technology. How many of you have ever experienced the frustration of trying to use a touch screen with gloves on? Here’s a joke that will make you chuckle:Why did the touch screen and the glove have a fight?Because the screen was trying to swipe left, but the glove kept swiping right!Now, let’s have a joke about ourselves. We all have those moments when we feel like we’re in a comedy of errors. Here’s a joke that will remind you of those moments:Why don’t we ever trust mirrors?Because they’re always trying to make us look thinner!And finally, let me leave you with a joke that will make you think about how lucky we are to be here tonight:Why don’t we ever see actors at the gym?Because they’re always on a break!Ladies and gentlemen, I hope you enjoyed these jokes and found them entertaining. Remember, humor is a great way to connect with others and make the world a better place. So, let’s keep spreading laughter and joy!Thank you for your attention, and have a great evening!。

篇一:幽默英语演讲稿幽默英语演讲稿love your mother爱你的母亲why are you crying, a young boy asked his mom?你为什么哭?一个小男孩问他的妈妈.because im a woman, she told him.因为我是女人,她告诉他.i dont understand, he said.我不明白.他回答his mom just hugged him and said,and you never will, but thats o.k........妈妈拥抱了他说,你永远也不会明白,但没关系...later the little boy asked his father,why does mom seem to cry for no reason?.后来小男孩问他的父亲妈妈为什么似乎在无缘无故的哭泣?all women cry for no reason, was all his dad could say...... 所有的女人都会常常没有原因地哭泣,这是他的父亲唯一可以解释的...the little boy grew up and became a man,still wondering why women cry.等到小男孩长大,成了男人的时候,他仍然奇怪妈妈为什么哭.finally he put in a call to god and when god got back to him, he asked god, why do women cry so easily?最后他把这件事祷告给上帝,他问上帝,为什么女人容易哭泣?god answered......上帝回答:when i made woman,i decided she had to be special.i made her shouldersstrong enough to carrythe weight of the world, yet,当我创造女人的时候,我决定把她造的很特别,我让她的双肩强壮的足以能够承担整个世界,但是,却让她的双臂温柔的足够去安慰他人...i gave her the inner strengthto endure childbirthand the rejectioneven from her own children.我给她内在的力量去忍受生产的剧痛,也让她有勇气承受无数的伤害,甚至这些伤害有时会来自于自己的孩子...i gave her a hardnessthat allows herto keep going and take careof her family and friends,even when everyone else gives up, through sickness and fatigue without 我给她顽强,让她能够不断地前进,并且照顾自己的家人和朋友,甚至当每个人都放弃的时候,她却能够坚强地在疾病和劳累之时毫无怨言...i gave her the sensitivity to love her children under any and all circumstances. even when her child has hurt her badly....she has the very special power to make a childs boo-boo feel better and to quell a teenagers anxieties and fears....我给她内心的敏感,让她在任何环境下都深爱着自己的孩子.甚至在他们深深伤害她的时候...她用那特别的力量,让年幼孩子的在受伤的时候感到安慰,也能够让年轻的子女消除紧张与恐惧...i gave her strength to care for her husband, despite faults and i fashioned her from his rib to protect his heart....我给她力量关心她的丈夫,尽管他会犯错.我用男人的肋骨创造了女人,使女人可以保护男人的心脏...i gave her wisdom to know that a good husband never hurts his wife, but sometimes tests her strengths and her resolve to stand beside him unfalteringly....我给她智慧,让她知道一个好丈夫永远不会伤害他的妻子,但有时候会试炼她坚定的永远跟随自己丈夫的能力与决心.for all of this hard work,i also gave her a tear to shed.it is hers to usewhenever needed andit is her only weakness....when you see her cry,tell her how much you love her, and all she does for everyone, and even though she may still cry, you will have made her heart feel good.因为这些种种的困难,我也同样赐她流下眼泪,这是当她在需要时可以使用的,这是她唯一的软弱之处...当你看到她哭泣的时候,告诉她你有多么地爱她,告诉她她为所有人所做的一切,即使这样她可能还是会哭泣,但你会使她的心里得到安慰.she is special!please send this to women you know, and those with mothers, sisters, and special women in their lives.她是独特的!请把这个信息传递给你认识的女人,有母亲,姐妹和特别的女性在他们生命里的人. but, also send this to men so they will understand about what a wonderful thing a woman is.each day is a mountain that must be climbed; with courage each stepgets easier.但是,也把这个信息传递给男人,因此他们会明白女人是多么奇妙的被造物.每一天,生活中都会有必须爬的山,但是勇气会使每一步都更轻松.love your mother always永远爱你的母亲,and keep her smiling并且使她微笑常在篇二:幽默英语演讲稿幽默英语演讲稿love your mother爱你的母亲why are you crying, a young boy asked his mom?你为什么哭?一个小男孩问他的妈妈.because im a woman, she told him.因为我是女人,她告诉他.i dont understand, he said.我不明白.他回答his mom just hugged him and said,and you never will, but thats o.k........妈妈拥抱了他说,你永远也不会明白,但没关系...later the little boy asked his father,why does mom seem to cry for no reason?.后来小男孩问他的父亲妈妈为什么似乎在无缘无故的哭泣?all women cry for no reason, was all his dad could say...... 所有的女人都会常常没有原因地哭泣,这是他的父亲唯一可以解释的... the little boy grew up and became a man,still wondering why women cry.等到小男孩长大,成了男人的时候,他仍然奇怪妈妈为什么哭.finally he put in a call to god and when god got back to him, he asked god, why do women cry so easily?最后他把这件事祷告给上帝,他问上帝,为什么女人容易哭泣? god answered......上帝回答:when i made woman,i decided she had to be special.i made her shouldersstrong enough to carrythe weight of the world, yet,当我创造女人的时候,我决定把她造的很特别,我让她的双肩强壮的足以能够承担整个世界,但是,却让她的双臂温柔的足够去安慰他人...i gave her the inner strengthto endure childbirthand the rejectioneven from her own children.我给她内在的力量去忍受生产的剧痛,也让她有勇气承受无数的伤害,甚至这些伤害有时会来自于自己的孩子...i gave her a hardnessthat allows herto keep going and take careof her family and friends,even when everyone else gives up, through sickness and fatigue without 我给她顽强,让她能够不断地前进,并且照顾自己的家人和朋友,甚至当每个人都放弃的时候,她却能够坚强地在疾病和劳累之时毫无怨言...i gave her the sensitivity to love her children under any and all circumstances. even when her child has hurt her badly....she has the very special power to make a childs boo-boo feel better and to quell a teenagers anxieties and fears....我给她内心的敏感,让她在任何环境下都深爱着自己的孩子.甚至在他们深深伤害她的时候...她用那特别的力量,让年幼孩子的在受伤的时候感到安慰,也能够让年轻的子女消除紧张与恐惧...i gave her strength to care for her husband, despite faults and i fashioned her from his rib to protect his heart....我给她力量关心她的丈夫,尽管他会犯错.我用男人的肋骨创造了女人,使女人可以保护男人的心脏...i gave her wisdom to know that a good husband never hurts his wife, but sometimes tests her strengths and her resolve to stand beside him unfalteringly....我给她智慧,让她知道一个好丈夫永远不会伤害他的妻子,但有时候会试炼她坚定的永远跟随自己丈夫的能力与决心.for all of this hard work,i also gave her a tear to shed.it is hers to usewhenever needed andit is her only weakness....when you see her cry,tell her how much you love her, and all she does for everyone, and even though she may still cry, you will have made her heart feel good. 因为这些种种的困难,我也同样赐她流下眼泪,这是当她在需要时可以使用的,这是她唯一的软弱之处...当你看到她哭泣的时候,告诉她你有多么地爱她,告诉她她为所有人所做的一切,即使这样她可能还是会哭泣,但你会使她的心里得到安慰.she is special!please send this to women you know, and those with mothers, sisters, and special women in their lives.她是独特的!请把这个信息传递给你认识的女人,有母亲,姐妹和特别的女性在他们生命里的人. but, also send this to men so they will understand about what a wonderful thing a woman is.each day is a mountain that must be climbed; with courage each step gets easier.但是,也把这个信息传递给男人,因此他们会明白女人是多么奇妙的被造物.每一天,生活中都会有必须爬的山,但是勇气会使每一步都更轻松. love your mother always永远爱你的母亲,and keep her smiling并且使她微笑常在篇三:新初中幽默英语演讲稿新初中幽默英语演讲稿love your mother爱你的母亲why are you crying, a young boy asked his mom?你为什么哭?一个小男孩问他的妈妈.because im a woman, she told him.因为我是女人,她告诉他.i dont understand, he said.我不明白.他回答his mom just hugged him and said,and you never will, but thats o.k........妈妈拥抱了他说,你永远也不会明白,但没关系...later the little boy asked his father,why does mom seem to cry for no reason?.后来小男孩问他的父亲妈妈为什么似乎在无缘无故的哭泣?all women cry for no reason, was all his dad could say......所有的女人都会常常没有原因地哭泣,这是他的父亲唯一可以解释的...the little boy grew up and became a man,still wondering why women cry.等到小男孩长大,成了男人的时候,他仍然奇怪妈妈为什么哭.finally he put in a call to god and when god got back to him, he asked god, why do women cry so easily?最后他把这件事祷告给上帝,他问上帝,为什么女人容易哭泣?god answered......上帝回答:when i made woman,i decided she had to be special.i made her shouldersstrong enough to carrythe weight of the world, yet,当我创造女人的时候,我决定把她造的很特别,篇四:英语演讲幽默开场白英语演讲幽默开场白作为一个演讲者,我从观众那只得到过两种抱怨:一种是我讲话声音太大了,他们无法入睡;第二种是我讲得时间太长了,他们无法一直清醒。

英文回答:Let me start with a funny story about a man who went to see a doctor. The man said to the doctor, "Doctor, I keep seeing spots in front of my eyes." The doctor replied, "Have you seen an ophthalmologist?" The man said, "No, just spots."Now, let me share another humorous story. There was a man who was always bragging about his intelligence. One day, he decided to prove it by taking an IQ test. When theresults came back, he was shocked to find out that he had a low IQ. He couldn't believe it and said, "This must be a mistake! I demand a recount!" 。
These stories always make me laugh, and I hope they brought a smile to your face as well.中文回答:让我先讲一个关于一个去看医生的人的有趣故事。

2024年幽默的力量英语演讲稿推荐幽默的力气英语演讲稿篇1Humor is a powerful tool that can bring people together, lighten the mood, and create a sense of joy and happiness. It has the ability to break down barriers, bridge gaps between individuals, and foster stronger relationships.One of the most remarkable aspects of humor is its universal nature. Regardless of culture, language, or background, everybody understands and appreciates a good laugh. The power of humor lies in its ability to transcend boundaries and connect people on a deep and emotional level.In our daily lives, humor plays a crucial role in diffusing tension and reducing stress. It allows us to cope with difficult situations, navigate through challenges, and maintain a positive outlook. By adopting a humorous perspective, we can find light in even the darkest of moments.Humor has also been known to enhance communication skills. When used effectively, it can make conversations more engaging, interesting, and memorable. A well-placed joke or a witty remark can capture attention, break the ice, and create a friendly and comfortable atmosphere. It encourages open and honest dialogue, allowing people to express their thoughts and opinions more freely.Furthermore, humor can be a great leveler and equalizer. It brings people from different social, economic, and cultural backgroundstogether on a common platform. Laughter knows no boundaries and can be enjoyed by all. By sharing jokes, funny stories, and humorous anecdotes, people can bond and develop a sense of camaraderie.Humor also has numerous health benefits, both physical and mental. It has been proven to boost the immune system, reduce pain, and improve cardiovascular health. Laughter releases endorphins, the body's natural feel-good chemicals, which promote a sense of well-being and reduce stress. It also helps in combating anxiety and depression, as it allows individuals to momentarily escape from their worries and concerns.In addition, humor can be a powerful tool in leadership and teamwork. A leader with a good sense of humor can create a positive and inclusive work environment, fostering creativity, collaboration, and productivity. Humor can also help in resolving conflicts, defusing tense situations, and building trust among team members.Moreover, humor is an effective educational tool. It makes learning enjoyable, increases student engagement, and improves retention of information. Educators who incorporate humor into their lessons can create a positive and stimulating classroom environment, where students feel motivated and eager to learn. By using humor, complex and difficult concepts can be simplified and made more accessible.Additionally, humor plays a vital role in building resilience andcoping with challenges. The ability to find humor in tough situations helps individuals maintain a positive mindset and adapt to adversities more effectively. It allows them to see setbacks as learning experiences and enables them to bounce back stronger.In conclusion, the power of humor cannot be underestimated. It brings people together, lightens the mood, and creates a sense of joy and happiness. Humor transcends boundaries, enhances communication, and promotes understanding among individuals. It has numerous health benefits, helps in leadership and teamwork, aids in education, and builds resilience. So, let us embrace humor and use its power to make this world a happier and more connected place.幽默的力气英语演讲稿篇2Humor is a powerful tool. It can turn a bad day into a good one, relieve stress, break down barriers, and even make difficult situations easier to handle. Humor can also be used as a powerful tool in public speaking. A well-timed joke or humorous story can not only keep an audience engaged, but also make a message more memorable.Humor can take many forms, from witty one-liners to humorous anecdotes. It can also be adapted to fit any audience, whether it be a group of professionals or a room full of children. A good speaker knows how to use humor to their advantage, and can employ it to make a point or to simply entertain their listeners.However, using humor in public speaking can also be a risky business. What one person finds funny, another may not. A joke that falls flat can leave an audience feeling uncomfortable or even offended. It is important for a speaker to be aware of the audience they are addressing and to use humor in a way that is appropriate and respectful.One way to use humor effectively in public speaking is to use self-deprecating humor. This is when a speaker makes fun of themselves, rather than others. Self-deprecating humor can be particularly effective because it shows the audience that the speaker doesn't take themselves too seriously and can help to break down any barriers that may exist between the speaker and the audience.Another way to use humor in public speaking is to use humor as a way of telling a story. A well-told story can be made all the more engaging with the use of humor. The humor can help to keep the audience engaged, while also helping to make the story more memorable.Humor can also be used to introduce a serious topic. By using humor to break the ice, a speaker can help to make a difficult topic more approachable. The use of humor can also help to reduce tension and anxiety in the audience, making it easier for them to engage with the topic.However, it is important to remember that not all topics are suitablefor humor. Serious or sensitive topics should always be handled with care.A speaker must use good judgment and evaluate whether humor is appropriate for the subject matter.In conclusion, humor is a powerful tool in public speaking. It can be used to engage an audience, break down barriers, and make difficult topics more approachable. However, it is important for a speaker to remember that humor is not always appropriate, and that they must use good judgment when deciding whether to employ it. When used correctly, humor can help to make a presentation more memorable, and can leave a lasting impact on the audience.幽默的力气英语演讲稿篇3Humor has been a powerful tool in human society for centuries. Its influence can be found in various aspects of our lives, including our daily interactions, entertainment, and even in more serious contexts such as speeches and presentations. In this essay, I would like to explore the power of humor in the English language and discuss how it can make a significant impact on the audience.To begin with, humor serves as an effective icebreaker in social interactions, especially among strangers. It helps to create a positive and comfortable atmosphere, allowing individuals to connect and build relationships more easily. For example, cracking a joke or sharing a funny story at a networking event can easily bring people together and breakdown any barriers that may exist. It lightens the mood and sets the tone for a more relaxed and enjoyable conversation.Moreover, humor has the ability to diffuse tense situations and alleviate stress. Life is filled with challenges and uncertainties, and during difficult times, laughter can be a much-needed relief. By injecting humor into serious discussions, it helps to ease tension and encourage open-mindedness. When people are able to find humor in difficult situations, it allows them to cope better and approach problems with a more positive mindset.In addition, humor plays a vital role in entertainment and media. Comedy shows, sitcoms, and stand-up performances are highly sought after by audiences around the world. They provide an escape from reality and offer a momentary reprieve from the stresses of everyday life. Humor is a universal language that transcends cultural boundaries, allowing people from different backgrounds to come together and share a collective experience of laughter.Furthermore, incorporating humor into speeches and presentations can greatly enhance the overall impact and engagement of the audience. It captures their attention and helps them connect with the speaker on a deeper level. A well-timed joke or a humorous anecdote can create a lasting impression and make the content more memorable. It also lightens the tone and prevents the audience from feeling overwhelmedby a heavy or serious topic. By using humor strategically, speakers can effectively convey their message and ensure that it resonates with the listeners.Nevertheless, it is important to acknowledge the limitations and potential risks of using humor. Different people have different preferences and sensitivities when it comes to comedy. What one person finds amusing, another might find offensive. Therefore, it is crucial to choose humor wisely and ensure that it is appropriate for the given context and audience. Being sensitive to cultural differences, avoiding controversial topics, and maintaining a respectful tone are essential when using humor in English speeches or any other form of communication.In conclusion, humor possesses great power in the English language. It serves as a social lubricant, diffuses tension, provides entertainment, and enhances communication. However, it is important to use humor judiciously and be mindful of the audience. When wielded effectively, humor can create positive connections, foster resilience, and make a lasting impact on both individuals and society as a whole. So let us embrace the power of humor and bring laughter into our lives.幽默的力气英语演讲稿篇4Humor is a powerful tool to break down barriers, bridge differences, and build connections between people from diverse backgrounds. It is auniversal language that can cross cultural boundaries, political ideologies, and even generations. In this speech, I will discuss the importance and potential of humor as a means of communication and social change, and provide examples of its impact in various fields and contexts.First and foremost, humor is an effective antidote to our daily stress and anxiety. It can provide a moment of relief, a burst of laughter, and a shift in perspective that helps us cope with difficult situations and emotions. Studies show that laughter reduces stress hormones, boosts immune function, improves mood, and strengthens social bonds. In other words, humor is good for our physical, mental, and social health.Moreover, humor is a valuable tool for social critique and political commentary. Satire, parody, and irony can expose the absurdity, hypocrisy, and injustices of our society and institutions, and engage people in critical thinking and action. Comedians like Jon Stewart, Stephen Colbert, Trevor Noah, John Oliver, and Hasan Minhaj have used their platforms to challenge the status quo, promote awareness and activism, and hold politicians and media accountable for their actions and words.Furthermore, humor can foster empathy, understanding, and positive relationships between people of different backgrounds and perspectives. By poking fun at our common foibles and stereotypes, humor can break down the barriers of prejudice, fear, and ignorance thatoften divide us. For instance, the TV show "Fresh off the Boat", which portrays the struggles and triumphs of a Taiwanese American family in the 11010s, has been praised for its humor, warmth, and diversity representation, which have helped to humanize Asian Americans and bridge the gaps between cultures.Lastly, humor can be a powerful tool for education and inspiration. Whether it is through comedy skits, humorous songs, or stand-up routines, humor can convey complex ideas, values, and messages in an accessible and entertaining way. For example, the TV show "Sesame Street", which has been educating and entertaining young children for over 50 years, uses humor, music, and puppets to teach them about literacy, numeracy, diversity, and social skills.In conclusion, humor is a potent force of communication, community building, and societal change. It can help us to cope with stress, critique injustice, bridge differences, and inspire learning. As such, we should not underestimate the value and potential of humor in our personal and professional lives, and continue to embrace it as a way to connect, create, and make a difference.幽默的力气英语演讲稿篇5The Power of Humor - An Expression of Joy and ResilienceIntroduction:Good afternoon everyone!Today, I stand before you to shed light on an aspect of our lives that brings us joy, lightens our burdens and helps us build strong connections -the power of humor. Humor, commonly defined as a form of amusement that elicits laughter, is a universal language that transcends barriers and has the ability to change the world. In an era where we face numerous challenges and uncertainties, humor provides us with the much-needed resilience and courage to navigate through life's valleys. Let's embark on this journey together as we explore the profound impact of humor on our daily lives.I. Enhancing Mental Well-being:First and foremost, humor serves as an incredible tool to enhance our mental well-being. Laughter, the ultimate result of humor, releases endorphins in our brain - the "feel-good" hormones that alleviate stress and promote relaxation. It brings a sense of joy that reminds us to stay positive amidst the challenges we face. By incorporating humor into our lives, we free ourselves from the shackles of negativity and embrace the power of optimism.II. Fostering Social Connections:Additionally, humor strengthens our social connections, fostering relationships and building bonds. When we share a laugh, we create a sense of camaraderie and collaboration. Humor serves as a unifying force that allows us to connect with others on a deeper level, bridginggaps and breaking down barriers. It encourages open communication and helps us navigate through difficult conversations with grace and empathy. Humorous interactions enrich our relationships, making them resilient and lasting.III. Coping with Adversity:Moreover, humor empowers us to cope with adversity and overcome life's challenges. In moments of turmoil, humor acts as a shield, shielding us from despair and granting us the resilience to bounce back. It helps us reframe our perspective, allowing us to see light in the darkest of situations. Through humor, we gain the strength to tackle obstacles head-on, transforming setbacks into opportunities for growth. When we laugh in the face of adversity, we showcase our indomitable spirit and inspire others to find their own strength.IV. Bridging Cultural Differences:Furthermore, humor plays a vital role in bridging cultural differences. Although cultures differ across the globe, humor serves as a universal language that transcends boundaries. It enables us to connect with people from diverse backgrounds, promoting mutual understanding and respect. Humor has the power to challenge stereotypes, break down prejudices, and unite people from all walks of life. In a world that often focuses on our differences, humor reminds us of our shared humanity, fostering a sense of belonging and inclusivity.V. Catalyzing Creativity and Innovation:Last but not least, humor acts as a catalyst for creativity and innovation. It encourages us to think outside the box, enabling fresh perspectives and ideas that drive progress. Engaging in humor cultivates a flexible mindset, allowing us to embrace ambiguity and navigate complex challenges creatively. Through humor, we unlock our creative potential, finding unique and imaginative solutions to the problems we encounter. Humor sparks innovation, propelling humanity forward.Conclusion:In conclusion, the power of humor is truly remarkable. It enriches our lives, enhances our mental well-being, and strengthens our relationships. Humor empowers us to overcome adversity, bridges cultural differences, and encourages creativity and innovation. Let us cherish the gift of humor, recognizing its invaluable role in our lives. By embracing humor, we can navigate through life's ups and downs with grace and resilience. As the great Charlie Chaplin once said, "A day without laughter is a day wasted." So, let us choose to laugh, connect, and make the most of every day. Thank you!幽默的力气英语演讲稿篇6The Power of Humor - English SpeechLadies and gentlemen,Today, I stand before you to discuss a topic that is often overlookedbut incredibly powerful in its ability to bring joy, foster connections, and even facilitate change: the power of humor.Humor, in its various forms, has been a part of human culture for centuries. It transcends language barriers, cultural boundaries, and even time. Whether it is a witty joke, a funny story, or even a simple smile, humor has the incredible power to unite people and brighten their lives.Firstly, let us explore the impact of humor on our well-being. Laughter, the physical response to humor, has been scientifically proven to have tremendous health benefits. When we laugh, endorphins are released into our bodies, creating a sense of pleasure and relaxation. It reduces stress, boosts our immune system, and lowers blood pressure. Humor has the remarkable ability to not only provide temporary relief, but also improve our overall mental and physical well-being.Moreover, humor possesses the unique power to build strong social connections. When we share a laugh with someone, it creates a bond, breaking down barriers and bringing people closer together. It helps to form friendships, ease tensions, and cultivate a positive atmosphere in any setting. In fact, studies show that humor is a key factor in successful personal and professional relationships. It fosters a sense of camaraderie, promotes open communication, and increases cooperation.In addition to its personal benefits, humor also possesses the potential for societal change. Throughout history, comedians andsatirists have used humor as a tool to challenge social norms, criticize injustice, and inspire change. Through their wit and cleverness, they are able to engage their audience on important issues in a way that is non-confrontational yet thought-provoking. Satire, for example, has been a powerful force in shedding light on societal flaws and encouraging discussions that lead to meaningful change.Furthermore, humor enables us to tackle difficult situations with resilience and optimism. It helps us find light in the darkest of times and provides relief from the struggles of everyday life. When faced with adversity, humor can be a powerful coping mechanism. It allows us to reframe our perspective, find new solutions, and maintain a positive mindset. The ability to laugh at ourselves and find humor in challenging situations is a true testament to our resilience and ability to overcome difficulties.However, it is important to emphasize the need for humor that respects and uplifts everyone. While humor can be empowering and unifying, it should never be used to demean or belittle others. It should be inclusive and considerate of different cultures, experiences, and sensitivities. Humor has the power to bridge divides, but only if wielded responsibly and with empathy.In conclusion, the power of humor is far more significant than we often realize. It brings joy and improves our physical and mentalwell-being. It creates stronger social bonds and facilitates positive relationships. It challenges social norms and inspires change. It allows us to navigate difficult situations with resilience and optimism. As we embrace the power of humor in our lives, let us do so with mindfulness and respect for one another. Let's harness the incredible power of humor to create a brighter, more united, and more resilient world.Thank you.幽默的力气英语演讲稿篇7The Power of HumorLadies and gentlemen,Today, I would like to talk to you about the power of humor. Humor is an incredible tool that has the ability to unite people, ease tensions, and bring joy into our lives. It is a universal language that transcends cultural and language barriers, allowing us to connect and relate to one another. In this speech, we will explore the various ways in which humor can positively impact our lives and society as a whole.First and foremost, humor has the power to bring people together. In a world where differences often lead to conflicts and misunderstandings, humor serves as a bridge that can help us find common ground. Through laughter, we are able to break down walls and form connections with others, regardless of our backgrounds or beliefs. It reminds us that, deep down, we share the same human experiencesand emotions. Whether it's a funny joke, a witty remark, or a humorous story, laughter has a way of closing the gap between us and creating a sense of unity.Furthermore, humor has the ability to ease tensions and diffuse conflicts. When faced with difficult situations or disagreements, a well-timed joke or a lighthearted comment can defuse the tension and allow for open communication. It can help us see the absurdity and irony in our own actions, thereby deflating our egos and making us more open to compromise. In this sense, humor serves as a powerful tool for conflict resolution and problem-solving. It reminds us not to take ourselves too seriously and encourages us to approach challenges with a lighthearted and flexible mindset.In addition to its social benefits, humor also has a positive impact on our physical and mental well-being. Laughter releases endorphins, the body's natural feel-good chemicals, which relieve stress and promote relaxation. It boosts our immune system, lowers blood pressure, and improves overall cardiovascular health. Moreover, laughter has been shown to alleviate symptoms of depression and anxiety, as it helps us to see situations from a different perspective and to find joy even in the midst of difficulties. By incorporating humor into our daily lives, we can enhance our overall quality of life and well-being.On a larger scale, humor plays a vital role in society, particularly inchallenging times. Throughout history, humor has been used as a form of political and social commentary. Satire and comedy have been powerful tools to question authority, challenge societal norms, and bring about change. By exposing the absurdities and inconsistencies in our world, humor has the ability to provoke thought and ignite conversations. It encourages us to question the status quo and inspires us to work towards a better future.In conclusion, the power of humor is undeniable. It brings people together, eases tensions, improves our well-being, and has the ability to enact change in society. In our increasingly divided and complex world, humor serves as a common ground that unites us and reminds us of our shared humanity. So, let us embrace the power of humor and use it to spread joy, foster understanding, and create a more harmonious and compassionate world.Thank you.我细心举荐英语演讲稿英语演讲稿三分钟| 小学生演讲稿| 中学生演讲稿| 高校生演讲稿。

幽默英语演讲稿(精选多篇)第一篇:幽默英语演讲稿loveyourmother爱你的母亲whyareyoucrying,ayoungboyaskedhismom?你为什么哭?一个小男孩问他的妈妈."becausei'mawoman,"shetoldhim.因为我是女人,她告诉他."idon'tunderstand,"hesaid.我不明白.他回答hismomjusthuggedhimandsaid,"andyouneverwill,butthat'so.k.".......妈妈拥抱了他说,"你永远也不会明白,但没关系..."laterthelittleboyaskedhisfather,"whydoesmomseemtocryfornoreason?".后来小男孩问他的父亲"妈妈为什么似乎在无缘无故的哭泣?""allwomencryfornoreason,"wasallhisdadcouldsay......"所有的女人都会常常没有原因地哭泣",这是他的父亲唯一可以解释的...thelittleboygrewupandbecameaman,stillwonderingwhywomencry.等到小男孩长大,成了男人的时候,他仍然奇怪妈妈为什么哭.finallyheputinacalltogodandwhengodgotbacktohim,heasked"go d,whydowomencrysoeasily?"最后他把这件事祷告给上帝,他问"上帝,为什么女人容易哭泣?"godanswered......上帝回答:"whenimadewoman,idecidedshehadtobespecial.imadehershouldersstrongenoughtocarrytheweightoftheworld,yet,madeherarmsgentleenoughtogivecomfort..."当我创造女人的时候,我决定把她造的很特别,我让她的双肩强壮的足以能够承担整个世界,但是,却让她的双臂温柔的足够去安慰他人...igavehertheinnerstrengthtoendurechildbirthandtherejectionthatmanytimeswillcomeevenfromherownchildren.我给她内在的力量去忍受生产的剧痛,也让她有勇气承受无数的伤害,甚至这些伤害有时会来自于自己的孩子...igaveherahardnessthatallowshertokeepgoingandtakecareofherfamilyandfriends,evenwheneveryoneelsegivesup,throughsicknessandfatiguewith outcomplaining....我给她顽强,让她能够不断地前进,并且照顾自己的家人和朋友,甚至当每个人都放弃的时候,她却能够坚强地在疾病和劳累之时毫无怨言...igaveherthesensitivitytoloveherchildrenunderanyandallcirc umstances.evenwhenherchildhashurtherbadly....shehastheveryspecialpowertomakeachild'sboo-boofeelbetterandtoquellateenager'sanxietiesandfears....我给她内心的敏感,让她在任何环境下都深爱着自己的孩子.甚至在他们深深伤害她的时候...她用那特别的力量,让年幼孩子的在受伤的时候感到安慰,也能够让年轻的子女消除紧张与恐惧...igaveherstrengthtocareforherhusband,despitefaultsandifashionedherfromhisribtoprotecthisheart....我给她力量关心她的丈夫,尽管他会犯错.我用男人的肋骨创造了女人,使女人可以保护男人的心脏...igaveherwisdomtoknowthatagoodhusbandneverhurtshiswife,but sometimestestsherstrengthsandherresolvetostandbesidehimunfalt eringly....我给她智慧,让她知道一个好丈夫永远不会伤害他的妻子,但有时候会试炼她坚定的永远跟随自己丈夫的能力与决心.forallofthishardwork,ialsogaveherateartoshed.itisherstousewheneverneededanditisheronlyweakness....whenyouseehercry,tellherhowmuchyouloveher,andallshedoesforeveryone,andeven thoughshemaystillcry,youwillhavemadeherheartfeelgood.因为这些种种的困难,我也同样赐她流下眼泪,这是当她在需要时可以使用的,这是她唯一的软弱之处...当你看到她哭泣的时候,告诉她你有多么地爱她,告诉她她为所有人所做的一切,即使这样她可能还是会哭泣,但你会使她的心里得到安慰.sheisspecial!pleasesendthistowomenyouknow,andthosewithmothers,sisters,andspecialwomenintheirlives.她是独特的!请把这个信息传递给你认识的女人,有母亲,姐妹和特别的女性在他们生命里的人.but,alsosendthistomensotheywillunderstandaboutwhatawonder fulthingawomanis.eachdayisamountainthatmustbeclimbed;withcourageeachstepge tseasier.但是,也把这个信息传递给男人,因此他们会明白女人是多么奇妙的被造物.每一天,生活中都会有必须爬的山,但是勇气会使每一步都更轻松.loveyourmotheralways永远爱你的母亲,andkeephersmiling并且使她微笑常在第二篇:新初中幽默英语演讲稿新初中幽默英语演讲稿loveyourmother爱你的母亲whyareyoucrying,ayoungboyaskedhismom?你为什么哭?一个小男孩问他的妈妈."becausei'mawoman,"shetoldhim.因为我是女人,她告诉他."idon'tunderstand,"hesaid.我不明白.他回答hismomjusthuggedhimandsaid,"andyouneverwill,butthat'so.k.".......妈妈拥抱了他说,"你永远也不会明白,但没关系..."laterthelittleboyaskedhisfather,"whydoesmomseemtocryfornoreason?".后来小男孩问他的父亲"妈妈为什么似乎在无缘无故的哭泣?""allwomencryfornoreason,"wasallhisdadcouldsay......"所有的女人都会常常没有原因地哭泣",这是他的父亲唯一可以解释的...thelittleboygrewupandbecameaman,stillwonderingwhywomencry.等到小男孩长大,成了男人的时候,他仍然奇怪妈妈为什么哭.finallyheputinacalltogodandwhengodgotbacktohim,heasked"go d,whydowomencrysoeasily?"最后他把这件事祷告给上帝,他问"上帝,为什么女人容易哭泣?"godanswered......上帝回答:"whenimadewoman,idecidedshehadtobespecial.imadehershouldersstrongenoughtocarrytheweightoftheworld,yet,madeherarmsgentleenoughtogivecomfort..."当我创造女人的时候,我决定把她造的很特别,第三篇:七年级五班英语幽默故事大赛演讲稿七年级五班英语幽默故事大赛演讲稿doyoulikestories?iwanttotellyouatruestory.ithappenedtoafriendofmineayearago.whilemyfriend,george,wasreadinginbed,twothievesclimbedint ohiskitchen.aftertheyhadenteredthehouse,theywentintothediningroom.itwasverydark,sotheyturnedonatorch.suddenly,theyheardavoicebeh indthem.‘what’sup?what’sup?’someonecalled.thethievesdroppedthetorchandranawayasquicklyastheycould.georgeheardthenoiseandcamedownstairsquickly.heturnedonthelight,buthecouldn’tseeanyone.thethieveshadalreadygone.butgeorge’sparrot,henry,wasstillthere.‘what’sup,george ?’hecalled.‘nothing,henry.’georgesaidandsmiled.‘gobacktosleep.’第四篇:幽默英语英语幽默对话buyyouadrink?(我可以为你买一杯饮料吗?)女:actuallyi'dratherhavethemoney.(不必,我我宁愿留下那些钱.) 经典对话二:男:canihaveyourname?(直译:我能有你的名字吗?)女:why?don'tyoualreadyhaveone?(为什么?你不是已经有一个了吗?)经典对话三:男:i'maphotographer.i'vebeenlookingforafacelikeyours.(我是摄影师。

英文三分钟搞笑演讲篇一A helping handA man who lived in a block of apartments thought it was raining and put his head out the window to check. As he did so a glass eye fell into his hand.He looked up to see where it came from in time to see a young woman looking down."Is this yours?" he asked.She said, "Yes, could you bring it up?" and the man agreed.On arrival she was profuse in her thanks and offered the man a drink. As she was very attractive he agreed. Shortly afterwards she said, "I'm about to have dinner. There's plenty. Would you like to join me?"He readily accepted her offer and both enjoyed a lovely meal. As the evening was drawing to a close the lady said, "I've had a marvelous evening. Would you like to stay the night?"The man hesitated then said, "Do you act like this with every man you meet?""No," she replied, "Only those who catch my eye."英文三分钟搞笑演讲篇二Good morning teachers and fellow students. Today we would like to introduce a few favorite books to you.My favorite book is (Italian: Cuore). This is a diary written by an Italian boy Enrico. The diary is about his life and study. It included various touching stories that happened around Enrico,the mottos taught by his parents, as well as the wonderful ten "monthly" stories told by his teacher during the class. Every word in the chapter describes the word "love". From patriotism to friendship, and to the love between parents and child -- really touching.This novel taught me how to love, and how to learn from love.I really like this book very much. How about you? What is your favorite book?My favorite book is . Have you read it before?Oh, I haven t read this book before. What is it about?Well, it is a story of a rich girl who maintained her noble character after the bankruptcy of her father. The story is happy ending.Can you tell us why you love this book so much?Sure. It is because the story taught us to be brave and to face the challenges and difficulties with courage. I am deeply impressed by the strength and perseverance of the little princess in the story. I have decided to learn from her from now on.Oh I see, the story sounds very good. I cannot wait to read this book as well.英文三分钟搞笑演讲篇三Matt and his wife lived in the country. Matt was very stingy and hated spending money. One day a fair came to the nearby town."Let’s go to the fair, Matt," his wife said. "We haven’t been anywhere for a long time."Matt thought about this for a while. He knew he would have to spend money at the fair. At last he said, "All right, but I’m not going to spend much money. We’ll look at things, but we won’t buy anything. "They went to the fair and looked at all the things to buy. There were many things Matt’s wife wanted to buy, but he would not let her spend any money.Then, in a nearby field, they saw a small airplane."Fun flights!" the notice said, " $$ 10 for 10 minutes.Matt had never been in an airplane and he wanted to go on a fun flight. However, he didn’t want to have to pay for his wife, as well."I’ve only got $$ 10, " he told the pilot. "Can my wife come with me for free?" The pilot wasn’t selling many tickets, so he said, "I’ll make a bargain with you. If your wife doesn’t scream or shout, she can have a free flight."Matt agreed, and got into the small airplane with his wife.The pilot took off and made his airplane do all kinds of things. At one moment it was flying upside down.When the plane landed, the pilot said, "0. K. your wife didn’t make a sound. She can have her ride free.""Thank you," Matt said. "It wasn’t easy for her, you know, especially when she fell out."。

英语课前三分钟演讲稿幽默一Why does football get people into a frenzy?Who is your idol? It may be Napoleon, Picasso, or Michael Jackson. But who is my idol? Can you guess? It is Ronaldo. He is the No. 1 super star of football.Football is a game in which 22 people chase one ball around a large field. The aim of the game is to get the ball into the net to score.After all, it’s such an easy game, and yet people go crazy mad over it. The answer lies in two facts. One is the game itself. Sometimes it is beyond any description. Football is a game of passes and techniques, passion and love, more importantly, unity is the key---the whole team working as one, united they will never be defeated.The European’s style. of play is like a Waltz, the Brazilian like a Samba, and the passionate Argentineans play as if they are doing a Tango. Football is so unpredictable, so unbelievable. You will never knowwho will win until the last minute. Especially when suddenly there is a goal, the fans who have been sitting on the edge of their seats, will be wild with joy and excitement; and the losers with disappointed hearts will despair over their teams.The other is of course the super stars. Each one has his own personality, just like my idol Ronaldo. When he smiles, we all smile with him. Who can forget that buck-toothed smile, or that unique hairstyle. during the 2019 World Cup. Ronaldo was born to a poor family. He has set an example to children who can’t afford a pair of shoes, but have talent and a passion for football. He gives them confidence and hope of a better future.Football is the game that wins everyone’s heart and the best game ever invented.为什么足球会让人变得疯狂?谁是你的偶像?这可能是拿破仑,毕加索和迈克尔·杰克逊。

i used to get ne rvous hengiving a s peeh but t hen i read that it h elps to th ink of the entire au diene as b eing naked. and so,at this ve r moment,i’m standi ng up here imagining ever onein this au diene as b eing naked. and it r eall orks. i no suff er from ne rvousness. eestrain. es幽默注释:把观众想象成裸体,意思是我不怕你们,就不紧张了。
pe rsonall, i have neve r been one ited --- a nd i an’ttell ou ho muh i adm ire mselffor that.幽默句子:他因为自己不自负,所以变得非常骄傲。
let me pu t this int o plainen glish. i’l l translat e it for t he laers l ater. 幽默注释:律师总喜欢用复杂的语言,简单的话都听不懂了。

幽默搞笑的英语演讲稿1Dear teachers and schoolmates:I’m very happy to give a lecture in English here today. The title of speech is I Love English. As everyone knows,English is very important today.It has been used everywhere in the world.It has become the most common language on Internet and for international trade. If we can speak English well,we will have more chance to succeed.Because more and more people have taken notice of it,the number of the people who go to learn English has increased at a high speed. But for myself,I learn English not only because of its importance and its usefulness,but also because of my love for it.When I learn English, I can feel a different way of thinking which gives me more room to touch the world.When I read English novels,I can feel the pleasure from the book which is different from reading the translation.When I speak English, I can feel the confident from my words.When I write English,I can see the beauty which is not the same as our Chinese… I love English,it gives me a colorful dream.I hope I can travel around the world one day. With my good English, I can make friends with many people from different contries.I can see many places of great intrests.I dream that I can go to London,because it is the birth place of English. I also want to use my good English to introduce our great places to the English spoken people,I hopethat they can love our country like us.I know, Rome was not built in a day. I believe that after continuous hard study, one day I can speak English very well. If you want to be loved, you should learn to love and be lovable. So I believe as I love English everyday , it will love me too. I am sure that I will realize my dream one day! Thank you!幽默搞笑的英语演讲稿2Good morning/afternoon!First thing first, I gotta say,wow,its funny thing to be given a chance like that.Trurh be told,I really got a little bit nervous before I stand right here ,so called stage fright.If you look specifically on me .You may find my hands shaking,pretty assembles the guy who suffered from Pakinsons disease,and legs wobbling ,like I caught so-called ball leg. Okay,lets stop going around the bush and get back to my topic today.I really like to talk a funny story I have just heard.A lady called Lucy emigrated to United States several years ago.Her spoken English is not that fluent .And one day,she is just sitting on the couch with his U.S friends Mandy watching Sit-Com.A noise of bump had the attention of Mandy,which led her to go out of the house trying to figure out what had happened.Can you imagine that Mandy go straight out with merely a sweater.So Lucy shouted at her,"Lucy ,turn your clothes on." What suprised her most,beyond her wildest imagination, is that almost all the male in this country took their head out of the window.Admittedly,Lucy made a mistake here .The word spitted means Mandy is totally naked to the reason that male looked out of the window.The right sentence shall be,"put your clothing on."The story inspires you to take a careful look on the vast difference between eastern and western culture.Thats full of it,thank you for your time!幽默搞笑的英语演讲稿3Good evening ,Ladies and Gentlemen:Thank you very much for choosing to come in such a cold night.Today my topic is about choice and process.A research shows that a man has to make 73 choices one day.With so many choices one day, people easily get so confused and afraid of making wrong choice that they hesitate and finally miss the true part of life. In my opinion, the following part is of much more importance than the choice. There is no absolute right or wrong choice but wonderful or boring life, which the process makes the difference.Life is a box of chocolate,you never know what you will get. Forrest Gump made no decision by and for himself but he accomplished great success with his strong will in the process. The process is not the road itself but the attitudes and feelings ,the caution, courage and persistance we have as we encounter new experience and unexpected obstacles. Take myself as an example, I changed my major when I became a postgraduate. After the choice,days have been harsh for me.I cannot understand the new lessons at all. For they are closely related to mathmatics which I learned nothing about before. However wuth the belief that this is the great chance for me to experience new ideas and challenge myself,I persisted. I asked for help from every channel and reorgonized my life. Gradually I could understand some parts and even found maths interesting.Moreover, I learned to act instead of complaining. In retrospect,the choice left no trace in my mind but the happiness and bitterness of the past four months becomes an unforgetable experience in my life.No matter what the choice is, enjoy the process. In the process, your potential will be inspired and new discoveries,improvement and progress will come to you. These are the most beautiful sceneries and only on the way can you see it.These make your life colorful.There is no need and I donnot want to judge whether it right or wrong for me to be here,but I congratulate to myself for I gain and enjoy this fantastic experience. So my dear friends,never worry about your choice and enjoy the process. I am sure you will get something new and intersting tonight after you chose to come here.Thank you!幽默搞笑的英语演讲稿4Mary was an English girl, but she lived in Rome. She was six years old. Last year her mother said to her, “You’re six years old now, Mary, and you’re going to begin going to a school here. You’re going to like it very much, because it’s a nice school.”“Is it an English school” Mary asked.” Yes, it is,” her mother said. Mary went to the school, and enjoyed her lessons. Her mother always took her to school in the morning and brought her home in the afternoon. Last Monday her mother went to the school at 4 o’clock, and Mary ran out of her class. “We’ve got a new girl in our class today, Mummy,” she said. “She’s six years old too, and she’s very nice, but she isn’t English. She’s German.” “Does she speak English” Mary’s mother asked.” No, but she laughs in English,” Mary said happily.幽默搞笑的英语演讲稿5Ladies and Gentlemen , Good afternoon! I68m very glad tostand here and give you a short speech. today my topic is “youth”. I hope you will like it , and found the importance in your youth so that more cherish it.First I want to ask you some questions: 1、Do you know what is youth? 2、 How do you master your youth?YouthYouth is not a time of life, it is a state of mind it is not rosy cheeks , red lips and supple knees, it is a matter of the emotions : it is the freshness it is the freshness of the deep springs of life .Youth means a temperamental predominance of courage over timidity of the appetite , for adventure over the love of ease. This often exists in a man of 60 more than a boy of 20 . Nobody grows old merely by a number of years . We grow old by deserting our ideals.Years wrinkle the skin , but to give up enthusiasm wrinkles the soul . Worry , fear , self –distrust bows the heart and turns the spirit back to dust .Whether 60 of 16 , there is in every human being 67s heart the lure of wonders, the unfailing childlike appetite of what68s next and the joy of the game of living . In the center of your heart and my heart there68s a wireless station : so long as it receives messages of beauty , hope ,cheer, courage and power from men and from the infinite, so long as you are young .When the aerials are down , and your spirit is covered with snows of cynicism and the ice of pessimism, then you are grown old ,even at 20 , but as long as your aerials are up ,to catch waves of optimism , there is hope you may die young at 80.That68s all ! Thank you!幽默搞笑的英语演讲稿6Earn english not only because of its importance and itsusefulness,but also because of my love for it.when i learn english, i can feel a different way of thinking which gives me more room to touch the world.when i read english novels,i can feel the pleasure from the book which is different from reading the translation.when i speak english, i can feel the confident from my words.when i write english,i can see the beauty which is not the same as our chinese...I love english,it gives me a colorful dream.i hope i can travel around the world one day. with my good english, i can make friends with many people from different contries.i can see many places of great intrests.i dream that i can go to london,because it is the birth place of english.I also want to use my good english to introduce our great places to the english spoken people,i hope that they can love our country like us.I know, rome was not built in a day. i believe that after continuous hard study, one day i can speak english very well. if you want to be loved, you should learn to love and be lovable. so i believe as i love english everyday , it will love me too.I am sure that i will realize my dream one day!Thank you!。

小编精心收集了关于英语笑话对话演讲稿,供大家欣赏学习!关于英语笑话对话演讲稿篇1Henry was from the United States and he had come to London for a holiday.亨利是个美国人,他到伦敦来度假。
One day he was not feeling well, so he went to the clerk at the desk of his hotel and said,"I want to see doctor. Can you give me the name of a good one?"有一天他感到身体不舒服,于是走到旅馆服务台对服务员说:“我想看病,你能给我推荐一位好医生吗?”The clerk looked in a book and then said , "Dr. Kenneth Grey , 61010."服务员查阅了一下本子,然后说:“肯尼思·格雷医生,61010。
"Henry said,"Thank yon very much. Is he expensive?"亨利说:“非常感谢,他收费贵吗?”"Well, "the clerk answered, "he always charges his patients two pounds for their first visit to him, and one pound and 50 pennies for later visits."“喔,”服务员回答说:“他对初诊患者收费两英镑,复诊收费一点五英镑。

Ladies and Gentlemen,Good morning/afternoon! It is truly an honor to stand before you today and share with you some of the humorous aspects of university life. As we all know, university is a time of immense growth, both academically and personally. However, amidst the rigorous studies, deadlines, and countless assignments, there are moments that make us laugh, roll our eyes, and sometimes even cringe. So, let's embark on a comical journey through the ups and downs of university life.Firstly, let's talk about the notorious "midnight oil" sessions. You know, those sleepless nights when we realize we have left our assignments until the last minute. Imagine this scene: it's 11:59 PM, and you're surrounded by a mountain of papers, laptops, and coffee cups. Your eyes are red, your brain is foggy, and you're trying to decipher the meaning of the most complicated equations or essays. Suddenly, your phone buzzes with a message from your friend: "Hey, you ready for the exam tomorrow?" You reply, "I'm more ready to take a nap than to take the exam, but what can I do? I need to pass this class!" And with that, you pour another cup of coffee and dive back into the abyss of academic struggle. These moments, while exhausting, are the perfect breeding ground for humor and camaraderie among students.Next, let's delve into the world of online classes. Oh, the joy of waking up at 8 AM to attend a lecture from the comfort of your bed! The best part? No one can see you in your pajamas, and you can easily multi-task by scrolling through social media, eating snacks, and even doing laundry. However, there's always that one moment when your professor decides to use the chat function, and suddenly you're answering questions about your favorite book or movie while trying to hide your disheveled appearance. The struggle is real, my friends!Now, let's talk about the legendary "study group." These are the gatherings where you think you're going to study, but somehow end up watching an entire season of your favorite TV show or discussing the merits of different ice cream flavors. The beauty of the study grouplies in the fact that everyone is in the same boat, and it's okay to be a little bit lazy and unproductive. In fact, sometimes, these moments ofrelaxation and camaraderie are what keep us going through the tough times.Moving on to the iconic "all-nighters." There's something magical about staying up all night, fueled by caffeine and determination, to complete a project or prepare for an exam. You know you're in the zone whenyou're able to quote entire chapters of textbooks from memory or when you've mastered the art of typing with one eye closed. However, there's also the inevitable crash the next day. You walk into class, feelinglike a zombie, trying to keep your eyes open, and suddenly your professor asks, "Who knows the difference between a noun and a verb?" You raise your hand, and as you speak, you realize you've been speaking in tongues for the past 10 minutes. The class erupts in laughter, and you can't help but join in, knowing that you're not alone in this mess.Now, let's talk about the infamous "exam week." This is the time when you're surrounded by mountains of textbooks, notes, and flashcards.You're in a constant state of panic, trying to memorize every single piece of information. And then, there's the exam itself. You sit there, your heart pounding, and you realize that you have no idea what you're doing. Suddenly, a thought crosses your mind: "Wait, I thought I studied for this?" You glance around the room, and you see everyone else looking equally clueless. In that moment, you realize that you're all in this together, and it's okay to feel overwhelmed. After all, as long as you pass, it's all worth it.Lastly, let's not forget about the ever-so-entertaining "house parties." These are the events where you're guaranteed to meet interesting people, have a few too many drinks, and possibly make a fool of yourself. You'll find yourself dancing on tables, singing karaoke, and telling your deepest, darkest secrets to complete strangers. These moments, while slightly embarrassing, are what make university life unforgettable. They're the moments that bring us together, create lasting friendships, and make us laugh until we cry.In conclusion, university life is filled with countless humorous moments that make us laugh, cringe, and sometimes even roll our eyes. From sleepless nights to online classes, study groups to all-nighters, andexams to house parties, these moments shape us into the individuals we are today. So, as we continue on this comical journey through university life, let's embrace the humor, cherish the memories, and remember that no matter how tough things get, there's always something to laugh about.Thank you, and may your university life be filled with more laughter than tears!。

范文【一】Someone said “we are reading the first verse of the first chapter of a book, whose pages are infinite”. I don’t know who wrote these words, but I’ve always liked them as a reminder that the future can be anything we want it to be. We are all in the position of the farmers. If we plant a good seed ,we reap a good harvest. If we plant nothing at all, we harvest nothing at all.We are young. “How to spend the youth?” It is a meaningful question. To answer it, first I have to ask “what do you understand by the word youth?” Youth is not a time of life, it’s a state of mind. It’s not a matter of rosy cheeks, red lips or supple knees. It’s the matter of the will. It’s the freshness of the deep spring of life.A poet said “To see a world in a grain of sand, and a heaven in a wild flower, hold infinity in the palm of your hand, and eternity in an hour. Several days ago, I had a chance to listen to a lecture. I learnt a lot there. I’d like to share it with all of you. Let’s show our right palms. We can see threelines that show how our love.career and life is. I have a short line of life. What about yours? I wondered whether we could see our future in this way. Well, let’s make a fist. Where is our future? Where is our love,career, and life? Tell me.Yeah, it is in our hands. It is held in ourselves.We all want the future to be better than the past. But the future can go better itself. Don’t cry because it is over, smile because it happened. From the past, we’ve learnt that the life is tough, but we are tougher. We’ve learnt that we can’t choose how we feel, but we can choose what about it. Failure doesn’t mean you don’t have it, it does mean you should do it in a different way. Failure doesn’t mean you should give up, it does mean you must try harder.As what I said at the beginning, “we are reading the first verse of the first chapter of a book, whose pages are infinite”. The past has gone. Nothing we do will change it. But the future is in frront of us. Believe that what we give to the world, the world will give to us. And from today on, let’s be the owners of ourselves, and speak out “We are the world, we are the future.”翻译:有人说“我们正在读一本书的第一章的第一节,页数无限的”。

1. 时光如箭
二. 有趣的故事和笑话
1. 魔镜
I. The Power of Laughter
1. Laughter is Contagious
Have you ever noticed that when someone starts laughing, it's hard not to join in? Laughter is contagious, and it has the incredible power to bring people together. Just a simple joke or funny story can break the ice and create a sense of unity among people. When we laugh together, we bond and form connections that can last a lifetime.

三分钟英语演讲稿幽默Three-Minute Funny English Speech。
Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. Today, I am honored to stand here and share with you some of my thoughts on the topic of humor in English speeches. As we all know, humor is a powerful tool that can help break the ice, capture the audience's attention, and make a speech more memorable. So, without further ado, let's dive into the world of funny English speeches.First and foremost, humor in English speeches can come in many forms. It can be a witty one-liner, a funny anecdote, a clever pun, or even a humorous observation. The key is to find a style of humor that resonates with both you and your audience. For example, if you are naturally a punny person, then incorporating puns into your speech can be a great way to showcase your personality and connect with the audience.Moreover, timing is everything when it comes to humor. A well-timed joke can lighten the mood and create a sense of camaraderie between the speaker and the audience. However, it's important to remember that not all jokes land the same way with every audience. Therefore, it's crucial to gauge the audience's reaction and adjust your approach accordingly.In addition, self-deprecating humor can be a great way to endear yourself to the audience. By poking fun at yourself in a lighthearted manner, you can show that youdon't take yourself too seriously and can laugh at your own flaws. This can help to humanize you as a speaker and make you more relatable to the audience.Furthermore, incorporating humor into your English speech can also help alleviate any tension or nervousness you may be feeling. Making the audience laugh can help to put you at ease and create a more relaxed atmosphere, which in turn can make the entire speech more enjoyable for everyone involved.In conclusion, humor is an invaluable tool in English speeches. Whether it's through clever wordplay, funny anecdotes, or self-deprecating humor, incorporating humor canhelp to make your speech more engaging, memorable, and enjoyable for both you and your audience. So, the next time you find yourself preparing for an English speech, don't be afraid to sprinkle in a little humor. After all, as Mark Twain once said, "The human race has only one really effective weapon and that is laughter." Thank you for your attention.。
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演讲结束时,宴会主人感谢你从繁忙的日程中抽出时间来——你泰然自若,优雅地点头微笑着,心里非常清楚你日历上唯一的事情就是就早餐后喝点咖啡 poise is when youfinish your speech and the toastmaster thanks you for taking time out of your busyschedule to be a part of their program --- and you nod and smile graciously knowingfull well that the only thing on your calendar is a little coffee from breakfast.幽默注释:一些老干部退休后没什么事干,有人请他参加一些活动,他还假装很忙,好象推开了很多事才赶去似的。
i used to get nervous when giving a speech but then i read that it helps to thinkof the entire audience as being naked. and so, at this very moment, i’m standingup here imagining every one in this audience as being naked. and it really works.i no suffer from nervousness. eyestrain. yes幽默注释:把观众想象成裸体,意思是我不怕你们,就不紧张了。
personally, i have never been conceited --- and i can’t tell you how much i admiremyself for that.幽默句子:他因为自己不自负,所以变得非常骄傲。
let me put this into plain english. i’ll translate it for the lawyers later.幽默注释:律师总喜欢用复杂的语言,简单的话都听不懂了。
if you’ve already heard this story, please don’t stop me because it’s the onlyone i know.幽默注释:就是你知道两个故事,讲故事前也可以这么说。
making a speech is like watering a lawn. you’re satisfied if just a quarter ofit sinks in.幽默注释:有人打呼噜,有人说话,都是正常的,有四分之一观众听就不错了。
before i begin, i want you to know that the following speech has been edited for television. i cut 20 minutes out of it so we could all get home in time for thegame on channel 2.幽默注释:放着现场不看,偏要回家在电视上看。
创新句子:我认为我演讲很风趣,可为什么没人笑呢?篇二:幽默英语演讲稿幽默英语演讲稿love your mother 爱你的母亲why are you crying, a young boy asked his mom?你为什么哭?一个小男孩问他的妈妈. because im a woman, she told him.因为我是女人,她告诉他.i dont understand, he said.我不明白.他回答his mom just hugged him and said, and you never will, but thats o.k........妈妈拥抱了他说,你永远也不会明白,但没关系... later the little boy asked his father, why does mom seem to cry for no reason?.后来小男孩问他的父亲妈妈为什么似乎在无缘无故的哭泣? all women cry for no reason, was all his dad could say...... 所有的女人都会常常没有原因地哭泣,这是他的父亲唯一可以解释的... the little boy grew up andbecame a man,still wondering why women cry.等到小男孩长大,成了男人的时候, 他仍然奇怪妈妈为什么哭.finally he put in a call to god and when god got back to him, he asked god, whydo women cry so easily?最后他把这件事祷告给上帝,他问上帝,为什么女人容易哭泣? god answered......上帝回答:when i made woman,i decided she had to be special.i made her shouldersstrong enough to carrythe weight of the world, yet, 当我创造女人的时候,我决定把她造的很特别,我让她的双肩强壮的足以能够承担整个世界,但是,却让她的双臂温柔的足够去安慰他人...i gave her the inner strength to endure childbirth and the rejectioneven from her own children.我给她内在的力量去忍受生产的剧痛, 也让她有勇气承受无数的伤害, 甚至这些伤害有时会来自于自己的孩子...i gave her a hardnessthat allows herto keep going and take care of her family and friends, even when everyone else gives up, through sickness and fatigue without 我给她顽强,让她能够不断地前进, 并且照顾自己的家人和朋友, 甚至当每个人都放弃的时候, 她却能够坚强地在疾病和劳累之时毫无怨言...i gave her the sensitivity to love her children under any and all circumstances.even when her child has hurt her badly.... she has the very special power to make a childs boo-boo feel better and to quella teenagers anxieties and fears....我给她内心的敏感,让她在任何环境下都深爱着自己的孩子.甚至在他们深深伤害她的时候...她用那特别的力量,让年幼孩子的在受伤的时候感到安慰,也能够让年轻的子女消除紧张与恐惧...i gave her strength to care for her husband, despite faults and i fashionedher from his rib to protect his heart....我给她力量关心她的丈夫,尽管他会犯错.我用男人的肋骨创造了女人,使女人可以保护男人的心脏...i gave her wisdom to know that a good husband never hurts his wife, but sometimestests her strengths and her resolve to stand beside him unfalteringly....我给她智慧,让她知道一个好丈夫永远不会伤害他的妻子,但有时候会试炼她坚定的永远跟随自己丈夫的能力与决心.for all of this hard work, i also gave her a tear to shed. it is hers to usewhenever needed andit is her only weakness.... when you see her cry, tell her how much you love her, and all she does for everyone, and even though she may still cry, you will have made her heart feel good. 因为这些种种的困难,我也同样赐她流下眼泪,这是当她在需要时可以使用的,这是她唯一的软弱之处...当你看到她哭泣的时候,告诉她你有多么地爱她,告诉她她为所有人所做的一切,即使这样她可能还是会哭泣,但你会使她的心里得到安慰.she is special!please send this to women you know, and those with mothers, sisters, and specialwomen in their lives.她是独特的!请把这个信息传递给你认识的女人,有母亲,姐妹和特别的女性在他们生命里的人.but, also send this to men so they will understand about what a wonderful thinga woman is.篇三:中英文幽默演讲幽默演讲——调侃自己(中英对照)演讲者如何调侃自己创新句子:你们或者睡觉,或者不睡,只要不打呼噜,我就接着讲。