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Atomic widgets(or components):
3)可编辑信息的显示:向用户显示能被编辑的格式化 信息的组件: 如JColorChooser, JFileChoose, JFileChooser, JTable, JTextArea,JTextField。
Intermediate containers
Atomic widgets(or components):
An atomic widget is one that corresponds to a basic GUI feature such as a button or label. These atomic widgets self-sufficient and cannot contain other widgets.
1. Swing widgets 分类及JFrame
2. Swing widgets 分类及JFrame
These are three broad types of Swing widgets(javax.swing.*): atomic widgets(or components) intermediate containers top-level containers
It is recommended that new GUI applications use Swing widgets and older programs convert to Swing. Swing组件以"J"开头,除了有与AWT类似的按 钮(JButton)、标签(JLabel)、复选框 (JCheckBox)、菜单(JMenu)等基本组件外, 还增加了一个丰富的高层组件集合,如表格 (JTable)、树(JTree)。
An intermediate container can contain and manage other widgets(atomic widgets or intermediate container)to form a composite widget.
Swing 结构
Container JText JComboBox JLabel JList JMenuBar Window Frame JFrame Dialog JScrollBar JDialog AbstractButton JToggleButton JCheckBox JRadioButton JMenuItem JMenu JButton JComponent JOptionPane JPanel
Common Component Properties and Behaviors
new TitledBorder(“Title”) new EtchedBorder(); new LineBorder(Color.BLUE); new MatteBorder(5,5,30,30,Color.GREEN); new BevelBorder(BevelBorder.RAISED); new SoftBevelBorder(BevelBorder.LOWERED); new CompoundBorder(new EtchedBorder(),new LineBorder(Color.RED));
Atomic widgets(or components):
2) 不可编辑信息的显示:向用户显示不可编辑信息 的组件: JLable;JProgressBar;JProgressMonitor;
Tool tips---the JComponent method setToolTipText(“String”) sets up a small text label that appears briefly,to inform the user,when the mouse cursor lingers over a widget‟s window.
Because all of the AWT and Swing components are descended from a common ancestor class, java.awt.Component, they all share a number of attributes and methods inherited from Component:
• Java1.2引入称为Swing的新的GUI组件库。
• Swing包括javax.swing包及其子包。
• Swing有一个与平台无关的实现,而且具有 一个艺术状态的属性集。 • 尽管Swing独立于AWT,但它是依照基本的 AWT类实现的。
Swing组件不会受任何操作系统的束缚。 Swing在不同的平台上表现一致,并且有能力提 供本地窗口系统不支持的其它特性。 几乎所有拥有用户界面的基于Java的应用都是使 用Swing GUI组件编写的。 Swing does‟t replace the AWT component set,it extends it. Even when using Swing,we still rely on many classes from the AWT,particularly when it comes to GUI event handling.

Common Component Properties and Behaviors
5) Visability:
public void setVisible(boolean b)

Some Components are automatically visibility when created, and other Components by default take the visibility of the Container to which they are attached. We can make an individual Component invisible while keeping the Container as a whole visible by passing the message setVisible(false) to the Component.
1. AWT vs. Swing Components
Abstract Window Toolkit(抽象图形工具) 提供一系列的对象去创建图形用户界面(GUI) 在java.awt包里包括三种类型的类
组件: 可视化图形工具的基本类,包括容器 容器: 一种可以装载其他组件的特殊组件 布局管理器: 容器里用来定位(布置)用户界面组 件的一种接口
2) 设置字体方法:
public void setFont(Font font) class Font(位于包java.awt中) 的构造函数: Font(String name, int style, int size) 参数name的值可以为:“Dialog”, “DialogInput”, “Monospaced”, “Serif”, or “SansSerif” 参数style的值可以为:Font.PLAIN、 Font.BOLD、Font.ITALIC 可以通过调用Toolkit对象的getFontList()方法 获取完整的字体列表;
Components(组件) and Container(容器)
Component类是所有AWT类的祖先,用来表示一 个图形组件。 A container is a special type of component that is used to organize,manage,and present other components. But a component is not necessarily a container. Since a container can contain components,and a container is a component,then a container may contain other containers.
Common Component Properties and Behaviors
4) Enablement: public void setEnabled(boolean b)
A Component is enabled by default when it is created. A Component may be explicitly enabled or disabled by calling its setEnabled(boolean b) method. 当用户与Component的交互对给定的应用程序状态 毫无意义时,通常会禁用Component。
3) JComponent 的设置边框方法:
JComponent 拥有一个setBorder( ),允许将各种有趣 的边框放置在任何看得到的组件上。 public void setBorder(Border border) 边框类位于包javax.swing.border中 参数Border的取值如下页:
1) Color(颜色): public void setBackground(Color c) public void setForeground(Color c)
In Java,colors are implemented as objects belonging to the class java.awt.Color. The Color class defines a handful of static attributes,representing the following built-in colors:
. 图形用户接口
像WINDOWS一样通过鼠标移动图标下达命令的方 式叫做GUI (Graphic User Interface)。 抽象窗口工具包(AWT)是一组Java类,此组Java类 允许创建图形用户界面(GUI)。 AWT提供用于创建生动而高效的GUI的各种组件。
Java界面设计主要涉及AWT(Abstract Window Toolkit),Swing两大类库,Swing是AWT的扩展 和功能的加强。 java.awt ---AWT components javax.swing-----Swing components
java.awt 包中的类体系结构
Leabharlann Baidu
Panel Applet
AWT库使程序能够与桌面窗口系统原带的本机 组件集成。 使用本机组件的优势在于,编程人员可以访 问更多的本机功能,而且在某个特定的操作 系统上,本机组件看起来与其余的应用程序 是一致的。 但由于AWT支持多个不同的操作系统, AWT API局限于不同系统的共同功能。
Atomic widgets(or components):
A set of frequently used atomic widgets
include : 1) Atomic widgets for user input with the mouse: JButton;JCheckBox;JComboBox; JRadioButton;JList;JSlider;JTree