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Unit 4 Why don’t you talk to your parents?

1. Why don’t you talk to your parents? = Why _______ ________ to your parents? = What about ________ to your parents? = How about ______ to your parents? = Would you mind _________ to your parents?

=Let’s __________ to your parents.

= Would you like ______ _________ to your parents?

(1). 同意对方的建议时,一般用:

◆Good idea. / That’s good idea. 好主意◆OK/ All right. / Great. 好/ 行/太好了◆Yes, please. / I’d love to. 是的/ 我愿意◆ I agree with you. 我同意你的看法◆ No problem. 没问题◆Sure./ Of course./ Certainly. 当然可以

◆Yes, I think so. 对,我也这样想


◆I don’t think so. 我认为不是这样◆Sorry, I can’t. 对不起,我不能

◆I’d love to, but…我愿意,但恐怕……◆I’m afraid…恐怕……

【2013天津4】35.— Why not go to Lao She Teahouse tonight?

— ______.

A. It doesn't matter.

B. Thank you.

C. Sorry to hear that.

D. Sounds great. 【2013广东广州4】25.—I feel really tired. —______

A. Lucky you!

B. You’d better work harder.

C. Congratulations!

D. Why not go and have a rest? 【2013湖南益阳】You look too tired. Why not _____ a rest?

A. Stop to have

B. to stop having

C. stop having

2. I have to study too much so I don’t get enough sleep.

【解析1】(1)too many + 复数名词许多too many people

(2)too much +不可数名词许多too much homework

(3)much too +形容词太… much too cold

3. My parents don’t allow me to hang out with my friends.

【解析】allow sb.. to do sth. 允许某人做某事

(1) Our teacher allows us ____________(go) out for a walk.

③The boy should be allowed____________(play) after supper.


allow sb. to do sth.允许某人做某事。

let sb. do sth.让某人做某事

5. I’m really tried because I studied until midnight last night.【until 直到......时【2013山东临沂2】23. Please hold on to your dream _____ one day it comes true.

A. if

B. until

C. unless

D. though 【2013浙江丽水3】18. ---- Hey, man. You can’t cross the street now. You have to wait _____the traffic turn green. ---- Oh, sorry and thank you.

A. when

B. after

C. until

D. while

7. You look sad, Kim. 金,你看起来很伤心。

【解析】look 看起来(系动词,后跟形容词作宾语)

【2012江苏苏州3】Some of friends eat with their eyes. They prefer to (更喜欢)what ____ nice. A. feels B. smells C. looks D. tastes

【拓展】:系动词:后跟adj. 作表语

一是:(be)am /is /are be quiet=keep quiet 保持安静

二保持:stay/keep (表示持续状态)stay healthy=keep healthy 保持健康

三变化:become/get/turn (表示状态变化)become angry ; get older ; turn red

五起来:sound/look/smell/taste/feel (表示感觉)

( ) Jack usually gets ______ when he speaks in public.

A. happily

B. exciting

C. worried

D. tired

( ) Tom’s father looks very _____. But he is very kind.

A. seriously

B. serious

C. friendly


look for 寻找look after=take care of照看

look like看起来像look the same看起来一样

look over检查,复习look through温习,检查

look out小心,从里向外看look up向上看,查单词

look around环视look forward to期望

9. Can you help me to _______ my dog when I leave for Hong Kong?

A. look after

B. look for

C. look at

D. look through

30. Here is the book. First _________ it and then tell me what you think of it.

A. look into

B. look through

C. look up

D. look after

10. Yes, but I’m still angry with her. 是的,但是我仍然很生她的气。

【解析】be angry with sb.. 生某人的气

【拓展】angry adj. 生气的→ angrily adv. 生气地

(1)be angry with sb.. 对某人生气【with后接人】

(2)be angry at/about sth.对某事感到生气【at后接事】

(3)be angry to do sth. 做某事感到生气

【记】My father was very _______________(对……生气)his computer.

He hit the computer ____________(angry)

( ) 1---- Why are you unhappy, Kate?

----I didn’t finish my homework again. I’m afraid Miss Gao will be ___ me.

A. angry with

B. friendly to

C. proud of

( ) 2.I was very angry ____ myself ___ making many mistakes.

A. at; at

B. with; for

C. at; with

D. with; at

11. Although she’s wrong, It’s not a big deal. 尽管她错了,但也不是什么大错。【解析1】although= though 尽管, 用来引导让步状语从句。

【注】though / although 不能与but连用

( )3. ____ my father doesn’t like his work, he still works hard.

A. And

B. Although

C. But

D. Before

【2013福建福州】41. ----The boy can speak both English and Japanese _________ he is only ten. ---- Wow, what a clever boy!

A. if

B. because

C. although

【2013浙江宁波3】32. ---- Look! Some people are running the red lights.

---- We should wait _______ others are breaking the rule.

A. if

B. unless

C. although

D. because

【拓展】although/however辨析; however ,在句中作插入语,起一个连词的作用,
